#Levi definitely had a full circle moment when he saw the candy
fruity-blogs · 6 months
Sometimes I wonder if Levi giving out candies to the kids ever remind him of how Hanji greeted him, Isabel and Furlan to the Survey Corps.
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soprana-snap · 6 years
Blue Moon
Happy Halloween!
I’ll be reblogging my Stray series and hope to post A Little Magic today or by the end of the week. Stay safe this All Hallow’s Eve.
#Fun Fact: A blue moon is caused by dust particles in the atmosphere making it look blue. Another definition is a second full moon in a month. A full moon on Halloween is a blue moon. The next full moon on Halloween will be in 2020. .
They say that everyone has two wolves inside them: a good and an evil. The good represents all the hope, love, and positive. The evil, everything negative like hate, envy, self doubt. They are at war, clawing and snarling in every person.
It is also said that the one that is fed regularly is the one that wins.
Her mother didn’t exactly tell her about the wolves, mostly because Lucy was afraid of the Big Bad Wolf in the stories, but she did tell her of the battle between good and evil: Letting love win, always.
Love, trust, acceptance, and hope.
It was how Lucy tried to live her life, even after her Mama’s death.
However, old tales of wolves and good vs. evil never revealed truths; exact, crystal clear truths. Lucy loved fairy tales for the good story and the morals behind them. She also loved wise tales.
Halloween was just a normal day for her when she was young. Her Papa never let her go out trick-or-treating but her Mama and her had dress-up parties and put on plays. Together, they raided the kitchens with silk pillowcases, bringing joy to the chefs as each one put a treat inside. It wasn’t normal, but it was enough for Lucy. There weren’t many children around her gated neighborhood, most of the neighbors too successful or busy for parenting.
But, this time, Halloween was special, very special.
Her first year of college had been going well, classes a drag but she expected as much as an honors student. Most of her time was devoted to studying or doing projects to succeed at her 18 credit load. Honestly, she missed sleeping.
What made today of all days special was her friends. Back in August, when she had no knowledge of the town or of the dorm, Lucy was certain she’d be alone like all the other times. That was when she met Levy, her roommate. A diligent looking, blue haired girl with kind eyes and a bright smile. It wasn’t what she expected but they got along fine.
Then Levy introduced her to Erza and Lisanna, who then introduced Gray and Natsu, who then introduced Gajeel and Loke…
It kind of got out of hand. In the week before classes even started, Lucy had met about half of her future graduating class AND half of the class before them. Lucy would never dare complain about having too many friends but it took effort and careful balancing to maintain them and school.
Especially Natsu.
If she had to chose one word to describe him, it would be loyal.
Another would be obnoxious but she liked to be positive.
As a fire science major, she expected more reserve from him, but then he wouldn’t be Natsu, her best friend. The best friend that likes to break into her dorm and steal her hot chocolate packets.
Anyway, one of her friends-
It was exciting just thinking about them
-was throwing a halloween party.
Plus, this halloween was during a full moon! A halloween under a blue moon. A smile came to her lips.
It quickly fell, however, once she recalled one thing wrong.
She was lost in the woods, on this special Halloween night using the moon as her light, looking for her lost best friend.
The party started off well enough. She and Levy arrived late, about five o'clock, to see everyone else already there. The music wasn’t too loud, the snacks were full, and everyone was in costumes. A grand old time, as her grandfather would put it.
Having a blast, eating enough candy to regret later, and trying not to fall into one of Cana’s pranks, she was sure this was a halloween she would never forget.
It didn’t escape her notice that some of her friends were acting a little weird, Natsu in particular. He wasn’t eating. He wasn’t fighting with Gray. He kept checking the clock or frantically asking the time after only moments had passed since the last he questioned. It was passable with Gajeel, who was crankier than usual. It was out of sorts for Natsu.
She asked him if he was feeling sick and his eyes looked darker as he shrugged. 
“Something like that.” he had replied gruffly, scratching at his head far more vigorously than she'd ever seen.
He started pacing right before sunset, looking more frazzled and agitated than she ever remembered seeing him.
Then, just as everyone started shouting ‘Happy Halloween’ and tossing candy, he bolted like a racehorse out of the gates. She wasn’t sure how he moved so quickly but the next second he was out in the yard, leaping the fence and vanishing into the woods. She only saw the flash of his red dragon tail on his costume disappear over the fence as she gave chase.
Trust the fire science major to out parkour the english major.
It took her a total of 30 seconds after calling his name and starting a scene before trying to clamber up after him. It took her twice as long to get to the top, her boots slipping on the metal. Jeez, how many rumors is she going to have to deal with tomorrow?
The chain links sliced at her sleeve, catching her bicep with a sharp trail that immediately began to bubble with spots of blood. Ignoring the throb of pain, she hoisted her body over the fence, nearly eating it as she fell on the other side. Then she ran through the woods blindly, not thinking about anything but finding Natsu before something bad happened to him. Never mind she was now also lost in the woods.
An owl hooted overhead, startling Lucy from her deep thoughts. Night had fallen now, the moon still rising above the canopy of the trees. Maybe it was because it was All Hallows’ Eve but Lucy had the major creeps.
It felt like she was being watched.
Her skin tingled as she could feel a pair of eyes on her, her hands pulling her red cloak closer. It was all so laughable. She dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and then got herself lost in the woods.
“Hello?” she called out, turning her head left and right. “Natsu?”
Silence answered her, a soft breeze rustling the branches of the trees. The colorful leaves on the ground began to flutter, some taking flight into the shadows. Some crunched, sounding like a gunshot in the silence.
“Who’s there?” she snapped sharply, whirling around so fast that her cloak nearly tripped her.
The wind died down, revealing the soft noise of a twig snapping, a low rumble following.
Lucy swallowed thickly, feeling a bead of sweat trailed down her temple. Okay, so something was out there, watching her. Her self defense course never covered getting stalked by animals in the woods but she assumed it was the same principle.
“If you're some creep, I think you should just go back to where you came from. I don’t have time to deal with you. My friend is missing.” She hoped her voice sounded as fierce as she was trying to make it sound. If it came down to it, Natsu could handle himself in the woods. She wasn’t made to fight cougars or wolves.
Her heart seized and her back ached from how she tensed at the answering growl from the shadows, just feet from her left and behind a tree.
Okay, it was time to leave Natsu’s ass in the woods.
She shifted, moving to step away but froze when a hoarse voice spoke into the dark night.
“...L...Lucy?” It was rough, but almost certainly Natsu’s voice.
“Oh my gosh thank goodness-” she breathed, clutching her cloak over her heart and sighing. That much bravery and bluffing had to have made her lose about five pounds in sweat alone! “I was worried-”
She heard a breath, much deeper and huskier than she ever heard, like the snort of a horse...or the sneeze of a large dog. Was there something else out there? Oh, she hoped not.
“You...shouldn’t have come.” Natsu said then, absolutely no mirth or typical light in his tone. He sounded...exhausted? Scolding her wasn’t in his repertoire, but he was now.
That made her blood boil.
“Excuse me? When you run off like that, of course I’m going to follow! I was worried about you!” Now she was yelling in the middle of a forest, in the dark. If any creatures didn’t know they were here, they knew now.
Her scolding echoed for a while before silence returned, Lucy straining her ears to hear anything of the man hiding in the shadows.
There was a shift behind the tree and then Natsu sighed in that deep way once more. “Thanks Lucy. For everything, really. You’re always looking out for me.” The wind came again, shifting the branches to cast fleeting moonlight on the base of the trunk, and the illuminated shadow behind. “But you need to go back. I’ll be behind you soon.”
“Uh, no? I’m not leaving you in the woods when you have an 8am class tomorrow!” If he was thinking about skipping because he had a late night in the woods doing whatever he was doing, he had another thing coming.
“Lucy, leave.” Natsu barked. Literally barked the last word.
Her legs burned from how fast and hard she leaped back, hitting a tree in her haste. “Natsu?” she whispered, clutching the cloak tighter around her. Fear froze her as she listened to the quiet, yet unmistakable sounds of his panting. Panting.
Her feet went on autopilot. One step after another, she circled the tree at a fair distance, eyes fixated on the shadow under the overhanging branches. Speckles of moonlight filtered down, dotting the figure once hidden to her.
It wasn’t connecting. The dots weren't adding up. Natsu had pink hair...not russet. Natsu had hair on his head...not his entire body.
He was a man...not a fluffy, long snouted animal with claws and fangs. But, that was what was behind the tree that his voice came from.
Dark eyes watched her in horror as she stared, maw parted to reveal a mouth full of teeth. Standing on four legs, a wolf stared at her with the equivalent of a ‘deer in the headlights’ look. It was huge, around the size of a motorcycle, and it had familiar onyx eyes.
“Oh...my God-” she whispered, hands moving to her mouth as her jaw dropped.
The wolf, however possible, looked even more panicked, turning to her and spoke, “Don’t freak out!”
It was Natsu’s voice.
Lucy was certain she lost her damn mind, believing that a talking wolf and Natsu had anything in common.
She took a step back, then another. The wolf made to follow, pausing when she inhaled sharply. “Okay, take a deep breath Lucy. You look like you’re about to have a panic attack.”
True. She was absolutely having a panic attack right now. There wasn’t enough air in the world to help stop her dazed dizziness, her throat hurting from breathing hard and fast.
“Oh my God, you’re a damn furry.” she wailed in horror, stepping back and shrieking when her boot caught on something, sending her tumbling back.
Pain erupted in the back of her head, Natsu’s cry of her name muffled and tinted with slight offense.
Good. Because being a werewolf was okay...being a damn furry was not. That was the last thought she managed before the world was lost to her.
The End
P.S: Did you really think I would write a serious Halloween fic? Trick or treat, you got the TRICK!
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