#Metalworks Discord
lovelywingsart · 4 months
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Have some Metalworks from the Pirate AU on Discord with Sealmelia and PanzerShark (full Selkie form Emelia and Karls mutation for the AU) 💙
Wanted to work with PanzerShark more because he is my big baby and I love him and ended up finding out how long 9ft was compared to 20ft, and it amazingly isn't AS large of a size difference than I initially thought... This was simple but fun and was absolutely originally meant to be a sketch but we all know how that works.
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halfyearsqueen · 3 months
the goddess tessarion is the ruling queen of the fourteen - ruling alongside balerion, her king. she’s the goddess of creation, family, rebirth, harmony and the first flame.
balerion is the god of divination, death, and warfare. together both deities are meant to represent balance, and the belief that fire can only truly forge when and as one masters its capability for creation, and destruction.
balerion’s twin sister is the goddess vhagar. she is the lady of the dead, goddess of the underworld, strife, discord, and vengeance. often seen accompanying balerion into battle in ancient legends.
meraxes was born to tessarion and balerion, and is the first of their four children. goddess of mischief, and the goddess of youth. she is described as more draconic in appearance then the rest of her kin. born with a dragon scale birthmark down the right side of her face - it’s alleged her interest in humans is what led to the first dragon bond with mortals.
arrax, the second eldest child. the clever one. and the herald and the god of travelers. he served his parents as a messenger. and was said to bless the ones who could figure out his identity.
tyraxes is the god of healers, and light and the elder twin to viserion. the goddess of the night and lady of the moon. she’s said to be more reserved then her brother, and who the old valyrians prayed to for safety when they couldn’t light a fire of their own.
syrax is the goddess of beauty, fertility, love and war. her domain is anything that might be prompted by passion, and by emotion. her eyes and hair are both golden. she’s who the valyrians prayed to when they needed help professing their love for another.
meleys is the goddess of strategy, the forge and crafts. and often patron of the scholarly arts. she was worshipped by the metalworkers who folded and unfolded the liquid metal to make valyrian steel.
vermax is the god of lighting, storms, and the winds. he is the father of daenys, and valarr. and credited as the protector of the stranger for the guiding hand stories claim he reaches out to those who are in unknown situations.
daenys is the goddess of the hearth, and is the one credited as being the creator of dragons in ancient valyrian mythos. she forged the bond between humans and the first dragon lords at the behest of her cousin meraxes, and is worshipped and revered by dragonlords in particular.
valarr is the god of orchards and vegetation, wine, and the patron of the theatre. he is the youngest of the fourteen and poets / creatives and farmers alike would pray to him for inspiration and fruitfulness.
vermithor is the god of the sea, oceans and rivers. and commander of all that lay beneath the surface. he is popular among sailors in particular, as they prayed to him often for safe travel on the waves.
caraxes is the god of single combat, justice, and heroic glory. another deity the dragonlords of old were especially fond of, he was the inspiration to many knights and warriors of the old freehold.
worship of the gods is primarily ? their temples were located in long since dormant volcanoes, though many would often pray over an open flame. this is because it’s said that the original six ( tessarion, balerion, vhagar, vermithor, daenys, and caraxes were all born fully grown from one )
upon the creation of the dragonlords a very ? important devotional act when it came to worship of these gods was to name your mounts after them.
the magic of the old freehold was primarily ? flame and blood based. as such the three goddesses most often worshipped by practitioners were tessarion , meleys, and daenys.
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rexscanonwife · 4 months
Weee last night my partner and I were watching the clone wars and it was an arc that was partially about sowing discord between Anakin and Padmé by stoking his jealousy and there's a part where Obi-Wan comes to his room to talk to him and he's just angrily doing metalwork on some unknown contraption
And idk I liked it because it's always been a hc of mine (or maybe sorta canon but not talked about much?) That when he's upset or needs to blow off steam he takes things apart and puts them back together because that makes SENSE to him, it's always the same, unlike feelings amiright 😂 the only other time I've seen it showcased is in the novelization where he gets frustrated with Ahsoka and picks apart a broken communicator while he thinks about it and aaauugghh
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dawn-of-worlds · 1 year
The Prodigies
Corobel starts turn 10, risibly late, with 15 points: 10 (roll) + 3 (nonhoarding) + 2 (left over)
Event (-7): In little Ibai of the hyacinths, on the Occident’s dry northwestern shore, two twins slice themselves from twin chrysalises. Their skins are the red of the rising and setting sun. They are grave, bold, clever, generous, curious, and regal. Their laughter is terrible. They are commoners, for now, but faces turn to them instinctively, and even their elders vie for their good graces. And their eyes—blue as noon—glow with the awful single-mindedness and ineluctable cruelty of Great Men.
They are Gehalla and Nqeom, of the Kingfisher clan, of the line of Xallang the Boatswain.
There have not been nearly enough Heroic Hijinks thus far, so: here are a pair of conquering heroes, in a sinister and uncanny vein. Their inevitable careers of bloodshed and domination will take them across the Occident and possibly into the adjacent regions. At the end of Turn 11, on Saturday (hopefully), this Event will be “resolved”, but, first, gods get a chance to intervene in the narrative—try to strangle them in the crib, wrestle them on a riverbank, tempt them this way or that, get them to promote your worship or solve some problem, etc. The only restriction is that a maximum of one twin (total) can die or be incapacitated in the long term as a result of divine intervention, so act now while supplies last. Intervening gets you 1 extra point on your next turn (following Erland’s precedent), and uses a d6 (1-2 failure, 3-4 qualified success, 5-6 total success). [Failure chance scrapped.]
Post what you’ve tried and the consequences (like, a sentence, but longer if you want) in the replies of this post, on Discord, whatever. I will not be hurt if nobody replies, this event was happening anyway, the intent with the minigame is to create an opportunity for Fun Interactions and divine character development.
In other news...
Command Avatar to Command Race to Shape Land (-1): The Luminous Masters command the Aphotics to create above-water facilities for metalworking, which crop up across reefs and atolls between the Sea of Spires and the Occident. These will grow into island-complexes; abandoned ones present themselves as mazes of half-flooded ruins.
Command Avatar to Command City (-1): In Azimuth, the Tree is enclosed in the courtyard of a grand concentric temple, the Arboretum, which also houses the Oracles; a processional ring-road connects it to the Lake and the Omphalos. (Henceforth, the Tree works through/is the Oracles.)
Command Avatar to Command Race (-1): An eclipse brings a new crop of Sun-Divers, Humans, and Night-Singers to the red lake of the Moon. These are safely guided to shore by the musical providence of the Coryphaeus.
5 points remain.
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changeling-rin · 2 years
(inclined) hello! So! Was having a chat with someone in the discord and the question of Gen’s artistic abilities was brought up. Now I’m curious, of course, so I’m wondering: what’s the artistic abilities of the Links? Can any of them draw? Paint? Sculpt or work wood/metal? This is mainly for visual artforms, like the above such, but if any of them have *other* artistic abilities like writing and such that’d also be fun to know of!
Well Steam and Sketch are usually the more artistic in the group, being an engineer and a blacksmith respectively. Metalworking is cool, you know. Wind is, of course, amazing with fashion and color coordination. He's also not bad at knot-tying, though that's arguably not terribly creative.
Dusk, if he were to ever put any effort into it, would actually be a musical genius. Turns out he has perfect auditory pitch and the ability to match his voice and/or and instrument to it, which is. Not something Wind is jealous of, at all, even though it would have been nice not to have spent so many hours teaching himself
Mask, and to a less-practiced extent, Ocarina, are actually very good dancers. Neither of them are passionate about it, but all they need to do is watch for a couple minutes and they can recreate it perfectly - and effectively teach it to other people. Apparently Mask is responsible for the popular line dance, the 'Kamado Sway', which, okay? It's only the most requested song at parties but sure, don't mention that you're the one who taught it to people, that's fine and not at all extremely frustrating on a personal relations level
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edgecastlema · 11 months
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ACCEPTED ! seen walking around edgecastle; HEATHER MASON TARHOS KOVÁCS please message the main within 48 hrs to receive the discord invite
{ demi man, 33, he/they, dead by daylight, dupes not allowed } it isn’t every day you see someone that looks like [NO FC] wandering around these woods. lucky i picked you up, you give off sort of a ROARING FLAMES, METAL STRIKING METAL, HAIR SHAGGING IN YOUR EYES vibe, this town will eat you alive. you some kind of tax collector? ❝ METALWORKER, actually. in edgecastle ❞. oh, i stand corrected. hey, crank the radio up. do you like SUPERBEAST? ❝ yeah… ROB ZOMBIE is my favorite ❞. you’ve got good taste, pal. say, what’s your name, stranger? ❝ TARHOS KOVÁCS ❞ ( gerry, 20, est, he/him )
{ cis woman, 21, she/her, silent hill, dupes not allowed } it isn’t every day you see someone that looks like CANNELLE FERRAGU wandering around these woods. lucky i picked you up, you give off sort of a FRECKLES ACROSS HER CHEEKS & WHITE VESTS WITH HOODIES UNDERNEATH vibe, this town will eat you alive. you some kind of tax collector? ❝ STAFF AT STITCH-A-BEAR, actually. in edgecastle ❞. oh, i stand corrected. hey, crank the radio up. do you like YOU'RE NOT HERE? ❝ yeah… AKIRA YAMAOKA is my favorite ❞. you’ve got good taste, pal. say, what’s your name, stranger? ❝ HEATHER MASON ❞ ( dipper, 25, he/him, est )
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thetwistedcryptid · 2 years
Deinósavros - meet the members!
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This is a comprehensive list of the current ocs that i have for this dorm specifically - may or may not be updated to add more, in the future. if/when i get more ideas. somewhat long post, so be warned. (p.s: these characters, as well as other ones that i've posted on this blog, are now open for interactions through the ask box!) - Mod Moss ____________________ Housewarden;
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(made in picrew) [twst styled pic/spite of him in uniform soon to come]
“You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.”
School: Royal Sword Academy
[Deinósavros] [the dorm was founded on the ambition of the king of monsters]
Full Name: Kaiyō Rūrābīsuto
Nicknames: Kai-kai, King, and Hippie (by Taranis)
Grade/Class: Year 2 (Sophomore)/Class (No.2-A)
Birthday: August 22 (Leo)
Age: 18 yrs old
Height: 7’8” (233.68 cm)
Race: Beastman (Kaiju - aquatic dragon - subspecies)
Dominant Hand: Left
Homeland: Coral sea
Club: Swim club Leader
Best Subjects: Practical magic, conjuration
Worst Subject: Flying
Hobbies: Taekwondo, and welding/metalworking
Pet Peeves: dorm members not following rules/instructions, other dorm housewardens telling him how to run his dorm
Fears: wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?
Favorite Food: Sushi, and Spicy Udon
Least Favorite Food: anything veggie based
Talent: Glassblowing (making stained glass murals). its a sort of de-stresser activity for him.
Unique Magic: “Inferno” Incantation: “Don’t get heatstroke!” [The user can store and accumulate heat from any source - even other peoples fire/heat based magic attacks/um’s. They can utilize the energy for any purpose. They can unleash it all at once upon the point of release, in either many minor bursts of heat or one big wave of heat, to easily over exert opponents, melt surrounds, or boil/evaporate water sources dry. It makes the user scolding hot to the touch and the heated wave attacks are more blue then the typical red.]
Trivia: He’s loosely based on Godzilla. He gained the title of Housewarden in Deinósavros after only being in the school for two weeks during his first year. swiftly defeating the previous housewarden in just two attacks. He is royalty, only child. Honors student. He comes off as a quiet, strict, and composed person. but despite his usual standoffish nature, he will always lend a helping hand to those who are brave enough to ask him for it, and will always leap right in to protecting his dorm members, even to his own physical determent. is actually a very chill and understanding guy underneath the scary exterior and strict/traditional mindset. He has a tail growing out from his lower back that comes to a point, the tail weighs as much as a kangaroo tail is around 20kg, and is just as long as a kangaroo tail as well (43.5in/110cm). And has gills on the sides of his neck that aren’t very visible, when outside of water. The tail is black like his hair, but has crystal-esque protrusions/spikes of varying sides growing down the “spine” of the tail, from base to tip, that are the same color as his skin spots. Even has some going up his back/spine. These crystal-esque protrusions/spikes, along with his eyes, also appear to glow whenever he uses his unique magic or is in a dark place, they are also somewhat see through - like stained glass. But a lot more durable and sharp.
Character Summary: "The arrogance of men is thinking nature is in their control and not the other way around.“
[you’ll find out soon enough.. Just send enough interactions ;) ] ____________________ Vice Housewarden;
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(the picture is a commission i payed a discord friend to draw for me a while ago) [twst styled pic/spite of him in uniform soon to come]
“The bar was set so low that it was practically a tripping hazard in hell. And yet here you are, limbo dancing with the devil.”
School: Royal Sword Academy
[Deinósavros] [the dorm was founded on the ambition of the king of monsters]
Full Name: Taranis Vervloet
Nicknames: Surge (prefers this), Tara, Tails, and Stripes (by Kaiyō)
Grade/Class: Year 2 (Sophomore)/Class (No.2-A)
Birthday: April 20 (Taurus)
Age: 18 yrs old
Height: 8’0” (243.84 cm)
Race: Beastman (Kaiju - dragon - subspecies)
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Homeland: Sunset Savanna (mountains)
Club: Spelldrive
Best Subjects: Gym, Practical Magic.
Worst Subject: Animal Languages
Hobbies: Exercising, annoying/challenging Kaiyō, reading, star gazing
Pet Peeves: being 2nd or lower in anything, people who give up too soon or dont even try
Fears: [Ha! Trying to find out my secrets? As it! Get lost, runt.]
Favorite Food: Poffertjes, and anything meet based
Least Favorite Food: veggies >:(
Talent: Reading the stars/sky, predicting the weather/a weather event before it happens
Unique Magic: “Rollin’ Thunder” Incantation: “Shocking, isn’t it?” [Conjures a raging electric storm around the position of the caster. The user can control the properties of the storm, such as rain, lightning, and cloud density - to make the area darker. They are able to control the direction in which storm clouds go or absorb the rain or lightning to create their own storm clouds that can be fully controlled. can absorb any electric magic throw at him or electricity in the near vicinity to boost his own magics power level. Is more effectively used outside or open/big spaces.]
Trivia: He’s, loosely, based on king ghidorah - the king of monsters eternal enemy. Honors student. He is royalty, he has an older brother set for the throne and a younger sister. hes the middle child. He usually comes off as boisterous, cocky, and dedicated. is known to be rather suave and silver tongued when he tried to get what he wants - doesn't care for authority but follows it out of necessity/obligation. like Kaiyō he'd do anything for his dorm members. he often holds lessons for the newer dorm members, to teach them how to survive. ones that his dormmates eagerly attend and even show up early for on scheduled days/times, despite the.. brutal and non merciful methods he uses to teach. He can shake the ends of his spiked tails to make a maraca sound, like a rattlesnake can, when he's angry or trying to intimidate. He has a forked tongue like a snake and his four main canine teeth are more pronounced than normal, mainly the top two. Both tails weigh as much as a kangaroo tail is around 20kg, and are both just as long as a kangaroo tail as well (43.5in/110cm). He and Kaiyō have been rivals since childhood, and he is always training and challenging Kaiyō for the spot as housewarden. Hasn’t won so far, though. But is known to refuse to give up on what he wants, no matter how long it takes to obtain or what he has to do. he is able to sprout wings from his back if he concentrates his magic into that area of his body, its not too difficult for him as he's practiced it so much. he's quite cocky about being able to do it while no one else can. ———
Character Summary: “To the people who look at the stars and wish. To the stars who listen— and the dreams that are answered.”
[you’ll find out soon enough.. Just send enough interactions ;) ] ____________________ Normal Members;
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(made in picrew) [twst styled pic/spite of him in uniform soon to come]
“Unlike you, I don't levy lives off the threads of fabrication.“
School: Royal Sword Academy
[Deinósavros] [the dorm was founded on the ambition of the king of monsters]
Full Name: Hikaru Seijū Tengoku
Nicknames: Hades (kinda prefers), Angel-face (by online 'fans'), Feathers (by Taranis), and Scar-face (by some nrc students)
Grade/Class: Year 1 (freshmen)/Class (No.1-B)
Birthday: ??? (??)
Age: 16 yrs old
Height: 6’8” (203.2 cm)
Race: Half Fae and Half (??) maybe harpy ??
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Blair Valley
Club: Cooking (master chef)
Best Subjects: Flying, and Ancient Curses
Worst Subject: Alchemy
Hobbies: Cooking, Singing, and people watching from high places
Pet Peeves: people being physical with him (or others) without permission/consent, crowded places, sudden/rapid movements, and small/enclosed spaces
Fears: Fire.. (others wielding fire, people using fire magic nearby him, even things such as closed off fireplaces, firepits, and candles can make him panic - he has been except from alchemy classes for this reason)
Favorite Food: Kibidango (millet dumplings)
Least Favorite Food: Shellfish (he's allergic to it)
Talent: Fire magic (he despises that fact, though once he was ecstatic)
Unique Magic: “Wing into it” Incantation: “Be not afraid..” [The user has or is able to manifest wings that grow out of their back (upper back, mid back, lower back) and can use them for flight, the user being naturally gifted at anything aerial. They may also protect from rear attacks, the base joints being able to turn and thus letting them rotate the wings for full body protection, or detach and re-grow for quick getaways. They can grow multiple wings if they wish, always in pairs. Either two, four, or six. The fewer wings the faster they are as there is less weight to lug around, but the more wings the better their defense is - as the wings are able to be used as sort of biological pseudo shields or used for melee attacks. The feathers are unnaturally durable despite looking like and feeling like regular feathers..]
Trivia: He is of noble blood, being the adopted only child of a wealthy merchant. i suppose you could say hes inspired by mothra? ? He flinches/physically recoils whenever someone makes skin to skin contact with him (specifically with his scars), he doesn’t like his scars being touched by anyone else other than himself or people he’s close to/trusts. He's very insecure about his scars. He also has some internalized religious trauma due to his upbringing, and becomes anxious/unsettled by religious talk or imagery. The scars on his face/neck are also on different parts of his upper body as well (arms, back, & chest), his lower body being spared - they’re burn scars specifically. from an event in his childhood that he has persistent nightmares about each night. causing him to put off sleep for as long as he can by any means necessary. one of his classmates is magigram famous, and he accidently ended up in the background of a selfie once, and that classmates fans have being strangely enamored by him ever since. he was pressured into making an account, but doesn't use it much.
Character Summary: “I wade through honey-rich excess while you starve of your own volition”
[you’ll find out soon enough.. Just send enough interactions ;)] ____________________
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(made in picrew) [twst styled pic/spite of him in uniform soon to come]
“Kuhi no ka lima, hele no ka maka. – (Where the hands move, there let the eyes follow.)”
School: Royal Sword Academy
[Deinósavros] [the dorm was founded on the ambition of the king of monsters]
Full Name: Eleu Neart
Nicknames: Bambi (by Taranis & Kaiyō), Sonic-hoof (fellow clubmates)
Grade/Class: Year 1 (freshmen)/Class (No.1-B)
Birthday: September 11th (Virgo)
Age: 16 yrs old
Height: 7’0”/213.36 cm without antlers, 7’6”/228.6 cm with antlers)
Race: Beastman (Kaiju - deer - subspecies)
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Homeland: Shaftlands (the seaside jungle/taiga forest, known as “The Deep Bark”)
Club: Track & Field
Best Subjects: Defense magic, Astrology
Worst Subject: Mathematics
Hobbies: wood carving, fruit carving, bird watching, and foraging.
Pet Peeves: Loud sounds, something sharp scraping glass or metal, people who berate him for not speaking.
Fears: Anyone bigger than him/other members of his dorm/predator species beastmen
Favorite Food(s): Mango, Lemon, Papaya (he eats them like apples)
Least Favorite Food: anything that's meat based.
Talent: Wood working/whittling
Unique Magic: “Motion Sense” Incantation: “hello, my ol’ heart..” [The user can detect objects or living beings around them by detecting their movement, allowing them to see even objects or beings that are invisible or obscured (by fog for example), as long as they are in motion. May be accomplished by detecting kinetic energy, utilizing the Doppler Effect to detect the distortions caused by waves hitting or passing through a moving object, an extremely powerful sense of touch or other methods. Precision can vary - even a being standing perfectly still may still have a beating heart or twitching muscles which can be sensed if the user focuses hard enough. can be used through walls, floors, or bodies of water. anywhere they can sense vibrations and whatnot. The user can easily get overwhelmed if there's too much motion to keep track of.]
Trivia: He’s loosely based on the deer that reside on skull island, but tweaked a bit. He has almost scary inhuman levels of speed/dexterity/reflexes, despite his large scale body size, and was hazed into joining track by some upperclassmen despite wanting to join Botany.. but quite enjoys being useful to others on a team. he's effortlessly out ran many rabbit beastmen and wolf beastmen during practice and track meets. He knows how to speak, and is fluent in the three most common languages used in this world, but prefers to communicate with others through gesturing, facial expressions, and body language. though a majority of the time he uses sign language, instead of struggling through charades.. even in places/around people he's comfortable with, he still wont really talk and still just sign. When he does speak its typically in this worlds version of the Hawaiian language. His first name means “alert, lively” in Hawaiian, and his surname means “energy, bold, vigor (+many more)” in (Scottish) gaelic. He also has a lot of social anxiety, from being an outcast due to being weaker than other beastmen, and from his subspecies of beastmen being a prey species. Being raised to avoid conflict at all costs, to be both quiet and quick to avoid attention, all that. So he’d rather flee at the first chance than waste time bargaining for his life. He's naturally skittish and distrusting of others, especially rich people/predator species. but has a big heart and always tries to assist others, fellow prey species/non-’monsters’, despite his fears/self doubt.
Character Summary: '-It’s always ‘strength in numbers’.. Until you're hungry.-'
[you’ll find out soon enough.. Just send enough interactions ;)] ____________________
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(made in a picrew created by G0966) [twst styled pic/spite of him in uniform soon to come]
“Problems aren’t stop signs, they’re guidelines.”
School: Royal Sword Academy
[Deinósavros] [the dorm was founded on the ambition of the king of monsters]
Full Name: Ramarak Sarasvati
Nicknames: Bullet (from fellow swim club members), and Big little boy (by his brothers)
Grade/Class: Year 2 (Sophomore)/Class (No.2-B)
Birthday: July 23rd (Leo)
Age: 18 yrs old
Height: 7’5 (228.6 cm) when slouching/walking using his canes, and 7’9” (236.22 cm) when bent straight upwards/laying down
Race: Beastman (Kaiju - Subterranean Serpentine {??} subspecies)
Dominant Hand: ???
Homeland: Land Of Dawning (Archipelago)
Club: Swim club
Best Subjects: Physical education, & Changes and Comparisons of Abbreviated Spells in Ancient and Modern Magic History
Worst Subject: Flying, and Conjuration
Hobbies: Swimming, hiking, hosting a study group for anyone willing!, and practicing his heat sensory tracking skills (on his fellow dormmates, for a good challenge)
Pet Peeves: Bright lights/places (daytime itself) as he has very sensitive eyes, and cold weather (fall/winter) as he is somewhat cold blooded
Fears: yet to be discovered/determined..
Favorite Food: anything/everything, he's not picky. Though meat products are high on his list.
Least Favorite Food: it's all good bitch!!
Talent: Tracking/hunting, and being able to recite a dictionary verbatim - even backwards.
Unique Magic: “Battle cry” Incantation: “Respect my roar!” [The user is able to shout so loud that they can blow away or break objects with their ferocious vocal cords which can cause vibrations. They may also be able to emit a roar strong enough to damage hearing, cause fear, or paralyzation. The force caused by the roar may even cancel out opposing attacks. It can also be used to alert someone of the user's location. The user may roar for only as long as they have breath. The user is powerless if they are unable to roar, be it due to illness, exhaustion, or vocal nullification of some kind.]
Trivia: He’s based off of the skullscrawlers from kong skull island. He’s the head of the 'student honors society' in RSA. He’s from a rather dysfunctional family, a descendant of the noble military family who own/oversee the Archipelago. Their home was made into a burrowed out large inclined part of land of the Archipelago, that extends down into the earth - like an underground mansion. He has a lisp and hiss’s on his S’s. he has a very high metabolism, and is always hungry - finding it hard to satisfy it, and not usually having the resources to do so before attending rsa despite being nobility. He gorges on the abundance of food from the cafeteria during lunch - but doesn't like it when others watch him eat, so he goes somewhere secluded to feed on what he's gathered.. His jaws possess two rows of serrated, razor-sharp teeth, on the top and bottom. His tongue is inhumanly long, and prehensile. Can unhinge his jaw like a snake. His pupils are horizontal and somewhat resemble those of frogs and toads (same with the double eyelid thing). Just like Kaiyō, he has hidden gills on his neck, allowing him to breathe on land and underwater indefinitely. He uses two custom folding walking sticks with both arms in order to move around, as his legs were not formed right when he was born, bent in the wrong ways, and can’t properly walk without the sticks. also only 4 fingers/toes on his hands/feet instead of the normal 5 (his pinkies’ are missing). But he gets by just fine, and is quite happy. He has an unnaturally high physical durability, muscle strength (upper body) - and mobility/speed on land despite his disability. (when in his aquatic form his disability doesn't have precedence since his legs become a single tail). Need's glass's for reading and when in bright area's as he has sensitive eyes, doesn't wear them at night/in the dark.
Character Summary: “Anger is the fruit of rotten roots.“
[you’ll find out soon enough.. Just send enough interactions ;) ]
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lovelywingsart · 4 months
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Wanted to draw PanzerShark again so have the Pirate babies... again uwu
I almost gave him a big round seal plushie but ended up with the actual Sealmelia instead~
Tried a semi-chibi thing and please help me I love him 😭💙
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hskinhome · 1 year
Dirk here, and I’m looking to find other Alpha kids. And Hal, too. I don’t have any particular memories or anything, mostly adhering to canon. I’m just looking to reconnect with my friends.
I’m 20, male, and I’m currently in college for metalwork. I like rap music, tattooing, silversmithing, skateboarding, and a conglomerate of other imitably rad stuff.
If you’re one of the Alphas, or even a Beta kid, feel free to interact with this and we can exchange discords. You can also message me on my page, @hephaestuztestified .
I’d prefer you be 18+, too.
Thanks for reading. Dirk, out.
Go message him if this sounds familiar!
-Mod Nepeta
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mountphoenixrp · 17 days
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The Sunshine Festival is coming up fast! In preparation, you can find the program for the market and concert stage below!
Market Booths:
The Flower Mill Goods/Services: An assortment of baked goods (sunshine shaped eggtart, songpyeon, sunshine macaron), caramel cold brew, and iced coffee.
Honeypot Brewery & Tapas Goods/Services: Aqua fresca (strawberry, cucumber, lime), burritos, and ceviche. Specials: Double Trouble coupons: for two people to enjoy a full Mexican-style meal for the price of one; city trivia game prize winner will receive ultra special prize.
Ice Ice Baby Goods/Services: Gourmet ice cream! Specials: Buy one, get one free single scoop cones; 20% off ice cream sundaes.
Spilled Tea Goods/Services: Strawberry, Lychee, and Matcha boba tea and herbal tea bags for sell. Specials: Buy three tea bags, get one free.
Sweet Spot (Eros’ pop up chocolate and sweets booth) Goods/Services: Fine flower and fruit infused chocolates, light sweet confections, dipped fruit, “love dust”, and love advice. Specials: Archery target practice game with prizes for romantic dates.
Dagger & Roses Goods/Services: Custom jewelry and weapons commissions. Specials: 30% for commission orders placed at the festival. Metalwork classes bundles (sign up for 3 classes, get 2 additional sessions free).
Jinxxed Goods/Services: Bone/tea/tarot readings, candle blessings, spell pouch making. Specials: 40% off crystals with proof of reading(s); free admission to one full moon ritual.
Halo Salon & Spa Goods/Services: Shoulder massages, hair trims, and manicures. Specials: 20% off your next visit coupons handed out to every customer.
Maibee Art Goods/Services: Handmade home decor, jewellery, personalized gifts and other art. Will be live painting. Specials: 15% off of everything; free hedgehog or bee charm with every purchase.
Stop&Paws Goods/Services: Mini grooming service (brush out & bandannas/bows for pets); “Meet the Adoptables” pen; and a pet cool down station with water dishes and a small pool. Specials: $10 mini grooming service; 20% off adoption fee for all animals at the festival; free pet treats.
HEXED (Claire, Cassandra & Charlotte), rock band
HEXED will be headlining the festival, playing a set of their best songs (so far) every day. Fans might even get a sneak peak of a song or two off their up-coming album...
Stargazers Group (Heather, Dakota, Hunter & Invidia), singing
The group will be performing covers of popular songs like MILLION DOLLAR BABY (Tommy Richman), Too Sweet (Hozier), and Oui ou non (BRÖ).
Esther Yu, piano performance
Esther will perform Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter, Naked in Mahattan by Chappelle Roan, and I Can Do It With A Broken Heart by Taylor Swift.
Vulpe Blanford, piano performance
Vulpe will perform a piano rearrangement of the La La Land soundtrack.
Please use this information to plot with as many people as you would like! Employees and performers can have threads where they are working/performing and threads during their days off at the festival, if you’d like.
There is no time limit for threads, but the event will only officially last a week, so make sure to start your threads or whatever else you have in mind once it begins! And please be sure to post all event-related threads in the designated Discord channel.
Most importantly, of course, have fun!
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onenettvchannel · 3 months
BALITANG INTERNASYONAL: Eiffel Tower temporarily shuts down due to unforseen strike
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(Written by Adrien Agreste / TF1 Info reporter for OneNETnews)
PARIS, FRANCE -- Paris' very own The Eiffel Tower, an iconic representation of Paris and French culture hits the spotlight, where they grab the world's attention. However, it is not for the incredible panoramas, nor the architectural wonder in the point-of-view, but for an unforeseen closure caused by a strike among its French-based workers.
Reaching a towering height of 324 meters, the Eiffel Tower has magnetized tourists globally, attracting millions annually to behold its regal charm and sweeping views of the City of Light. From romantic proposals to family excursions, the lattice iron structure has been witness to numerous cherished occasions, cementing its position as a requisite destination for voyagers from all corners of the earth.
Yet, amidst its magnetic allure, the Eiffel Tower finds itself embroiled in a labor discord (but not on the actual chatting-based platform, nor the American-animated series of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'). Staff members, voicing grievances regarding salaries, working conditions, and job stability, have mobilized for industrial action, halting regular operations. The timing of this unrest is poignant, aligning with the centenary of the founder's demise in the early New Year of 2024, further accentuating the tower's significance in the French populace's collective psyche.
Travelers anticipating an ascent to its zenith or a close-up view of its intricate metalwork now face disappointment, encountering barriers and closures. While some had meticulously planned their journeys months ahead, others are now hastily re-arranging their own schedule, heeding advice to delay their visits until the strike reaches a full legal resolution.
The repercussions of the closure extend beyond the Parisian cobblestones, striking a chord with tourists and authorities alike, acknowledging the Eiffel Tower's symbolic value, not solely as a tourist magnet but as a cultural cornerstone. As one of the world's most identifiable landmarks, its closure acts as a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of labor rights, tourism and national identity for the aforementioned people in France.
Negotiations to mediate the conflict are underway, with governmental bodies and local union representatives immersed in talks to seek a resolution that caters to the workers' concerns while mitigating the impact on visitors. Nevertheless, as the strike endures, uncertainties loom regarding the broader implications for France's tourism sector and its reputation as a hospitable destination.
In the interim, tourists like you must be strongly advised to stay informed via official social media channels, and explore alternative attractions like Roubaix in a different French city, as they navigate the vibrant Parisian streets. While the Eiffel Tower may currently be overshadowed by the said labor discord, its legacy as a symbol of tenacity and human innovation remains unwavering, a tribute to the enduring fortitude of the French people.
SOURCE: *https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67827438 [Referenced News Article via BBC News] *https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/paris-ile-de-france/paris/greve-a-la-tour-eiffel-les-visiteurs-appeles-a-decaler-leur-venue-2926905.html [Referenced News Article via France 3 Info - Paris] *https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2023/12/27/eiffel-tower-closes-as-workers-strike-on-100th-anniversary-of-founder-s-death_6380413_7.html [Referenced News Article #1 via Le Monde] *https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2024/02/19/eiffel-tower-closes-as-staff-go-on-strike_6539005_7.html [Referenced News Article #2f via Le Monde] and *https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiffel_Tower
-- OneNETnews Team
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catspittle · 9 months
Another general meme: rules: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out. [though I did get tagged]
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? Canonically, Jonathan is 6'3'', or 190.5 cm, and I see no reason not to keep his canon height. So, he's definitely tall. That's mostly due to the Marfan Syndrome, but also his parents were decently tall for their ethnicities and ages.
▸ are they okay with their height? He sees no reason not to be. If he was short he'd just wear bigger shoes.
▸ what’s their hair like? A firm natural 3C, the color of hickory wood. It's peppered with Bride of Frankenstein-esque white streaks, as well as strands of silver. It's usually worn loose and down to his shoulders, though sometimes he'll tie it back or utilize hairpins. His body hair is a fine grayish-black in color, and very thin. Carpet matches the drapes and whatnot.
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? At least an hour each morning/night on maintaining his hair, if not two. Lot of creams and powders and hot oil treatments to get that looking acceptable. When he's in prison, however, all that goes out the proverbial window. As for the rest of his body hair, he cuts and roughly shapes it every half year or so. It's slow growing and therefore low maintenance in his eyes. Does not manscape, though. He's too lazy to take a weed whacker to that apart from when it gets itchy.
▸ does your muse care about their appearance?  Aside from the hair? Not really, no. He views his hair as his best feature, that's plain enough to see. Also he has a limited amount of energy and spends most of his days unconscious now that he's crossed into the twilight of his life.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them?  No? He's old as shit, why would he? Aside from being varying levels of annoyed when people press him to come out of retirement, that is. Then you can get bent. Preferably with a cactus.
▸ indoors or outdoors? I said in a previous meme that he's wholly indifferent, so either.
▸ rain or sunshine? Rain, no contest. He enjoys the smell, and just generally being around it soothes him.
▸ forest or beach? Forest....at least there's significantly less of a chance he accidentally eats sand, and he can't swim anyways.
▸ precious metals or gems? *Archie cries in lapidary with weird hours* Also mentioned this before! He used to do his own custom metalwork on the side, and quite enjoys how 925 sterling silver and platinum hold up. Of course, his scythe is reinforced steel coupled with meteoric iron and the claw gauntlet is various alloys.
▸ flowers or perfumes? Perfumes. He is often to be found wearing a few squirts from a [usually stolen] bottle of Viktor and Rolf's Spicebomb.
▸ personality or appearance? Appearance just for a quick fuck, personality if he really wants to get to know a person. And believe me, he'll let you know if he wants to get to know you. At his age, he sees little reason to beat around the bush.
▸ being alone or being in a crowd?  Far easier to blend in with crowds. ;)
▸ order or anarchy? Literally does not give two shits.
▸ painful truths or white lies? Depends on the truth. He may be smart enough to see through lies, but that doesn't mean the truth doesn't hurt. Sometimes it's better to lie to him, even if he won't necessarily believe it.
▸ science or magic? A man of science through and through, although like I've said on Discord if there was ever a magical chance for him to have both sets of [relatively functional] genitalia he'd take it. He's just not someone who's comfortable with one or the other simply due to how long he's lived without having bottom surgery in the first place.
▸ peace or conflict? Peace please god he is so old and so very tired.
▸ night or day?  He's always been borderline nocturnal, so night. Even if he can't see for shit.
▸ dusk or dawn? Dawn. There's something comforting about an early morning, where no one is awake to question or hurt you. Plus, morning sex lmao
▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? A small number of close friends. Arguably, all he's ever wanted was to trust people.
▸ reading or playing a game? Reading. Again, no contest there. It's a core trait of the canon character that he's bookish.
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? Files his nails with his scythe, cannot communicate with other people for shit as he finds expressing emotion physically painful, usually has sleep for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Chronically dehydrated as being born premature causes a misfire in his body's thirst and hunger signals.
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? Multiple of his children. Also his father Gerasimos, but he never knew his father and will forever remain indifferent. The postpartum depression hit him hard, progressing into Complex Bereavement Disorder. He also kept his offspring in jars like the old timey circus freakshow pickled punks for a number of years [far longer than necessary].
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? Caitlin Snow calling him "Dad" for the first time, realizing he loved Katana while the Squad was on a mission in Jakarta to gather intel regarding a new branch of the triads that had popped up there. Holding his daughter with Iceberg before she took her last breath, honestly getting knocked up in his 60's was a pleasant surprise. Hanging out with Kite-Man has also been generally pretty good for him.
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? Physically? He's tall but he's scrawny, quite easily overpowered by those of a higher weight class or with the ability to build actual muscle. So....more trouble than it's worth, sometimes. His real strength lies in his ability to manipulate; he doesn't need any fancy chemicals to drive a man to suicide.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? Not pretty. He self-mutilates, and it's a choice of either stopping him or watching him rip and tear himself out of existence. Crying is rare, but can happen. Still, he prefers not to show weakness in front of other people.
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? It's an honor if he does, and a sign of respect. So far, the only people who have received that honor were Floyd Lawton, my version of Hugo Strange, Charles "Chuck, Charlie" Brown, and Tatsu Toro.
....IDK I'm tired, if you see this and want to do it go for it?
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dominicswoodworks · 1 year
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This was a quick one! I managed to finish this in no time, and choosing not to record the process is probably what made it possible. Slats from upcycled play house boards, set in reclaimed threaded rods, spaced on the two center rods with equally reclaimed stainless steel pipe. All metal parts came from waste bins at work. It definitely looks reclaimed, but I was going for function over form - which might also explain the low time requirement. #upcycling #plants #stand #balcony #slats #threadedRods #reclaimed #woodworking #metalworking #nuts #Maker #MakerMovement #MakersOfInstagram #MakersGonnaMake #MakerCommunity #BeInspiredWithDominic Join me on Discord - Link in bio! — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/9c2TWJE
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we-eternal-rp · 2 years
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RE OPENED DEITIES; 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫…  the reincarnation loop continues — they now fly to find another mortal body:
ERIS, the daimona of rivalry, gleeful strife & discord. 
HEPHAESTUS, the olympian god of fire, metalwork & blacksmiths 
RE OPENED FCs; 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫…  the reincarnation loop continues — will these mortals find the deity inside them?
davika hoorne
oscar isaac
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artsy-hobbitses · 2 years
1) The new chapter is up for Ben’s Story!!
2) I can help you with the discord if you would like? Im still new to it myself but only if ya wannaaa
3) Since ya did Ratchet’s day, Could you do Hanley’s?
Oh I love it!! That was so nice of Kain to offer him a safe space for a bit ;u;b That was what Memo did for him in TTB! And yeah, he would be hyperventilating trying to think of how to tell this to his dad with the least amount of damage done.
I think I'm good bby! I'm usually busy with work and my own stuff, so I wouldn't have the time or energy to look after a Discord channel.
Sure! Here's a normal day assuming no major mission or threat is in progress.
9:00am - Up. Breakfast, shower, online news 10:00am - Clock into the forge, metalwork begins. 12:00pm - Lunch while listening to podcast 1:00pm - Training sessions 3:00pm - Post-training medical check, performance review, snack break 4:00pm - Back in the forge with Swerve and Nautica 7:00pm - Dinner while trolling Decepticon stans on Twitter 8:00pm - Forge cleanup/shutdown, re-calibrating instruments 9:00pm - Working out 9:45pm - Oh shit his favorite webcomic updated 10:00pm - Drinks at Swerve's, catching up on AEW/WWE broadcast 10:30pm - Argument with Ironhide over AEW/WWE broadcast 10:45pm - 40+ Powerpoint slide presentation on wrestling topic Ironhide unleashed 11:30pm - Band session w/Blaster and Jazz 12:00am - Midnight hoverboard hijinks 12:30am - Existensial crisis, call to Drift 12:45am - Netflix trawling 1:00am - Gives up on Netflix traw---Oh that murder show he binged thrice is on let's rewatch that 2:00am - Crash
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endbuzz · 2 years
Lore Preview: Corporations
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Well before the explosion of technomancy in the witching world, corporate empires towered in the sky. Their power fell over people in waves, with once-in-a-lifetime opportunities plucking young people out of the gutter and bankruptcies sending them straight back. As their long fingers of influence spread across the continent and the world, fueled by the electricity of technomancy’s birth, there emerged three leading cities in the UK: London, Manchester, and Glasgow. The strong devoured the weak, until a few frontrunners found themselves sitting at the very top of the peak, whispering in the ears of politicians and throwing gold (and a quiet ruin) at any problem that might stand in their way.
Continue reading below the cut!
With Britain suddenly a home to new innovation, with new jobs emerging by the day, immigration skyrocketed. Those seeking opportunity flooded into the cities, and housing became a dire issue. With scarcity of most everything, the people living on the streets soon found themselves living off the ground, higher and higher until the sway of the buildings could be seen with the blustery winds of rainy days. Communities have sprung up all over, winding round the city like weeds choked of sunlight. 
They began their life right in Manchester, founded by Chistopher Blishen in 1851. The silent cofounder, Xurl, was a highly skilled goblin; when he is mentioned at all, it is said that he is nowhere in the paperwork because the laws at the time prohibited him from business ownership. From humble beginnings in repair work and watchmaking, they made enhancements and innovations that put them - and Manchester - on the map. A longstanding tradition of pocket watch gifting as a witch comes of age has been cemented by their craftsmanship, only made possible by Xurg’s lifetime of study in metal-charming. 
After Christopher’s death in 1880, Goblins were no longer welcome to apply to work with them. As one of the few businesses to welcome creatures into their ranks, it was taken as a blow to the wider community. This caused a great deal of tension in Manchester, and it wasn’t until the advent of Tickers, technomancy-infused pocket watches, that they changed this policy again. It is a tense proposition for these Goblins who work within Blishen’s walls; working in the business built on the back of their ancestors’ knowledge, many feeling it has been every bit stolen from them, it is a powderkeg.
This company is widely rumoured to spy on users of Tickers.
One of the few corporations to provide allocated housing, a towering megastructure that was stark white when it first sprang up, Blishen sees witches and Goblins living side by side. The party line is that they do so in harmony, but the reality is much more fraught.
Though they have been around for a long time and under many names, first conceptualised by Artair McLean sometime in the 1890s, their real start wasn’t until 1920. It was well known that one could barter protective magics and wards from this business, even for a time specialising in bodyguards, but it was Grindelwald’s cut across Europe that saw business booming. 
The next witching war brought further business, and the model changed altogether. Sewing discord and damaging competition was more lucrative for them than investing in innovation, and so it was by consuming other businesses that they became the main interest in Glasgow - and across the country. 
Technomancy saw further changes to their business, with the PearlDust virus offering a great bright window of opportunity. Their work in wartime defenses is all but forgotten, traditional magical research at a near standstill, as they funnel their time and workforce into securing technomancy’s many conduits. 
This company strongly lobbies against legislation regarding technomancy and conduits.
It is telling that many of Protego Inc’s highest paid employees specialise in proprietary law. With their research departments going wildly underfunded as they cannibalise and buy out other companies left, right, and centre, their focus has shifted almost entirely to locking down the products they’ve made or obtained. It is a sad truth then that there is a trickle of skilled programmers and inventors leaving the business - with little to turn to but the many hacker collectives springing up around Glasgow. 
The youngest of the corporations listed by far, but perhaps the most insidious and streamlined. So named for a renowned healer, established in 1965, this corporation has never strayed from their sleek centaur branding. They have a team hard at work developing new augmentations, and a fleet of technomancy healers, often called Renders, who install them.
With a lack of competition, prices have surged. This has led to a surge of unlicensed Renders, sometimes leading to unforeseen side effects or complete rejection. 
Those who take advantage of the services they offer have the choice of opting into a payment plan, with interest. These plans are subject to steep consequences, including but not limited to forceful surrender of the augmentation and loss of any equity offered. For all that people fear losing their homes and their valuables, there is nothing quite like the fear that runs cold across a person when a Collector comes knocking. The augment is claimed back with no replacement offered, and the client is often left with the outstanding balance of this butchery.
Despite this, the company emphasises their healing influence, and makes great efforts to appear charitable. They also heavily lobby for longer sentences for people supplying and receiving unlicensed augmentations based on Chiron technology, and worse for backalley Renders.
The landscape of London has changed drastically for their presence, with the housing situation reaching critical levels and many living in houses shared between several families. Those who seek privacy must seek it above the smog line, in high rises that seem to creak from a breath pulled in too sharply.
A quick note: Goblins are playable characters.
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