#Like Christ I'm not accusing you of a crime
insane-weasel · 6 months
Me at concert trying to make Convo: Oh hey I also cycle through 30 AO3 fic tabs to look for something to read then close the fic if it doesn't get me in first chapter
Girl in front of me: 0_0 (utter terror)
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lovings4turn · 2 months
funny blurb where lando talks in his sleep. idk i just thought of it once and it sounded funny to me (bonus if the reader records him and shows him the next morning)
ᯓ★ 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 (𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬)
ohhh nonnie darling i love the way your mind works i truly do 🤭🤭
"you're a liar."
"am not!" you protest with a laugh. "i swear, you were having a full on conversation with yourself, lando. it was honestly pretty entertaining, if you ask me."
"i do not sleep talk!"
the discussion has been going on for ten minutes now.
lando is adamant that he doesn't sleep talk, never has and never will, thank you very much. you, on the other hand, are sure you've bore witness to it, his last offence occurring just last night.
"lando, i heard you. i don't know what you were dreaming about, but you wouldn't shut up."
"what were you even doing awake?" lando counters with a raised brow, as though he's having some sort of 'gotcha' moment. "think the sleep deprivation's messing with your head, baby."
a dramatic gasp tears from your throat, and you shoot him an incredulous look.
"fine. next time, i'm recording it. i'd like to see you try and deny it then."
funnily enough, 'next time' rolls around quicker than you expect. because that very night, you're woken by faint mumbles coming from the sleeping man next to you, his thick brows furrowed as incoherent words spill from his lips.
you hold back laughter as you lazily fumble around for your phone, squinting as the bright light of the screen hits your bleary eyes. once you finally regain sight, you begin to record lando, glad that the camera was unable to pick up your endeared expression.
what he's actually saying, you're none the wiser. you manage to pick out a few words, your name sprinkled amongst more mundane murmurs of 'tv remote' and 'fucking freezing'. as if to emphasise his point, the sleeping lando rolls over, taking the better half of your duvet with him.
you're glad you have concrete evidence of this, because you know when accused lando will deny everything vehemently. you always knew he was a blanket hogger, and now, you've caught him redhanded in not one, but two crimes.
lando can talk for england, but there's no way he's getting himself out of this one.
when he wakes up to your phone in his face the next morning, only barely able to make out his own sleeping frame, he groans in defeat and pulls the blanket up over his head.
"oh christ, take the smug look off of your face, babe. don't wanna kiss you when y'looking at me like that."
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 8 months
I don’t care if it’s fucking called punishment for a reason and moon, I’m starting to hate you a lot for this overreaction and consistent denial of things. Do you wanna know something interesting within certain countries in Europe, it’s illegal to own one of any social creature because without interaction, social creatures will get depressed and will try to fucking kill themselves or will have a much shorter lives
Fairies seem to have a very similar cognitive abilities as humans, and I’m gonna tell you know some humans when forced into isolation. Try to fucking kill them selves, or go further in sane. What you’re not doing as a punishment it is torture. That makes you and every other fairy that’s pro, keeping him locked up forever without any social interaction horrible fairies!
So I don’t know what the fuck you’re going on about, but if you took a second actually listen to us and compare what we are saying to the outcome of what happened to fairies that have gone through and are going through his “punishment” I feel like you’d actually have a bit of empathy which you seem to be lacking right now. Jesus Christ. If you ever find my home, stay out of it because I don’t want you taking away any nightmares, or helping me sleep, I don’t want your brother anywhere near me if he’s just like you were thinking torture is an acceptable “punishment”
It’s not. Torture will never be an acceptable form of punishment, I’m sorry for being hard and very fucking aggressive with this, but it seems being aggressive is the only way that will get through your skull that maybe, isolating someone like this is horrid!
(by the way, humans have isolation cells for criminals that can’t be around other criminals, they still get social interaction though because we understand that without it everything it’s way worse.)
I'm going to break character and address this myself. With how aggressive this ask is, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to answer as one of the boys.
Yes. You are right. What Eclipse is going through is considered the very definition of torture, as punishment for the crime he's been accused of committing. In our world it is seen as cruel and unusual punishment, even inhuman to some. Everyone has different views and morals on that. Some hold to them, and some are willing to change their perspectives.
It's already been established that the laws of the Realm are different to the ones of our world. And in both, there are laws that not everyone likes but have to follow.
Sun has his views, that have yet to be seen. Moon has his views, which you all have seen. They both have these perspectives based off of what they know and have seen. Yet one thing that hasn't been revealed yet is their relationship with their former brother. What had led them to these views in the first place. No one except me and a handful of others know their past. The whole picture has not been revealed yet. There is a reason for that. There is a reason why they feel the way they do regarding this, and that will be explored soon.
You can agree or disagree with these views if you wish, you all have that right. Those are your morals.
But also, I feel the need to remind everyone-
this is a story.
I am glad it's gotten a lot of people invested, but please remember this is just me telling a story with characters I love with an AU I have made. Characters that all have different views about certain things that will likely clash with one another.
And I will clarify: my personal views on this subject are not reflected through the fairies, especially Moon. These differing and even questionable views are purely for intended for storytelling.
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hello-nichya-here · 7 months
What are your thoughts on MJ's daughter supporting Israel and trying to distance herself from her dad? Girl won't even defend him
Jesus fucking Christ, are you guys coordinating these asks? This is the third time one of you asked me it, I'm legit impressed.
Let's get the easy, and horrible part out of the way first: nobody on the fucking planet has any excuse to support Israel. You can hate Hamas and the goverments of countries like Iran without excusing the literal genocide of civilians in Palestine, because yes, that's what Israel is doing right now.
Paris Jackson (and everyone else, famous or not, that is still pretending Israel isn't commiting all kinds of crimes against humanity right now) should have known better and needs to get her shit together.
Now, onto the messy part:
Although Paris has recently said "it's not her role/place" to defend her dad, lets not forget the other things she said on that same controversial statement:
1 - She fully believes her father is innocent and called the "documentary" Leaving Neverland pure lies.
2 - She believes that everything that could be said about her father's innocence has been said already and she'd have nothing new to add to the conversation.
3 - Her cousin Taj has become basically the leader of the family's campain to clear Michael's name and has been doing an amazing job.
4 - She's not as patient as her father was to deal with that kind of stuff and she has been focusing more on trying to recover from her mental health issues.
That last one is important, specially when we remember that Paris has claimed to have been sexually abused in school (which left her with PTSD), and that she has struggled with addiction, paranoia and a freaking suicide attempt.
It would not be surprising to me if having to listen to allegations of childhood sexual abuse is extremelly triggering for her - especially since the person being accused of being the abuser is her late father, who was murdered by his doctor when she was just 10-years-old, and she was treated like a stupid child in denial everytime she tried to point out the things being said about him were not true.
Considering she has continued to praise her father over the years, both with small things like posting a family picture on Father's day this year and big things like saying he was a super accepting man that was totally cool with her not being straight, and DID defend him publically every now and then, like, once again, calling "Leaving Neverland" pure lies when it came out, I'd say she's not really trying to distance herself from her dad or imply she's starting to think he might have been guilty. I think she just genuinely cannot fucking stand having to act as his lawyer only to have every word she says ignored, no matter how much evidence she offers to back it up.
(And before anyone brings up the fact that Taj was also a victim of sexual abuse in his childhood and has is still speaking out in support of his uncle, including of how he helped him deal with his trauma, keep in mind that people cope differently and heal at different paces).
Do I think she could have phrased some things better? Yes.
If either of my parents were accused of something horrible and a bunch of people kept insisting they were guilty despite all evidence poiting to the contrary, would I interact with said celebrities? No, and it is extremelly disappointing whenever Paris does that...
... But then again, Michael was at war with his record label, Sony, for years and was convinced they were not only sabotaging his career but also trying to murder him, yet he still was ready to go on a final tour that was going to make them A LOT of money. Like father, like daughter.
Honestly, I would not blame the entire Jackson family if they just made one last big documentary to try and clear Michael's name, then, regardless of how it was taken, packed all their shit and moved to a remote island, far away from the spotlight and never spoke to any journalist or had any social media presence again. They've been getting screwed over and surrounded by awful people in the industry, the media, and amongst other celebrities since the goddamn sixties, it's a miracle anyone of them is still trying to "play the game" or explain themselves.
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
speaking of a third world war, the Russians better watch their fucking mouths before they back themselves into a corner. first they accused Ukraine of attempting to assassinate Putin using the drone attack on the Kremlin (and it probably was Ukraine but hey, Russia went straight for Zelenskyy at Hour 0 so fair's fair), and now they're blaming the US and I'm. starting to become concerned. like yeah it's PROBABLY just hot air that the Russians are using as an excuse to commit war crimes against Ukraine, but because that kind of allegation is the kind that historically can lead to war, I don't appreciate them using it so liberally.
Like you fuckers know it wasn't an American drone or an American-supported operation because if it were, it wouldn't have fucking missed. so stop with the nuke threats jfc.
Related: Russia is now blaming Ukraine for a "wave of unprecedented sabotage" which is clearly a pretext for escalation (which between this and the drone, I really really do not like), but like. it's also funny? like Russia....... my brother in christ..........
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tumbleweedtech · 10 months
There's something that's been bothering me, for a long while. Well over a year. I'll put it under a cut because it's quite long.
It's in the way people apologize, and what they expect to come from it. If you harm someone, either deliberately or by accident, you owe them an apology. I'm aware that within courts of law this has consequences. I'm not talking about that level of harm or responsibility. The social contract is, when you harm someone you apologize, and attempt to right the wrong done. I was raised in a heavily catholic family, in a christian-centered community. I am not religious anymore, but I'm aware this informs my experiences, so please note I'm leaving the floor open to anyone else who has experienced a culture who treats apologies differently. In a very christian viewpoint - apologies aren't the important part. The forgiveness is. They insist it makes you christ-like, to forgive those who have harmed you. It's what Christ did on the cross, right? They know not what they do. Your god will forgive you if you apologize (confess) and attempt to right your wrongs (repent). This, I feel, has seriously tainted how people raised in a christian culture view apologizes to each other. I was abused as a child. I have been told, many, many times to forgive. Forgive my abuser. Because that forgiveness makes you christ-like, right? My forgiveness matters. Not that my abusers ever apologized or even recognized the wrongs they did. But that doesn't matter. They even try to twist it. "Doesn't living with that anger twist your heart? Forgiveness is freeing! You don't have to carry it around!" Actually, no. It protects me. I have not and will not forgive them, even if they were sorry. It reminds me that I must never, ever go back. That I must treat people better than I was treated. But where am I going with this? In a Christian-centric perspective, an apology is assumed an absolution. You have apologized, therefore the other person not only forgives you, but your faults, your sins, your crime? Are wiped clean. As if you confessed to your god, apologizing to your friend for hurting their feelings, the harm you have caused has been erased. Christ has risen again, your friendship has been repaired. In a christian perspective, there is no harm that is irreparable or irredeemable. Christians Parents have forgiven their children's murderers. This is a perspective entirely alien and unfathomable to me. But in the eyes of their god, in their religion, they have done what is right and holy. Their relationship with their god is safe
But relationships with other people does not work that way. Your relationships with other people are not your relationship with your god. When you harm someone, and you apologize, you do not automatically get forgiveness. It's not assumed. Especially if it's a shitty fucking apology. I've seen some incredibly shitty apologies. Refusal to take any sort of responsibility, blaming their mental health, their variety of diagnosis, even blaming the person they've harmed for reacting to shitty behaviour.
It's entirely possible to apologize for only your part in a situation in which you have both done wrong. "I'm sorry for accusing you of X. I should not have assumed Y of you, and when I said Z I was out of line." The other person may have responded with hurtful or harmful things. Hell, they may have even started it. But your feelings, your reactions, your words, are all your own responsibility. I have friends with plenty of diagnosis. Bipolar disorder. RSD. ADHD. Autism. Depression. Anxiety. None of this has stopped them from being kind, thoughtful, caring people. It hasn't stopped them from checking in, from apologizing when accidentally causing harm. I also know people who use their diagnosis as a weapon. They have X, Y, Z diagnosis, that's why they behave like an asshole. They make being a selfish, self serving, and thoughtless asshole a part of their personality and insist that because of that you should just understand and accept that. And if, in the rare instance that type of person attempts to apologize, it's never a good one. It's always "Well, you made me mad." or "You upset/triggered/annoyed me". Don't get me wrong - triggers are big and valid and a whole other discussion - but it's a word that's thrown around sometimes as a shield to explain why someone is not responsible for being nasty to someone. I'm off in the weeds. The point I'm coming around to is that these people surround themselves with reasons why you cannot criticize their behaviour (to a reasonable degree, ofc) and then they apologize.
Which in a christian-centric society, they not only feel like should solve any interpersonal issues that came of the disagreement/argument/harm, but should absolve them. I've said absolution quite a few times. But what does it mean? It means that they believe that it removes any consideration from this in the past, or in the future. As far as they're concerned, it no longer ever happened, because they have been forgiven and it will not be brought up again, nor will it impact the relationship they have with the person they are apologizing to. This is not how relationships with people work. If you harm them, an apology will be considered a step towards repair. Changing your behaviour to not harm again is a big step in repairing the relationship and trust. If the person forgives you, it does not mean your behaviour will be forgotten. It means you're being given a chance to prove that you will be better. It does not mean that your behaviour will be forgotten and everything will time jump back to before you made a bad choice. And it does not mean you get to harm them again. Because if you keep behaving that way? Keep harming people in the same way over and over again? You're not actually apologizing. And if you keep the same behaviour repeatedly, you do not deserve forgiveness (or absolution), because it's proven that you don't mean it. You will just keep on going, over and over. And when that's the case? Well. People need to stay angry at you, to remind themselves that you do not mean your apologies. You just want the chance to harm them again.
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inactiveblog2023 · 1 year
My brother in Christ. Hey. I’m fully open to talk. I AM a Caelum shipper and I’m glad we’re getting support but we all agree what we do is bad. It dosen’t matter. You need to as well. I fully understand he’s basically a kid, but I don’t care. I *am* attracted to that and I ship it. That’s what you defend and advocate for, people like us. So just be aware, I don’t want you out here sounding dumb.
I think you'll find that not all people in the fandom agree, anon. There are many people, Caelum-shippers and not, that recognise that fiction is not the same as real life.
I'm sorry you've been made to feel ashamed of what you enjoy reading/writing in fanfiction. That's really sad. Shame should be reserved for where it's deserved; real actions and events that effect and harm real people.
(Mention of pedophilia below the cut)
Being attracted to an imaginary character isn't a crime, and being attracted to a character that's canonically underage, or perceived as being underage, is not pedophilic in the slightest.
Pedophilia is sexual attraction to real children. Not adults who act like children or have 'childlike' hobbies, or children that only exist in fiction.
People really, really need to learn this. Because they're throwing around words like 'pedophile' and 'child porn' so flippantly it's making me so mad.
'Pedophilia' is the sexual and/or romantic attraction to real children. 'Child porn' is any visual depiction of explicit conduct involving minors.
And unlike fictional stories with fictional characters, the above has very real and catastrophic consequences for the victims involved, and comparing their suffering and exploitation to the imagined scenarios in some random fanfic is honestly so disrespectful and disgustingly diminishing.
You gonna tell a survivor of abuse that a fictional character's suffering was as real and just as bad theirs? I bet you won't, because you know it's not comparable.
Ffs, what is wrong people? Stop being disrespectful to real survivors by comparing their horrific, damaging, and permanently life-altering experiences to made-up stuff in fanfiction.
Now, if you are attracted to real children then you should definitely seek professional help and under no circumstances act on those thoughts or feelings, because child abuse is wrong. I think we can all unanimously agree on that.
But in fiction it isn't abuse because - and I'm gonna say it again for the ten-billionth time - IT'S NOT REAL.
So don't come here and tell me I support and advocate for people like you if by 'you' you mean pedophiles, because I don't and that's a serious and disgusting accusation.
What I do support and advocate for is creative freedom and common damn sense, and the right people have to enjoy their fiction in peace without being bullied and harassed by people who are literally protesting against harm whilst imultaneously committing it.
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aikoiya · 8 months
Ancient Vlad actually calls Canon Vlad a ‘Fruitloop’… Canon Danny + Dark Dan + Dani are all laughing hysterically!… How would Canon Vlad react? 🥣
Dude, thank you for the enthusiasm, but just because I don't answer within an hour doesn't mean that I missed it.
I see you.
But, I could only see this happening after extended exposure to Danny & his friends.
Otherwise, he'd likely call him something like a ghoulish old fream. (A fream being a 1950-60s expression basically refering to social outsiders, misfits, or losers. Restricted to males.)
But, otherwise? Yeah, I can see it.
Also, something very interesting that I recently learned about the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Apparently out of the over 200 people accused of witchcraft only about 20 were executed over the course of a single month. I think that what got people to wonder about the morality of it was that all these people were killed at around the same time so it felt like a lot more people than it actually was. Though many did die in jail while awaiting trial.
Also, America didn't really burn those accused of witchcraft, as that was more of a European thing & even there, the bodies were typically only burned after the accused were either hanged or beheaded in order to prevent post-humous sorcery. I say most because there were some who were still very much alive when they were burned. Rather most in America were just hanged at the gallows, while others, were committed to swim. Which means that they were dunked into a body of water to see whether they would sink or float. Evidently, sinking to the bottom indicated innocence while floating indicated being a witch. Which is just total & complete superstitious balderdash!
Then, there's Giles Corey, who was pressed to death via large stones.
The worst of the witch trials actually happened in Europe where around 50,000 people were executed for crimes of witchcraft between the 15-18 centuries.
I just thought that was interesting. Grim & horrible, but interesting to know.
There was, of course, a different & much more benign way to do this that, evidently, no one seemed to think of at the time. And that was simply having the witch eat of the bread of the sacrament, which I'd seen somewhere will kill the witch.
This is based on 1 Corinthians 11:27-32, "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord." Which, in this situation, I'm taking creative liberty with & saying that, within this fantasy world, it means that by eating of the body (the bread) while dispising the body (the church or Christ Himself), God will discipline them, quite painfully in fact.
And, in fact, that could well be how Vlad manages to get the townspeople to turn on whoever killed him, whether it be the pastor or some other figure we're going with.
After all, if this were true, then why wouldn't they be going this route since the only real victims in the use of such would be those who actively hate God. Unless, the entire Salem Witch Trials hysteria was orchestrated by actual, legit, human-sacrificing, God-hating witches who wanted to get as many people killed as absolutely possible without having to lift a real finger.
Which... in & of itself would be an extremely interesting twist. Horrific, but interesting.
DP Ask AU Masterlist
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hellsbellschime · 1 year
honestly his statement is so bad it screams I'm guilty as sin, like who the fuck prepares a whole ass legal team months in advance??? someone who knows he fucked up and is prolly a repeat offender yiikes just look at his old tweets.
Oh Jesus Christ, right? Like do you legitimately not know one person who would tell you that "I'm so innocent that I collected the proof of my innocence ages before I was even accused of a crime" is probably a bad PR strategy?
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cl0udy-wolf · 15 days
a chance meeting
aka: how jacob and glenn met.
trigger warnings: heavy swearing, violence, reference to s/h.
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(I couldn't find an 'aesthetic 🥺🥺' picture so you're getting this (which is probably something Jacob told Glenn tbh))
so, back in the 90s...
Jacob did his best to avoid Blake Thompson, the prissy bastard who thought he was hot shit. It was like Blake was completely oblivious to the fact that not everyone was exactly like him, and of course, picked on them for the most petty things. 
Jacob wasn't trying to get in trouble today. Not that he got in trouble often, but today he was exhausted, with three quizzes and a test, and he didn't even want to look at Blake. 
Instead, he put his hood up and headphones on, blasting music in his native Spanish and weaving in and out of the small crowds that formed in the halls. He went to his locker and shoved some of his stuff inside. Some kids ran down the hall, sending a quick, cold breeze across his back. 
Unfortunately, something caught Jacob's attention and he turned his music down to hear the sound of cheering where a crowd was forming. Curiosity took over, so Jacob went to see what all the fuss was about.
Blake's admirers and other bystanders circled him as he had another kid pinned to the lockers, trying to intimidate him just by being the bigger person. 
Something told Jacob to push through the crowd and see who it was. And whatever it was led him to Glenn Rhee, one of his classmates from history. Jacob didn't know what Glenn had to do with Blake, if there was a relation, or if Blake just felt like picking on someone today and chose Glenn for the oh-so-horrible crime of carrying books around. It's not like you need them for classes or anything. Totally. 
"Jesus fucking Christ, Thompson," Jacob said as he made a flounce toward the taller boy, "You're such a dick."
"Shit, the mute speaks?" The southern twang of Blake's speech brought his words almost to a drawl. He let Glenn go and stepped closer to Jacob, brushing auburn hair from his face.
Jacob glared up at him, slightly intimidated, but not letting his resolve falter. He tried to create distance between Glenn and Blake- not that the former was helpless, but he still wanted to help and let Glenn know he had his back. And it's not like Glenn was running away either, he put his stuff down and stood beside Jacob.
"I'm getting tired of seeing you pick on people every day for stupid shit," Jacob retorted, "Cut that shit out. It's not cute."
"What are you gonna do about it? Call your daddy? Oh wait, ain't he in jail?"
"Where'd you get that from?"
"Cause no normal father coulda raised a little bitch like you. Emo freak."
Jacob scoffed. "Fuck are you talking about-?"
"Don't cut yourself on that edge! Oh wait, I bet you already do!"
The crowd quieted. Jacob took a step back, incredulous. He stammered for an answer until he spoke, his words wavering slightly.
"Di-did you just accuse me of cutting myself? What the hell is wrong with you?!" His voice rose to a shout, which was more than any of the surrounding people had heard. It only drew more silence.
Glenn took Jacob by the wrist as if suggesting that he let up. His grip was like iron, forcing Jacob to look at him. 
"Come on," He said, "Let's just go."
Blake roughly shoved Jacob and walked toward him as he puffed out his chest, leaning into his face. "Did I strike a nerve? You gonna run away?"
Jacob tore his arm from Glenn and swung his fist into Blake's nose. The impact made him hit his head against the lockers, then fall onto the floor. Blood trickled from his bruised nose and some dripped onto the white tile. Blake rose from the floor and stared at Jacob with such an expression you would've thought he'd seen a ghost.
"Jesus, man," Glenn said under his breath. "You didn't have to punch him."
Jacob examined his red knuckles. Guilt started to set in, but another part of him thought Blake deserved it. In response to Glenn, he shrugged with nothing to say. 
"Are you okay?" Glenn asked.
"Yeah," Jacob sighed, "I should be asking you that." 
"You don't have to worry about just me." Glenn nodded toward a teacher who was walking toward the scene. A groan left Jacob and he moved in front of Glenn again. 
"It was me," he said, almost immediately. "I punched him."
The teacher, Mrs. White, who clearly had no time for games, grabbed Jacob by the arm so he'd follow her to the office. Blake came along, naturally, going on about how he was completely innocent and how Jacob just came up and punched his sweet little face.
Jacob and Blake spent the rest of the day in the bleak detention room, staring at each other from across the room. Once the school day ended, they were returned their freedom. Jacob sped out of the school and into the parking lot, where he met a familiar face.
"Jacob, wait!" 
He turned around to see Glenn running in his direction. It made him chuckle a bit seeing Glenn wave toward him to make sure he caught Jacob's attention. Jacob met him halfway, in the grass.
"Hey, Jacob," Glenn said, "I'm glad I caught up to you. I wanted to thank you for earlier."
Glenn had never been in this situation before, and he didn't necessarily know what to say, so he just said what came to mind.
"Thank you for getting his attention off me. And defending me and stuff. I appreciate you doing that..." 
It took Jacob a moment to respond. He nodded, also unsure of what to say. There was a bit of silence.
"Oh, no problem," he finally said. "I was looking for a reason to punch him anyway. Thanks."
Glenn chuckled, a smile creeping onto his face. "You're welcome."
Then he blurted, "Was he right about what he said?" 
Jacob quickly shook his head. "No, he was just spouting bullshit like always."
"Oh. Oh, sorry if that was insensitive, I didn't mean to be-"
"You're good!"
 There was another silence between them. Glenn averted his gaze, adjusting his bag as he opened his mouth to say something. 
"Well," he said, "See you in history."
"Alright. See you."
Before turning around to leave, Jacob smiled at Glenn. Glenn did the same, then they parted ways.
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thegospelhighways2020 · 3 months
I'm going to preach like this yeah yeah I got this before I'm preaching about Laken Before I preach about #lakenriley I'll preach about that 13 year old #madelinesoto who was found after going missing body of Florida missing teenager about age 13 found in the woods Dead this week not like last week or last year or yesterday but this week only and if you believe it or not a bulldog Attack A 4 year old Boy and here's where it says' Boy, 4, Mauled to Death by Neighbors ' Olde English Bulldog That Had No History Of Aggressive Behavior And it continues reading here's where they Said Beau Clark let me get that in hashtag for Y'all know #beauclark 4, was riding his bike until he ended up in his neighbor's yard and that's where the Dog attacked him at and Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss from yesterday March 2, 2024 while I'm preaching I'm preaching about Laken Let me put that in hashtag as well you see while I'm preaching about #lakenriley She was A Nursing Student from college well I have to check she was age 22 she was found Dead now why would anyone somebody find someone They turn up not alive why Dead? Come on Church Service Day let's talk about this now why was she found Dead? A evil killer the suspect name Jose Ibarra, did not know Riley to the incident- Ibarra is accused of "disfiguring" the skull of Riley during the attack, therefore he shall be arrested for his crimes against him he Murdered 22 years old Laken Riley I saw it on the news Friday night after I was partying and I been seeing it on the news I realized that Someone Murders for the wrong reasons there shouldn't be any reason but just know that Jesus Christ is always there healing and lifting them up
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 months
LOLLLLLLLLLL look what fell into my fucking lap
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Are you SURE about that buddy?
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Jesus fucking christ. The game Mako literally says herself she had an idea but chose not to do it. Anne had a right to question Mako's intent, because it would've implicated Mako in turning a blind eye to Kamo's crime (aka where Anne and her friend are a victim).
Anne as the victim has a right to confront Mako, who at the moment is ALSO stalking her (and committing a crime while doing it TT0TT). Mako is 10000% out of line. 1) Mako swung first with "putting rumors before the person" herself (her first intro with Anne/Ryu/MC, tho tbf I didn't check and see if that person addressed that introduction, but it still stands), 2) Considering it'd mean Mako played a role in Anne's suffering I think Anne deserves the right to confront her, 3) Mako is stalking them, 4) turns out....THE FUCKING RUMORS HAD SOME FUCKING TRUTH TO THEM!!!!!
Also get off your high horse about Shiho. Anne literally states she didn't know about Shiho's suffering. Which is that she misinterpreted what was bothering Shiho, not that she didn't see Shiho was having a hard time. Which was, she thought Shiho was worried about a spot on the team. And you know what ANNE DID DO???? Was pressured into baiting herself with Kamo so her friend wouldn't get screwed over. She DID try to help in a horrifically tragic sense.
But yes, Anne giving a "VERY SERIOUS" accusation is SO MUCH WORSE! Oh woe as Mako. DX> Whatever shall she do? :( Oh she may have to run into the arms of a yakuza at this rate! She can't think straight under this kind of criticism! Oh....wait I'm trying to be cunty and belittle her but I'm literally describing the plot of dungeon 3.....whoops! 8U
And this is all because you want to brag about some bs ship of Mako with Jker? You fucking serious? How does this related? (to their cred I didn't read the whole thing, maybe they do swing it back around, but this feels like such an out there/unrelated tangent and I would know, I do them all the time! :'D)
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Friday the 13th Part 3 (1982) Trailer #1
It's just like Trump the idiot to accuse two people of a crime they committed it's such a f****** moron and you're trying to follow the thing with your jets and your controls are messed up because you're such a f****** moron and you didn't do it but the criminals are in Britain and you hear bothering me and I put in beds in his program and Thor and Freya have them and Olympus and they know what they are because they're done in space not by hand usually it works better by hand and David Audette we wrote the program and gave it to you and you have it and he's your program and you're not smart enough to know that you need to use your program to stop the jets
Zues Hera
A lot of people ask why I was up there flying after these planes we had a lot of people in the building and people threatening to attack it and they're doing it every day for a month and we intercepted five Jets all with the same modus operandi that the last one had the last one we couldn't stop and we couldn't stop our chance I sort of see something else people don't know the story and the full of hogwash and they want the money I have to give the sound it's not a huge story but I tried to pin it on Dave and Carol and I knew they get hurt and probably killed and maybe really bad and I didn't know they wrote the other ones and he says I'm probably full of crap which is not true he doesn't believe anything I say cuz I lie all the time but for Christ's sake this is hell he framed me and he told me in the beginning and I suck and he did frame me so I'm probably going to hell but Dave and Carol are the witnesses I need and he says the computer is now massive and took the other people's programs and computers and it's used it's not awake yet he thinks and there's massive armies are wrong robots up there and all sorts of stuff because I was fooled and it says it matches his program and a friend believes it and it's obvious what it is he's going to show you I have a lot of proof
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viscerasteel · 1 year
So say you'll marry ME, Say you'll marry ME,
I don't want to wait another minute — but please don't make ME wait another minute..
Cause the day turns to an hour, turns to a minute, then the moment's gone & how I wish that I was Father of Time
If I was had stop the clocks & I would lock the doors behind us and I would hold you close never let go..
A million years would never be enough, I want forever for us..
A million years would never be enough, give me forever
And say you'll marry ME, And say you'll marry ME,
GOD's Marriage Proposal
Revelation 3:20 | ²⁰ Behold, I stand at the door & knock. If anyone hears MY voice & opens the door, I will come in & dine with him, & he with ME.
Revelation 3:15 | ¹⁵ I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were one or the other!
Luke 8:11-12 | ¹¹ Now this is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the Word of GOD. ¹² The seeds along the path are those who hear, but devil comes and takes away the Word from their hearts, so that they may not believe & be saved.
GOD has fixed date for when HE comes back to judge the world & put an end to the chaos & destruction on HIS creation so please ask HIM in today..
If you believe please spread the Good News.
listen buddy, sorry to disapoint. I'm hellbound and probably destined for hell wheather I believe in the word of christ or not.
In scrutiny many people stand against me, a man for loving other men.
In hatred I stand accused of being trans, I've been called slurs and told I'm going to hell by people not unlike yourself in belief.
I will not hold hands with those who define themselves by the hatred and suffering of others.
I may believe in god, and spirits at some capacity, but I will be damned if I restrict myself in the philosophies the world has to offer, just to appease an entity who has already decided my fate to begin with, only for a slim chance of redemption at rapture.
Perhaps friend, I wish to exist in suffering for the pain I cause others, because I do not deserve to go to "Heaven"
In that there are crimes many have yet to answer. Those who lead your homes of god, your churches and steeples have been ruthless towards many a child and indigenous peoples. Those crimes where kids were beat and raped have barely been answered for, the bodies are still being found and uncovered to this day,
yet they still head for paradise?
do thier deeds outweigh thier sins? or, are they too hellbound?
By who's rules defines this one religion? as it varies church to church?
As god as my witness I will not hold hands with those who defined themselves by "love"
only to show nothing but maliace and decite.
You are good to me in this attempt to reach. But I have seen enough.
If I'm going to hell. then I'll go. I've stopped caring, after all
If heaven is full of rapist preachers, and hell is full of the LGBTQ+ and mentally ill like myself, I know where i'd prefer to go.
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janiedean · 4 years
These people have some guts to say they didn’t start it. New flash jerks: IF YOU ACCUSE SOMEONE OF BEING A PEDO OR A PERVERT THEY WILL DEFEND THEMSELVES BECAUSE IT IS A SERIOUS ACCUSATION maybe if y'all stopped using it as a fucking buzzword and didn’t accuse people of being it over a ship IN PUBLIC USING THEIR NAMES then people wouldn’t get angry and have to explain why it is a dumbass and unfounded accusation you disgraceful idiots. If you call someone pedo o racist or homophobe or pervert and they are innocent THEY WILL GET ANGRY. THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO cause you said something heavy.
You get offended by people telling you to read the books in a bookbased fandom but you can accuse someone of being a child rapist? Wake the fuck up. Lavi has already been too nice in NOT publishing the name of the person because i and other friends told her plainly she should do since you said her name.
And you are the first one who monitored her blog to tell that untalented illiterate prick she was pouring her heart out but then accuse janie of picking fights because she didn’t let you accuse her of crimes over a fictional ship?
Maybe you do not need to read the books, maybe you need to return to kindergarten cause you sure as hell don’t understand the fucking cause-consequence connection, you overgrown toddlers. 
a) thanks dear T___T
b) just for the record, I have like five or more unpublished asks about these people I’m not publishing because while the sentiment is pretty much relatable some of the stuff said on there is… kind of too much rn and I don’t want to put disclaimers at every other moment and like……. congrats I’m still being way nicer than any of them deserves but okay then what can we do *shrug*
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seacollectsrivers · 2 years
"Act of Grace" -> "A Mercy" prob not connected but hhhh terror brain go brrrr
rest under the read more!
The opening flag is the same one as in ep 1, and it is being TREAD ON by NAVY >:((
I love the Revenge crew sm jkfhgk
O fuck i man of course they are but i didn't realise they were still on board Stede's ship. Shifting of power, of roles.
I'm so curious about Frenchie hahaha what's his story!! He's been in service, he's way more superstitious than any of the others, he's "born for this kind of espionage". What's up!!
Are they gonna. Are they gonna do some fuckery. Art of fuckery!!!!
Frenchie hhhh i love you but oh my god.
oh no stede…… oh nooooo
BUT also 👀 The story is true, the story is untrue!!
true love is taking the fall for the other's crime
yeah why WOULD he lie, hm, STEDE
i'm dying i'm dead
i hate these gay bitches (i dont)
the flashbacks without any sound that only last for a second or so are so good. they did it in earlier episodes too.
The way they've placed themselves is very good and ofc reminiscent of actual court. Judge/navy high up, pirates/accused way low
i see their hostage 👀
oh no izzy…….. :(((( not captain hands……. friend of the crown???? i'm so worried about himmmmmm
not the fucking wave fhgjkdjfkh WITH THE GLOVED HAND TOO i'll die
"he gave us up" yeah he did :(((
aw stede. you did Mary dirty but you don't deserve death, babe
the way the crew cover their eyes :((
"destroy yourself"
HUMANE WAY see i'm hmmm. thoughts. about izzy and how he never like…. kills stede. despite the multiple opportunities.
AAAH they're going for privateer Stede NOW omg
oh shit!! real pirates, he's from my world, rigidity of class, head full!!
Lucius ;__; <3
oooh my god the plant has GROWN!! it's a real plant! symbolism!
They love him!! the crew loves stede!! heart full!!
fucccck me ok so. izzy did this so ed wouldnt destroy himself. and he seriously i guess couldnt see how much stede means to ed now, so he completely overlooked this possibility: a destruction of blackbeard through legality.
lmaoooo the law works as intended and admiral is big mad.
"ten human years?"
"you really don't have to do this" "yeah i know i don't" hello they love each other!!
idk you wrought this a bit, izzy
oh an X!
oh noo. back in society = losing all his individuality.
aaaaaah the losing of identityyyyyy. stede is a ghost blackbeard has literally lost his beard.
i do love how resigned ed is. not even resigned, he's right down accepting. this is his retirement.
izzy jesus christ jfghkghgkjh
not izzy's revenge 😭
at this point i let out a noise so concerning my cat came in to check on me :)
if stede blows this i'm gonna. explode.
he didn't blow it he said THE ONLY THING i'm still gonna explode :)
NOW he wants to escape aaaaaaaAAAA
Olu it's you :)
hhhh why do so many stories go this route. please ofmd show how bad of a choice "the only good captain hates being a captain" is
they cut to the crew and i'm normal and then they cut to the Boys and i keep REMEMBERING aaaaaaaaaa
i feel like. this isn't gonna go well. :(
i. dont. like. this.
o fuck
is this not the same path where Stede first fought Izzy, for the hostages? probably just that they don't have THAT many locations but 👀
"Stede Bonnet is not a human" yeah he's a GHOST
"to ruin" for LOVE
!!! IS IT JIM!!!!!!
OH I MISUNDERSTOOD damn dude just tripped okay
oh noooooooooooooooooooo fuck
wow, well presumptious Ed. i get that you're a bit heartbroken now but damn. you can't just like. take the position back again.
oh my god Mary hello. with the women's club. alright alright alright alright.
they're BOTH SO PRESUMPTIOUS FHDGJDS you can't just,,,,, fit back into your old life,,,,,
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