#Long Way From Home
jakei95 · 1 year
Omega Strikers - Zentaro's Theme
Metal Remix by @nyxtheshield
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kurtoutdoorman · 6 months
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Take a look at that sunset.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 months
Most memorable scene from any fic of yours i've read! I'm blanking on the title of the fic right now, but in the TAG/TOS crossover you wrote there's this scene where TOS Gordon took TAG Scott clothes shopping and Scott bought a hoodie made of red-checked flannel cause Virge <333
And then there's also this little comment that Gordon makes, something to the effect of "Hmm, I didn't expect you to buy that, I thought I had you figured out but that color seems a little out of character." And he's right because that's not Scott's color, but it's perfectly in character because Scott misses his brother <333
I love that entire fic soooo much, but that scene really sticks with me <33
Long Way From Home, specifically chapter 10!
There were several different shades of blue, which he automatically headed for, before pausing.  At the bottom of the pile, in amongst a cluster of loudly patterned monstrosities better suited for Gordon’s tastes, was a flash of red.  Pulling it out to look at, he swallowed past a sudden lump in his throat. Red and black chequers greeted him as he shook it out.  It wasn’t an identical pattern to Virgil’s favourite flannel shirt, but it was close enough to have his fingers trembling as he held it up. The pile of blue, varying shades and patterns and his automatic go-to, was instantly forgotten.  He didn’t normally wear those colours, unless he was borrowing Virgil’s flannels for some reason, but here, in another universe, it felt a little bit like home. The lump in his throat felt tighter, and he was glad no-one expected him to say anything because right then he wasn’t sure he could.  Still, he gave himself a moment, because Other-Gordon was still talking, still distracting, and he refused to have another breakdown.  Especially over this. He didn’t even bother looking at the other patterns.  There was nothing else there, not even any of the blue ones, that could possibly change his mind. After half a minute or so, he turned around to face the other three men in the room, red and black chequered fabric in his hands. Other-Gordon’s eyes widened in surprise, and Scott felt a little smug that he wasn’t completely predictable.
“How’s your analysis coming along?” Scott asked, raising an eyebrow at him.  “I know you’ve been watching me.” “Well, it’s a lot harder when I’ve only got your body language to go on,” Other-Gordon admitted.  “Difference in fashion aside, your tastes are mostly similar, except for that hoodie.  Why red and black?” Scott shrugged, not quite willing to admit the truth on that one.  “Wanted to catch you out,” he grinned instead.  “It’s weird how easily you’re picking things up, even if it’s because you’re basing it on your actual brother.” “Scott goes for white or brown first if not blue,” Other-Gordon frowned.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him go for red, and definitely not over blue like that.  There were some very Scott-favoured blues in the pile.” Scott smirked.  “Maybe we’re not as similar as you thought.” “I’ll figure it out,” Other-Gordon promised, eyes narrowed in the same way Gordon did when he’d spotted a challenge.  Scott hoped he didn’t, but at the same time much preferred him focusing on that rather than everything they’d been discussing earlier that day on Tracy Island.
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gungieblog · 1 year
Long, Long Way from Home
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alpaca-dave · 9 months
Hope they can fly home, maybe share the commute with some Canada Geese?
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travelersrest · 1 year
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falkonryderz · 2 years
Copperhead - Long Way From Home
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chainsawtherayven · 3 days
I’ve been listening to The Lumineers pretty much on loop all week and oh my god I love them so much
Specifically this song
It makes me feel the way I feel when I’m reading a good book. Like it’s just slightly altering the way I see and interact with the world
Just the bit of whimsy I’ve been looking for to get through my work day
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mitjalovse · 3 months
Some musicians probably retired without telling us that. True, Fatboy Slim might be a bad case for this, because he returned as a recording entity. However, his comeback singles didn't result into another solo album, Palokaville remains his last. While I would prefer to see the next LP by him, one must take the following into account – his style remains heavily tied to a certain era and anything in the vein of his brand would've felt retro at this point. Palokaville already seemed like a retreat into his usual self with the songs he did afterwards pointing towards the possibility he considers Halfway Between The Gutter And The Stars as a noble experiment that failed. He became a musician everyone wishes to see live, but few of these want his next album.
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the-killerraven · 1 year
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musiconspotify · 1 year
JD Clayton
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Long Way From Home (2023) … evocative collection …
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fazcinatingblog · 2 years
I can't believe Alana King's parents fattened up all her scorchie buddies so that'd be fat and sluggish and stars could beat them in Moe
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kurtoutdoorman · 7 months
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I’m hiding in the hardwoods for a few days, I really hope it works out.
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tsarisfanfiction · 1 year
For the writers ask game: 1, 5? ✨
Hi! Thanks for the ask :D
What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I have vague recollections of being asked this a few years ago (maybe it was the same ask game coming back again), and my answer then was Black Widow - a Naruto fic based on Rin&Obito - because I thought it best showcased my tendency to play around within the canon narrative, but at the same time twisting things around so it's basically a canon compliant alternate universe - although technically it might not be AU at all.
The one downside with recommending that one now, I think, is that I write for several fandoms, and Black Widow was my last foray into writing for Naruto, and was also written several years after my previous fics for that fandom, so it's almost certainly my best work for that fandom purely because I was a better writer when I wrote that one. (That's not to say I've lost interest in the world of Naruto - I still have a few ideas knocking around including an Obito&Shisui one that I really love - my muses have just categorically refused to engage with writing anything for it for the last few years.)
More up to date with what I currently write, I would instead say that Dawn Rises From The East - a Michael Yew-centric Percy Jackson fic - might be a better introduction. It's a far more recent fic for the fandom my muses have been solidly engaged in for the past year, but it shares some broad strokes with Black Widow, if not in plot in how my mind worked to play within the letter of canon without actually following the heavily-implied spirit of it.
Both are oneshots, because I think that's a more realistic ask than to direct someone towards a longfic from the start, but for people who prefer wordcounts the other side of 100k, Tales From The Heart - a 260k+ Heart Pirates-centric One Piece short story collection - runs through all the genres I write and gives a much broader scope of what you're likely to find from how I handle fluff, whump, angst, found family, friendship, etc. The only genre that's almost entirely lacking from that series is romance - and I very rarely write that anyway, so I'd call that an accurate representation!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
You didn't specify a fic for this, so I suppose that leaves me to pick a fic as well, which is a bit of a choice when I've got *checks AO3* almost 350 of the things, but I'll go with a currently-backburnered project I am very fond of (and will continue to write one day!) - Long Way From Home - a Scott-centric Thunderbirds fic.
What surprised me the most about the differences between TOS and TAG's technology, and is it going to be relevant later on?
I had a lot of fun researching this fic. For the most part, for the TOS worldbuilding anything that I can't take straight from canon, I've extrapolated based on what technology existed in the 1960s, and tried to jazz it up appropriately as though I was someone from the 1960s trying to imagine the future. It gave me a great springboard to follow when I started reaching holes in the original worldbuilding which turned into glaring chasms when using a narrator from a very different futuristic imagination.
That being said, the thing that surprised me the most - despite the fact that, logically, it makes sense - was not a difference, but rather a similarity. Of course, TAG was very faithful to the broad strokes of at least most of the Thunderbirds' designs, with Three and Five being the ones with the biggest shifts (understandably so, given how much we expanded in spacecraft between 1965 and 2015), so there were always going to be more similarities than differences between the controls of the two Thunderbird Ones, but I hadn't expected that to expand further into aircraft controls in general. Poor Scott was originally doomed to a long haul of re-learning how to fly from scratch, before I discovered that jet plane controls have apparently barely changed in the last fifty years - this immediately changed a few things, which have even started to show themselves in the published chapters so far. Scott will regain his wings a lot faster than originally planned! As for where else that might take him in the story... well, readers will find out one day!
This got long, whoops. Thanks for the ask!
Questions for Fic Writers
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sbeveharmy · 2 years
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kristybluebird · 9 days
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Broke: Smash the world's shell.
Woke: Burn through the VHS tape; Escape the narrative!
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