#Maryanne Williamson
styledbykdg · 4 months
Food for Thought
Who amongst us has not been bombarded with the words “gratitude”, “journaling”, or “manifest” over the past year? The words make me cringe. In my mind’s eye I see the words “smug”, “trying too hard”, the dreaded “#blessed”, and “who the heck has that much time in the morning because I am trying to get a teenager out of the house in time for school, walk the dog and get to…
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bluesboozeandbooks · 2 years
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I started this blog because when life gets crazy I sometimes forget the beautiful moments.  The day to day grind is a hamster wheel.  It’s easy to get sucked in. 
As I was musing about this space I discovered (or maybe…rediscovered?) that I used to be so focused on the hustle… raising kids (four of them)….finishing two degrees… working a full time job, and learning by virtue of the hard knock life, that in many ways I forgot what beauty even looked like. I was in survival mode.  For years. To quote the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, I had “demons on my back and a lot on my plate.” 
At some point in the middle of living life I realized I was tired of cleaning up my own messes. I think that’s when I began seeing the hamster wheel for what it it is. So I started working smarter, not harder. Learned from my mistakes. Starting thinking for the future.  Making plans. Making moves. It was a hustle of a different kind. 
Compromises had to be made along the way. A few sacrifices too; parts of myself had to lay dormant so I could focus on building the life I wanted. The problem with sacrificing for the greater good is, you often don’t recognize when the sacrificing is no longer serving you. 
A Greek composer I’ve been following for years once said.. “Life is precious. All of life. One must try to take in as much of it as possible.” 
This blog is my attempt to do just that. 
Life is indeed beautiful. Maybe if I can learn to pause for the space and time it takes to capture a photograph and truly take in the moments instead of glazing over and filing them away, I will remember that my life is full of beauty. All I have to do is pause long enough to pay attention. 
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The idea for Blues Booze and Books came to me on my honeymoon in Milos. I remembered something Toni Morrison said about writing the kind of books you want to read and I thought why not create the kind of blog I’d want to follow?
This blog is my happy place; a visual diary of some of my favorite moments. A space where keeping it real goes without saying.  It is my journey to living authentically, unapologetically and having a fucking blast in the process. 
It is my hope that Blues Booze and Books will be a reminder to anyone who reads it that all is possible to one who, first believes, then does the work it takes to see it through.  
If you’d told me a decade ago I’d have the life I do today, I wouldn’t have believed it. Having faith in possibilities wasn’t a muscle I’d developed yet. But boy did I dream… and those blogs I used to cling to fueled those dreams. 
It’s my turn now.   
Maryanne Williamson put it this way… 
“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.” 
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eliasbouchardslut · 3 years
thinking about how maryanne williamson put out a tweet today asking a bunch of podcasters why they haven’t gone and stopped the Taliban in Afghanistan. I can’t lie that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all week. Send in the podcasters, we need real power.
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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most.” - Maryanne Williamson (via quotemadness)
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chrishemswortth · 5 years
“I’ve heard some of the people tonight and I wonder why some of you are democrats!” - maryanne williamson roasting candidates about their policy plans re: student loans and the `2 trillion dollar debt its lead to 
bernie calls for eliminating the debt by taxing wall street/ giant corporations like amazon that paid zero dollars in federal taxes last year 
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historygoesbump · 2 years
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Multicultural Children’s Book Day
I received the book Sophie Washington: Lemonade Day by Tonya Duncan Ellis for Multicultural Children's Book Day 2022! This book is a great early middle grade book introducing children to entrepreneurship! Sophie and her friend, Chloe, first heard about Lemonade Day at school. In an effort to try and earn money to buy her mom a birthday present, Sophie quickly tries to get her younger brother and a group of friends together to create a team for Lemonade Day. However, sibling relationships, friendships, and pets prove that being an entrepreneur and earning money are not as easy as they may have seemed. Ellis does a great job of showing the feelings early middle schoolers grapple with. The irritation Sophie feels towards her younger brother and the way she navigates relationships with her friends is something a lot of young middle schoolers might find relatable. Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2022 (1/28/22) is in its 9th year! This non-profit children’s literacy initiative was founded by Valarie Budayr and Mia Wenjen; two diverse book-loving moms who saw a need to shine the spotlight on all of the multicultural books and authors on the market while also working to get those books into the hands of young readers and educators. MCBD’s mission is to raise awareness of the ongoing need to include kids’ books that celebrate diversity in homes and school bookshelves. Read about our Mission & History HERE. MCBD 2022 is honored to be Supported by these Medallion Sponsors! SUPER PLATINUM: Make A Way Media PLATINUM: Language Lizard GOLD: Barefoot Books, KidLitTV, Candlewick, Capstone, Abrams Books SILVER: Pack-n-Go Girls, Charlotte Riggle, Kimberly Gordon Biddle   BRONZE: Carole P. Roman, Patrice McLaurin, Dyesha and Triesha McCants/McCants Squared, Redfin.com, Redfin Canada, Redfin Mortgage, Redfin/Title Forward, Create & Educate, Star Bright Books, Vivian Kirkfield, Dr. Eleanor Wint, Kind World Publishing, Snowflake Stories, Lisa Wee, SONGJU MA, Melissa Stoller, J.C. Kato and J.C.², Crystel Patterson, Audrey Press, Pragmaticmom, TimTimTom, Wisdom Tales MCBD 2022 is honored to be Supported by these Author Sponsors! Charlene Mosley (official MCBD2022 Poster Creator) Illustrator Isabelle Roxas (Class Kit Poster Creator) Alva Sachs, Brianna Carter, Ebony Zay Zay, Rita Bhandari, Gwen Jackson, Lois Petren/The 5 Enchanted Mermaids, Valerie Williams-Sanchez and Valorena Publishing, Josh Funk, Afsaneh Moradian, Eugenia Chu, Maritza Martínez Mejía, Diana Huang, Kathleen Burkinshaw, CultureGroove, Sandra Elaine Scott, Dorena Williamson, Veronica Appleton, Alejandra Domenzain, Lauren Muskovitz and Sandfish Publishing, Tonya Duncan Ellis, Kimberly Lee, Susan Schaefer Bernardo & Illustrator Courtenay Fletcher, Nancy Tupper Ling, Winsome Hudson-Bingham, Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett, Sivan Hong, Michael Genhart, Debbie Dadey, Elizabeth Cureton, Stephanie Wildman, Maryann Jacob, Sherri Maret, Rochelle Melander, Dia Mixon, Kiyanda and Benjamin Young, Shereen Rahming, Linda Thornburg and Katherine Archer, Rebecca Flansburg and BA Norrgard , Maxine Schur Natalie McDonald-Perkins MCBD 2022 is Honored to be Supported by our CoHosts and Global CoHosts! MCBD 2022 is Honored to be Supported by these Media Partners! Check out MCBD's Multicultural Books for Kids Pinterest Board! FREE RESOURCES from Multicultural Children’s Book Day Diversity Book Lists & Activities for Teachers and Parents Homeschool Diverse Kidlit Booklist & Activity Kit FREE Teacher Classroom Activism and Activists Kit FREE Teacher Classroom Empathy Kit FREE Teacher Classroom Kindness Kit FREE Teacher Classroom Physical and Developmental Challenges Kit FREE Teacher Classroom Poverty Kit FREE Homeschool Diverse Kidlit Booklist & Activity Kit FREE Teacher Classroom Raising Awareness on Systemic Racism in America Classroom Kit Gallery of Our Free Posters FREE Diversity Book for Classrooms Program Join us on Friday, Jan 29, 2021, at 9 pm EST for the 8th annual Multicultural Children's Book Day Twitter Party! Be sure and follow MCBD and Make A Way Media on Twitter!
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crazyblondelife · 6 years
Change Your Life One Step At a Time!
I will tell you that over the past three years, I have changed my life completely.  Three years ago, I still had my youngest daughter, Sarah, living here at home which dictated some of the things that I did on a daily basis.  I loved being a mom, but I knew that Sarah would be going away to college the next year and that my life would change completely.  My marriage was in a terrible place, and I was completely terrified of the future.  I won't go into all of the details, but I will say that things only got worse, and I saw what I thought was my whole life falling apart.  Looking back, I definitely would have done some things differently, but it really does no good to look back.  Also, looking back, I know that if I hadn't been through what I went through, I would still be stuck, feeling bored and terrified and wondering what the secret to loving life was.  My most horrible experience was the catalyst for my greatest change.  I'll tell you how I did it!
I realized that my life was my responsibility and I started to take that very seriously.  It wasn't easy.  It's easier now, but I still have to stay extremely conscious of my thoughts.  We get stuck in patterns of thought that come from our past.  We have all, at some point, believed the stories that other people told us about ourselves, but no one knows about you, except you.  "Love is what we are born with.  Fear is what we learn."  I found a way to believe that I was worthy of happiness and I also discovered that I was the only one responsible for my happiness.  Before, I looked to other people to validate me.  I thought that if other people did what I wanted them to do, then I would be happy, but it doesn't work that way.  You begin to see that if you take responsibility for your own happiness, it becomes irrelevant what other people do.  The really amazing thing is that when you aren't concerned about what other people do or think of you, they are so much easier to be around, because you are.  I stopped judging myself and others so harshly and started trying to figure out what I really wanted out of life.  The only reason that we want anything is because we think we will feel better if or when we have it.  Turns out...I just wanted to feel better!  The Universe took it from there because I was in a place of allowing good things to happen.  I wasn't blocking my happiness with my negative thinking.  I can see now that situations and people who have come into my life to help me didn't come by coincidence.  I can see now that situations and people come into my life daily; the difference is that now I'm paying attention!
The true beginning of this change came when I went to New York, by myself, to a Spirit Junkie Masterclass given by Gabrielle Bernstein.  I was surrounded by 200 women who wanted major change in their lives and Gabby proceeded to tell us how to do this.  I came home and tried to apply these principles, but at this point I just didn't understand.  I didn't realize yet that it was completely about me and up to me.  I continued to blame others for my unhappiness.  The following February I went to Gabby's Level 2 training in Stockbridge Massachusetts, again alone.  This was a group of only 49 women and Tony (Tony is a brave man).  I knew a few people from Level 1 and I listened as these women got up and told their stories.  Some of the stories were so terrible that I could hardly listen, I cried the whole time, not for them, but for myself.  I cried uncontrollably.  I knew my that I was in a really bad place, but I was totally lying to myself.  I came home, and all hell broke loose.  Things went from bad to worse, and I tried to pretend that everything was ok.  The time came when I couldn't lie anymore. 
I still continued to wait for other people to change, believing that I would be happy when they changed.  Well, I found out the hard way...that never works.  I began meditating, journaling, reading, still crying and trying to figure out what to do to make my life different, better.  Most people, except for my closest friends probably had no idea that things were so bad because I became a master at painting on a smile and acting like things were ok.
One day, I saw a quote on Instagram and it was from a book about The Law of Attraction.  For some reason, it really stuck with me and I looked up the book on Amazon and bought it.  I was headed to Boston to visit my daughter, and I read the whole book while I was there.  The book talked about how we attract what we think about.  It made perfect sense to me because I had only been thinking about how bad things were and I continued to attract more bad into my life.  That was the beginning of my life changing.  It did not, however happen overnight.  Old habits are hard to break and thought patterns are definitely old habits.  I learned that I had to change the way I thought before anything would change.  I'm sitting here writing this today, and I'm a completely different person than I was in that hotel room in Boston.
I began to become aware of the way I was thinking.  I realized how low my self confidence was and I also knew that if I didn't like myself, that it was crazy to believe anything could change.  I now know that I am an important part of a great big Universe and that I was put here to shine.  The world needs the light of everyone!  Who was I to not shine as brightly for myself and others, as I could.  I love this quote by Maryanne Williamson...
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.  We are all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
This quote explains what I meant when I said that when I stopped worrying about what anyone else did, and stopped trying to make others responsible for my happiness, they were so much easier to be around.  It was not them causing the problem, it was me!
I completely immersed myself in learning about the Law of Attraction and my journey is ongoing.  Everyday is a new day and a new opportunity to be happy.  I mess up in a really big way somedays.  Those old thought patterns creep back in and I feel those old insecurities.  The difference now is that I know better.  I know that that's not the real me, that is my old story, the false one I told myself for so many years.  I know how to bring myself back to happy.  Some days, it takes a little longer and I have to just ride it out, but for the most part, Im really good.  I have plans, dreams, desires for the future.  I know that everything I want is coming and it will be amazing, but I am also aware of just how amazing today is!  Three years ago, I never imagined that I could or would ever be as happy as I am right now.  My marriage is strong and we have fun together.  I have a growing business in my blog and my daughters are happy and doing well.  I feel good!!!  I now know that feeling good is everything and it doesn't matter what you own or do, if you don't feel good, you are not going to be happy.
I didn't set out to write this post today...for some reason, it just poured out of me!  Having said that, this whole post makes the fashion seem somewhat irrelevant!  I will say that I've gotten comfortable having my picture made and sharing them on the blog. As most women do, I see all of the things that I would like to change about myself, and I'm not opposed to having a tweak now and then as I get older, but I'm proud of who I've become and of what I've accomplished. 
I sincerely hope that this post serves you in some way.  It is my very honest and very true story!
If you would like any specific details of my outfit (although it's pretty basic) just let me know!  Have a great day!
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mavenmemnon · 5 years
Me @ Maryanne Williamson
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caffeineandcleans · 7 years
11 14 16 45
11: Something you miss?Home. Cats. My hometown. My home gym. The restaurants. My mom. My sister. My friends. The workouts, the community, the craziness and the calmness. I miss that.14: Zodiac sign?Cancer/Leo cusp16: Favorite Quote?What is your deepest fear?by Maryanne Williamson (look it up)45: Wearing any bracelets?Nope
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loudsoultaco · 4 years
172. Maryanne Williamson, Joe Biden VP pick, and channeling.
Maryanne Williamson's political future? Joe Biden and his VP pick? Channeling the movement forward virus, democracy,  and us
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Reclaiming Polyanna
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."  -- Hellen Keller
Years ago, I heard Maryanne Williamson speak on the topic of the story of Polyanna (there’s an old Disney movie based on a novel if you’ve never heard of it. It’s about a little girl who stubbornly sees the good in everyone, and about how this affects the people she interacts with.) She talked about how it’s become fashionable to bash the title character’s perennial insistence on seeing the positive in all things—after all, isn’t someone like that pretty annoying in day-to-day life? Maybe inspiring in a short movie, but otherwise just too much? Marianne went on to point out, though, this little character’s immense power to transform the world around her, which plays out in the story. I thought it was a fantastic point. Would we rather complain and reserve our right to be cynical, or reach for more optimism and the tremendous power that follows?
In light of this awareness, I want to suggest that it’s a good season for thinking about closing down the year that is winding down, and envisioning the year ahead. As we do this, it behooves us to think about what results we were able to create, both positive and negative-seeming:
Where did we succeed, and what can we learn from these successes? What should we continue doing in order to repeat these successes, and what might we need to stop doing?
What successes might we have blown right by without noticing or celebrating, and what would be a meaningful way to celebrate these now?
Where did we fail, or mess up, and what can we learn from this?
Here’s where Polyanna comes in—if you’re having trouble seeing what you can take away from this that would be beneficial to you in the future, play a game with yourself where you give yourself permission to be as obnoxiously and stubbornly cheerful as you possibly can about everything you think of. Really go overboard and get ridiculous about it, practicing on other people’s life events. Then turn that back on the situation from your life and see what that kind of playful, exaggerated thinking can show you about it
Knowing what you know now, how would you go back and redo this situation if you could?
Is there still anything left undone about it that you’d like to wrap up? Maybe you just left the pieces where they lay, rather than cleaning up so you could move on as smoothly as possible. Now might be a good time to pick up the pieces and make peace with it one way or another
Try actually rehearsing mentally how what you learned can help you next time you’re in a situation where it would apply. Learning something new to the point where it’s immediately useful when you need it usually takes some repetition and practice
What can you give yourself credit for in that original “failure” scenario that perhaps you haven’t yet done? In what ways did you really try your best? Where did what you tried come very close to working? Where was bad luck involved, such that you couldn’t have foreseen or controlled certain factors with the knowledge you had?
Is there anyone you need to apologize to or make some other contact with in order to tie up loose ends?
Regardless of whether others have forgiven you, think about how you might forgive yourself. Sometimes we have to let others have their own feelings and their own timing, but we still have the power to decide that internally, we’ve suffered enough for the time being.
In taking stock of recent life lessons, it’s important to both acknowledge our progress and the things we still need to work on. It’s human nature to learn most things by doing, and without the emotional punch packed by the experience of failure, many things we would be likely not to learn at all—yet continuing to learn is often what makes us worthwhile people. As this year enters its final month, it’s a natural time to take stock so that we can let go of the old and allow the new room to grow in the new year. I hope you’ll be able to find a willingness to go easy on yourself, giving yourself proper credit, while still being willing to look clearly at where you were less awesome, make amends as needed, and learn from that. It is through finding this balance that we maintain a sane perspective on both ourselves and others around us, none of whom is perfect, but all of whom have value..
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nathalywrivera · 4 years
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Maryanne Williamson
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gold2558 · 5 years
Maryanne Williamson is a failed Hallmark channel movie hopeful from her ridiculous display at the democratic debate regarding her love comments. There is NO love in politics stupid. She loses before she starts
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phillipcole · 5 years
Conan part 2
Richter: Welcome back folks.  We are about to have the 20 joke challenge.  Conan and Phil will tell their jokes about the 20 Democratic candidates for President.  This meter will judge the audience response to each joke and determine the winner.  Please vote honestly.  We have limited time.  Ready gentlemen?
Both: Ready.
Richter: Go.
PBC: Mike Gravel is so old his social security number is one
O'Brien: Mike Gravel is changing the pronunciation of his name to gravel to show his support for infrastructure.
Richter: Conan wins.
PBC: When Bernie Sanders celebrated the 100th anniversary of Nikolai Lenin taking over Russia he said, “It seems like it was just yesterday.”
O'Brien: In an effort to win more votes in the south, Bernie Sanders is growing a goatee and opening a chicken franchise.
Richter: Conan wins.
PBC: You have to forgive Joe Biden for groping women.  Remember when he was a boy men hit women on the head with a club and took them to their caves.
O'Brien: Biden first arrived in Washington before half the candidates were born, so he's taking paternity tests to prove he's not running against one of his children.
Richter: Phil wins. That makes it 2 to 1 Conan.
PBC: John Hickenlooper wants marijuana legal nationwide.  He's had that position since the drug was invented.
O'Brien: Hickenlooper's from Denver, where the air is so thin, airhead jokes are not necessary.  They describe the whole population.
Richter: Phil wins. It's close but Phil wins that one: 2-2.
PBC: Jay Inslee of Washington state is telling stories about how his uncle founded Washington state as a sanctuary for refugees from Washington, D.C.
O'Brien: Jay Inslee is using his name creatively.  Elect Jay an' see.
Richter: Phil wins again, leads 3-2.
PBC: Elizabeth Warren should know whether her family was in the Trail of Tears or not. When she was in school  it was still being taught as current events.
O'Brien: Elizabeth Warren is calling herself Liz so people will stop confusing her with the Queen of England.  
Richter: Since no one laughed at either of them, we'll call it a tie.
PBC: Eric Swalwell is so young he doesn't know if he's a girl or a boy.
O'Brien: Eric Swalwell's campaign slogan should be All's well with Swalwell.
Richter: Conan wins. Conan, did you pay the third row to laugh at everything you say? I'll be watching that from now on.  Tied now 3-3.
PBC: Tulsi Gabbard's biggest problem is convincing people that's not her porn name.
O'Brien: Unlike President Obama, Tulsi Gabbard will not have birth certificate issues.  She was born in Michigan.
Richter: Phil wins that one by a landslide.  Phil leads again 4-3.
PBC: Andrew Yang is running into so many problems it looks like he'll be the Yang of President Trump's Yin.
O'Brien: Andrew Yang has changed jobs so many times he's running for President for career stability.
Richter: Looks like Phil won that one too, almost a shutout.
PBC: Julian Castro is running for President because his father Raoul wouldn't let him take over Cuba.
O'Brien: Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro has trouble convincing people he was in charge of HUD, not the 80s horror franchise CHUD.
Richter: It's close but O'Brien wins: 5-4 Phil.
PBC: Beto O'Rourke can't wait to be President and become Veto O'Rourke.
O'Brien: Beto O'rourke ran against Ted Cruz and lost.  Ted Cruz ran against President Trump and lost.  So he can beat Trump if the election is replaced by a game of rock, paper, scissors.
Richter: Good going, Conan-biggest laugh yet, and educational too: 5-5.
PBC: John Delaney is running for President.  I just thought somebody should say that aloud.
O'Brien: Please elect John Delaney President.  Otherwise he may try to get my job.
Richter: Conan wins again, retakes the lead 6-5 with one tie.
PBC: Andrew Messam's name is pronounced mess um, a terrible name for a President, so he's thinking of changing it to Mee sam.  Then if he gets anywhere his children will be called son of Mee Sam
O'Brien: Messam is from south Florida.  Julian Castro is from south Texas.  Eric Swalwell is from southern California.  As some have said for years, the Democratic Party is going south.
Richter: Conan killed it that time:7-5.
PBC: Kirsten Gillibrand is pretty...good at presenting her ass...ets to the people and keeping a...breast of political developments.
O'Brien: Kirsten Gillibrand wants us to want her for her brain.
Richter: Phil won that one, 7-6.
PBC: Cory Booker saved someone from a fire when he was Mayor.
O'Brien: Cory Booker is trying to become the first unmarried President since James Buchanan.  Buchanan's term ended with the Civil War, so he's pretty sure he can be the best unmarried President ever.
Richter: Conan wins: 8-6.
PBC: BY the way, it's never married, not unmarried.  We elected some widowers.
Richter: Running out of time now.
PBC: Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio is hoping people will think he's Paul Ryan or Tim Kaine.
O'Brien: Congressman Tim Ryan has been elected to Congress 9 times, every 2 years, so he's running for President so he can skip a couple.
Richter: Some jokes just don't deserve to be made.  Anyway, Phil wins.  That makes it 8-7 Conan.  We’re down to one minute.
PBC: Kamala Harris has a parent from Jamaica and another from India.  So she knows how to live among tourists and beggars.  Like most Californians.
O'Brien: Even though Kamala Harris is 55 years old she still looks like a beauty pageant contestant.  So she's hoping to really confuse the President when they meet for a debate.
Richter: Conan wins that one: 9-7 now with one tie.  Running out of time: One more.
PBC: Maryanne Williamson is into positive thinking.  Can she make those people at the border think positive thoughts and go home?
O'Brien: Maryanne Williamson teaches positive thinking.  Most of these candidates must have taken her class.
Richter: Phil wins, but we’re out of time.  Conan wins the challenge 9-8 with one tie.
O’Brien: Join us again tomorrow night with Howie Mandel.
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                                MAY   2019
 ***** Illinois pot growers say that if more licenses aren’t issued to growers, there could be a shortage if recreational weed is legalized. Studies show that medical cannabis demand is under reported. ** Support Senate Bill 7 to legalize recreational marijuana. It is the early stages and has not yet been fleshed out but the bare bones of it passed the committee 12-4. Let’s go!
*****With the presentation of the Peabody award, Rita Moreno will become the third PEGOT winner on May 18. She will join Barbra Streisand and Mike Nichols on that list.
***** Harvard and Yale text book writing U.S. rep in California, Katie Porter is really shaking up the congressional hearings. Go Go Go!!
***** Could Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker have a way of keeping Trump off the ballot? Are the Dems getting as creative as the GOP?  Illinois is looking into forcing candidates to show the last 10 years of their tax returns or their name will not appear on the ballot.
***** Michael Shannon and Audra McDonald are the newest to play Frankie and Johnny on Broadway.
***** Watching the clueless old white politicians on the Sunday morning shows (yea, you John Barraso) makes me a little queasy. ** And I get so tired of the talking heads speaking for the ‘middle of the country’.  Most of the people I know care deeply about the Mueller report. Who the fuck are they talking about? Talk about special rules for our rich President as we remember Nixon and the Clintons. Why should Scary Clown 45 get such great treatment?  I am always hearing about the ‘middle of the country’ worrying about feeding our families and fixing our cars and not knowing or caring about issues in Washington. It is true that so many are living the paycheck to paycheck dream and are burdened with health care and other emergencies they can’t afford but they pay attention to the political problems of this country too. Since citizens don’t have the time or the power or money to be in Washington, they rely on those they voted for to keep each other in line.  Quit letting the shady shit go on. Have some backbone and do not let things slide. Simple rule: DO WHAT IS RIGHT.
***** Word is that Somebody paid off Brett Kavanaugh’s $92,000 country club fees, $200,000 credit card debt and 1.2 mil mortage. Seems like someone might own him.
***** Maria Butina was sentenced to 18 months.
***** The Man in the High Castle will end after season 4.
***** I love the way Abigail Disney is standing up to CEO’s.  The points she makes are ones that the corporation heads always hope you won’t think about. Shouldn’t employees be treated fairly? If a CEO is motivated by their own bonus they are far more likely to overlook things like environmental damage, human rights violations and worker’s rights. Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz agrees.
***** When will the press (local and worldwide), give equal exposure to ALL candidates that run for office, especially President? We want to be informed. I do research but not everybody does and needs it to be easily accessible. Sometimes you have to spoon feed but why is it so hard to be fair? Enough with the agendas!!! There also needs to be more places to look for local issues. I hear so many citizens that tell me they don’t know what will be on the ballot. The info can be hard to find but USA Facts helps. Check it out!
***** Four days after confirmation, secretary of interior, David Bernhardt is under investigation for ethical misconduct.
***** Rod Rosenstein is out! His good bye included praise for the Pres and thanking him for all the personal conversations!! What He is the Deputy AG. What??
***** Jordan Klepper did a great gag on comedy central with the Clintons about Hil doing the audio book of the Mueller report. Yes!!
***** The Trumps are suing Deutsche bank and Capital One so they won’t turn over financial records to congress. Aren’t these actions obstruction of congress?
***** Indivisible is getting voters and candidates to sign a pledge to make the primary constructive and support the ultimate democratic winner.
***** Thank you to Tricia Newbold who is the WH whistle blower who let us know about Trump overriding security clearances. Rumor is that to punish her they took advantage of her physical limitations and purposely put files high and out of her reach. Wow! That is right out of high school.
***** Julian Assange was taken into custody and it seems he has turned into some sort of odd Howard Hughes character.
***** Hollywood is putting on a fundraiser for Mayor Pete. The event will be co-hosted by Ryan Murphy and hubby David Miller, Matt Bomer, Jess Cagle and hubby Matt Whitney and Billy Eichner among others. Murphy also hosted Kamala Harris on April 12. Some of Pete’s major donors have been Ryan Reynolds, Jane Lynch, Mandy Moore, Bradley Whitford and James Murdoch.
***** The Webby awards have been announced. Some winners are Billy on the Street, James Corden, Schitt’s Creek, Pod Save the People and Jimmy Kimmel’s mean tweets. Best music video went to Donald Glover for This is America and The Daily won for its onald J. Trump presidential twitter library.
***** Better Call Saul will call it quits after season 6.
***** Charlize Theron and Seth Rogan star in Long Shot, a political rom com out May 3.
*****& Sara Gilbert joins season 3 of Atypical!!!!!
***** Mushroom season is here and it looks like our friend Kavin is sure bringing ‘em home.
***** The shower toga looks like a great get for the festival scene.
***** Barry has been picked up for season 3. Hell yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
***** The state of Georgia wants to make any embryo a fully legalized citizen. An embryo would count on taxes and be able to receive child support.
***** Please let the immigrant children out of their cages!
***** Stacey Abrams has a best seller, Lead from the Outside.
***** Did Harper Lee write ‘The Reverand?’ Oh how I wish I knew!!
***** When will the Bob Geldof story make it to the big screen and can Pete Davidson play him please??
***** Tuca and Bertie from Netflix looks awesome. It has to be good with stars Ali Wong and Tiffany Haddish!!
***** John Lithgow is about to release a book with his poetry about the President which will carry the title of his pet name (everybody seems to have one for Trump), Dumpty.
***** The Sultan of Brunei owns the Hotel Bel-Air in L.A. and the Beverly Hills Hotel. His country will now stone gay people to death. BOYCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***** Tim Ryan is running for President.
***** Seth Moulton is running for President.
***** Joe Biden is running for President.
***** What the hell is happening to Steak ‘n Shake??
***** What the hell is the matter with Senator Mike Lee? He makes a ridiculous presentation with a flying Reagan and all and now he says that babies may be the answer to climate change. He says we need to be free and develop. What is this gut talking about? Why are people like this getting into office?
***** There is a new podcast called Analysis of a killer.
***** Marianne Williamson is running for President.
***** Eric Swalwell is running for President.
***** The notion that Trumps twitter is like a national nanny cam makes perfect sense.
***** Can’t wait to read Seth Abramson’s, Proof of collusion.
***** The question isn’t really collusion. The redacted Mueller report is out and we now see why the team itself did not draw conclusions. All the evidence is there and a sitting President can’t be indicted…. Or can he? There are, however, multiple examples of corruption.  It didn’t cost as much as other independent counsel reports because of all the fines that were charged to Manafort and others pretty much paid for it. Mueller called and wrote to Attorney General Barr and told him he created confusion with his memo and that it didn’t really tell the story.
***** In about 12 years Mueller Probe will be a cool name for a band. –Sarah Silverman
***** Federal appellate judge Maryanne Trump Barry, sister of the President has officially retired at age 82. She was put on the U.S. court of appeals by Bill Clinton. And with that, so ends the investigation into her alleged violations of judicial conduct rules because of participation in fraudulent tax schemes with her siblings in the 90’s.
***** I loved the mash up of Trevor Noah taking over the chair and interviewing Colbert on the Late Show.
***** Oliver North and Wayne LaPierre have been fighting amongst themselves at the NRA. Blackmail? Was North trying to get LaPierre out? The board is standing by the VP while North seems aligned with a public relations firm that some board members disagree with. There are many financial questions as  well. Once again the NRA held its annual convention which does not allow guns. At the end of April North was forced out
***** The Universe is about a billion years younger than we thought according to astronomer Adam Riess. This is causing experts to look into rethinking dark energy and dark matter. Total mind blow!!!
***** People have taken to wearing Free Britney T’s. Her fans held a protest in L.A. to free her from the facility they believe she was forced into.
***** It seems fads lately are all about internet speak like. “felt cute ….” And etc. like that.
***** They are working on a Beauty and the Beast themed bar in Florida.
***** Seymour, Indiana recently uncovered pieces of a mastodon.
***** Mia Farrow has a cute little blue headed bird that visits here every morning. Is it Sinatra?
***** U go Grace Jones, showing us how to do it at 70!!!!!!
***** J Lo and Owen Wilson will star in Marry Me about a pop star who marries a random man in the crowd.
***** Magic Johnson resigned as President of the Lakers. The Owner and general manager were supposedly bad mouthing him.
***** The sweetest moment in the inductions on this year’s rock and roll hall of fame was the love shown for Rick Allen, the drummer for Def Leppard.
***** So twice as many companies don’t pay taxes now thanks to all the tax cuts. Some even get refunds. Scary Clown sure is making it work for the big guys!!
***** Former President of Peru, Alan Garcia shot himself before his arrest for corruption.
***** Wendy Williams and Howard Stern seem to be having a little war of words. She claims he has gone Hollywood and he called her a cunt. She has filed for divorce from this apparently nasty hubby of hers. I thought I heard her say just weeks ago that they were fine.
***** Joel McHale is in the new season of Santa Clarita Diet.
***** Has anybody checked out John Bouvier Kennedy Schlossberg  ( Wow! Talk about getting the whole treatment) lately ? John F’s only grandson, better known as Jack Schlossberg , has a bright future ahead.
***** Lori Lightfoot has been elected the first black, openly gay woman as Mayor of Chicago.
***** Dave Tilley beat out John McCarty, who passed away in February, to become Spring Bay, Il. Village President.
*****Britney Spears’ Father is in ill health and Britney checked into a facility.
***** Zachary Quinto stars in the new NOS4A2.
***** It’s funny to me that when a true crime story hour begins, you never hear that he (cuz 9 times out of 10 it is the male spouse who is the culprit), was an atheist or an agnostic. No, it is always that he or the family attended church regularly or that they were close to God. This is just a pattern I have observed, totally my own thoughts.  Sometimes it gets way outer limits with the Fathers who sort of run their own cult out of the house. Of course this is not a blanket statement for we see wonderful things being done in the name of the Lord.  It just seems like there is a fine line where religion can be used as a way to hold their power and hide secrets. JS
***** Herman Cain and or Stephen Moore on the Federal regulatory board?  Well, Herman Cain dropped out.
***** Andrew Yang is running for President. Join the Yang Gang!! He wants to free all prisoners with non -violent marijuana offenses, free healthcare for all and every adult gets $1000.00 a month.
***** The Criminal Minds cast is ending their run. I think they should get together one more time and do a sort of Agatha Christie whodunit.
***** Secretary of Homeland security, Kirstjen Nielsen is out.
***** Acting ICE director, Ron Vitiello is out.
***** Dislike the elite? Nobody is more elite that Trump. How do so many people not get that?
***** Every woman should be able to tell her truth and who knows what makes a person uncomfortable but I think Joe Biden is going thru some bullshit. I don’t agree with everything he has done thru the years but I trust Biden and think he would be a great President.  I do think, however that his moment has passed.
***** Check out the behind the scenes book of Washington, ‘The Hill to die on’ by Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer. More proof that Trump just looks at everything as just a big show with his quote,“ There are ratings for everything.”
***** The Profiles in Courage award this year goes to Nancy Pelosi.
***** I have seen the pharmaceutical reps while at some recent Dr.visits, buying elaborate catered affairs for the medical staff.  It is a weekly thing. They sure have some money to throw around. No wonder everybody is hooked on something.
***** Real National emergencies: The electoral college, the discrepancies between the rich and the poor which makes it impossible to achieve the American dream, climate change and healthcare.
***** The co- founder of Home Depot, Ken Langone has seen to it that medical school students at NYU are given free tuition always. YEOW!!
***** We should take a lesson from Sudan. They have ousted President Omar al-Bashir, the butcher of Dafur. The protests have led to his indictment for genocide and crimes against humanity.
***** We never stop learning: Archaeologists have discovered an extinct human species they have never known in the Phillipines that they are calling homo luzonensis.
***** Is Cody Fern teasing us on Instagram about season 9 of American Horror Story:1984?
***** Rumple Buttercup by Matthew Gray Gubler hit #1 on the NY Times bestseller list.
***** As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Tarantino’s Palme d’or win in Cannes, he is busy editing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It isn’t clear if he’ll get the film to this year’s event. Word is coming out that it is fantastic though.
***** I am a little bit sickened that the worst cooks show actually has Jimmie Walker and Tonya Harding on the same show.  Can’t the world find something better for a talent like Walker?? Come on!!
***** Is Stephen Miller and Fox news really running this country?
***** R.I.P. Mildred Mercy Tomes, Christine Marie Rinehart, Sen. Ernest Hollings, Dan Robbins, Shag Sheckler, Charles Van Doren, Georgia Engel, victims of the Sri Lanka shrine and hotel bombings, Lyra Mckee, David Brion Davis, MyLecia Naylor, Shelley Lazar, Mark Medoff, Warren Adler , Lori Kaye, John Singleton, victims of the University of North Carolina shooting and Ken Kercheval.
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