githvyrik · 2 years
no but seriously I am so tired of people pretending that ancient people weren’t the same as modern people just without electricity. “how was their medicine so bad but their math could line up their buildings with the stars??” well, you see, germs are a lot harder to see than stars are. hope this helps
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trucy: hang on polly you have a hair on you—oh, it’s long and…blonde. again.
apollo, internally: oh my god they’re all going to think i’m STRAIGHT and that i’m sleeping with a WOMAN
trucy, athena, and wright all thinking: oh that’s for sure klavier’s :/
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*rings bells* WEI WUXIAN IS A NERD!! He loves learning and applying his knowledge in new and creative ways! He’s INCREDIBLY insightful and perceptive! He keeps notes and creates unparalleled inventions! He knows people and even knows politics! He develops answers and theories on the fly! Please I beg for people to stop calling him an idiot all the time 😭🙏🙏
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corrodedcoughin · 11 months
Eddie and Steve pronouncing ufo ‘oofo’ just to annoy Dustin
-Steve, Eddie and Dustin star gazing on Dustin’s lawn after dropping him off-
Steve: Woah! Did you guys see that?? I think it was an oofo!
Dustin: what the fuck? An ‘oofo’? It’s a UFO. Unidentified flying object. UFO.
Eddie: nah I’m pretty sure it’s an oofo, kid. I actually don’t think I’ve ever heard it the way you said it. Definitely an oofo
Dustin: I hate you both
Steve and Eddie, reaching over dustin to hold hands: no you don’t :)
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The Blackfish narrowed his eyes. "Did your father arrange for that as well? Catelyn never trusted the boy, as I recall, no more than she ever trusted Theon Greyjoy. It would seem she was right about them both.”
The way book readers look at this quote and because we love Jon and want everyone to love him too, we come up with all these convoluted theories about how the Blackfish is secretly trying to protect Jon from the Lannisters and hide that he’s the KiTN so he can go and fight for Jon’s cause…..but ignore the most obvious explanation that the man has chosen to believe the words of HIS NIECE, whom he trusts and who has a very negative view of the boy, at face value. Like he doesn’t know Jon personally. At all. This isn’t evidence of a conspiracy to crown Jon king. This is merely showing us that even smart and extremely capable people like the Blackfish can be wrong about things and people. It’s really that simple 🙂
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felagund-fiollaigean · 7 months
do you ever consume a piece of media that speaks to your soul and changes you as a person and inspires hope and excitement in you, and after finishing the story you gleefully open AO3, excited to see works by authors who were touched by those characters as you were, who were inspired by that narrative as you were, authors who you think must be similar to you on some fundamental level because who else would spend real time on transformative works about this story. and you open the tag and start scrolling and realize immediately that everyone else got something very different out of this than you did
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masquenoire · 29 days
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So I've never watched R.emo W.illiams but a scene popped up on Y.outube today and reminded me Roman's dogs were a thing. Change the breed from D.obermanns to R.ottweilers and you've got Rocco and Dante working hard to make Roman a happy man.
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lloydfrontera · 2 months
rakiel sweetheart baby love of my live you are insane and i love you so much but please stop my heart cannot take this
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transxfiles · 1 year
if elon musk ever tried to put a chip in my brain i'd end up killing either him or myself. one of us has to die for that.
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you'd think the percy jackson trailer would make me excited to watch it but no it just reminded me that actually i hated half of the characters from the book
#i know that annabeth is a popular character but I cannot stand her percy deserves better#he really said annabeth was the most powerful demigod like percy you blew up a volcano nico can command armys of the dead#was she even the most powerful because she is smart? not really everyone demigod in that series is smart#justice for grover though he deserves better#am i going to watch it to see my boy nico? oh yeah absolutely#now that I'm past my im not like other girls phase i can safely say rick did the aphrodite cabin dirty they also deserved better#you know who else deserved better? sally jackson#posideon was still into sally she absolutely should have gotten back together with him and then his wife undersea polycule#i might not watch the series but i will watch the part where sally gets rid of gabe#poseidon really speaks of sally in such a reverent tone he respects her so much and sally gets married and is pregnant again?#absolutely not rick did her dirty sally deserves to have a god in her back pocket#i did hate that some of the demigods got together and the excuse was oh theres no dna so its technically not in*est#come on their 12 and in need of therapy let them not date#the clarisse/silena achilles/patroclus parallels though *chefs kiss*#wow i really got long winded in the tags but you know percy deserves better and so does sally#and percy should unionize the demigods and people should stop being mean to the hades kids#because they are the best and also have the sickest powers hello they can travel through shadows? my anxiety is jealous#i also disliked thalia yet i don't know why#percy nico bianca and thalia should have teamed up and been like see dads it's entirely possible to get on
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lesbiancalkestis · 7 months
I would pay good money to see a recording of Robbie and Roxann performing Love Letters at whatever con that was.
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siriuslynephilim · 9 months
what have they done to the book
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
i really have a hard time with dealing with how people talk about dv or rather DON'T talk about it. The way i see it, this is practically the #1 feminist issue because it basically epitomizes the dynamic between oppressor and oppressed (obviously I'm talking about when a man abuses a woman). Like some women wanna talk about our supposed agency in the situation, and i hate to be a fucking downer, but for so many cases, it's just non-existent. I know this may shock a lot of people, but there are MANY women who have no idea there are services available to them to help escape these situations. I spoke to at least one who straight up admitted she didn't know there were women's shelters.
I think for a lot of people, this ignorances stems from how hard it can be to conceptualize having virtually NO support system. Having absolutely no one to rely on other than your abuser, and no one pointing out that your relationship isn't healthy. And other times (frequently) you have people pressuring you to suck it up and stay. We have one client with fucking babies with her abuser whose mom has been telling her she needs to stay with him despite knowing all he has done to her AND that he has a fucking kill kit in his car (rope, tape, shovel, knives, gloves, etc). This shit is WILD and so many people have no idea how bad it can be.
And those are just the super dangerous situations. I've been around DV my entire life, most people have, but just don't realize it. It's not hard to just look and see WHY this shit happens. Money, kids, lack of education/independence, the extremely poor, debalitating self-esteem that is so common in women- these are just a few of the base level factors.
And feminism is about realizing that, seeing women's position in life as it really fucking is, and trying to help women liberate themselves. So, all that being said, fucking shrugging your shoulders like "oh geez idk just dont date men" is soooooo fucking stupid
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thatwolficorn · 1 year
I'm not smart enough to dissect these but here's screenshots of the things that N remembers in the flashback when he touches the VHS tape
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Glitched out version of above image:
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This one
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And this one! Notice how the center says "[null]"
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I don't think I need to explain what [null] means
There's also the screenshot of the VHS tape itself!
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Interesting to note that this tape is not supposed to be shown to robots and is also titled "Zombie Drones!!"
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
Love atheist communities that hate Christianity but reproduce every single issue Christianity has right down to the racism, wild misogyny, and of all fuckin things evangelizing atheism by sending religious people rude ass 'gotcha' type reactionary content to like idk, recruit people to atheism the way Certian Brands of Christian recruit literally anyone to their religion.
Like yes this atheism is what I see a lot of white men participating in, but like how dense do you have to be to only ditch the GOD part of religion and nothing else while claiming you're intellectually superior to religious folks like a great many incredibly talented and smart people in various sciences weren't religious?
#winters ramblings#its so funny that the so called 'skeptic' communities on youtube and reddit claimed ti be SOOOOO skeptical of things#but never took a fuckin second to check their misogyny or racism and badically applied shite christian values to everything they do#but think they arent doing that because they openly denounce god. like bestie youre doing ALL the same shit i have a problem with#in teligious spaces except you have the balls to claim youre inherently smarter and more intellectual#which is why youre SO SMART you cant figure out how to be a halfway decent human being#like its so funny when i see athiests like this around where it feels like religion is the only thing they felt held them back#and not in the ways PoC queer people and women deal with- THEIR athiesm is usually rooted in#'christians told me i was black because i have the curse of ham and thats fucking racist as shit' or some other discrimination event#plus your average religious truama and in my case just a lack of desire to participate in religion and also no belief in it#but then you have white dudes whove never had a real problem in their life doing all the same shit as them Nasty Christians they rail on#without a H I N T of the irony while also wondering why it is that their spaces seem so... homogeneous lmao#almost like women PoC and queer people know all you did was reject the GOD bit not any of the underlying discrimination tendencies#no need for them to unpack that i guess because theyre Very Smart Skeptics they dont seem to think#that they believe just as much dumb shit as any religious or non religious folks out there except theyre insufferable about it#also the nonsense of science being inherently opposed to religion like tell me you know nothing about the history of science#without saying you have NO IDEA what youre talking about. so much science was trying to understand gods creations#science and god arent diametrically opposed to each other and in fact went hand in hand for a long time#not as much any more but ill bet a huge number of scientists are still religious because being smart#doesnt mean youre an athiest like HELLO youre not smarter than anyone for not believing in god#the same way you arent smarter or better FOR believing in god lmao
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midnightcowboy1969 · 1 year
Missed my train so I’ll be two hours late home but at least I have Quantum Leap waiting for me.
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