d4ggerfish · 10 months
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taudad · 1 year
Me showing my wife my color scheme ideas for my Commander’s Battlesuit (for context she just worked 3 twelve hour shifts):
Me: and I’ll paint the stripe on the legs white
Wife: oh cuz it’s their wedding day
Wife: making an honest commander outa them
Me: no
Wife: slutty slutty battlesuits
Me: please
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valkrose-art · 8 months
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“I am not a ‘who,’ Archivist, I am a ‘what.’ A ‘who’ requires a degree of identity I can’t ever retain.”
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weddedlobster · 6 months
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shapeshiftinggirl · 10 months
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Look at the happy karlach cat
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kissyourcomputer · 9 months
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A doodle of the girl <33
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I'm actually not over how the Bookshop and the Bentley are such parallels to one another!! From the "I've been here with you since the ground up and you are infused with my powers" to the "I lost you in a blaze and you were returned to me" to the "this is Ours."
But also don't think about how the Bentley and the Bookshop are also Crowley and Aziraphale. And how they have been with each other since the beginning. (The Starmaker and Aziraphale. Crowley and Aziraphale on the Wall.) And how they have both lost each other to fire. (When the Starmaker Fell. When the Bookshop burned down.) And how they both belong to each other.
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thehellcatcroons · 11 months
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My Dante shirt came in :)
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I know Van Helsing is Dutch, but I can't help but read his letter in a Borat voice. "I like you. I come help because when you sucked gangrene out from mah wound. Very nice!"
Dr. Abraham Van Helsing, medical doctor, philosophical doctor, doctor of literature, etc., etc.
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elliecupcakes · 1 year
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Ranni 🌕💙
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squishyfruitloop · 1 year
Buckle up, bitches. Because I'm about to tell you a story.
I've known I was queer since high school, but due to some DEEPLY INGRAINED homophobic opinions (🖕you, traditional Christianity) I refused to admit it until YEARS later. Like after uni later. The way it kind of came out to my mum and sister (the only ones in the family to know) wasn't the best way to tell them (bundled up in an argument and some revelations about some traumatic ass shit that happened--s****l a*****t). I had my first real girlfriend after that. Younger than me, but not by too much. Her mum and I worked at the video store together, and we'd hang out as a group and watch new films (mum was way older). Almost a year later, we broke up. Oh well...
As an adult, I've embraced who I am. I'm not out to my family because of the whole BURN IN HELL YOU SINNER bullshit that they practice (not you know "love your neighbor" and Jesus said "STAY IN YOUR FUCKING LANE"). My students take one look at me and go, yep. QUEER SCHOOL MUM! They know they're safe to talk to me. About 3.5 years ago... maybe a little longer... I started to realize I was also poly. Now, I'd met and become engaged to my husband at that point (three year anniversary yesterday, boy buddy--got married on the 13th). But that's how I felt. It took a while for me to tell him.
Since then, I've had a couple relationships. My now wife--yeah, my wife--is my other best friend. We met because of Tumblr. Because of one of my Young Bucks fan fics on my writing blog ("I sat bolt upright in bed and realized THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE A KID NAMED RJ"). We bonded over our love of wrestling and Fozzy and classic rock. We wrote a whole thing over Tumblr message that is basically the reason we're together (Jericho really IS the cupid of rock). She is EVERYTHING I could ever have asked for and more. Yeah, she's hot and sexy and fine AF. Yeah, she's funny and makes me laugh and reminds me that being my unique self is amazing. Yeah, she is an amazing mum in her own right and loves and cares for everyone around her. Yeah, she's like me and a little slutty (a lot slutty) for Daddy Jericho. But the best thing about being with my wife? The absolutely best thing?
Every single day, she makes me be a better version of myself. She shows me kindness and grace and respect and sacrifice. She sees me, hears me, tells me hard truths when I need to hear them. She allows me to be vulnerable and trusts me to be supportive of her vulnerability. She holds up a mirror that reflects who I WANT to be.
And that means being honest. It means facing my doubts and my jealousy and being able to recognize that yes, I have a mental health disorder that makes my emotions hard to regulate in personal relationships. But no, that isn't an excuse for not taking ownership of how my emotions affect my behaviors and then affect others.
She gives me courage. Courage to fly 3,000 miles to a country where I knew no one but her where I stayed for a week. She makes sacrifices for me and our relationship just as I do, too. She fights for us. WE fight for US. Our Family.
In short, my wife is my person. She is the place I feel safest letting down my walls and showing who I am. (Husband too, of course, but this ain't about you,boy buddy, so stop being so diva). @spaghetti-hoop, I love you with all my heart. Forever and ever. Amen.
P.S. Also, who gives a fuck if baldy saw the end of Schitt's Creek? He doesn't get to wear gorgeous headbands like Alexis and definitely wouldn't know how to respond to...
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8bitscarlet · 2 years
okay our family needs matching shirts and here’s the perfect design
this is 100% the most perfect family shirt ever, it really captures the shank atmosphere here 😂
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@therunawaykind @cookiesimpt @alexia-redacted @fruitytrashpanda19 @thought-of-you-and-me
(oh my god. there’s more animal shirts)
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buckyownsmylife · 2 years
Hello sweetheart, may I have a fathers best friend card?
I need to use my hipster santa cover somewhere 🤣
Of course, you may, my love! 😂
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spaghetti-hoop · 2 years
Five 8am Cornettos, a ride in a posh car and even more tea and muffins bring a perfect close to a wonderfully real week. A week of firsts, and not lasts.
The week Squishy really became My Squishy.
The week we danced in the kitchen, after we cried in the living room.
And the week she became addicted to Bake Off and mince pies and cream teas.
Safe travels, my baby girl.
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weddedlobster · 1 year
My wife hoarding the tiny Nespresso pods like a medieval dragon
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shapeshiftinggirl · 10 months
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Literally me since she got introduced to me-
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