#Like you LITERALLY cannot have a character like this and not dabble in a a literal child having police jurisdiction
miss-bvnny · 7 months
Okay fine. MY re-write for Kion.
The lion guard has not existed for several generations. There was never a replacement guard inaugurated after Scar killed his. And while Simba had many friends, he had no siblings. When Scar took the throne after murdering Mufasa, he forbade a guard from forming, fearing that all the younger and stronger lions would form a coup and overthrow him. When Simba returned, he didn't feel the need for one either. Sarafina and Sarabi explained the tragic fate of Scar's guard to him when he returned, and Simba didn't want more stress in the middle of his busy term rebuilding the pridelands. The guard as an idea died out, and perhaps it was for the best. The royal family had enough of a rule over the Pridelands, and did not need to micromanage every little detail to an almost fascist extent. Everyone was shocked but content to see the new King Simba ACTUALLY fully retire the idea.
...And it might've been best if it had stayed that way.
Kion never took anything seriously. He could always be found fooling around and shirking his responsibilities. Simba worried about himfor this. The cub was adopted after he'd been found alone in the grasslands, and having a hard time fitting in with the royal family. Simba was the king. Nala led the hunts. Kiara was to be Queen one day. So...what was Kion? The spare? Royal only by mere adoption? He didn't seem to have any sort of importance to his name like the rest of his family. As a child that had always seemed nice. He would tease his older sister for the responsibilities she would be burdened with. Ha! He had none of that! He was free to play and goof off with the other cubs his age as much as he pleased! Such wonderful golden days! Nothing but a life of Hakuna Matata as far as he could see!!
...The ignorant bliss only lasted until Kion realized what it REALLY meant.
He stumbled across the abandoned lair of the Lion Guard by chance one day while playing. These days, the pride occasionally used it for privacy when lionesses gave birth, but not for much else. When he asked his father what it was, Simba felt like explaining the Guard and its controversial level of control over the pridelands was a good idea. Kiara had learned the dangers and true story about it not so long ago, after her adventures with Scar's heir that fateful day. Kion deserved to know as well. Simba cautioned him that the guard was a gateway drug. An open door to a lust for power that would eat him alive, the same way it had eaten Scar alive. Even a royal lion was not meant to have that much power. Kion seemed to finally take this seriously, and vowed to never become like his great uncle. But....in a way, it was always out of his paws.
The truth is...Kion was almost always destined from the start to follow in Scar's footprints. Despite being adopted into Simba's family with no idea of his own parentage...the evil red lion haunted his family tree far closer than anyone else might've wagered.
Kion was in a hurry to get the Lion Guard out of his head and go back to his normal life. And yet...it didn't leave him alone as easily as he wished it would. He kept thinking about how the guard would give him a purpose. Something important to do in the family. It would be just like being a king, wouldn't it? Keeping everything in check, and ensuring no harm befell innocent pridelanders. A lot of Kion's best friends were prey animals! And he wanted to help his friends! Simba always acted so calm about it in front of mixed company, but Kion heard his father's whispering about the hyenas, when no one was around. There was still a hint of resentment and distrust for the creatures. So...someone had to do something to keep the scum out of their lands, right?
It was a game at first. Something for Kion and his little ''Guard'' playing pretend as they went all over the pridelands. Being heroes and helping where they felt their help was needed. In reality, they were a bit of a nuisance. But the children didn't quite see it that way. The guard interrupted hunts, important ceremonies held by other species, and nearly got other animals killed with their interference. In an attempt to catch the eye of the beautiful Tiifu, Kion thought to show off by trying to fight Janja, the direct descendant of Shenzi herself. Had it not been for Nala interfering, the entire ordeal might've ended much worse.
The king and queen had to do quite a lot of cleaning up to fix the mess Kion and his friends seemed to leave wherever they went. Kiara wet along with them, dutifully trying to prove herself a proper princess in the wake of Kion and his chaos.
They were children. Children playing with something bigger than they could comprehend. Kion saw it as his rightful place in the circle of life, and his infatuation with his ''destiny'' blinded him from the truth. There even came a time when Ono, Fuli, and Beshte grew tired of the game and no longer wanted to play. Their parents had explained the gravity of things to them, and they understood. Kion refused to give in. Surely this was HIS destiny. HIS calling. His so called ''friends'' didn't believe in him. They were just like everyone else! They thought he was a useless spare! Bunga was the only one who stood at Kion's side, but...arguably that was just because Bunga was the only one fool enough to go along with it. Kion broke down in a fit with no one but Bunga to talk some sense into him, and...''talking sense'' was simply not Bunga's strong suit. With what he perceived as his purpose on the line, Kion decided he would have to show them all that this was what he was meant for.
He was so consumed and inconsolable about the idea, that he failed to realize the very familiar path he was walking down. But how COULD he know? He was only a child, seeing things from a very one-sided perspective. A perspective that was bound to get him in bigger trouble with other pridelanders one day....
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 2 months
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Heyo! All the art on these readings is drawn by me. Take what you can from the reading and leave all that does not resonate behind but always be open to new perspectives.
The archetype reading was inspired by the deck I used today. The guide book uses examples from anime to fit the descriptions of the tarot cards. I thought that was really clever so I decided to build off that idea and tell you what archetype you are most drawn to wants to tell you. In short, this is really a message from a specific cards energy. I hope this helps anyone who might be struggling!
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Crystal: Tigers Eye
Character: Badtz-Maru
Archetype: The Empress
Astrology: Taurus ♉️, Libra ♎️, Pisces ♓️, Virgo ♍️
Dear pile 1, you are represented by the empress of this deck. The archetype you embody is someone who is luxurious, modest, kind and attentive. You care deeply for those you love and would do anything to assist them and make their life easier. You are a fantastic friend, partner and companion. You don’t necessarily have to be a woman to embody that energy. The message this part of you wants to tell you is that your kindness is being taken for granted. Your attentiveness is being discarded as if the love you gave isn’t worth anything. Your intuition is telling you to withdraw from the connection that is causing this. You maybe started this friendship or connection a while ago but you have started to notice this pattern from the other party in this relationship. They don’t return your love. They don’t say thank you when you go out of your way to be good to them. This doesn’t mean you should necessarily cut them off. Just don’t go out of your way anymore. They are undeserving if they cannot be grateful to you for all you do. I see if you did stop it would barely be noticed at first. However, the person will slowly realize how much you did to assist them. How much work you did was important and helped them get through the day easily. If they apologize and communicate they did wrong that won't necessarily be your queue to go back to scratching their back. You need to wait for them to lend their assistance to you. That will be your invitation to return to being kind. Until then use the extra time you have working on your passion projects and aiming for your dreams.
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Crystal: Flower Agate
Character: Keroppi
Archetype: The Devil
Astrology: Leo ♌️, Aquarius ♒️, Capricorn ♑️, Gemini ♊️
Hey pile 2! Your archetype is the devil. Don’t worry though, for this doesn’t make you evil or bad. All this communicates to me is you are an enjoyer of the darker parts of life. You enjoy what other people usually fear. This is definitely not something horrible you should shame yourself about. I see you probably enjoy altered states of reality or perhaps you are very free with your sexual expression. I see you like the taste of control, power and vengeance. Again not a bad thing in my mind. Humans have many states of being and no part of existence is incorrect. Your message from the devil archetype is not asking you to cold turkey your behavior. However, I think it is saying balance is super important when you dabble in darkness. You might be prone to addiction to literally anything you can get dopamine from. I am an addict as well. I know how hard restraint can be. Even doing this reading is giving me cravings to be honest so I know you deal with cravings constantly. Your cards are saying it doesn’t matter if you feed the addiction. You will always be starving for more. You will always be chasing something you can never achieve. Please take care of your body before the cravings lead to worse. When I was dealing with my addiction I ended up in the hospital multiple times. It would have killed me if I hadn’t stopped. It is okay to dabble in darkness but seriously I beg you, from the bottom of my heart please moderate. Moderation is key to keeping yourself safe. If you are meant to have the darkness, it will be in your grasp. If you are in need of a break. Trust the universe when it takes it away. You are not evil for needing. I want to reiterate that because I know how it feels to need something that hurts you.
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Crystal: Carnelian
Character: Tuxedo Sam
Archetype: Emperor
Astrology: Cancer ♋️, Aries ♈️, Sagittarius ♐️, Scorpio ♏️
Hey, pile 3! Your archetype is the emperor. You are a force to be reckoned with. A master of your craft and skilled beyond other people's wildest imaginations. You have a plan and have been putting so much energy into it. You know exactly what you want and exactly how to get it. Your cards are pretty straight forward just like you are. They are telling me that working hard is good! That your progress is fantastic and you have made it so far! However, the pace you are keeping at is almost unsustainable. You can’t juggle all of the tasks you are trying to keep under control. You cannot do it all by yourself. That isn’t logical! Humans are not solitary creatures. We need community and connection to continue on. Humans who have been left alone for too long go hecking crazy! You absolutely can handle all of it mentally. I am not saying you are incapable because you are SO CAPABLE. Rome was not built in a day. Masterpieces are not made out of minutes, they are made out of days or months or years. You are creating a masterpiece so allow yourself time to think about it. Allow yourself the space to brainstorm and be patient with your body and your creativity. Be gentle with yourself. You are only one person and the secret you are missing is that you are not alone. The silly little secret is that you don’t need to set a deadline for the greatness you are going to grow into. One of my favorite artists didn’t make it when he was 20. He grew into his greatness when he was 35. Does that make him any less of a great artist? Absolutely not!!! You are cool, awesome and wonderful! Why do you need to prove that when you already know it is true?
-ghost 🖤🩵
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hysteriamodes · 3 months
The thing with the Alice x Bumby ship and people who support it not only don't understand the ramifications of what Bumby did to Alice and that it's pretty obvious he was continuing with his obsession with Lizzie.
Alice looks very much like her older sister and shares personality traits with Lizzie. So Alice would have ended up the same as Lizzie, assaulted and murdered. Because in terms of the type of serial offender Bumby is, the likelihood of him repeating the same crime was extremely high.
But also they don't understand that Bumby was not only targeting Alice but children, something that you can see in actual, real-life serial offenders like the Golden State Killer, Ted Bundy, or even Richard Ramirez. These were sexual sadists, Bumby is also a sexual sadist. Not to mention, Bundy worked in a suicide prevention call center so I don't know how you cannot draw the comparison.
So, I have had the term "anti" thrown at me, and normally, genuinely, I'm of the mind "I don't like this ship, so I'm not going to read it" because policing people over fictional ships is a waste of time. And I'll be the first to admit I especially hate this ship because I HAD several Bumbys in my life. I was sexually abused as a little girl, so I especially hate this character. And we do have several CSA survivors in fandom, they have had the same feelings. If you're writing a ship that mirrors our trauma, yeah, it's gonna piss people off. But I'm not gonna be mad enough to throw out death threats.
And this is a big HOWEVER.
Largely, the biggest reason as to why I don't like it because anyone who dabbles in this ship cannot manage to keep it IC (in character). They fundamentally don't understand Alice's characterization:
1. Alice is an extremely guarded individual, literally anyone around her treats her like a burden, object, or belittle her sense of being.
2. It's highly unlikely Alice is going to romantically gush over someone, much less someone she put into a position of a mentor, so the swooning doesn't make any sense to me. If you're writing Alice in a romantic relationship, you have to keep in mind that it probably took a WHILE. When I write Alice in romantic relationships, it's a slow burn build up.
3. She likely is very reluctant to share the burden of her mental illness (unless slow burn, see above), so, again, Alice is not going to be the how to open up to people so easily.
4. Alice is extremely independent, most times. You can see she'd rather do it herself, without help unless it's a necessity, and she puts more trust in herself than in people. So, it wouldn't make sense for Alice to open up to Bumby, a doctor, outside of a patient.
And like. These shippers tend to "woobify" Bumby. He's not gonna be chivalrous.
1.He's a sociopath, so his empathy is non-existent. He didn't see Lizzie as a person, he saw her as an object he was entitled to.
2. He showed little regard to Mr. Liddell, his superior, someone he kept going to see, as his mentor. He exploited that dynamic only on the account of Lizzie.
3. The man has a superiority complex, so he won't see anyone as his equal. His ego was too big and he was so full of himself and he underestimated Alice (like everyone else) and doesn't care for her, at all.
So, every time I see this ship pop up, these characters are so woefully OOC (out of character) and that shows me you didn't understand the source material.
If you're into a dark ship, that's fine, but you're essentially re-writing characters so far from the original source material that they may as well be your own characters. You can find a dark ship with Alice, but pick someone better than Bumby. Like, guys, Bumby would have done the same thing he did to Lizzie to Alice and Alice found out at the last minute before he had the chance.
Just saying as an Alice RPer.
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youcanseethecosmos · 2 years
More Thoughts on my Dreamling Actors AU
Dream and his siblings are still called The Endless and they all go by their "stage" names. Does anyone know their last names? Nope. Do they even have last names? We'll never know! But damn are they good actors
Desire and Dream are their resident movie stars. Death and Delirium are more into musical theater but dabble in TV shows every now and then. Destruction solely does indie films and is a fantastic character actor. Destiny had retired from acting and is now a director/producer. Despair does voice acting.
When The Endless have a family dinner, it's the subject of entertainment news for weeks. Something always happens.
Their parents once met on a movie set — a noir film that included all the cliches.
Dream's first movie role got him nominated for an Oscar. This pisses off Desire who didn't get a nomination until their 5th movie.
Hob got into acting after he took a free acting masterclass from one of his colleagues at his university. He fell in love with it and decided to go "fuck it, ive got nothing left to lose!"
Hob's first movie with Dream was a period piece set in the 1300's. He was supposed to just be an extra but the director — who happened to be Destiny — liked him enough to give him a few scenes with Dream to see how it would work out. Hob shot up to stardom after that
Everyone always asks him what it's like to work with Dream so often. What he's like behind the scenes and if Dream gave him any advice because he's a new actor yada yada yada
His PR team always tells him to be polite and not say what he's thinking because they know he doesn't actually like Dream. Where he tells people it's an honor and a privilege to be acting alongside someone like him, he really wants to say that he wants to throw himself off a cliff whenever he's in the renowned actor's presence.
Hob thinks him selfish, arrogant, self-centered, and has a stick so far up his ass he wears it as a fucking hat.
But he can't say that or else he'll never work in this industry ever again.
Meanwhile Dream has grown fond of Hob Gadling. He always enjoys working with newer actors rather than seasoned veterans because they bring such fresh perspectives and a new way of going about different scenes.
But Dream is the most socially awkward man in existence when the cameras stop rolling.
When he wants to tell Hob that he did a good job, what comes out of his mouth is "I believe you could do better."
When he wants to say to Hob that their scene together showed really good chemistry, he ends up saying "Your collar was askew the whole time."
Literally he CANNOT for the life of him talk to Hob Gadling without sounding like an ABSOLUTE piece of shit. And it's FRUSTRATING because he WANTS to talk to Hob without giving him unwanted acting advice but he just blurts them out without thinking.
He just hopes Hob doesn't hate him for it
(spoiler alert: he does)
ayt i'll stop here first bc woo i have a lot of thoughts about it. might make other posts about this au soon bc its consumed my brain 24/7 xoxo
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sehunniepotwrites · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS. You and Johnny have been academic rivals since the day you first met. Top Two on the Dean’s List for your university’s English Department, it was hard to tell who claimed the number one spot on the list. You always butted heads, whether it was over who led the discussion in a course lecture, who got a higher grade on a paper, or who helped more customers at the bookshop you both worked at. When a bet to see who could sign up more customers for their shop’s loyalty program came to life, the both of you would stop at nothing to win this little game even if it meant getting closer to the other.
PAIRING. coworker!Johnny Suh x (f) reader GENRE. college!au, bookshop!au, enemies-to-lovers!au, academic rivals!au, suggestive, humor, fluff (?) WORD COUNT. 4.6k+ WARNINGS. characters are like cat-and-dog, make-out scene, profanity, name-calling (lmao), they bicker a lot
DISCLAIMER. This is work of fiction. I do not own the people/characters and concepts I have written about. You cannot translate or copy my work.
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There were many things you loved about your university. 
You loved how the campus was swarmed with trees, each building surrounded by a lush and vibrant green in the spring and summer months and warm brown shades during the cold of autumn and winter. You loved the sense of community your school upheld, always hosting events that were opened to anyone and everyone in the immediate area. The way it made you feel at home when you were miles away. The friends you made in your major and the small department you belonged to. 
You adored it all. 
The one thing you hated about your university though wasn’t a thing at all. It was a person who went by the name of John Jun Suh. People in the English department, whether it be faculty, staff, or fellow students called him by Johnny but you wouldn’t succumb to calling him by his preferred name. It made you seem closer to him than you really were and you despised that even being a possibility. You weren’t close. You were far from that. 
Johnny Suh was your rival in every sense of the word. The top two students in the entire department—he concentrated in Literal and Cultural Studies while you dabbled in Creative Writing—you never saw eye to eye. 
Even in a shared lecture hall, you and Johnny were miles apart, distance fueled by your competitive spirits and mutual distaste for the other. 
Miles apart and still butting heads as academic rivals were destined to do. The discussions in the courses you shared were led by your volleying, voices only increasing in volume as you challenged each other’s thoughts and cruxes. Fighting for the attention of the professors. Competing for the highest grade on the latest paper or the spot of tutor in the Writing Lab. 
And just how you had a certain way of doing things, Johnny did the same, using a completely different method. 
In other words, the two of you were complete opposites. 
While you preferred the lighter side of fiction, he longed for the darker bookish themes. The same went for your style of dress—your academia-themed wardrobe was filled with whites, off-whites, and the lighter colors of the spectrum whereas Johnny’s clothes consisted of darker statement pieces including black turtlenecks and dark brown slacks with matching coats. Dark shades and fits that only accentuated his devastatingly handsome figure. 
When you felt comfortable studying during the light of day, you always caught Johnny entering the library in the dark of night as you left for home. 
He was a bookish social butterfly, his wings fluttering about here and there around the English department building and in any club that sparked his interest, while you stayed in your tightly-knitted group of friends. 
Your friends never understood why you hated him. Yes, you were rivals when it came to grades and other educated-related things, but they truly believed you would get along if you really got to know him.
You hated him because it seemed as if he was blessed with everything in life—intelligence, a light and friendly attitude despite his dark attire, physical features that rivaled ones belonging to the gods. Thick hair that looked good in any color. Eyes that shined behind the glare of his rounded specks. Proportions that made both men and women alike swoon. A voice filled with a variety of colors. Johnny was almost perfect without even trying and you despised him for it. 
They were wrong about you and him. So completely wrong.
You knew it. You were almost certain Johnny knew it too.
There was no way you could get along with John Jun Suh. Never in your wildest dreams.
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You thought you would find solace working in the town center’s bookshop. Clearly, as Johnny stood before you, with his brand new name-tag pinned against the expanse of his chest, you thought wrong.
To make matters worse, you were the one assigned to train him, to show him the ropes. According to your boss, there was no one better to show the giant how everything works around the store. Your boss wasn’t wrong, you just hated the fact that you had to share one more thing with Johnny Suh. 
With and without your help, Johnny picked up quickly and worked his way up to one of the shop’s top sellers list. Once again, you two were tied for a title. Your boss, sensing your drive to compete, fueled the fire even more in the form of commissions. 
As one of the only bookstores in your college town, your place of employment was quite a popular place. People of all ages flocked to your store to find the book they were seeking and it was time to take advantage of it. In order to engage with customers, your boss launched a loyalty program in which people could earn points that led to discounts. An employee of the shop would earn a commission every time someone signed up for the program under their recommendation. The staff member who received the most commissions within three months after launch would get an extra bonus. It was a fantastic plan, one that was well-received by the staff and the public, especially by you and Johnny.
The two of you found it as another way to compete, especially when you were the highest performers in house. A bet resulted from this “friendly” competition, the loser having to do whatever the winner wanted of them. You remembered the day the bet was established, the rage festering inside you egging Johnny on.
“I’m going to get that bonus, Suh, just you wait,” you said, pushing yourself off the shelf you leaned on. “Just you fucking wait.”
Johnny’s face whipped straight to you with a smirk permanently etched on his full lips. With raised brows, he answered, “Oh, I think you’ve got it all wrong, sweetheart, because that money is mine.”
He tried to distract you with silly nicknames and it didn’t work. “Stubborn as ever, aren’t you?”
“I’d say the same about you,” Johnny lowered his lids, lashes brushing against the tops of his cheeks. He crossed his arms against his chest, muscles straining against his tight shirt’s form hugging fabric. You willed yourself to look away from the bulging muscles that caught everyone else’s attention.  “I’d suggest a bet but everyone knows I’ll win.”
“Oh, please. You’re too confident in yourself!”
“And you’re not?”
“I’ve been here longer and I have more customer service experience than you, John, so I clearly have the upper hand,” you argued as your feet led you to him. 
“And yet all the customers come to me when we’re servicing the same area, I wonder why that is,” Johnny shrugged, “Must be your resting bitch face scaring them away.”
You scoffed, “Is that supposed to be an insult? You need to try a little harder to actually hurt my feelings.”
“Believe me,” Johnny paused to say your name and you tightened your fists to fight the shiver his words caused, “I’m only just getting started.”
“Okay, if it’s a bet you want, fine. I’m in. Loser gets to grant the winner’s wish, no matter what it is.” You stuck your hand out and it lingered in the air for a second too long. 
When you tried to pull it away, Johnny’s hand reached out to join them together. You ignored the electricity that shocked your brain. The feeling of warmth his touch gave you. 
“Fine,” he agreed.
Neither you or Johnny announced what you wanted as punishments, saving the surprise for when the three months concluded. Despite that, you were not one who took losing well. So, you did whatever means necessary to win. Johnny did the very same.
Your coworkers gave up on winning that bonus because no one was as passionate as you both were, parading around the grounds while sabotaging each other. Johnny hid your online orders and you stole his customers. You had yelling matches in the stock rooms, ones others could hear if they passed by the back doors. They never stopped you–they knew better than that–instead, they just let it all unfold, wondering where your arguments would lead you next.
“Stop taking customers away from me!” you screeched at him one day when the shop was devoid of people. It was a slow day so far with no one else but Johnny and a few more coworkers to keep you company.  
You passed the point of annoyance and almost grabbed the closest hardcover within your reach. A good hit on the back of Johnny’s head would do your coworker some good. Johnny deserved it, especially when that specific guest signed up for the program right in front of you. You caught Johnny double checking the person’s entered information on his computer screen, reading everything back to him to check for accuracy. 
You couldn’t believe he ripped another one away from your fingertips. According to the data up till then, tallied on a whiteboard in the break room, Johnny was five commissions ahead of you. You were in the lead last week but he intercepted so many of your customers in the past two days, Johnny saw catching up as child’s play. That last customer made it six. 
Johnny simply rested his sharp chin, “You were taking too long so he came to me. Seemed like he was in a rush.”
“I was trying to find him the perfect copy,” you spat back. “A lot of the covers were damaged during shipping.”
“And some people don’t care about that stuff.” 
“Are you saying you don’t?” you asked.
“No, I do. But others, like that guy who just left, don’t.” 
“Whatever, fucker,” you turned away from him, logging back into your computer that kicked you off during your time away. 
“Such eloquent words coming out of that pretty mouth of yours,” Johnny laughed, satisfied with the irritation in your voice. Your mind fixated on the compliment and you did your absolute best to ignore minuscule, barely-there thump in your chest. “Wonder what other insults you can come up with. Maybe you’ll dive into some Shakespearean ones, those are always fun.” 
“Watch your back and your customers, Suh,” you threatened, fingertips pressing harshly against the keys. 
He heard the anger with every little click. “Sure, sweetheart.”
“Stop calling me that!”
“Just for that,” Johnny smirked, “I don’t think I will.”
But as the months passed, there were times when Johnny would get a little too close to you and his presence didn’t bother you as much as before. 
His voice wasn’t as irritating from near or far. Your eyes stopped twitching when Johnny would change his commission count on the communal white board. 
Sometimes, you would feel his large, warm hand on your back as he tried to get to his register. Other times, you felt his breath hitting your cheek while he leaned down to look at your computer. When you argued, you were suddenly hyper aware of how his body was less than an inch away from yours. How he, at times, would stare at your frowning lips for a beat too long. Or how his biting words turned a little kinder when you were having an off day. 
Those things shouldn’t have affected you in the way that they did, making your heart rumble in your chest like an earthquake shaking your entire world. But as much as you wanted to deny it,  Johnny tugged on your heart strings. Unknowingly, his actions made you revisit the chapter of your story that focused on love. Little by little, they added words to pages left untouched for many years, bringing the paper to life. And you weren’t sure of where this plot point was taking you next.
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“I didn’t know you liked this genre,” you approached him one day as Johnny sat in the break room. His nose was stuck inside one of your favorite novels, one that you recommended to anyone who asked for a romance suggestion. The book itself came out two weeks ago and it sold out within hours. 
You, being an avid reader and book reviewer, received access to an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. And an honest review you gave that had everyone who followed you buzzing until the release date. 
“Well, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me,” Johnny smiled softly at you, his long fingers coming up to slip a bookmark in between the pages he left off on. He slid past you, gently placing the novel back into the small crevice of his work locker. “It’s really good so far, I see why you’ve been raving about it. I’d keep reading but my break’s up,” he said to you, his hand grazing at the small of your back to move you out of his way, “but I’ll talk to you more about it later, yeah? I marked some quotes I liked.” 
Your gaze followed him out, not knowing why that touch and his words made you freeze in place. It made him seem like a romantic, something that you really wouldn’t have guessed. 
There were a lot of things you knew about Johnny Suh. You knew how he irritated you to death and how he always came in early for his shifts. He hated being late. He was always on time. 
You knew how he preferred darker neutrals than your lighter colors when it came to wardrobe palettes. How he belonged to a different English concentration but still took creative writing courses to expand his verse. 
But there were a lot of things you don’t know about him, too. You didn’t know how he took his coffee in the morning or who his favorite author was. His favorite genre of book or his preferred type of music when he studies so diligently on his breaks. You didn’t know how he liked to spend his time away from school and work. Whether he preferred plain sticky notes or the Disney Princess ones he was currently placing on the pages of your favorite book.
You didn’t know if he was dating anybody or remotely interested in anyone at the moment. Not that you actually cared.
There were a whole lot of things you didn’t know about Johnny but just looking at him with your beloved novel in hand, marking the pages with his own inklings, you felt your heart wanting to learn more about the coworker you came to hate. Yearning to occupy the spot in front of him and exchange his current thoughts on the book. Longing to hear how his mind interpreted fact and fiction.
You didn’t know much about John Jun Suh but the book of your heart had already opened its pages up, ready for him to fill you up with words and maybe, his love.
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It was the second to last week of the bet and you were working the busiest shift of your life. 
There was a signing with a popular author earlier in the day, flooding the store more than usual. It ended around an hour ago but the weening crowd from the event lingered in between the aisles. Some of your coworkers already clocked out for the day, only assigned the hours of the signing. But you, of course, were not able to leave as you were that day’s shift lead. So you carried on, starting your rotation as the customer service stand in the middle of the store. 
You smiled at a customer who approached you, grabbing their sheet of confirmation paper for a book on hold. Gesturing to the back room with the paper in hand, you said politely, “Wait right here. I’ll be right back with your book.”
The customer nodded at you in reply and with that, you were off. Johnny, who was manning the other customer service computer next to you, followed suit. Rolling your eyes, you attempted to walk faster but with daddy long legs behind you, it didn’t take long for him to catch up to your pace. Pretending the tall boy with the stupid round glasses and the stuck-up dark academia fit wasn’t there, your focus remained on the paper in your grip. Studying the printed font, you maneuvered through various bookshelves without looking up until you reached a door that read “Employees Only.” 
Swiping your employee card to grant you access, you hurried in to keep Johnny out. Kicking the door closed you didn’t work–Johnny’s long foot caught it before it shut and you cursed. You wished it slammed against him, inflicting some sort of pain—much like the pain he caused you. 
Sighing, a realization hit you. He was never going to leave you alone no matter how hard you tried. But did that truly upset you or did it leave your body buzzing with nerves? 
“You’re ignoring me,” Johnny deadpanned as your hands ghosted against the spines of many books lining the shelves. His heavy footsteps echoed in the room; it was louder than your nervous breaths. Being alone with him did make you nervous, not that you would ever admit it out loud.
You would never admit to the butterflies you felt when he was around or the way your heart pounded erratically against your breastbone. You would never admit the way the scent of his perfume drove you a bit mad—almost as mad as the famed hatter—or how irritatingly handsome he looked when he studied at the counter, full lips in a pout and rounded glasses sliding down the slope of his nose.
Or how much you liked when he did little things like holding the door open for you when you had a dolly filled with merchandise. Making sure you got a worksheet that you missed during a class discussion. How you grew sweet on him when he’d drive you home after a shared closing shift, expressing his concern for your safety. 
Johnny said he wouldn’t want any girl to wait out in the dark for an unreliable bus. He’d rather see you home so he was one hundred percent sure you made it back to your apartment in one piece. Johnny wouldn’t leave the lot until he saw your bedroom light turn on. He memorized what floor you were on the day he took you all the way to your door. It was the night some loiterers were being loud and obnoxious at the front of your building. You didn’t feel safe walking past them on your own, frightened by the drunken catcalls they threw at people passing by. So like any good person would do, Johnny draped a protective arm around your shoulder, told you to keep your pretty little head down, and led you to the elevator. 
You even caught yourself dreaming about him during the day and night, random thoughts of him streaming into your consciousness. They were like little movie reels playing in your head. Scenes of him sitting in the corners of the shop, reading and annotating the books you recommended to guests, or him sipping on that large cup of iced americano that he consumed daily.
You would never admit to any of those things, especially not to him.
“I’m not ignoring you, you’re too insignificant to ignore.”
Johnny laughed a light chuckle as if he thought your response was cute. You hated it. 
“I just don’t want anything to do with you, and also— I. Am. Working,” you hissed as you finally reached the shelf you were looking for. The customer had ordered a new contemporary romance novel—one you found yourself indulging in during your breaks before it was released—but it was nowhere to be found in your stock. 
“That’s a lie and you know it,” Johnny’s voice came from behind you. You felt the heat of his body and you clenched your hand, ultimately wrinkling the paper you held. That was fine; the customer didn’t need it after your interaction anyway. It was going straight to the trash, just like your heart was. 
Your not-so-fragile heart was going in the damn garbage because you were letting a stupid pretentious English major rile you up over the dumbest things. An ounce of hate consumed you as you came to this epiphany. You were supposed to hate him, despise him for challenging your position as the top seller in the store, and for stealing your spotlight from the English department. So why didn’t you?
“God—where is that damned book?” Your irritation seeped through your words and the way you slammed the metal shelves. 
Johnny chuckled, easily snatching the paper from your hands, earning a small huff from you. He took a glance at it before shifting his gaze to the higher shelves--the ones you needed a step stool for. Your co-worker, smug as he could be, found it easily and with confidence, he reached for it. The action pressed you against the shelf, your hands immediately finding purchase on the metal to steady yourself from the unexpected weight. His strong, hard chest was against your back and his hot breath hit your ear. “Looking for this one?”
You stiffened against him. You could not move, not when Johnny’s weight trapped you between his arms. Not when the sweet scent of his cologne was flooding your senses. Not when his low, husky voice whispered in your ear. 
“I don’t need your help,” you hissed back, fingers gripping onto the edge of the shelf. 
“You need my height.”
“There’s a step stool right there for me to use so no, John, I don’t need your help.”
“Clearly, you do, sweetheart, you couldn’t even find that book for that sweet customer that’s waiting for you out there.”
The nickname, although a bit heart-fluttering, was also somewhat degrading and it set you off. Fire seeped through your veins. With a breath, you turned so that you were chest to chest. With furrowed brows and a piercing glare, you said, “I don’t need you—“
“You sure?” Johnny leaned closer, his hazed eyes dipping down to your frowning lips for a fraction of a second. 
You caught the action and again, your heart tried pushing its way out of your body, “—or your help or your teasing here and in class. I’m tired.”
“I’m not.” Of course, he wasn’t. He never was. That’s what made him so annoying—his persistence. 
“Give me the book, John.” 
“Nah, I think I’ll hold on to it for you.”
“Hand it over.”
Lowering down to her level, he smirks and says, “Why don’t you make me?”
“Don’t think I can do it?”
“Oh, I’d really like to see you try.”
Johnny’s challenging words pulled you to do something unexpected. Instead of replying with words, you accepted his provocation by yanking him to your level and fitting your mouth against his. Your fingers curled in his long, soft hair while his free hand drifted to your waist. It wrapped around your middle, further trapping you in between his build and the cold metal shelf. 
Johnny kissed you like it was something that he wanted to do. Like it was something he was meant to do. Whenever you moved, he followed. Every little tilt of the head or breath you took was followed by him finding his way back to you. There was no escaping his lips, his scent, his whole entire being. Johnny was all around you and for once, you let yourself indulge in the moment. 
When Johnny swiped his tongue against your bottom lip, you opened yourself up to him. You allowed him to explore parts of you that had been closed off for many years. The levels of passion were on an equal scale, the tiny noises escaping you matching the level of Johnny’s eager groans. He made you forget where you were once his grip found its way to your chin, pulling you to close the space you created as you took a needed breath. The task of helping the customer was temporarily erased from memory as he pulled away just enough to whisper your name against your lips.
But it all came back to you once you felt that book–the one you fought him for–press against your middle. It was wedged in between your bodies, distracting you from the pleasure that came from kissing your rival. 
So, as Johnny went back in for another kiss, you grabbed the book out of his loosened grip and shoved him away. 
Taking a good look at him, Johnny’s face was red and his lips were all kinds of swollen. There was a dazed look in his eyes, one that was so hazy, it was the dreamiest thing you had ever laid eyes on. His hand remained at the level of your head, fingers twitching, as if they wanted to grab hold of you once more. Your name barely escaped his lips when you slowly retreated towards the exit. You created a wider space between you, with the coveted book in one hand and the other blindly reaching for the door handle.
“There. See?”
“See what?” Johnny said breathlessly.
“I tried,” you replied, staring right into his eyes. If you looked elsewhere, if your gaze wandered back down to the lips that tasted so addicting, you would have folded and ran back right to him. Shaking the book within his view, you continued on, “And when I try, I always get what I want.”
Giving him no time to talk back, you opened the door and made your great escape. 
His brown eyes remained on the door long after you left, waiting for his heart to calm itself. His fingers rubbed against his lips, mind still clouded with no one else but you. That wasn’t an odd occurrence to him, it was actually quite a normal one. Not that you had to know.
Johnny opened up to the thought of you long before that kiss occurred. 
It happened earlier in the year, when he saw you tutoring his friend Mark in the English department’s writing center. You diligently helped the struggling student, offering him constructive feedback with a high amount of patience. You stayed hours after your tutoring shift ended, making sure Mark hit every point on the grading rubric to ensure that he would get a passing grade. 
There was no need for you to go out of your way like that but you wanted to out of the goodness of your heart. And just like you assisted Mark, you continued to go above and beyond in your bookstore clerk duties to guarantee that every customer left satisfied. 
Your dedication to your work was admirable. It made you all the more charming in Johnny’s eyes, even more charming than the first time he laid eyes on you during first year orientation. 
A new book opened way back then, the love story in his heart practically writing itself. But as your treatment and obvious distaste towards him worsened over the years, he shelved that book away. Despite the harsh treatment he didn’t deserve, Johnny’s heart always held a soft spot for you; the page he left off on dog-eared for him to return to. It remained folded, the crease pressing a permanent indent into the page in case Johnny wanted to explore his feelings in depth once again.
And as you rang up the customer that you fought over, Johnny went through the library of his mind, searching for that book he filed away. And once he found it, he pried it out of the shelf and opened it back up, undoing the crease that bookmarked where he left off. 
Johnny was ready to fall in love again but more importantly, he was ready to fall in love with you. 
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EMPLOYEE BULLETIN BOARD. Hey, everyone! I’m back. Long time no chat <3 First of all, happy new year! But more importantly, happy Johnny day!!! I went through my archives to find this. It was originally planned to be a longer fic but I lost inspiration for it. Maybe I can come back to it one day and fully flesh it out. But until then, this is all I’ve got (until Jaehyun’s birthday). Please tell me what you think of it. I feel like I’m a bit rusty ;;;
A big thanks to @lavendersuh for reading through this multiple times and editing/suggesting things when she saw fit. You’re the best, Em <3 @smileysuh you’re the king for also skimming through this. And @yutaholic for indulging me as I spam her with all my ideas uwu. You’re awesome!! 
TAGLIST. @johtenrecs @emmybyeakitty @ppangjae @sokkigarden @kaepop-trash @suhnnyskiess @baekhyuns-lipchain @bebsky @bat-shark-repellant @renjuunsz @ferxanda @lebrookestore​ @tyongblr
NETWORKS. @neowritingsnet​ 
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2022
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sleepysnk · 2 years
a/n: i felt like i needed to finally put out some content for shisui. i know it’s basic, but it’ll help me get a start on him 😭. i hope you guys enjoy these smutty hcs!
characters: shisui uchiha
warnings: canonverse, nsfw, smut, fingering, oral sex f!receiving, slight mention of breeding kink, praising, overstimulation, slight dacryphilia, after care.
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Shisui Uchiha:
- it’s time for me to dabble in some shisui content, because he literally has none?? i will fill the void for the shisui simps here that are hungry for him.
- now, let me just say, he isn’t the freakiest man in the uchiha clan. sure, he likes some things, but he isn’t the biggest freak. don’t expect his sex drive to be extremely high either. he’s not one of those guys that consistently relies on sex to make him happy with his partner.
- shisui is very much a pleasure dom in my eyes. he prefers to make you feel good over himself. he just loves you that much. sex is such an intimate act for him, so he wants to take his time making sure you feel every ounce of love as possible. he’s definitely the type to kiss your body all over and whisper how gorgeous you are underneath him like that. HE LOVES TO PRAISE YOU AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
- did i mention praising??
- “so pretty.. you truly don’t understand how amazing you are to me..”
- shisui is a huge fan of eating you out. there’s something he loves about burying his tongue into your cunt. he sometimes goes nice and slow while he’s going down on you, so don’t expect him to rush. he likes to rub your clit with his thumb while his tongue does all the other work <3.
- he doesn’t stop until he’s satisfied, so don’t expect things to finish right away. shisui wants to make sure you cum all over his tongue and face before he really moves on. you’re his baby, you deserve the best.
- shisui loves when you cum multiple times for him. he’s so good at eating pussy. not gonna lie, i would say he’s up there with itachi when it comes to head. expect him to give you multiple orgasms while he eats you out. he’d make sure to put your legs onto his shoulders and go nice and deep <3. don’t forget to touch his hair while you’re at it!
- shisui loves fingering too, he loves to watch you come undone because of his fingers. he’d make sure to curl them and hit your g-spot while he’s at it 😵‍💫.
- while you guys have sex, shisui is so loving with you. he’d hold your hand while he pumps himself deep into your pussy. he cannot get enough of you when he’s inside of you. you guys have had sex plenty of times, but the first feeling of when he enters you will always be like euphoria for him.
- he really enjoys making love to you <3.
- he loves whenever you moan into his ear. it’s such a big turn on for him. IF YOU SAY HIS NAME, THIS MAN WILL BE LIKE PUTTY IN YOUR HANDS. trust me, your moans are so pretty to this man.
- speaking of moans, i am a firm believer that shisui likes to groan/moan into your ear. he can be kind of loud sometimes, and it is the hottest thing ever. he tells you how much of a good girl you are when you take his cock <3.
- “mm.. baby.. so, so, good.. feels so good.”
- i know i mentioned above that shisui loves to make you feel good by making you cum multiple times. with that comes overstimulation, and he is a huge fan of it 😵‍💫.
- there have been times where you had to push his head so he’d pause, because he was driving you up the wall from how good he was making you feel. there were tears forming on your lash line from the pleasure. you could barely keep yourself still from how great you felt. he’ll definitely leave your legs trembling.
- “s-shisui! i can’t.. it’s too much!”
- he makes sure to clean up the mess you made once you’re done 🥰.
- he likes to kiss your pussy, okay? he has to make sure your other lips get a kiss whenever he goes a little crazy.
- he has the uchiha breeding kink. however, he isn’t as crazy about it as someone like madara would be. he likes to cum in you for fun. he also likes watching it slip out of your hole <3. he thinks it’s quite sexy.
- such a sweet boy <3.
- now, he is a huge fan of after care. he loves to hold you once the two of you got done making love with one another. shisui would kiss at your cheeks and tell you how much he loves you. sometimes, he runs a nice bath for the two of you once he’s done <3.
- ugh, i miss him :/.
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virgokismet · 1 month
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heyy all ♥ here presenting another resident to the haunted 👻share-house, ienaga yuji. under the cut i've provided information about him in a bullet point list, and by clicking on the words you can read his profile, his brief biography and his pinterest board for more of a vibe-feeling. if you'd like to interact, i'm available through both IMs and discord, as i don't mind either platforms at the end of the day. thank you for your time! ♥
22, virgo sun libra rising virgo moon
been living in korea for the last 10 years! moved to busan at the age of 12 due to his parents' jobs and they just decided to stay permanently
had little to no issues with adjusting to the move! him attending the school for teens like him, whose parents moved from jpn to kor for their jobs, aided a lot in the transitional period; he was surrounded by a language he knew and he fit in comfortably, lucky enough that his new friends helped him adjust, too. his parents worked a lot so whenever yuji was not at school or with friends, he was either studying or consuming various tv shows n stuff. overall a bright child -> teen since the day he was born and how does he do it i don't know but he has to teach us all!!!
present time yuji works at viva, as a bartender. enjoys the job even if he's standing all evening / night and socializing because he's quite extroverted and energetic, enjoys being arnd people + it's sort of grown as a safe space for him too. basically switched day for night. a vampire, if i may.
will shamelessly flirt for tips, or will be like, a therapist if he has to. always schmoozing boss to let him dj but he hasn't been really successful at it....
makes friends easily and will remain that 'oh we're friends still wdym' attitude even with someone he hasn't really been in touch with for whatever reason
(buzzing sounds) if i haven't done the math right please let's pretend i did but, character and concept design graduate
in the way of every designer, he's a free spirit and doing like fifty things at once :+) making posters, adjusting and sewing own clothes, screen printing shirts, making his own jewellery, if given the chance would even dabble in tattooing? bring out the stick n poke set! will try everything at least once because how can you know if you like something if you haven't tried it?
his true passion, however, is producing music; which is why i mentioned he wants to dj as well. yes he does have a spotify AND a soundcloud profile and together combined he has like 1.5k listeners... a rising star if you ask me! definitely has mixtapes ~published in both kor and jpn, even tries making samples for games... he really believes he can make it if anyone just gives him a chance (maybe he shouldve gone the auditioning route instead lol!) don't really have a style reference but he's talented in both flow of lyrics and music production itself
tiny shirts and baggy jeans are a staple of his wardrobe. like you won't ever see him in skinny jeans ever and if you do it's because he lost a really bad bet.. tries with his appearance because he wants to look and present himself nice; in a way, the children (yuji) yearn for the mines (harajuku). speaking of, baggy jeans went platinum in his head, alongside everything that kard has put out
aside the fact he's literally a #soundcloud_rapper and a #short_king another red flag about him is that cannot commit to a relationship for his life. or like, he can and y'all can be exclusive and going on dates and genuinely being a full on couple, but the moment the word boyfriend is uttered he kinda gets cold feet. there's an explanation for this but the onion hasn't been peeled deep enough x
however like i said he's an overall friendly individual, so he tries to stay friends with his exes :+)
currently living at the artists' share-house and... the spooky aspect of it doesn't really bother him? like yeah it's spooky but also maybe we are all just forgetful and that's the cause of everything and it's all just overreacting and ghosts aren't real. he's the girl who's going to be okay. also his side of the share-house room just might be the scariest thing ever cause it's so unbelievably messy
certified lover of cats will feed stray cats will buy literally everything if it has cats on it or it's cat shaped/themed... even if he realistically does not need it at all
as far as plots go, with the way his personality is i can see just about anything working out between our characters :) obviously fellow share-house residents and shenanigans that keep them scared of going to sleep or the typical 'who took this food container that obviously has my name label on it' misshap / connections made through the club itself like maybe yuji bothers your character to be taste tester for the cocktails he made up on the spot / usual club partners ordeal / (that tiktok audio) someone keeps bothering and bothering and bothering your chara so he steps away from the bar like jazz hands omg hi bestie we need to catch up / musical friends and collabs... or more antagonistic and someone who rips his demo for themselves... or even a h8r who thinks his attempt at music are corny... i dont really have a specific uni name in mind for him either but uni friends can happen too, maybe our charas gave each other some tutoring classes? thrift buddies... literally anything goes and idm filling in your wcs either 🫶🏻
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blueberry-ovaries · 3 months
thank you for the tag @ronald-speirs, @panzershrike-pretz @malarkgirlypop and @grumpy-liebgott !!! sorry it took me so long!
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
oooh okay so recently i came back from europe, and i literally loved it so much! i oddly enough LOVED vatican city! and i absolutely adored venice and paris! however, london was also really nice! (i cannot decide i’m so sorry😭)
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
Honestly, going to University! Even when it’s hard and i hate it and have no idea what i’m doing, the fact i made it into university is something i’m very proud of!
Favourite books?
the picture of dorian gray - Oscar Wilde
a good girls guide to murder - Holly Jackson
5 survive - Holly Jackson
the outsiders - S.E Hinton
of mice and men - John Steinbeck
Something that makes your heart happy when you think about it?
my dog :) - his name is cisco and he was free to a good home and under fed, and now he gets treats every time we leave the house and sleeps on the bed
Favourite thing about your culture?
about being Australian? I would suppose our love for sport. We play so many sports over here and we support the aussies even if we don’t like the sport! For example the Matilda’s, our women’s soccer team! Soccer isn’t as big as AFL over here, but i’ve never seen so much support behind Womens soccer, let alone ANY soccer, as we’re very proud of our sporting teams!
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
close to two years ago? i’m not too sure, but i watched BoB first!
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I have not! but i am trying to get my hands on the Dick Winters and Ron Speirs books!
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
Babe Heffron! and the “are you serious?! only the goddamn nuns call me Edward” BUT the scene with Gene in the fox hole where Babe mocks Gene calling him Babe is a very close second
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
i have been known to dabble in other fandoms on other apps in fanfic writing 🤭
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
ANDREW GARFIELD!!! and i am The Amazing spider-man enthusiast!!! (plus hacksaw ridge is a masterpiece)
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
Some quotes my dad likes to tell me when i’m really anxious over university/ actively having a panic attack are:
“you can only do what you can do” - which pretty much means that all i can do is my best, and the rest will sort itself out, there’s no use stressing over situations i have no control over.
“how do you eat an elephant?” - which basically means, to tackle something large you take it one step at a time, ergo - to eat an elephant you eat it piece by piece
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
Oh God, i’m not a very interesting person 🧍🏼‍♀️
I got swooped by birds in a century once and have hated birds ever since
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
i do not have a beta reader 🤭 so position is potentially open 🤭
Three things that make you smile?
- sunsets! i LOVE watching sunsets i just think they are so pretty!
- rainy days (only when i’m inside) But i love rainy days, when i can sit by a window to read or do homework etc. I just think there is something so beautiful about rain!
- chocolate chip cookies :) my FAVOURITE cookies! i do not care if they are basic i love them sm
Any nicknames you like?
most of my nicknames :) But especially the nicknames that my parents give me :))
List some people you love to see around on tumblr:
i’m so sorry if i forget anyone @malarkgirlypop @ronald-speirs @ronsparky @mads-nixon @panzershrike-pretz @executethyself35 @next-autopsy @winnielefou @1waveshortofashipwreck @footprintsinthesxnd @caffeinated-fan @dontirrigateme @softliebgott @xxluckystrike @easycompany123 (+ all my mutuals who i have not tagged, love y’all i just have shocking name recollection)
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
i mean it would depend on what kinda zombies?? But most likely keeping friends and family alive.
Realistically, dying. i’m not dealing with all that.
Favorite movie?
mulan!!! i LOVE mulan (clearly… i’m literally writing a fic with mulan ideas)
Do you like horror movies?
i got a live hate relationship with them. Like i HATE religious horror with a passion, it freaks me the fuck out, but the conjuring series has great story lines?? However i watched the nun once and i swear to god i almost shit myself whenever k had to leave my room at night?! I was CONVINCED that motherfucker was gonna be in my house.
NO PRESSURE TAGS: @mads-nixon @easycompany123 @executethyself35 @montied @ronsparky @dontirrigateme (plus everyone else who would like to do this! consider this an offical tag!)
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Sydcarmy hate
I love reading all our meta about Sydcarmy so, I got curious and start dabbling in another ship of our fandom on Tumblr and their meta of theirs. Because truly, I like variations of ships and I wanted to read more about the Bear overall and hum...Oh boy, the sydcarmy hate is so...Weird to me?
You don't have to like our ship but even in your ship tag..? It's always backhanded too ; they start with denying their chemistry, while playing safe and saying somewhere in their argumentation that friendship is a safer option and state everything as if it was a fact.
Even going to the point of doubting the actors's work with each other ( Like Jaw and Ayo chemistry on screen). So, they have enough chemistry to be friends but not lovers. Why can't they be both? Friends to lovers. You can separate Syd and Carmy from Ayo and JAW. These are characters and people who act them are actors. Two different things. Maybe for you, Ayo and JAW are just friends, which is true, but Syd and Carmy don't present themselves like that to the viewer, sorry if that viewer wasn't you. This baffled me because they aren't they nomi- you know what.
Plus, I really dislike the backhanded aggressive-passiveness; the ''I know I'm going to get attacked for this '' when in reality, most of us have screenshots of our argumentation and examples. We explain our point of view, the people who attack the ship, not so much. It's backhanded because you must not have read nor dabbled in our ship to understand it. Which would be fine, if it didn't make it look like it was based on nothing. - But saying that you will get attacked for this... Interesting. It's not because you see an influx of people shipping our ship and being tolerant that it wasn't a wild ride there.
Luckily, I haven't seen Sydcarmies get personally attacked but we did see the ship being picked on everywhere on the internet and used as clickbait. Basically, using our interest and perspective of the show against us to a certain degree. Because, our interpretation of the show is literally laughed at, us seeing things through the lenses of Sydcarmy is as if because love stories are seen as redundant and Carmy is seen as this white guy people can transfer onto, rough around the edges of wtv, so it's as if it's below him. As if Carmy as a character wasn't deserving of a love story. Or that Syd has a character wasn't deserving of Carmy, that by the way @unladyboss made a post about how Carmy dresses and how Jaw dresses, and I think some of you cannot cope with the idea of Syd being with JAW not Syd being with CARMY. Despite, Carmy being a fine man. So, why would you be surprised...That people who are being basically laughed at wouldn't defend themselves for the reason they are being laughed at.
The person who inspired this post just makes me think they have biases. My fellow Sydcarmies have already dismantled a lot of that type of comments, the lack of chemistry, the friendship and the ship, so I won't go further but yeah, it's weird.
Edit: It's weirder because you realize that there's truly no place for us to just enjoy the bear if it ain't our spot?
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20 questions
Tagged by @appropriatelystupid and @rustingcat Thank you! It’s been a while, but I finally found the spoons to do something like this:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?      I have 25 fics right now.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?     I hadn’t actually counted it until now lol. The total is 197,120, which means I’m like a few thousand short of 200k. Not bad.
3. What fandoms do you write for?     Right now, I’m writing for Supercorp, but I’ve also published fics for BBC Sherlock, Castle, and Final Fantasy VII and VIII. I’ve written unpublished for Casino Royale, LOTR, The Mummy, and (in my youth) HP.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. mix the magic work of love (we’ll breed deep trust between us) 2. come to my window (i’ll keep it open for you) 3. under the crimson skies (the sun will kiss the night) 4. Wed By Candlelight (The Portrait of the Secret Bride) 5. May You Always be Satisfied
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, and I always want to. Like, I read every comment with a smile in my heart, and each one makes my day. Unfortunately, I have terrible anxiety about it, and by the time I get over it, I feel like it’s way too late to reply, and I’m just being rude. Just know that if you’ve ever left any comment or tag or even a like on any of my fics, I love and appreciate you!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm, I don’t think I’ve COMPLETED a fic with an angsty ending. I have loads of angst in my fics, but not all of them end up angsty. I do have an open-ended SC fic that’s pretty angsty (The Cruelty of Illusion), and I wrote a very angsty one-shot for another fandom that was me using a character death to sort of parse out my grief over my mother’s death a bit (Real).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Oddly enough, for someone who’s a slut for angst, my endings mostly end up being happy, or at least resolved. The schmaltziest ending I ever wrote I think was for the FFVII fandom, the first fic I ever wrote. It was on FF Net, and I have no idea what happened to it lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I got a bit of hate for one of my fics where I put Lena and James together, and some person seemed to take offense that they were together (but oddly enough they weren’t offended that Kara and Lex were actually married in this fic, which I think is more puke-worthy). Nope, they just hated on James, and they took my defense of him as me not being able to take criticism of my work. Oh well, you can’t win everybody, and if that kind of reader is what you get, I’d rather not.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have dabbled in smut in several fics, yes. It’s not my forte, and most of the stuff in my fics is pretty vanilla, so the boring kind, I guess lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes, yes, YESSSSSS! Crossovers and AUs are my jam!!! I literally cannot count how many crossovers I’ve done, and I’ve had some random ones. I’ve literally mashed BBC Sherlock, Inception, Elementary and Supergirl into an AU, with a few characters from other fandoms sprinkled in (Red II, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Vampire Knight, etc).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not fics, but I’ve had gifs from a previous fandom stolen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated before? I’ve had at least one fic translated into Russian (I think it might be 2, but I can’t remember what the other one is). They gave me the link, but it’s in Russian and I guess I never checked.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Oh, yes! I’ve cowritten 2 fics with a couple of friends for previous fandoms. One was for FFVII, and it was a Word doc we passed back and forth over e-mail, if you can believe it. Like this was back when I had a yahoo account (but I got locked out, and all of our exchanges got lost. A tragedy). The other one was actually for a couple of OCs that my friend and I made up as an offshoot from our BBC Sherlock fandom. There were 3 of us in the chat, but 2 of us did most of the writing. Neither fics are posted or complete.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Oh, that’s a tough one. I think Supercorp might win the top spot by a small margin. My number 2 ship might get a lot of hate and it’s problematic AF, but I still hold it dear to my heart. It got me through a lot of tough times.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Oh, God, there’s way too many. Of my posted fics, I think the one I want to finish most is my Supercorp Frozen AU. Of my unposted fics, I think the one I want to finish is a Supercorp one based on a Jim Carey movie. Ooh, also my unabridged SC Theme Park AU. And my Matrix AU. Too many damn AUs.
16. What are your writing strengths? Making AUs, lol. I know because any piece of media I watch or read gets turned into an AU. Now, whether it should be turned into an AU is a different story. And, I don’t know, an expanding vocabulary, I guess.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Actual writing lol. Finishing anything, ugh. Also comedic writing, I guess. That’s hard, I’m not funny.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I always like writing in the language that the characters are speaking. I feel like it adds a sense of authenticity to the conversation and makes it feel more organic. However, if it’s a real language spoken by real people, I always try to make sure that what I’m writing is accurate, contextual and respectful. Also, if it’s entire paragraphs, I tend to stick to English, because it’s more likely to have more translation errors with blocks of text.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Really wrote for: Casino Royale (teenage me had a crush on Eva Green). Posted: Final Fantasy VII
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? Oof, another hard one. I love all my fics, they’re my children. But if I had to...For Supercorp, my favorites would be the Horny Witch fic, and the Corpse Bride fic (under the crimson skies would make it, because I loved thinking up that fic, but unfortunately, I really did not enjoy writing it). For Adlock, my favorites are Her Morning Elegance, Beautiful Children, Dinner and a Bath (still the single biggest plot twist I’ve ever written lol), and A Midnight Spell in New Orleans (this one’s close to my heart cos I love NOLA)
Tagging @ekingston @thelastandonlyunicorn @coffeeshib @spicycheeser @the-queen-of-the-light and anyone who wants to try! No pressure though :)
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I just wanted to say that as a person in their early 20s who only just got into resident evil after re8, it was so fun finding your blog and scrolling through all the little blurbs you’ve got. fandom elders always have the best resources and lore and make spaces a million times better, so thank u for mentioning all the little game details and fandom notes that would’ve been forgotten or missed otherwise to newcomers!!
on another note, i wanted to ask if you had any amusing/chaotic tidbits relating to the re fandom in its earlier days, whether it be speculations of scenes or character directions or interactions that people were so sure were going to happen in later re games that absolutely did not happen, fics that were really influential, insane fanwar stories, memes that used to be rlly prolific and now don’t really come up, etc. it’s something i love to discover about fandoms because it rlly is a “you had to be there,” type of information that people don’t document the way they would with canon developments that you can easily find on wikipages
Anon... I'm gonna fucking cry. 😭 This is exactly what I wanted this blog to become once I realized I was falling back into RE hell. Anything that I can do to make this canon more accessible to new people, I want to do it. I think I've said this before, but I literally cannot imagine what it must be like getting into this series this late in the game, because RE is terrifyingly huge and abstract and very old by video game standards.
As for the second part of your ask... Man, I have so many stories. I won't tell all of them, because if I try to, it'll be weeks before I can post this LMAO so let me just break this up into sections and I'll tell whatever the first stories that pop into my head are.
So, historically, RE fandom was never big on fan theories. Fan theories and meta were something that Silent Hill people did, not so much RE people.
BUT there is one that refuses to die, and I have seen people scream about it as recently as Revelations 2.
People are convinced that Steve Burnside is going to come back. This drum has been getting banged ever since the original Code Veronica released in 2000, and even though it has literally never been hinted at at any point in the 23 years since then that Capcom even remembers that that was a possible thing that was set up, the fandom is still waiting for it to happen.
And it's all because Wesker stole his body and fucked off with it and was a complete asshole about it when he did it. That's it, that's the whole reason.
But then that also ties into the fact that there are still people who are convinced that Wesker didn't actually die in RE5 and that he's gonna come back any day now, guys, really -- and that's just a whole level of death denial I've never seen before. Dude got hit with two rocket launchers in the middle of an active volcano. YOU LITERALLY DO NOT GET MORE DEAD THAN THAT.
Surprisingly, none. RE didn't have an "I Know What's Beneath the Snow Fields" or a "Walk This World." There were influential authors, though. I won't name them because I have no idea where they are now or if they're still around, but. I will say that there was one very influential fic writer in Cleon fandom who utilized literally so many headcanons in her fics that her characters were utterly unrecognizable. Some of the headcanons blatantly contradicted canon, even. But her writing style and her prose were so, so, so fucking good that it didn't matter. For a while, Cleon fandom almost became like a cult around her fics -- and, as someone who only dabbled in Cleon because my friends shipped it, but I had no personal stake in the ship myself -- it was really, really weird to watch this go down.
I was going to go off on a huge thing about the Aeon vs Cleon wars, but seeing as how they're still fucking happening for some god forsaken dumbass reason, I decided not to.
So, we'll forget that. And while this isn't a war story, exactly, I do need to give a special shoutout to the Wesker wives of old.
If you are at all familiar with the stories of old school Final Fantasy VII fandom of girls who convinced themselves that they married Sephiroth on the astral plane -- guess what. RE fandom had those girls, too, and we called them Wesker wives.
There was one really prominent one on LiveJournal back in the day who used to get art commissioned of her and Wesker together, and she would post pictures of herself "in uniform" for him, and like. Would legitimately write as though she was actually married to the fictional character Albert Wesker. She'd answer questions from people and shit.
And she was really, really pretty, so everyone was just kind of stunned by this, because this girl very clearly took care of herself and worked out and knew how to do her hair and makeup -- she always looked really good -- and it was just like... how did someone like you fall so far off the reality wagon?
And then it slowly started to come out that she maybe had some nazi ideology behind her and kept referring to Wesker has her Aryan king or someshit, and that was about the point where my Jewish ass backed away from that whole trainwreck and stopped paying attention to it, so I don't actually know how this story ends.
So, uh. If you've been on the fandom side of the internet long enough, you'll at least have heard of the "it's over 9000" meme, even if you're not into Dragon Ball or ever seen an episode of it in your life.
Well, the same guy who started that meme also left his mark on RE fandom, too. The whole "Jill sandwich" thing was always a meme in its own right, but "Hope this is not Chris's blood" was added onto it thanks to this video. So, "Hope this is not Chris's blood" was a big, big meme in the late aughts that I really don't see around anymore. It was used as a sort of... shitpost response to a shitpost, if that makes sense? Like, your friend sends you some obviously stupid bullcrap or a dumb meme and you just respond back "hope this is not chris's blood."
This cap from Code Veronica was a huge meme for a long time, too, and I DO NOT FUCKING KNOW WHY
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And then.
There was this masterpiece. Do not watch this with other people in the room unless your willingness to let others bear witness to your own cringe is very high. It's also NSFW. And, actually, this video might be the single oldest meme in RE fandom history. The YT link I provided here is not the original source of it. It was some stupid fan edit that was making its rounds on Kazaa, and I'm not joking. I want to say this edit is no younger than OG RE2 (so 1998).
And I would negligent in my duties as a fandom historian if I did not introduce you to the glory that is Resident Evil 4 Days of Our Lives. I STILL QUOTE THIS SHIT, TO THIS DAY.
Like, this is me on plurk referencing this stupid fucking shit as I'm liveplurking my very first playthrough of RE4R:
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There was a part of me that was honestly kind of upset when the two cops at the beginning of RE4make didn't actually say to Leon, "I hear no one listens to you. Is that true, Captain Cubscout?" because that is unironically the single greatest line of dialogue that was ever written to be said by any character to Leon Kennedy, and it was written by some fuckin college kids back in the mid aughts.
And that's all I can think of for right now.
Thank u for indulging my old person desire to ramble on about "BACK IN MY DAY........." I appreciate u.
ETA: ok like i know i said i was only gonna mention shit that i could think of at the time that i responded to the ask but there is one more meme that i would be remiss to not mention
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ten-cent-sleuth · 6 months
for the fic writees ask, 49? (im reading a galling yoke so i hope youll talk about the next chapter 😂😂) and also 15 33 and 41 bc im curios
What’s your favourite AU that you’ve written?
My best AUs are for Philinda lol. My favourite is Committed to the Cause, a POTUS/USSS one with Coulson as the president and May as his head of security.
If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read?
My ideal chapter length to write is 4–7k, which is also about my ideal chapter length to read. Maybe my reading ideal is on the shorter end, so more like 3–5k, but gfhjsgdhs that’s not too big a difference.
Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
There are a few that come to mind. The main ones are literally anything by @indilwenofmirkwood (but especially What Makes Her Tick, which can be read here on AO3 and here on FFN) and Kismet by @midnightlovestories (can be read here on AO3) for how they developed plot/romance, analysed my comfort character, and got some whumpy goodness snuck in there. The former is for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. while the latter is for The Addams Family.
Feel for You by @parksanddownton603 (can be read here on AO3) made me fall in love with a specific tone of AU and gave me the motivation to try my hand at writing an AU like they did (also for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). On the flipside, Defensive Wounds by @rebecca-in-blue (can be read here on FFN) is an in-universe fic but I greatly admire the characterisation in it and would love to know and honour my blorbos as well as they do. It’s for NCIS.
Another one for the Addamses, Human by @unhappychildhavingfun (can be read here on AO3) packs the kind of emotional, meaningful punch that I want my writing to throw. Though I also aspire to churn out numerous one-shots that just put my guys in situations the way @suallenparker does (if I must name particulars, the ones that affect me the most in this way have been Bulletproof, Lifeline, Safe and Sound, Liar, Mayism, Second Chances, and Being Someone Else, all for Philinda hfjsgdhhd).
And can’t play dead by @widespindriftgaze (can be read here on AO3) is…simply some of the best creative writing I’ve ever read. I love how they dabble in various, sometimes small/short-lived fandoms; I long to do that.
Welp, that was more than a few.
I hope the authors don’t mind being tagged—I wanted anyone who reads this post to be able to click onto your blog directly, but if you’d rather I not tag you, let me know and I’ll neutralise the ping right away. Sorry!!
(And of course, the one you’ve been waiting for, anon—)
What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I am currently working (well, focusing) on A Galling Yoke, my Sherlock Holmes x Reader exes-/friends-to-lovers casefic. (It was actually supposed to be enemies-to-lovers lolol.) I’m like a third or so into Part 12, and I’ve got like seventeen chapters planned total plus an epilogue. Exciting stuff!!
And hey, you want a few lines? >:P
“Mr Holmes, I cannot impose—”
“It shall not happen!”
You straightened in your seat, shoulders tensing. Sherlock groaned and dragged a hand down his face.
“I meant not to be…domineering,” he said. “But […] am I not to assume that you came here…for a reason?”
He and you looked at each other for a long, open moment.
I grabbed that out of the middle of a conversation for Maximum Suspense. I cut out […] because what I have written there currently is a bit of a placeholder. There was another part I wanted to share because it’s got a long quote from Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton”, but I figured that excerpt was a tad too spoilery. I’m sure you guys will prefer this romantic tension anyway. ;P
Thank you, and please feel free to send in more!
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nibwhipdragon · 1 year
Alright, Joseph for the character ask I wanna read an essay
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You all really know who to ask for these character ask games don't you. Thank you I have. Written a lot. I apologise in advance if my writing seems to be discombobulated at times or if it feels like I'm going in circles, my brain has been like mush lately I cannot essay properly rn
Tagging @pey-no-attention-to-me as you asked for this too :3
It's all under the cut because I wrote SO MUCH.
Sexuality headcanon: Bisexual fr ❗️❗️❗️ Though I did see something abt Joseph being aro on here ages ago and it's been rattling around in my head ever since...him being aro/aroace actually kinda gives a reason as to why he's Like That imo, I like to dabble in it. Also it's really funny
Gender headcanon: Genderfluid 💥💥💥 It just fits, yknow? Though I am also open to other gender headcanons, I like to dabble in trans man and trans woman Joseph sometimes (I actually did do a screenshot edit with transfem Joseph once, and oh my god I hate hair so much) <3
A ship I have with said character: Caejose is my main ship with him, as you can probably tell. I also love joseq, they're such a sweet little couple, it's so wholesome (we ignore the cheating, though Joseph does have his selfish and bad traits he would NOT cheat, I hate Araki making him cheat just to get another Joestar for the plot). Hmm actually I should write some joseq I haven't written much and when I do it's sidelined by caejose...
Also I think there's probably something that can be said about Joseph having no proper friends before Smokey. Idk man but the way he always gets so aggressive over the littlest things, but it feels almost defensive in a sort of way to me? Like with the way he immediately demanded to know what was up with the Squid Ink Spaghetti, and the way he was really tentative with starting to eat it once he was told what it was. Yeah that could be chalked down to him just being wary of it as he's not used to the food and he won't know if he'll like it, but with him having no friends and also being arrested 3 times before hitting 20, I have a feeling something else is at play. Joseph was likely bullied in school, if I'm completely honest. That guy 100% did not have a good childhood I can guarantee you that.
And with that likely being the case, his first friend being Smokey kinda has a lot more meaning if you get what I mean. Like they first met because Smokey stole his wallet and ended up being attacked by the police for it. Of course yeah Joseph's not a racist so of course he wouldn't stand for that (ONCE AGAIN, WE IGNORE PART 3 BECAUSE ARAKI LITERALLY CANNOT KEEP HIS OWN CHARACTERS CONSISTENT. GOD.), but the whole arresting thing you'd assume he'd be fine with. And oddly enough he's not, he doesn't want Smokey to get arrested in the first place. You'd think he'd tell them to chill tf out with the racist stuff and leave it at that, but the first thing he tells the cops is that he gave Smokey the wallet – meaning there was no crime committed at all. And the police also only start doing stuff to Joseph after he tried to get Smokey off it scot-free (I feel that this change is more emphasised in the manga, where they straight up ask Joseph why he cares about Smokey as he's white and Smokey is black, I feel like they sorta bring Joseph down to Smokey's level in their minds after Joseph still stays on Smokey's side), so he definitely doesn't do this for his sake as it'd be better for him if he just left it. And with this being Joseph, with his selfish streak, that's quite notable. Personally I think that Joseph could recognise that Smokey wasn't in a good spot if he was stealing in broad daylight like that, he must've been desperate to do that. And once he saw how the police were treating him that just made him wanna make sure Smokey didn't get arrested more. I feel that if he really was bullied in childhood he'd understand the othering going on here (sure he can't understand completely bc getting othered by bullying and getting othered by racism is different. But the similarities ARE there) by the police to Smokey and that's what does cause him to have that REALLY violent outburst towards them (it was deserved, yes, but it didn't need to go that far to get the job done, ykwim). Actually the violent outburst is actually quite notable, seeing that kids that have been abused a lot – because bullying IS abuse – do usually tend to become aggressive and have behavioural and emotional regulation problems later in life as a result of it, sorta like a defence mechanism (and also because being bullied is not a good place to grow up in they also probably didn't have a chance to learn how to regulate emotions, especially if they were being teased and mocked for their feelings and that) and oh my god I'm going off on a major tangent I'll stop now
They also seem to have a sort of brotherly bond with each other, and I love that. They're just really awesome and cool and god I wish Araki had more screen time of them. Part 2 suffers from a lot of pacing issues actually now that I think about it. I'm Normal as you can tell
A NOTP I have with said character: Literally anything incestuous. There's so much incestuous stuff I come across it all the time it's so bad. I hate how Araki goes about writing jjba as he goes along if not for that we wouldn't have had the whole Lisa Lisa bath scene while also being his mother, which I think a lot of the incest stuff comes from. It's just...ew. You can't even get any interesting takes on the narrative with it the majority of the time. Just. 🤢
Also Josekars. Like I can see AUs where Kars ends up turning good and becomes friends or whatnot, Kars is a very interesting character for plots like that, but I simply do not like the ship for em both, it's just not my cup of tea.
A random headcanon: Whenever he had a nightmare as a child, he'd go and sleep in the same bed as Erina, as it'd bring him comfort. However, he still did this even when he was older, until he finally moved out with Suzi. Erina never minded, she'd do anything to make him feel better. (WAAAAHHHHH JOSEPH AND ERINA'S RELATIONSHIP...)
General opinion of said character: do i even need to say.
Well. I think he's very interesting due to his personality and morals being very gray in a way the other Joestars aren't, the other Joestars mainly have their negative traits be in what they do (steal, be a delinquent, etc.) and not their actual personality traits like selfishness and that. He's terribly underused by Araki and also mischaracterised in later parts because it's Araki of course that's gonna happen. I think about him every day for hours at a time he's at the forefront of my mind constantly I'm Normal about him and he's one of the main things keeping my mind tethered to jjba as Sonic's kinda dragging me away from it, hence why Sonic and Joseph are fistfighting in my mind, they both want all my autism RAM so bad you have no idea. Nobody gets him like I do. OK maybe not nobody else, Seaweed and Kirsten get him. Other jjba mutuals don't Josephpost enough/I don't know irl so I can't make a proper judgement on it. He makes me sick I hope he dies. Taking him out for ice cream. Kissing him sloppy (platonically). Detaching his penis so he can never have sex again. Joseph Joestar
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zoroara · 4 months
I saw you posted an ask game and came rushing to your ask box! 14 I choose you! Time to play dress up with the Varia!
And 21 for hmmmm I'm going to say *throws a dart at a dart board with the Varia members faces on it* Bel
Okay so this has ended up being very long so for the sake of people who may have to scroll past this answers are below.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character. Okay so that's going to be very interesting because honestly i'm not very aware of fashion i'm really the type of person who goes "Oh shit that looks cool" than anything else. So this is going to end up being very free form rambling However I am aware of quite a few alternate fashion types and their overlaps(as well as their meanings sometimes i get them a liiittle confused), but I can safely say most of the Varia in my mind fall into that with like [also please keep in mind i'm more talking about styles of dress here not the cultures behind them]. Two exceptions.
One, is actually Xanxus because I feel like he has very little idea what he's doing when actually out of his uniform so he defaults to it. He does seem to like to have chains feathers and belts but like 90% of the time whenever you see this man it's just SOME variation of what he already wears on his uniform, or has a collared shirt and dress pants and you gotta wonder at some point if he knows anything else. Though being fair it does look good. So I guess he's just sticking with that.
Levi is the other exception because from what I've seen that man dresses like a suburban dad or like he went to the thrift store, honestly? I love that. So whatever that is stays I think it's fun to have him like that. does he probably get bullied for this a bit? yeah
Lussuria, may be an interesting answer for you to hear because he does like rather brightly coloured outfits and dresses, but I Do think he could dabble in a bit of goth style(Also yes i'm aware of cybergoths and pastel goths but they don't quite have the vibe but do have closer to the colours) and make it really work. Damn shame i hit my wrist really hard today so I can't draw it or i would.
Mammon is just more Goth, like look at them. They'd definitely be more Romantic goth than Lussuria though, which is a funny sentence but it's the type of goth that looks more like they're from the victorian era so you probably understand where i'm coming from there.
Bel you can literally already see the emo influence in his design, it's like there though he's a little more colourful than most things I can find with it. But I don't think his fashion is colourful enough for him to accidentally fall into the scene sort of category.
Squalo falls definitely more into punk fashion to me. spikes chains and all, his uniform is pretty clean of those but I think they suit him for more casual wear.
Cannot explain further on fran other than he has the vibes that he wears grunge clothes but like almost accidentally so.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Fun fact, I haven't written Bel often! I think at this point I've started to write levi more often than him.... interesting. Anyway! The one thing with most of the Varia is I honestly thoroughly enjoy writing for them, even if it can be a bit tricky, even for Bel. I really like writing Banter with him and the others but even more so I like to just release him in a fight. I will say though it's probably most difficult when I'm writing him alone. He's just a character who's really easy to write when there's someone else to bounce off of.... Must be why Amano puts him with Mammon or Fran most of the time. But I can't find anything that I'd outright dislike about writing him.
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crowsnest-creations · 2 years
Writeblr/Artblr(?) Intro
ay I'm new in town and I've heard yall are into these so here we go Personal:
Name: Corvus Corax, or Cori for short
Age: enough to drink
Queer; they/them nonbinary, asexual, biromantic
Relationship Status: Taken, Polyamorous
Autistic, with a side of Anxiety and Depression, and possibly ADHD
Fun Fact: I WILL look up cheesemaking and snake anatomy at three in the morning. I WILL NOT have a reason why. I just like knowing things. Science is near and dear to my heart.
Genres: typically fantasy or sci-fi, may dabble in other things
Common/Liked Tropes: found family, enemies/rivals to lovers, begrudging protags
Inspiration: various other stories and media
Experience: on and off writing since like middle school
WILL NOT Write (and why): horror/thriller (I'm a wuss that can't really handle that stuff), sexually explicit content (the kinks I like are between me, my lovers, and the gods), tragedies (I prefer happy or at least neutral and satisfying endings)
I create digital art on occasion
I will be limiting my art on here to content relating to my own writing and other writeblrs I enjoy
I HAVE done fanart for some fandoms in my life but I WILL NOT put it here. This is mostly a writeblr. Yall want fanart for major fandoms, you can dig around this hellsite for my other blog and make requests there.
Writeblrs are welcome to request art for their writing characters but I cannot promise quick output or that I will even do it, because I am not being paid for it. If I like a story though I'm more likely to make art
Refusal or neglect to make art IS NOT implication that your writing is "bad", it probably either just didn't hook me OR the drawing juice ain't flowing
I won't draw large amounts of gore, or sexually explicit content. I do not enjoy creating that stuff. Nothing against it as an art form I just don't wanna.
Anything else yall are gonna have to ask about specifically. Will probably make intro posts about my WIPs when I fully solidify literally anything for any given one.
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teacup-captor · 1 year
I have a ko-fi now. Billionares if you see this and you have a billion to spare please follow the link below
[Psst! I intend to do some more roleplaying on this account. Everything under the "#Gargoyle Leo" tag is rp!]
Or send me a Sherlock (ANY ADAPTATION) to edit into a catboy!!!!
Or just tell me about your day or make random noises at me <333 infodump if you'd like omg!!! /g
Other blogs I have!!!
@teacup-crafter (creative stuff archive PLS PLS PLS SEND ME ASKS WITH SHERLOCK ART REQUESTS)
@tths-system-antics (system blog (very inactive. Sorry))
@your-fave-is-soup (gimmick blog for souping blorbos. I'm active I just don't get asks. I love souping blorbos)
@bentleysbeetle (Good Omens RP blog. Adoptive child of Aziraphale (and by proxy, Crowley) and best friends with Bentley. Dabbles in crime solving. Also- I do tarot readings there. Long story. You get a silly one and a serious one if you ask.)
@youngpoetthomasthorne (poetry + aesthetic + rp blog)
(Send art suggestions for other Sherlock Holmes media too!!!!)
Some of my posts!
Honky Tonky Jonk - Sherlock & Co. Fansonk
Sherlock & Co. discord server
Tag system:
#Gargoyle Leo - this is my tag for the Good Omens roleplay :) everything under this tag is roleplay!! Everything else is ooc :P as a general I'm only roleplaying when I'm directly interacting with other Good Omens roleplayers. My character is called Leo and uses it/they/he/she/ne pronouns. They're totally not based on anyone what are you even saying /j
#sigmord - stimboards
#trinket box - things I am saving <3 little trinkets :D
#bees for me - bees sent in my inbox or bee posts I have been tagged in
#why can't i just be normal moments - I AM NOT BEING SELF-DEPRICATING. This is my tag for unhinged things I've said (on Discord mostly, but I'm open for other things too)
#good omens season 2 spoilers - self-explanatory
#bbc ghosts 5 - bbc ghosts s5 spoilers
Trigger warnings get tagged as #tw [trigger] and #[trigger] tw just so you're covered
I also have tags for my friends. If I reblogged your post and you don't understand one of my tags it's probably bc I reblogged it from a friend
(* body focused as in you post only/primarily pictures of bodies especially in a weight focused way)
(if you don't know what's going on regarding Israel vs Palestine I'm very happy to give an explanation but I am N O T discussing this. Good people are pro Palestine.)
(If you apply for the rest of my DNI feel free to ask why or discuss calmly with me but if you start getting angry you're fucking blocked)
-Homophobes, transphobes, enbyphobes, racist, yadda yadda if ya hate people fur things they cannot or should not change fuck off right to hell
-Against therians/otherkins
-Ableists (that includes if you believe NPD or other PDs are inherently bad or use terms like "nArC AbUsE". They're people too and they can be nice.)
-Against mspec gays/lesbians, turigirls, lesboys, or other contradicting labels
-Against self-diagnosis
-Endo/t*lpa (*u) systems and their supporters (if you're respectful or syscourse neutral you can stay, just know that I'm under the belief that endo systems are either not systems or they're invalidating their own trauma. If you use labels such as "neurogenic" to say you formed from trauma bc of a mental illness, that is literally trauma and makes you traumagenic)
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