#Lord Kaiaphas
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g4r-s4muelson · 3 years
Lord Kaiaphas
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Grand Belial's Key - Triumph of the Hordes
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metalshockfinland · 4 years
THOKKIAN VORTEX Unveil New Song “Winter Forest Cry”
THOKKIAN VORTEX Unveil New Song “Winter Forest Cry”
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Today Norwegian black metallers THOKKIAN VORTEX have released their new opus “Thy Throne is Mine” via Non Serviam Records. To celebrate the event the band fronted by Lord Kaiaphas, the former vocalist of Norwegian black metal act, ANCIENT, unveils the new single “Winter Forest Cry”.
“The new single, ‘Winter Forest Cry’ is a bit…
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visual-aggressor · 7 years
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ANCIENT (NOR) Lord Kaiaphas’ letter from 1997
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Interview mit Lord Kaiaphas (THOKKIAN VORTEX)
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Interview mit Lord Kaiaphas (THOKKIAN VORTEX)
Die Corona-Krise dauert noch an, auch in Israel. Daher haben wir uns Lord Kaiaphas, seines Zeichens Hauptfigur der Black Metal-Band THOKKIAN VORTEX geschnappt, um seine Sicht der Dinge kennenzulernen. 🎤  #BlackMetal #Interview #LordKaiaphas #NonServiamRecords #SaveOurScene #ThokkianVortex Read the full article
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johnerigo-blog · 4 years
THOKKIAN VORTEX – sign to Non Serviam Records #thokkianvortex
THOKKIAN VORTEX – sign to Non Serviam Records #thokkianvortex
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THOKKIAN VORTEX – sign to Non Serviam Records #thokkianvortex
Dutch extreme metal label Non Serviam Records proudly announces the signing of black metal outfit THOKKIAN VORTEX. The band is fronted by Lord Kaiaphas, the former vocalist of Norwegian black metal…
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imnews · 6 years
Thokkian Vortex Release New Video for "Huginn and Muninn in the Realms of Mist"
Thokkian Vortex Release New Video for "Huginn and Muninn in the Realms of Mist"
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Thokkian Vortex is a Black Metal band fronted by Lord Kaiaphas, the former vocalist for the Norwegian black metal band, Ancient (95-98). The band features guitarist Zed Destructive, bassist Sil, & drummer Uriel. This Friday the 13th we are proud to present Thokkian Vortex official video, “Huginn and Muninn in the Realms of Mist”. This is an epic track from the Thokkian Vortex album “Into the…
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version103 · 5 years
Latin Names - Male: C
CADMUS: Latin form of Greek Kadmos, meaning "the east." In mythology, this is the name of the brother of Europa. He is said to have founded the city of Thebes and introduced the alphabet to the Phoenicians. CÆCILIUS: Old Roman Latin family name derived from the byname Cæcus, meaning "blind." CÆCUS: Latin byname derived from the word cæcus, meaning "blind." CÆLESTINUS: Roman name derived from Latin Cælestis, meaning "heavenly." CÆLESTIS: Latin unisex name meaning "heavenly." In Roman mythology, this is an epithet belonging to the god Jupiter (Jupiter Cælestis) and the goddess Diana (Diana Cælestis). CÆLINUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Cælius, meaning "heaven." CÆLIUS: Old Roman family name, probably derived from Latin c�lum, meaning "heaven." CÆSAR: Ancient Roman Latin name meaning "severed." In the bible, this is the surname of Julius Caesar, which adopted by Octavius Augustus and his successors afterwards became a title, and was appointed by the Roman emperors as part of their title. CAIAPHAS: Latin form of Greek Kaiaphas, meaning "as comely." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a high priest of the Jews. CAIETANUS: Roman Latin name meaning "from Caieta (Gaeta, Italy)." According to Strabo, the place name Caieta was derived from the Greek word kaiétas, meaning "cave," and Virgil tells us that Caieta was the name of Aeneas' wet-nurse who was buried there. CAIUS: Variant spelling of Roman Latin Gaius, meaning "lord." CALIGULA: This is a pet name for the despotic Gaius Julius Cæsar Augustus Germanicus, third Roman Emperor, meaning "little boots." Roman historian Suetonius referred to him as a "monster." He was a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty (gens Julia and gens Claudia), all of whom were linked through marriage and adoption. It is interesting to note that the founder of the clan of Claudia, Appius Claudius Sabinus Inregillensis, was also "harsh by nature," according to Livy. CALIX: Short form of Latin Callixtus, meaning "most beautiful." CALLIAS: Latin form of Greek Kallias, meaning "beauty." CALLICRATES: Latin form of Greek Kallikrates, meaning "beauty-power." CALLISTRATE: Latin form of Greek Kallistrates, meaning "beauty-army." CALLISTRATUS: Latin form of Greek Kallistratos, meaning "beauty-army." CALLISTUS: Latin form of Greek Kallistos, meaning "most beautiful." CALLIXTUS: Variant spelling of Latin Callistus, meaning "most beautiful." CALOGERUS: Latin form of Greek Kalogeros, meaning "beautiful elder." CALVINUS: Latin form of the French surname Chauvin, from a diminutive of Norman calve ("bald"), hence "little bald one." CAMBYSES: Latin form of Greek Kambyses, probably meaning "handsome king." CAMILLUS: Roman family name, possibly meaning "attendant (for a temple)." CANICUS: Latinized form of Scottish Gaelic Cináed (English Kenneth), meaning "born of fire." CANUTUS: Latin form of Old Norse Knútr, meaning "knot." In use by the Norwegians and Swedish. CAPANEUS: Latin form of Greek Kapaneus, meaning "arrogant." In mythology, this is the name of one of the Seven Against Thebes. He is said to have had a body of immense size and strength, but he was notoriously arrogant and was eventually struck and killed by a thunderbolt sent by Zeus. His wife Evadne committed suicide by throwing herself on his funeral pyre. CARATACUS: Latin form of Welsh Caradog, meaning "dearly loved." CARMINE: Latin name meaning "song." CAROL: Short form of Latin Carolus, meaning "man." Compare with feminine Carol. In use by the Romanians. CAROLUS: Latin form of German Karl, meaning "man." CARPUS: Latin form of Greek Karpos, meaning "fruit." In mythology, this is the name of a son of the nymph Chloris and the god Zephyrus. In the bible, this is the name of a Christian at Troas mentioned in the second epistle of Timothy (2 Ti. 4:13). CASIMIRIA: Latin form of Polish Kazimierz, meaning "commands peace." CASSIAN: A derivative of Roman Latin Cassius, possibly meaning "empty, hollow." CASSIEL: Latinized form of Hebrew Kafziel, meaning "speedy one of God." In Jewish lore, Kafziel is the name of an archangel. Unlike most of the other angels, Kafziel is a watcher, rather than a doer. He is called the angel of solitude and tears, and presides over the deaths of kings. He is associated with the Seventh Heaven, the planet Saturn, and has even been worshiped by Satanists. CASSIUS: Roman family name, possibly derived from Latin cassus, meaning "empty, hollow." CASTOR: Latin form of Greek Kastor, meaning "beaver." In mythology, Castor and Pollux ("very sweet") are the twin sons of Jupiter and Leda and are known as the Dioskouroi ("boys of Zeus") and the Gemini twins. CATIGERNUS: Latinized form of Welsh Cattegirn, meaning "battle lord." CATO: Roman Latin name meaning "all-knowing, wise." CATOTIGERNOS: Latinized form of Welsh Cattegirn, meaning "battle lord." CATUTIGERNOS: Latinized form of Welsh Cattegirn, meaning "battle lord." CELER: Roman name meaning "swift." This is the name of the horse of the Roman Emperor Verus. It was fed on almonds and raisins, covered with royal purple, and stalled in the imperial palace. CELSUS: Roman Latin family name meaning "upright, stately." CEPHALUS: Latin form of Greek Kephalos, meaning "head." In mythology, this is the name of the faithful husband of Procris. CEPHAS: Latin form of Greek Kephas, meaning "rock, stone." In the New Testament bible, this is the surname given by Jesus to Simon son of Jona, to distinguish him from Simon Zelotes. CEPHEUS: Latin form of the Greek Kepheus, meaning "gardener." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Ethiopia, the husband of Cassiopeia. CERBERUS: Latin form of Greek Kerberos, meaning "demon of the pit." In mythology, this is the name of the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades. CEYX: Latin form of Greek Keyx, possibly meaning "kingfisher." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Thessaly, the son of Eosphoros. CHARON: Latin form of Greek Kharon, meaning "fierce brightness." In mythology, this is the name of the ferryman of Hades who ferries the dead across the river Acheron. CHIRON: Latin form of Greek Kheiron, meaning "surgeon." In mythology, this is the name of a wise centaur, the son of Cronus and the nymph Philyra. He fathered Ocyrhoe with the nymph Chariclo. He was said to be a great healer, oracle and astrologer. CHLOTHARIUS: Latin form of German Chlothar, meaning "loud warrior." CHRISTIANUS: Latin form of Greek Christianos, meaning "believer" or "follower of Christ." In the bible, this is the name first given to the worshippers of Jesus by the Gentiles, but from the second century onward accepted by them as a title of honor. CHRISTOPHORUS: Latin form of Greek Christophoros, meaning "Christ-bearer." CHRYSANTHUS: Latin form of Greek Chrysanthos, meaning "golden flower." CHRYSAOR: Latin form of Greek Khrysaor, meaning "golden sword." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Poseidon and the Gorgon Medusa. He is usually described as a giant, but sometimes as a winged boar, just as his twin brother Pegasus is described as a winged horse. CHRYSES: Latin form of Greek Khryses, meaning "golden." In mythology, this is the name of a priest of Apollo. CICERO: Roman Latin name derived from the word cicer, meaning "chickpea." CIMON: Latin form of Greek Kimon, possibly meaning "sleepy." CLARUS: Ancient Roman Latin cognomen, meaning "bright, clear." CLAUDIUS: Roman family name derived from Latin claudus, meaning "lame." CLEDAUCUS: Latin name of a legendary king of the Britons who was preceded by Eliud and succeeded by Clotenus. Meaning unknown. CLEISTHENES: Latin form of Greek Kleisthenes, meaning "glorious strength." CLEMENS: Late Latin name meaning "gentle and merciful." CLEMENT: Short form of Latin Clementius, meaning "gentle and merciful." meaning "gentle and merciful." In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Paul. CLEMENTINUS: Latin name meaning "of Clementius." CLEMENTIUS: Latin name meaning "gentle and merciful." CLEOPAS: Latin form of Greek Kleopas, meaning "glory of the father." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a disciple. CLEOPATROS: Latin form of Greek Kleopatros, meaning "glory of the father." CLEOPHAS: Latin form of Greek Kleophas, meaning "glory of the father." In the bible, this is the name of two disciples to whom the risen Jesus appeared at Emmaus. CLETES: Pet form of Latin Anacletus, meaning "called back; invoked." CLETIS: Variant spelling of Latin Cletus, meaning famous, renowned." CLETUS: Latin form of Greek Kleitos, meaning famous, renowned." CLIMACUS: Latin name derived from the Greek word klimax, meaning "ladder." CLITUS: Latin form of Greek Kleitos, meaning famous, renowned." CLOPAS: Latin form of Greek Klopas, probably meaning "my exchanges." In the bible, this is the name of the father of the apostle James the less. CLOPHAS: Contracted form of Latin Cleophas, meaning "glory of the father." CLOTENUS: Latin name of a legendary king of the Britons who was preceded by Cledaucus and succeeded by Gurgintius. Meaning unknown. COLUMBA: Latin name meaning "dove." COLUMBAN: Short form of Latin Columbanus, meaning "dove." COLUMBANUS: Elaborated form of Latin Columba, meaning "dove." COLUMBUS: Latin name meaning "dove." CONSTANS: Latin name meaning "steadfast." CONSTANT: From Latin Constans, meaning "steadfast." CONSTANTINE:  Medieval form of Roman Latin Constantinus, meaning "steadfast." Compare with another form of Constantine. CONSTANTINUS: Roman name derived from the Latin word constans, meaning "steadfast." CONSTANTIUS: A derivative of Latin Constans, meaning "steadfast." CONSUS: Roman name, probably of Etruscan or Sabine origin, meaning "to sow." In mythology, this is the name of a god of grains and subterranean silos. CORNELIUS: Latin name derived from the word cornu ("horn"), hence "of a horn." In the bible, this is the name of a Roman centurion who converted to Christianity. Compare with another form of Cornelius. CORNELL: Medieval form of Roman Latin Cornelius, meaning "of a horn." COSMO: Latin form of Greek Kosmos, meaning "order, beauty." CREON: Latin form of Greek Kreon, meaning "ruler." In mythology, this is the name of a king of Thebes, husband of Eurydice and father of Haemon. CRESCENTIUS: Latin name meaning "to spring up, grow, thrive." CRISPINUS: A derivative of Roman Latin Crispus, meaning "curly(-headed)." CRISPUS: Old Roman family name meaning "curly(-headed)." CRIUS: Latin form of Greek Krios, meaning "master, ruler." In mythology, this is the name of one of the Titans. CRONUS: Latin form of Greek Kronos, meaning "time." In mythology, this is the name of the Titan father of Zeus. CUPID: Short form of Latin Cupido, meaning "desire." In Roman mythology, this is the name of a god of love, the son of Venus. He is also known as Amor, "love." His Greek name is Eros, meaning "sexual love." CUPIDO: Latin name derived from the word cupido, meaning "desire." CYPRIAN: Short form of Latin Cyprianus, meaning "from Cyprus." CYPRIANUS: Latin name meaning "from Cyprus." CYRIACUS: Roman Latin form of Greek Kyriakos, meaning "of the lord." CYRILLUS: Latin form of Greek Kyrillos, meaning "lord." CYRUS: Latin form of Greek Kyros, meaning "like the sun." In the bible, this is the name of the king of Persia, Cyrus the Great, conqueror of Babylon, who freed the captive Jews.
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Grand Belial's Key - Goat of a Thousand Young
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sherifff · 10 years
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Fenriz (Darkthrone) & Lord Kaiaphas (ex-Ancient,Thokkian Vortex) 1996!
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Novum Vox Mortis  #2
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