#Lee Felix college au
skzhua · 1 year
my treat ('my eyes' series)
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♡ "Just one bite."
pairing: lee felix x reader.
genre: fluff, fluff, fluff (did i mention fluff?).
word count: 7,698
warnings: swearing, might cause a heart attack of cuteness.
summary: brownie boy was a myth for you. since the first day you had stepped on the campus, everybody would be praising brownie boy. you could not believe that a grown man was kind enough to be giving out free food, good food. when brownie boy heard about your suspicions, he was more than willing to prove you wrong.
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Hyunjin tugged on your shirt once more and kept on pouting like a child. For being the big brother, he surely wasn't acting like one.
"I'm not helping you bring your luggage, gosh." you said for the nth time.
"Please, I can't make a fool of myself in front of Byeol, again." he tugged one more time. "Last year was a mess when I moved in, I wanted to die."
"I know, you told me this already." you rolled your eyes. "I've heard you're popular there, why are you being such a baby?"
"People think I'm good-looking, that's all. I swear I'm a loser."
You chuckled. "I didn't need you to confirm it."
He pouted. "Mean..."
"Hyune, I'm the one starting in a new college, so I should be the one stressing out." you pointed out. "Are you going to give me a tour later, or not?"
He pondered for a moment as he stared at his luggage. He knew he shouldn't be this dramatic but, between the two, you were definitely the sibling who succeeded in everything. Yes, he did worry about your arrival in his school, but he knew you would fit in just fine. You had decided to transfer school mid year since you didn't like the all-girls kind of vibe there was in your old one. The drama was intense, and because you were among the prettiest according to the other students, you were both praised and bullied. Having your brother around would definitely be of help, plus the fact it wouldn't be only girls going there.
"Sure, I suppose I can." he said nonchalantly. "Only if you help me bring my stuff today."
Being the good sister you were, you were driving Hyunjin to his apartment as your trunk was loaded with bags. You had already moved most of your things to your own place, and it didn't surprise you that Hyunjin was doing everything last minute. He struggled to bring all of his things with him and you mocked him as he dragged a bag behind him. Exhausted, he threw himself on his couch, exhaling a loud grunt.
"So? The tour?" you poked his cheek.
"Later." he mumbled into his pillow.
"Dude, school starts tomorrow and I want to be able to find my classroom, thank you." you pleaded.
"Ugh, fine." he groaned as he lazily got up from the couch.
You happily followed him as he opened his front door. You were suddenly stopped when Hyunjin didn't move, making you bump into his back. The impact made him stumble on his feet and he fell in the hallway. You were about to nag at him for being so clumsy, until you saw Byeol, his long-time crush. She laughed at the man and gave him a hand to help him get up, making your brother as red as blood.
"Be careful." she laughed.
"Yeah.. um... Thank you." Hyunjin coughed out while the girl went back into her own apartment.
As he kept his gaze on where she was standing seconds ago, you grew impatient with him and slapped the back of his head before walking towards the elevator. When the doors slid closed, you took the opportunity to slap his arm again, repeatedly.
"Ow! Y/N, the fuck!" he grunted in pain as he rubbed the spot you had hit.
"You're the dumbest person I know, for real." you rolled your eyes. "Why can't you speak to the girl normally?"
"I get nervous." he chuckled in shame, which earned him another hit. "What the hell?"
"Idiot." you muttered under your breath.
Hyunjin was surprisingly a decent tour guide. He showed you the common areas of the campus like the cafeteria and the library. You were intimidated by the size of the school, but Hyunjin reassured you that you would most likely stay in the same wing since they were all attributed certain departments. He ended the visit by showing you the dance studios. There, you met his friend, Minho, who was already practicing. You both sat on the couch in the corner of the room to watch him dance along the music. Not going to lie, you were more than amazed by his technicality and fluidity. You had thought about joining the dance club and Hyunjin had even told you he could get you a spot in no time. However, you deeply believed you should prove yourself instead of relying on your brother.
As Minho finished, he walked towards you, greeting Hyunjin before he sent you a sly smirk. "Hey there." he winked.
Your brother stood up right away and put his hand to stop Minho from approaching you any closer. "That's my sister, Min." he said sternly.
"Ah, Y/N?" he cocked his head on the side, still looking at you, as you nodded to confirm. "I heard you wanted to join the group. Auditions are next week if you are still interested."
"That'd be wonderful, of course I'll come." you squealed.
"Good, I'll post the information on our Instagram page, so you can go ahead and follow us."
You thanked him and he was quick to drop the talk and ask Hyunjin about his holidays. In the meantime, you took a look around the studio and were impressed at how clean and organized it was. You noticed on the table a tupperware full of brownies. While you did think it was odd, you didn't question Minho about it. The boys eventually ended their conversation and Hyunjin brought you to the courtyard.
"It's not much since we're still in winter, but it's very pretty in the summer." he said as he breathed in the fresh air. "I think I covered everything. Down for a snack?"
"Why not." you shrugged and followed him as he lead the way to the convenience store.
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Minho frowned as he counted the people in the studio, again. Someone was missing. He sighed loudly as he passed his hand through his hair.
"Has anyone seen Yongbok?"
You looked at the other dancers who were doing the same as you before telling Minho they haven't seen him. He sighed once more before deciding he'll start the auditions without his second dance captain, the other one being Hyunjin.
"Alright, I want to see how good you are at both dancing and freestyling. I'll put some music and we can gather into a circle." he explained. "One by one, you'll show us what you can do. You'll know by the end of the day if I selected you or not. Shall we start now?"
Just as he had previously instructed, you gathered in a circle and, one by one, you danced for a some time, enough for Minho to take some notes. His expression was blank so it was hard to determine if he was pleased with what he was seeing or disappointed. The whole thing didn't last more than 20 minutes, and you were quickly dismissed.
"We have some brownies from yesterday if you want to take one before leaving. I'll reach out to you by tonight if you are picked." Minho concluded.
You walked to Hyunjin who was happily clapping his hands as a some sort of congratulations. "You did good."
"Good? Come on, now. I was amazing." you confidently affirmed.
Just then, you felt a tap on your shoulder. When you turned around, one of the guys who were auditioning was shyly smiling at you.
"Hey, I'm Junsoo. I thought you were great just then, and I was wondering if you are free this afternoon. Sorry, I just think you're very pretty." the man said, looking at you with hope.
"Oh... I'm flattered, I really am, but I'm not looking for a relationship." you said with an apologetic smile.
"It can be casual." he prompted, and it only caused Hyunjin to let out a laugh.
You nudged him for mocking the poor guy, but it didn't stop him from interfering. "I don't think she's interested."
Junsoo stared at the both of you for a moment, and he then gasped as a realization hit him. "Oh my god! You're already with him, I'm so sorry." he bowed his head, panicked.
In a hurry, he joined back his friend to leave the room, taking one last shy glance at you before the door behind him closed.
"Uh, I never even had this option in mind to scare people off from you." your brother said as he squinted his eyes in thinking.
"Don't even... People are not dumb enough. They'll realize we are siblings within days." you grunted, and went to the table at the back where you had left your water bottle.
A few girls were already surrounding the table and they were giggling about something. One plopped a brownie in her mouth and was almost moaning at the taste. Her friends were no better as they were squealing.
"Um, sorry, I left my bottle here." you made your way through the group.
"You're Y/N, right? Hyunjin's sister." a girl asked, to which you nodded. "Can you introduce me to him?"
"Y/N, you should try these!" another said and you saw her holding a brownie to you.
"Sorry, I'm not very hungry." you waved your hand as a no.
The girls all gasped at your refusal. "Do you even know who made these?"
"No..." you trailed off, rather uncomfortable from their reaction.
"Brownie boy!" a girl said dreamily.
"Ah, well I'm sorry to this brownie boy, but I'm not in for a treat right now." you said and left to go back to the boys.
"You good?" Hyunjin questioned, noticing you were a bit off.
"Yeah, those girls are... weird. Let's just go." you pushed him out of the studio.
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Unlike what you had thought, those girls were not so different from the other students. As the weeks passed, things were being said more and more, spreading throughout the campus like a virus. Seemingly, brownie boy was this psychology major who liked to bake pastries for the other students. Apparently, his desserts were far better than the ones you could get at the cafeteria. And the best out of this was that they were free. First arrived, first served.
It sounded wrong to you. First of all, what kind of student had the time to bake while studying? You were barely managing your studies and the dance club. Second of all, you did not believe one bit they were that good, mostly because the majority of his clients were girls who claimed he was the prettiest man they have ever seen. And third of all, there was no way he was doing this without making any profits out of it.
"Alright." Minho clapped his hands. "I see Yongbok still has not shown up since the beginning of the semester. Anyone knows where he's at?" he said, frustration heard in his tone. Seeing that nobody was answering, he sighed loudly. "I'll really have to talk to him... Anyway, today we won't do much since I have plans, I can't be here for the entire hour. I just want to revise some moves we learnt last week."
Practice went on as usual, with Hyunjin sweating like crazy making girls fawn at how attractive he looked (though you did not understand how they even thought he was hot while being damped) and Minho was the usual strict instructor. When you were done, he summarized what you would do for the next practice and he dismissed you all. Once again, there was a tupperware on the table, full of cookies this time. You had never seen the guy drop off his food that you were starting to think he didn't exist.
"I'm going to Chan's tonight, you two coming?" Minho asked as he came to you and Hyunjin.
"I need to finish this painting for class, sorry." Hyunjin answered.
"Yeah, and I don't know Chan so well, I'll have to pass." you replied in your turn.
As the three of you walked out of the room, you went your separate ways since you still had one evening class before you could go home. Arriving at your locker, you noticed a man there, struggling to open your lock. He cursed a few words as he was starting to get impatient.
"Excuse me?" you tapped his shoulder and he jumped a little, not having noticed you were there. "This is my locker."
He looked at the number and gasped, feeling guilty. "Gosh, I'm so sorry! Mine is actually next to yours." he explained as he moved to his own locker. Meanwhile, you were taken aback by how deep his voice was and by how it did not match his freckled face at all.
"It's okay." you smiled as you both went to open your own.
While you put your dance bag away and took your books, you glanced at the interior of his locker. He didn't have much, but one thing caught your attention. A certain recognizable tupperware filled with even more recognizable cookies.
"Are you a fan of brownie boy or something?" you joked while packing your bag.
He chuckled. "Actually, I'm the one you would call brownie boy..." he embarrassingly admitted.
You stopped your action and slowly turned to look at him. You blinked a few before you laughed. "No way."
"I swear I am!" he pouted. "Do you want one?" he offered as he went to open the tupperware.
"No thanks, I'm fine." you continued to laugh. "Sorry, I just can't wrap my head around you baking to give it all away to people."
"I just like making people smile." he shrugged.
"I see..." you mumbled. "Why brownies?"
"Why not!" he smiled widely, his eyes almost closing. "I don't know, they're tasty and soft. It's comforting food."
"I guess so..."
He opened his phone to check the time, and then closed his locker. "I have to go now. Tell me whenever you want to taste my food, I'll gladly make a batch just for you." he winked, and then left.
Watching him walk away, you huffed as you were still taken aback from your interaction. Surely, he was a pretty boy, but was he as good as he claimed? You remained unconvinced.
The sound of your phone interrupted your thoughts, and you looked at your notifications quickly.
Hyunjin: I'm stuck outside my place... again.
Y/N: Can you stop stealing my keys?!
Y/N: I'll skip class to save your ass, I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Hyunjin: You're the best!
Y/N: I know, you're lucky to have me.
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The next day, you met Felix again, in the hallway this time. Although you two were locker neighbours, you had never interacted before which Felix found unfortunate. Unlike you, he had seen you around before. How could he have not noticed you when you were the talk of the school? Hyunjin's sister, even prettier than the good-looking art major. He would never tell this to his friend, but he did think you were the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on. He never dared to talk to you, but that didn't stop him from talking about you. Being friends with Byeol, he had repeatedly heard about you from her. She had met you a few times because of your brother, so he took the opportunity to ask what kind of person you were. She mostly told him you would constantly nag at Hyunjin which he thought was hilarious.
So when he saw you again, he didn't lose the opportunity to talk with you. He wasn't intrigued much because you were that pretty girl anymore, no. He was intrigued by how unimpressed you seemed to be about his cooking skills. While he had amazed everyone, you were the first to refuse his snack when he offered.
"Y/N!" he exclaimed the moment he spotted you.
As for you, you frowned when you saw he was the one calling you. Did you tell him your name unknowingly the previous day? You couldn't recall doing so, nor did you know his name.
"Hey, brownie boy." you nodded your head at him as he caught up to you to walk with you. "How do you know my name?"
"Ah, sorry. I'm Hyunjin's friend, actually. My name is Felix." he held out his hand and you shook it.
"I don't remember him mentioning you."
"I haven't hung out with him much these days, that must be why. Anyway, where are you going?"
His friendly attitude was quite strange to you. Never in your life had you met someone so happy and sweet. You were weirded out, but in a good way.
"I wanted to stop by at the dance studio to check the schedule. Do you want to go with me?"
He happily nodded, his hair bouncing with the movement. It was cute, if you were being honest. "I have to drop cupcakes, anyway."
You stared at him in shock. "You made cupcakes?"
"Yeah, yesterday."
"How the fuck do you make so much food?" you said, baffled.
"I like it." he simply answered before linking his arm with yours, which only made you even more shocked. "Let's go."
Felix was leading the way since you could not focus properly. Your eyes were set on your arms, entangled together as if you had known each other for years. Or worse, as if you were a couple. You didn't mind necessarily, minus the fact your heart was pounding in nervousness. Felix didn't seem bothered, and he kept rambling about some random things. He complained about his teachers and his friend who had started the whole brownie boy story which explained how he became somehow famous. He also took the time to ask you about yourself, though your answers were brief since your focus was on something else. The walk to the studio had seemed longer than it actually was, but you had finally reached it. You went in and spotted Minho immediately. You walked to him while Felix took the box full of cakes out of his bag.
"Hey, Min. Do you have the schedule for next week?" you asked the man as he was scrolling through his music on his phone.
"Next week is my week off, so no practice."
You had forgotten the school had been paying Minho to instruct the club. Not that he wouldn't do it without the money, but it did motivate him to run the entire club and do his studies simultaneously. He took his eyes off his screen and then spotted your new friend. His gaze immediately turned hard and he put his phone away to go to Felix. Confused, you called out for Minho, but he ignored you, still heading straight to the young boy.
"Yah! Lee Yongbok!" he grunted furiously.
Yongbok. So this was the dance captain who kept on skipping practice...
"Hey..." Felix waved, clearly nervous.
"It's not by leaving us food that you'll get away from this conversation so easily. Where the hell have you been? Hyunjin and I can't do everything alone, we actually need you." Minho nagged.
"I know, I know! I swear I don't mean to skip practice, but there is always something coming up. Seungmin has been asking me to replace him for his shifts at the café and you know I can't say no..."
The older man shut his eyes, and you could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. "I really don't want to kick you out, and I should have already, but if you keep missing-"
"I won't!" he cut him off. "I promise."
Still not convinced, Minho glared at Felix one last time, and went back to the speaker to pick a song to dance to. You had watched the scene in silence and you coughed in awkwardness.
"You have two names?"
Felix grunted, discouraged. "Yeah, don't question it much."
With that, he left the room and for some reason, you followed him. "Where are you going?"
"My day is done, I'm going to bake something and watch something." It wasn't intended, but you scoffed, loudly. "What is it?"
Searching for your words, you didn't know how to tell him you found this whole baking thing ridiculous without hurting him. "I don't know why you do this." was the best you came up with.
"I told you yesterday, I like making people happy. What's wrong with that?" he started to get defensive.
"No, don't get me wrong. I'm not judging, but you realize you're like wasting time with this? And you get nothing out of this but happiness? I just don't get it." you said in all honesty.
He stopped walking and turned to you, a frown on his face. "Have you even tried my brownies?" You shook your head. "I'm 100% sure you'll change your mind and be glad I do this once you taste them."
"Felix, I'm very picky with what I eat, especially when it comes to desserts. I doubt they are that wonderful, no offense."
He grinned. "None taken because I'll make you eat some one day whether you like it or not."
"So never? Good." you snickered, but Felix answered back by grabbing your hand and dragging you somewhere. "Felix, the fuck?"
"Do you have school still?"
"No, my day's over, why?"
"You're coming to my place and you're going to eat those brownies. And you will love them." he smiled confidently.
He ignored your incoherent protests and still had a firm grip on your hand. Giving up on trying to change his mind, you looked at your hands intertwined together and noticed how small his were. What was not cute about this man? After walking for a while, you arrived at his dorm. He hurried you inside and you were welcomed by a plate full of the cupcakes, the same he had brought to school that day. You assumed it was his leftovers. They looked delicious, yes, but you were not going to assume just by the look of them.
"Serve yourself." he prompted, but you didn't budge.
He waited for you to move and yet, you were still standing at his entrance. He ended up picking up the plate and bringing it to you. He held it up to you and, with a smile, you refused to eat one. To this, he pouted. He seemed like a pouty person and it was adorable.
"Please..." he pleaded. "Just one bite."
He took one cupcake and offered it to you. At that point, you just couldn't say no. Hesitantly, you took it from him and slowly bit on the food. As you chewed, you were met with an explosion of flavours. While they were intense, they were surprisingly insanely good. Needless to say, you were beyond impressed.
"They're fine, I guess." you lied and his smile dropped.
"Fine? They're fine?"
You felt bad and wanted to tell him the truth, but thinking again, you had an idea. You could not give him the satisfaction of being right. Plus, if this means he'll try to make you like his baked goods by making more, you weren't going to complain. Food is food, after all.
"Yeah, they are fine. I still doubt you made them yourself, though."
In doubt, Felix took one himself to eat and stared at nothing as he munched, proceeding the taste. They were excellent as usual, why weren't you happy with them?
"Do you have a preference for something else? Cupcakes might not be your favourite."
"It's not that, I just don't see how they're so special."
Felix paused a moment. He wasn't sure if you were messing with him, but if you were, you were good because it worked. He wouldn't force anyone to like his food, but you were different for some reason. He just knew he had to prove himself. Why? He wasn't sure why he needed your approval, but he was determined to get it.
"I'll make another type of pastries and you'll let me know if they're good?" he suggested.
"Sure." you acquiesced.
He invited you to sit at the counter and he started to pull out the ingredients. You observed him as he laid out the bowls in front of him, and it was quite attractive how he frowned in concentration and rolled up his sleeves. His forearms were surprisingly veiny, and his muscles flexing as he moved his things around were also something you noticed. Realizing you were literally checking him out, you quickly spoke to snap yourself out of it.
"When did you start baking?"
"Hmm." he thought for a moment. "A few years ago. I don't know why, but I find it satisfying. I don't think about anything else, and the fact I get rewarded with food in the end is a plus."
"Fun." You looked around the place in the meantime. There wasn't much, but it was cozy. "Do you have this place alone?"
He shook his head. "No, there's my roommate Seungmin. He's more often at the coffee shop where we work than at home, though recently he asks me to replace him a lot. I think he's escaping a girl or something."
You laughed, imagining a grown man scared of a girl. "People tend to escape what they like. Maybe that's just the beginning of somethig nice."
He huffed as he placed the flour back in the cabinet. "I doubt it. Seungmin is not so fond of relationships."
"Are you?"
To that, he sent you a knowing smirk. "You curious?"
"I'm just making the conversation." you held your hands up in defense.
"Sure you are." he still grinned.
He focused back on his recipe after you connected your phone to his speaker to play some music. You offered yourself to help but he refused, saying it would ruin the cookies. You found it odd how easy going it was with him despite having met him the day prior. He brought such a warmth and it wasn't difficult to take a liking to him. Most importantly, you were quite mad at Hyunjin for never introducing you to the sweet man.
"How did you meet Hyunjin?" you asked while he put away the tray in the oven.
"Dance club. I thought he was mean at first, but turns out he's only a tall good-looking dumbass." he chuckled.
"That, he is." you laughed with him. "But you're the same year as him?"
"Second year." he corrected. "Same as Seungmin and our friend, Jisung."
"I know him! He lives in the same building as Hyunjin."
Your conversation was cut when the front door opened and, presumably, Seungmin walked in. He looked at you suspiciously, but then smelled the cookies.
"Again?" he said to Felix.
"It's your favourites, don't complain." he rolled his eyes at him.
"What is Hwang Y/N doing in our dorm?" Seungmin asked as if you were not in the room.
"She's here so I can prove to her how good of a baker I am." he said proudly.
"She would love to see us bake together then." he chuckled, but Felix glared at him. "Fine, I'll be in my room."
He left the two of you alone, and you continued to chat with Felix. You didn't see the time pass until the oven's timer rang, indicating that the cookies were ready. Felix got them out and displayed them beautifully on a plate. Then, he opened a drawer full of tupperware boxes and filled three of them. For the last one, he brought it in front of you.
"You can bring them home."
"That's very kind, but I don't think I'll eat the whole box." It was a lie, you knew in advance you would devour it completely by the end of the day.
Putting the box in your hands, he came incredibly close to you. He wasn't a tall guy, but tall enough so he was hovering you. You felt small, but it was somehow comforting. You didn't dare to move, afraid to ruin the moment. You studied his freckles, his soft eyes and the pink of his lips. There was no denying he was good-looking, a hundred times more than your brother you would say.
"Can I have your number? I'd like to do this again with you." he said softly.
He gave you his phone and you entered your phone number. "I should go home, it's late." you said sadly as you gave him back his device.
"Yeah, it might be a good idea." he rubbed the back of his neck. "Tell me about the cookies, yeah?"
"Will do, brownie boy."
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The day after, Hyunjin had texted you to tell you that Felix asked him for help to get you to like his pastries. You were touched at how he had to reach out to your brother only to please you. However, he didn't have to do anything since you already thought he was talented. But you lied again, and said they weren't so good. So the week after, he invited you over again to make some cinnamon rolls. This time, though, you had finally admitted how good of a baker he was.
However, it wouldn't be the last time you went over at Felix's to watch him cook, until you actually started to bake with him. The last time you went, he had explained to you each step to make brownies. You had listened attentively and tried your best to be as precise as possible. You could say this moment had pretty much confirmed how close you had become. You had played with flour, which made a mess in the apartment, and you stayed at his place until very late that night, cuddled up to him as you took a little nap. You had learnt quickly he liked physical contact as his way to show he cares for someone, but since he was also chasing Minho around for hugs during practice, you didn't see it as more than friendship. Plus, you were as much of a hugger as he was.
One day, you were in the courtyard reading your book for your class when Byeol came up to you. Removing your earphones, you invited her to sit with you.
"I heard about my brother offering you to live with him." you said with a knowing look, and the girl blushed.
"Yeah, I'm moving in tomorrow, actually. Hyunjin told me he'll skip class to help me out." she let out a laugh.
"I have the afternoon off if you'd like me to stop by." you suggested, though you were pretty sure she would want to be alone with your brother.
"No, it's okay. I have Felix helping me too, so I think I'll be fine. Thank you, though."
One more thing you had learnt about Byeol was that Felix shared everything with her since she didn't talk to many people and he couldn't keep his mouth shut about his own secrets. It was as if she was his personal diary. Since learning this, you became a bit closer with her, in hopes she would know if the guy was as interested in you as you were in him.
"Felix? Can I come, then?"
"Please, Byeol. I only see him when baking and dancing, it'd be good to do something else with him."
She eventually agreed and that's how you found yourself in her now-old room with Felix, trying to move her bed out to Hyunjin's place. Though Felix did have a certain amount of muscles, his strength did not correspond to it. To your surprise, you were the one who was able to push the bed further. Giggling as you both mocked him for his lack of endurance, Byeol had nagged you for not actually helping her. In the end, you managed to move the bed and she told you two off, saying she had the rest under control.
"I wanted to try out this doughnut recipe if you wanted to assist me on the task." he said as you walked out of the apartment building.
While you adored cooking with him, the past three weeks had solemnly been this. You were not joking when you said to Byeol you wanted to do something else with him. For once, you felt strong enough to resist his puppy eyes.
"Not this time. Sorry, Lix."
His face dropped when the words left your mouth. While you were comfortable with how the friendship was blooming, Felix was overstressing about it. He wanted to spend as much time with you as possible because you were so easy to be with. He felt the happiest with you, and that's a lot considering he's constantly a ball of sunshine.
"Oh." he murmured, disappointed.
It broke your heart seeing him sad, so you were quick to suggest him an idea. "I do have this new Mario game I bought for my Switch, though. I know you mentioned you like gaming, so if you want to try it out with me."
Grinning from ear to ear, he cheerfully said yes and you were on your way to your dorm. At that point, your hangouts were always at his place, meaning he had never stepped foot in your dorm. You hoped internally that you had cleaned up. When you opened the door, you were happy to see that your dirty dishes and clothes were no longer laying around. Hearing a growl, you searched in the living room for the source of the noise. You soon spotted the black and white ball of floof.
"Kkami!" you ran to the dog and petted him as he tried to run away from you. You eventually managed to pick him up and cuddle him.
"I didn't know you have a dog." he said, joining you to tickle Kkami.
"He's Hyunjin's. He's at my parents' usually, but they went on a trip and Hyunjin can't keep him or he'll make a mess out of his art." you explained, letting him go since he clearly didn't want to be in your arms. "He's not very social, but I know he loves us."
"He's like you! You're mean to me, but I know in reality, you just love me."
While you blushed, you hid it by turning your face away from him and scoffing. "Keep dreaming, Yongbok."
"I told you not to call me that." he complained, but you acted as if you didn't hear.
You opened your Switch, started the game and went to sit next to your friend, giving him a remote. It started well as you were leading on the chart board, until Felix stopped going soft on you and was beating your ass. Again and again, he was winning, and you were growing frustrated. Game rage was never something you liked experiencing, even less in front of the boy you liked. Eventually, you gave up on trying to win, and grew tired as time passed.
Yawning after another round ended, you stood up to turn off the console, and then plopped right back on the couch. Felix scooted closer to hold you in his arms, and you snuggled comfortably into his warmth.
"You okay, Y/N?" he asked softly.
"Mhmm, tired." you mumbled before closing your eyes.
"Can a sweet treat comfort you?" he whispered.
You smiled weakly. "Depends which one."
"Can it be a surprise?"
"Lix…" you whined quietly. "I don't like surprises."
"Just one bite."
Too tired to bicker back, you nodded before you felt him move a bit, probably getting whatever snack he had packed with him. Seconds passed before you felt something on your lips. It was sweet, indeed, but it was definitely not something edible. It was soft and tender, and you recognized Felix's lips despite never having kissed the man. After the shock dissolve, you kissed him back slowly, scooting closer to feel his embrace as much as you could. As it got more heated, his mouth had opened slightly, allowing you to carefully bite his bottom lip. Startled, he back away from you and stared at you in shock.
"What was that?" he shyly spoke, blushing.
"You said one bite." you shrugged your shoulders, and he laughed.
"I should have asked, I'm sorry."
"Hey, I kissed you back. Don't worry about it." you smiled kindly.
"So… um… I kind of like you?" he confessed, though it came out more like a question.
"That's very convincing, yeah." you teased making him pout at you.
"You're mean."
"Sorry, sorry. I like you too." you confessed back.
Not knowing how to answer, Felix could only grin like a child as he grabbed your hand in his, rubbing it softly with thumb. He brought you closer to cuddle, and since you were still very tired, you eventually fell asleep in a matter of seconds. Felix, on the other hand, observe you as you snored quietly, not quite grasping what had just happened.
The next day, you woke up surprisingly late. You noticed the moment you opened your eyes that you were no longer on your couch, but in your bed. Suddenly, you heard a loud thud coming from your kitchen, along with a deep voice cursing. You got up in a hurry and ran to the kitchen to see what was happening. There was Felix, lost in front of your counter as he searched for ingredients. You soon noticed a mixing bowl on the ground, thus the noise from earlier.
"Are you trying to ravage my kitchen or something?" you exclaimed, not sure on how to react to the poor state of your kitchen.
"Good morning to you too." he smiled awkwardly only for you to send him a glare. "I just wanted to make you some pancakes for breakfast, but I never came here before so I have no idea where you stuff is, and I got a bit clumsy so I made a mess… I'm sorry."
You sighed loudly before you picked up the bowl from the ground and went to the counter to reorganize it better. "There you go… You could have woken me up, you know?"
"You look pretty when you sleep." he giggled, and damn, your heart melted.
"I snore."
"And it's adorable." he affirmed. "Now that you're awake, do you want to make those with me?"
"Gladly." you smiled and the two started to mix the ingredients.
Felix was being nothing but a gentleman. He didn't let you do the dishes and hurried to prepare the table. He decorated the pancakes with butter and whipped cream, as well as some fruits. You were still fighting to help him, but he didn't let you as he only allowed you to sit at the table and look beautiful (His words, not mine). After a while, he finally finished everything and brought the plates to the table.
"This looks yummy!" you complimented, clapping your hands in excitement.
"Serve yourself."
You wasted no time to dig in and eat the pancake whole under a minute. You had not even realized how hungry you were until you were already done eating. Felix still had half of his, so he cut a piece he aimed at your mouth as he brought the fork closer.
"That's cheesy."
"Shut up and eat." he rolled his eyes, and you gladly obliged.
"Thank you, Lix. This is so good." you hummed contently.
"My pleasure." he chuckled, but stopped and frowned instead.
He did the same move, only this time, he stopped moving the fork forward and brought it back to his own mouth. You pouted, disappointed, and he could only laugh at you.
"Wait, you have something on your lip."
He leaned closer and reached out to wipe off whatever you had. You thought he was done, but he kept his palm on the side of your face. You eyed him in confusion, and he answered with a smile. Without you noticing, he was getting dangerously closer, making your heart pound. It pounded so loud, you were afraid he was going to hear it. The instant he was close enough to almost be kissing you, he leaned backwards into his seat and laughed cutely.
"You are so evil." you huffed in disbelief.
"What can I say? You like bad boys." he joked.
You could only huff at him once more. "I'm this close to kicking you out of here."
"You wouldn't"
"I totally would."
"Felix!" you whined, frustrated.
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The next month or so was not so different from how things were before. Well, other than some kisses here and there, but you and Felix still acted like friends at school. You had never talked about labels, nor did you speak about your feelings. In other words, the situation was confusing. While he acted like you were one of the bros in public, he was the most touchy person when you would hang out alone. Even then, his behaviour apart from physical contact wasn't that different.
The last day of the semester eventually came. As per usual, a group of guys was staring at you the moment you stepped outside of the classroom, having finished your final exam. You saw a guy, Yooheon you believed, acting more nervous than usual. You didn't think much of it, until he walked up to you.
"Hey, Y/N. I'm actually in your class and, um, I just wanted to ask you something." he spoke anxiously.
"Yeah, I know who you are." you chuckled. "What can I help you with?"
"Do you want to go on a date with me? I believe you are single, so I'm simply taking my chance."
Technically speaking, you were single. With Felix, however, things were blurry. He had never told you how he saw you. Were you his girlfriend or his friend he would occasionally kiss?
"She's with me." you heard a familiar voice coming from behind.
Yooheon bowed apologetically and you gave him a sad smile before he went back to his friends who were teasing him. You turned on your heels and walked away from the scene, a frantic Felix catching up to you.
"Hey, what is it? I saved your ass." he breathed out.
"I didn't need to be saved. I can reject someone alone, you know?"
"Right, but I know he was probably going to insist and then you would have been stuck. With me there, he knows you're taken already." he justified as it made perfect sense in his mind.
"Lix, I'm not taken." you rolled your eyes.
He stopped walking and his eyes squinted, lost. "What are you saying?"
You turned around to face him, and exhaled loudly. "You never explicitly told me we were dating. I mean, on that point, I get it. I've been busy, you've been busy. I can understand we didn't have the mindset to figure that out. However, you only ever kiss me if we are at your place or mine. At school, it's almost as if you see me the same as you see my brother or Minho, or even Seungmin. It's like you're ashamed or something..." you trailed off, uncertain if you worded correctly what had been in your mind.
Felix slowly turned red, and he coughed to buy some time to think, and he then spoke in his turn. "I thought you were not comfortable with PDA or something. I don't know, I just figured it was a "at home" thing? Plus, consider the fact dozens of men are looking at you every day because, might I remind you, you are quite literally the most beautiful girl on campus. And, like, jacked men look at you all day, which can be intimidating. Meanwhile, you chose the guy who bakes cookies and brownies, and who likes Mario Kart." he explained the best he could, without wanting to sound too weird.
You let out a small laugh as a response. "You feel intimidated by other guys?"
He looked around, and nodded slowly in shyness. "Shush, it really is intimidating." You only laughed more, but it kind of reassured Felix in a way. "As for the labels, I just assumed it was obvious you are my girlfriend."
"It wasn't."
"Okay then." he took a deep breath and stepped closer to you, taking your hands. "Hwang Y/N, will you have the pleasure of becoming my girlfriend?"
You smiled at how precious he was being. "Gladly."
With that, he brought you closer to kiss you, other students around watching you as some of them gasped in surprise.
"Ah!" he exclaimed as he pulled away from you. "For Chan's party tonight, you're already stunning but I want you to dress to feel good about yourself."
You couldn't believe how sweet he was being. You had went back to your respective dorms to get ready, and later met up in front of Chan's building to go inside together. Felix had Seungmin and his girlfriend, Dahye, tagging along with you. You were among the first people to get there and installed yourselves comfortably. Felix went to get you some drinks and it didn't get missed by his friends how he called you baby before leaving.
As the evening went on, you were starting to wonder when Hyunjin was going to show up. You had pestered him into coming to the party to socialize for once instead of staying at home. The questioning in your mind was soon answered when you finally spotted Byeol. You got up to hug her tightly, and then doing the same with your brother.
"I could've sworn you wouldn't come and stay at your place to watch cheesy ass movies together." you joked.
Byeol sent you a shy smile and then said "That was the plan."
You smiled at her. "I'm glad you came."
You went back to Felix and he grabbed you by the waist to bring you into his embrace, nuzzling his face into your hair. You chuckled at his behaviour, since he was clearly starting to feel the effects of alcohol.
"Are you okay?" you asked as you rubbed his arm in a soothing way.
"Yeah." he said, voice hoarse. "I just love to have you in my arms."
"I love it too. A lot." you murmured to him, and he pecked your cheek lovingly.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @fairywriter-oracle | @xhazmania | @taetertotsv
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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straylightdream · 2 years
“I think about you”
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feat: lee felix x f.reader
↳ “There was something about you that now I can’t remember. It’s the same damn thing that made my heart surrender”
exes to lovers au
status: coming soon
warnings: mentions of loss of virginity, dealing with past heartbreak and angst, protected sex, oral (both receiving, body worship
an: this is a part of my college skz series SSFW where you can read one or all the stories. Each boys story weaves together but they can be read as ones shots.
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𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. Please fill out this form.
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bias-fan · 3 months
PERFECT MASTERLIST [baseball player!kim seungmin x only fans creator female!reader] -finished-
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synopsis: being an onlyfans creator in college is hard sometimes, getting innuendo comments thrown at you, that’s what kitty deals with but ignores it. she meets seungmin by accident, a baseball hitting her face. he knows who she is because of his friends.
pairings: baseball player! seungmin x only fans creator female! reader
warnings: college au, fluff, angst, crack, innuendo jokes, written chapters, maybe smut, sexual themes
genre: crack, angst, sexual themes, fluff
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sugar babies✨ binnie is a 🌽⭐️ others
[01: collaboration]
[02: collab and bruised]
[03: mcdonald’s]
[04: please kiss me📝]
[05: fake dating?]
[06: officially, not officially dating]
[07: not actually dating dating]
[08: black hair seungmin supremacy]
[09: get your ex off my back]
[10: he might like her]
[11: wearing his jersey]
[12: rejected date]
[13: back with ex]
[14: fake breaking up]
[15: blocked and friends]
[16: please let me explain📝]
[17: oh yeah, he confessed]
[18: going to confess]
240 notes · View notes
daceydeath · 2 months
Cigarettes and Cliche Masterlist
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Pairings: Bad Boy Felix x Reader Word Count: 36K (currently) Genre: Collage AU, Slow Burn Romance Warnings: 18+, Swearing, Drinking, Explicit Activities, Bullying, Mentions of Abuse
He was the most impractical guy for you to be interested in, the incredibly handsome cliché bad boy who collected girls like trophies. As hard as you wanted to hate him his persistence and hidden softer side just could be your undoing.
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Intro  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 (Coming soon)
Taglist is still open please let me know if you would like to be added to it xx
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kidrauhlschik · 1 year
~ Impudent ~     Kim Seungmin SMAU
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marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others : INSOLENT
He never needed anyone, never has and never will. At least that’s how his schoolmates describe him. Kim Seungmin has been the college it boy the second he set a foot on campus. People either love him or hate him, y/n happened to fall in the ladder.
So of course, as fate would have it, they get paired together for their senior thesis. Just when she thought her life couldn’t get any more stressful, she now has to work with the rich, entitled guy who always had everything handed to him on a silver platter. 
She was not going to let that happen this time.
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WARNINGS:  angst, fluff, humor, crack, enemies to lovers, non-idol!au, insecurities, college!au seungmin is very annoying and so are his group of friends, we love them though. lmk if you think i missed anything!
A/N: This is my first official SMAU. Super hyped! Thank you if you read this far!!
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~ Introduction:
baboracha - self made kings
~ Chapters:
01. be so fucking fr rn
02. i hope you choke
03. ur the same as them lol
04. oF cOurSe yOu dO
05. r u dumb?
06. 3RACHA
07. Block me
08. stupid feud
09. ugly smile
10. No murder?
11. you inspire me
12. Like. Together?
13. I’m going to bleach my eyeballs
14. But separately
15. Rich people are wild.
16. still an asshole
17. Let me in
18. Let me in. (2)
19. Cool
20. Ouch.
22. Crew Profiles
23. Impudent.
20. the rat went home
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TAGLIST: @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats@lethallyprotected @ohish @whiplaaaaaaaaash@iadorethemskz @dawnandyoongi @karma1289 @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lixie-phoria @uno7 @https-skzology @leebitsimpracha @hanniesss @mchslut @vixensss @eeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeepeeeeee @the-universe-is-complicated @nocturnalscribbler @chaotickyrith @seungminsdreamwife @ksywoo @smally97 @vallenciagaa @hyundumpling @jaembby @a-l-i-y-a @habeyhanp @hyundumpling @jaembby @minhaurloml @idkwimdahyd @morningstardada @hyunsungbased @foxxxface @slay-and-gay @strawberry-shortest-cake @vixensss
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backtoyuta · 2 months
I'm Mr Brightside
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Han Jisung fluffy College au
There are some facts in this world that you can’t deny; the sky is blue, the grass is green, and you and Han Jisung had a chemistry that couldn’t be ignored.
When your friend had first introduced you to her cute, freckled boyfriend and his wild bunch of friends, you were a little intimidated. Their loudness and exuberance had caught you off guard and you could’ve cried when she and Felix had left you to go to the convenience store, paying no mind to how awkward you felt with these new people.
However, you really needn’t have worried. Whilst you were sat there clutching your can of drink and pretending to look busy on your phone, a boy with rounded cheeks and brown doe eyes had sidled into the seat next to you and before you knew it- friendship was born.
Jisung was an incredible friend to have around, he was fucking funny, for a start. He also could be very sensitive when need be, and you and his introverted self gelled so well that you naturally just gravitated towards each other.
When your friends had coerced you into joining them clubbing after having pre-drinks in yours and your friend’s apartment, it was Jisung who stayed sat in the booth with you, chatting over cheap drinks and plotting how you would get the others to call it a night and go get a MacDonald’s.
When you were drowning in the horrendous amount of work your tutor had set you with a deadline due in a matter of hours, it was Jisung who stayed up with you, finding sources for you to cite, organising your notes and coming up with ridiculous ways to lengthen your sentences so you would reach the word count.
When your family pet had passed away, it was Jisung who surprised you by coming over with food, a movie and a “manly shoulder to cry on” which you snorted at, accepting all the gifts graciously before allowing Jisung to take you to the local animal shelter to pet some puppies and grieve for a little bit.
Jisung was amazing, but you can imagine his horror when he found out you had a boyfriend.
Said boyfriend had been left at home while you studied away at university, and Jisung couldn’t deny that he was absolutely sickened. Thus far, it had been an unspoken consensus that you and Jisung were bound to get together at some point. Afterall, you were the one he always scouted the room for at parties, you were the one he went the extra mile for on the daily, and you were the one he was constantly thinking about when you weren’t in the same room.
You can imagine the horror when Jisung swung by your apartment as part of a routine and walked in on you face timing your boyfriend. He couldn’t hide the sneer on his face when he observed how disinterested he was when you were sat in front of his screen, or how he interrupted you when you spoke. After that day, Jisung found himself becoming a little sulky around you and listening to Heartbreak Girl by 5SOS perhaps a little too often. You would often be comforting him or trying to draw him out of his shell, but you never knew for what reason because he would never tell you.
A new dynamic had settled in your group. Jisung liked you, you liked Jisung- this was common knowledge. However, you couldn’t ignore the tension in the room when the boyfriend was brought up. You may have just mentioned him in passing, occasionally you would have an argument or two that came with the long distance, but Minho’s eyes would flicker to Jisung’s concernedly while the blonde boy tried to remain unbothered.
“sounds like an ass to me.” Minho piped; his face full of mirth while you got flustered.
“He’s not… he’s just weird like that.” You had attempted to defend, though it was true, he could be a bit of an arse sometimes. Despite the truth in Minho’s words, it was to a certain someone’s dismay that it didn’t appear that you would be breaking up with this arsey boyfriend of yours any time soon.
Though it was painful, Jisung had been raised right, plus he wanted to maintain a good friendship with you at the very least. He had perfected hiding his emotions to a tee and reigned in the heart eyes out of respect for your relationship. As time had progressed you both got closer, a sort of chemical imbalance occurring as it was obvious yours and Jisung’s chemistry overrode yours and your boyfriends completely.
How about that time during movie night at Jisung’s apartment? The flat he shared with his seven other roommates was at max capacity with you and your best friend there too and it was at Jeongin’s request that you watch all the Woman in Black movies in succession. Having never been a fan of horror, and nor was Jisung, it wasn’t long until you felt your phone vibrate with a text while Jisung tried to look as though he wasn’t shitting his pants from across the room.
J: you wanna watch toy story in my room upstairs?
Y/N: I would very much enjoy that.
J: nice
It was Seungmin that had eventually excused himself to use the bathroom, which was where he thought he would find you after you made your great escape, but instead the glow of Jisung’s laptop catching his attention through the door that was ajar and You got a friend in me wafting from the room. You maintained a friendly distance in Jisung’s bed, the blanket was warm, but the heat Jisung radiated was warmer, you couldn’t help but feel the itch to tuck yourself into his side- like a couple would. Seungmin figured he’d tease you both for being pussies later, something was telling him that he should leave you both be in the bubble you created.
There was that other time you were sat in the boys’ kitchen close to midnight, your best friend listening intently with Chris and Felix while you bitched about your boyfriend over the kitchen table.
“So, remind me what he did again?” Chris questioned exasperatedly; his head tilted in your direction while you huffed into your mug of tea.
“You know that video I posted of Jisung on my story?” You elaborated, Chris and Felix’s heads nodding in unison as they thought back to the clip you had taken of the two of you. Like mature young adults, you and the others had been bored and tired of classes and thought it would be fun to let off some steam in the deserted play park at eleven ‘o clock at night. It was Felix who had suggested a game of sardines in the dark and eerie play area, and you and Jisung thought you were geniuses by hiding in the giant plastic slide. Not only had the boys and your best friend taken ages to find you and congregate in the same slide- while Chris was left scratching his head and scouring the park to find you all, but you had also taken some pretty hilarious videos of Jisung in the tube, reading the vile graffiti that teens had written in sharpie on the inside and at one point him losing a shoe in the confined space.
“Yeah, he was pissed at Jisung for literally no reason.” You vented, taking a sip of your drink and cringing at how the fun memory had turned sour because of your petty boyfriend.
“Pissed how?” Felix asked, curious about what he could possibly have had to say about one of his closest friends. With your back to the living area, you didn’t hear the soft pad of Jisung’s socked feet entering the room, you just continued to explain your tiff before Chris or Felix could say anything.
“He was saying stuff like: “Why are you always so close with Jisung? You always laugh with Jisung, you never laugh like that with me, you’re always so awkward with me now- blah, blah, blah.” You finished, rolling your eyes. You’d feel more sympathetic towards your boyfriend’s insecurities if they weren’t so irrational. He’d met Jisung on facetime enough times and hadn’t said a word then, plus he was acting like you should be totally friendless and unhappy so long as he wasn’t there to make you laugh. You couldn’t help that being with Jisung was so seamless, his charisma and humour complimented yours almost a little too well.
“I don’t know…” You sighed, still ignorant to the figure behind you, “… maybe don’t tell Jisung, I don’t want him to get all weird about it.” You finished, finally looking up to meet the eyes of the two boys who were staring at something straight over your head.
As soon as you saw the way that Chris fought the laugh that was etching onto his face, and how your best friend was looking like a deer caught in headlights, you just knew. You turned to face the blonde properly, he was dressed in sweats and a loose t-shirt, seemingly roused from his sleep and you couldn’t help but coo internally at his ruffled hair and awkward expression at what he heard. You had tried to mollify the situation, babbling explanations and telling him to not worry about your ass-hat of a boyfriend but you had no idea what was going on in Jisung’s head. He knew it was a little petty, but he couldn’t help but preen at his ego being groomed at the thought of despite knowing you for less than half the time your boyfriend had known you, the laugh that made his serotonin shoot was a laugh that you reserved for only him; and he was the one you weren’t awkward around.
“I’ll be down in a sec!” You yelled to your friend from your dorm room. It was 11:30 at night, late for a school night, but early in the evening you had planned. You weren’t a massive fan of the uni clubbing scene; more often than not, you were more likely to stay for the pre drinks and wave off your drunken friends out the door, but tonight you had made a promise to at least try and enjoy yourself. You gulped down the last of the vodka lemonade you had been nursing while adding the last touches to your makeup. It was impossible not to cringe at the burning taste of the liquor, but you’d do anything to get yourself sufficiently drunk tonight. It was a delicate balance; with the right alcohol, the right people and the right music you could have an amazing time- if anything out of those things were off, you’d be whining to go home in no time at all.
You put little emphasis on the right people, you had no doubt that the group of boys your friend had introduced you to were the right people to go out with- loud as hell and all with a lust for life that was infectious. You felt warm at the thought of seeing Jisung, despite seeing him most days, you knew he’d be the Clyde to your Bonnie tonight… If Bonnie and Clyde were notorious introverts, and not, ya know… murderers.
You could already hear the base of the grimy music thumping, and the yells and whoops of the boys from the communal kitchen. The LEDs that were lazily hung by one of your roommates flashed and changed and made the corridor look disorientating until your eyes adjusted, and you strolled your way to your friends with your empty cup in hand- eager for a refill.
Your friend greeted you animatedly from the entryway, Felix in tow as per usual, she spoke quickly about mixer in the fridge and how you would be leaving for the club at half past twelve at the earliest. You were only half paying attention, you could see in your periphery Jisung’s cute round face from his perch on the kitchen stool, his hands holding his phone but his doe eyes watching your form intently. In a matter of seconds, your eyes were making contact with his and you smiled warmly. You could see from his hunched figure and severe lack of a drink that he was feeling a little out of his depth- you knew the feeling all too well and wasted no time to stroll over to him with two cups in hand.
Jisung knew he was being obvious, try as he might to be subtle, it was impossible not to gawp at your figure clad in a cute dress and your ankle boots, gorgeous as ever and a little rough around the edges. He couldn’t help it, your presence was always a huge comfort to him, you were the best person to seek refuge with when he went through spells of anxiety and you were his favourite shoulder to cry on. He couldn’t supress the smile that crept on his face when you noticed his figure, both of you sharing a knowing smile when you grabbed two cups from the side and made your way over.
“Boy looks like he needs a drink,” you teased playfully, slinking up to his rigid body and swiftly twisting the cap off the bottle of vodka that was in reaching distance.
“You know me too well.” Jisung answered back, the undertone of an inside joke lingering around you. You were both cut from the same cloth; pretty much being forced to go out to the club when it was a mutual understanding that you’d just rather- not?
After sloshing a shot of vodka in the cup, you cracked open a new can of Redbull and split it between the two of you, chuckling at Jisung’s cringed out expression after taking a brave gulp of the concoction. Yeah, it was strong, but the key to survival and making the most of these kinds of nights was to get at least sufficiently tipsy. Worst case was that the alcohol never hit you and you would spend a sobering time circulating the smoking area, photobooth and seating area with your platonic other half.
The pre-drinks continued smoothly, a game of ring of fire ensuing whilst you were in an animated conversation with Jisung about your “game plan” for night.
“You know Changbin had nearly a whole bottle of wine before we got here, he won’t last the whole night.” Jisung attested, the both of you observing the boy laugh loudly while simultaneously trying to chat up one of your roommates.
“God, he’ll be sick before 3am, he’s drinking a desperado…” You gaped horrified, Jisung laughing before the severity of the situation hit him.
“Crap… I don’t really want to peel him off the kitchen floor again, he nearly vommed on my shoes last time.” The blonde shuddered at the memory. You just ruffled his hair affectionately, Changbin was a big boy, and you felt comforted when you noticed the watchful eye of Chris observing him from across the kitchen island; Changbin was in good hands.
The following hour flew by, you and Jisung making what you thought were accurate predictions on how you thought the night was going to go down based on your drunken friends. When it was time to grab your little cropped denim jacket and your purse, it was just shy of one in the morning, and you all began the small trek to the nearest club.
It didn’t escape your notice how close you were when you walked. Occasionally Jisung would stick an arm out and draw your waist closer to him when a stranger walked past, your hands brushing against each other’s in a frustrating game of will they or won’t they hold hands. Just as you were coming to the club’s entrance, your phone rang, and you couldn’t hold back the urge to roll your eyes. You shouldn’t have told your boyfriend you were going out tonight, he had choice words about it earlier and no doubt did he have choice words about it now.
“You could just not answer him.” Jisung mused gently, both of you joining the back of the queue and watching your phone light up with the call. Not wanting the impending argument to roll over to tomorrow you answered anyway, chuckling at Jisung and giving yourself some space while you had a conversation.
“You would love that, wouldn’t you?” Jeongin teased quietly, only so he and Jisung could hear. A swift jab to the ribs was what caused Jeongin to squawk, and then cease his tormenting. Jisung’s attention was recaptured by you; your inability to hide your expressions coming to the forefront when he caught sight of your scowl that was illuminated by the street- light that loomed above you.
“I can’t believe you went out anyway.” You boyfriend lectured, annoying as ever.
“I don’t know why you expect me to just sit around all day and do nothing? I want to have some fun for fucks sake-” You replied angrily, your temper quickly reaching a peak.
“You’re at a club! How do I know you’re not gonna neck it on with every guy there?!”
“It’s not my problem you’re feeling insecure… just leave me alone.” You quipped back, causing a chorus of “Oooohhhhs” from Chris and Changbin at your verbal take down. You were trying really hard not to giggle; this wasn’t a good time.
“Yeah, well, what do you expect? You’re always with that other guy how do you expect me to feel? Is he there now?” You glanced at Jisung anxiously, not really wanting to lie, but you knew what your boyfriend wanted to hear. “Well? Is he, or isn’t he?” Your boyfriend continued to put pressure on you, making you squirm.
“Well… yes, he is, but what’s that got to do with anything?” You huffed dejectedly, already hearing the loud sigh from the other side of the line.
“Just go home Y/N, have someone else walk you home or something, just go home before I get really mad.”
“I want to have fun, you can get really mad for all I care,” and you hung up with a flourish. Looking back up, you couldn’t supress the laugh at watching Felix pretend to drop a mic, the others jeering at you standing up to your dick of a boyfriend. You got back in line with Jisung, trying to shake off your pissy mood so as not to ruin your night.
“He really hates me, doesn’t he?” Jisung muttered, fiddling with one of his bracelets anxiously.
“You don’t mind him Jisung,” you comforted, “He hates everything with a penis.” You tried to joke to take the edge off. He did laugh though, so it kind of worked. Finally, you got the front of the line, presenting your IDs to the bouncer before making your way inside the illuminated building, your heart already vibrating from the loud music.
The club was an absolute mess in the best way. Choosing a highlight wasn’t easy- however at one point your friend had captured the attention of someone who was not Felix. You were fully prepared to go over there and snatch her back with no questions asked but watching Felix Mc Hammer his way over to reclaim his girlfriend was much more entertaining. Your pre-drinking had worked a charm, you weren’t off your face, but you definitely felt a lot looser than you normally would and as did Jisung, even daring to join the others on the main dancefloor at one point. You were never a sexy dancer, but that wasn’t the vibe anyway with the 2000’s hits the DJ was playing, and you couldn’t be happier to get groovy with Jisung to Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull or absolutely losing it over Avril Lavigne.
The mood was high by the time you finally decided to leave, your heart set on putting your pyjamas on and ordering a McDonalds before calling it a night. You clung to Jisung absentmindedly, the drinks you had consumed in the club making you wobble and sway with every step. You had been right about Changbin by the way; you knew it was your cue to leave when he announced he had vomited in the club toilets, a defeated look gracing his features.
You didn’t feel too great either, but the nausea in your stomach wasn’t caused by the alcohol. Your boyfriend had called back a couple of times, probably fuming at your last conversation, but for the sake of everyone enjoying the night out Minho had tugged the phone from your hands and promptly switched it off before handing it back. You couldn’t help but worry though, the inevitable wrath you’d have to deal with came closer with every minute that ticked by.
Finally, you stumbled back into your student apartment, eight boys, your best friend and a couple of your other roommates in tow, all ready to collapse into the living room and demolish some fast food. You excused yourself to your room to shed your jacket and shoes, your body failing you quickly when opening the door. Luckily, you had waiting arms to steady you, Jisung pushing the heavy door for you and following in behind, his stance looking a little wavy as he too- was very drunk.
“God, he’s gonna be so pissed at me…” You said to no one in particular, flinging yourself onto your bed. Jisung followed suit, the sound of your door clicking shut as he settled beside you and let his gaze fall to the photos and polaroids you had decorated your pin board with. He couldn’t help but feel his confidence inflate a little as he observed that a photo you had taken with your boyfriend had been covered up almost entirely by the pictures you had taken in a photobooth from a different night out with him. The four pictures were undeniably adorable, his favourite being the one where you both finally figured out where to look and both of your giant smiles taking the focal point, the other be the one where you were laughing, and Felix and your best friend had poked their heads into the curtain to photobomb you. Jisung took up an awful lot of your photos, from the slightly awkward smiles from when you first met each other to the shameless silly faces you pulled from the last time you had your camera out. Surely, there had to be a reason, subconsciously or not, why Jisung’s picture shrouded the person’s that you were supposed to be dating.
“Why are you still with him?” Jisung quizzed bravely, his drunkenness making him more confident. There was a sudden change in atmosphere, the air around you became thick with tension at the softness of his voice. You both knew he wasn’t just asking out of curiosity, there was a clear subliminal and unanswered question; why aren’t you with me?
“I… don’t know.” You answered honestly, your voice sounding so unsure as you flipped onto your side to face the boy properly. You propped your head up with your hand, your mind still swimming with intoxication as Jisung looked to you properly too. His hair was pushed from his face, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes bloodshot. He looked hot tonight, his light denim jacket and white T-shirt and jeans a simple outfit, but of course he made it look like a runway outfit effortlessly. “It’s not easy… breaking up with someone, we’ve been together a long time.” You explained softly. It hurt, to watch the disappointment cloud his eyes, so much so, that you stood swiftly to shed more of your accessories in order to distract yourself from the conversation at hand. It didn’t seem like Jisung was having it though, being the polite and gracious boy he was, he normally would’ve left the conversation at that, but being drunk and in his feels was spurring on a different side of him tonight.
“It could be though…” Jisung stood just as you turned to face him, your new close proximity catching you off guard and causing you to stumble back. “… I don’t want to upset you, but it’s not fair… he’s an ass.” He emphasised the last word deliberately, to which you couldn’t bring yourself to disagree. Jisung wasn’t much taller than you, but in this moment, with his newly found confidence he seemed to tower you, your figure shrinking in the small space. You took a step back, though you were mad at your boyfriend- you weren’t a cheater, but that resolve was becoming weaker and weaker as Jisung took a step closer to shrink the gap you had made wider. “I don’t want to do the cringe speech where I say how much better I am... but I don’t want to be with anyone else.” He took another step, and you took one back. Your dorm room was tiny, and it didn’t take much until you were entrapped by the wall and the boy in front of you. It wasn’t that you were uncomfortable, thrilled was probably the better word for it. Equally terrified and equally excited, you low-key loved this part of Jisung- but you didn’t want to be disloyal either.
You couldn’t think of the words to argue, because your argument was void. Jisung had every right to feel like he was the better guy for you… because he was. It was a tad daunting at how self-aware he was but any fool could see it. The air was so hot and thick between you, your words kept falling off the tip of your tongue as you attempted to rationalise your feelings, ultimately failing each time.
“You make me so happy; I’ve never met anyone like you… I don’t think I’ll ever meet anyone like you again.” He continued, taking one, final, baby step closer. You couldn’t have been any more than a couple of inches apart, his breath warm as it fanned against your face and it made your stomach flip.
“You’re drunk…” You tried, the last-ditch effort to deter the boy in front of you.
“So are you… plus they say drunk words are sober thoughts…” He trailed off almost cheekily, a dark chuckle sounding as his eyes fell down to your lips, his tongue poking out to wet his own in anticipation.
“Jisung…” You muttered, already knowing full well where this was going.
“…Just say no, if you want me to stop.” He murmured, his head dipping closer and closer to yours by the second.
Whilst your conscious was screaming at you to say no, push him away, slam the door on him, literally anything to stop what was about to happen from happening, you just didn’t care. Jisung’s lips were light on your own, first dipping down to kiss you experimentally, his hair tickling your forehead and hands wrapping around your waist lightly, before going back in with new fervour.
The only way you could explain the feeling was pure relief. The way he kissed you with both passion and a tenderness was something you could never experience with your boyfriend. Obviously, a part of this felt so wrong, but a huge part felt so right. The hand that slid around your side and the other that came to tangle in your hair had you fitting together like puzzle pieces. It took a minute for your subconscious to overlap your moral compass, but when it finally did, Jisung sighed contently at the feeling of you kissing him back with equal emotion. The taste of liquor remained on both of your tongues, your bodies equally warm from drunkenness and it made the room feel stifling. Only when Jisung had begun to tug and push your jacket from your shoulders, the movement of his head feeling like it had every intention of pressing the most searing kisses to the newly exposed skin, that you felt like you had to stop.
You pulled away stiffly, your body language evidently moving against its will. Your head fell back against the wall with a dull thump, your breathing slightly laboured as you let the silence and tension speak for itself. Welp, it was official. You had cheated on your boyfriend, to some degree… Shit.
“I’m sorry…” The boy in front of you muttered, his cosy embrace already slipping off from around you, making you feel cold and empty.
“Me too.” You whispered back, your head hanging. It didn’t need to be said, you both knew that no one, other than the two people in the room would ever know about what just happened. Jisung sniffed, shrugging his shoulders back in an attempt at getting himself together before pushing his sweaty hair from his face.
“I’m gonna go, order some food…” He spoke in a tone that was supposed to feel casual. You just nodded, allowing him to leave the room and walk down the corridor to join the others in the living area.
Jisung knew it was a mistake to kiss you, not because of your boyfriend, but because he knew in his heart that if he kissed you once he would inevitably want to kiss you again. Not knowing what it would feel like was one thing but knowing that it sent his heart into an addictive over drive, his nerves charging with electricity was something else. In short, he felt like an idiot; it already sucked enough to be the guy that everyone knew was in love with a girl that he couldn’t have, what sucked even more was that he knew for sure now that you liked him back. However, he was far too used to acting like he was unbothered, a skill he never thought he would have to utilise so much- until he met you. He had perfected the art of playing Mr Brightside, and no matter how sick to his stomach it made him feel to see you remain with the D-bag that was your boyfriend, he still had the ability to be a genuine and supportive friend.
Maybe it was more obvious to an outsider, but you weren’t dumb. It was clear that the longer you stayed away from your boyfriend the more your relationship broke down. A part of you was telling you to keep persevering because all relationships have their struggles, but another part was telling you to just dump his ass. You were more inclined to listen to the latter; unsurprisingly, the kiss you shared with Jisung had stuck with you for weeks. In the shower, eating breakfast, trying to catch up on work, any given moment your brain was occupied with the memory of his hands in your hair and the brush of his lips. Quite honestly, the most hot and heavy moment you had ever experienced in your life- not once had the guy you were in a committed relationship with kissed you with so much passion. You had attempted to actively avoid the boy for a couple of days, but it all just seemed redundant when he was living rent-free in your mind anyway. He didn’t need to be there physically; you were a mess either way.
Being the person that you were, you didn’t think to announce to all of your friends when the deed had been done. Looking back, the breakup itself had taken a bit of beating around the bush to finally come out with it, and a huge amount of explaining that you weren’t dumping him solely for Jisung. At the end of the day, he just wasn’t the one, and you had to assure to him and yourself that you were doing this for you and only you. Of course, you were quite saddened by how things had worked out, but the overwhelming feeling of freedom had eclipsed that after a day or two of moping around. Only you were aware for the first few days that you were now a single pringle, you didn’t want to announce it to everyone as if your life was some kind of reality show, so when the cat did come out of the bag you tried to be as lowkey about it as possible:
“How are you Y/N?”
“Doing better Jisung, thanks.” You fumbled, taking off your shoes.
“How’s the boyfriend?”
“… What boyfriend?”
You hid your smirk as everyone’s breath caught at your words, the silence that lasted half a beat deafening as you straightened up and made your way to the sofa to flop. Jisung was in shock, evident from the way his mouth gaped slightly at his loss for words, but his most guilt-tripping dream had finally come true.
The next few weeks was a true test of Jisung’s patience. He knew you, and despite your totally valid past complaining, he knew that you wouldn’t jump into a relationship with him immediately. However, despite the undertone of angst and anticipation that normally hung in the air around you two, it was more or less vaporised by Jisung’s hilarious and totally not-subtle flirting.
“You don’t understand Felix, Y/N used to be obsessed with Cody Simpson when we were in middle school.” Your best friend teased.
“So I liked blonde boys with Justin Bieber haircuts, sue me!” You laughed in response. The others laughed along with you, but not at what you had just said. Jisung was putting on an Oscar worthy performance of miming writing down this imperative information about your 12-year-old self’s ideal type, making a show of looking invested while you had your back to him.
You almost felt bad, your “mourning period” (as your best friend had called it) wasn’t nearly as depressing as you had anticipated. Frankly, you thought you’d be more of a wreck, but Jisung was making that nearly impossible, as not a day went by where you weren’t exposed to some of the worst pickup lines you had ever heard.
“If you were a transformer, you’d be Optimus Fine” Jisung exclaimed proudly, his eyebrows wriggling suggestively in an attempt to be smooth.
“Chris taught you that, didn’t he Jisung?” You deadpanned, trying not to laugh at his derpy face.
“I’m not Jisung right now… I’m Peter.” This caused you to choke out a laugh, the joke being that you’d only use his English name when he was being either a shameless fuck boy, or an absolute idiot. His chaotic alter ego, if you will.
The best part to come out of this was the freedom for being physically affectionate, the little voice in your head telling you to keep your distance finally silenced. There wasn’t time to feel upset about your long-term relationship coming to an end, not when you spent the time you would’ve been crying wrapped up in a blonde boy’s embrace, the rain pattering against the window as you indulged in some good true crime in your blanket nest. Jisung’s chest was the perfect pillow for your head, his arms that had become a lot more buff since he had been working out daily warm and secure around your form as you sprawled out half on top of him. You had no qualms about your questionable position when your eyes got heavy, the arduous all-nighter you had both committed to the night before finally taking its toll as you both napped to the sound of graphic murder on your laptop.
All of this went hand in hand with the previous consensus. You and Jisung were bound to get together. The question was simple- when?
This leads to the current situation. Now in March, it wasn’t long until you’d all be separating for the easter break, and so it was only appropriate to have one last meetup at one of the university’s bars and enjoy drinks for buy one get one free.
Walking out onto the balcony, you felt the mild breeze ruffle your hair a little, pulling your jacket around you tighter, you watched fondly as your friend did a little run to greet Felix with a hug and a sweet peck on the lips, you took your own time to walk over to the group of boys you were meeting.
As naturally as ever, your gaze met Jisung’s quickly, him sending you a little half smile as he moved his jacket to reveal an empty space on the bench beside him. Not wasting a moment, you sidled up next to him, already pulling out your phone to order your drinks and falling into easy conversation with the boy beside you. The others exchanged knowing glances, Changbin and Hyunjin rolling their eyes and laughing at how useless it was trying to engage you two in their chat when you were both engrossed in your own bubble.
The hours had slipped by; you barely noticed how dark it had gotten and the balcony was fully illuminated by the trendy twinkly lights that lined the perimeter. When the time had rolled from 10 pm to 11 pm, you all made the effort to grab your coats, down the last of the drinks and begin the dawdle back to your respective apartments.
Jisung knew his timing wasn’t great, but he couldn’t say goodbye to you for three weeks and twiddle his thumbs without at least trying to ask you out- officially. You were in no rush, walking and talking slowly to try and prolong the conversation you were having as you walked side by side along the river. Your laughter resonated along the busy street, the little alcohol in your system and Jisung’s usual funny self making your ribs ache with giggles.
The others were way ahead of you, and you felt your heart sink at the sight of your apartment building coming into view. You weren’t quite ready to say goodbye- though you could probably manage to visit each-other, and you would call and text, you would miss seeing Jisung every day. Your walk dwindled into a stand-still, the darkness making the campus buildings and various complexes look ten times prettier as they were illuminated, and Jisung held your hands tentatively.
The anticipation that you both felt continuously quickly built up, this time though, it felt like you had reached breaking point. The elastic band that was being stretched and stretched was about to snap, and your stomach flipped with adrenaline and fondness for the boy standing right in front of you.
“I have to tell you a secret, before I actually throw myself into the river.” Jisung chuckled, both his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into the back of your hand, his face a mixture of mirth and nerves.
“I’m listening.” You replied simply, trying to look sincere.
Jisung swiped his tongue over his lips quickly, daring to look you in the eyes for half a second before averting his gaze to the floor again. Clearly, “liquid courage” was the leading factor to his boldness the last time you were this close. You hoped Jisung didn’t need to be almost wasted in order to be as forward as he was before, the hot and heavy kiss you had shared previously wouldn’t be unwelcome in the near future. With a gentle squeeze to his warm hands did he finally gain a little confidence, his usual cheeky smile adorning his cute face once again and you braced yourself for what he had to say.
“I really, really like you.”
“Not really a secret though, is it?” You caught him off guard with your sass, his mouth gaping comically as you laughed at his expression, him still clinging to your hands. He couldn’t help but join in on your giggles though, your contagious laughter and easy-going personality made him wonder why he was so nervous in the first place.
“Whatever! Will you go out with me?” He asked, almost exasperatedly, now letting go of your hands and circling your waist instead, both of your bodies fitting together like a lock and key while you placed your hands on his shoulders.
“of course, I will.” You smiled, taking a moment to appreciate the way Jisung’s face lit up and the giant smile that broke out onto his features
Though it was cliché, it really felt like your “happily ever after” moment. In no time at all did you feel a familiar pair of lips make contact with yours, and a familiar hand trailing up your spine under your coat, coming to a halt at the base of your neck. You had the freedom to give into your instincts and clutch his jacket, pulling him in closer before allowing a hand to bury itself into his fluffy hair. You knew Jisung was never a fan of PDA, but it warmed your insides knowing that he apparently couldn’t wait until you were somewhere more private to do this. Honestly, you were so excited to start this relationship with him; he was already a best friend to you, and your connection had such a strong platonic foundation that meant he had the ability to make you laugh until you could pee whilst also making you a mess of butterflies and stutters. You smiled lightly when he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, both of your faces flushed and lips swollen, you kept one hand interlocked as you tried to catch up with the others. Patience really was a virtue, it would seem, and Jisung couldn’t deny that it had paid off. No matter how much he felt tormented by your past relationship, he could sleep soundly at night with the knowledge that he would never have to be Mr Brightside ever again.
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Learning To Care
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Pairing: felix x reader
Summary: Pt. 2 to A Night at the Bar-(Pt.1). 
Warnings: dom reader, fem reader, sub felix, college au (Everyone’s 18+), Anal fingering, exhibitionism, mommy kink, dumbification, implied dacryphilia, praise kink, pet names, coming untouched, marking, more but I prolly forgot some
Word Count: 7k
A/N: I hope you enjoy! There’s a lot of plot in this one, barely proofread so probably spelling mistakes and grammar, just try to ignore<3 and, as always feedback is always welcome and my requests are open!
18+ please DNI if you’re a minor!
There was no one that he couldn’t get.
Boys, girls, everyone in between. They were all enchanted by him. Captivated and struck. 
Much like you were.
All by his sweet face and sweet mannerisms. By his cute little freckles and not-so cute voice.
Throughout the first few weeks people were constantly hitting on him.
Approaching him at parties or in the halls. Those not bold enough to ask him, asking his friends for his number. One girl passed him a note during a lecture that said he was cute. Asking him if he wanted to go out with her.
Despite all the attention, he never showed interest in any of them. How possibly could he? With you sitting there, only two seats ahead of him.
So very close, yet so very far out of reach.
He was just a shy dance major trying to make it through school. Which was getting increasingly harder.
He needed to get his head in the game, focus on the important things like how much money would be wasted if he didn’t start focusing on the class the professor was teaching.
You were all he could focus on though, standing out like a beacon to him. Luring him in. Always around and yet never available for him.
It was aggravating, frustrating. He saw you everywhere. You were in the same classes as him, switching between them, going to the same parties he did. Even stopping right beside him on multiple occasions-close enough that he could see the faded hickey on your neck that he had left there. 
Every time he looked to you hopefully, maybe you’d say something to him, call him baby or love or kitten, anything as long as it was something. As long as you’d look at him as you said it. As long as your attention was directed in his path. 
But you only ever stopped to have a word with Chan about something or other, not sparing him a single glance.
And it wasn’t like he had just been watching you, waiting for you to make the first move. He had tried to talk to you.
He’d tried sitting next to you in lecture hall but you didn’t say anything, or even look  in his direction for that matter. When he tried talking, opening with a,
“So, how’ve you been lately?” 
That left him wincing internally. The words were clumsy and somewhat awkward. They didn’t feel right to say considering the way you’d spoken to him before. But he hadn’t wanted to come on too strong, like ‘oh yeah, remember that time just a week ago when you fucked my brains out and left? Wanna talk about that?’
You had just looked at him blankly, processing the words in your head before introducing yourself like he hadn’t been getting off by humping your leg only a week ago-like he didn’t still have marks littered all over his chest from your lips-like the taste of you didn’t still linger fresh in his mind.
Even without trying he could do nothing but remember. 
Remember the way your lips felt against his lips, soft and wet, pulling him apart in the best way possible. The feel of them against his neck, against his chest. 
Remember how your hands felt against his body, teasing and light in contrast to the hungry, dark look on your face. Like a predator to it’s prey, and what he wouldn’t give to be your prey once again.
He couldn’t stop remembering the way you smelt. The scent of you still stuck in his pillow, in his bed like a stamp of ownership over him. Which he’d gladly welcome.
He was confused at first, repeatedly trying to approach you inside and outside of school.
At a party he saw you and waved with a smile that unbeknownst to him, sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 
He’d started to walk over to you, looking so hopeful and adorable. It made your gut churn and your heart skip a beat.
Before he could get to you, you had grabbed some random guy and started kissing him which he gladly returned, making your stomach twist as you tried to imagine it was the sweet boy you’d met in a bar only a little while ago.
Felix stopped in his tracks, a crestfallen expression crossing his pretty face. You wanted to shove the guy who had started to grope your ass away and pull Felix into your arms. 
You wanted to bring him to one of the rooms upstairs, show him how much you really cared about him.
But you didn’t.
That was the exact reason you knew you couldn’t. Because you cared too much for this one-night stand.
You cared too much about how people flocked to him with praise that you wanted to be the one to give. 
You cared each time a girl passed him a note in class, wanted to turn around and rip it up-stripping Lix down in the middle of the class, then and there to show everyone that he belonged to you and only you.
The feelings scared you so much, the want to always be near him, to keep him safe and never let anyone else corrupt his perfect sweet heart.
But you didn’t even deserve to be that for him so you’d do the second best thing you could.
Ignored him.
Ignore him and ignore the pang in your heart as you watched from the corner of your eye, observing him watching you in saddened horror. 
You were so focused on your blond boy, trying to quell that ache in your chest that you barely registered the feeling of another man’s lips trailing down your neck.
Right over the marks Felix had left.
He didn’t know if he should approach you again. After that.
Why should he even try anymore? 
Were you even into him? Was he feeling things that simply weren’t there? Was there something wrong that you didn’t like about him? Did you think the other night was a mistake? 
Did it even mean anything to you?
It had finally come to the point where he didn’t know if he wanted you or wanted the thought of you.
Sure, you were nice and pretty.
And you said just the words he needed to hear. Just the words to make him feel safe and warm. Just the words that somehow now he felt like he could tell you anything even if he only knew you for a night-
Yep, he was definitely into you, but the bigger question now was were you into him?
Well Chan certainly seemed to think so, and as your ‘best friend ever!’ as he called it that-well that didn’t comfort him very much.
But the next day at school you approached them. 
Felix smiled before remembering that you were only there for Chan. Looking away to give you some kind of privacy as you talked to his friend. Instead, you tapped him on the shoulder. His body jolted at the touch as if you had electric shocked him. 
A shy and maybe nervous expression slid across your face. “Could I talk to you Felix?”
His eyes widened, in excitement or in fear you had no idea. 
Panicking when he didn’t reply, you quickly added. “Um, it doesn’t have to be right now but I’d rather it be-if you have time!”
Felix rubbed the back of his neck, a blush rising on his cheeks for whatever reason now. “No! I-i can...talk now.”
Chan smirked as he tripped over his words in a clumsy stumble of interaction as you led him away into an empty classroom.
You nearly glared at the man as he tried to hide the smile on his face.
Chan had called you last night.
He’d grilled you out, telling you that you didn’t have to date him but you couldn’t do that, what you did at the party the other night.
You’d gotten mad. Talking angrily through the phone that it was none of his business who you liked, dated and fucked.
That he had no right to butt into your personal life and try to tell you what to do-especially if he didn’t know what was going on in it.
After listening to you yell at him for ten minutes, silently waiting for you to finish with an apology already on the tip of his tongue.
And when you did, he explained himself.
It was hard for him. 
Hard because he cared about Felix and he cared about you. He wanted to see you both happy and to see both of you wanting each other and not doing anything, hurting each other and yourselves.
He wanted to scream at either of you to get your heads out of your asses.
But in the end he realized it was up to you two to figure things out. To decide if that was the path you were going to go down. 
No amount of interfering or meddling could change in the end how you felt for each other.
You stayed stubbornly quiet throughout the rest of the call, simply listening to whatever Chan had to say on the other side of the line.
“If you like him, do something! He likes you-like a lot and the other night? He was so sad and I’m just saying-I’m not a creep, you’re just loud-anyway, I heard you the other night and you’ve never been that...what’s the word?...Soft, I guess with someone before-”
He went on and on before finally sighing in resignation. “Okay look, I know I’m out of place here and I know that I’m meddling but know that whatever you choose to do? I’ll still be here as a friend-always.”
That was your only reply as thoughts swirled through your mind.
He hung up awhile later, telling you that he needed to take care of something. He waited a moment, for you to say goodbye or anything else, something to maybe give him an idea of where you stood but you didn’t reply and finally he just ended the call, leaving in a sort of understanding.
The entire night you sat there in thought, muscles atrophying and exhaustion weighing heavily over your head.
You barely got any sleep last night. But you did think a lot.
And well...to say that you were being unfair was an understatement and you knew that so maybe, after that call from Chan. After everything, Felix deserved an explanation. 
Maybe you should talk to him?
But now you were and it was no longer a question of whether or not.
Felix leaned awkwardly against a table. “So, what did you want to talk about?” He had no idea how his voice managed to stay as level and as calm as it sounded but he appreciated that it did.
Maybe it was because all of the anxious energy in the room surrounded you in a thick cloud as he watched you shift uncomfortably in place. “I-” Voice wavering, you didn’t know how to continue.
The way he looked to you soft and encouraging, urging you silently to continue talking.
You wanted to. Wanted to explain everything. Give him what he was owed. But how were you to explain something to him that you could barely comprehend yourself?
Silence filled the room heavily and somewhat tense.
Every word you had prepared vanished, every plan you had for what to do when this exact moment occurred suddenly disappeared. 
And he stayed unspeaking. Not in an intimidating or pressuring way, that made you nervous. In a relaxing way as if he were just waiting for you to make the first word and not waiting with a bated breath for you to reject him.
He needed to know, needed to hear it from you-not from Chan or any other one of your friends that had approached him saying you liked him-he wanted to hear it from you.
And so he waited for you to speak, letting the silence hang for you to think until you would tell him the words he knew were already bubbling up inside your head. 
Maybe you didn’t like him. But knowing that would be better than pining over you, unknowing if he was simply nuisance to you.
In the silence a million things ran through your head.
Chan had made it sound so simple before. 
‘If you like him, do something.’
If only it were that easy. If only it could be the matter of a simple question and a simple answer. If only you could somehow decipher the exact way you felt about him. If only they could somehow make you act on it.
Baby steps. You breathed in, out.
Did you want to be with Felix? 
The answer was yes. There was no other answer it could possibly be at this point.
Hell, every time you saw him-right now-all you wanted to do was walk up to him and pull you into your arms, shower him in love and reassure him that it wasn’t just him-that you liked him too-as weird and as childish as that sounded. 
It felt weird, mushy in a sappy way like how the poets described it.
It was such a foreign feeling than what you usually experienced when seeing other past hook-ups around. Whenever you felt something for them it wasn’t about them themselves really. It was more that whatever you had...experienced with them was above average and you had certain wants to recreate the moment. 
With Felix it was different.
With him you wanted to recreate what you shared because it was hot and amazing-yes but you also found yourself wanting to recreate what happened after.
You wanted to feel the silky strands of his hair slip through your fingers, pet him as he practically purred in bliss. The warmth of his breath against your collarbone as he slipped between sleep and consciousness. The feel of him simply in your arms, that soft feeling filling your chest overwhelming and...
You breathed in, out.
A breathe in.
A breathe out.
The exhales were loud compared to the deafening stillness of the room or maybe it was just you.
And finally, barely a whisper; it broke through the silence like an explosion, a bomb hitting as you spoke. Unsure and shaky.
And then the silence took over once more. Deafening. smothering.
Felix watched as you looked down at your shoes, not daring to look up at him. He’d never seen you like this-and granted he hadn’t seen you for very long-but from his and everyone else’s perception of you, you were put-together and composed.
Not here-not now.
Now you were nothing like that. Not able to look him in the eye, jaw clenched and hands furled up into fists so tight the skin of your knuckles turned completely white.
You looked vulnerable and scared.
All he wanted to do was make you feel better. Make you smile and laugh. Make everything okay again.
Slowly he crossed over to you, wrapping his arms around you, nuzzling his head into your neck, keeping great restraint to not start leaving kisses along your skin.
A breath left that you hadn’t even known you’d been holding and one arm cautiously wrapped around him. 
He melted, whining lowly and just like that. A deep sigh and all the tension was leaving your body, the other arm finally giving in, hand moving up to twirl your fingers into his hair, a purr of pleasure leaving as you did.
Silence took over once more but now it was lighter-calmer.
And then he spoke, choosing his words carefully. “Do you wanna hear what I think or what you want to hear?”
You pulled back just enough to face him, eyes boring straight into his, unyielding in a way that made him want to shiver. “I wanna hear your honest opinion.” You muttered, twisting a strand of his hair around your fingertip.
He let out a heavy sigh, preparing the words in his head. 
“I like you.” He stated it, squeezing his eyes shut like he was afraid of your reaction, continuing without opening them.
“And I don’t know for sure that you like me back but I think that you do. And if that’s true, we can get over this together. Tell me things, talk to me about how you feel and if that’s not enough...” He hesitated before delicately adding, “I know someone you can talk to-but only if you want! I’m not trying to force you into anything here, I just, I just wanna help.”
You didn’t reply. Not for a long time. Frozen in place, the only movements your chest moving against his and slow blinks as you processed everything.
Eventually, he moved to rest his head on your shoulder, just enjoying the closeness of the action.
He glanced up toward you face to see you looking back at him, a slight smile fitting onto your face. “I wanna try this.”
Ever since then Chan could feel the mood change around the dorm. 
Felix practically glowed in happiness, humming a tune while baking, leaving his room every morning with a bright smile plastered across his face even as his older friend groaned from waking up early.
Deep down though, he was glad to see his friend happy. 
That didn’t stop the knowing looks and teasing comments, but then again, what could?
“Shit dude, you got it bad.”
Felix glared at Chan as he smirked, continuing to drink his coffee.
“You’ve been on cloud 9 since the other day man, you’re fucking whipped!” He continued even as Felix groaned, hating the fact that he had ever gone to Chan for advice on you but to be fair-at the time it seemed to be his best and pretty much only option.
After all, seeing you talk to him was the closest Felix had gotten to you since then.
But now he was going to have this held over his head...forever!
”Well, I’m sorry if me being happy is bothering you!” He mumbled somewhat defensively, looking down with a sad expression Chan couldn’t decipher. 
His own smile fell and Chan immediately felt a pang of guilt for pushing. “You good?”
“Yeah, yeah it’s nothing-we just haven’t talked in a few days and I’m kind of worried that maybe the other day was a fluke or something, y’know?”
Chan sat up straight. ”Look, I’ve already told you this a million times. (Y/N) is into you. Like really into you. Not to sound like a creep or anything but I heard you guys the other night and trust me, I was her roommate for a few months and I’ve never have I heard her act that kind of way, so...” Trying to find the right word, he paused, “...caring? Thoughtful? I guess, I don’t really know how else to explain it.”
“But...” He paused, taking a sip of the mug of coffee he nursed in his hands. “what I’m trying to say is that it won’t be a fluke. If she’s come far enough that she admitted affection for you, you’re not losing her for awhile.”
He fixed the younger boy with a pointed look. ”So what’re you gonna do?”
”Stop worrying.” He muttered.
A mischievous smile crossed his face, more than enough to make Felix’s skin crawl in worry of whatever his hyung was planning. “We should go out tomorrow night. I have an idea, and trust me her eyes will not be off of you.”
After being sceptical and a lot of convincing Felix had every right and more to be worried.
”I don’t know Chan, are you sure this’ll work.” He tried to cover the more exposed parts of his body with his hands, squirming as he looked at himself in the mirror.
The boy in question stood behind him with half an approving smile at his handiwork, half a disgusted grimace at the mental image of how you might react to it. 
”I promise, I promise. Remember, roommates? I know what she’s into as weird as that sounds, but it’s a great thing for you. She’ll go feral, I can promise you that.”
Felix spun around, anxious at the thought of you seeing him in this. He sighed deeply, pink dusting his cheeks. ”It better or I’m about to lose all my dignity here.”
The next day was a weekend and you were once again dragged to that very same bar where it all started.
This time though it wasn’t your annoying ’friends’. It was Chan, telling you that you needed to get out more.
“Since when is this your mindset?” You wondered as he drove after picking you up from your place.
He shrugged as if he were completely innocent. “What do you mean? Can’t I just want to go out to a bar with my friend?”
You looked at him as if to say ‘seriously?’. He was up to something and was shit at hiding it. If the quick glances in your direction and bouncing leg were anything to go by, he was definitely worried about something.
“Seriously, what’s going on? Why are you acting weird?”
Chan laughed somewhat awkwardly but you decided to let it slip as he pulled up. “The other boys are already here. They left earlier.”
You pushed the car door open and slipped out wordlessly, waiting for him as he got out as well before walking into the bar. “Why didn’t you just go with them? I could’ve driven myself or better yet not come at al-”
Your eyes widened into saucers, not missing the way Chan smirked at you. “Surprise!” He did little jazz hands as an emphasize but you barely registered the words as everything inside you short circuited.
You knew Felix was going to be here as well and you had prepared for that.
But you hadn’t expected him to come in that.
Nothing could ever prepare for this.
As if he could somehow sense you were looking at him, he looked over. His face was a mix between smug and embarrassed as he tried to hold up a facade that just wasn’t working. And as your eyes roamed over the length of his body his expression slipped farther and farther into embarrassment.
It was adorable and sinful all at once. A small black plaided skirt that maybe reached his mid-thigh, a white sweatshirt with the sleeves pulled down into cute sweater paws, his fingers just peaking out at the end. 
“Careful, you’re drooling.” Chan snickered. You waved him off halfheartedly, not daring to pull your eyes away, as if Felix might disappear in the second it would take you to spit a retort back at his friend.
You watched closely as he fidgeted slightly, nervously thumbing at the thigh-highs he wore, a bright shade of white that from far away almost made it seem like he wasn’t wearing them at all.
It was something out of your wet dreams.
Scratch that. It was better than anything your mind could’ve conjured up. Because it was him. 
Him and his cute little freckles and cute little blush, his cute little pout as his wide, albeit teasing eyes lured you closer to him.
You wanted to devour him whole. 
“So...whaddya think?”
“You! Was this your idea?” You hissed at Chan while swiftly crossing the bar, fast enough for him to have to speed walk to keep up with your pace.
He only snickered again, finding too much enjoyment in this. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He’s lying and you know it but that thought leaves your head as you approach the group of boys.
They all greet you politely with traded glances but all of your attention is focused on him as you wrap your arms around Felix’s waist, pulling him close. He has half the mind to look innocent as you play with the fabric of his skirt, fingertips just barely grazing the skin of his thighs.
Two wars go on inside of him. The one wanting to preen at your affection, act on the newfound confidence your attention gives him. 
Or the one that’s cringing internally, wanting to let the mortification take over. Mortification of eyes not belonging to you skimming his skin like needles all over.
But when your hand brushes over his inner thigh, warm and comforting, your eyes heavy with lust, all of their eyes disappear. He whimpers quietly and buries his head into your hair to hide the way his blush deepens, inhaling deeply to smell the scent of your perfume. 
Was it getting hotter in the bar or was it just him? 
“Wh-what’re you doing?” He whispers, lifting his head to see the others-mainly Chan snickering in amusement.
You enjoy it, that’s for sure but at what cost?
The though is gone, mind going absolutely blank as you slip your thumb under his waistband, rubbing over his hip bone. He’s only very vaguely aware that you’re in a public place and groping his body everywhere and anywhere you can find purchase.
Weirdly enough, the thought nearly makes him moan out loud. 
“You’re so pretty baby.” You whisper. “Is this all for me? Or did you get all dressed up for someone else?”
At least Chan got one thing right.
You were going feral.
“Jus-just for you. No one else.” He whispers back, clutching his arms around your shoulders.
You bet the others weren’t laughing now.
The rest was pretty much a blur, flashes of your touches and small kisses. The teases that you loved to torture him with.
And suddenly you were in the bar’s bathroom, fiddling with the lock, trying to turn it while preoccupied with pushing him up against the tiled wall. 
“You have such a pretty neck baby.” Voice low and husky in his ear, as you turned to shove him up against the now locked door, nosing against the unmarked skin with perverted little licks and small kisses to each mole and freckle.
Praising. Idolizing. Digging nails into the skin of his hip.
Worshiping him. High on a lust that could only possibly come from the fact that he was yours.
Yours and only yours.
No more girls passing him notes in class.
No more people approaching him at parties.
They’d all be warded off, knowing he belonged to someone else from the marks that littering his neck and chest. From the collar you could envision him wearing. Pretty and pink, maybe jewelled with his name stamped on it.
Just for you.
He tried to hold back a whimper at the feeling of your mouth, back arching in attempts to move against you, wanting-needing to be closer. He wanted to pull you into him. Wanted you to consume him whole.
The music thrummed low in the background, only partially able to cover his shaky pants as warm breath fanned across the side of his face, feeling you lightly teased his earlobe with your teeth. “What? No thank you for the compliment, kitten?” 
You watched his reaction like a hawk, eating up the way he shuddered, full-bodied and harsh. 
He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood, determined to not make a noise in fear of somehow someone hearing.
But why did the thought of that make him harder?
His mind was running a million miles an hour, on overdrive, trying to keep up with the warmth of you pushing and pulling, taking and giving. Just for him. All for him.
Your fingers travelled to his lips, brushing over them, teasing the bottom one out from behind his teeth. “Let me hear you, baby.”
It was only you two in this moment.
The crowded bar was gone. The screams and shouts from outside ceased to exist. The music was all but a vibration in the walls.
And your lips met his, greedy and wanting. Selfish as you claim his lips through your own, infecting his body with a desire to be completely and utterly claimed by you.
He whined as you broke the seal of his lips, gliding your tongue through his mouth taking and taking and taking everything he was giving and more. 
You turn him around, not pulling away, only pushing him against the counter roughly, delighting in seeing the way he moans at being manhandled.
Finally you pull away, breathless, puffy red lips and aching for him. 
“Sit on the counter.” 
It wasn’t meant to sound so much like an order but it comes out that way and Felix certainly doesn’t mind as his pupils dilate in lust, scrambling to carry out your request.
His eyes didn’t leave yours as his legs automatically fall open before they’re restricted by the skirt giving you the perfect view up it.
Something inside you screams out in an untamed desire to ruin him when you finally come to see that last piece of his pretty outfit.
The conscious effort to not start drooling is there as you pause.
He isn’t wearing boxers or briefs but a little lacy pink thong that barely covers anything. You can tell he’s nervous as you glance up at his face, watching the way he squirms under your gaze.
He feels so exposed this way, laid almost bare for your eyes. Flushed and spread out, mussed hair and kiss-bitten lips from you.
He whimpers softly and makes a desperate attempt at grabby hands in your direction. You’d have swooned over it from cuteness had it been anytime other than now. In this situation.
Instead, you decide to grant him mercy; moving forward to wrap his legs around your hips in an oddly familiar way. 
“Remember last time?”
He does. In vivid detail. 
How could he ever forget?
“I want you to make the same noises you did then. No...” you kiss across his bottom lip, leaving a small nip before pulling away much to his dismay, whining out, “No holding back. I want to hear,”
Your lips latch onto his neck.
He shudders.
You trail lower, pulling off his shirt with some maneuvering.
He keens as you lightly bite his nipple.
The feeling of your tongue swirling around the sensitive bud feels like heaven and he can’t help but reach behind your head, desperately clutching you to hold you there as he bucks up into you, skirt tented from his erection.
“God, god-please, don’t stop!” His voice is high and breathy, eyes slipping shut as you suck.
“Fu-ck! Yes! Please, please!”
But you ignore his pleas, pulling away much too soon for his liking, brushing his hands away from you with a small pout he knows is fake.
You enjoy this too much. 
Teasing him. 
Torturing him. 
And you can tell that he loves it too.
You push him back to lay on the counter with a sudden desperation-and granted there isn’t that much space and it isn’t that comfortable but that’s the last thing on Felix’s mind at the moment.
Especially as you lean down and begin to play with that pretty pink thong of his. “You’re so cute kitten,” you purr. “Such a pretty boy for me, aren’t you? Do you feel pretty dressing all up for mommy?” 
He whimpers, hips thrusting up into nothing. “Please, mommy!” 
You lightly tug at the thong right over his hole, pulling it and letting it snap back, a gasp that shifts into a moan erupting from deep in his throat. 
“I think you can beg me better than that baby.” Your voice is condescending in the best way possible and he can’t help the way his hips jump in a desperate attempt to feel you.
“C’mon, don’t you wanna be my good boy, Lixie?”
He thrashes wildly and you have to hold his hips down to keep him in place. “Please, please! I’ll be good-I’ll be a good boy for you mommy. I need you, fuck I need you so much!”
“That’s better baby.”
Your pointer and middle finger move to rest on his lips and he happily opens up, moaning as he feels the digits press down on his tongue firmly. You love it, watching how it’s as if you’re actually touching him with the way he whines around them, greedily sucking them farther in.
“Mommy, mommy, mommy.” The chant is garbled but still there, heat rushing down your spine as you observe in fascination at the way he was going dumb by simply lapping at your fingers.
When you pull away he whimpers, begging you once again. Whining out pleas of lenience and pretty little hiccupy gasps along with it as his eyes well up with tears.
“No need to be so greedy baby.” Leaning in to leave a quick kiss on his lips, pressing your nose against his in a way that feels weirdly intimate. In a way that make his watery eyes light up, soft and filled with a fondness you aren’t ready to admit could be more than that. 
But maybe soon you will.
“Do you trust me?”
He nods quickly, hair bobbing as he continues to look at way with utter faith and longing. 
“Words.” You warn lowly, kissing down his throat.
“I trust you. Do anything-anything you want, please. I don’t care, use me. Just wanna be your little toy, anything!”
You smile and let him see that you do, warming his heart in inexplicable ways. “Such a good boy, my pretty little toy. Just for me to use.” And as a reward your fingers slip underneath the panties, circling evenly around his hole as he gasps, out in shock or in pleasure you can’t tell.
“Have you ever been fingered before kitten?”
He gasps, letting out a shaky moan. “N-not by anyone else, bu-t,”
His entire body tenses as you slowly penetrated him with one finger, his warm walls hugging you so tightly while his head falls back without a care in the world, moaning out as loud as his voice allows him to.
“But what?” You whisper.
There’s no reply. Felix is on his own world, lost, tensing and twitching at the way you feel inside him. Perfect as he mewls in pleasure, trying to grind down and fuck himself but failing at how hard he clenching around it.
You pull out and he sobs out in protest, the tears gathering in his eyes finally falling. 
“I want more, please.” He begs and you watch him with a smirk, eyes falling to his neck, feeling very pleased at the red splotches you know will darken into bruises.
The answer to the question is the last thing on his mind as your fingers brush over him, just barely there but now you want to know the answer. For no reason other than to torture the pretty little thing crying under you in a public bathroom of a bar.
“You said you haven’t been touched here by anyone else but...” The prompt lays open, waiting for him to finish as he cries from the denial.
“I-i touch my-myself there some-sometimes.” You thrust back in, feeling how he’s relaxed a little, leaving you able to thrust two fingers now into him at an even pace.
Felix squirms, eyes squeezing shut. Crystalline tears run down his cheeks and you have a sudden urge to lick them off his face.
The sensations are all too much and all too little. Your words. Your hands. Your skin. Your fingers.
“Jesus-fuck!” He jolted, back arching up as you found that perfect spot. He pants, breath heaving, heart racing as you add a third finger in. The stretch burning-aching, but aching so good.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, please! Please mommy!”
Your fingers were buried so deep inside him. Thrusting faster and faster reaching that divine place his fingers were too short to ever reach himself.
That place that made his hoarse voice scream out in utter bliss and ecstasy, stars exploding behind his eyelids.
His leg wrapped around your hip, heel digging into the small of your back.
The angle just perfect to drive your fingers straight against his prostate-hard. 
He sounded wrecked. Utterly ruined.
Oh so very close.
“So pretty~” The words were a murmur as you kissed down his cheeks, over his tears, hand quickening in pace. “Oh so very pretty aren’t you Lixie? My pretty little kitten.”
“L-lixie. Mmm, mommy~” He whined, arms coming around your neck to pull himself up, leaving sloppy wet kisses down the column of your throat. “Lixie feels-Lixie feels so go-good mommy.” 
His tongue, wet and warms worked against your neck as he desperately tried to mark you up.
This is what he wanted.
What he dreamed of.
He was completely yours and only yours. 
He belonged to you.
His teeth latched into your neck, almost hard enough to break the skin and you let out a loud gasp, groaning as his mouth hungrily moved-wanting-needing to show everyone else that.
That he belonged to you.
And you belonged to him.
He was so close, teetering on the edge. Fingering him just wasn’t enough. He knew that. You knew that. You knew that too well.
“’M close, ‘m so cl-close! M-more. Please, need more.”
You chuckled, free hand ghosting to where his very hard and weeping cock stood prominently bulging against the thong. Red and angry, begging to be touched-but you weren’t going to give in to him that easily.
“More what Lixie?”
Nothing but incoherent babble was mumbled into your ear as drool ran down your neck and collarbone. Nothing but unintelligible mixes of your name and his name and more and please-ever the polite boy even as he was getting his brains turned to mush by practically riding your fingers.
“Poor little Lixie, too fucked dumb to talk.” You coo’d, digits scissoring out inside him.
Nearly choking as sheer pleasure ripped through his chest, overwhelming and devastating, shattering any semblance of regard for the public on the other side of that door.
The air was seized from his lungs and it left him swallowing it in like a lifeline as the feeling of you still moving inside him prolonged the euphoria washing over his body.
Shuddering and writing, keening and mewling into your ear, he spilled all over himself and the panties. 
“Such a mess.” You spoke even though he could barely hear you over the ringing in his ears.
It seemed that you were both wrong.
Just fingering him was just enough.
Watching as he gradually came down you gently pulled out, pushing back his sweaty hair as he whined in protest.
Shut up quickly though as a single finger dipped down to scoop up his cum, bring it to your lips, nearly moaning as the taste of him hit your tastebuds.
His pupils dilated, dick twitching.
Even more so as you did it again. Except this time it was his lips you brought your fingers to, smirking as he opened with zero hesitation for you to smear his own cum over his tongue. 
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as he eagerly swirled the warm muscle around it, moaning and relishing at his own essence.
When you pulled away he immediately drooped, head falling into your chest, arms resting on your hips. You rubbed his bare back, soothing and providing comfort as the oxytocin hit.
“You good kitten?”
He shook his head and a cold panic hit, chilling down your spine, freezing in place. Was he hurt? Did you go too far?
He noticed the mistake, quickly shaking his head and lazily lifting his head to look up at you. “I’m more than good. Felt so good, thank you.” 
You’d heard the term doe-eyed many times before but could never fit a visual to it until now. 
Until he looked up at you somehow looking innocent and pure after such a sinful act in a way that could only be described as doe-eyed.
It was a look that would be imprinted in your brain for the rest of your life.
That feeling hit again. The feeling that made you want to push the hair off his forehead, lean down and kiss him on it. The feeling that made you want to lean down and trace his complexion of freckles.
But this time...
This time as panic filled your body his eyes brought you back. Sweet and comforting, reassuring and urging you to share the burden of your fear.
And this time you did.
Gentle fingers tucked the strands of hair behind his ear, body leaning over his to leave a single kiss there. His face heated as your fingertips lightly skimmed his cheekbones, admiring and intimate, following the trails of pretty dots covering his face.
He’d had people admire his freckles before but they’d never been like this. Never been so infatuated and captivated solely by them. So entranced in a way that made him feel so...
“Anyway, you ready to face the walk of shame. ‘M pretty sure everyone out there heard you baby.” You laughed, hands cupping his face.
He groaned, whining as he pulled you closer, burying his face into you. “Nooo, that’s so embarrassing.” 
Your laugh echoed around in his head, warming his chest as you patted his back. “Then we should get it over with quickly and get to my place...” voice lowering, you whisper, “so I can fuck you with something a bit...bigger than my fingers...”
You let the offer hang for a few seconds feeling his heartbeat quicken and he shudders against you before,
“Fuck it, let’s go.” He pushed you away and picked up the sweatshirt, pulling it over his head and grabbing your hand in his own. 
Choosing to ignore the way you laugh lightly at his determination, he unlocks the door.
And that was the exact moment you realized.
Realized that Lee Felix was someone that was going to be in your life for a long time.
And he would be someone in your life that you loved.
Fully and wholly.
A/N: I hope everyone enjoyed it, I tried to tag everyone who asked to be but I apologize if I somehow missed you! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day or night<3
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jungkookslipring · 5 months
I Will Never Make You Lonely: Ch 4
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Summary: When your life is falling apart, your 8 best friends are there to lift you up
TW: mentions of de&th, su!c!de, su!c!de tendencies, su!c!dal ideologies, depress!on, anxiety, crying. If this is in any way triggering I’d steer towards more of my happier works. If you or someone you love has thought of or acted on suicide, there is help and there is hope 
Call or text 988
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, non-idol AU
PSA: this in no way represents the artists. While their birth names are used in this story, this is in no way a reflection of the artist or artists in real life.
AU/Chapter TW: Mentions of su!c!de, su!c!dal thoughts, graphic descriptions of panic/anxiety attacks, and so much crying. If any of this is triggering please refrain from reading this chapter.
CH 4
The car accident wasn’t an accident. There was no animal in the road that caused her to swerve and hit the tree; there was none of that, she planned it. Your brain went numb but your body felt a sharp pain like someone took a dagger and rammed it into your chest. It was getting a little harder to breathe. You got up from your bed and started pacing. You had your hands above your head trying to expand your lungs, but you were already too far into your panic attack to get back down. You let out the first sob since Carter’s death. 
Is this what dying feels like?
“Y/n?” Changbin called out.
As soon as you saw two of your best friends at the doorway, your vision got blurry. Chris could see how broken you were and he felt like crying right there. He was almost relieved that you were grieving properly, but this wasn't the way he wanted it to happen.
“Sweetheart…” Chris approached stepped foot into your room and you ran towards the boys, their hearts breaking into pieces as you covered your mouth, muffling another heartwrenching sob.
“Oh baby girl, come here,” he said gently as he pulled you against his chest. You spent a lot of time trying to distract yourself from the truth, doing anything and everything to avoid facing it. But eventually, you can't keep your mind numb forever. You cried and buried your face into Chris's shoulder, and he held you while Changbin rubbed your back for comfort. Your tears soaked into Chris's sweatshirt as he swayed you back and forth.
“We got you, we got you,” Changbin whispered as he threaded his fingers through your hair. You gripped Chris’s sweatshirt until your knuckles turned white. The sadness and anger that you kept under the surface came out without warning, and you completely lost it.
“Please bring her back, please!” You cried at whatever higher power was out there. Chris held you tightly as you cried into his shoulder. Changbin's hands had let go of you, but another set of arms reached out to comfort you. Though you missed Changbin's touch, you were grateful for Chris's warm hands on your shoulders, which helped steady you. Unbeknownst to you, your breathing had become more rapid.
“Hey y/n, hey let's take a deep breath okay? We don’t want you passing out on us, yeah?” Minho said calmly. You don’t know when he got in the room, but you were so out of it you didn’t know everyone was in your room. Before you knew it, you started panicking. 
“I c-can’t, I can’t breathe,” you exclaim shakily. You cried harder than you have all month, and maybe even in your entire life. Your body was convulsing with sobs so forcefully and rapidly that you found yourself gasping for air. You knew that you would never see Carter again. No more trips to the lake, no more spontaneous visits to the Space Needle, no more concerts, no more walks to Pike Place. All of it was gone. You held your chest tightly as you struggled to take in air. Your mind was in a fog, you felt nauseous, you weren't getting enough oxygen, and it felt like you were living through a nightmare.
“I *cough cough* I want her *gasp*, back *gasp* *cough cough* please” you pant out. The younger ones were in a state of panic. You were hunched forward with your hands on your knees. Changbin walked to the center of the room and embraced Seungmin, who was frantically reaching out for his hand. Hyunjin was hugging Felix and cradling the younger's head, who was shaking in fear. Han was standing in shock with his arms wrapped around Jeongin, who was hiding his face in his shoulder blade. Minho moved a little closer and spoke as gently as possible.
“Y/n? Honey? Can I touch you?” He asked, waiting patiently until you nodded. Chris slowly let go of your shoulders once Minho had a steady hold of you. He took his time to gently take your hands off your knees, squatting in front of you so he could look you in the eyes. He slowly stood you up and put your hands behind your head so your lungs could expand. 
“Breathe with me love. Let's do it nice and slow, alright?” He asked gently. Minho led you through a series of breathing exercises until you were able to control your breathing. Once you were no longer hyperventilating, you collapsed and Minho caught you, slowly lowering you to the ground and into Chris's arms. He embraced you from behind, holding you close to his chest with one hand on your forehead to help calm you down and the other arm wrapped gently around your waist. You covered your eyes, hoping to escape the overwhelming pain.
“Why did she have to go…” you wailed, relieving all the pressure that built up over time. The hurt, the sadness, and the anger were all being let out as Chris and Minho let you crumble because they would be there to pick up the pieces once you were done.
“Y/n…” Jeongin said tearfully. Your heart stopped. Shit. How long were they in your room? You could hear Felix crying into Hyunjin's neck while the taller of the pair gently shushed the sweet boy in his arms, shedding his own silent tears. You kept your hand over your eyes, not wanting to see their reactions, especially the kids.
“Binnie, can you take the kids into the living room please?” Minho asked calmly and kindly. Changbin nodded immediately and guided the Dongsaengs out of your bedroom. Chris held you close and kissed the top of your head. His lips lingered as he rocked you gently back and forth. 
“Oh bubs…,” Minho whispered as he watched you break down. After what felt like an eternity, your hysterical crying died down to hiccups. Chris continued rocking you gently and Minho was rubbing your knee with his thumb.
“I’m *hiccup* I’m so sorry,” you said, working yourself up. Chris quickly and quietly shushed you. He couldn’t bear to watch you go into another panic attack. 
“Shhh shhh shhh it’s okay, you’re okay, y/n,” he whispered as he petted your hair.
“Why are you apologizing, honey? You did nothing wrong,” Minho asked. You shook your head as more tears streamed down your face.
“D-did I scare the kids?” you ask tearfully. You swore you heard someone else bawling in the hallway; it sounded like Jeongin. Chris shook his head while rubbing your stomach with his thumb. 
“They’re just worried about you, we’re all worried about you, angel,” he said calmly. 
“What did I do w-wrong? Why couldn’t she come to m-me? D-did she really think I can just live without h-her??” you beg for someone to have the answer, but Minho only looked at you with sadness and confusion. 
“What do you mean?” he asks, his eyes flicking back and forth between yours and Chris’s. You grab a hold of your skull, your head pulsating. 
“Carter…t-took…she took her own- *hic* oh my god,” you cried as you dug the heels of your hand into your eyes, Chris and Minho exchanging looks of terror. Chris rocked you while kissing your head repeatedly, and Minho took both of your hands into his. Outside of your bedroom, Changbin guided the younger ones down the hall and into the living room. A bunch of them were sniffling, but Jeongin was crying hard. Changbin pulled the youngest into his side, handing Seungmin off to Han. 
“Hey, hey we’re here baby, Hyungs have y/n” he reassured the youngest, but the poor thing couldn’t calm down. 
“I got the others, Binnie Hyung, we’ll be okay,” Hyunjin said, never letting go of the sweet freckled boy in his arms. Changbin nodded as he led their youngest to the bedroom, the rest of the guys going the opposite direction to sit on the couch. Changbin opened the door with one hand, keeping a secure arm around Jeongin. 
“Binnie Hyung?” Jeongin whimpered. Changbin rubbed Jeongin’s shoulder. 
“I’m here, I’m here,” Changbin whispered. More droplets fell from Jeongin’s eyes.
“Y/n…” he said brokenly before Changbin pulled him into a hug, running his fingers through his hair.
“Shh shh shh, she’s going to be okay. I promise she’s going to be okay, baby,” he said while trying to keep his voice steady. They were all a little shaken up from what happened, but Jeongin seemed to be taking it the hardest. 
“I want to see her, Hyungie, I want to see if she’s okay,” he cried, gripping the back of Changbin’s shirt. 
“We’ll get to see her love, but first we need to calm our bodies, okay? Can you do that for me?” He asked kindly as he rubbed his back. Jeongin nodded as he got into bed. Changbin promised to send you over to Jeongin once you were ready. After tucking Jeongin under the covers, he sat beside him, soothing him by wiping away his tears. Later, the three of you settled down in your bedroom, with Chris propped up against a pillow and you cuddled up on his side while Minho lay next to you two. They comforted you with soft touches and even whispered words of encouragement long after your tears had stopped. They waited until your breathing was back to normal before speaking.
“I know you want nothing more than to sleep, but let’s get you cleaned up, y/n, does that sound okay?” Chris asked as he moved a stray hair out of your face. You nodded as you let out a tired sigh. They took you to the bathroom and had you sit on the toilet lid. You looked in the mirror for a brief second before turning away. Your face and eyes were extremely puffy and red. Once he found the makeup wipes, Minho gently held your chin as he oh so carefully used a makeup wipe to remove the mascara that trailed down your face. You thought he’d stop there, but you were wrong.
“Minho it’s okay we don’t have to do all of that,” you say when he starts pulling out all of the products you use for your nighttime skincare routine. He gave you a kind smile.
“What kind of friend would I be if I let you go to bed without your holy grail, huh?” He asked with the sweetest smile, holding up your sleeping mask he gave you as a Christmas gift. You couldn’t help but giggle and you gave him the okay to proceed. Once the makeup was all gone, he took a warm washcloth and dabbed under your eyes and around your cheeks. You let out a sigh and closed your eyes; you were exhausted. Minho applied all the products necessary, because your routine was exactly like his, and hummed a random medley out loud to help with the tension in the bathroom. He wiped off his hands and put his hands on your shoulders.
“You are the strongest person we know, but don’t ever feel like you have to go through this by yourself, yeah?” He pulled you into his arms and rubbed your back as Chris smiled at you two fondly. 
“It's just really hard…” your voice breaks as your eyes sting. Minho continued to rub your back.
“I know sweetie, I know, I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now…” he whispered.
“I wanted to handle everything on my own, so you wouldn’t have to see me like this *sniff* so we wouldn’t be where we are now,” you admitted as Chris comes up beside Minho and throws his arms around the both of you.
“You’re grieving, y/n, and that’s okay, it’s perfectly okay, happy or sad, stressed or angry, we have your back no matter what. We love you, sweetheart, let us be there for you,” he said gently as he rubbed a hand up and down both yours and Minho’s back. You sniffed looking up at Chris.
“You’re always there for me,” you said with so much gratitude in your voice. You looked back at the clock before looking at the boys. 
“Can I go out there and tell them what happened? So they don’t have to worry?” you ask hesitantly. They both nodded, even though they knew you weren’t okay, you were at least okay physically… sort of. The younger ones were going to worry regardless, but maybe they would feel a little better seeing you. The two let them know you don’t have to feel obligated to, and that you could just get under the covers, but you wanted to see the kids. They helped you up and guided you into the living room where four of the guys were. Two were missing. 
“Binnie Hyung is with Jeongin right now,” Han whispered. Your heart broke even more if that was even possible. You nodded as you sat down on the couch. After a few seconds of silence, you spoke up. 
“Are you guys okay?” you ask, cringing at how much your throat was hurting. You heard sniffling immediately after you started talking. You looked over at the source of the sniffles and then immediately looked down again. Felix’s face was red with dried-up tear tracks that trailed over his freckles.
“Y/n, shouldn’t we be asking you that?” Han asked, voice laced with sadness. He was wondering how even with everything that just happened, you continue to put their well-being over your own. Now you were questioning if you wanted to tell them the news, seeing how they reacted to you having a panic attack. Anxiety filled your chest before Changbin squatted in front of you and pulled you into a hug. When did he come back out? 
“Breathe for us y/n, breathe,” he shushed you gently as he rubbed your back. Seungmin came up next to Changbin to hug you as well. You took a deep breath. 
“Peyton found a note,” you said as Seungmin’s breath hitched, his arms wrapping tighter around you. 
“Oh y/n…” Changbin mumbled as he rested his head against yours. As the tears streamed down Seungmin's face, you started rubbing his back in circular motions hoping to provide some comfort. You tried to compose yourself so that you wouldn't break down again, and everyone could see that. While you were in Seungmin’s embrace, Changbin carefully pulled back and gently took your face into his hands.
“Hey…you know you don’t always have to be so strong,” he said reassuringly. Hyunjin still had Felix in his arms while you looked back at him. He got up from the opposite side of the couch, knelt in front of you and tenderly held your face, wiping away the tears under your eyes with his thumb. Seungmin and Changbin got up so you could wrap your arms around Hyunjin's neck. Hyunjin kissed your cheek, and rocked you in his embrace. Felix got up soon after and came to kneel behind him, grabbing onto the side of your shirt. You reached behind Hyunjin to stroke Felix's hair; he looked just as devastated as everyone else.
“You’re allowed to lean on us y/n, you don’t have to go through this alone,” he whimpered as he wiped away your tears. You loved your boys so much, and they loved you more than anything. You pulled Felix’s head in to kiss him on the forehead. The three of you held onto each other until Changbin spoke up. 
“You’ve had a long day, let's call it a night, yeah?” he asked gently as he patted your back. You nodded while still in Hyunjin’s hold, and the two didn’t let go until you did. Changbin wrapped an arm around your waist and walked you to your room. Everyone else scooted impossibly closer together and did a brief wellness check on each other. Back in your room, Changbin grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt that you stole from Han and handed them to you with the kindest smile. You silently thanked him as you went into your bathroom to change. After you came out, Changbin smiled at you. 
“How many of our clothing items are in your closet?” he joked. You shrugged with a chuckle, and even if it was small, he would take that over anything.
“Not too many, I’m usually fighting with the kids over Chris and Minho’s clothes,” you giggle. Changbin smiles even bigger and pulls you into a hug. You hold him tight and let out a deep sigh. 
“Do you think he’s still awake?” You ask Changbin as you pull away from the hug.
“He might be; he was hoping to see you,” Changbin said. You nodded looking into the hallway. Changbin squeezed your hand one more time before you walked out. Back in the living room, Chris suggested everyone get some sleep. Han roomed with Jeongin but he decided to go bunk with Seungmin. Once all of the younger ones were out of the living room, it was just Chris and Minho. Minho was about to walk out of the room before he felt a hand circle around his wrist. He looked back at Chris questionably.
“Hyung?” He asked. Chris looked at him with sympathetic eyes. 
“How are you doing?” He asked gently. Minho shook his head.
“I’m not sure I know what you’re asking, Hyung,” he said quietly, looking down at their hands. He did, but he didn’t want to talk about it.
“I know that was a lot,” he said as Minho looked away, pretending like he didn't feel stinging behind his eyes. He let out a shaky sigh. Chris’s eyes softened even more. 
"Min, if you need to cry, it's okay," Chris said, as he rubbed his thumb over Minho's wrist. Minho had always been the strong one for his brothers, but even he had a breaking point. His lip quivered when he made eye contact with Chris. The older of the two gently tugged on Minho's wrist, pulling him into his arms. Minho closed his eyes and let the tears flow. Chris rubbed his back as Minho silently cried.
“You did well Minho, you did so well,” he praised as Minho sniffled. He drew circles on Minho’s back, bringing up his other hand to leave gentle touches on his nape. 
“I’ve n-never seen her like t-that,” Minho stuttered thickly. 
“Neither have I,” he whispered. “But she’ll be okay,” he said. “She’s going to be okay,”. He wasn’t sure who he was reassuring, but they both needed to hear it. After some time, Minho and Chris parted and wiped their eyes. 
“Are you ready for bed?” He asked kindly. Minho nodded.
“Yeah,” he whispered. As Chris was about to head to his room, Minho grabbed his hand. Chris stopped and looked back at Minho. The younger one didn't say anything, but Chris knew what he was going to ask. He gave Minho a warm smile and squeezed his hand, pulling him to their shared bedroom. Once they were under the covers, Chris held Minho in his arms, and the second youngest buried his face into Chris's neck. Chris ran his fingers through Minho's hair and over his neck, while Minho rubbed his hand up and down Chris's arms. They lay in silence for a while until Minho finally spoke up.
“Do you think y/n will want to go back to America?” He asked hesitantly. They knew that your internship was highly competitive and that you wanted to stay in Seoul, regardless of whether you got selected for it or not. However, considering the recent events, Minho had been wondering for a while if you would get homesick and want to go back to stay with Peyton. Chris took a moment to ponder upon it.
“Gosh Minho….I’m not sure. I want her to stay here but if she wants to go back, that’s her decision, you know?” he answered. If he was being selfish, he wanted you to stay, they all did, but they respected your wishes if you chose to go back to Seattle. The idea of not seeing you every other day if not every day made his heart ache. Minho nodded. 
"I know... I just... I don't know... I want her to know she's her own person and is allowed to make her own decisions, but... the thought of her not living here anymore..." Minho couldn't finish his sentence. He pushed himself closer into Chris's hold.
"I know, agi, I know," Chris whispered as he pulled Minho even closer and stroked his hair when he felt wetness on his shoulder. The two lay there in each other's embrace, and by the grace of whatever higher power was up there, they fell asleep. As you walked down the hall, you ran into Han who was stepping out of the bathroom. He noticed the sweatshirt you were wearing and smirked.
“I was wondering where that was,” he said cheekily. His eyes were a tiny bit moist. Your heart hurt and he sensed that.
“If you need anything at all, we’re always here for you y/n, I hope you know that,” he said before pulling you into a tight hug. You let out a deep breath and nodded. 
“I do, thank you, Hannie. Same goes for you, yeah?” you said. He chuckled. Their health was always your priority, they wished you could take care of yourself the way you took care of them. He squeezed your hand before retreating to Seungmin’s room. You took a deep breath and knocked on Jeongin’s door, waiting patiently for a response.
“Come in,” he quietly called out. You opened the door slowly. Jeongin gave you a sad smile.
“Hi,” he said quietly. He was wrapped up snuggly in a bunch of blankets; you remembered Changbin tucked him in. 
“Hi,” you whispered. Jeongin sat up in bed once you closed the door.
“Are you okay?…” you asked. You knew it was a ridiculous question given you could see he clearly wasn’t okay but you still wanted to ask. Jeongin nodded slowly as you saw tears fill his eyes.
“Please don’t cry, sweet boy,” you whispered. Jeongin’s lip wobbled. Turned out he heard your conversation with Chris and Minho before everyone went into the living room.
“I just don’t- I…I can’t,” he whimpered. You quickly sit down and pull him into your arms, and even though he is taller than you, he feels so small in your hold.
“I’m here, I’m right here, I promise,” you said. He wrapped his arms around one of yours so you could cage him with the other. His tears were immediately soaking into your shirt.
“I can’t lose you, I-I can’t lose any of you” he cried out, fear evident in his voice. You cradled his head as he let out one of his worst fears.
“Shhh shhh shhh shhh…you boys mean so much to me, more than you will ever know,” you said, kissing his head and rocking him gently. “I’m sorry I didn’t reach out, I am so sorry.” He shook his head. 
“I’m not m-mad I n-never could be. I-I understand. Just- you can always talk to us y-you know?” he said whimpering. 
“I do know that bug and I love you all so much,” you said sincerely as you pet his hair. 
“We love you too,” he whispered, hugging you impossibly tighter. You both stayed cuddled in each other's embrace, trying to provide comfort to each other. Eventually, you got under the covers and held each other tightly. Jeongin rested his head on your shoulder, and you were soothed by the sound of his even breaths. Finally, you both drifted off to sleep.
taglist: @felixmainacc @felixburneracc @myforevermelody143 @dunno-wut-to-do @itzsana-kiddingmenow
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krisstheidiot · 3 months
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Pairing: Seungmin x Reader
Genre: Best friends to lovers au, College au, SMAU
Disclaimer: this does not reflect the real life personalities of the Stray Kids members (or any other idols) that will appear in this fic i tried my best to portray their go selves.
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Y/N, Seungmin and Han decide that they are too bored and the campus life is too stagnant so they whip up a crazy idea to bring everyone closer by being an anon group/club called Campus Crumble who arranges meet ups at nights and delivers food inspired by people's daily life struggles in hopes to make their days better.
College isn't just studies so why not shake the whole campus up.
Join them on the adventures of cooking, sneaking around anonymously and making people's lives a little better somehow.
Will the "Food Santa Clauses" as the students refer to them stay anonymous or will they be found?
This is a fic I came up at 3 am with no sleep whatsoever during exam season so if its inconsistent or anywhere cheesy please don't hate me ;-;
Reblog, comment, send a message guys!!
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Icon:- 🖍️(written part)
Intro 1.0
Intro 2.0
The Groups 1.0
The Groups 2.0
Twitter handles 1.0
Twitter handles 2.0
SET 1.0
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Series Taglist:- @hyunverse , @nujeskz , @queen-in-the-shadows , @phtogravi , @authentic-65 , @rylea08 ,...
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oursecretways · 8 days
Forbidden feelings master list
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older non-idol! Chan × younger! Reader genre: fluff, angst, slice of life, College/Uni AU, friends to lovers word count: 264 currently. warning(s) going to add more as we go if needed: swearing, spiraling thoughts/feeling like not being enough, cursing, violence, age gap disclaimer: inspired by the Chinese drama Hidden love. Similarities will happen.
You couldn't help but develop a crush for him; he was always next to you, always reliable. Will you be able to make him see you as an adult? What will your parents and brother say about it?
main master list
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Overture Part 1 Part 2 (soon…)
🏷️ open
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hanniiesuckle17 · 23 days
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A/n: sorry it took so long to get this up but I got a little fire sparked with me! This series is basically turning into a journey of watch me try to let myself fall back in love with writing despite life burning around me✨
Tag List: @ashisparanoid @mini-meanhoe @leggomylino @doolsetnet @desertofdessert-blog @hoes4hoseok @mrsunshine999 @jisungsjheekies @hannie-squirrel00 @cotccotc @yangs-jeongin @binniebutter @orangegyu @little-precious-baby @raethethey @sofie296 @bluejayboys @bunnyjaycheoluwu @mingiholic @doom-fics @justhere4kpop @honeyhotteoks @star-hrts
C.L Tag List: @realrintaro
Pairing: Jisung x Reader x Seungmin
Genre: SMAU, Series, College AU, Love Triangle, Comedy, Fluff, Drama, Smut, Best Friend AU, Slice of Life, Youtuber AU
Schedule: Not Scheduled ATM
Warnings: Cursing, Partying, Substance Consumption Including Alcohol and Cannabis, Smut, 18+ Scenarios
Synopsis: Timing is everything. Sometimes it’s the right person and the wrong time and sometimes it’s the right time but nothing is going your way. Life revolves around this college friend group as everyone is intertwined with fate. Time will only reveal the ending.
Cue Lights Spotify Playlist:
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Master Playlist
✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫* .✫*゚・゚ 
00. profiles
01. song of the day
02. ur hot ig
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skzhua · 1 year
'your eyes' series
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synopsis: eight men, eight stories and a glimpse at their love lives.
genre: college!AU, inspired by 'your eyes' MV, genre depends on each story.
warnings: swearing (you know me by now, i can't help it), suggestive for some of them, all are female reader.
note: they can be read individually, but they are all interrelated.
note 2: click on the hearts to read!
status: complete.
a/n: am i currently rushing with school? yes. am i already working on 5 scenarios? yes. and yet am i making myself work even more? yes... i'm so excited for this series, though! i hope you'll love it as much as i do.
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♡ "Come live with me."
pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader.
genre: fluff, slice of life, neighbour!AU, suggestive.
word count: 9,321
warnings: swearing, cheesy asf.
summary: you've been living in the same apartment building for years now. everything has always been to your comfort; no noisy neighbour, no argument with the landlord, a cozy neighbourhood... when you've come to the realization you could not pay for your sweet home anymore, your friendly neighbour suggests a plan for you to stay. are you going to say no to the handsome man with many charms? of course not.
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♡ "Do you trust me?"
pairing: bang chan x reader.
genre: fluff, a glimpse of angst, idiots-to-lovers.
word count: 8,659
warnings: swearing, drinking, slight angst, chan and reader are so oblivious (mostly reader).
summary: your first mistake was to major in music in college. your second mistake was to change classes and end up in bang chan's. your third was to accept his help to pass the class. your last mistake was to push him away.
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♡ "This is disgustingly cute."
pairing: kim seungmin x reader.
genre: fluff, barista!AU.
word count: 7,904
warnings: swearing, your typical barista imagine.
summary: seungmin has seen you before, but he never bothered talking to you. in fact, he did not care about you. when you came in the coffee shop in distress, he decided to be a good person for once and to make you a caramel macchiato in hopes to help you calm down. surprise: you do not like caramel macchiato, but you do like the young barista.
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♡ "Just one bite."
pairing: lee felix x reader.
genre: fluff, fluff, fluff (did i mention fluff?).
word count: 7,698
warnings: warnings, might cause a heart attack of cuteness.
summary: brownie boy was a myth for you. since the first day you have stepped in the campus, everybody would be praising brownie boy. you could not believe that a grown man was kind enough to be giving out free food, good food. when brownie boy heard about your suspicions, he was more than willing to prove you wrong.
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♡ "I could use some company."
pairing: yang jeongin x reader.
genre: fluff, slight angst.
word count: 7,896
warnings: swearing, crying, mentions of mental breakdown, mentions of abuse, mentions of bullying.
summary: jeongin has one job: do the laundry. living with jisung who is a mess maker, he has no other choice but to be the responsible one of their dorm. waiting for the clothes to be dry, he hears cries, yours. how could you be so pretty even while crying?
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♡ "I need to see it to believe it."
pairing: seo changbin x reader.
genre: fluff, slight angst.
word count: 8,589
warnings: swearing, suggestive, reader is lowkey mean in the beginning.
summary: hearing changbin telling your friend, hwayoung, that he is convinced he can organize a better date than the guy who ruined hers, you can only laugh at him. persuaded he can prove you otherwise, he bets he can make you fall for him by going out with him on a date. the competitive in you accepts.
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♡ "I might be a fool too, then."
pairing: han jisung x reader.
genre: fluff, a bit of angst.
word count: 11,377
warnings: swearing, drinking, failed dates, suggestive.
summary: being your closest friend on campus, jisung has been through thick and thin with you, and so the opposite. thus, he has seen your multiple attempts at dating, your numerous failed dates and the guys who had never called you back. what can be any better than a night in with him to cheer you up?
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♡ "You were the first person I thought of at the moment."
pairing: lee minho x reader.
genre: fluff, angst.
word count: 10,529
warnings: swearing, suggestive, unrequited love mentioned, minho being minho (savage and flirty).
summary: your relationship with minho has always been tricky. either he is roasting the shit out of you, or he is flirting with you shamelessly. when things start to get complicated with your childhood friend, chan, why is he the first one who come up in your mind?
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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straylightdream · 1 year
“I think about you”
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I’m attempting to figure out my Felix story for my college au series SSFW. If anyone would be interested in beta reading/helping me figure out this story please feel free to message me on my main @straystarlost
↳ “There was something about you that now I can’t remember. It’s the same damn thing that made my heart surrender”
exes to lovers / college au
status: coming soon
warnings: mentions of loss of virginity, dealing with past heartbreak and angst, protected sex, oral (both receiving, body worship
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bias-fan · 3 months
PERFECT [baseball player!kim seungmin x only fans creator female!reader]
[15: blocked and friends]
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[masterlist] [previous] [next]
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synopsis: being an onlyfans creator in college is hard sometimes, getting innuendo comments thrown at you, that’s what kitty deals with but ignores it. she meets seungmin by accident, a baseball hitting her face. he knows who she is because of his friends.
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daceydeath · 3 months
Cigarettes and Cliches (Part 7)
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Pairing: Lee Felix x Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Genre: Collage AU, Slow Burn Romance
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, swearing
He was the most impractical guy for you to be interested in the incredibly handsome cliché bad boy who collected girls like trophies. As hard as you wanted to stay away you couldn't even if it might cost you everything and leave you heartbroken you couldn't ignore him
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There was no way you could ask for Innie's input on what to wear on your date, since you weren't even sure where you were going or what you would be doing and especially since he was not going to approve of you going on said date with Felix. Now would have been a good time to ask Nali's opinion or advice if she hadn't turned out to be the worst friend you could have ever made. So your next logical idea was to go through your socials to see what other girls wore on their dates with their boyfriends to give you an idea of what you should look like or how much effort you needed to put in without overdoing it.
You went to sit in the lounge so that you didn't look like you were hiding yourself away as Jeongin eventually surfaced from his room looking sheepish and he and Seungmin started planning their night out.
"Did you want to come with us again tonight? We will make sure one of us will be with you all the time" Jeongin asked, still looking dusty from the night before.
"No I think one party everyday is a little too much for me" you sighed looking at him "Maybe one next week".
"Ok we can live with a maybe for now" he grinned as Seungmin rolled his eyes as you phone beeped.
Ok how does a movie and a walk down by the river sound baby? You read the message twice before you slowly typed a reply so you didn't look too excited in front of Seungmin and Jeongin so you thought for a moment before sending it.
That sounds great Felix what time and where should I meet you?. Movies and walks were mostly casual so you didn't need to dress up and have too many questions asked about where you were going.
I'm going to pick you up baby, If the others have a problem with it they can just deal with it.
They can just deal with it, you read the words again and again before you realized that you should probably answer him so you quickly agreed and went back to thinking about what you would wear and what you would tell the boys when Felix showed up to take you out on a date out of the blue. Seungmin and Jeongin were still talking about the party when your brain tuned you back into the conversation.
"Next party we will need to dress you in less attractive clothing too to keep you a little more hidden from drunk idiots" Jeongin nodded seriously
"Or I could come and find one of you or the others to help me get a ride home, surely no one is going to bother me with one of you with me" you smiled unsure if that was the right response to keep them happy.
"Actually that would be better" Seungmin grinned "find either me or Innie or any of the others even if it's Felix or Hyunjin they will always try to keep you safe and will wait for you to get in a taxi or something before they go back to partying".
"So are we cooking before you go or ordering in?" you asked cheekily hoping you wouldn't need to cook before you go out.
"We were going to meet Han and Changbin for dinner before we hit the party so you can have whatever you like" Jeongin winked as though you would get up to all sorts of mischief being left alone to make your own dinner. You chuckled thinking that he had no idea what you were going to get up to once they left even though to be honest you were slightly nervous about that yourself if you were being honest.
You had picked out an outfit while you pretended you were cleaning up and Seungmin and Jeongin were getting ready so that they had no clue you were up to something. It made you feel like you were in a TV drama sneaking out of the house to meet the star crossed lover who would whisk you away to his castle as opposed to just meeting Felix but it made your heart race the same way his smile did. You were still lost in your head when you heard Seungmin calling your name loudly, shaking the romantic fantasizing from your mind, you opened your door confused as to why he was yelling.
"Sorry Seung, what's wrong?" you smiled tilting your head.
"You ok? you didn't answer when I called out to you" he furrowed his brow slightly scrutinizing you.
"I was in the bathroom" you lied instantly hoping he would drop it.
"Sorry" he scratched his head as he backed away from your bedroom door "we're going now just wanted to let you know"
"Well I will try to survive without you both" you teased smiling as he walked towards to door "don't bring any psychos home with you".
"Oh, fuck off" Seungmin grinned as Jeongin laughed from the hall before you heard them both putting on their shoes and the door opening and closing. You smiled to yourself suddenly feeling a weight fall away from your shoulders about how exactly you would have explained dating Felix to the pair of them so suddenly.
Getting yourself ready you sat fiddling with your jeans as you tried to distract yourself from your nerves but flicking TV channels and eventually settling on an episode of a drama that you couldn't pay attention to. After what felt like a lifetime the door buzzer rang sending a spike of nervous excitement straight through your heart as Felix appeared on the small screen looking as dangerously handsome as always. Pressing the buzzer to let him in you told yourself to not wait at the door for him to know instead bouncing on the balls of your feet at the opposite end of the hall staring at the door instead. When Felix did knock on the door your heart skipped a beat, his eyes soft as he stepped into the apartment cupping your jaw and kissing you softly.
"You look gorgeous baby" he smiled reaching for your hand to intertwine your fingers "are you ready to go?".
"Yes Lix" you smiled back feeling your cheeks heating up as he looked you up and down.
"Do you need to say goodbye or anything?" he whispered cheekily looking past you up the hallway.
"No the boy left early to meet the others" you grinned letting him lead you from the apartment and towards the elevator. You traveled down to the ground floor with Felix's arm wrapped around your waist holding you to his side gently which continued until you got down the several blocks it took to get to the movie complex only letting you go to buy your tickets and popcorn which he insisted on carrying until you were both seated in the back of the cinema.
"You know you didn't even tell me what we were seeing, Lix" you teased softly taking a few pieces of popcorn and popping one into your mouth.
"Well I remembered that you liked actions and thrillers but there aren't any good thrillers so it is going to be John Wick" he admitted the corners of his lips quirking up hen your mouth formed a silent o.
"You remembered that?" you whispered as the lights dimmed around you for the previews to begin.
"I try to remember everything you say" he admitted sultrily leaning in to whisper in your ear, the feeling of his breath on you skin making your skin erupt on a wave of goosebumps as he moved the armrest that sat between you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
You sat in silence for the film enjoying as much as you could of both what was happening on the screen and the warmth and feeling of Felix breathing beside you for the almost three hours it took for the movie to end. But even then you only managed to focus on half of the plot as you spent the other half having to focus on how to remain acting natural. Once the lights came back on and the credits rolled Felix his you with another one of his dazzling smiles.
"Do you still want to go for that walk by the river or would you like me to take you back home?" He asked genuinely, seeming happy to do either option depending on how comfortable you were.
"I think I would like to go for that walk Lix" you bit your lip slightly hoping that this was the answer he was wanting to hear.
"If my baby wants to go for a walk then we will go for a walk" he teased holding out his hand for you to take as he began leading you from the cinema. You noticed a few girls stare at Felix as you walked past them and back out onto the street their faces turning into a frown when they saw him holding your hand. He seemed oblivious but it dimmed your smile slightly. You knew they were wondering how someone like him could have any interest in someone like you and that hurt you a little but when Felix squeezed your hand gently as you began to walk towards the river you couldn't help the little flutter that erupted in your chest.
Walking hand in hand for the next few blocks that would take you to the riverfront you decided that making conversation would prevent you being too awkward about this being a first date with anyone let alone Felix.
"So what exactly did you plan on telling Seung and Innie when you picked me up tonight?" you asked bashfully looking up at him.
"Well" he paused for a moment still smiling "I was thinking that I was just going to say that I wanted to make sure you were alright after the party, but honestly I hadn't really thought about it" he admitted meeting your eyes briefly before looking ahead once more.
"Well at least you're honest" you sighed thankful that the boys had been out when you left the apartment.
"In truth I figured they would be in too much shock to actually say anything and that we would have escaped before they snapped out of it" he chuckled making you smile in relief.
"I mean they probably would have been shocked for ages that you wanted to take me on a date" you shrugged smirking at the thought of them standing in the hallway with their mouths agape
"And why wouldn't I want to take my smart and beautiful girlfriend on a date?" he teased nudging your shoulder playfully as you entered the park walking between the large gates that separated the gardened area from the street
"I didn't mean it like that Lix I meant they would have been shocked that I had a date" you back peddled quickly looking up at him with wide eyes "I didn't mean they would be shocked at you going on a date"
"I know baby I was teasing" he soothed pulling you closer to wrap his arm around your shoulders and you let the movement lull the conversation for a while
You had made sure you wore a light sweater so that you wouldn't be too cold on the waterfront and you were glad you had as the wind picked up to a chilly breeze as you walked together under the fairy lights that were strung through the trees on the riverwalk. You hadn't really checked the weather but you knew at this time of year the breeze was always cool at night obviously Felix hadn't either as you realized the clouds were gathering overhead much quicker than normal. Looking up at the sky frowning Felix muttered something under his breath before turning to you
"Looks like we're running out of time baby" he sighed wrinkling his nose slightly as you nodded feeling disappointed as the clouds had finally blocked out all of the stars.
"I guess we will save this for the next date?" you smiled softly which made his eyes light up.
"Yes we will absolutely save this for the next date or maybe the third date?" he smirked as you tried to hide your excited smile. Walking back towards the park gate you thought you felt the first spot of rain but you weren't sure, however, this changed when the skies suddenly opened up above you and rain began pouring down on you both.
"Fuck" Felix swore loudly tucking you into his side and wrapping his jacket around you as he guided you under a large tree "We can go back to my place its only a block from here and when it stops I'll get you a cab home". You looked at him blankly for a moment unsure of what to say to not sound like a fool or ungrateful.
"This isn't some kind of ploy I promise" he reassured you quickly noticing how your expression had changed "I just don't want either of us to catch a cold and it's quite a walk to your place from here and if we try to get a cab we will get even more drenched than walking to my place" he reasoned.
"It's ok Lix I know you won't do anything I don't want you to" you smiled gently your brain catching up with what he was saying.
"We can dry off there and wait out the rain and most of the way there is covered so we won't get too wet" he gestured to his already soaking wet hair.
"Lets go Lix, lead the way" you urged, letting him continue to hold you as close to you as he could to try to keep you dry and warm as the pair of you darted your way from cover to cover for the 5 minutes it took to get to his place. Quickly making your way through the lobby and into the elevator you were surprised when a doorman appeared as the door to the lift opened on the 15th floor who Felix waved at before leading you to his front door and letting you in helping you to slip off your shoes before going to find you some towels for your hair and clothes.
You had known that Felix, Hyunjin and Minho shared an apartment, Seungmin had mentioned it to you ages ago, but you didn't realize how nice of an apartment it would be. They lived in the river district that was considered one of the highest valued areas in the city and their apartment overlooked not only the river but parks that you had just been walking in. Standing on the tiles of the kitchen floor to avoid dripping water on the carpet you could see the lights of the city through the massive lounge room windows as you waited for Felix to return carrying towels and something that looked like clothing.
"I'll show you to the bathroom and you can change into these before we get your clothes in the dryer" Felix suggested handing you the pile of fabric and leading you into the bathroom while he cleaned up the drips on the tiled floor.
Closing the door behind you, you took in your surroundings. It was a much nicer bathroom than yours. The tile looked like actual marble and it was large enough to have an actual tub and a double sink. Slowly you put the towel down on the cabinet before you realized that Felix had given you a pile of his clothes, sweatpants, t shirt and the hoodie you had seen him in the morning you spoke to him in the gardens. Shaking the memory from your mind you peeled your wet sweater over your head grateful that you hadn't gotten soaked to the bone so at least your bra was still mostly dry, you wrapped your hair in the towel and squeezed as much water as you could from it before changing into the pants and t shirt before opening the door and finding Felix waiting for you his eyes glazing over slightly when he saw you.
"I'll just need you to put these in the machine hopefully they won't take too long to dry out" you smiled shyly holding up the towel and your sweater and jeans but Felix didn't react " Lix?" you asked, tilting your head to watch him and shaking your clothes in front of him.
"Sorry, just got a bit lost in how good you look in my shirt" he replied, clearing his throat slightly and reaching out to grab the wet items as your cheeks burned. "Did you want to hang in the lounge and watch another movie or get some food?" he continued his signature smile returning.
"Yeah sounds good" you nodded trying to play it cool and walking yourself into the lounge to wait for him to return. You sat on the large plush couch and began fiddling with the bottom of the shirt, the soft dark fabric making you feel incredibly comforted despite your awkwardness.
"Did you want me to order us any particular food?" Felix questioned as he walked back into the room as you realized for the first time that he too was in sweatpants and a white t shirt and looking like he should be in a magazine pictorial.
"Whatever you want Lix" you smiled as he sat down beside you "I'm not fussy". He chuckled softly in response and ordered you something quickly before throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him and causing you to yelp in surprise. The action seemed slightly less practiced to his usual moves, making you pause.
"Sorry baby" he laughed musically "just wanted you close to me" he grinned turning the TV on and selecting one of the streaming services they had to find something to watch. He settled on a drama that you hadn't seen but you didn't care you knew you were not going to be paying much attention to it anyway just like the movie from earlier in the evening.
"Lix?" you asked tentatively tilting your head back to lean against his chest and look at him studying his facial expression.
"Hmm" he hummed in response, his eyes on the screen in front of you.
"You know I don't think this is a ploy to get me to sleep with you right?" you almost mumbled feeling a little embarrassed that he still might think that after your hesitation earlier "So you don't need to be extra careful with me".
"You sure baby?" he smiled sweetly finally looking at you his eyes searching your own to be sure you meant what you said "I don't want to make you uncomfortable and also I've um... how do I actually put this?..." he trailed off his brown creasing slightly and making your anxiety spike "I've never brought anyone here before".
"I'm sorry what?" you almost spluttered your anxious feeling turning to confusion as to how one of the members of the man whore trio hadn't brought any women to his apartment before.
"Well this is where we live I always said I would only bring girls I was really serious about here" he admitted a pretty pink dusting of blush appearing on his freckled cheeks. Your heart was pounding so hard you were sure he would be able to hear it, trying to process that he insinuated that you were special to him and that you were the only one to be special to him in all his time sleeping around. All you could manage was to open your mouth to say something but nothing came out which Felix took as his moment to gently place his lips on yours kissing you sweetly his plush lips feeling perfect against your own. The moment however, was short lived as the door buzzer chimed to let you know that the food order had arrived. Untangling himself from you he went to collect the food from the lobby of the building leaving you to contemplate what he had just told you.
Felix had ordered from your favorite bakery and you were very happy to tuck into one of their chocolate filled croissants as he watched you smiling enjoying the look of bliss on your face. After eating and drinking everything he had ordered you found yourself still held captive by the sound of the rain still pattering against the large windows and it was well past midnight by this point which made you a little uneasy again.
"What's wrong baby?" Felix asked you tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, while you sat with your legs across his lap
"It's still raining" you sighed before looking at him and giving him a shy smile "do you think my clothes will be dry by now? I should probably get home"
"I'll check for you" he nodded, moving your legs carefully before making his way to the laundry room while you packed up the food containers and took them into the kitchen to sort.
"Fuck" you heard him curse loudly before you walked back around to the lounge to find him walking back in his hand running though his hair.
"What's happened?" you blinked unsure of what the problem was.
"I'm sorry baby, really I put your clothes in the dryer with mine and I didn't start the machine, I'm so sorry" Felix apologized quickly looking annoyed with himself "But I can get you home in my clothes or you could stay for a little while longer they should only take like an hour to dry"
"Lix I can't go home in your clothes if Seung or Innie see me I'll never be able to explain it" you sighed, worrying your lower lip nervously.
"Then stay here, we can watch another movie in my room so that if either of the guys come back they won't drunkenly annoy us or become a pair of menaces" he smiled tentatively a ghost of his smile gracing his lips.
"One more movie can't hurt Seung and Innie are probably both too smashed to even know I'm not home yet" you nodded making a smile bloom on Felix's face.
"Come on then, I'll put another action movie on as long as you let me cuddle you" he waggled his eyebrows suggestively at you making you giggle. Felix was being incredibly patient with you and you knew it but you appreciated that he wasn't going to push you into anything you weren't ready for so it was an easy decision to follow him to his room you trusted him.
You stood in his bedroom looking from the desk that you could tell was used purely for gaming judging from the custom keyboard and multiple monitors, to the stupidly large TV attached to the far wall, the shelves that contained random figures and gaming consoles and finally his bed which he was now sitting on looking at you curiously.
"Is this the first time you have had someone like me in your room?" you asked, feeling suddenly shy at the idea of being the first girl in this room.
"You mean are you the first girlfriend I've had in my bedroom?" he chuckled teasingly, you couldn't help but preen at the term girlfriend even though he had called you that before. "Yeah you are, first one in this room and first one in my bed" he smiled softly making you swallow loudly.
"So what did you want to watch?" you asked changing the subject as smoothly as you could not failing to notice the slight smirk gracing his lips as you made your way to sit next to him on the bed.
"I don't know I figured we could get comfy then decide" he shrugged pulling you further onto the bed and making you laugh. After a few awkward moments of figuring out where each of you would fit you settled on his left side sitting against the headboard leaning against him as he scrolled through some movies and randomly pressed play. The opening scene was a bank robbery with the villains in ski masks brandishing shot guns and police cars racing to the bank but you were already distracted by Felix drawing patterns on the inside of the wrist he was holding in his lap. The trace of his fingers sending small electric shocks through your skin and straight to your heart after a few minutes he lifted your hand to his lips kissing your wrist lightly and making you gasp.
"I know I said watch a movie but I would prefer to kiss you" he whispered "if that's ok". Instead of answering him you turned your head to face him almost brushing his lips with yours silently giving him permission.
"You're so beautiful" he murmured, closing the gap between you and gently pressing his lips to yours, the softness against your own making you melt into him slightly. Felix quickly but gently maneuvered you so you were now straddling his lap, his hands cupped your jaw as he deepened the kiss, his tongue tracing the seam of your lips seeking entrance to your mouth which you gave him enthusiastically. Felix's kisses were less intense and more sensual than the last time he kissed you, making you moan softly into his mouth.
"God I love the noises you make, so pretty" he breathed against your lips as you parted for air.
"Lix" you panted, feeling like your head was spinning.
"I've got you baby" he mumbled, connecting his lips back to yours, your hands moving on their own, one threaded its way into his hair and the other grasping his shirt to anchor yourself to him, your hips pressing against his crotch as you desperately tried to get closer to him. You had no idea how much time passed from when he first kissed you to when he finally pulled back from you pushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"We need to stop now baby" he panted quietly, his chest rising and falling rapidly against your own "I won't be able to behave myself if we keep going". You flushed with embarrassment quickly moving to get out of his lap and sit back on the bed beside him.
"I'm sorry" you groaned, covering your hands with your face making him laugh.
"So cute" he chuckled, pulling your hands slowly away from your face and leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose. "You did nothing wrong baby, I just need to make sure I don"t cross any lines".
"Thank you Lix" you smiled shyly, looking up at him through your lashes.
"The things you do to me baby" he shook his head taking a deep breath wrapping you back up in his arms but in a much less compromising position before he started the movie again.
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You didn't remember falling asleep but you must have because when you opened your eyes you were still in Felix's bed but you were alone and the morning light was filtering into the room between the gaps in the curtains. Sitting up you realized that you were still dressed in his clothes but that your clothes sat on his computer desk folded neatly and waiting for you shifting yourself out of the bed you stretched and padded your way across the carpeted floor to his bathroom knocking but finding it empty you went inside to change and clean yourself up a little before you would have to make your way home and hopefully be able to play off your being absent as going for an early morning walk. Making your way towards the lounge you were made aware it was no longer just you and Felix in the apartment as several voices were talking all at once. Pausing you waited to see if you should show yourself or hide yourself back in the bedroom.
"You were the one that suggested the rule mate" Minho complained, his voice rough from the night before but still obviously annoyed.
"We agreed there were no random girls in the apartment so what makes this one different?" Hyunjin added blandly.
"This isn't like that" Felix defended his voice exasperated as he tried protecting you in your absence.
"Then what is it like? There is no way it's her in your room right now" Minho continued his voice getting louder as he teased.
"Thanks for the boost in confidence" Felix groaned, sounding particularly done with what must have been an ongoing joke.
"I swear if you don't get your shit together and get together I'm going to steal her" Hyunjin declared cackling as he sounded like he moved quickly from the room.
"You're both arsehole you know that" Felix called after them as he walked towards where you were standing. Moving yourself further down towards his bedroom door you decided to make it look like you had just stepped out of his room
"Morning baby" Felix beamed as he saw you in his doorway pulling you into a cuddle.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep Lix" you mumbled nuzzling into him softly.
"It's alright baby but let's get you home while the idiots here are showering" He raised his eyebrows to indicate behind him.
"Lets but can I borrow a hoodie weather app says it's going to be cold this morning?" you ask watching his eyes light up.
A/N: I'm Sorry this has taken so long but I lost my steam for a while but I'm back now :) Once again thank you for reading my work and your likes, reblogs and comments are amazing xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @armystay89, @damnyouficc, @roamingpolar, @bakedlilgoonie, @shiy, @is2cb97, @beautifulixr, @skyhold-tara, @army-stay-noel, @skizzel-reblogs, @facelesswrittes, @animehideout, @mrsseals16, @honey-pop, @fawnpeaks, @leeknowinggg, @uno7, @seungminluv3, @obeythemasters, @tanzen-ist-gold, @choisoorin
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luvyblossom · 10 months
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Hello Lovelies!
Welcome to my first-ever original fanfic and the official launch of my blog! This was a self-indulgent story since I needed a dose of jealous skz. I had originally thought this would be a one shot but I got carried away so this will be a multi-part series! I hope you enjoy.
Note that this is an 18+ work and contains sexual content MDNI. Warnings and synopsis below the cut.
Pairing: Hyunjin x reader (afab), Felix x Reader
Genre: SMUT, friends to lovers, overall messy and jealousy, love triangle, mutual pining, some fluff, collegeau, fratboy!hyunjin, reader is sooo oblivious
wc: 3.5k
"Love me (not)"
Part 1
Series Materlist
Synopsis: You and the playboy of your college Hwang Hyunjin are best friends. When you start to become close with Felix it starts to change the dynamic of the 'friendship' changes.
Warnings: smut, male masturbation, slight somnophilia, perv!hyunjin, noncon, dubcon
Let me know if I missed anything!
You jumped, startled for a second as you looked up from your notes to see a gorgeous smile being cast upon you. Hyunjin.
" You're early," you said to your friend sarcastically noting that he had arrived a good half an hour after his lecture had ended.
" I got stopped on the way," he had a bit of a smirk on his face, " Jess had some questions for me."
You rolled your eyes and turned back to your work pretending to be focused on the notes in front of you. Hyunjin was absolutely stunning to look at. He was coveted by all the girls at your college. The annoying part was that he knew. He had a plethora of flings at his disposal that he took full advantage of. Somehow, instead of ending up in this population of girls that he deemed 'fuckable' you ended up becoming a friend... not fuckable. You had wanted to join the other crowd desperately before but as you got to know him you settled into your position.
Being friends with Hyunjin meant cheery smiles, long study sessions broken up by bits of banter and giggles, support in the most trying of times, and the one most important to you- time devoted just to you. Unlike those girls that were cast away after a few meetings, you knew your position in Hyunjin's life was not replaceable.
The friendship had started with a study date. One of the days that he had actually reached the chemistry lecture on time he had decided to take a seat next to you near the front instead of his usual spot in the back rows. You had stiffened a bit noticing your new partner but did not turn to acknowledge him or say anything. When the lecture had ended he had turned to you,
" Hi, I'm Hyunjin," he smiled. As if you didn't already know the name of the man that had the female population in a frenzy.
" Y/n," you were short and to the point. It was just a way to hide the nervous energy that was bubbling inside but you looked at him expectantly.
" Do you want to study together?" he asked.
Your heart was doing flips as you accepted his offer.
You had shown up to the study 'date' trying to look as cute as possible with so many hopes that would soon be crushed. It was, in fact, just a study session that turned more into a tutoring session because Hyunjin was so behind in class. You turned from trying to be seductive into a teacher while wondering why an art major would put themselves through the torture of chem. After that, so many more study sessions were planned since Hyunjin's grades were improving and eventually you just got used to each other's company. As the friendship developed, you pushed aside your romantic emotions and grew to love Hyunjin (as a friend) telling yourself that that was the depth of your emotion towards him. Deciding to forever deny any other type of feeling that would rise up after that.
"Y/n, Y/N!" Hyunjin startled you back to reality and you glared at him. "What are you studying?" he asked sheepishly.
You paused and looked down having forgotten what you were even doing, "it's for my bio lab." That was a satisfactory answer since Hyunjin started to pull out his own notes. As he did you took the time to study him. His hair was a bit disheveled, his shirt untucked and as you looked at his sharp jawline you noticed something trailing down his defined neck- a hickey.
"Looks like Jess had more than just questions for you," you scoffed at Hyunjin. You felt a pang of something but you pushed it down. There was a bit of rage following the marking of Hyunjin's perfect throat, a rage you had to try to control.
Hyunjin grinned but the look fell as he was met with your cold expression. " Y/n" he whined " I'm sorry I was late." He paused, "It's not my fault that your best friend is just so attractive," he said with another cheeky grin.
You tried to scoff playfully and return a smile. You weren't sure if it turned out genuine because the rage boiling inside of you was not settling down for some reason. You could see from his reaction that you had not done a good job of hiding your emotions.
" Are you angry?" Hyunjin asked, alarmed as he studied your face. His tone became much more genuine, losing the cheeky attitude, "I'm really sorry I kept you waiting. I know it was a while. It won't happen again."
You tried to muster up a warm smile "No it's okay. I'm used to you being late" you hoped it came out playful. "I'm just a bit out of it. I think I'll go get a coffee. Do you want anything?"
" No thanks. I can come with you." Hyunjin seemed a bit unsatisfied with your reaction as he started to gather his things.
" No." You said it almost frantically earning a puzzled look from Hyunjin. " I don't want to lose our spot," you gestured to the crowded library. "I'll be back in a bit." You rushed off in the general direction of the Starbucks just outside the library before the conversation could go on any further. Once out of Hyunjin's view you made a beeline to the bathroom shutting yourself in the nearest empty stall. The tears starting to pour from your eyes. Tears of jealousy, anger, and hurt that you had denied yourself from feeling. The mark on Hyunjin's neck was like a sign from Jess screaming 'He Is Mine' that you knew was placed as a message for you.
Jess had never liked you or even made an effort to be nice. Even before Hyunjin, she had thrown passive-aggressive comments at you at any chance you were forced to interact with her. You weren't a huge fan of hers either. She somehow had remained one of Hyunjins most long-term flings, having been around for at least 3 months at this point. That got you so worried. He had never taken her on a date but she was the one he frequented the most and had not dropped yet. It didn’t matter. He was just a friend and that’s what you saw him as. You attributed your emotional outburst to Jess being the guilty party.
You took a few deep breaths. Letting some of the tears slip out while you pushed the rest down, you went to go look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were a bit red and your nose a little runny but that would likely go away in a couple of minutes. You headed to the coffee shop to pick up your regular order, the long line giving you time to calm down and channel your friendliest self.
You felt a tap on your shoulder as you picked up your coffee cup from the booth. You turned and were able to form a warm smile- a genuine one.
" Hi," Felix said. He was your lab partner this semester and such a pleasant person to be around. He somehow managed to make you laugh at 8 am during every lab. His Australian accent and deep laugh was a bit like music to your ears breaking the boredom of lab work.
" Felix! What are you up to?"
"I was gonna find a spot to work on our lab report." He replied
" I was just working on that. Do you want to join my friend and I?" He gave a nod and followed you as you led him to your spot. An extra seat was saved next to you where you had put your backpack and coat.
Hyunjin's smile faltered as he saw you walk up with your handsome new partner. " Hyunjin this is Felix," you gave a quick introduction.
Felix waved a little and said " We've met before but it's nice to see you again mate."
The rest of the day flew by as you and Felix worked on the lab report together.
Hyunjin stretched, closing his laptop when he saw that you and Felix had finished your work. It wasn’t hard to notice since he had been glaring at you both periodically since Felix had joined. Your attention had been solely on him not even glancing at Hyunjin once. Every time you let out a giggle Hyunjin had wanted to interrupt but used his willpower to stay silent. He cleared his throat to get your attention, “Home time.”
You had just finished up your work and realized that the sun had already set leaving the moon to cast its dim light. You nodded at Hyunjin and started to gather your stuff.
“That was so much better than doing it alone. I think we should do all our reports together!” You turned to Felix. The work had gone by quicker with the both of you helping each other out. Felix was so good at being focused but made the work seem less mundane as he joked around. There was a quality to his smile that just made the day brighter.
“ Yeah that was good.” Felix looked out the window at the darkness outside. “I didn’t even realize it was this late. It’s dark Y/n. I can walk you home?”
Before you could answer Hyunjin cut in “I’m walking her home.” He then turned to you “ I’m gonna stay over.”
“Thanks Felix, I’ll see you in lab,” with that your group parted ways.
Your apartment was a 10 minute walk from the campus. Hyunjin lived in his frat house ( of course he had to be a frat boy) but he often chose to stay with you when it was late or if he needed a break from the rowdy house which ended up being pretty often. Almost every night that he didn’t have a hookup he ended up staying with you. He even had a drawer of his things at your place which you had reluctantly donated to him, having to find a new location for clothes that were already overflowing from the closet. You didn’t have a roommate having opted to pay a little more in rent for your own space but that space was soon shared with Hyunjin, which you didn’t mind all that much.
“I’ll make dinner,” Hyunjin said as you opened the door to your apartment. That was another perk of your friendship. He usually cooked covering the one chore he knew you hated to do. It also saved him from eating the barely edible dinners that you prepared so it was mutually beneficial.
“ I’m gonna take a shower then.” You said after giving him an appreciative smile.
You allowed the hot water to wash away your exhaustion from the day. The emotions you’d felt today had cleared by now. Felix had been the perfect distraction. You realized how you had not even thought about the situation since Felix joined you.
As you turned off the water and began to dry off you realized you’d left your PJs in your bedroom. The towel was a bit small just barely covering up what it needed to. If you moved too fast your ass would slip out. You hoped Hyunjin was busy in the kitchen. As you walked out you saw Hyunjin on the couch, having already finished making dinner and had your plate ready in front of the TV as he picked out something for you both to watch.
"Fuck" you whispered under your breath as you saw him turning to look at you. Before you could make eye contact you decided to bolt towards your room and shut the door.
He looked at you from the couch. Not just a look but a look. Your hair was wet with droplets falling from the long locks. Hyunjin followed one of the droplets from your neck as it moved down to your chest until it disappeared into the towel. That towel was so small that he could see your long toned legs topped with your plush thighs. As you continued to rush away his eyes couldn't help but follow your figure. There was just the underside of your ass sticking out of the towel. Hyunjin gulped. This was the first time he'd seen you like this. He felt a rush of blood and a blush that spread over his cheeks. Once you disappeared into your room he tried to will his erection down and turn his attention to the TV.
You walked out of your room now clothed and nonchalantly asked "What are we watching?" You settled down next to Hyunjin after grabbing your plate. You were a bit embarrassed but got over it quickly. You assumed it hadn't really phased Hyunjin with the hoards of naked girls that he had seen, many of whom were much more attractive than you.
When you walked out, Hyunjin was still struggling to calm himself down. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him, having never been this worked up in your presence before. But he hadn't seen you look like that before either with water dripping down every part of your body. Hyunjin pressed a cushion over his lap as you settled down on the couch willing himself to calm down before you noticed anything.
You ate dinner settling on an episode of the Kardashians.
Hyunjin having finally managed his arousal brought up what had been bugging him that entire afternoon. “ So you know Felix pretty well?”
“ Not really. I met him during this semesters labs. He said you guys had met before?” You replied, your attention on the TV.
“He’s been to a few of the frat parties. He is actually a pretty big man whore.” Hyunjin said pointedly.
You scoffed turning to Hyunjin, “ I doubt he’s a man whore compared to you.” You looked at the hickey that had bothered you so much earlier still present on Hyunjin’s neck.
He rubbed consciously at the spot as if he was trying to scrub it off his skin. “ I’m just saying. He’s always flirting with girls at parties. You would know if you ever came to any of them.” Hyunjin left out the part where at the last party Felix had ended up leaving with the girl that Hyunjin had been eyeing.
“ It doesn’t really matter. It’s not like he’s my boyfriend. But he’s sweet. I really like his company actually.” You stated to Hyunjin.
Hyunjin felt something he couldn’t quite describe or maybe come to terms with. Something he had never felt around you before. “ Just be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“ I’m a big girl don’t worry.”
Hyunjin didn’t like the fact that you hadn’t yet outwardly denied your interest in Felix. “ You seemed really friendly with him today.”
You laughed and teasingly said, “Was my Jinnie jealous?” As if he would be jealous regarding you, you thought to yourself. “It may calm you to know that he has never expressed any interest in me.”
“ Do you like him?” Hyunjin was ready for the answer to be no.
You paused before speaking. Then, thinking out loud you said “ I never really thought about that.” You actually hadn’t. You never really thought about any other guy besides Hyunjin. You spent so much time with him and the rest of your time was occupied by school. You never really felt the need for a boyfriend. But Hyunjin's question made you really think about Felix. He had gorgeous eyes with freckles peppered over his sharp features. You really enjoyed his voice, it was so deep. You could listen to him talk for hours. “If he was interested maybe. He is really hot.” You settled on your answer.
“Okay calm down,” Hyunjin said as he pulled you close into him so your head was on his chest. This wasn’t out of the ordinary and you sat comfortably with your attention back on the shallow drama of the show. You didn’t know it but the man next to you was fighting to keep his cool. His jaw was tight and his fist clenched. He had a sinking feeling that he hadn’t experienced before. He decided that he really did not like Felix.
When you deemed it was bedtime you went to go get ready and brush your teeth. Hyunjin had beat you to your bed and you sighed as you saw him sprawled out under the covers. “Will you ever sleep on the couch?”
He smiled at you as he lifted up the covers so you could climb in. “You know this is my spot.” He was right. He had spent enough nights on that side of the bed to claim it as his own. As much as you complained every time,it was nice having him next to you and he knew that.
That night Hyunjin did not have the peaceful sleep he usually has when he stays over with you. Instead he sat stewing. Lust mixed with jealousy. Your words about Felix kept echoing in his mind. The way you had looked at Felix today, not paying any attention to him. With how Felix had looked at you, it was obvious to everyone but you that Felix was definitely interested.
When he finally pushed those thoughts out of his mind he had another problem. His thoughts flickered to the image of you in your towel. The droplets that were striking down your legs and the way your thighs and ass jiggled as you had rushed away. He felt his blood rush as he saw that picture in his mind. Hyunjin glanced at you, his eyes had long ago adjusted to the darkness of your room with just the light of your digital clock. Your covers had come off a bit because you usually tossed and turned in your sleep. You always slept in a bralette and these tiny sleep shorts that left little to the imagination. His cock throbbed, feeling so hard it almost hurt. Out of the covers, your back was turned to him and he could see your ass spilling out of those tiny shorts as they transitioned into the flesh of your plush thighs. He felt beads of precum start to collect along the slit of his dick. Hyunjin had to stop himself before his mind started wandering to how those thighs would feel wrapped around his head.
He tried to be rational. You weren’t unattractive, quite the opposite actually. He thought you were beautiful, radiant. Your friendship had come so naturally and you had become the closest person to him. He was trying to push away his horny thoughts because you were so much more than any of his flings. Those women weren’t important to him but you had become so engrained in his daily routine. Your laugh, your smile, the sarcastic rolling of your eyes, they had become too comforting being the things that could light up even his darkest of days. He could not do anything that would disrupt these daily moments of heaven. Your friendship was too precious to lose over some mild horniness. He covered you up and turned away from you hoping that sleep would come to him.
Sleep did not come to him. Hyunjin’s erection was not going down even as he tried to think the most unsexy of thoughts. All thoughts overtaken by you in your towel. He could feel precum now dripping out of his tip and down his length. He finally gave in. He started to palm himself through his pants on the bed with your sleeping body next to him. He lay on his back and glanced over at you. You had turned again, this time to face him. You were sound asleep, unaware of the man next to you who was now stroking his cock. His precum acting as lube. The covers had shifted down once again and he could see your cleavage bursting out of your bralette. The way the elastic cut into your tits before they swelled and spilled out of the tiny garment had Hyunjin feeling hot and bothered. Hyunjin felt like such a pervert as he continued to jerk himself off while staring at your chest. He thought about what he would do to those perfect tits. How they would feel so soft in his hands and how your nipples would harden as he squeezed them. He thought about how they would feel in his mouth as he sucked on them and the sounds that you would make as he made you feel so good. That was the thought that sent him over the edge. He held back moans as he came, his cock pulsing as it pushed out the ropes of cum coating his hand and dripping down his cock.
The post-nut clarity brought him so much shame. He had made a mess and felt so guilty and perverted for his thoughts and the way he had pleasured himself to your sleeping body. He went to the bathroom to clean himself up. He was relieved that you hadn’t woken up.
End of Part 1
This is an original work. Do not republish or repost this work in any form, including translations.
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