#Leah Hathaway
rorygilmre · 26 days
anne hathaway is milfing like she’s never milfed before in the idea of you. absolutely unprecedented levels of milfing. reaching new heights of milfdom.
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posallys · 5 months
ok 1 ur desktop theme is GORG and 2 i need (if u wanna) ur thoughts about the show (or show sally in gen bc ur the only one i trust with her)
thank you!! i was actually thinking about updating it but maybe i wont 🤭🤭 and i have a lot of thoughts about the show except none only very few of them are good and i will be crucified by the 13-year-olds
im going to tell you anyway.
i will start with something i like....percy being angry. like yes give me the anger of a 12 year old who feels utterly alone in the world and doesn't understand (or does and it makes him more angry)
the fight scenes are dog shit. the only kind of cool one was in the arch but it was only cool because of percy doing the bait and switch and falling through the arch...the fights are bland boring sucky whatever other synonym you wanna use
uhhhhh sally jackson is not and would never be sitting in the rain pining of the god she told to leave....and especially not to teen pop...if she WERE going to act like a 16 year old and do the pining thing it would be to fucking like...billy joel and ricky martin and donny hathaway and stuff llike that okay...
i will preface this by saying that yes i understand that talking back to an abuser the way sally does in ep 1 doesn't make the abuse less abusive....however i DO not like the fact that that scene explicitly goes against sally characterization in the books....i am not digging my book out atm but the part where percy is like "my mother has never raised her voice or said an unkind word to anyone"....me thinks the writers all read the books 10 years ago and are going off of memory alone + or their brains are so clouded by the obsessive Big Screen Need to make women a badass girlboss slay queen i fucking hate it here
LET ANNABETH BE SILLY AND FUNNY AND CUTE AND CRY AND NOT BE AN ADULT THANK YOU....hated that they made annabeth the one to realize that it was medusa and not grover...give me back grover having to wrangle percy and annabeth into backpack leashes just to keep them on task/stop them from wandering off...book trio i miss you
i absolutely ADORE leah, walker, and aryan though the three of them are so so perfect, A+ casting no notes couldn't have done it better myself. if it weren't for the three of them i would have zero hope for the show i cannot lie...they're carrying. without them it's just..bad.
the pacing???? bad.
why did we waste half of the 4th ep on the train with echidna...stupid dumb pointless i hate it here
i do like the whole not all monsters are monsters and the gods aren't inherently good just because they're gods thing they've got going on though...very inch resting...silently hoping that they do a complete 180 and have percy side with luke and redo the series from there because that would be iconic as fuck <3 a girl can dream because at least then i could take the show at face value and not take 80 health damage every time they mess up a key part of the books...im at -29834 heath rn.
where was the time at chb before the quest??? the oh so important vital scene where luke teaches percy to sword fight???? like BRO that's soooooooooooo important to ME how could you get rid of that
not having annabeth show percy around camp
additionally, not having annabeth feed him the nectar and ambrosia, WHICH BY THE WAY they haven't even mentioned in the show yet...plot armor gone rip
not the fredrick chase sympathy while simultaniously blaming the woman...........rick when i get my hands on you...
annabeth having to EARN thalia's love??? absolutely not probably one of their biggest fuck ups fr.
the scene where sally is talking about Poseidon to percy...i do not like it sam i am. bad. not wistful enough not longing enough not sad enough not gut wrenching enough...also not completely here for sally telling percy that his dad was a god because....sallys whole thing was NOT telling him in order to keep him safe...i know they changed it in the show so sally knew he was going to camp immediately but that does not mean i have to like it
the scene with sally and percy in the pool. i hated everything about that. sally would never talk to percy like that never talk to him about money never make it seem embarassing NOT TO MENTION that percy simply wasn't scared of the water. that's stupid as fuck. theres a part in the book where percy literally says being by the water calms both him and his mom like...come the fuck on just admit you can't fucking read or at least didn't read the book.
sally annabeth get behind me so they cant hurt you anymore
i did loveeeee percy praying to sally though...absoutely insane and true of them. also the "I AM SALLY JACKSON'S SON" yesss baby you tell them about your mommy!!!!!!
them making athena moa level bad in tlt is quite interesting. setting up annabeth siding with percy pretty well.
also the whole impertinence thing over medusa's head was weird to me. when annabeth first said that i had immediately thought that annabeth's impertinence was telling percy to pray to poseidon IN ATHENA'S TEMPLE bc that made much more sense to me...but whatever
the annabeth/medusa parallel is intriguing at the very least
the underwater scene with the neraid was cool even though i hated the parallel to the pool scene w/ sally.
the dumbass pinecone fate line. 0/10 did you read the book? did you pay attention to how empathetic and reflective percy was when he found out about thalia?
honestly....i think disney was just the wrong place to go with this show because it's like what...pg? it should be pg 13 and should have more... sustenance.
this medusa was so cool though. which we could've seen a fight.
i need to know how many women are in the writer's room though...because It Does Not Look Good. funny how the characters that they're fucking up are all women....crazy. weird. totally coincidental.
are we just not going to talk about the vitality and pressure of getting the bolt back on time? where is the inherent inevitable danger, the suspense, the fear of not accomplishing a seemingly impossible talk looming over everything
this is 10000% not all of my thoughts but im not going to rewatch in order to collect them all so this is what you get xoxox
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vmures · 11 days
rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with
I was tagged by the ever lovely @oldefashioned
Favorite color?
Purple! I adore all shades of it. I'm also fond of various greens and pretty much all jewel tones, but purple is still my fave.
Last song? 🎧
Currently reading? 📔
Currently working my way through @libraryofgage's Stranger Things fics over on ao3. Really loving them so far. The Munson's as Addams relations is a very fun idea.
After this, I'll catch up on fic updates in my email and then go back to working my way through my marked for later stuff. lol
Currently watching? 📺
Spent some time with very dear friends/chosen family recently and caught up on some things I hadn't seen (I'm super slow to watch things on my own, partially because I really seem to prefer watching things with others). So here's what I watched on my little holiday:
The Proposal with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. I'm not sure why I'd never gotten around to seeing it as I adore both the mains and it has Betty White, who is always a delight. It was so much fun. Just the sort of thing I want from a rom com.
Knight and Day with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. A fun romp of an action comedy and a hell of a wild ride. Cameron Diaz was so fun as she gets dragged into spy stuff and shows she's rather a quick study.
Two eps of Black Mirror: San Junipero and Ashley O. Both eps were really good. San Junipero totally made me cry, but in a good way. It was just so sweet. Ashley O was a little slow at the start, but once it hits it's stride it was great.
One episode of the Amazon Prime series Solos: Leah. This episode features Anne Hathaway and was honestly amazing. She plays a physicist trying to solve time travel and it packs a hell of a punch. The premise of this anthology series is that each episode only features one actor, but it is amazing what an incredibly talented actor can accomplish all on their own. Leah tells an incredibly powerful story and I highly recommend watching it.
Madame Web. This one was a mixed bag. Fascinating premise, but the execution of the ideas was...not great. It was compelling enough that I was willing to sit through the not great parts to see what happened and the ending is solid. It's like the writers/director didn't know how to do the build up but once they hit a certain point of the story they found their rhythm and it worked a lot better from that point on.
Hunger Games Mockingjay Parts 1 and 2. I'd read the books about a decade ago and seen the first two movies, but somehow never got around to seeing the last two. I really enjoyed both. The cast is phenomenal and Jennifer Lawrence does a really good job of playing someone with C-PTSD and concussions. There were some lovely subtle shifts in her expression at times. Playing someone who is wooden when given acting directions for propaganda videos and vibrant and engaging when acting on their own is not an easy thing and she does it wonderfully. The rest of the cast is equally amazing.
Currently craving?
Ice cream. But I'll probably have a yogurt instead.
Coffee or tea?
Both! Coffee I loved hot or iced and with a bit of cream but no sugar. Tea I also love hot or iced. So far the only tea I'm not a fan of is lapsang souchong, which has a very smoky taste and scent. (as in it smells a bit like campfire and taste like liquid smoke--to me at least). Black teas I like with milk but no sweetener. Herbal teas...some I like with cream if hot (usually spiced ones) and others (particular fruit based ones) I like with nothing added. Greens, whites, pu erhs, and oolongs I generally like plain, though I do like to add cream to spiced teas as I really like how the cream flavor interacts with the spices.
As usual, I'm gonna just say that if you feel like playing, please consider yourself tagged by me. Please do tag me if you decide to play along. I love learning about all y'all.
Since I'm chatty as hell, I decided to follow @oldefashioned's lead. Here's an easy template for those who would like to play along.
rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with
Tagged by
Favorite color?
Last song?
Currently reading?
Currently watching?
Currently craving?
Coffee or tea?
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goofycassie · 7 months
The Hathaway family photo
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From left to right: Lorenzo, Yanice, Leah, Locus and Laiyah
The twins weren't babies for too long, they aged up so quickly but aren't they cuties ♥
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 month
OC Birthdays so far!
Inspired by @daughter-of-melpomene's list because it's a very good ideas! A few of these just have the year because I haven't decided exactly when they're born, but you get the idea!
Steph Taylor (The Flash) - 12th of March 1986
Brianna Thawne (Legends of Tomorrow) - 18th of September 2165 (26 at the start of the story)
Nicky Connors (Miyagi-verse) - 10th of July 1967
Gemma Laura McKinney (Cobra Kai) - 18th of March 1997
Elaine Barnes (Cobra Kai) - 4th of September 2001
Leah Barnes (Cobra Kai) - 1970
Eliana Kent (Supergirl) - 28th of February 1995
Ashley Tanner (Krypton) - 10th of February 1995
Maia Curry (DCEU Aquaman) - 3rd of May 2003
Theodore Edward Thawne (The Flash) - 5th of February 2019 (21 at the start of the story)
Sophia Reynolds (Firefly) - 18th of July 2499
Sarah Thompson (Agent Carter) - 1922 (25 at the start of the story)
Alex Thompson (MCU) - 1977
Hannah Edwards (MCU) - 12th of October 1999
Kate Simons (MCU) - 1986 (28 at the start of the story)
Emma Johnson (Inhumans) - 1989
Caitlin Sherwood (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - 30th of September 1976
Teri Merlyn (Arrow - Earth-2) - 13th of January 1978 (35 at the start of the story)
Mel Hathaway (Star Trek TOS) - 10th of November 2226
Niamh Cassidy (Once Upon a Time) - 16th of January 2005
Sophie Sloan (Diagnosis Murder) - 1983 (10 at the start of the story)
Áine an Tordarroch (The Witcher) - 1230 (Arc 1 spans from ages 18 to 33)
Joanna Mayfield (Uncharted) - 10th of March 1993
Marie Douglas (The Professionals) - 18th of October 1952
Brianna Louise Wilson (NCIS) - 17th of January 1977 (33 at the start of the story)
Lexa Sullivan (The Old Guard) - 1988
Sheridan Ó Séaghdha (Thunderbirds TOS) - 2040 (25 at the start of the story)
Tiana Everton (Thunderbirds TOS) - 2042 (23 at the start of the story)
Devon Avery (Moonfall) - 12th of April 1980
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @vexic929 @negative-speedforce @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @lady-of-the-spirit @fezwearingjellybananas @far-shores
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lovest0rie-archive · 9 months
muse list.
dc comics
brooke larson. mid-twenties. high end escort, childhood friend of jason todd. bisexual. fc: sophie cookson.
gabriela ribeiro. early-thirties. heiress & horse trainer. heterosexual. fc: isis valverde
gia tedesco. twenty-eight. real estate agent, daughter of a mob attorney. bisexual. fc: danielle campbell. larken forrest. thirty-three. assistant to bruce wayne at wayne enterprises, single mom. bisexual. fc: dakota johnson.
amelia thomas. twenty-two. royal princess & college student. heterosexual. fc: elle fanning.
anika singh. thirty-eight. boutique owner & fashion designer. heterosexual. fc: freida pinto.
arden waverly. thirty-three. hacker. lesbian. fc: kristen stewart.
aurora gray. thirty-three. professional organizer. bisexual. fc: laura harrier.
bianca reyes. twenty-four. jewelry designer & daughter of a mob boss. panromantic. fc: lucy alves.
calista st. james. twenty-three. tik tok famous dog trainer. heterosexual. fc: halle bailey.
charlotte stewart. thirty-five. high school guidance counselor. bisexual. fc: amanda seyfried.
chloe chapman. twenty-seven. waitress. heterosexual. fc: katherine mcnamara.
eliana hirsch. fifty-two. children's book author. bisexual. fc: jennifer connelly.
erin clarke. twenty-nine. con artist & wanted criminal. pansexual. fc: crystal reed.
evangeline 'evie' lasko. forty-one. runs a bed & breakfast. bisexual. fc: alexa davalos.
gillian west. forty. couples therapist. heterosexual. fc: anne hathaway.
hannah parker. thirty-five. dog day care employee & serial killer. bisexual. fc: aubrey plaza.
hazel wells. twenty-eight. private chef. bisexual. fc: florence pugh.
ireland cardoza. twenty-five. actress. lesbian. fc: camila mendes.
jenna wilder. twenty-three. hotel heiress & trust fund baby. bisexual. fc: sabrina carpenter.
joelle hart. thirty-four. personal trainer. bisexual. fc: megan fox.
june soto. twenty-nine. drug dealer. pansexual. fc: mia goth.
kitty moran. twenty-five. exotic dancer. roommate & co-worker of quinn. bisexual. fc: taylor russell.
leah corbin. twenty-five. thief. heterosexual. fc: mia goth. ( private muse with @anunkindncss )
liliana gregory. twenty-four. model. heterosexual. fc: barbara palvin.
lucy zhao. twenty-five. journalist & blogger. lesbian. fc: havana rose liu.
mackenzie abrams. twenty-six. photographer & political activist. heterosexual. fc: emmy rossum.
maia madden. twenty-eight. hollywood publicist. bisexual. fc: simone ashley.
miranda westbrooke. fifty-one. advertising ceo. bisexual. fc: rachel weisz.
naomi taylor. twenty-two. nanny. heterosexual. fc: kaia gerber.
natalia marquez. forty-eight. funeral home director. heterosexual. fc: penelope cruz.
quinn strauss. twenty-three. exotic dancer. roommate & co-worker of kitty. pansexual. fc: bella thorne.
reese edwards. thirty-four. physical therapist. bisexual. fc: nathalie emmanuel.
simone diamond. twenty-six. pop singer. bisexual. fc: taylor swift.
sloane meyer. thirty-eight. er surgeon. pansexual. fc: sophia bush.
sutton bradley. forty. pediatrician. lesbian. fc: piper perabo.
teresa mancini. twenty-nine. mob wife. heterosexual. fc: simona tabasco.
tinsley palmer. twenty-five. thief. bisexual. fc: ella purnell.
valentina alvarez. twenty-six. kindergarten teacher. heterosexual. fc: camila morrone.
vienna patrick. forty-one. trophy wife & socialite. heterosexual. fc: rachel mcadams.
willow donovan. twenty-two. college student & barista. bisexual. fc: madelyn cline.
zya fox. twenty-five. makeup artist. bisexual. fc: coco jones.
house of the dragon
eloise belfron. eighteen. lady in waiting to helaena targaryen. heterosexual. fc: rose williams.
marvel comics
yasmin ayala. thirty-two. bartender at josie's & dance instructor. heterosexual. fc: ana de armas.
the musketeers
mary turner. twenty-six. doctor's assistant. heterosexual. fc: gugu mbatha-raw.
outer banks
daisy pierce. seventeen. pogue. high school student & waitress. heterosexual. fc: kristine froseth.
shelby beckett. nineteen to twenty-one ( season dependent ). lifeguard. heterosexual. fc: danielle campbell.
brooklynn foster. eighteen. final girl. bisexual. fc: khadijha red thunder.
sons of anarchy
thea montgomery. twenty-seven. mechanic. heterosexual. fc: riley keough.
clementine roy. twenty-four. interior designer & illegitimate child of logan roy. heterosexual. fc: alexandra daddario.
florence 'flo' reynolds. twenty-five. stage actress. heterosexual. fc: hannah dodd.
abagail barrett. one hundred & fifty ; appears early-twenties. vampire. bisexual. fc: madelaine petsch.
misty frasier. forty-six ; appears mid-twenties. vampire. heterosexual. fc: julia garner.
the x-files
marissa lucas. thirty-one. cashier & alien abductee. bisexual. fc: shannyn sossaman.
zelda mulder. twenty-two. paranormal private detective. pansexual. fc: margaret qualley.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 9 months
🦁 + CATIE!!
YES ALL THE ASKS FOR MY GIRL!! Thank you so much, Alexandra!!
Their favorite gem stone: Rose quartz, due to its magical properties.
Their most heroic moment: Jumping on top of one of the Volturi and punching her in the face, no magic to protect her, in order to keep her from hurting Seth during the battle over Renesmee.
A superstition they believe in (if they do believe in them): Technically she believes in a lot of superstitions, because most of them are true due to latent magic in the earth or in humans.
Their favorite 2000s song: “Miss Independent” by Kelly Clarkson.
Their first pet: A plump brown tabby cat named Hathaway that her moms had had before she was even born; he’s since passed away, but she still loves and misses him.
Their favorite video game: She doesn’t really play video games, but she’ll never say no to a competitive round of Just Dance.
Their lowest moment: Accidentally lashing out with magic during an argument with the shapeshifters over Bella’s pregnancy and hitting Leah with a spell. She didn’t mean to, but she will never forget how hurt Seth looked that she’d hurt his sister, and she’s always tried to be more careful with her magic when she’s feeling strong emotions since then.
Their crime against humanity (whether that's an actual crime or something cringeworthy/embarrassing they've done): Always putting the milk back in the fridge when there’s only a dribble left in it; both her moms and Seth have tried to train her out of this, but it hasn’t worked so far.
Their middle name: She doesn’t have one; it’s a tradition among the witches in her family not to give their daughters middle names.
If they have sloppy or neat handwriting: It’s legible, but Catie also usually writes fast, so it’s usually slanted and not exactly neat.
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Send me 🦁 + an OC!!
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mariacallous · 2 years
I got sucked into that Roxane Gay nemesis twitter thread and I can't get out because everyone keeps it going and guessing.
She has said so far that it is neither Lena Dunham nor Mindy Kaling.
She has said that her nemesis is "an actress who has also written a memoir and is popular but not ultra famous" and someone whom she "grudgingly respects".
So far the guesses for who her nemesis is are:
Ali Wong Anna Kendrick Lauren Graham Tiffany Haddish Anne Hathaway Judy Greer Camryn Manheim (though the tweeter misspelled her name) Busy Phillipps Tiffany Amber Theissen Aisha Tyler Phoebe Robinson Amy Poehler Sally Field Betty White Olivia Munn Tina Fey "the actress from sisterhood of the traveling pants" Chelsea Handler Ellie Kemper Stacey Dash Shonda Rhimes Gabrielle Union Padma Lakshmi Leah Remini Tyler Perry (but he had previously been named an nemesis apparently, as has Rachel Maddow and CrossFit?) Candace Cameron Bure Selma Blair Betty Gilpin Rose McGowan Cicely Tyson Jennifer Lewis Taraji P. Henson Viola Davis Reese Witherspoon Mayim Bialik Quinta Brunson Zooey Deschanel Casey Wilson Kristin Chenoweth Margaret Cho Dita Von Teese Portia de Rossi Jenna Fischer Drew Barrymore Jennette McCurdy Carrie Brownstein
I feel like this says more about the people who follow and like Roxane Gay on twitter more than about her.
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tashaiswriting · 1 year
· Aaron Taylor-Johnson · Abigail Cowen · Adeline Rudolph · Adonis Bosso · Adria Arjona · Aiyesha Hart · Aldis Hodge · Alexander Skarsgard · Amita Suman · Andre Hamann · Anne Hathaway · Anya Chalotra · Anya Taylor Joy · Ashley Holat · Ashley Moore · Awkwafina · Billy Huxley · Briana Shanee · Bryden Jenkins · Charithra Chandran · Charlize Theron · Chris Hemsworth · Chris Pine · Christina Nadin · Cillian Murphy · Cindy Kimberly · Clementine Desseaux · Denise Bidot · Dev Patel · Diane Guerrero · Doja Cat · Don Benjamin · Dove Cameron · Dudley O'Shaughnessy · Elle Fanning · Emilia Clarke · Emily Bador · Emily Blunt · Emma Mackey · Eva Noblezada · Florence Pugh · Gemma Chan · Gideon Adlon · Giza Lagarce · Golshifteh Farahani · Hailee Steinfeld · Haley Lu Richardso · Halsey · Hannah Snowdon · Hari Nef · Henry Cavill · HoYeon Jung · Imaan Hammam · Jake Gyllenhaal · Jamie Clayton · Janelle Monae · Janhvi Kapoor · Jason Momoa · Jenna Ortega · Jennie Kim · Jenny Slate · Jimmy Q · Kat Dennings · Kehlani · Kennedy Dawn Stearns · Kennedy McMann · Kiana Lede Brown · Kiki Layne · Kiko Mizuhara · Kylie Bunbury · Leah Lewis · Lily James · Logan Lerman · Lorde · Luanna Perez Garreaud · Luke Hemmings · Madeleine Petsch · Magdalena Zalejska · Maggie Duran · Maggie Lindemann · Malaika Firth · Marilhea Peillard · Marina Nery · Matreyi Ramakrishnan · Michiel Huisman · Mila Kunis · Mimi Elashiri · Mishti Rahman · Nadia Abhoulhosn · Nadine Shah · Naressa Valdez · Natalia Nootenboom · Natalie Portman · Natasha Lyonne · Nicola Coughlan · Oliver Jackson-Cohen · Philipa Soo · Rahul Kohli · Reece King · Richard Madden · Ricky Hall · Rina Fukushi · Robert Pattinson · Ryan Reynolds · Sadie Sink · Sakura Heffron · Scarlett Simoneit · Simone Ashley · Stephen James · Suki Waterhouse · Tashi Rodriguez · Tatiana Maslany · Taylor Lashae · Tom Hardy · Zazie Beetz · Zion Moreno · Zoe Kravitz
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fallen-hq · 1 year
mwf? tô querendo voltar com uma menina mas n tô conseguindo encontrar um fc bom
ideias pessoal???? eu juro que se você trouxer a candice patton ou a adeline rudolph eu entrego absolutamente tudo pra você!!!!
elizabeth gillies, tati gabrielle, jessica chanstain, anne hathaway, zendaya, jessica alba, eiza gonzalez, maia reffico, lupita nyong'o, logan browning, angelina jolie, kristen stewart, alisha boe, kennedy mcmann, kennedy walsh, leah lewis, bahar sahin
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uxwantedheirs · 2 years
New Writing Partners
Dying for some new discord writing partners for 1x1′s.  I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. Would love taboo ships, but I do write fandom stuff too. 
Fandoms I write for: Marvel | Agents of Shield | X-Men DC | CW The Flash | CW Arrow Walking Dead (I’m still new to writing this since I’ve only seen the first 2 seasons) Harry Potter
I’m willing to write guys or girls, I have several muses to choose from. Often try to go for multipara replies and even my shorter replies tend to be literate and move things forward. I use the tupperbox bot in all my RP servers. I won’t write with minors, and prefer partners be 21+. Here’s my main cast of FC’s I use, if any of these interest you I’m more than happy to talk and send over there bios on discord.
Aaron-taylor Johnson (Luca) Minka Kelly (Leah) Zoey Deutch (Teen/young adult Leah) Logan Lerman (Teen/young adult Luca) Bethany Mota (Alexis) Elena Satine (Mystery) Anne Hathaway (Alice) Kellan Lutz (Owen) Brant Daugherty (Adam) Anna-Sophia Robb (Melody) Aldis Hodge (Wes) Nyane Lebajoa (Nissa) China Anne McClaine (Kayla) Amber Stevens West (Robbie) Avan Jogia (Malachi) Grace Van Dien (Lulu) If any of this caught your eye and you wanna give plotting a go, feel free to add me over on discord. CynicalLittleSnowflake#6158 is my name on there, just lemme know this is the post you’re coming from.
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
My WVUD playlist, 6/9/2022
(filling in on Java Time)
WeGoWhereWeGo - Blue Lagoon Pelkkä Poutanen - Marian virsi Daniel Herskedal - Out from the Sea (feat. Emilie Nicolas) Nightlands - Moonshine Freur - Doot Doot Thompson Twins - If You Were Here Jimi Tenor - Uncharted Waters Sun's Signature - Underwater Trentemøller - Like a Daydream Bryan Ferry - Fooled Around and Fell In Love Robert Glasper - Everybody Wants To Rule The World (feat. Lalah Hathaway & Common) Zombi - Takin' It to the Streets Circuit des Yeux - The Manatee (A Story of This World Pt III) Tone Of Voice Orchestra - That Kind of Day (feat. Emma Kragh-Elmøe) Imani Coppola - Light House Ann Wilson - Fighten fer Life Orgone - Working For Love (feat. Terin Ector) Seratones - Get Free Jackie Venson - Always Free Jean Carne, Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad - The Summertime Flora Purim - A Flor Da Vida Belle and Sebastian - Talk to Me, Talk to Me The Monochrome Set - Ballad of the Flaming Man Leah Callahan - Johnny and Mary The Sound of Science - Gravity Marc Collin - Friday I'm In Love (feat. Chrystabell) Jeremy Danneman and The Down On Me - Pretending to Believe You LEX the Lexicon Artist - Infosession (feat. Klopfenpop) Neil Cicierega - AC/VC Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra - Let's Just Dance The Utopia Strong - Castalia China Crisis - Seven Sports for All
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buntonsbaby · 7 months
•°. *࿐ hiya ツ
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i decided to make this acc since i didnt wanna spam my main blog with all the asks that ppl send (it's cool to still send them to my main i just figured it would be more organised here)
this is a place for rambles & rants & anything else thats on my mind
it's a safe space to discuss anything whether it's something going on in your life, questions ab my life, advice, or just general questions. obviously theres only so much ill be willing to share but you can certainly try asking
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my interests
music faves:
adele, angèle, alice merton, beyoncé, billie, coldplay, djo, dua lipa, fleetwood mac, fletcher, genevieve stokes, glass animals, grace carter, halfnoise, halsey, hayley williams, janelle monáe, kylie, lady gaga, leigh-anne, mae muller, måneskin, maya hawke, miley, paramore, spice girls
film & tv faves:
spice world, doctor who, ted lasso, wynonna earp, killing eve, queens gambit, derry girls, critical role, ghost busters, murder on the orient express, princess diaries
people faves:
alessia russo, emma bunton, geri halliwell, melanie chisholm, rosie spaughton, leah williamson, lady gaga, lia wälti, alice merton, jodie whittaker, mandip gill, anne hathaway, laura bailey, marisha ray, ashley johnson, aisling bea, hayley williams, hannah waddingham, kat barrel, jenna coleman, emma mackey, margot robbie, maya hawke, nicole coughlan, kate mckinnnon, angèle
other faves:
singing, beat saber, writing, d&d, the last of us I & II, stardew valley, guitar playing, pokemon, trumpet playing, video editing, minecraft, bracelet making, acnh, language learning, scrapbooking, rainbow 6 siege, fifa 23, photography (digital & film), gta 5, footy (arsenal, lionesses & roma)
main blog: @russos-ventitre
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avatarskywalker78 · 11 months
Need to Knows
My AO3
My SquidgeWorld
My FFN (all but abandoned tbh but if you’re curious about my old fics)
My Main OCs (check regularly for updates!)
My Side OCs (ditto)​
My WIPs (both Active and Backburner, though as is the nature of fic writing these can easily change around if the mood strikes me!)
OC taglists so far (don’t feel you have to respond, this is more a reminder for me!)
@shrinkthisviolet (All)
@starstruckpurpledragon (All)
@negative-speedforce (Steph Taylor, Alyssa Clayton, Charlie Kumar, Tanya, Theodore Edward Thawne, Teri Merlyn, Brianna Thawne, Zoe Thawne, Ashton Thawne)
@daughter-of-melpomene (Steph Taylor, Alyssa Clayton, Charlie Kumar, Tanya, MCU, Brianna Louise Wilson, Meri Solo, Nellith Skywalker, and Mel Hathaway)
@vexic929 (Steph Taylor, Alyssa Clayton, Charlie Kumar)
@dream-beyond-the-fantasy (Miyagi-verse, Emilie Brooke, Hannah Edwards, Lissa Blackwood, Alex Thompson, Maia Curry, Magni Thorson, Sophia Reynolds, Meri Solo, Nellith Skywalker, and Brianna Louise Wilson)
@forchrissy (Nicky Connors, James Connors, Leah Barnes, Elaine Barnes, Sarah Barnes, Alex Barnes, Javed, Gemma Laura McKinney, Lizzie McKinney)
@lady-of-the-spirit (Meri Solo, Maia Curry and Lexa Sullivan)
@fezwearingjellybananas (Theodore Edward Thawne)
Feel free to ask me anything about my fics or my OCs!! Also any ask games I reblog are always open, though do please specify which one you’re asking for! Likes, asks and follows will be from @goldheartedchaoticdisaster
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ttownpromoc · 2 years
OPEN and WANTED: Kat Graham, Olivia Wilde, Freddie Highmore, Skylar Austin, Will Arnett, Taylor Kinney, Simu Liu, Michael Trevino, Tyler Posey, Leah Pipes, Dove Cameron, Mila Kunis, Anne Hathaway, Jim Parsons, and Bethany Joy Lenz!
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hollyoaksloversx · 3 years
A Killer Revealed...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (17th-21st May 2021)
The mystery of Hollyoaks’ latest whodunnit was solved this week as George’s killer was revealed. As the week began, things were looking bleak for John Paul. The video from George’s iPad had found its way into James’ hands and a star witness had placed John Paul at the scene of the crime. As a result, James advised him that his best hope of getting a reduced sentence was to plead guilty to manslaughter. However, John Paul was determined that he was innocent and refused to take James’s advice, leaving James with no option but to step down from the case. Meanwhile, the McQueen’s decided that John Paul’s best hope now was to track down the star witness and prove they were lying and Theresa soon had reason to suspect PC Smith, one of George’s former colleagues. Deciding to extract a confession from him, Theresa begged James to help, and after some persuading, he agreed to help out. Miraculously, Theresa managed to get the evidence she needed, resulting in the case against John Paul collapsing...
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John Paul was released from prison, much to the relief of his family, whilst PC Smith was suspended pending further investigation. However, he still believed that one of the McQueen’s was guilty of murder and told DS Cohen that he was determined to get to the truth. In a bid to put the wind up the family, PC Smith arrived at The Dog, in full uniform, and announced that the murder weapon had been found. However, when John Paul spoke to DS Cohen, she revealed that PC Smith had been suspended and that the location of the murder weapon remained a mystery. Later, PC Smith watched as a mystery figure entered the city walls, confirmed that the murder weapon was still in place, and then fled. The person was soon confirmed to be Theresa...
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Theresa had to face some tough questions when the police asked to speak to her and the timing couldn’t have been worse as Nana brought Kathleen Angel back from Spain. However, as we’ve come to expect from Hollyoaks whodunnits, all was not as it seemed and Sally confessed to a horrified John Paul that she was the killer. Flashbacks showed Sally walking in on an argument between George and Theresa over his abuse of John Paul and, realising that George was about to harm Theresa, Sally whacked him over the head with a bookend. Deciding that she couldn’t let Theresa take the blame, Sally prepared to hand herself in, however, just as Theresa was being charged with George’s murder, John Paul turned up at the station and announced that he was the killer...
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Meanwhile, John Paul’s predicament was causing problems for James and Ste this week, with Ste worrying about the amount of time that James was spending with John Paul. With this in mind, Ste was relieved when James decided to step down from the case. However, Leah later overheard the McQueen’s thanking James for everything he’d done for John Paul and, realising that he’d lied to Ste, went straight to tell him. However, Ste didn’t take too kindly to Leah’s ‘interference’, and poor Leah was hurt when Ste told her to mind her own business. Despite this, the seeds of doubt had clearly been sown and Ste was unsure whether or not James was to be trusted...
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By the end of the week, James had apologised to Leah and she came up with a way for him to get back into Ste’s good books - buy her the costume she needed for her 80s dance recital. However, with this being a task beyond James, the job was outsourced to Marnie, who ended up buying a costume from the wrong era, leaving Leah disappointed and Trish seething. In fact, Trish was so annoyed that she dropped Leah from the recital. Not only that, but Ste, too, was angry when he realised what had happened, and warned James never to use his kids again...
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In other news this week, Darren was determined to get out of the ‘friend-zone’ with Nancy but was left disappointed when she stood him up, whilst Cher continued to gaslight Mercedes. Brooke, struggling with her identity, borrowed Charlie’s clothes and finally, after initially insisting she didn’t want her cancer treated, Martine had her first chemotherapy session. 
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This Week’s Cast:
Brooke, Celeste, Charlie, Cher, Darren, DS Cohen, Felix, Goldie, Grace, Jack, James, John Paul, Juliet, Kathleen Angel, Leah, Luke, Marnie, Martine, Matthew, Mercedes, Misbah, Nana McQueen, Nancy, Peri, Ripley, Sally, Ste, Sylver, Theresa, Toby, Trish and Walter.
Blasts From The Past:
Mitchell Deveraux, George Kiss, Breda McQueen, Myra McQueen, Frankie Osborne. 
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