#Mazelinka the arcana
snobgoblin · 1 month
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cries..... i love them
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soulless-angel25 · 5 months
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things I've screenshoted while playing
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star-strand · 1 year
mazelinka speaks yiddish (this is true because i’m jewish and i said so)
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murielsbottombitch · 2 years
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helshollowhalls · 9 months
Julian: I promised Mazelinka I wouldn't do anything stupid today
MC: Why would you lie to her like that?
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litlunacy · 9 months
M6 and T-shirts
So my grandma gets this catalog, and they sell funny shirts. Some of them just struck me as ones they would wear. (Sort of spiritual follow up to the mug post I guess?) Just something fun and silly :)
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And bonus Mazelinka:
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drowchancellor · 1 year
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Fan art of s/o + their cursed image + aesthetic schedule
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Headcanon for Mazelinka. I never see anyone talk about her but I really do love her and her grandma vibes and I would love to see a headcanon for her.
How do you think Mazelinka would react to Mc breaking down? Inconsolable, Sobbing, shaking, all of it.
The Arcana HCs: Mazelinka comforting MC
(this started as mini and ended up being full-length for a character, whoops! thanks for the chance to brainrot, anon ^.^)
Mazelinka's great at making people feel safe and welcome and accepted. She not quite as great at the nitty-gritty of helping someone through their emotions
She's a woman of action. She doesn't particularly care to sit still with a negative emotion when she could be doing something else
She'll be a little surprised and taken aback at first - why are you crying? What happened? Are you sure she's the person you want to do this in front of?
This doesn't negate the sudden and fierce protectiveness she feels - she will happily go out and confront whoever hurt her honorary grandbaby. She just thinks someone else might be better for this
She'll start with all the things that keep her busy - she'll tuck a blanket around your shoulder, lead you to a comfy spot to sit for a bit, pull out a handkerchief and wipe your eyes, etc
Then she's searching for things to keep her occupied while you handle your business. Do you want soup? She can make you some soup. Have some soup. Have some more -
Are you absolutely certain you don't want her to call Julian or Portia? Just say the word, it's no issue for her
How about something to make things better, eh? Is there someone she needs to beat up? Do you want a distraction?
Eventually pushes herself to confront matters of the heart and takes a seat next to you. She'll fold one of your hands into both of hers (calloused and rough from years of sailing and swordfighting)
And she'll sit with you, quietly. Maybe she'll rub or pat your back or fix your hair. Take your time. Breathe. She's here.
If you want to talk about it, she'll listen (though she'll have a hard time keeping herself from interjecting with solutions)
If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay. Eat something warm, put on something comfy, and take a nice long sleep on the couch. You've got this
Will act like nothing ever happened afterwards unless you bring it up
But that doesn't stop her from checking in on you more often
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hellothereiplaygames · 7 months
Some thoughts on Asra's route...
Replaying Asra's route after having played Muriel's really hits different...
In one of the other routes Asra and Muriel appear to start a romantic relationship, and in Asra's route it's very clear that Muriel cares very deeply for Asra and dislikes the Apprentice. He mentions in one of the paid? dream scenes that he's worried about Asra and the Apprentice fading into their own world and leaving everyone else behind (again, apparently), and that he's determined to stop this from happening. His concern for Asra and initial hostility toward the Apprentice may be rooted in jealousy, not only because his oldest (and only) friend was more or less taken from him, but perhaps with romantic connotations as well.
In Book XI: Justice, Asra and Julian stage a mock trial by combat against Muriel. Though he apparently agreed to participate and is implied to have returned to the Coliseum of his own volition, presumably out of concern for Asra, who has been accused of being Julian's accomplice... he is still more or less backed into a corner and forced to play along with Asra and Julian's plan to stage a fight.
Now, to be fair to Asra, he states after everything goes wrong that it wasn't supposed to end this way, and it appeared that he was attempting to not only exonerate himself and Julian from their charges but somehow help Muriel overcome his past (he does disintegrate Muriel's chains during the fight no matter what choices you make). There was a point during this that I thought I could guess what Asra's plan was regarding Muriel's past, but being refreshed on how it actually pans out, I can't remember it now. Something about making the people of Vesuvia realize how barbaric the Coliseum was under Lucio.
The thing that stands out to me throughout this whole ordeal is that Asra knows about Muriel's trauma. He knows he was enslaved to Lucio and forced to fight and execute people in the Coliseum. He knows that Muriel is terrified of hurting other people, especially those he cares about. In Asra's route, the only person Muriel cares about is Asra, so hurting him is triggering for him. He literally is in a stupor after the board he was using as a weapon splinters off and hits Asra in the mouth, making him bleed. This is clearly meant to make the reader worried about Asra, but Muriel reacts as well, and appears hypnotized by the blood. I remember the first time I read this I thought he was going to have some crazy berserker-Hulk sort of reaction, but having read his route, it's way more tragic.
Though Muriel did seem to return to the Coliseum of his own volition, it does seem that Asra took this as a sign that he was coming to terms with his trauma. He was willing to exploit Muriel's care for him in order to save his own skin so he can be with the Apprentice. Though I recognize Asra's other toxic traits to some degree, I also have similar ones myself so they don't really stand out to me. This, however, where he more or less disregards Muriel's feelings on the matter, is actually really crushing. In Muriel's route, his whole thing is that he DOES NOT want to fight, he DOES NOT want to even spar with the Apprentice with blunt sticks out of fear of hurting them, so why would he willingly go along with this unless he was more or less in the same position Lucio put him in? Fight in the arena, or something bad will happen to Asra.
Asra knows this, and puts him through it regardless. During the whole fight, Julian's actions are written so as to make it seem like he's the one messing things up--he takes the "finishing blow" that Muriel was going to deal to Asra and gets knocked unconscious. Asra spends most of the entire time doing flashy, dramatic magic tricks that get the crowd cheering for him. After he "wins", he and the Apprentice are carried out of the Coliseum like heroes. Though Asra will try to soothe Muriel if the Apprentice so chooses right before the end, and he does look for Muriel in the crowd, he seems otherwise unbothered or unaware of the impact this may be having on his oldest friend. Which is pretty shitty.
Of course, Asra, Julian, and Muriel are all playing characters during their fight--Asra is the flashy magician, Julian is the rogueish BDSM dagger guy, and Muriel is the Scourge. Asra obviously can't show his concern even if he wanted to because he's supposed to be fighting Muriel. But putting his bro into this situation in the first place says a lot about his character. Though Julian is the one whose route is based around self-loathing because he believes he hurts everyone around him, Asra is the only one who gets what he wants out of this ordeal, and he even says so right before the chapter ends. Muriel was forced to relive his trauma and didn't get the resolution that was intended, and Julian gets KOed by a punch that literally sent him flying across the arena (though he probably enjoyed it tbh, he's a nasty little man like that lmao).
I wonder if this dynamic between Asra and Muriel was intentionally written this way in order to further amplify his tunnel vision when it comes to the Apprentice. Is this is how he acted in the past, causing Muriel to hate the Apprentice as he does and remark that he won't allow it to happen again? Maybe (probably) I'm reading too much into it, but as a survivor of abuse and trauma it rubs me the wrong way much more than Asra's obsessive, clingy nature. Of all of the reversed ends, Asra's is the one that actually scared me and kind of haunted me, because it hits a little too close to home.
These are all just thoughts that I wanted to spill out because I thought it was interesting and I wasn't sure if anyone else has talked about it before.
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bunnydoobles · 25 days
okay i literally didnt know what else to title this. my first time drawing a scene!! AND ACTUALLY DOING THE BACKGROUND!! i was actually so proud of this little piece, it took me a while- i lowkey gave up effort last minutes but i still like the way it turned out,, i probably got some details of this scene off/wrong but this is how i interpreted it!! the scene where they're first all facing off the Devil in the Magician's realm and Andrea starts glowing with the magic of their connections like the Y/N he is (Book XX- Judgement, Chapter "Never Alone")
cause ah, yes. how else to defeat the devil but with the power of friendship?
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devoraqs · 10 months
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The sonorous chord from the vielle rang in the air as Julian struck his bow across the strings, before leaping up onto a chair to continue the tale he’d been regaling the other patrons of the Raven with that evening, interspersed and accentuated with a mix of sea shanties and folk tunes. He brandished his bow high in the air, nearly knocking the lantern swinging as he did,
"And so the Dread Pirate raised her sabre high into the air and proclaimed, ‘you’ll not have my crew or my ship, you great beastie!' and-"
He brought the bow down sharply, the fine wood and hair making a loud whoosh as it sliced the air in two,
"-She dove at the sea monster, hacking and tearing! No such a battle between woman and beast had ever been seen before! No such battle since, in all the great salty seas! Clang and clash, sword on spiny teeth, til the Dread Pirate struck her last blow and the monster shrugged back off to its watery depths, never to be heard of again. Some may say that it's only a fable,"
A heckler at a table across the room yelled "hear hear!"
"But I tell you," Julian brandished his bow at the crowd, "the seas are a safer place, and the Dread Pirate wears the scars to this very day!"
A cheer went up from the patrons, some shouting "more!", some calling for Barth to bring the impromptu bard a round of ale. Face beaming, Julian lifted the vielle to his chin once more and drew another roaring chord from its strings, before launching into another verse of The Kraken and the Pirate King that had near the entire tavern bellowing along.
"How much of that's true?" Portia asked Mazelinka from their table where they’d been watching on, quirking her lips knowingly and raising an eyebrow. Mazelinka kissed her teeth and grinned, knowing where a matching set of scars from Julian's tale lay criss-crossing her sword arm and legs,
"More than you’d think, I was quite the swordswoman in my day. But I’ll let the boy embellish, he does me justice."
I like to think there’s many a night at the Raven like this one. This was originally birthday art for our favourite dramatic doctor, but better a few months late than never! Full length and closeups under the cut
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elsyrel · 2 years
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Become one with the mud, Julian.
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kitty side characters
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courtmajulian · 2 years
Mazelinka: You shouldn’t insult people who are bigger than you.
Portia: Maybe that is true, but then I’d never get to insult anyone, and that would be boring.
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Stop it. Right now. Don't make Mazelinka get the big spoon.
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helshollowhalls · 1 year
Mazelinka: Tell me what happened
Portia: Promise you won't be mad at me?
Mazelinka: Fine. What did you do?
Portia: Okay. First of all, I was minding my own business-
Mazelinka: BULLSHIT!
Portia: I WAS!
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