#Labor Party
lasttarrasque · 4 months
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thoughtportal · 5 months
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goodhairbadmanners · 3 months
I'm going to rant about the Windsors for a minute.(Note: This is not the perspective of a British citizen and is not meant to imply an in depth insight that only an inhabitant of that nation[or group of nations]could practically have.)
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Do you ever think about how terrified the monarchy must be constantly? They are fully aware that their position is based purely on the idea that one of their ancestors(existing before dna verification) was given the power to lead by God Himself(the traditional Christian archetype of the figure) whose existence, given the rise of modern science, has not only been called into question but effectively rejected by the common mind(based off of rates of Atheism in the U.K.). Leaving them in the unique position of having become a cultural staple without practical use or defendability in terms of merit(outside of their appeal to tourists). They completely lack legitimacy and yet retain financial, political, and social weight. It is by the grace and affection of the public that they are allowed to retain their position. They know that. So it's a dangerous position for them to be in where the current financial and political sway they hold is working against the public good. Poverty rates are skyrocketing, social programs are fumbling, and, quite frankly, the royal family in place is proving to be an embarressment to its country on the world stage. Leaving the obvious question: why does the public continue to tolerate them? In terms of social capital the family has always been comfortable but, in past months particularly in light of recent protests that have not been publicized on news channels but well documented on social media and the dissapearance of certain royal household members(Hope you're doing well Kate), it seems that capital is dissapearing faster than it can be earned back through yet another visit to a children's hospital. It still remains to be seen to what all this tends but don't be surprised if, in the near future, the Windsors find themselves with either a vast limitation of power or a complete reevaluation of their "royal" status. Possibly both.
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hungry-hyena · 7 months
fucking Labor response to my ceasefire email has me raging what the fuck
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literally shut the fuck up
australia is a joke. fuck my mp and fuck labor
the whole email is the representative agreeing with me about the ceasefire and then turns around and says shit like this
Israel is literally committing genocide
Defend itself from Hamas?? are you kidding me?? Israel is committing war crimes. They aren't defending themselves they are mass murdering people
as for Hamas, people have the right to resist annihilation
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 month
FriendlyJordies's 2 year old live show, A Tale as Old as Rome, filmed in Melbourne.
Less a comedy show and more a 90 minute funny pop history lecture with goofy slides and Oz-specific jokes.
It's a little uneven, mostly because he seems more interested in what makes him laugh than what a general audience would find funny. But you gotta start somewhere, and this is very good and very well-tailored to his strengths for a first attempt at this. If this is how good he is from the start, he's bound to get amazing. Special shout-out to the use of Rome: Total War music, and a slightly-more-than-casual Skyrim reference.
It actually gets better by the end when it becomes an emotionally-poignant TEDtalk, except a GOOD one of those and not the 90% of them that are a delusional rich shithead spreading misinformation.
I don't challenge his historical facts, and his interpretation of them, gleaned from the works of actual historians, is valid, as far as these things go. I personally would disagree with some of his conclusions, and in general I think trying to interpret ancient history through a modern political lens is problematic at best and pointless at worst, for a host of reasons.
BUT. If you're going to do it, what he does here is okay. He's making a bigger point about how rich people are our enemies and always have been, and "proving" it this way is sound enough.
I mean, don't cite this as a source in your doctoral thesis, but otherwise it is compelling.
Only 167k views?? Come on. I mean I get the jokes are obscure, but this man is doing great work.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 months
If you take a few minutes to watch the video, you will notice, to no one's surprise, that Graham Perrett never actually answers the question.
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anarchismnow · 17 days
For all those thinking that your candidates options are all trash, and you may as well vote for your right-leaning candidates because your "left" candidates aren't doing anything good enough anyway, here is your reminder!
The left you choose today, will be the right of your tomorrow!
It's worth putting your bets on the most left leaning party. Get them in power. Have them dominating and delegitimising the right.
Because when the right party is gone, the only person left to critique is the left.
Treat the right party like they don't exist. Ignore them. Don't listen, don't react. Spend all your time on the current left party. Put the standards on them. Make them the only party that matters in politics. The new left will form itself along the way. Highlight those points. Unionise. Build your far left syndicates.
This is a "left versus left" war. That is your truth!
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trekkitkat · 8 months
The same political parties, that just spent months of time and hundreds of millions of dollars campaigning for a Voice to Parliament for Indigenous Australians, just voted against a Royal Commision investigation into the abuse of Indigenous children.
What the actual hell????? All that talk about Indigenous rights and recognition, about reconciliation. And a couple days later, the Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs, an Indigenous woman and daughter of an Elder, made a call for an official investigation into the sexual abuse of Indigenous children, and it was voted down.
Showed their true colours quickly. Nothing but a bunch of political grandstanders who can talk the talk but won't walk the walk. They don't care about Indigenous people.
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hippielova · 2 years
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A doodle and a mutt
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lasttarrasque · 5 months
Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, an anti zionist Jew
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"The Greens have accused Labor of “making the climate crisis worse” and being more interested in opening new coal and gas mines than working together to improve climate policy after the government approved a new coal seam gas expansion in Queensland.
Documents posted on the environment department website show that the environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, on Friday approved a project by the oil and gas company Santos to open 116 new coal seam gas wells in Queensland’s Surat Basin."
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techniche · 1 year
The Fabian Society would define itself as a socialist movement, influenced by Karl Marx and the Marxist Social Democratic Federation, and founded England's Labour Party in 1900. The party's constitution was written by Fabian Society leader Sidney Webb and borrowed heavily from the founding documents of the Fabian Society. At the core of the Fabian Society were Sidney and Beatrice Wbb, who would also help co-found the London School of Economics (LSE), with Rothschild funding, to propagate the Fabian Society outlook in 1895, The Fabian Society and thus the labour Party considered themselves proponents of guild socialism. Bertrand Russell, a leading Fabian member, described the Labour Party's approach to guild socialism in his Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism as such: 'Anarchism, which avoids the dangers of State Socialism, has dangers and difficulties of its own...Nevertheless it remains an ideal to which we should wish to approach as nearly as possible, and which, in some distant age, we hope may be reached completely.. The system we have advocated is a form of Guild Socialism, leaning more, perhaps, towards Anarchism than the official Guildsman would wholly approve. It is in the matters that politicians usually ignore - science and art, human relations, and the joy of life - that Anarchism is strongest...'
Cynthia Chung (The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism & Anglo-American Foreign Policy, Chapter 1: For King and Empire: The Birth of International Fascism, pg. 33, 2022)
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thekeypa · 1 year
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"Palestinians are still denied the right to self-determination enshrined in international law. We must renew our calls for a free and independent Palestine."
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darnellafrica · 1 year
Can Nigeria 🇳🇬 Courts Resolve Electoral Doubts‽
I will be honest, I was rooting for Peter Obi to win this election & become Nigeria’s 🇳🇬 next President. However, the danger of three leading candidates is that while most people vote against the incumbent, the latter can win due to rivals “splitting the vote.”
That said, many people are upset with the results (& understandably so), as President Elect Asiwaju Bola Tinubu victory is not being celebrated by most of Nigeria 🇳🇬. Peter Obi is challenging the results in court, but I wonder if the courts will overturn the proclaimed results of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)‽
While Obi said he won the election and would explore all legal and peaceful means to prove it in court, Atiku concurred, saying “the processes and outcome of the Presidential and National Assembly elections of last Saturday were grossly flawed in every material particular and as such, must be challenged.” […]
In a quick response, Tinubu, who had earlier in his victory speech extended a hand of fellowship to his challengers at the poll, said he would meet them in court to defend his mandate. […]
Obi, who spoke at a briefing in Abuja, enjoined his supporters, especially party members, not to despair because he and his running mate, Dr Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, had taken up the challenge posed by President Muhammadu Buhari and President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, to mount a legal challenge if they were convinced the electoral process was faulty. (Vanguard)
I do not think the courts will attempt to overturn the proclaimed results of this election in order to avoid creating a legal precedent (which could result in chaos in future elections).
However, I suspect the courts will issue decrees requiring the INEC to be properly staffed & funded to avoid this scenario in the future.
I do not think this is the end of Peter Obi’s political career. I believe that in four years, he will run for President again—albeit this time emerge victorious.
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plitnick · 1 year
Cutting Through: Two Short Essays To End 2022
Cutting Through: Two Short Essays To End 2022
One of my New Year’s resolutions will be to get back to maintaining a regular schedule on the Cutting Through newsletter. Due to some other commitments, that won’t happen to start the year, but I hope it will at some point in 2023. But I am closing out 2022 with a new edition of Cutting Through. In this one I write about taking responsibility when your country elects reprehensible leadership, an…
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We are hoping that everyone has had a great weekend and is having a great Labor Day. Today we celebrate the great social and economic achievements made by American workers.
What are you up to today? Are you out camping with your family, riding rides at a fair, relaxing by a pool, or do you have to work today?
Whatever it is you are up to have a safe day. See you at work tomorrow.
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