#Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
joga-blog · 2 months
PCOD Profile Tests: Understanding Hormonal Imbalances and Health Implications
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal disorder affecting millions of women worldwide. One of the key diagnostic tools for identifying PCOS is the PCOD Profile Test. This test plays a crucial role in assessing various hormonal parameters and aiding in the accurate diagnosis and management of PCOS. In this article, we delve into the details of the PCOD Profile Test, its significance, and what to expect from the results.
What is PCOD Profile Test?
The PCOD Profile Test is a diagnostic test specifically designed to evaluate hormonal imbalances associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic Ovarian Disorder (PCOD). PCOS is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, elevated androgen levels, and polycystic ovaries. The PCOD Profile Test helps in identifying these hormonal irregularities and provides valuable insights for diagnosis and treatment planning.
Components of PCOD Profile Test:
1. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Levels:
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and FSH are hormones produced by the pituitary gland that play a crucial role in regulating the menstrual cycle and ovarian function. In PCOS, there is often an imbalance between LH and FSH levels, which can lead to irregular ovulation and fertility issues.
2. Testosterone Levels:
Testosterone is a male sex hormone, but it is also produced in smaller amounts in women. Elevated levels of testosterone are commonly associated with PCOS and can lead to symptoms such as hirsutism (excess hair growth), acne, and male-pattern baldness.
3. Estrogen Levels:
Estrogen is a primary female sex hormone responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system. Imbalances in estrogen levels can impact menstrual cycles and fertility.
4. Progesterone Levels:
Progesterone is another essential hormone involved in regulating the menstrual cycle and maintaining pregnancy. Low progesterone levels can indicate issues with ovulation and may contribute to infertility.
5. Prolactin Levels:
Prolactin is a hormone primarily associated with lactation. Elevated prolactin levels can disrupt the normal menstrual cycle and contribute to infertility.
6. Insulin Resistance:
Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance, a condition where the body's cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, is commonly associated with PCOS and can lead to weight gain and difficulty in managing blood sugar levels.
Significance of PCOD Profile Test:
The PCOD Profile Test provides valuable information for the accurate diagnosis of PCOS and helps in understanding the underlying hormonal imbalances contributing to the condition. Early detection and diagnosis of PCOS are crucial for timely intervention and management to prevent long-term complications such as infertility, diabetes, and heart disease.
Interpreting PCOD Profile Test Results:
Interpreting PCOD Profile Test results requires careful consideration of various hormonal parameters and their respective reference ranges. Abnormalities in hormone levels, such as elevated testosterone or insulin resistance, may indicate the presence of PCOS. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and interpretation of test results.
The PCOD Profile Test is a valuable diagnostic tool for evaluating hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS. By assessing key hormonal parameters such as LH, FSH, testosterone, and insulin resistance, this test aids in the accurate diagnosis and management of PCOS. Early detection and intervention are crucial for improving outcomes and reducing the risk of long-term complications associated with PCOS. If you suspect you may have PCOS or are experiencing symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, hirsutism, or difficulty conceiving, consult your healthcare provider for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
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Down Sendromlu İnsanlara Hormon Tedavisi
Down Sendromlu İnsanlara Hormon Tedavisi Down sendromu, trizomi 21 ya da mongolizm; genetik düzensizlik sonucu insanın 21. kromozom çiftinde fazladan bir kromozom daha bulunması durumudur.  Down Sendromlu İnsanlara Hormon Tedavisi 21. kromozomun trizomisinin neden olduğu sık görülen bir durum (800 canlı doğumda 1) olan Down sendromlu hastalar, erken başlangıçlı Alzheimer benzeri bir hastalığa…
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bolshefem · 8 months
Biology students, help me out.
I was reading this article about males on hormone therapy having cycles resembling menstrual ones, trying to see if I could critically evaluate the claims made, and I noticed something really confounding and potentially reaching unprecedented levels of academic dishonesty. The argument basically hinges on the idea that males on HRT have "estrogen dominant" hypothalamaic function, and thus their levels of luteinizing hormone and follicular stimulating hormone cycle* cycle accordingly.
"In short, the hypothalamus has two modes, T dominant and E dominant. If you’re running on estrogen, your genes tells the hypothalamus to cycle your hormone levels, regardless of if you actually have ovaries. The hypothalamus doesn’t know there’s nothing there to listen to those signals, it just knows how much estrogen it expects to be in the blood stream, and it responds accordingly with regulation of GnRH output."
Yet when I check the sources for this idea, they both seem to be studies performed *exclusively* on female mice. This seems almost like blatant lying, taking advantage of the inaccessibility of scientific literature and people's propensity to believe what they want to manipulate and obfuscate. Am I missing something, or did the author of this piece make a claim on how male endocrine systems respond to estrogen based on a study of female endocrine systems? I would love it if someone more educated on the topic could help me out here and give this article a read.
*this ignores the fact that virtually 100% of symptoms are thought to either be generated by drops in estrogen + progesterone or the uterus' production of prostaglandins. It's my understanding that LH and FSH do not cause symptoms, they regulate hormones that cause symptoms. In men, LH and FSH cause the testicles to produce testosterone in women, estrogen production in the ovaries. This is not at all convincing as a premise even were it true, it is absurd to me that that would cause menstrual/pre-menstrual symptoms in people with male reproductive systems.
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amischievouscat · 9 months
Trans People Are Valid - And Here's Proof (Not That We Needed It)
Hi! Whether you're just scrolling through your dash or happen to be someone who was sent this post by someone else, I invite you to take a seat. This post was written as a place for people to be directed if it is so needed; so that others don't have to use their time to write out 5+ replies in the comments of a post.
A while ago (back in April, in fact) I wrote a series of replies in the comments of a post talking about the Nebraska lawmaker protesting the passing of an anti-trans bill. You can find the post here if you'd like to read it and my replies. In doing this I realized that the person I was arguing with (no, it was not a debate. Debates are two-sided and in good faith) would not listen to my points no matter what I said or how many articles proving my point I sent.
So instead, I decided to make one post and be done with it! If you happen to see a transphobe in the comments of a post arguing against gender-affirming care, saying that they'd never respect a trans person, or anything else along those lines, you can link them to this post and move on, secure in the knowledge that this post contains a wealth of scientific studies and news articles. To view the post, expand it.
Note: AFAB stands for "assigned female at birth" and AMAB means "assigned male at birth".
Oh, if you were sent this and don't read it, you can be secure in the fact that you're arguing in bad faith, and always knew that. I implore you to at least read my post, as I have quotes from the articles I link.
Some Context
Many times, in my browsing of this and other websites, I have come to see a disappointing number of people who do not understand completely (or at all) what "Transgender Healthcare" entails or is in the first place. I am of the mindset that education is the best way to combat hate; and as such I will be explaining (with links to studies and further reading, of course) what the phrase "Transgender Healthcare" means. My own personal ability to speak on this subject comes from my biology courses.
What most people refer to as "Puberty Blockers" are actually a type of medication that prevents the release of a hormone in the body called "Gonadotropin (gonad-oh-trope-in) Releasing Hormone", or GnRH for short. This hormone is a releasing hormone, which means it tells other glands in the body (in this case, the Anterior Pituitary Gland, located at the base of the brain) to release hormones.
Normally, GnRH is released into the bloodstream at the onset of puberty. When the GnRH reaches the pituitary gland, it causes the pituitary to start to release two hormones: Luteinizing (lute-in-eye-zing) Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH).
LH has two effects:
In AFAB individuals it causes the onset of ovulation.
In AMAB individuals it causes the production and release of Testosterone.
While LH is being released, FSH is also released alongside it.
FSH's effects include:
In both AMAB and AFAB individuals, it stimulates the maturation of germ cells (cells that will eventually become either sperm or eggs, known colloquially as sex cells).
In AMAB individuals, it triggers spermatogenesis (production and maturation of sperm cells)
In AFAB individuals, it causes follicular cells to begin to mature. Think of follicular cells as the container that an egg is held in before it is released during ovulation.
The usage of PBs blocks all of this. Which means, in simple terms; it does exactly what it says it does. It doesn't "make people trans", it very rarely causes irreversible change. once you stop taking them GnRH is released as normal and all of the changes above will still take place. PBs simply delay puberty. You can read more here.
The Reason We Need Trans Healthcare
In my comments of the post that I linked at the top, I referred to a study (which you can find here) that aimed to "investigate changes in mental health over the first year of receiving gender-affirming care and whether initiation of puberty blockers (PBs) and gender-affirming hormones (GAHs) was associated with changes in depression, anxiety, and suicidality."
This study found that there was a whopping 60% decrease in the rates of depression and a 73% decrease in suicidality among youths aged 13-20 years old who took Puberty Blockers and/or Gender Affirming Hormones (commonly known as HRT — Hormone Replacement Therapy among the transgender community).
"After adjustment for temporal trends and potential confounders, we observed 60% lower odds of depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality among youths who had initiated PBs or GAHs compared with youths who had not."
This study also found that there was no correlation between the use of either Puberty Blockers or GAHs in youths and increased anxiety.
It's Not Unsafe Either
Another very common reason that I see people oppose GAH is that it is "unsafe", "experimental" or "off-label" (I.e. not approved as medical care). This statement is blatantly false, as many different organizations across the US identify it as life-saving. You can click on the names of the organizations within that link to view their statements on the matter.
Oh, and kids aren't getting double mastectomies. The isolated cases often brought up in arguments (of which I could only find a few) against transgender healthcare fail to mention that this goes directly against the Standards Of Care from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health itself. According to these guidelines (Chapter 5 - Assessment Of Adults, and Chapter 6 - Adolescents) before an adult is able to receive care, all of the following must be met:
The experience of gender incongruence is marked and sustained;
Fulfillment of diagnostic criteria is met;
Other possible causes of apparent gender incongruence prior to the initiation of gender-affirming treatments have been identified and excluded where applicable;
Any mental and/or physical health conditions that could negatively impact the outcome of gender-affirming medical treatments are assessed, with risks and benefits discussed, before a decision is made regarding treatment;
Capacity to consent for the specific physical treatment prior to the initiation of this treatment has been assessed;
Capacity of the gender diverse and transgender adult to understand the effect of gender-affirming treatment on reproduction and reproductive options with the individual have been discussed prior to the initiation of gender-affirming treatment;
The role of social transition together with the individual has been considered;
A single opinion for the initiation of this treatment from a professional who has competencies in the assessment of transgender and gender diverse people wishing gender-related medical and surgical treatment has been received;
A minimum of 6 months of hormone therapy as appropriate to the TGD person’s gender goals before the transgender person undergoes irreversible surgical intervention has been considered.
All of these criteria must be met before an adult receives any form of gender affirming care. In adolescents they must fit the above criteria AND:
The adolescent demonstrates the emotional and cognitive maturity required to provide informed consent/assent for the treatment;
The adolescent has reached Tanner stage 2 of puberty (the starting stages);
The adolescent had at least 12 months of gender-affirming hormone therapy or longer, if required, to achieve the desired surgical result for gender-affirming procedures, including breast augmentation, orchiectomy, vaginoplasty, hysterectomy, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, and facial surgery as part of gender-affirming treatment.
As demonstrated by these guidelines, a child must have at minimum one year of HRT before they are able to have any gender-affirming surgeries, on top of all of the other requirements regarding therapy and differential diagnosis.
Furthermore, many of the effects of HRT are reversible, as shown by the graph on the Trans Primary Care website. According to the graph, of 11 physical characteristics that are changed with taking Estrogen in transgender women, 4 are completely reversible, 1 is reversible/variable, 5 are variable, and only 1 is irreversible, that being breast growth.
The Bathroom Debate Is A Joke (And Trans People Are Suffering)
There's a common idea being spread primarily online that cisgender men will use trans women being allowed to use women's restrooms as a method to get into women's bathrooms to rape cisgender women. This rhetoric has bled into our lawmaking system, as shown by the Trans Legislation tracker, which records that of 568 anti-trans bills proposed in the United States this year alone, 83 of them have passed, while 360 are still active. That's a pass rate of 14.6%.
The data, however, does not and never has supported this idea. One study in Massachusetts found no correlation between allowing transgender people to use their preferred restroom and increased assaults.
There is, however, overwhelming evidence to the contrary. There are many articles about transgender people being harassed and even killed for entering the bathroom that is perceived as "incorrect" by onlookers. An example is this 12 year old trans girl (second article) who was forced to move after violent threats were made to her family for the second time in a row. Her mother, Brandy Rose, stating that while going to school in Texas after she transitioned male students had forced her daughter, Maddie, into the boy's restroom and taunted her to commit suicide. After their move to Oklahoma, the young girl's school district was forced to shut down for 2 days following violent threats directed at the 12 year old over Facebook for using the girl's restroom at school.
Another example can be seen in this 29 year old homeless transgender woman, who was assaulted by a group of 3 men outside of a restroom in Puerto Rico. In a recording of the incident, the men verbally harassed her, driving off and later returning with what is presumed to be either a paintball gun or a silenced handgun, and firing at the woman repeatedly. The woman was found dead on the side of the road with multiple bullet wounds later that same night.
This study reports that:
"Seventy percent of survey respondents reported being denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms."
Another study found the following, out of 3,700 respondents:
"36% of transgender or gender-nonbinary students with restricted bathroom or locker room access reported being sexually assaulted in the last 12 months. Of all students surveyed, 1 out of every 4, or 25.9%, reported being a victim of sexual assault in the past year."
The argument that transgender people are a danger to cisgender people or that the "modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists" (quote here) is a complete fabrication. Isolated cases of transgender women being the perpetrators of violence does not mean that being transgender is the cause (correlation does not equal causation after all).
Transgender people are over 4 times more likely to be victims of violent crime than their cisgender counterparts. Another study reported that, of 7 transgender high school students interviewed, 2 of them had been set on fire and all of them had been victims of mass bullying and physical assault.
This marks the end of my post. Good job, you made it! Hopefully you've come out of this feeling more knowledgeable.
If you notice a broken link or have information that you would like me to add or change, you can send me a message/ask. My asks are also open for those with questions. Please note: if you are rude, arguing clearly in bad faith, or obviously did not read my post, I will delete your ask without responding. I don't have time for dealing with that. Revaluate yourself if you feel like being a jerk online is the best way to solve your problem.
Have a good day, and I hope you learned something.
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mcatmemoranda · 6 months
Testing should include human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In general, it is not necessary to measure luteinizing hormone (LH); an elevated LH-to-FSH ratio is not a criterion for the diagnosis of PCOS. 
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cecelovesrats · 1 year
i know /lh means light-hearted but whenever i see it i think "ah yes... luteinizing hormone"
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intimas-profundezas · 9 months
Unleash Your Inner Champion: Testogen Testosterone Booster - A Review
Testogen Testosterone Booster is a preferred supplement in the fitness market that declares to boost testosterone levels naturally. In this detailed testimonial, we will certainly dig deep right into the performance of Testogen and whether it meets its buzz. We will certainly analyze its ingredients, advantages, side effects, and also actual customer experiences to give you with an honest evaluation. So, allow's dive right in!
What is Testogen Testosterone Booster?
Testogen is a natural testosterone booster designed to assist males maximize their hormone levels and also profit associated with greater testosterone. With an one-of-a-kind mix of clinically confirmed components, Testogen aims to enhance muscle mass growth, improve strength and endurance, boost sex drive, enhance mood, increase power levels, as well as promote total wellness.
How Does Testogen Work?
Testogen functions by utilizing a mix of potent components that target numerous elements of testosterone production and also usage in the body. Allow's take a closer consider some key components:
1. D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid regulator that boosts the release of luteinizing hormonal agent (LH) in the body. LH plays a critical duty in indicating the testes to create more testosterone.
2. Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris is a conventional Ayurvedic natural herb known for its potential to improve libido and also enhance sexual efficiency. It may additionally sustain testosterone manufacturing by raising luteinizing hormone levels.
3. Fenugreek Extract
Fenugreek essence has been shown to boost free testosterone levels while lowering the conversion of testosterone right into estrogen. This can result in boosted muscle growth and boosted strength.
4. Zinc
Zinc is a necessary mineral associated with testosterone synthesis. It plays an essential duty in preserving optimum hormonal agent levels and also supporting total reproductive health.
5. Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 shortage has actually been linked to low testosterone levels. Testogen consists of an adequate dose of Vitamin D3 to guarantee optimum hormone production.
Testogen Benefits: What Can You Expect?
Testogen provides a series of benefits for males looking to enhance their testosterone levels and also boost their overall well-being. Here are a few of the crucial advantages you can expect:
Increased Muscle Growth: By enhancing testosterone levels, Testogen promotes muscle healthy protein synthesis, leading to improved muscular tissue growth and also stamina gains.
Enhanced Stamina: Testogen's energy-boosting properties can assist combat neurosis and boost endurance during exercises, enabling longer and also much more intense training sessions.
Improved Sex drive and also Sexual Performance: Several users report an increase in libido and also enhanced sex-related performance after incorporating Testogen right into their daily routine.
Elevated State of mind and Psychological Clearness: Testosterone plays a vital role in regulating state of mind and also cognitive feature. Testogen may help improve emphasis, focus, and also total mental health.
Increased Power Levels: Low testosterone levels usually cause persistent tiredness and lack of power. Testogen's formula is created to offer a natural power boost, aiding you stay active throughout the day.
Enhanced Healing: Testogen's active ingredients may aid in faster post-workout recovery by lowering muscular tissue pain as well as promoting tissue repair.
Real Customer Experiences with Testogen
To obtain a much better understanding of the effectiveness of Testogen, we scoured the web genuine customer experiences. Right here are some reviews from people who have actually included Testogen into their fitness trip:
John - "I've been utilizing Testogen for 3 months currently, and also the outcomes are incredible! I have actually seen considerable renovations in my stamina, muscle size, as well as energy levels."
Sarah - "As a lady, I was originally unconvinced about trying a testosterone booster, but after checking out positive reviews, I made a decision to offer Testogen a shot. It has actually considerably enhanced my general exercise efficiency as well as assisted me achieve my physical fitness objectives much faster."
Mike - "I've fought with low testosterone levels for many years, and also Testogen has been a game-changer for me. Not only do I feel more energetic, but my mood and also sex drive have likewise significantly boosted."
It's essential to keep in mind that individual outcomes may vary, and it's constantly suggested to talk to a medical care specialist before beginning any kind of brand-new supplement regimen.
FAQs regarding Testogen Testosterone Booster
Is Testogen secure to use?
Yes, Testogen is created utilizing natural ingredients and also is considered secure for the majority of people. However, it's constantly suggested to seek advice from a medical care professional before starting any brand-new supplement.
How long does it take to see results with Testogen?
Results may vary depending on private variables such as age, way of living, and general health and wellness. Some individuals report discovering renovations within the first couple of weeks, while others might take longer to experience considerable changes.
Can women make use of Testogen?
While Testogen is largely marketed towards men, some ladies have actually reported positive impacts from making use of the supplement. Nonetheless, it is very important for women to be aware of prospective hormone imbalances as well as talk to a health care professional prior to starting any type of testosterone-boosting supplement.
Are there any type of side effects associated with Testogen?
Testogen is usually well-tolerated, however some individuals might experience mild adverse effects such as raised acne or changes in state of mind. If you experience any unfavorable responses, it's a good idea to discontinue usage and consult with a medical care professional.
Can Testogen be piled with other supplements?
Testogen can be safely piled with other supplements that enhance its advantages. Nonetheless, it's essential to carefully check out item tags as well as consult with a health care professional prior to combining multiple supplements.
Where can I buy Testogen?
Testogen is readily available for acquisition straight from the main internet site to make certain credibility and quality. Prevent buying from unauthorized sources to stop counterfeit products.
After a complete evaluation of Testogen Testosterone Booster, it's clear that this supplement has the possible to support testosterone optimization and also offer a variety of advantages for males looking for to improve their total health. With its scientifically backed ingredients and favorable customer experiences, Testogen is certainly worth taking into consideration if you're aiming to naturally enhance your testosterone levels. Nevertheless, it's essential to remember that specific outcomes might differ, as well as it's always suggested to seek advice from a health care professional prior to beginning any type of new supplement program. So why wait? Offer Testogen a try and unleash your true potential!
You can find out more: Testogen benefits
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severefacealpaca · 9 months
15 Hilarious Videos About Testogen Review
Are you dealing with reduced testosterone levels? Do you want to normally boost your testosterone manufacturing without resorting to unsafe steroids or synthetic hormones? Look no more than Testogen, the advanced testosterone booster that has actually been medically verified to safely increase testosterone levels in men. In this short article, we will check out the scientific research behind Testogen and exactly how it can assist you attain ideal testosterone levels for enhanced energy, muscle mass, sex drive, and also overall health.
What is Testogen?
Testogen is a natural dietary supplement developed with an effective mix of components particularly picked to enhance the body's very own testosterone production. Unlike artificial steroids or hormone replacement treatment, Testogen deals with your body's natural processes to stimulate the manufacturing of testosterone, leading to various health and wellness benefits.
The Importance of Testosterone
Testosterone is a crucial hormonal agent that plays a crucial function in different bodily functions. It is in charge of controling muscular tissue mass, bone density, fat distribution, red cell production, sex drive, and also state of mind. However, as guys age, their testosterone levels naturally decline, causing a series of undesirable signs and symptoms such as exhaustion, reduced muscular tissue mass, lowered libido, as well as also clinical depression.
How Does Testogen Work?
Testogen includes an unique combination of natural ingredients that work synergistically to boost the body's very own testosterone production. Let's take a closer consider a few of these vital active ingredients and their mechanisms of action:
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D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that plays an important role in the regulation of testosterone synthesis. Research studies have actually shown that supplements with D-Aspartic Acid can substantially boost testosterone levels in men. By promoting the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, D-Aspartic Acid promotes the production of more testosterone in the testes.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris is a powerful natural herb that has actually been used for centuries in conventional medication to improve male vigor and potency. It consists of active compounds called saponins, which have actually been shown to promote the production of testosterone by enhancing the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body. In Addition, Tribulus Terrestris can boost sex drive, muscle strength, as well as general athletic performance.
Fenugreek Extract
Fenugreek Remove is a powerful herb that has actually been made use of for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to boost testosterone levels naturally. It has substances called furostanolic saponins, which have been revealed to boost cost-free testosterone levels by preventing the action of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), a healthy protein that binds to testosterone as well as makes it non-active. By decreasing SHBG levels, fenugreek remove allows extra testosterone to continue to be readily available for use by the body.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is an important nutrient that plays a crucial role in many physical features, consisting of testosterone production. Researches have actually shown that guys with enough vitamin D levels often tend to have higher testosterone levels compared to those with vitamin D deficiency. Testogen consists of an ideal dosage of vitamin D3 to ensure sufficient testosterone synthesis.
Zinc is a vital mineral that is involved in over 300 chemical responses in the body, consisting of testosterone synthesis. Study has actually shown that zinc supplements can enhance testosterone levels in both sedentary people and also athletes. Testogen offers a generous amount of zinc to support ideal testosterone production.
The Advantages of Testogen
By normally increasing your testosterone levels, Testogen provides a vast array of advantages that can substantially enhance your general health as well as quality of life:
Increased Power Levels: Testosterone is known for its role in enhancing power and also decreasing exhaustion. With higher testosterone levels, you'll experience boosted vitality and also boosted stamina to tackle your daily jobs with ease.
Enhanced Muscle mass Mass and also Strength: Testogen promotes protein synthesis, which is important for muscle mass development and also fixing. By increasing testosterone levels, Testogen aids you build lean muscle mass, enhance strength, and also accomplish an extra sculpted physique.
Improved Libido and also Sexual Performance: Reduced testosterone levels typically bring about a reduction in sex drive and sexual efficiency. By improving testosterone production, Testogen can reignite your sex drive, improve erections, and also boost total sexual satisfaction.
Increased Mental Quality: Testosterone not just impacts physical characteristics but likewise plays an important function in cognitive function. With enhanced testosterone levels, you'll experience enhanced focus, psychological clarity, and also enhanced memory.
Mood Enhancement: Low testosterone levels are typically connected with state of mind swings, impatience, as well as even depression. By restoring hormone equilibrium, Testogen can aid support your mood and advertise a feeling of wellness.
Reduced Body Fat: Testosterone plays a vital function in managing fat metabolic process. With raised testosterone levels from Testogen, you may experience a decrease in body fat percentage as well as an increase in lean muscle mass.
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If you're seeking to normally boost your testosterone levels and also enjoy the many benefits related to ideal testosterone production, Testogen is the response. With its scientifically tried and tested mix of all-natural components, Testogen can securely improve your energy levels, muscle mass, sex drive, and also overall health. Bid Check out here farewell to the symptoms of low testosterone and also hello to a rejuvenated as well as confident version of on your own. Attempt Testogen today and also embark on a trip towards a much healthier and also extra meeting life.
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ohchr-news · 10 months
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What Is Precocious Puberty & How Can Hormones Help?
Puberty that happens too early is called “precocious puberty”. This means a child's physical signs of sexual maturity develop too soon, sometimes as early as 8-9 years old. This includes breast growth, pubic hair, and voice changes. These are known as secondary sexual characteristics. Sometimes, this is the result of CAH (Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia) a common form of Intersex. Precocious puberty happens before age 8 in girls, and before age 9 in boys. Most children with the disorder grow fast at first. But they also stop growing before reaching their full genetic height potential.
Gonadotropin-stimulating hormone (GnRH) is made by the hypothalamus in the brain. It causes the pituitary gland to release gonadotropins. These then cause sex hormones to be made by the ovaries in girls, or the testes in boys. The GnRH blood test may show the type of precocious puberty. Luteinizing hormone (LH), Follicle stimulation hormone (FSH), A form of estrogen called estradiol, Testosterone, Thyroid hormones.
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lemmming · 1 year
Huge fan of the concept of tone indicators despite not using them, however due to growing up without them and having shit idiot brain disease the following are forever marred:
/pos - this either means Piece Of Shit or Point of Sale depending on how deep into capitalist retail I am.
/hj - I can't even remember what this one means bc my brain shouts "HANDJOB" every time. Half jester???
/lh - light hearted I think??? Unfortunately due to aforementioned shit idiot brain disease my brain tries to come up with something new each time. Luteinizing hormone anyone???
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homeo-care-clinic · 10 months
How Does Homeopathy Helps in PCOD/PCOS ?
PCOD (Polycystic ovarian disease) or PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that affects approximately10- 15% of all women, which are very commonly found in day-to-day practice and increasing nowadays. It interferes with their fertility during the reproductive years. There are multiple (‘poly’) cysts (small sacs filled with fluid) in the ovaries, on either side or both sides.
PCOD is caused by hormonal imbalance i.e. altered hormones.
1) Raised level of Testosterone:
A higher level of male hormone (Androgen Hormone). Normally androgen hormone is present in small amounts, but if the level increases then it leads to restricting the ovaries from releasing an egg (ovulation) during each menstrual cycle.
2) A higher level of LH Hormone: –
A higher level of Luteinizing Hormone disturbs the ovulation during the menstrual cycle.
3) Raised level of Prolactin:-
Prolactin levels of between 30 ng/mL and 200 ng/mL are considered moderately high. This level of prolactin in the blood can have many causes. Conditions related to raised levels of prolactin include pituitary disorders.
4) A higher level of Insulin: –
The excess level of insulin affects the ovaries by increasing androgen hormone thus affecting ovulation.
SymptomsOther signs includeIrregular menses or No mensesHair fallExcess hair on face, Chest, Stomach.DepressionHair ThinningAnxietyWeight GainDifficulty in getting pregnantAcneMood swings
Homeopathy works on regulating hormonal imbalance, regularizing ovulation as well as maintaining a normal menstrual cycle. Homeopathy helps to treat other signs and symptoms also.
Homeopathy treatment varies from patient to patient. Homeopathic treatment is based on the extent of the problem, physiological and mental health of the patient. Homeopathic treatment is a holistic treatment. Dr. Vaseem Choudhary studies both the mental and physical condition of patients before giving any medicine. In PCOS there is careful observation of symptoms and regular follow up.
Dr. Vaseem Choudhary has been treating PCOS with homeopathy treatment for many years. Dr. Vaseem Choudhary is a well-known homeopathy doctor in Pune. His treatment is safe and doesn’t have any adverse effects on the patient. Homeopathy treatment for PCOS varies from patient to patient. Patients with PCOD may experience some complications like Difficulty in getting pregnant (Infertility) and another bleeding from the uterus can be successfully treated with Homeopathy.
A complete approach at Homeo Care Clinic is harmless. So, it’s very easy to completely get rid of the side effects of conventional medication, as homeopathy treats the root cause and thereby regulate hormonal imbalance and treats PCOS.
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aurawomen · 10 months
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What is Ovulation and the symptoms of it?
Ovulation is a natural process in a woman's menstrual cycle when an egg is released from the ovary and is made available for fertilization by sperm. It usually occurs midway through the menstrual cycle, which is typically around day 14 for a woman with a 28-day cycle (though it can vary depending on individual cycles).
During ovulation, a matured egg is released from one of the ovaries and travels down the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized by sperm if sexual intercourse takes place. If the egg is not fertilized, it disintegrates, and the menstrual cycle continues as the uterus sheds its lining, leading to menstruation.
Symptoms of Ovulation:
Changes in cervical mucus: As ovulation approaches, the cervical mucus becomes thinner, clearer, and more slippery. This promotes sperm motility and facilitates their journey to the egg.
Ovulation pain (Mittelschmerz): Some women experience mild abdominal pain or cramping on one side during ovulation. This pain is called Mittelschmerz and can last for a few minutes to a few hours.
Basal body temperature (BBT) rise: After ovulation, a woman's basal body temperature increases slightly due to the hormone progesterone. Charting BBT can help track ovulation.
Breast tenderness: Some women may experience breast tenderness or sensitivity during ovulation due to hormonal changes.
Increased libido: Some women report an increase in sexual desire around the time of ovulation, which may be linked to hormonal fluctuations.
Abdominal bloating: Some women may feel bloated or experience mild abdominal discomfort during ovulation.
Positive ovulation predictor kit (OPK) result: Ovulation predictor kits detect luteinizing hormone (LH) surges, which typically occur 24-36 hours before ovulation. A positive OPK indicates that ovulation is likely to occur soon.
It is important to note that not all women experience obvious symptoms of ovulation, and some may have subtle or no noticeable signs at all. Additionally, if you are trying to conceive or avoid pregnancy, tracking your menstrual cycle and observing these ovulation symptoms can be helpful in identifying your fertile window. If you have concerns about your menstrual cycle or fertility, it is best to consult with a Gynaec. Read: Ovulation Symptoms: Recognizing the Signs
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manjirinadkarni · 1 year
The 4 phases of our menstrual cycle
🩸 Menstruation (Days 1-5) - the phase where we bleed; this is when the uterus sheds its lining due to drop in hormone levels, resulting in bleeding for 3-5 days.
🌱 Follicular phase (Days 6-14)- This is when the body prepares for ovulation by producing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates the growth of a follicle in the ovary. As the follicle grows, it produces estrogen, which thickens the uterine lining. Ovulation typically occurs around Day 14.
🐣 Ovulation (Day 14)- This is when the mature follicle releases an egg into the fallopian tube. The surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) triggers ovulation. This phase is usually the most fertile time of the menstrual cycle.
😴 Luteal phase (Days 15-28) - This is when the ruptured follicle becomes the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone to thicken the uterine lining and prepare it for possible implantation of a fertilized egg. If the egg is not fertilized, hormone levels drop, and the uterine lining sheds during the next menstrual phase.
I believe it’s so important we know our menstrual cycle phases and get in tune with our own bodies.
This way we can identify what’s normal for us and what is not.
With this post, I want to give you a little general idea of the four phases so we can discuss all about normal menstruation and menstrual disorders in the next posts.
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Demystifying Female Infertility: Exploring 5 Potential Causes
Female infertility is a complex condition that affects a significant number of women around the world. The inability to conceive can be emotionally challenging and often prompts a search for answers. While infertility can have various underlying causes, this article aims to shed light on five potential factors that may contribute to female infertility. By understanding these causes, individuals and healthcare professionals can work together to explore appropriate interventions and treatment options.
Hormonal Imbalances: One of the common causes of female infertility is hormonal imbalances. Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) play vital roles in regulating the menstrual cycle and promoting ovulation. Any disruption in the delicate balance of these hormones can lead to irregular or absent ovulation, making it difficult for women to conceive.
Structural Abnormalities: Structural abnormalities within the reproductive system can also contribute to female infertility. Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or blocked fallopian tubes can hinder the fertilization process or implantation of a fertilized egg. These conditions may require medical intervention or surgical procedures to restore fertility.
Age-related Factors: Advancing age is a significant factor that impacts female fertility. As women age, the quantity and quality of their eggs decline. The chances of chromosomal abnormalities and miscarriages increase, making it more challenging to conceive naturally. It is important for women to be aware of their reproductive timeline and seek assistance from healthcare professionals if they face difficulties in conceiving as they get older.
Lifestyle Factors: Certain lifestyle factors can contribute to female infertility. Obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, drug abuse, and high levels of stress can all have adverse effects on reproductive health. These factors can disrupt hormonal balance, interfere with ovulation, and affect the overall fertility of women. Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques can positively impact fertility.
Medical Conditions and Treatments: Certain medical conditions and treatments can also cause infertility in females. Conditions such as thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and cancer can affect fertility. Additionally, treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy can damage the reproductive organs and impair fertility. It is crucial for women with these conditions to consult with their healthcare providers to explore fertility preservation options before undergoing such treatments.
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Conclusion: Understanding the potential causes of female infertility is crucial for women and healthcare professionals alike. By identifying these factors, individuals can take proactive steps to address and manage their reproductive health. It is important to remember that each case of infertility is unique, and a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional is essential to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan. With advancements in medical science and fertility treatments, many individuals can still achieve their dream of starting a family despite facing infertility challenges.
Looking for a Free IVF Consultation with an IVF Specialist? Contact Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour.
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kramlabs · 2 years
“Moreover, abnormal levels of melatonin in the blood are associated with several disorders of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonads axis activity, i.e., precocious or delayed pubertas, hypogonadotrophic or hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism or amenorrhoea. Melatonin binding sites have been demonstrated in the central nervous system (mainly in the pars dystalis of the pituitary and hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus) as well as in the reproductive organs, e.g., human granulosa cells, prostate and spermatozoa. Melatonin can, therefore, influence the gonadal function indirectly--via its effect on gonadotropin-releasing hormone and/or gonadotropins secretion”
…dont supplement melatonin for sleep and def dont give it to pre-puberty kids
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mcatmemoranda · 10 months
Low testosterone
FSH and LH tell the testes and ovaries to make sex hormones and gametes. So if you're making a lot of FSH and LH, it's because your brain is trying to tell your sex organs to make what they're supposed to make. If the testes aren't responding to LH, then the pituitary will make more LH, trying to get the testes to go. So if you have low testosterone and high LH, it's primary hypogonadism, meaning the testes are just not making the testosterone. If your testosterone is low and your LH is low, then it's secondary hypogonadism because your brain isn't making enough LH to stimulate the testes to make testosterone.
From UpToDate:
Definition – Hypogonadism in a male refers to a decrease in either or both of the two major functions of the testes: sperm production and testosterone production. These abnormalities may result from disease of the testes (primary hypogonadism) or disease of the pituitary or hypothalamus (secondary hypogonadism).
●Signs and symptoms
•Failure to undergo or complete puberty indicates deficient testosterone secretion.
•Symptoms that could indicate hypogonadism in a man are decreases in energy, libido, muscle mass, and body hair, as well as hot flashes, gynecomastia, and infertility.
●Candidates for testing – We suggest case detection by measuring serum testosterone when hypogonadism is suspected, such as in those with sexual symptoms, osteoporosis-associated fractures, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated weight loss, those taking sustained-release opioids or high-dose glucocorticoids for prolonged periods, and those who are incompletely virilized or have small testes on examination.
Men with acute or subacute illness should not be assessed for hypogonadism, as they will have a transient functional secondary hypogonadism.
•Serum total testosterone – To make the diagnosis of hypogonadism, we suggest measuring a morning serum total testosterone concentration between 8 and 10 AM on at least two days.
•Serum free testosterone – Measurement of the serum free testosterone concentration is worthwhile only when it is suspected that an abnormality in testosterone binding to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) coexists with hypogonadism. The two most common situations of abnormal testosterone binding are obesity, which decreases SHBG concentrations, and aging, which increases SHBG.
•LH and FSH – If the total testosterone is subnormal, it should be repeated between 8 and 10 AM, and serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating (FSH) concentrations should be measured to distinguish primary from secondary hypogonadism.
•Semen analysis – A semen analysis is also part of the evaluation of hypogonadism if the patient is pursuing fertility or has been diagnosed with infertility. If subnormal, a serum FSH concentration is measured to distinguish primary from secondary hypogonadism.
●Interpretation of results
•Primary hypogonadism – The patient has primary hypogonadism if the serum testosterone concentration and/or the sperm count are consistently below normal and the serum LH and/or FSH concentrations are above normal.
•Secondary hypogonadism – The patient has secondary hypogonadism if the serum testosterone concentration and/or the sperm count are consistently subnormal and the serum LH and/or FSH concentrations are normal or reduced.
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