#Liz Kotz
book51ut · 1 year
Review of The New Fuck You: Adventures in Lesbian Reading Edited by Eileen Myles & Liz Kotz
oh so good. this is a series of essays/prose/ and poetry compiled by Myles and Kotz, and wow oh wow. I love reading these collections because they introduce me to so many writers who i didn't know about but were making art that resonates so deeply with me. i highly recommend (though honestly I would read some of these alone because they're h o t in the gayest way.
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saintseiya-thoughts · 6 months
Bronze Saints positions if they were in a kpop group or something this came to me in a fever dream (reminder for non kpop stans, position go main > lead > sub)
Visual is like, the pretty one, and maknae is the youngest, it's not exactly a position I like Seiya being the youngest ‼️
Also I tried to go with the vibe, tbf I have no idea what I'm doing except having fun...I don't even know if it's an actual AU or anything. I say kpop but idol group is probably more accurate idk ??? Do other idols group have positions like this ?? There's this french group with big inspirations from kpop but isn't actually a kpop group who has positions like this so idk I guess it's something like this !!! 😭 this is just a silly post...
Seiya - Main vocalist, sub rapper, maknae
Shiryu - Main dancer, lead rapper, leader because let my have my leader Shiryu dreams
Hyôga - Lead dancer, lead rapper, maybe sub vocalist ?? Idk, but he gives an all rounder vibe kinda
Shun - Visual, lead vocalist, sub dancer
(Ikki would be a manager sorry, no way you'll see him dance and sing on scene he's not giving idol AT ALL)
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yama-bato · 3 years
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Walead Beshty
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donelektro · 4 years
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Earlier this year KOTZboy Marian Luft and me teamed up with James Orlando (art direction) to create a bunch of logos and graphical elements for underground y2k popstar LIZ’s new merch line ...
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snitnation · 3 years
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Image interpretation essay 800 words
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‘Dead SS prison guard floating in canal’—Lee Miller
image interpretation using chapter 3 in photography by Stephen Bull.
The photograph that I have chosen is  ‘Dead SS prison guard floating in canal’ from Lee Millers 1945 Dachau concentration camp collection. Lee Miller began as a New York model, before moving to Paris to become a photographer, taking great interest in the surrealist movement. At the emergence of World War II she was living in London and embarked on a new journey in photojournalism, becoming the official war photographer for Vogue. The photograph I have chosen captures an SS guard lying dead in a Dachau canal. I will be analysing this using Stephen Bull’s meaning of photographs using fixed meanings, which investigates how the interpretation of words and context can change the meaning of a photograph.
I will first analyse Lee Millers photograph by exploring how words can alter the meaning of the photograph. Liz Kotz argued ‘the fusion of words and photographic images is one of the basic elements of visual culture’ (Kotz 2006: 513). By this she meant that photographs are rarely seen without being paired with language in some form, ‘as caption, headline, surrounding text, intertitle, or spoken voiceover dialogue’ (Kotz 2006: 513). This can change and impact the way that we interpret a photographs meaning. Lee Miller’s photograph is accompanied by the title  ‘Dead SS prison guard floating in canal’. Roland Barthes in ‘rhetoric of the image’ suggests that when language coincides with the image it can work in two ways: anchorage and relay (Barthes 1977b: 37-41). Anchorage is when the text is the written equivalent of what happens in the image, telling the viewer exactly what they are looking at. Relay on the other hand is when the picture works in tandem with the text to create a new meaning that you would be unable to reach without both parts. I believe that Lee Millers title ‘‘Dead SS prison guard floating in canal’ is an anchorage; the language works as a narrative of what is happening within the image. Before seeing the title I reached many conclusions. For example, was this a staged shoot using a model with the intention of it looking like a dead body, possibly trying to replicate an event in history, or a real event that had naturally occurred? The title however suggests that it is the second, and provides great detail of exactly who it is and where they are, pulling us out of contemplation about whom this man was. Of course there are subtle clues within the photograph such as his large leather jacket, the uniform of SS guards, however without the title we could not deny or conform our thoughts.
A second thing to consider when exploring how meanings of photographs can change is context. Elizabeth Edwards and Allan Sekula investigated how the process of de-contextualisation happens when a photograph is taken:
When a camera lens is pointed at something and the shutter opens and closes, a fragment of the world and periods of time (usually lasting for a fraction of a second) are recorded onto a digital sensor of film. A view and a moment are therefore detached from their original context and displaced spatially and temporally. (Sekula 1982)
Therefore regardless of how the photographs view does not move, nor does the moment in the photograph, the meanings of the photograph can change around it, presenting what Sekula argues to be ‘the possibility of meaning’ (1982: 91). These meanings can be contingent on numerous things, such as words or the accompaniment of other images. In Lee Millers photograph, the title helps to provide context, telling us exactly who this man was and where he was laid dead. However, even with the title we still know little about what has truly happened, which is why studying the letter that partners the image is so important when trying to fully interpret it. It tells us the story of how the person, floating dead in the water came to be there. A dead SS guard, in a canal, in the newly liberated Dachau concentration camp. Not only this, it also shows us her intentions, saying ‘…I usually don’t take pictures of horrors. But don’t think that every town isn’t rich with them.’ (Lee Miller 1945). This extract really helps us to delve even deeper into the context behind the photo, by simply reading the text that accompanies it.
To conclude, words and context both play a role in changing the way that we may understand a photograph. Through interpreting Lee Miller’s image using these two factors I can see how important aspects such as language are. It has shown me that it isn’t solely about the click of a button and the closing and opening of a shutter, but the way they are presented by the photographer to the audience. The meanings of photographs are never fixed, nor is there ever simply one meaning, but a plethora of possibilities, dependent on different variables which all act hand in hand to determine the interpretation.
Bull, S (2009) ‘Photography’ Routledge, pp. 34-46
Barthes, R (1977b) ‘Rhetoric of the image’ London: Fontana
Kotz, L (2006) ‘reconsidering photography in contemporary art’ in Amelia Jones (ed.) ‘A companion to contemporary art since 1945’ Oxford: Blackwell
Sekula, A (1982)  ‘on the intervention of photographic meaning’ in Victor Burgin (ed.) ‘thinking photography’ London: Macmillan
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lit--bitch · 4 years
Current-Reads (06/04/2020 - 12/04/2020) 📖🌷
(Disclosure: I don’t know any of the authors (two of them are dead, sadly) nor the publishers from any of the books I’m recommending this week. Three cheers for impartiality, everyone.)
All the blossoms’s out and it’s raging blue skies at the moment. I’ve found some peace in it at times. I really can’t stop thinking about the sacrifices key workers are making, especially those in healthcare, and wishing I could do more. Keep loving the people around you, keep appreciating the springtime blossom, and I hope you’re all keeping safe and well. 
So, every Sunday I draw up a list of what I’ve been reading over the week and share them on here, in the hope that maybe some of the suggestions might pique your interest too. I know not everything will be everyone’s cup of tea, and if you think there’s something out there I should read, drop me a line and tell me about it. 
I generally gravitate towards a lot of emerging writers or contemporary literature from the 21st century. But as of late I’ve looked at some 19th and 20th century literature, which has been fun to read and write about. 
Anyhow, this week I’ve been reading Georges Bataille’s Story of the Eye, Cunt-Ups by Dodie Bellamy, E M Cioran’s The Trouble with Being Born, The New Fuck You: Adventures in Lesbian Reading edited by Eileen Myles & Liz Kotz, and Adam Phillip’s Attention Seeking. It’s been great. So below I’ve got a small-ish breakdown in terms of what they’re all about, what they do. Sometimes I add ‘RECOMMEND’ next to some of the titles, but that’s not to say I don’t recommend all of them, I just love some books more than others. C’est la vie. 
Okay so, first up: 
Georges Bataille, Story of the Eye (RECOMMEND): Bataille spent most of his life being rejected by various writers and thinkers, (the Surrealists, the Existentialists, etc.) He was considered far too extreme, far too transgressive. Look at him now. He’s a Penguin Modern Classic. I have no doubt if he were alive today, he’d hate this. Though I find the idea of the canon a tenuous subject, I don’t necessarily avoid all the books. For the most part I absolutely loved this. I had been meaning to buy it since my old tutor from RCA asked us in class if any of us had read Story of the Eye and when my friend Tom (The Death of a Clown, Tom) said he read it when he was a teenager, and told me what it was about properly, I picked it up as soon as I finished my MA. 
Story of the Eye is about a guy looking back on his life and recalling his sexual exploits as a teenager with a girl called Simone. The relationship from the off is just odd, and for that reason well-matched. They take pleasure from the same fetishes that they explore together. They share that weirdness in each other. Some of these perversions get really specific, and I mean really specific. Like in the first sexual encounter (which happens on the book’s second page, Bataille doesn’t fuck about at all, no pun intended), Simone sits butt-naked in a dish of milk and it gets the narrator really hot under his collar. It’s a piece of psychoanalytic eroticism, and it just gets weirder and weirder. I suppose it’s all tied up in misadventure and adventure, and Bataille’s own life, his psyche. If you buy a Penguin Modern Classic edition of this, you’ll get his notes on Story of the Eye (which btw was originally published under Bataille’s pseudonym, Lord Auch, you’ll see this), and an essay from Susan Sontag and Roland Barthes. I do think overall the ending is kind of abrupt... and it’s intentional but I wish Bataille had said more. Overall, I did love it for the beauty in Bataille’s choice of words to describe (what I deem to be) the surreality of sexual conquests and even the macabre at times.  
Dodie Bellamy, Cunt-Ups (RECOMMEND): Oh so wonderful. This book introduced me to the joys of the cut-up method and it is a sweaty, relentless fuck of a book. I salute Dodie Bellamy. It is exactly what Sophie Robinson says in the book’s foreword, ‘a kind of erotic Midas touch’. Everything this book touches is sex, queer, wet, shaky, writhing. It is absolutely exhausting. It consists of exchanges, voices, rooted in porn, rooted in love, the unachievable and the real in its gendered body. Won’t say anymore. You may have to look hard to find a copy available to buy in the UK, but when you do, just buy it. 
E. M Cioran, The Trouble with Being Born: This was the first time I bought Cioran. I was looking for new philosophy to read and came across this one line in an article, which quoted The Trouble with Being Born. 
It said:  ‘I have decided not to oppose anyone ever again, since I have noticed that I always end by resembling my latest enemy’. 
It has been true of me sometimes in my life, to have fallen prey to imitating the ones who hurt me. It just so happened I read this line at a particularly difficult time, where somebody had failed me. So I bought the book. Did I use this text as a coping mechanism? Maybe a bit. Apparently everything goes to shit when you’re born, not when you’re hurtling towards death. That’s Cioran’s two cents. I like this book when I feel like life is never going to be okay ever again. It indulges my mindset at that point, then it gets so depressing I wake up and never read Cioran again until someday something else makes me feel lifeless. In his inherent nihilism, Cioran revives my optimism, and lust for life. 
Ed. by Eileen Myles & Liz Kotz, The New Fuck You: Adventures in Lesbian Reading (RECOMMEND): Incidentally, at the same time I read that line about never opposing your enemy again from Cioran, I was at the time, ill at ease with men. So I went looking for Kathy Acker. Instead I found this, an anthology of 37 writers talking about everything. The book was published in the 90s, at this point ‘queer lit’ isn’t really a term being mobilised, and the work isn’t always for lesbians, or written by lesbians. Some stories do wane, not everything here is my cup of tea, but that’s what you find in anthologies, the diversity of voices. It’s also deeply rooted in the real. It doesn’t sugarcoat at all. There’s sex, cancer, drugs, alcoholism, cake, driving, seasons, pizza, stairs and diabetes. There’s everything. 
Ultimately, to be a woman is to be in pain all your life. It’s chronic.  This anthology soothes and chafes these difficult wounds. 
Adam Phillips, Attention Seeking: Food for thought in the psychology literature of Adam Phillips. I like his hypotheses, and I enjoy his explanations. His writing is engaging and playful. Attention Seeking is about why and what we choose to pay attention to, why we seek attention for ourselves in four essays. He begins saying everything in life depends on what we find interesting. When we’re interested, we pay attention. 
This is an argument for attention-seeking in each of its facets. There’s no conclusions or set answers. Our selectivity makes up the very basis for who we are. And to understand this book you need to pay attention to it, and if you don’t, you’re only proving Phillips right. Now isn’t that masterful? 
That’s all this week. Next Friday I’ll be reviewing Crispin Best’s Hello published very late last year. Hugs and snugs. Stay safe. 💕💁🏽
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hotelbones · 5 years
Deconstructing Scores
Flux Scores
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  Understanding Flux scores:
“They are people who are really trying to turn you on to the superlative activities you do everyday.” – Allison Knowles  https://vimeo.com/36770983
“What I want people to see is how really simply things can be done if you concentrate on that’s what what you’re doing.” – Allison Knowles
Event scores were the dominant Fluxus work, which particularly was distributed in Fluxus Boxes. One of the first of these boxes was George Brect’s Water Yam.
Dick Higgins called Fluxus scores “intermedia”, “a dialectic between media”. Intermedia is not media supported by other media, but rather media that is at the same time another media.
Dick Higgins also published scores called “Danger Music”. These scores imply both visual and audible elements. Some of them are dangerous and pretty much impossible, while some others are mundane.
“How an event score should be performed depends on its notation it uses and the degree of freedom that the score offers. While some scores are so free that one could think that a performer could do anything, this freedom often compels the performer to restrict and edit their work.” – Virginia Anderson
What details can be understood by analyzing all aspects of the score? Does the title give more context to the score than the text?
Some of these pieces attempt to transcend the objects into music and theater. As Allison Knowles does with her performances of her salad piece.
From Virginia Anderson’s analysis of scores, it seems that event scores aren’t meant for the performer to experience, but simply as an alternative to performance. I’ll look for alternative takes.
As I go deeper into learning about fluxus scores, it seems that while these may parallel games in a sense that there are instructions to follow, they are not actually games. These are in fact performances that have play-like elements. How am I making this distinction? With event scores it appears that none of them were meant to be performed by a person for the sake of performing them, but they were meant to be performed for others as music or theatre would. For this reason it isn’t exactly helpful to state that these are forms of games, but it may be valuable to view them through the lens of games instead.
This also may change with later scores.
George Brecht – “a deeply personal, infinitely complex and essentially mysterious, exploration of experience. No words can ever touch.” (Project in Multiple Dimensions)
An aesthetic form that Brecht theorized was that of the “Chance-Image”. Chance being based off the latin words taken from dice falling.
“The word ‘chance’ (with a Latin root relating to the falling of dice) can conveniently be taken to mean the cause, or systems of causes, responsible for a given effect is unknown or unlooked-for or, at least, that we are unable to completely specify it. Of course, in the real world, causes are also effects, and effects causes.” – Brecht Chance Imagery
An appeal of chance-imagery is to place the artist’s images to be equal with that of nature’s images as the mind is capable of infinite image formation. Thus making the artist’s work nothing special.
“Words only permit us to handle a unified reality by maneuvering arbitrarily excised chunks.” – Brecht Chance Imagery
“In the event, everyday actions are framed as minimalistic performances, or, occasionally, as imaginary and impossible experiments with everyday situations.”  - Hannah Higgins Fluxus Experience
Kotz and Ouzounian point out that part of the problem with Fluxus scores all being put into a single category is that their process becomes homogenized and Brecht’s work becomes known as performance.
In George Brecht’s notebooks he saw the idea of scores in other musical pieces and took note of them as study material: Anton Webern’s Symphony Op. 21 (1928), Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Klavierstücke XI (1956), an unnamed composition by Christian Wolff for prepared piano (probably Duo II for Pianists), and Music of Changes (1951). Brecht saw the number of pitches as “events” in these pieces. In some ways this could be similar to looking at event scores as games.
“My life is devoted to research into ‘the structure of experience’” – Notebook entry January 1959
George Brecht saw a really really scientific view of the world. Looking at everything from the causal and physics level.
George Brecht’s first exhibition “Towards Events” is weirdly reminiscent of my own semi-exhibition I had inside of the Statens Museum for Kunst. Objects were accompanied by instructions to be performed. There is probably some interesting things to be found by comparing my Irrational Games exhibit to this one.
“Brecht’s model of the Event was arguably an attempt to realize such an enlightenment by pointing to the chanced form as an arbitrary subdivision of the ‘unified whole’ of the universe. An arrangement of an object or objects is a ‘performance’ of this whole in that it frames moments or subdivisions within it, i.e. ‘[gives] order (physically or conceptually) to a part of the continuum with which [a person] interacts’.” – Ouzounian
“Some Event scores illustrate this concept quite explicitly. Three Aqueous Events, for example, lists three momentary states that an aqueous ‘object’ may occupy over time: ice, water, steam.6 A realization of this score entails performing (arranging, observing, ordering) these objects/states and, through this performance, revealing their condition as arbitrary points within a continuous field, and indeed their existence within a continuous state of flux between these points. In making this observation, the performer ideally realizes, and more precisely experiences, his or her own place within this continuum. Such an experience entails a kind of transcendence in which any stable sense of self is at least momentarily undermined through its connection to this larger system of flux” – Ouzounian
“In this way, an Event score not only structures occurrences, but also experiences, ones that are ultimately transformative in nature.” – Ouzounian
These event scores seems to have come from George Brecht’s interest in the systems of a score interacting with the systems of the world. Or maybe more specifically, he was interested in designing a score so that the systems of the two became indistinguishable.
Something else to consider when using Event Scores as precedents, is a lot of it was response to the forms of art in the 60’s. If I am creating something that is relevant to the field of games, ideas and theory should be translated. Again, the idea that just because Event Scores have game-like elements, doesn’t mean we should take them as games.
 What are the conditions that make an event possible? Events are produced in a chaos, in a chaotic multiplicity, but only under conditions that a sort of screen intervenes. --Gilles Deleuze, The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque
“Events are an extension of music” – Brecht interview by Irmeline Lebeer (1971)
“Arguing against the commonsense, mass-media idea of an event, Deleuze pinpoints two qualities which will be relevant in this context: "even a short or instantaneous event is something going on," "events always involve periods when nothing happens.” – Liz Kotz
 “The best Fluxus "composition" is a most non-personal, "ready-made" one like Brecht's "Exit"-it does not require any of us to perform it since it happens daily without any "special" performance of it. Thus our festivals will eliminate themselves (and our need to participate) when they become total readymades (like Brecht's exit)” – Maciunas in Fluxus etc./Addenda II
           Intervention I by Jennie Hahn and Cory Tamler
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Intervention III
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So looking at modern scores, how have they continued this practice, and why have they? These interventions above were created by Cory and Jennie to reframe humans and non-humans as characters and participants in a dialogue about the ecosystem.
Why scores though? It seems like these scores are more of a personal and accessible way for people to reframe their actions, body, and mind in relationship to the environment. In the same way that George Brecht’s Word Event triggers a multitude of thoughts related to the concept behind the word “exit”, In Kinship provokes thinking about communities, objects, and psychogeography. Also similar to something like Yoko Ono’s Watch Piece I these pieces ask the performer to do something that may be seemingly illogical, but upon performing reframes abstract concepts in a new way.
                      CAConrad – (SOMA)tic Poetry Exercise
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Something about CAConrad’s work really puts me off. I think part of it feels like there is an air of trying to make work similar to Fluxus and also trying to maintain the artistic elements of poetry. For example, listening to Phillip Glass on the floor, feels like a very artsy thing to do. Which sounds stupid, but idk it just seems like a bit much. However, in contrast to that feeling what I find interesting about CAConrad’s work is the communication of a personal narrative through the score. This score isn’t just for the reader to see the world in a new way, but to understand CAConrad in a new way. Thinking about the score in this way, listening to Phillip Glass may be artsy, but that is because CAConrad is artsy and they want you to understand how they felt at this point in time. In this way it is fairly reminiscent of Mattie Bryce’s EAT.
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indierockcafe · 7 years
(via New Indie Rock Songs from doubleVee, Innocent Persona, The Sleeping Tongues, Evan Mix, Jack Kotz, Layla Frankel, Liz and the Lovelies | Indie Rock Cafe – Best New Indie Rock Music, Songs, Bands)
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dawnajaynes32 · 6 years
Wedding Wednesday :: Winter Wedding Inspiration
Anli Wahl Floral Designs | Wesley Voster Photography
Anli Wahl Floral Designs | Wesley Voster Photography
Cottage Flowers | Liz Baker Photography
Orchid Dynasty | Pepper Nix Photography
Rachel A. Clingen Wedding and Event Design | Rowell Photography
Signature Flowers | Hunter Ryan Photography
Silk and Willow | Sarah Bradshaw
Sparks Florist | Courtney Wilson Photography
Tanarah Luxe Floral and Event Designs | Beaty Photography
Tinge Florals | Jill Thomas Photography
Zavion Kotze Events Company
Wedding Wednesday :: Winter Wedding Inspiration syndicated post
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Wedding Wednesday :: Winter Wedding Inspiration
Anli Wahl Floral Designs | Wesley Voster Photography
Anli Wahl Floral Designs | Wesley Voster Photography
Cottage Flowers | Liz Baker Photography
Orchid Dynasty | Pepper Nix Photography
Rachel A. Clingen Wedding and Event Design | Rowell Photography
Signature Flowers | Hunter Ryan Photography
Silk and Willow | Sarah Bradshaw
Sparks Florist | Courtney Wilson Photography
Tanarah Luxe Floral and Event Designs | Beaty Photography
Tinge Florals | Jill Thomas Photography
Zavion Kotze Events Company
via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8134970 http://ift.tt/2nfxmQb
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katiedodgshun81 · 7 years
Wedding Wednesday :: Winter Wedding Inspiration
Anli Wahl Floral Designs | Wesley Voster Photography
Anli Wahl Floral Designs | Wesley Voster Photography
Cottage Flowers | Liz Baker Photography
Orchid Dynasty | Pepper Nix Photography
Rachel A. Clingen Wedding and Event Design | Rowell Photography
Signature Flowers | Hunter Ryan Photography
Silk and Willow | Sarah Bradshaw
Sparks Florist | Courtney Wilson Photography
Tanarah Luxe Floral and Event Designs | Beaty Photography
Tinge Florals | Jill Thomas Photography
Zavion Kotze Events Company
from Florist News http://ift.tt/2nfxmQb
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super123hazelnut · 7 years
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Year 2011
1/7 email from STI, NYE cruisers
1/7 email to my condo president at assn stating the cleaning lady was outside my door too long.  She was filling the trash can w/bags outside my door.  I did not want anyone hanging outside my door for any extended period of time.
1/7  had to cancel membership to la sports club dc due to being stalked
1/7  cancel dc reception
1/10  deactived facebook acct kjkjewelry
1/17  asked singles travel to remove me from email community and guests going on cruise w/me  told community director that I have no interest in sailing with them in the future.
1/20 apt w/my mother’s psychiatrist with my mother & her doctor.
1/26 blank inquiry on my jewelry website
1/26  mother insisted I go to see a psychiatrist due to my breakup with my hubby.  I told her the problem was not him but between her & myself.  I set up an appt mother/daughter with someone I never met and turns out I ended up going on my own...had a few sessions in chevy chase but was being stalked by family & old friends through doctor In chevy chase...ended relationship with her....ended up traveling all the way down to Washington hospital center, dc and visited dr souza for almost a year...I liked her...of course I was still being stalked through her as well but it was nice to take a drive to dc and brought back memories of glen & I visiting the VA hospital nearby...
2/8  email from credit score adviser-spam
2/10 email from WJA self-defense class sent email to remove from list
2/10 don’t need membership so remove me from list
2/12 email spam from almighty bible for kids/warrenty ext spam email
2/13 spam printer ink for sale email
2/16 email to Alvin (mother & brother’s bookkeeper) mother promised to reimburse me for medical $1,000 each month
after all, I did not feel I need therapy...she insisted I go...screw her..let her pay for it.
2/16  the Lovett;s sold their home 4 echo ct Rockville md $735,000
2/18  angry email to liz stating that I know her, tracy, laurel, donna were the cause of most of my problems currently
2/18  email inquiry left blank to kjkjewelry
2/20 email inquiry left blank to kjkjewelry
2/21  email to older brother telling him that I am in some kind of bizzare fight with these women...didn’t start it..it’s been 3 years now & they have invaded my life...true as of 8/26/2017...goes on and on and on..pleading with my brother to help me....also sent much of my paper evidence thus far over to my younger brother’.s home...hundreds of pieces of paper I emailed to him of this abuse from their hatchet people.
2/23  $1,500 bill from my attorney in old town for cease and desist letters to tracy laurel & donna..left liz out so I could communicate through her.
3/23  email from la sports club
  email inquiry jewelry website asking for a custom made item...another inquiry asking for hours of my business
2/28  email la sports club
3/2  closed Wachovia cct due to harassment from tellers at drive up window...wrote manager a letter about stalking me in the vault too...
3/4  letter written from me to bank manager  closed safety deposit box
3/6  Newport news spam email
3/7 email exchange w/my attorney
3/8  sent out cease & desist letters
3/9  smokeless cigarettes-spam email
3/10 email exchange w/my attorney
3/11  email both brother’s..trying to get off facebook & if someone needs to contact me, email or call my cell phone..now I am afraid to be alone
3/18  long email inquiry jewelry trying to solicit my business for their website
3/19  email to my jewelry website blank inquiry
3/20 blank inquiry
3/21  norm contacted me to sell my home..
3/25  email from ellen reiken spam la sports club
3/27  email I senbt to liz asking her if she called my brother craig because I was upset by the harassment & stalking from her female friends
4/9  spam email from linda g-where have you been
4/11  printed out tracys google page
4/12  spam email from smokeless cigarette
4/26  stories on yahoo related to me..my life story made up by these women
4/29  spam email fam business cards
4/20 spam email from credit card advisor
5/1  spam email car warranty
5/4  email from tracy to me..not inbtending for me to see..stating that my email was intended for her and that she knew there would be some type of contact from me on my bday.  liz is now my conduit and that perhaps this is why liz did not recive a letter to cease & desist from karen
5/24  emailed mark Lovett to ask if he would take back the large painting I bought on impulse...I want my money back & peace in my life
6/8  NCO-1-240-210-7094  said they were a collection co capital one and that glen owed 1,000.  I told them he did not.  they would not give me an acct # or address.  they asked for glen’s social security number.  I was transferred to fraud dept and the woman on the phone wanted to tranbsfer me back to collections.  I told her that it was disgusting to target a mentally disabled person and the call was a scam
6/11  blank email inquiry spam from costa travel website
6/15  received tampered mail from post office return address me to my estranbged husband at our address in va...not my handwriting..tracy is sending more people on facebook to befriend me
6/18  removed myself from wild bird center email list...a place I purchased an item..starting to be harassed by email campaign
6/20  email from southgirl spam email
6/23  letter to tracys mother asking her to talk to her daughter to leave me alone
6/25  spam email, Bethany, liberty/awhich-game dog ret
6/26  la fitness email...membership privilages revoked..woman was stalking me at the club..confronted her 2wice about it.  they released my membership because she was a cop.
7/8  letter to my older brother & his wife, younger brother & his wife, my mother’s psychiatrist stating problems family me scapegoat..trying to snuff me out MONEY...LIMITING CONTACT W/DAD  long letter attached...sent copies to family members
7/14 internet hacking
7/23  letter to liz...leave me alone blog on internet sounds like it was written by tracy or laurel
7/29 email to younger brother...sent stacks of paper to him of the abuse I have been receiving
7/29  email to my younger brother explaining my personal situation..end of letter states clearly that I NEED SOME EMPATHY HERE..do not want to be a financial prisoner of he or my older brother
8/15  receipt for payment Smithsonian craft show app for my jewelry
8/16  receipt craft America palm beach
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spidey16 · 7 years
Spider-Man Reviews Teil 14
"48 Hours" Amazing Spider-Man Familiy 1 Autor: J.M. Dematteis Zeichner: Alex Cal Inhalt: Die Story beginnt direkt nach Onkel Bens Beisetzung. Peter gibt sich immer noch die Schuld an Bens Tod und beschließt das richtige zu tun. Als Held! Zuerst will er seine Netz Formel verbessern was zu einer Explosion führt und ihn am Boden festklebt. Tante May kommt rein und kann wenigstens darüber lachen. Als Tante May eingeschlafen ist geht Peter als Spidey raus und bleibt erst mal an der laterne hängen. Er hört wie zwei Jungs die Handtasche einer alten Lady klauen. Die Jungs bekommen Aber gleich ein schlechts Gewissen und haben Grosse Angst vor Spidey. Genau wie die Dame. Sie hetzt ihrern Hund auf Spidey. Zu allen Überfluss kommt auch noch die Polizei und will Peter verhafteten und seine Netzdüse Explodiert. Erschöpft fällt er ins Bett. In der Schule will Flash Peter wieder qäulen was von Liz aber verhindert wird. Sie drückt Peter ihr beileid aus. Zuhause angekommen merkt er das Tante May über Rechnungen grübelt. Dann geht er raus und rettet Leute aus einen brennden Gebäude und fühlt sich krank und kotz auf einen Polizistenm Wieder zuhause pflegt ihn May gesund Fazit: Nichts weltbewegendes aber ein schöner Querschnitt von Peters frühzeit als Spider-Man Bewertung: Story: 3 Zeichnung: 3 Bonus: + 1 für Spideyfails Gesamt: 7 Punkte Bodycount: -
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worldfoodbooks · 7 years
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OPEN TODAY 12-7 PM. BACK IN THE BOOKSHOP: "THE NEW FUCK YOU: ADVENTURES IN LESBIAN READING" edited by Eileen Myles and Liz Kotz (1995) Borrowing its name from the notorious ’60s Ed Sanders magazine, Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts, the editors have figured a way to rehone its countercultural and frictional stance with style and aplomb. A unique and provocative anthology of lesbian writing, guaranteed to soothe the soulful and savage the soulless. Contributors: Tanya Barfield, Dodie Bellamy, Adele Bertei, Lisa Beskin, Rebecca Brown, Kelly Cogswell, Dominique Dibbell, Shannon Ebner, Laura Flanders, Eliza Galaher, Marilyn Hacker, Holly Hughes, Lisa Kron, Joan Larkin, Myra Mniewski, Honor Moore, Cynthia Nelson, Madeline Olnek, Nancy Redwine, Julie Regan, Annie Reid, Danine Ricereto, Camille Roy, Sapphire Joan Schenkar, Kathy Lou Schultz, Lucy Sexton, Linda Smukler, Pamela Sneed, Christina Sunley, Carmelita Tropicana, Laurie Weeks, Debra Weinstein, Joe Westmoreland, Millie Wilson, Linda Yablonsky. Eileen Myles, named by BUST magazine “the rock star of modern poetry,” is the author of more than twenty books of poetry and prose, including Chelsea Girls, Cool for You, Sorry, Tree, and Not Me (Semiotext(e), 1991), and is the coeditor of The New Fuck You (Semiotext(e), 1995). Myles was head of the writing program at University of California, San Diego, from 2002 to 2007, and she has written extensively on art and writing and the cultural scene. Most recently, she received a fellowship from the Andy Warhol/Creative Capital Foundation. Liz Kotz teaches in the Art History Department at the University of California, Riverside. Available via our website and in the bookshop today. #worldfoodbooks #thenewfuckyou #semiotexte #eileenmyles #lizkotz #1995 (at WORLD FOOD BOOKS)
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Notes on reading:
Kotz, Liz. 2007. Words to be looked at : language in 1960s art. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This book is about historical uses of language in art. It is relevant to me and informing my own use of words in my practice.
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