#Max Super specialty hospital
healthcare021 · 1 year
Top 10 IVF Hospitals in India - Your Key to Parenthood!
India has become a hub for IVF treatment with some of the best IVF hospitals in the world. These hospitals have top-notch infrastructure, advanced technology, and highly experienced doctors who specialize in infertility treatments. The top 10 IVF hospitals in India provide a comprehensive range of services, including IVF, ICSI, IMSI, and PGS/PGD. With their patient-centric approach and focus on quality care, these hospitals have helped many couples achieve successful outcomes and realize their dreams of parenthood.
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apacnewsnetwork0 · 2 days
Mohali: Max Healthcare Institute has announced the plan to expand its existing tertiary care max super specialty hospital mohali. The construction of the new building that will house 170 beds officially commenced today with the ground-breaking ceremony held today.
Read More Here : https://apacnewsnetwork.com/2023/02/max-super-specialty-hospital-mohali/
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theemporium · 10 months
Idk if you like to write about like real life events but maybe a daniel fic or a daniel x sunshine about Daniel and his injured hand and just like looking after him and sunshine fussing over him super fluffy🥺🥺
it doesn't really fit with the daniel and sunshine timeline, but i made it a normal danny blurb! thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“Oh, baby.”
Daniel’s head snapped up at the sound of your voice, something in his chest easing when he saw you standing in the doorway of the hospital room. Everything had been a blur since the crash. His focus had been on the pain in his hand, the uncertainty of whether he would be able to drive this weekend or not. He had been going back and forth between different doctors and nurses and medics, it exhausted him. 
But now, here you were and something about the whole situation felt so much easier. 
“Do I really look that rough?” He asked, his brows raised when he noticed the small moment of hesitance in your step. 
“I just…I was so worried,” you admitted as you slowly made your way to his bedside. “Nobody knew if you were okay, and they wouldn’t tell me anything—”
“Hey, baby, shhhh, it’s okay,” he murmured as he lifted his good arm to reach for you. The second you were close enough, he tossed his arm over your shoulder and tucked you into his side. “I’m fine. They did an x-ray, it’ll be fine.”
“That doesn’t make me feel much better,” you grumbled with a sigh. “They wouldn’t even let me see you in the medic tent.”
His brows furrowed together. “How did you even get here?” 
“I…borrowed Max’s car,” you said slowly. 
Daniel glanced at you warily. “Borrowed?”
“He may not be aware I borrowed it but I’ll thank him nonetheless,” you said with an innocent smile.
Daniel snorted as he pressed his lips against your temple. “I’m glad you’re here.”
When the doctor came back with the news that his wrist was broken, you could see how disheartened and upset he was. He was trying to put on a brave face for everyone: for the nurses who were putting his cast on, for the team he felt like he let down, for the cameras so the fans wouldn’t suspect anything.
But the second you made it to the hotel room, you saw the way his shoulders sagged in defeat.
His head turned to look at you, his eyes a little glossy and his smile shaky, but it was enough for you to open your arms and let the boy sink into your body.
“Let it out, baby,” you cooed softly, rubbing your hands up and down his back as he let out a small sniffle.
“I just wanted to prove them wrong,” he murmured against your shoulder.
“I know, honey,” you sighed, turning your head to press a soft kiss against his cheek. “How about a night in? We can watch some Ace Ventura, order some room service…anything you want.”
Daniel let out a soft chuckle. “That would be nice.”
“Go get changed into something comfy, big boy,” you grinned before nudging him towards the bathroom. “Better yet, wearing nothing at all.”
He snorted. “Subtle, baby, subtle.”
“It’s my specialty,” you said with a shrug.
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ngl ever since i learned that rook might intern as an archeologist to explore ruins (which is crazier when you realize the world of twisted wonderland is very mysterious and fantastical; i'm sure those ruins are genuinely dangerous) i totally see him as someone who'll just get shadier and more strange over time. i wouldn't be surprised if he ends up with an energy similar to Undertaker from Black Butler or one of those shady magical pawn shop owners that knows way too much and has a million secrets. like, he's ALREADY like that and he's just a 18 year old boy, just imagine the menace he'll be someday--i can't even imagine where Jade will end up as well.
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Eh, I'm sure he'll fiiiine in whatever ruins and archeological sites he ends up at it's Rook, I'm pretty sure the dangers out there are afraid of him instead of the other way around/j 🙃 I definitely feel like Rook won't be growing out of his eccentricness anytime soon. He's going around collecting more and more secrets every day at NRC already; the difference now is that he has just changed locations and is now being paid to do it. When he comes back for graduation day, he'll be Too Powerful...
As for Jade, maybe he can use his internship to learn more about the mountains and/or the land flora and fauna?? He could also look into magic pharmaceuticals, since he excels in that subject. They seem to be special interests of his--though he does hate to be bored, so I see him maybe doing something different each semester of internship (there's three max, I believe; you can take on a different one each semester or decide to stay at the same one). I think he'd learn a lot of valuable information that could help with expanding the "Leech family business" and connections to the land, as well as supplementing the business with knowledge of untraceable poisons :)) I could also see Jade taking up much less conspicuous internships where he's in more of a supportive role so as to not draw attention to himself, or just in a powerful enough position where he can collect useful information while maintaining his facade. Some kind of business-oriented or information collecting role where he's handling sensitive information (like client files?), maybe.
I'm not sure if TWST plans on progressing time to this extent in-game (maybe the next main story arc will be the following school year?), but I would love to see the third years as fourth years and the second and first years moving up a grade! (Plus incoming first years!) Then we can get new students, dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders being succeeded, and see old favorites going on their own internships and graduating 😭 I'm super interested in seeing the life and career directions each student takes, especially since we've gotten bits and pieces hinted to us in voice lines and vignettes. (For example, Riddle's mom wants him to pursue medicine, but Riddle has also expressed interest in law due to his time at school; Azul seems to have an interest in law and/or business but also hospitality, as he runs the Mostro Lounge.) Where each person decides to go and what they want to do can tell us a lot about their character and their ambitions, and it can also open up avenues for exploration and growth. (Kalim is going to inherit the Asim family business, but has also expressed before that he feels he isn't mature enough as he is now; Cater isn't quite sure what he wants to get into yet, since he's so used to putting on a cheery "mask" around other people, etc.) There's tons of interesting possibilities! (Imagine NRC's class reunions 10 years down the line though??? Their roster would be so stacked with important and influential people in a variety of fields and specialties.)
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drrajivagarwal01 · 2 years
What Are the Signs of a Pacemaker?
A pacemaker is a computer-controlled, battery-powered medical device that is surgically implanted under the collarbone beneath the skin to correct slow heartbeats. Dr. Rajiv explains that the pacemaker’s electrodes (wires/leads) are then connected to the patient’s heart.
According to the best cardiologist in Delhi NCR, these electrodes carry electrical impulses from the pacemaker to your heart. When the computer chip under the collarbone detects slow abnormal rhythms, it generates impulses to correct the problem automatically.
A pacemaker is used to treat bradycardia (extremely slow heartbeats) and atrial fibrillation (slow heart rate).
According to the Best Cardiologist doctor in Delhi, the following are signs that you may need a pacemaker:
Tiredness — Dr. Rajiv suggests that if you’re constantly tired, it could be because your heart isn’t pumping blood as efficiently as it should. Extreme fatigue after climbing a few stairs or walking a few steps indicates that you may have a problem and that pacemaker treatment may be recommended.
Of course, the recommendation is based on an accurate diagnosis. However, at this level of exhaustion, it is best to consult with the best cardiologist doctor in Delhi.
Chest Pain — Chest pain should not be taken lightly. You should seek medical attention right away because chest pain could indicate heart disease or even a heart attack. According to the renowned cardiologist specialist in Delhi, depending on your diagnosis, the condition may be treated with the help of a pacemaker.
Palpitation or Pounding in chest -Intense pounding or palpitations in your chest are not signs of good health. It could be an indication of atrial fibrillation or another type of arrhythmia. If it is detected, pacemaker implantation is one of the treatment options.
It should be noted that palpitations or pounding in the chest do not have to occur only during physical activity. You can also have them while sleeping, according to a well-known Heart Failure specialist in Delhi.
Shortness of Breath -Another common symptom that may indicate the need for a pacemaker is shortness of breath. If you experience shortness of breath while doing little to no activity, it is time to see the best cardiologist doctor in Delhi.
Unconcious or Fall -Falls, with or without loss of consciousness, are serious and one of the life-threatening symptoms that necessitate pacemaker implantation.
Dizzyness -If you frequently feel lightheaded or dizzy, it could be because your heart isn’t working properly. It can also happen if you stand up too quickly from a lying or sitting position. Hyperventilating, low blood sugar, or low blood pressure can all cause lightheadedness.
If you checked most of the symptoms off the list, you should make an appointment with the best cardiologist in Delhi. Some of the above-mentioned pacemaker symptoms, such as loss of consciousness, necessitate immediate medical attention.
Dr. Rajiv Agarwal
Dr. Rajiv Agarwal is PRINCIPAL Director, Cardiology DEPT at Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, New Delhi. He is a former Associate Professor of Cardiology at AIIMS. He was formerly Director Cardiac Catheterization Labs and Senior Consultant and Interventional Cardiologist at the Batra Hospital & Medical Research Center, New Delhi.
For any query regarding the pacemaker you can consult an expert having an experience of more than 30 years in the field of Cardiology.
He also treats ECHS and DCHS patients for the benefit of government employees.
Dr Rajiv is a graduate of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi (1985) and did MD Medicine (1988) and DM Cardiology (1991) from the same institution.
For booking an appointment
Call here :- +91–98100 32771 E-mail :- [email protected] To know more you can visit our website :- http://www.drrajivagarwal.in/
Address :- Max Smart Super Specialty Hospital Saket ,press enclave marg, saket district center, saket, new delhi , delhi 110092 Dr. Rajiv Agarwal (residence clinic), B-24 1st floor, Swasthya Vihar, new delhi, delhi, 110092
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mymedtrips · 4 days
Heart Treatment in India
Treatment for the heart focuses on reducing excess fluid volume and edema and boosting the heart's pumping ability. The immediate goals include preventing progressive failure or in the worst case, sudden death. The aggressiveness in therapy is proportionate to levels of heart failure. As a common point, the emphasis is on making life easy for the left ventricle. More interventions come in to improve blood flow to the heart and increase salt and water excretion. In more aggressive stages, it goes till changing heart value and in extreme cases, a heart transplant. Best Doctors for Heart treatment in India make it a hassle-free experience.
Best Heart Hospitals in India
As of recently, India has evolved as a global favorite destination for medical tourism. Firstly, medical technology has progressed rapidly in the Indian subcontinent. Secondly, the low cost of living and medical charges makes India, a global darling.
Max Super Specialty Hospital is located in the capital city of India. To be more precise, you need to get to Saket, New Delhi. The hospital is famous for ortho, heart treatment, cancer treatment, and liver/kidney transplants.
The best hospital for Heart treatment in India is the ASEAN Heart Institute in the city of Bombay. Established in 2002, heart surgeries cost as little as a lakh and go up to 8 lakh rupees. With 250 ICU beds and over a dozen operation theatres, it prides over a solid infrastructure.
Another best Heart hospital in India is also located in Mumbai - Jaslok Hospital. Located close to Mumbai Central Railway Station, the accessibility to the hospital is good. OPD consultation fees start as low as 600 Indian rupees and a doctor's visit costs 1000 rupees here.
Best Heart Surgeons in India
Best cardiologists in India are not very hard to find, given its reputation for being medical tourism's global hub.
Ramakanta Panda:
The best heart surgeon is undoubtedly Ramakanta Panda. He works at ASEAN hospital, in Mumbai, where he also serves as its Vice-Chairman and trailblazer for media.
Dr. Devi Prasad Shetty:
Shetty serves as Chairman and Director of Narayana Hospital. Devoting his life to the field of medicine in south India, he has made a reputation for Indian doctors worldwide. His records include 35,000 heart surgeries and counting.
Dr. Yugal K Mushra
Dr. Yugal K Mushra is a Ph.D, who commands immense respect in the field of medicine. He specializes in the least invasive heart surgery through the instrumental use of robotics technology. His records boast over 500 heart surgeries with the aid of robotics and over 19,000 bypass surgeries.
My Med Trip is a top medical tourism company. We are offering complete medical and healthcare services with medical consulting in India for patients from all over the world including African countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, etc. We help you in finding the best hospitals, doctors, and good accommodations at affordable costs in India. We offer surgeries, treatment and transplant. Some of the are kidney transplant cost, heart transplant, bone marrow transplant cost, cancer treatment, liver transplant cost,  prostate cancer, best cardiologist in India, ovarian cancer, hip replacement, knee replacement, shoulder replacement surgery cost, brain tumor,  breast cancer surgery cost, orthopedic surgery cost in India, shoulder surgeons,orthopedic surgeons, heart valve replacement, knee surgeons, best Kidney transplant hospital in India and so on.
Source: https://mymedtrips.blogspot.com/2023/10/heart-treatment-in-india.html
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marlinmedicall · 26 days
Excellence in Healthcare: Max Saket Super Specialty Hospital, India
Max Saket Super Specialty Hospital in India is a leading healthcare institution renowned for its comprehensive medical services and state-of-the-art facilities.
With a multidisciplinary team of expert doctors and healthcare professionals, the hospital offers advanced treatments across various specialties, including cardiology, orthopedics, oncology, and more.
Equipped with cutting-edge technology and modern amenities, Max Saket Super Specialty Hospital ensures personalized care and optimal outcomes for patients.
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hospitalsinchennai · 27 days
Liver Lifelines: Discover the Top 10 Best Liver Care Hospitals in India
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The liver has got a very important role in maintaining our general health and well-being. Some important functions of the liver in a healthy body are the filtration of all the toxins from our blood, help in digestion, and storage of all the important nutrients. But with the onset of liver diseases and disorders, the quality of life with poor health care is substantially poor.
In India, some hospitals are well recognized for their treatment and care towards liver diseases, providing world-class treatment along with special experts and medical care.
In this blog post, we shall look closer at the top 10 best liver hospitals in India recognized for their excellence in liver care.
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai: With a legacy of advanced medical care, Apollo Hospitals has been a distinguished name in liver care in Chennai. Apollo Hospitals offers advanced state-of-the-art facilities along with a pool of senior hepatologists and liver transplant surgeons with vast experience. Indeed, from diagnosis to liver transplantation, the process is personalized and uses the best available forms of therapeutic modalities.
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, is among the pioneering centers for liver care in the country. The department is fully equipped with the latest infrastructure and a team of super-specialists in liver health. Starting from liver cancer treatment to the most complex liver surgeries, the hospital has comprehensive care and that too with a focus on patient comfort and well-being.
Medanta - The Medicity, Gurugram: Medanta - The Medicity at Gurugram is proud to offer a holistic liver care service. The Liver Transplant and Hepatobiliary Sciences department is well supported with modern facilities for the diagnosis, treatment, and transplantation of liver diseases. Liver specialists of the hospital include hepatologists, transplant surgeons, and gastroenterologists who come together to provide individual patient care.
Fortis Hospital, Mumbai : The Fortis Hospital in Mumbai is a super specialty centre for liver care. It consists of state-of-the-art services catering to a wide array of liver diseases and other disorders. The Liver Transplant Program at Fortis Hospital, Mumbai is one of the most achieved in the nation. The success rate of liver transplant surgeries is very high. Patients benefit from the expertise of liver specialists at the hospital and access state-of-the-art facilities for diagnosis and treatment.
Max Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi: Max Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi has been an epitome of excellence in liver care and liver transplant services. The Department of Liver Transplant and Biliary Sciences at the hospital is guided by a team of dedicated hepatologists, liver transplant surgeons, and allied health care professionals. Patient-centric care and advanced medical technology play an important role in the management of comprehensive liver disease at Max Hospital.
Global Hospital, Chennai: Global Hospitals in Chennai is now synonymous with liver transplantation and advanced liver disease. The Liver Transplant Program at Global Hospitals is led by a team of highly experienced transplant surgeons, hepatologists, and critical care specialists. Pretransplant evaluation and comprehensive care following transplantation, along with further follow-up services for recipients of liver transplantation, are provided in Global Hospital.
Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore: Aster CMI Hospital is one of the most trusted names in caring for the liver, offering complete treatment for liver disease and liver transplant services in Bengaluru. The hospital is backed up by a Liver Transplant Center that offers cutting-edge infrastructure and advanced medical technology in the field of liver transplantation and complex liver surgery. Patients receive personalized care from a multidisciplinary team of liver specialists.
Manipal Hospitals Bangalore: Liver Care at Manipal Hospitals, Bengaluru, offers services that cater to a spectrum of liver diseases and disorders. This program, supported by an expert pool of hepatologists, transplant surgeons, and critical care specialists, assures that the Liver Transplant Program at Manipal Hospitals is patient-centric and ensures patient safety. All aspects of care for liver diseases are covered at Manipal Hospitals.
Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Bengaluru: Columbia Asia Referral Hospital, Bengaluru, is a recognized center of excellence in liver care and liver transplant services. The Liver Transplant Program at the hospital takes the lead in providing advanced treatment options for liver diseases, including liver transplantation and complex liver surgeries. Patients can have the best infrastructure and the one-stop, multi-disciplinary approach to liver care.
Narayana Health, Bangalore: Narayana Health in Bengaluru is one of the most reputed centers for liver care, offering all-around services in the treatment and care for diseases related to the liver and associated disorders. The program of liver transplantation is well supported by a team of experienced hepatologists, transplant surgeons, and allied health care professionals. At Narayana Health, advanced treatment measures and individual care are taken for a patient with a liver condition.
The most important factor for staying in health and well-being is ready and easy access to quality care for the liver. The best liver care hospitals in India provide the best medical technologies, expert specialists, and comprehensive treatment modalities related to liver diseases and disorders. A reputed liver hospital will treat you with personalized care to get innovative treatment options that are directed towards better liver health and an improved quality of life.
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Dr. Vivek Bindal is a pioneer surgeon in the field of Robotic and Bariatric Surgery in South East Asia. He has one of the largest series of robotic bariatric procedures, has published extensively and is routinely invited as an expert in this field across the world.
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alisterwayne · 1 month
Healthcare Oasis: Finding the Best Hospitals in Ghaziabad
In the bustling city of Ghaziabad, nestled amidst the chaos of urban life, lies a sanctuary of healing—the best hospitals that provide exemplary healthcare services. These hospitals stand as pillars of hope and support for the residents of Ghaziabad, offering advanced medical treatments, compassionate care, and a commitment to excellence. Join us on a journey to discover these healthcare oases and learn why they are the preferred choice for those seeking medical attention in Ghaziabad.
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Understanding the Importance of Healthcare Quality
Healthcare is not just about treating illnesses; it's about restoring hope, improving quality of life, and providing comfort to those in need. In Ghaziabad, where rapid urbanization and lifestyle changes have led to an increase in healthcare demands, the quality of medical services becomes paramount. Access to the best hospitals ensures timely and effective treatments, thereby improving health outcomes and overall well-being.
Exploring Ghaziabad's Healthcare Oases
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Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital: Step into the realm of Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital, and you'll encounter a world of excellence in healthcare. Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technology, and a team of highly skilled medical professionals, Yashoda Hospital is a beacon of hope for patients seeking comprehensive medical care. Whether it's cardiac surgery, neurology, or oncology, the hospital's multidisciplinary approach ensures personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs.
Care N Cure Hospital: The best Hospital in Ghaziabad epitomizes excellence in healthcare, offering a comprehensive range of medical services with a focus on patient-centric care. Boasting cutting-edge technology and a team of highly skilled healthcare professionals, it ensures accurate diagnosis and effective treatment across various specialties. With a commitment to continual improvement, the hospital stays at the forefront of medical innovation, providing access to advanced treatments and procedures. Embracing a culture of compassion and empathy, it creates a healing environment where patients feel supported and cared for throughout their journey to wellness. In Ghaziabad, this hospital stands as a beacon of hope and healing for the community.
Max Super Speciality Hospital: At Max Super Speciality Hospital, healthcare meets compassion to create a healing environment like no other. With a focus on patient safety, wellness, and holistic care, Max Hospital goes beyond medical treatments to address the emotional and psychological needs of patients and their families. The hospital's comprehensive range of medical services, coupled with its team of dedicated healthcare professionals, makes it a trusted destination for healthcare seekers in Ghaziabad.
Columbia Asia Hospital: For those seeking international standards of healthcare closer to home, Columbia Asia Hospital in Ghaziabad is the answer. With a commitment to affordability, accessibility, and excellence, the hospital offers a wide range of medical services across various specialties. From advanced diagnostics to minimally invasive surgeries, Columbia Asia Hospital combines cutting-edge technology with compassionate care to deliver superior healthcare outcomes.
Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences: As a leading medical education and healthcare institution in Ghaziabad, Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences is dedicated to training the next generation of healthcare professionals while providing exemplary patient care. The hospital's focus on innovation, research, and academic excellence ensures that patients benefit from the latest advancements in medical science, making it a preferred choice for those seeking quality healthcare in Ghaziabad.
In the vast landscape of healthcare options, finding the right hospital can make all the difference. In Ghaziabad, these healthcare oases—Yashoda Super Specialty Hospital, Fortis Hospital, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital, and Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences—shine brightly, offering hope, healing, and a renewed sense of well-being to those in need. Whether it's advanced medical treatments, compassionate care, or a commitment to excellence, these hospitals exemplify the best of healthcare in Ghaziabad, ensuring that patients receive the quality care they deserve.
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sammey01hu · 1 month
The Best Cancer Specialists in Delhi NCR: A Comprehensive Overview
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Cancer is a complex disease that needs specialized care. In Delhi NCR, some doctors have gained recognition for their expertise and dedication to treating cancer. Let's delve into the Best cancer specialists in Delhi NCR, focusing on their qualifications, specialties, and contributions to oncology.
Dr. Gopal Sharma: Dr. Gopal Sharma is known for his expertise in medical oncology, especially in breast cancer and gynecologic cancers. He works at Max Hospital and provides personalized care to his patients.
Dr. (Prof) Sudhir Kumar Rawal: Dr. Sudhir Kumar Rawal is a skilled surgical oncologist who specializes in complex cancer surgeries. He is associated with Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals and is known for his innovative approaches to cancer treatment.
Dr. A.K. Dewan: Dr. A.K. Dewan is a renowned radiation oncologist who delivers targeted radiation therapies for different cancers. He practices at Fortis Memorial Research Institute and is known for his precise treatments.
Dr. D.C Doval: Dr. D.C Doval is an experienced medical oncologist who focuses on breast cancer and gastrointestinal cancers. He practices at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre and uses advanced treatments like precision medicine and immunotherapy.
Dr. Arvind K Chaturvedi: Dr. Arvind K Chaturvedi is a skilled surgical oncologist specializing in head and neck cancers. He practices at BLK Super Speciality Hospital and uses minimally invasive techniques for better outcomes.
Dr. Gauri Kapoor: Dr. Gauri Kapoor is a leading hematologist and bone marrow transplant specialist. She works at Max Hospital and treats conditions like leukemia and lymphoma. Her expertise in transplant medicine helps patients with complex blood-related cancers.
Dr. Col. (Retired) Anurag Mehta: Dr. Anurag Mehta is a skilled surgical oncologist specializing in thoracic oncology. He has served in the Indian Armed Forces Medical Services and now practices at Fortis Memorial Research Institute. His surgical skills are crucial in treating lung and esophageal cancers.
You Need to also visit:
Best Breast Cancer Doctor in Delhi NCR
These specialists cover various aspects of cancer care, from surgery and radiation to hematology and transplant medicine. Consulting with these experts can provide access to advanced treatments and personalized care for cancer patients in Delhi NCR.
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footankleortho · 2 months
Flat Foot Treatment in Bhubaneswar - Foot specialist
Dr. Shakti Swaroop is a dedicated and methodical orthopedic specialist with exclusive expertise in the field of orthopedics. He has received extensive training in joint replacement surgery at prestigious high-volume centers like Max Super-specialty Hospital (Delhi), Homerton University Hospital (London), and Robotic and navigation knee replacement surgery at Fortis Hospital (Jaipur). Dr. Shakti Swaroop is known as the best foot and ankle specialist in Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
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maclee547832 · 2 months
Which is the best brain tumor hospital in Delhi?
The best brain tumor hospital in Delhi is one that offers comprehensive care, cutting-edge technology, and a team of experienced specialists. As a renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Shrey Jain recommends hospitals known for their excellence in neurosurgery, advanced diagnostic capabilities, and multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Some top hospitals known for their expertise in brain tumor care include AIIMS, Medanta - The Medicity, Max Super Specialty Hospital, and Fortis Memorial Research Institute. These hospitals boast state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated neuro-oncology departments, and a track record of successful outcomes, making them trusted choices for patients seeking the best care for brain tumors in Delhi.Dr Shrey jain – Best Neuro Surgeon in Delhi
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mymedtrips · 4 days
Best Shoulder Replacement Surgeons in India
In a human body the shoulder is the most complicated as well as the most flexible joint. The shoulder connects the upper arms of the body with the torso. It is made up of three bones, they are: the clavicle or the collarbone, the scapula which is also known as the shoulder blade, and the humerus or the upper arm bone, these three bones are interconnected with muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
The shoulder joint which is also known as the glenohumeral joint is the main joint of the shoulder. It consists of a ball and a socket joint which allows the arm to rotate in a circular motion. Thus, the shoulder is the most movable and unsteady joint in the body which often tends to problems like fracture, pain, shoulder dislocation.
Shoulder replacement surgery is done to relieve the shoulder pain or to remove other injuries that damages the shoulder joint. Best shoulder replacement surgery doctors in India recommend shoulder replacement surgery if one is suffering from very bad pain, or one can barely move his arm and shoulder, or one has lost cartilage or is not able to do the daily activities.
Shoulder Replacement Surgery Cost in India
The shoulder replacement surgery cost in India varies from place to place as it depends on multiple factors like hospitals in which the diagnosis is done and the surgeries takes place, best surgeons for shoulder replacement surgery in India have different consultation fees, different cities have different costs. The average cost of shoulder replacement surgery in India is ₹ 3,00,000. The price of shoulder replacement surgery in India maximum counts to ₹ 4,00,000. The economically weaker section people do not get the chance for the shoulder replacement surgery because for them the shoulder replacement surgery price in India is a little bit high, so they go for other ways of treatment.
Best Shoulder Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
There are many shoulder replacement surgery hospitals in India, among them some are the best hospital for shoulder replacement surgery in India. The best shoulder replacement surgery hospitals in India are: Columbia Asia Hospital in Bengaluru, Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital in New Delhi, Fortis Hospital in Bengaluru and many more.
Best Shoulder Replacement Surgeons in India
Some of the most highly rated doctors for shoulder replacement in India are: Dr. Subhash Jangid of Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon, India, with 25 years of experience; Dr. Vijay Sharma of Medeor Hospital, Delhi, India, with 15 years of experience and Dr. Hemant Gupta from Max Super Specialty Hospital, Ghaziabad with 36 years of experience.
My Med Trip is a top medical tourism company. We provide complete medical and healthcare services with consulting in India for patients from all over the world including South African countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, etc. We help you in finding the best hospitals, doctors, and good accommodations at affordable costs in India. We offer Kidney, liver, lung, heart, and bone marrow transplants and treatment; shoulder replacement surgery cost in India, knee replacement surgery cost, breast cancer surgery cost, skin cancer treatment, kidney transplant cost, heart transplant, bone marrow transplant cost, heart replacement, best heart hospital in India, knee replacement, top Kidney transplant hospital in India and so on.
Source: https://mymedtrips.blogspot.com/2023/09/best-shoulder-replacement-surgeons-in.html
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ivy-hospital · 2 months
List of Best Pulmonology Hospitals in Mohali
Mohali, a burgeoning city in Punjab, India, has witnessed a remarkable surge in healthcare facilities in recent years, especially in specialized fields like pulmonology. With respiratory ailments becoming increasingly prevalent, the demand for top-tier pulmonology hospitals has never been greater. Here's a comprehensive list of the best pulmonology hospitals in Mohali, catering to the needs of patients with respiratory conditions:
Ivy Hospital:
Ivy Hospital stands out as a premier healthcare institution in Mohali, renowned for its excellence in pulmonology. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and a team of highly skilled pulmonologists, Ivy Hospital offers comprehensive diagnostic services and advanced treatments for a wide range of respiratory disorders. From asthma and COPD to lung cancer and sleep apnea, patients can expect personalized care and innovative therapies at Ivy Hospital.
Fortis Hospital:
Fortis Hospital in Mohali is another prominent name in the realm of pulmonology. With a focus on delivering world-class healthcare services, Fortis boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure and a multidisciplinary approach to respiratory care. The hospital's team of pulmonologists, respiratory therapists, and support staff collaborate to provide holistic treatment for respiratory conditions, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients.
Max Super Speciality Hospital:
Max Super Speciality Hospital is renowned for its expertise in various medical specialties, including pulmonology. With a commitment to delivering compassionate care and cutting-edge treatments, Max Hospital in Mohali offers a comprehensive range of services for patients with respiratory disorders. From pulmonary function tests and bronchoscopy to advanced interventions like lung transplantation, Max Hospital caters to diverse respiratory needs with utmost proficiency.
Mohali Medicity Hospital:
Mohali Medicity Hospital is a trusted name in the healthcare landscape of Mohali, known for its excellence in pulmonology services. The hospital houses a dedicated team of pulmonologists, respiratory therapists, and support staff who work collaboratively to diagnose and treat a spectrum of respiratory conditions. With modern infrastructure and a patient-centric approach, Mohali Medicity Hospital ensures optimal care and positive outcomes for individuals with respiratory ailments.
Indus Super Speciality Hospital:
Indus Super Speciality Hospital is committed to providing high-quality healthcare services, including specialized care in pulmonology. With a focus on innovation and patient satisfaction, Indus Hospital offers advanced diagnostic techniques and treatment modalities for respiratory disorders. The hospital's team of pulmonologists employs a multidisciplinary approach to address the complex needs of patients, ensuring comprehensive care and support throughout their treatment journey.
In conclusion, Mohali boasts a commendable array of pulmonology hospitals, each offering exceptional care and expertise in managing respiratory conditions. Whether it's diagnostic services, medical interventions, or rehabilitation programs, these hospitals are equipped to meet the diverse needs of patients with respiratory ailments. With their unwavering commitment to excellence and patient-centric approach, these pulmonology hospitals in Mohali continue to uphold the highest standards of healthcare delivery in the region.
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indiamedicaltourism · 2 months
Breast Cancer Surgery in India at Affordable Cost
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the breast. It occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get breast cancer too. Breast cancer is the most common cancer amongst. Indian women and an estimated 450.000 women die annually from this disease worldwide .8 out of 10 women are affected by it.  Cancer cells have spread to lymph nodes, there is a higher chance that the cells could have travelled through the lymph system and spread (metastasized) to other parts of your body.
Symptoms of Breast cancer
• include one or both breast size increases.
• There is a change in the appearance of the nipple.
• To remove from other nipple than breast milk.
• There is general pain in any part or the whole of the breast.
• Detection of lumps inside the breast.
• Itchy breasts and breast color change
Yes, you can know about it by additional tests, such as CT scans, MRIs, bone scans, PET scans, ICD markers, and Hormone receptor status to determine the stage of cancer.
Breast Cancer surgery in India
Breast cancer treatment in India is diverse, most of the doctors who provide Breast Cancer Treatment are well-experienced and skilled Oncologists. They can diagnose the stage of cancer and can plan appropriate Breast Cancer Treatment with minimal side effects. They treat closely with nurses and other staff so that the patient can take the correct dose of drugs and feel very well.
Best Breast Cancer Hospitals in India
If you need Breast Cancer surgery in India, Al Afiya Medi Tour is here to help!
 A team of AL Afiya Media Tour healthcare experts will provide all services and guide you in finding the best hospital for breast cancer surgery in Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida, Chennai, Mumbai, and other big cities of India. We have a list of hospitals with phone numbers, addresses, cities, and contact details of top doctors. You can get in touch with them. Let's begin on the path toward better health jointly!  
Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
DharamshilaNarayana Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi
Max Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi  
Medanta – The Medicity, Gurgaon  
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi                     
BLK Super Specialty Hospital, Delhi
Columbia Asia Yeshwantpur, Bangalore           
KokilabenDhirubhaiAmbani Hospital, Mumbai              
Wockhardt Hospitals, Mumbai        
Gleneagles Global Health City, Gurgaon
Best Breast Cancer Surgeons in India
Are you searching for top doctors and surgeons for breast cancer surgery in India then a list is given below-
● Dr. Vinod Raina - Fortis Memorial Institute, Gurgaon
● Dr. Ramesh Sarini - Hospital Indraprasta Apollo, New Delhi
● Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni - Hospital KokilabenDhirubhaiAmbani, Mumbai
● Dr. HariGoyal - Gurgaon
● Dr. Kapil Kumar - Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi
● Dr.NiranjanNaik - Fortis Memorial Research Hospital, Gurgaon
● Dr. AnkurBahl - Fortis Memorial Researches Institute, Gurgaon
● Dr. JalajBaxi - Fortis Hospital, Noida
● Dr. Rajesh Mistry - KokilabenDhirubhaiAmbani Hospital, Mumbai
● Dr. Subodh Chandra Pande - Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
Breast Cancer Surgery Cost in India
The breast cancer surgery cost in India depends on many factors, depending upon the type of breast cancer surgery, the cost of breast cancer surgery in India may vary between 2500 USD to 8000 USD (breast reconstruction surgery.
● Lumpectomy: Lumpectomy surgery costs in India may range around $ 2500 to $3500, basically it depends upon the medical services and other quality facilities.
● Mastectomy: In a mastectomy, the complete breast is removed, it is surgically removed. Breast cancer surgery costs in India for one patient start from $3000.
● Chemotherapy is usually given in cycles. The cost of breast cancer chemotherapy is influenced by the chemotherapy medications used. The cost of one cycle of chemotherapy may vary from $400-$1200.
● Surgery of Sentinel Lymph Node, Biopsy Axillary Lymph Node Dissection, and breast Reconstruction is also available at very low costs around 300 U$ to 600 U$ according to hospital facilities.
Al Afiya Medi Tour is a leading medical tourism company. We are offer medical tourism services in India foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria and so on. We provide free assistance for TURP surgery cost in India, lung cancer treatment, stomach cancer treatment in India, liver transplant cost, best hospital for heart valve replacement, bone marrow transplant cost, arthroscopic surgery,  brain tumor surgery cost in India, kidney transplant, liver cancer treatment, etc.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com.
 Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2023/11/breast-cancer-surgery-in-india-at.html
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