#Leola N. King
tferyal · 1 year
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Amerika'nın ilk kadın trafik polisi, Leola N. King ,1918
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marcoreardon · 4 years
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Leola N. King, First Female Traffic Cop, in 1918 in Washington, colorized by photographer Marco Reardon
Location: near the Carnegie Library in Washington, D.C., USA.
Léola N. King en 1918, première femme policière de Washington aux États-Unis. Photo colorisée en octobre 2020 par Marco Réardon, photographe à Montréal.
Photoby: GHI/Universal History Archive
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pris-writing-blog · 4 years
New Beginnings
Summary: Sometimes, two people who would be perfect together are driven apart by tragic circumstances. Sometimes, they never see each other again. Sometimes, they meet again in the most unlikely of places. Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Pairing: Evelyn Amell and Cullen Rutherford
Word Count: 8.4 k
Warnings: PTSD, major character death, substance abuse.
A/N: I’m honestly surprised I actually wrote this, since my tastes tend to lean towards LGBT couples and characters. But the idea of Amell finding Cullen again during Inquisition just really spoke to me and inspired me to write this. I hope you all enjoy.
A diary recovered from Kinloch Hold after it is abandoned during the Mage Rebellion. Some pages are burned, torn out, or simply illegible. A page in the front states it is property of Evelyn Leola Amell.
Date: 9:23 Dragon, 20th of Harvestmere
The Revered Mother suggested I write in this journal. Stuff about my feelings and all that. I don’t know what I’m feeling though! I guess I feel scared, and lonely, and mad upset about leaving. I miss Mother and Father and the rest of the family. I remember mother crying as the Templars took me away. How is this supposed to make me feel better? I just feel worse now. I’m going to go lay down. Maybe tomorrow I’ll try burning this book, that’ll show the Mother.
Date: 9:23 Dragon, 23rd of Harvestmere
So I didn’t burn the book. I did put it away though, hid it under my pillow. I feel a bit better today. I made two friends! One’s name is Anders, a bit older than me, and he’s said he escaped once. He got caught though, obviously. He’s snarky and makes dumb jokes. I like him. Then there’s Jowan, he’s about my age. He’s real nervous, all jittery and easily spooked. But he’s nice and calming. So I guess I have friends now. I still miss Mother.
Date: 9:23 Dragon, 1st of Firstfall, Satinalia
This was the first Satinalia I ever spent away from home. I thought I would be sad, but today was a blast! There was a HUGE feast, with a whole bunch of different dishes than I’m used to. They were all so good, except for the soup. It was grey and tasted like… stuff? I didn’t like it. Anders tried to escape, and I helped! He had this idea to send my parents a gift, but it would really just be him in a barrel wrapped in pretty paper. But the Templars found him before he even got outside- how were we supposed to know they’d unwrap it themselves?
Date: 9:26 Dragon, 13th of Cloudreach
Anders told me today he “seeing” one of the older mages. When I asked what he meant, I regretted asking. I properly shouldn’t write it down, if the Mother found this she’d have me and Anders switched. But it has made me think… Anders wouldn’t say who he was with, but he said it was a man. If a man and a man can do that together, can a woman and a woman do it? Cecilia two bunks down is pretty, I think. I don’t think I want to do that with her, but it makes me feel better that what I feel isn’t too weird.
Date: 9:26 Dragon, 16th of Cloudreach
Anders did it! He really did it! Today when the Templars had us outside for exercise, Anders suddenly bolted off to the dock and jumped off the end! The Templars tried to go after him, but after Carrol almost drowned thanks to his armor, they had to try and take it off first before jumping in. That gave Anders enough of a head start to make it to shore and run off into the woods! He’s free! I just hope it lasts for him.
Date: 9:26 Dragon, 23rd of Cloudreach
It didn’t last. The Templars tracked Anders down and brought him back in shackles. I tried to run over to help him but Jowan held me back. He said I’d just get in trouble too. Knight-Commander Gregoir wanted to make Anders Tranquil. When he said that, Ander’s mentor- Karl I think his name is- yelled at Gregoir. I still don’t understand what becoming Tranquil means, but I know Owain and the other Tranquil creep me out. I don’t want Anders to be like that. First Enchanter Irving stood up for Anders, thankfully, but he agreed to have Anders go through with his harrowing tomorrow. I’m scared for him. Cecilia did her Harrowing last week and failed. I don’t know what happened to her, she just disappeared. I don’t pray to the Maker and Andraste as much as I should, but I’ll pray tonight for Anders.
Date: 9:26 Dragon, 24th of Cloudreach
Anders passed! He made it through his Harrowing. He was grinning like a maniac and his bragging was insufferable, but I’m just happy he’s okay. He’ll be moving up to the mage quarters later, but Jowan and I are going to give him a little party before he leaves. Well, a get together with some sweet bread I managed to swipe from the kitchen. But it’s enough for him that we said we’ll miss him. I wonder when my Harrowing will be.
Date: 9:28 Dragon, 25th of Haring
Damn the Templars, damn Gregoir, damn the whole bloody circle! I don’t care if anyone finds this journal anymore. I hope they do, so they’ll know I hate them all! They caught Anders after another one of his escape attempts. This time he gave him a YEAR OF SOLITARY CONFINEMENT THAT MEANS HE’S IN THE DUNGEONS FOR A YEAR
There is a line of scribbles below this, dark and sharp as if the writer had been stabbing the page with the ink quill.
When they said that, Jowan had to actually hold me back physically. I wanted to hurt Gregoir. I screamed things that made the Mother mad, but I didn’t care. You know what I remember most? Ander’s face as they took him away. He had cast one last smirk over his shoulder at me, but I could see it in his eyes: fear. Damn them all.
Date: 9:29 Dragon, 1st of Bloomingtide, Summerday
We got some new Templar recruits recently. One of them, I think his name is Cullen, he’s cute. Blonde locks and stubble just growing in. And hazel eyes I could lose myself in. But anyways he’s alright to look at, yeah. Couldn’t do anything with him anyway, he’s a Templar and I’m a mage. It could never work. But I keep catching him glancing at me. Today in the Summerday festivities I was dressed in a pretty white dress like all the other young girls and I caught Cullen’s eye. I’ve never seen a face go so red so quickly! And he was dressed in a fine white tunic and pants, I’ll admit my face heated when I wondered what he’d look like with just the tunic. Of course, the mood was ruined when the Mother started reciting the Chant and the lessons. Oh Maker, why must you get in the way of things?
Date: 9:29 Dragon, 31st of Haring
Anders was released today. I didn’t even get a chance to say hello or goodbye before he disappeared again. The Templars are baffled, but they’re sure they’ll find them. I hope they're wrong, for Anders’s sake. I’m not mad at them anymore, I think. I understand their purpose. I just wish we had a choice. I don’t mind the Circle much, I’ve come into my magic well because of it. But for people like Anders, who value freedom more than anything, this place is a prison. It shouldn’t be like that. I’ve also spoken some more with Cullen. He’s so shy and nervous around me, as if just talking to a mage is prohibited. I asked where he was from, about his family, and he asked me the same. I just like talking with him now. I think I like him. Oh sweet Andraste I’m in trouble.
Date: 9:30 Dragon, 24th of August
My Harrowing is tomorrow! I’m scared and nervous and excited all at once. I still don’t know what they do to test you, I mean there are rumors but one can never trust those, so I am a tad worried about that. But I am confident in myself and my skills and I just know I’ll pass. Jowan has been more worried than usual, he’s upset that I’m going through my Harrowing before him, even though he’s older, but I’m sure he’s just being paranoid. One thing has made me a tad scared though: I saw Cullen earlier and saw fear in his eyes. Why was he scared when he looked at me? It almost looked like pity.
Date: 9:30 Dragon, 26th of August
I never did get to write about what happened yesterday. Too much happened. I suppose I should sort it out here. I went to my Harrowing. They pitted me against a demon. An actual Maker-forsaken demon. No wonder Cullen was scared. Apparently, if I had failed and became an Abomination, he was to be the one to kill me. I was terrified, but I passed. When I woke up, Jowan congratulated me, but still seemed nervous. I found out why later. Apparently, the First Enchanter had agreed to make Jowan Tranquil. Something about him being too weak to resist temptation or some other nonsense. He and his lover, Sister Lily, asked me to help them retrieve Jowan’s phylactery and destroy it, so they could escape without fearing the Templars finding them. And damn me to the Void, but I did it. I helped him. I believed him when he said he wasn’t a blood mage. And what did he do when he was backed into a corner like the rat he is? He used his blood to attack the Knight-Commander and escape. And now Lily is gone off to Aeonar- Maker watch over her- and I’m to be made Tranquil after the others return from Ostagar. Damn you Jowan. This is all your fault.
Date: 9:31 Dragon, 5th of Wintermarch
Once again, the Mother suggested I write down my thoughts to soothe my soul. Oh Mother, essays of my writing couldn’t soothe my soul. I don’t even know where to begin. I suppose at the start of this nightmare. I didn’t know it, but the mages and Templars sent to Ostagar returned, or at least the ones who survived. What happened at Ostagar was a tragedy, Teyrn Loghain quit the field and left the Grey Wardens and King Maric to die, along with almost all of their army. Uldred attempted to have the Circle side with Loghain, spinning a tale of lies for them. But Wynne countered him, exposing Loghain and Uldred for the traitors they were. What happened next, no one could have seen coming. In a meeting of the Enchanters, Uldred and a number of other mages turned to blood magic and demon summoning to free themselves. It went about as well as you’d expect. Almost half of the Circle perished in the fight. I barely survived myself. Still locked in the dungeon, I had to fight off demons and abominations while trapped in my cell. But I did it, I survived. Barely; I would have died of starvation if I hadn’t started screaming bloody murder. Apparently, the Templars had assumed me dead. The Hero of Ferelden saved us. Who’d have thought a boy from the Alienage, a bastard prince, an assassin, and an apostate could clear out an entire tower of abominations and demons? Sounds like a bad joke. After it was all over and they were patching me up, I saw Cullen. I didn’t even recognize him at first. He used to be so kind and shy and good and now- he’s a shell of who he was. It’s as though someone poisoned him with hate and fear. When I ran up to him to hug him he drew his sword at me, shouting to stay away or else. I was confused at first. I asked him, “Cullen, it’s me. What’s wrong?”
And he said- no, he growled, “What’s wrong is you. You mages, sick and vile and evil. All of you.”
It hurt. A lot more than I want to admit. But I said to him, “Cullen, you can’t possibly mean that. What about… I thought we-”
He cut me off, though, to shout, “There is nothing between us, mage! An ill-advised infatuation of a foolish boy. I know better now, and pray the Maker will forgive my sin.”
A sin. He called our feelings a sin. Well that was just the rotten cherry on the pile of the shit sundae wasn’t it? I yelled at him, I don’t remember what. It dissolved into a screaming match before others came to separate us. We avoided each other after that. And then he left; went off to Kirkwall, city of Templars. And damn me, but I still
No. I won’t say that, I won’t even write that. It and he are best left forgotten. After the tragedy, we were recruited by the Hero of Ferelden to fight in the Blight. I went to Denerim, saw the Darkspawn horde. It wasn’t as terrifying as what I saw during those weeks I spent trapped, assailed by monsters both human and demon made. And now it’s over. The Blight is ended and the Circle is returning to an uneasy normal. It was decided I would not be made Tranquil, seeing as how they would need as many Enchanters as possible to rebuild. Yay. The future awaits us. Let’s see what it brings.
Date: Dragon 9:37, 28th of Drakonis
Well, I found out what happened to Anders. He blew up a fucking Chantry! Words cannot express the emotions I feel about him and that, so I won’t try to write them. I’m more concerned about the Templar’s response. Mad Meredith invoked the bloody Rite of Annulment on the entire Circle, even though a single apostate caused the explosion. Thousands were killed in the chaos, mages, templars, and civilians alike. Thankfully, the Champion stopped the Knight-Commander. Apparently, I’m related to him! I heard Cullen was It was a mess, all of it. And now the Templars here are cracking down more and more. I heard there will be almost half of the contingent at the Enchanter meeting tomorrow. Anders, you really have turned the world on its head.
Date: Dragon 9:37, 29th of Drakonis
Well, Irving has fan-fucking-tastic timing. He has named me his successor. I suppose I am a good candidate, smart, skilled, not ancient. But in all seriousness, I am honored. I hope I can do well in my position. I do feel as though he’s just passed me the burning tongs though. It will be difficult to lead us through this, but I will do it, I swear to the Maker, I will lead my people through the storm.
Date: Dragon 9:37, 8th of Solace
And so we remain tied to the Chantry. I was attempted to agree with the Libertarians, but Wynne’s speech moved me. So we will remain, for a time. I returned from the Conclave earlier today and I am glad to be home. There seems to be a tangible nervous energy in the air outside, but here at least, we are safe. But the Templars… their gaze is troubling to me. As though they looking at spirits and demons instead of men and women. I pray they do not soon treat us as they see us.
Date: Dragon 9:39, 2nd of Guardian
Maker help us all. They disbanded the college. The Divine was attacked. Seekers everywhere. The world is on the brink of chaos, I can sense it. And now this, a letter from Wynne, begging me to come to Val Royeaux. There is to be a conclave of First Enchanters to discuss the finding of a cure for Tranquility. I am shocked beyond belief that such a thing exists, as well as overjoyed. But more than anything, I am scared. I am scared for my Circle, my family, and all mages across Thedas. A reckoning is about to come. And I fear the world is not ready for what it will bring.
This is the end of the diary entries. After the conclave dissolved into war, the mages fled to Andoral’s Reach. Kinloch Hold now stands empty, with accounts such as this left to be forgotten.
Find the rest of the story on my ao3 here!
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thisdayinwwi · 6 years
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New-York Tribune (New York [N.Y.]), Nov 17 1918
America's First Female Traffic Cop,Leola N. King, Washington D.C. 1918
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myweeklysongcharts · 3 years
15th of January, 2021
(+) Unova Elite Four Battle Theme - Pokemon Music - peak: 1
(-) Waltz - Suneohair - peak: 1
(-) 廻廻奇譚 - Eve - peak: 2
(new) Final Battle! N Theme - Pokemon Music - peak: 4
(-) Toi Et Moi - Paradis - peak: 1
(+) One Room Disco - Perfume - peak: 6
(-) 初恋 - Murashita Kozo - peak: 6
(-) Time Warp - Perfume - peak: 3
(-) Catch up, latency - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - peak: 8
(=) ハルカ - YOASOBI - peak: 10
(-) 愛のCoda - Kirinji - peak: 1
(-) Renai Circulation - Hanazawa Kana - peak: 2
(-) từ thích thích thành thương thương - AMEE ft. Hoàng Dũng - peak: 5
(=) スウィートソウル - Kirinji - peak: 10
(-) killer tune kills me - Kirinji ft. YonYon - peak: 4
(-) Kogarashi Sentiment - Saito Chiwa & Shinichiro Miki - peak: 1
(+) ハルジオン - YOASOBI - peak: 1
(+) 不自然なガール - Perfume - peak: 18
(-) Morgan, I Might - Marit Larsen - peak: 7
(+) ナチュラルに恋して - Perfume - peak: 20
(new) Polyrhythm - Perfume - peak: 21
(-) Black Mamba - aespa - peak: 6
(-) 新緑の巨人 - Kirinji - peak: 11
(+) Chúng Ta Của Hiện Tại - Sơn Tùng M-TP - peak: 24
(-) 二言目 - Saito Chiwa - peak: 2
(-) フラれてみたんだよ - Indigo la End - peak: 17
(-) Miss a Thing - Kylie Minogue - peak: 8
(-) Mōsō♡Express - Hanazawa Kana - peak: 6
(new) Split - Suneohair - peak: 29
(new) Battle! Reshiram/Zekrom Theme - Pokemon Music - peak: 30
(-) Fever - Dua Lipa ft. Angèle - peak: 7
(-) Perfect Slumber - Horie Yui - peak: 1
(-) Sweet Refrain - Perfume - peak: 29
(-) So Bad - StayC - peak: 26
(-) Platinum Disco - Iguchi Yuka - peak: 4
(-) Cayman Islands - Kings of Convenience - peak: 7
(-) あなたがいることで - uru - peak: 36
(-) 夜のgroovin' - YONA YONA WEEKENDERS - peak: 23
(+) 炎 - LiSa - peak: 27
(-) Magic - Kylie Minogue - peak: 3
(-) I Love You Boy - Suzy - peak: 18
(-) I Can't Stop Me - Twice - peak: 9
(-) 通り恋 - Indigo la End - peak: 25
(-) Tout oublier - Angèle ft. Roméo Elvis - peak: 13
(-) Misread - Kings of Convenience - peak: 20
(-) 恋の気配 - Kirinji - peak: 9
(-) 群青 - YOASOBI - peak: 10
(new) I & I - Leola - peak: 48
(-) Exist For Love - AURORA  - peak: 1
(-) Nàng Thơ - Hoàng Dũng - peak: 42
0 notes
plusorminuscongress · 6 years
Picture This: Taking On Traffic: A Closer Look at the Signals
Taking On Traffic: A Closer Look at the Signals By Lara Szypszak
It might seem obvious that traffic control development paralleled the the growing use of automobiles. Especially after World War I, an increase in traffic created a need for more systematic signals. The first traffic light in the United States was installed in 1914 in Cleveland and the first interconnected signal system was introduced in Salt Lake City in 1917. By the late 1920s, most U.S. cities saw the implementation of pre-timed systems, the early model for what we see today.
Actually, traffic lights predated the automobile era. In December of 1868, the world’s first traffic lights were installed in London, close to Westminster Bridge. Policemen had to stand next to the signals to operate them. However, about a month into the new traffic light project, a leaky gas main caused one of the traffic lights to explode in the face of the operating policeman! It would be another 40 years before traffic lights reappeared around the world.
I came across the photo below of quite the chaotic Detroit traffic scene, and it took a moment before I noticed how unusual the traffic system looked. If you zoom in for a closer look, you can spot a sort of booth with lights fixed atop, and the guard using a megaphone to direct traffic himself!
Traffic, Detroit, Mich. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company, between 1915 and 1925. https://ift.tt/2uR6xmL
Detail of Traffic, Detroit, Mich. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company, between 1915 and 1925. https://ift.tt/2uR6xmL
And from another angle, a similar raised booth in Detroit traffic:
Crowded street, Detroit, Mich. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company, between 1915 and 1925. https://ift.tt/2NMXPNA
When reading histories of traffic signals in the United States, I noticed Detroit was a particularly difficult city to navigate, and it seemed to be the breeding ground for major traffic signal developments. Today’s tri-tone signals developed when the yellow light between red and green was added by a Detroit police officer named William Potts in 1917. The yellow color was to alert drivers and pedestrians of the oncoming change. In 1920, Potts also built the first four-direction light. A few years later in 1928, the 12 bulb system was created, with red now always on top.
Traffic Director Eldridge inspecting new lights 1/5/26. Photo from the National Photo Company, January 5, 1926. https://ift.tt/2uXgboj
Taking a step back from the light systems and looking at human traffic controllers- I thought the image below was fascinating, not only because of the Stop-Go sign and the umbrella attached, but the mirror that allows the guard to also watch his back!
Traffic officer, Washington, D.C. Photo by Harris & Ewing, between 1915 and 1923. https://ift.tt/2LSIXwK
Leola N. King, wife of Cap. E.H. King, med. capt. Photo from the National Photo Company, between 1918 and 1920. https://ift.tt/2OjYw28
Learn More:
Take a look at some more National Photo Company traffic-related images in the Prints and Photographs Online Catalog
More interested in the vehicles, themselves? Look back at a previous blog post on cars in the Capital or a post on Presidential vehicles, published on the Science, Business & Technology blog.
See a selection of images from our collections of more traffic police at work!
Published July 26, 2018 at 10:22AM Read more on https://loc.gov
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rich1577 · 7 years
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Leola N. King, the first women in history to be a traffic cop, in 1918. http://ift.tt/2pBc3p0
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mortisia · 9 years
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Leola N. King, America's first female traffic cop, Washington D.C. [1918]
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plusorminuscongress · 6 years
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Picture This: Taking On Traffic: A Closer Look at the Signals https://ift.tt/2mJw0Ks by Lara Szypszak
It might seem obvious that traffic control development paralleled the the growing use of automobiles. Especially after World War I, an increase in traffic created a need for more systematic signals. The first traffic light in the United States was installed in 1914 in Cleveland and the first interconnected signal system was introduced in Salt Lake City in 1917. By the late 1920s, most U.S. cities saw the implementation of pre-timed systems, the early model for what we see today.
Actually, traffic lights predated the automobile era. In December of 1868, the world’s first traffic lights were installed in London, close to Westminster Bridge. Policemen had to stand next to the signals to operate them. However, about a month into the new traffic light project, a leaky gas main caused one of the traffic lights to explode in the face of the operating policeman! It would be another 40 years before traffic lights reappeared around the world.
I came across the photo below of quite the chaotic Detroit traffic scene, and it took a moment before I noticed how unusual the traffic system looked. If you zoom in for a closer look, you can spot a sort of booth with lights fixed atop, and the guard using a megaphone to direct traffic himself!
Traffic, Detroit, Mich. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company, between 1915 and 1925. https://ift.tt/2uR6xmL
Detail of Traffic, Detroit, Mich. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company, between 1915 and 1925. https://ift.tt/2uR6xmL
And from another angle, a similar raised booth in Detroit traffic:
Crowded street, Detroit, Mich. Photo by Detroit Publishing Company, between 1915 and 1925. https://ift.tt/2NMXPNA
When reading histories of traffic signals in the United States, I noticed Detroit was a particularly difficult city to navigate, and it seemed to be the breeding ground for major traffic signal developments. Today’s tri-tone signals developed when the yellow light between red and green was added by a Detroit police officer named William Potts in 1917. The yellow color was to alert drivers and pedestrians of the oncoming change. In 1920, Potts also built the first four-direction light. A few years later in 1928, the 12 bulb system was created, with red now always on top.
Traffic Director Eldridge inspecting new lights 1/5/26. Photo from the National Photo Company, January 5, 1926. https://ift.tt/2uXgboj
Taking a step back from the light systems and looking at human traffic controllers- I thought the image below was fascinating, not only because of the Stop-Go sign and the umbrella attached, but the mirror that allows the guard to also watch his back!
Traffic officer, Washington, D.C. Photo by Harris & Ewing, between 1915 and 1923. https://ift.tt/2LSIXwK
Leola N. King, wife of Cap. E.H. King, med. capt. Photo from the National Photo Company, between 1918 and 1920. https://ift.tt/2OjYw28
Learn More:
Take a look at some more National Photo Company traffic-related images in the Prints and Photographs Online Catalog
More interested in the vehicles, themselves? Look back at a previous blog post on cars in the Capital or a post on Presidential vehicles, published on the Science, Business & Technology blog.
See a selection of images from our collections of more traffic police at work!
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