pocketsizedquasar · 4 years
So.... I followed you in the wee beginnings of my giant moby dick obsession and I've been avidly consuming your comic. But TODAY I found your writings on the musical and... oh my gosh that part with Fedallah . just. you make all the good points there! And its like... I saw it at ART before my giant obsession took root, but so much of it confuses me! and moby dick is a book with some pretty explicit sections about race (if not a big coherent Take) 1/?
so to take it and then make it all about how some white man is ruining the voyage (ahem, the US) is so strange to me!? Like there ARE sections about whiteness, and there are parts where Ishmael totally turns protestant evangelizing ideas on their heads (queequeg as being tainted by christianity, also the part where queequeg says something along the lines of ... poor ishmael, so confused). Idk maybe i'm just a purist. 2/?
I have to say though... the song version of the reverend's sermon at the beginning absolutely takes my breath away (and i'm sad that I don't have any audio version...). Do you have a take on all the prophet imagery/stuff going on in the book? (elijah, ahab, jonah &c).ANyways, I've been rambling. tl;dr: your comic is So Good and I have opinions about the 2019 musical. 3/3
hhhh first off thank u for following & for ur kind words!! i’m so glad to be a part of Whale Obsessions & i’m glad you like my comic!!
& ohhh boy. the musical. the musical the musical. i actually have a more distilled, shorter post in my drafts about my problems w the musical bc my existing review is kind of long and unwieldy but YEAH, tl;dr a white man trying to take a story already very intrinsically about race and modify the racial aspects to make it “more relevant” to “modern america” is. dumb and shitty and not his place as a white man to do and i’m Not a Fan. you don’t need to try to make md relevant to modern day america! by virtue of the fact that it’s already about race and racialized dynamics in the 19th century US -- dynamics which still exist -- it’s already relevant to today! especially when he takes away a lot of the existing racial commentary in favor of adding his own lukewarm white takes on racism! like what abt the time ishmael learns he fucked up wrt queequeg on his own, without queequeg having to pull some bs “i’m just like you!!” moment like so many characters of color in white narratives are forced to? what about ishmael drawing comparisons between the pequod and colonialism/imperialism, and talking abt how the act of whaling at sea mirrors US colonialism on land? what abt the fact that all of the officers on the pequod are white and most of the sailors are poc (which is mentioned in a brief throwaway line in the musical but otherwise not meaningfully discussed bc the officers are played by WOC)? there’s like. so much to work with already that you can build off instead of just... eschewing that to insert your own opinions lmao. and it’s less work!! to just work with what already exists and build on it!! 
and !! yeah the sermon song is absolutely fantastic. there are several really really good musical moments in the show (which makes the problems w it all the more frustrating imo). it’s a lovely lovely song sung beautifully and a really wonderful opener. psst if you want an audio boot of the show dm me i can link u to one that my friend took the night we went together
but yeah re: prophet stuff in the book-- i live for that shit. the sermon chapter is probably one of my favorites in the story, both for its beautiful language and for how much it foreshadows everything! something i think a lot of adaptations (not just the musical) get wrong about Moby Dick is the exclusion of the on land chapters. and, like, I understand why people do it -- they want to get to sea and the adventure as soon as possible -- but the problem is those first 20 or so chapters exist to frame the story in a way that we can’t really when we get to sea. there’s so much foreshadowing and tone-setting and groundwork that’s done in those early chapters that we miss out on if we just skip them (not to mention the adorable character interactions btwn Ish & Queequeg, Ish & Peter Coffin, & really just the only time we actually get to see Ishmael be a character).
putting the rest under a cut cause this is getting long lol
but yeah so much of what shows up in the latter half of the book is explicitly referenced in those opening chapters. aside from the obvious biblical connotations of the names (ishmael, elijah, ahab), connotations that the narrative itself is well aware of and comments on, there’s so many little things that just... really nicely hint at what comes in the end.
like, okay. ishmael getting saved by queequeg’s coffin at the very end? in what can easily be interpreted as ~divine~ or ~angelic~ intervention (esp if we consider the biblical origins of his name)? okay, cool, look at this line that ishmael yells when he first sees queequeg in peter coffin’s inn:
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(ID: “Landlord, for God’s sake, Peter Coffin!” shouted I. “Landlord! Watch! Coffin! Angels! save me!”)
or how about the swinging lantern in Jonah’s cabin that shows up in the sermon? 
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(ID:  “Screwed at its axis against the side, a swinging lamp slightly oscillates in Jonah’s room; and the ship, heeling over towards the wharf with the weight of the last bales received, the lamp, flame and all, though in slight motion, still maintains a permanent obliquity with reference to the room; though, in truth, infallibly straight itself, it but made obvious the false, lying levels among which it hung. The lamp alarms and frightens Jonah; as lying in his berth his tormented eyes roll round the place, and this thus far successful fugitive finds no refuge for his restless glance. But that contradiction in the lamp more and more appals him. The floor, the ceiling, and the side, are all awry. ‘Oh! so my conscience hangs in me!’ he groans, ‘straight upwards, so it burns; but the chambers of my soul are all in crookedness!’”)
that image, the rocking, swinging lantern, reappears again and again in Ahab’s cabin throughout the book! it’s there in the beginning when we see Ahab charting their course for the first time, it’s there when the ship sees the mysterious spooky Spirit Spout TM and Starbuck finds Ahab sleeping in the cabin, clinging to a rocking lantern, it’s there when Starbuck has his existential crisis over whether or not he’s going to kill Ahab (another Jonah parallel -- killing the captain would save everyone else).
or how about when queequeg saves that racist dumbass on the schooner to nantucket, and ishmael literally tells us queequeg’s going to die?
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(ID: All hands voted Queequeg a noble trump; the captain begged his pardon. From that hour I clove to Queequeg like a barnacle; yea, till poor Queequeg took his last long dive.)
there’s just a ton of really lovely little nods and details and symbols in the early chapters that lay down the foundations for what comes later. those chapters, and elijah and ahab and jonah and the sermon and peter coffin, have a job to do: they’re there so we know how this ends before we’ve even started. before ishmael ever sets foot on the claw-footed pequod, we know, at least on some level, she’s destined to sink.
remember, ishmael is telling us this story in hindsight. he knows how it ends. he doesn’t deceive us, doesn’t try to hide or avoid it. he makes it very clear from the beginning that this is a story where everyone dies.
sorry that got so long! thank you for the asks i always love an excuse to ramble about Dick
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second-string-loser · 5 years
Tyrus x The Society
Okay second time is a charm! This is an AU where the Andi Mack characters are students from West Ham, Connecticut and they get caught up in the story of the Netflix original series, The Society. It helps to know the story of the show, but you dont have to in order to enjoy the fic. 
Chapter One- What Happened? 
Cyrus' head felt extremely heavy. This play felt like it was going to last forever, like seriously forever. He managed to power through the first half but after intermission he suddenly felt much more exhausted. He was only there to support Amber, who had managed to get almost everyone they knew to come watch the show. She wasn't even in the play very much. The leads were Harry and Cassandra, known for being the schools biggest rivals. But nonetheless Cyrus and the rest of his friends were there to cheer Amber on, no matter how minimal her role. 
Finally the house lights came up. However, Cyrus only knew the house lights had come up because Andi forcefully hit him over the head with her program to wake him up. He shook himself back into reality and stood up to go see Amber. 
They walked backstage, past where Cassandra and her sister were talking, and past where the stage crew was already putting things away all the way back to the dressing rooms. On their way there they saw what seemed to be Harry and some girl doing. . . well unspeakable things, but decided it was best for everyone if they just ignored it. 
In the dressing room everyone exchanged hugs, and congratulations to Amber. Even Buffy, who had definitely gotten much warmer towards her these past few years. Everyone had really, especially Andi. She'd never admit it, but there was most certainly a crush forming, maybe even a mutual one. 
After a few minutes of talking Cyrus decided to head out. He was about ready to start sleeping standing up and wanted to get home safely without dozing off at the wheel. So he said his goodbyes and left the way he came. Harry was no longer with his girl, instead he was arguing with Cassandra. What's new. Apparently there was a party that Cassandra wasn't invited to. Cyrus wasn't either, but that didn't bother him in the slightest. 
He slid past the rivals quarrel and out the double doors into the lobby. When he exited the building he was hit with a wave of an unpleasant, yet familiar smell.
"Oh god!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah," Came a voice from someone outside the door, "The smell's back."
Cyrus turned to see a boy leaning against the wall, one whom he recognized as Tj Kippen.  Cyrus didn't hate Tj, but there wasn't enough interactions between the two for him to form a good opinion either. Tj had just always been the staple jock that everyone knew. Captain of the basketball team, class clown, incredibly handsome. The boy was one big American high school cliche. 
"When did it come back?" Cyrus questioned, covering the bottom half of his face with his shirt. 
"Intermission. That's when I came out here. There wasn't a smell at first but then all of a sudden, it was just back. Like someone dropped a massive stink bomb on all of West Ham."
"Oh," Cyrus paused for a minute, unsure of whether he wanted to continue this conversation, "Can I ask why you came out of a play at intermission but never went back?" 
"Look Cyrus, that is your name right? You seem really cool, but I've never really talked to you. So I'm going to continue sitting here mysteriously and you can just go home, you look tired. Have a great night though, and make sure to keep your windows sealed tight." He said the last sentence with a chuckle. 
Cyrus looked down at his feet, "Thanks, you have a good night too." 
He started back to his car. What a weird interaction, certainly not one he expected to have tonight. 
Eight AM wasn't when Cyrus preferred to wake up on a Saturday, but today he found himself stumbling out of bed early in the morning. The Great Smoky Mountains field trip was today, and Cyrus was ecstatic to finally be going. His friends were already  spamming a group chat with excitement for the trip. 
Only upperclassmen are allowed on the trip so they've had two years to build up high expectations. Andi's had her bag packed for months. Cyrus on the other hand, packed his bag just last night. He gave it a once over, and once he made sure everything was there he headed out. His parents went with him to both say their goodbyes and so that his car wasn’t at the highschool for the entire duration of the trip.
Finally, after many hugs from all four parents, he was free to go meet his friends. Luckily they all got onto the same bus. But not as luckily, there were five of them and only two people could sit on a bench. A few days ago they figured out a fair way to see who’d sit alone, and Cyrus picked the short straw (literally, they drew straws). So he had to find his own seat while Andi, Buffy, Jonah, and Amber all sat together. 
After a few minutes of sitting alone, no one had tried to sit with him. He wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or offended. 
“Is this seat taken?” A familiar voice said, snapping Cyrus’ head towards the aisle. Tj was standing there, leaning on the seat in front of them. 
“Uh. . . no, it’s not. You can sit.” There was a moment of silence before Cyrus finally said something else, “Why did you want to sit with me? There’s tons of jocks in the back.”
“That’s the football team, I’m a basketball guy, we don’t really hang out. Plus, I’m honestly kind of scared of Clark. He seems really aggressive. What about you, you do any school activities.”  C
“Film Club,” Cyrus said, thinking that the topic of the conversation was being changed.
“Okay so if I asked you ‘Why don’t you go sit with the spanish club kids?’ You’d tell me no because you don’t know them. It’s the same for me, I don’t really know any of the football guys. Well except for Grizz, we have AP Literature together.”
“Wait, you take AP Lit?” From there the conversation flourished, there was never any awkward pauses or silences.
Cyrus was the first one to get drowsy, his answers to questions got slower and more nonsensical. Eventually the whole bus seemed to doze off, until the hissing of the bus doors opening woke them all up again. Cyrus’ head was leaning on Tj, but he quickly pulled away and hopen the other boy didn’t notice.
“Are we there?” Tj managed to say, while still waking up.
Cyrus looked out the window, and made out a figure that looked like his school, “I. . . I think we’re home.” He said, confused, and unsure of what was going on. 
“Change of plans, rock slide. The road was closed, you’re back home.” The bus driver said over the speaker. 
“Okay, well I’m gonna go back to my house. It was cool talking to you Cyrus.” Tj stood up from his seat and was the first one off. Cyrus found his friends, they were all pretty upset that the trip was canceled. They got off the bus and stood in the courtyard, where no one was waiting for them. 
“Maybe no one told our parents that we’d be back,” Amber suggested. That sounded rational, there was no reason for them to question it. 
So the group split up and all walked back to their own homes. West Ham was a safe New England town, there wasn’t a high crime rate that would’ve worried the kids. 
Back at his own home, he entered the door and quickly noticed that there was no one awake. That was strange because with his dad and step mom, someone was always working late or watching TV until midnight. He went up to their room, but they were nowhere to be found. Before he could even begin to question what was happening, his phone started to go crazy. Messages were spamming in at a mile a minute. It seemed that every kid from the field trip had been put in a group chat, and everyone was talking at the same time. 
Harry: people are saying their families are gone, anyone else notice that?
That was the first message, and from there everyone went crazy. It seemed that the entire town was just gone. Save for those who were on the busses. The busses had also disappeared, along with their drivers. No one knew what was going on or what to think, and the chat wasn’t helping anything. 
Cassandra: This isn’t helping! Everyone come back to the courtyard and we can see what’s happening. 
Cyrus wasn’t sure what to think. He needed his friends to help get his mind cleared. So he texted their smaller group chat, which was much more calm.
Cyrus: Are your houses empty too? Andi: Yeah. Both mine and Cece’s house. What the hell is happening? Jonah: Maybe we should go to the courtyard. Thats where everyone else is going. Amber: Yeah. I’ll meet you guys there. 
He put his shoes back on and headed right back out of his door, down the way he walked home and towards the courtyard. When he got there Andi and Jonah had already made it, so he found them to try and get more information. Someone had brought some beer, and it was being passed around, but Cyrus refrained. 
In the middle of their conversation, a loud voice boomed, “The fucking church is open!” and everyone ran to get inside. They probably figured that a church would be an amazing place for a party. Which it kind of turned out to be. There were speakers, and places to sit, if it weren’t so sinful there’d be parties in the church all the time. More and more people showed up, and more and more people brought booze. Eventually everyone was trashed. 
The other four were off dancing and drinking, while Cyrus stayed by the wall, completely sober. One person should stay responsible, he thought. Then, drunkenly, Tj stumbled over towards him. 
“Hey! Little guy. What’s up, you don’t look like you’re having any fun,” He leaned against the wall next to Cyrus in order to keep himself up. 
“I’m having a great time, I love watching people, observing them.” 
“Well I like observing you.” Tj looked into Cyrus’ eyes and sat there for a moment. Then he leaned in quickly kissed the other boy. He leaned away and stared once again. 
“You can’t just do that,” Cyrus said under his breath.
“Yeah. Well I did. Okay little guy, see ya later.” He pushed himself away from the wall and staggered away. 
Cyrus felt like he’d had enough for one night, so he let his friends know he was leaving and went back to his house. It was strange that none of his family were home, but he managed to fall asleep okay. 
Because he’d had to get up so early the day before Cyrus decided to sleep in today, and for a moment he’d forgotten that the people of his hometown had disappeared. The large group chat was spamming like crazy, so he checked to see what all the fuss was about. 
Campbell: Bad news, we’re fucked. The borders are nothing but woods, it’s like the real world completley fucking disapeared. 
Luke: We’re putting together a party to go out and see what’s beyond the borders lmk if you’re up for it
A few people had replied that they were interested, but Cyrus only took notice of one person. 
Tj: I’m in
He wasn’t sure why, but Tj going on the search party made him really nervous. 
Cassandra had organized for a town meeting that night. She was worried that since there were no adults or rule makers, people would go crazy. And she was right, people were raiding the stores to steal all the food. Hell, someone already stole all the carrots.
All five kids had been at Cece’s house all day, just talking and trying to wrap their heads around what was going on. Jonah was stuck on theories of what was happening. His favorite was that aliens took their town to a dense forest but left all the people in Connecticut. Cyrus could tell that the constant speculation was really just a coping mechanism because he was scared of what really could’ve happened. 
At 7 o’clock sharp everyone was gathered in the church for the meeting. Everyone was arguing, mostly Cassandra and Harry. The group agreed mostly with Cassandra, that they should share their belongings in order to preserve resources.
“Me and Cyrus have two houses each, there’s no reason we should just keep them to ourselves.” Andi made a good point to the rest of the kids. Although, it only stirred up more controversy. Soon there was nothing but constant noise, no one could discern what anyone else was saying. Until. . .
A gun fired. People turned to see Campbell, known for being quite unstable, holding the gun. He argued some more, and more. Really no different from before, but now everyone was aware he had a gun. The fighting didn’t stop again until the church doors swung open. The search party had returned, and they were carrying a body. 
They cleared off the beer cans and red solo cups off of a table and set her down. 
“She died from a snake bite,” Luke said, through tears, “We did everything we could but we couldn’t save her.” 
A murmur spread throughout the crowd. Everyone was mortified. 
“Do you guys all want to stay at Cece’s house tonight? I feel like we shouldn’t be alone.” Andi offered. The rest of them replied through silent nods. Amber leaned her head on Andi’s shoulder with glossy eyes, and then they all filed out of the church. Outside, Cyrus saw an unpleasant sight. Tj was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. 
“Hey,” he tapped Andi on the shoulder, “I’ll meet up with you in a bit I’m just gonna go grab some stuff from my house.” He walked over and slid down next to Tj. “are you okay.” No response. “That was probably pretty hard for you, I’m really sorry you had to see that.”
“Thanks I guess. I still don’t really think I’ve processed what happened. I kinda don’t wanna talk about it.” When he pulled his head from his hands Cyrus could see tear streaks and puffy eyes. 
“Okay, sorry I bothered you,” Cyrus said, then stood up to leave. 
“No wait!” Tj grabbed his arm. “I don’t want to talk about it, but I still want to talk to you. You’re the only person I want to talk to, actually,” Cyrus’ face softened into a smile and he sat back down. He put his head on Tj’s shoulder and let the conversation flow.
Tag List: @abg-blah @tjwatchesskam @luzawithoutu @ifcknly @shipsforsail
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spacereadinglesbian · 5 years
35 reasons why I love you
Summary: TJ hasn’t really seemed like himself for about three days. Cyrus tries everything to wrap his mind around it but he can’t. So he decides to write a list on why he is son important to him. (This is a spin off of 45 reasons by Theo @you-get-to-exhale-now-Cyrus, please check her fic our! )
Word count: 1882
1. You’re kind

The first real interaction we ever had together, you were nothing but kind to me. You took time out of your day to talk to some nerd who was all sweaty on a swing set, for what? For a split second I thought you were there to make fun of me, to laugh at how I look but you surprised me. You sat down and talked to me, and that’s the day I realized you were kind. It’s been over 4 years and you haven’t stop showing me kindness. It’s not even just me you show kindness to now, you’ve expanded and now your kindness radiates off of you like the sun on the lake during summer. You’re the kindest person I know.
2. You ask about my day
No matter how shitty your day is, you make sure that you ask about my day. At first I thought it was a courtesy thing, but you actually listen to my answer. You listen to every word I say, and hang onto them like a needle on a thread.
3. You have a special smile reserved for me
You’re smile is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and if I can make you smile for the rest of your life, I promise I will. 

4. You’re intelligent
God, you’re so intelligent. You can state history facts off the tip of your tongue, and you have a quote from literature for almost any situation. Even in math your excelling, you took the hardship and got help, even when you didn’t want to. You’re doing amazing now Teej, and I couldn’t be more proud.
5. You’re sympathetic 
You care. You care more than any person I’ve met. That day when I came home because my dog died, you were there holding me and reminding me that I was going to be okay. When Andi and Amber had their first fight, you comforted Amber then were at Andi Shack in a matter of 10 minutes. And Buffy. When Buffy has a problem with Marty she doesn’t ask me, she asks you, that’s a huge step, especially for her. And when Jonah has panic attacks, he talks to you. You’re the first person he goes to, he says he does it because you’re the best listener, I agree. 

6. You don’t put hair gel in you hair when it’s just us

7. You’re incredible with kids 
Whenever I go to bring you lunch at work you have at least two children clinging to your leg. They say that Mr.TJ is the best gym instructor they’ve ever had. 

8. You’re strong
When your parents went through that divorce you were the glue that held the family together while you were also falling apart. You kept it together in front of your mom, your little brother, and Amber. You said they needed at least one man that wouldn’t screw them over. You were only 15 at the time but wanted to make sure everyone was taken care of. You’re the strongest person I know.
9. You’re a great story teller
Damn I could listen to your stories all day, every day. The amount of detail you go into when you’re telling story and the little light in your eyes when you realize somebody actually cares about it is breathtaking.
10. You’re warm 
When I’m cuddling with you I don’t even need a blanket. I think you’re so warm because you have such a warm heart, but that's just my personal opinion.

11. You make the best coffee

12. You can ramble about history for hours
13. Glasses 
When you wake up from a nap and have your hair misplaced and your glasses on you look like the softest little teddy bear. 

14. You care about the environment 
Do you remember the day when we had a beach date? We didn’t even end up swimming, we ended up picking up as much trash as we possibly could on the beach. And after that, your smile was radiating so we went to a different beach and picked that one up too. I also gave up beef for you because your love for the environment is so infectious, and you know how much I loved hamburgers.
15. You respect and love your mom 
I’ve never seen someone have so much respect for their mom. I don’t know if its because you’re a respectful person or because of everything your mom has done for you. From being a single mom to accepting you when you came out. All I know is that you look at her like she holds the world, and you’re not wrong because she held you for 9 months and now you’re my world.

16. You text me to make sure I get home safe 
Nobody has ever taken the time to make sure I get home safe every single time I leave them, it just reminds me how lucky I am to have you.
17. You’re an awful person to watch sad movies with. Yeah I said it. You get so emotional while watching sad movies we always end up changing them, but I don’t mind because I hate thinking about sad things when I’m with you. 

18. You collect socks 
Whenever I have a bad day I look at your socks. You always have something cool on them whether it’s dogs, or basketballs, but my personal favorite are the ones with unicorns.

19. You don’t have one plain pair of sheets 
You say that if you fall asleep on plain sheets your brain doesn’t get enough imagination. Now I know why you’re such a creative person

20. Every time we are out we have to get your dog a new toy 
I swear Bonnie has at least 30 toys all from you. “Cy, we have to go get her a toy! We went out without her she’s going to hate us!” Every time I cave. 

21. You like to capture the moment
At first I hated it that you took so many pictures, I always said “let’s live in the moment.” But you always wanted to take at least one picture. Now I’m lucky that you did that, we have a picture from every movie night to every date.

22. You have soft hands 
I always take your hands in mine because they are so soft, I just can’t help it, plus I love playing with your fingers.

23. Your eyes light up when you talk about something you love
I don’t know if you know this, but you get a sparkle in your eye whenever you talk about something you care about. That’s why I watch history documentaries with you and help you pick up beaches. I never want to see your eyes without sparkle.

24. You don’t half ass shit 
No matter how hard something is, you give it your all. You put everything you have into it, I can’t help but admire that part of you. 

25. You’ve worked for everything you have 
You have worked since you were 14 years old, almost nobody does that. You pay for your phone bill, you’re gas, and your car insurance, and you still beg to pay while we’re on dates. 

26. You volunteer at the elementary school
Every Wednesday you read to a second grade class, I don’t know why you do it, you’ve never told me, but I know it holds a special place in your heart. 

27. You’re an incredible brother
You always help Cooper with his homework when you get home from school. You’re always there to talk to him, you even talk to him about girl troubles even though in your words “I have no experience”. And Amber. Oh my god you’re such an incredible brother to Amber. You’re there for her to talk to or yell at, or use as a punching bag when needed. You even letter put makeup on you when she wants to try something new, you’re the only person I know who lets their sister do that.
28. You’re a good cuddler
That’s it, that’s the whole reason. 

29. You put your friends first 
Ever since we adopted you into our friend group you’ve cared about everyone. If they look down you make sure to text them ask them privately, if they are having a hard family time you offer them to stay at your house. You treat everybody like family, it’s one of the many reasons I love you. 

30. You always offer to pay 
Even though I got a job, you still offer to pay, ALWAYS! We have to rock, paper, scissor, it out every time to decide who gets to pay.
31. You’re a great captain
Ever since 8th grade you’ve respected your teammates and you made sure they get the attention they need. You put your practices first, you’re kind to every single person, you even have game nights once a month at your house.
32. You have a good relationship with my family 
My mom literally treats you like her own son, she always asks why you aren’t at the house and when you’re coming over next. My dad asks when your games are and shows up to every one, he always tells me how great you are basketball. He’s thankful that one day he might have a son that loves sports just as much as he does.
33. God, you have really soft lips 

34. You’re sincere 
I feel like I’ve already said this, but I guess I’ll say it again, you love with your whole heart and nothing less. You care about people, you truly care about people TJ and it shows, you’re just an incredible person.

35. You’re the most important thing in my life 
From the day I met you I knew you were special. I knew you held a special place in my heart and I didn’t know why. Then I got to know you, I really got to know you and I started to understand why my heart felt so full while you were around. It’s because of everything that I’ve listed and more. When I’m not with you, you’re all I think about, and when I’m with you I think about the next time I can see you. I think about your voice, and your eyes. I think about how soft your lips feel on mine. I think about when you giggle and try to hide it by covering your mouth with your hand. God Theodore, i just think about you. I think about what I would do without you, and my mind goes blank because I can’t. I can’t see myself without you by my side. You are the most important thing in my life, and I love you more than you can ever imagine. And all I want for you is to be happy.
Love always,

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itsamiraculous · 6 years
A Friendly Shove- Tyrus
So I’m really not a huge part of the Andi Mack fandom, I have just finished watching it during it’s hiatus and then because I picked up on Tyrus I wanted to see what other people have said about their scenes and I noticed some stuff and I wanted to share it because I’m really bad about containing myself with this sort of stuff and I haven’t seen this exact stuff being said 😂😅
Okay so we all know that there are limited scenes with Tyrus as a whole, but the ones we do see I find are always meaningful and hint to their endgame/relationship. I’ve seen posts that comment on how they are there for each other, how they build each other up etc. I’m kind of going to add to that in a way.
Anyway, so I noticed how TJ shoves Cyrus (not in a bad way); in a metaphorical and physical way. Cyrus also does it, but in a different way, but I’ll talk about that last.
So first let’s go to the Muffin scene. 
It’s their first interaction and TJ immediately decides to teach Cyrus. Already that’s giving him more of an attachment to him, rather than keeping his distance and just getting what he wants; Buffy’s tuition. That would have meant him just getting the muffin and be done with it.. 
This already sets up TJ to be a nicer person than what he comes across as. It’s not that he was lazy, because that is emphasised by what he does; that he is kind.
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I’m sorry, but Cyrus’ face is priceless. Even before TJ offers to teach him, he is open about his embarrassment, he owns that he doesn’t stand up for himself which I think is lovely also.
I’ll come back to this later, but I’ll put it in anyway. Buffy’s reaction after the game plan.
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“He can’t do that”- Her face says it all as well, so does Cyrus’ side profile towards Buffy as it’s like “Is that what you think?”
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“Hey, don’t tell him what he can’t do”- Okay, Buffy was talking to TJ like Cyrus wasn’t even there in the first place, also TJ totally wasn’t there to just counteract Buffy with everything she said either; TJ was sticking up for Cyrus, despite him not knowing him. That is honestly so lovely. I have a theory about TJ anyway in relation to that statement that I might mention later (honestly the muffin scene links to everything with Tyrus).
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Buffy’s reaction, she knew she said the wrong thing probably.
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Ignore the hilarious facial expressions it was the best I could do, but TJ gives Cyrus a push/shove. I would like to say that this is after Cyrus is already moving, meaning it’s not that harsh, though it could easily come across as impatience on TJ’s behalf. I think this is because TJ is just broody in this situation. This is the start of his redemption. But I think at the end of the day, it can be encouraging, it can also be metaphorical because he is putting Cyrus out of his comfort zone, but Cyrus wanted that in the first place. 
I think this scene is made better by the fact that TJ actually looks to Buffy briefly when Cyrus disturbs the crowd like “You’re not going to help him?”  or it’s just to the crowd in general.
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He jumps in himself, getting Cyrus his muffin. He still lets Cyrus be the one to take it, he wasn’t that impatient to the extent that he could have just picked it up and shoved it into Cyrus’ hands. It was still a win for Cyrus, TJ just happened to back him up, he was with Cyrus (team/equals visual).
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Also I find it hilarious how many times TJ tries not to smile, like his facade of the confident, laid-back school bully falters as he smiles, he’s grinning when he goes to Buffy and I want to say that it’s both because he succeeded in his task and was able to prove himself for Buffy’s tuition. It was just Cyrus in general as well.
Anyway, so moving on I guess.
We then also have the Swing scene (❤❤)
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(sorry for poor quality, but you get the idea)
I mean, TJ is literally pushing Cyrus... on a swing.
Again, TJ’s facade falters here as well, when Cyrus calls him “scary basketball guy” TJ introduces himself and it was like he was uncomfortable; he doesn’t like that title. Honestly, he’s just so soft in this scene. He even giggles! 
The whole “Swing” is a metaphor anyway. Cyrus goes there because it makes him feel better about himself, he reassures himself and that’s what it stands for, self-love I guess, it’s also just a break from anxiety. So the fact that TJ says about Cyrus reminding him to swing again means that he has gained some happiness again. It also fits in with the theme of not letting people get to them (I will reference this again later). 
But also my first thought when I watched this scene was I thought the swing was a reference to childhood; also how TJ was speaking and Cyrus’ little songs made things seem childish. So maybe it was a reference to nostalgia (like most symbolism's of swings), goes into a theory I have about TJ anyway as well. 
The thing with swings is that they come back. That’s another thing. One of them (TJ) pushes, but the other (Cyrus is always there). The muffin scene, TJ pushes him forward, TJ ends up having to put himself next to Cyrus as well to really help. Then with the swings TJ is pushing Cyrus, but Cyrus is coming back to him. There is something about TJ also doing the underdog thing as well, he starts off behind Cyrus (having his back), then the underdog thing, he is then facing Cyrus, still pushing him, encouraging him. Honestly it’s so sweet 
“That was exhilarating!”
“Want another one?” 
“No thank you”
*pouts* “Too bad” *does it again with a cute side giggle*
The fact that TJ calls Cyrus underdog is so freaking sweet as well because it combines the swing scene and also the muffin scene (in my opinion), because in the muffin scene he stood up and kind of routed for Cyrus (”routing for the underdog”) and then it’s just a reference to the swings where TJ performs an “underdog”. 
The way the swing scene ends with Cyrus leaving is really nice too. To be honest, those two interactions with Cyrus and TJ so far are with Cyrus making his own decisions. He wanted that muffin and was okay with him doing it himself, then here Cyrus was offering TJ someone to talk to, to confide in without prompt, he had already made the decision to befriend TJ. The swing scene is where Cyrus sees right through TJ because he recognises that he also needs some uplifting.That’s another thing with them both, they aren’t so different, and that fact is what gets TJ to confide in Cyrus every time. Cyrus is a little more free in the respect that he makes it clear when he’s nervous/anxious. 
He owns it and that’s part in parcel to what Cyrus’ arc is about; owning himself, which just so happens to be what TJ helps with on first interaction...
Then the final “shoving” scene.
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This is wwaaaaayyyyyy more friendly, playful and encouraging compared to the one in the muffin scene. I honestly think it was meant to parallel it. Cyrus wasn’t walking in, but TJ’s expression and the situation is just way to light to not be friendly and encouraging. It is just a direct parallel situation anyway with TJ helping Cyrus how to somersault is the exact same as TJ helping Cyrus to get the muffin. The context is different now; they know each other, they’re friends and they are getting closer. 
So yeah. 
So what about Cyrus? This next situation is where both of them metaphorically push.
It’s when TJ tells Cyrus about his Dyscalculia.
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TJ is being broody, to Cyrus of all people, and the amazing thing is that Cyrus already knows TJ well enough to know that he doesn’t mean it. When I first saw Cyrus put his hand on the rail, I thought it was TJ’s arm (a girl can dream, I’m sorry) but yeah, Cryus was reaching out because he knew TJ wasn’t okay, but because TJ hates the idea of having dyscalculia, feeling like he’s dumb and thinks he is looked down upon, he takes it out on people; pushing them away. We see this as TJ walks away from Cyrus. He was the same with Buffy, and Buffy pushed too, but there is something more against why he was the way he was with Buffy, and also Buffy’s response as well could’ve been better. Plus Buffy here in this scene was rubbing it in TJ’s face. Not good.
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Cyrus is practically un-phased, maybe a little disheartened, but he stays where he is; by the rails almost to let TJ know that he is still there.
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Cyrus doesn’t give up though, he goes after TJ, he pushes himself in as TJ pushes him away. The imagery of a door indicates to us already that he is crossing over the border.
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Something tells me that Cyrus following TJ, Cyrus stating that he does the same as TJ (eats his feelings) and then Cyrus sticking around makes TJ feel okay enough to confide in Cyrus. I think it’s also that matched with Cyrus being so open to him anyway and Cyrus in general. It lets TJ know that Cyrus is there, wants to be and isn’t going away. Cyrus enforces that by his words and actions when they actually talk.
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Cyrus sits like that for a reason; despite arms folded in front of him- Cyrus is casual and open.
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This scene, honestly is beautiful. If there is anything that confirms Tyrus (other than the cast saying that TJ looking back was deffo to Cyrus) I would argue that this scene tells us. 
It tells us that Cyrus and TJ are on par “Eating your feelings? I do that”- Cyrus bottles things up/feels bad and eating is a comfort. It is metaphorical in the sense that you swallow and try to ignore your feelings, but also just feel like you need comfort so you turn to food (anxiety and depression does this!!)
It tells us that TJ isn’t all that confident. He doesn’t want people to know he is dumb, or that he has a “problem”- this topic I thought would arise with Jonah because of Andi and Cyrus both saying “You’re Jonah Beck!” claiming that by being that he has no flaws (we all know that’s wrong). It must have hurt a little when Cyrus said to TJ about “How can you be sad? You’re the captain of the basketball team”. Mere seconds before that scene TJ was telling Buffy that he didn’t want Basketball euphemisms used with Math to suggest he only knows basketball- TJ wants to be smart; he is smart. He just needs to get around this obstacle, to own it and not let it get in his way. 
Jonah is still portrayed as being good at everything (aside from relationships but I’ll just let that slide), even with his panic attacks, he is still a natural at everything he picks up. TJ is so much more with the fact that we learn he has this one obstacle that to me tells me that he fears what people think of him, that he doesn’t actually like being that person, that maybe he has been put down in the past and maybe has a facade to protect him from stuff. I say this because the thing that really sets TJ at ease is when Cyrus tells him that his teacher can’t fail him or judge him for his dyscalculia, that he is common. It suggests to me that TJ have been privy to people putting him down and he was scared of people (hence the kids that walk through) and his teacher doing that. He is known for his confidence, so I imagine that maybe he doesn’t have such a good home-life or something and they reprimand him if he doesn’t do well. He has to work, unlike all the others who run riot. The only other teen character that we see that has a job is Amber and it’s to help pay and keep up her family. I wouldn’t put it past that TJ is in a similar situation and that maybe his parents aren’t the best, or maybe he has the one parent, who knows. It would be really cool to get more background on him!!!! But yeah, I think maybe here and in the swing scene TJ may have felt like a lost cause, that’s why he had heightened hostility. Also, you see what I say about having a childhood? Having a job already indicates to us that he doesn’t have the same freedom; he has responsibilities, and he doesn’t act like a kid. His childhood may have been taken from him in some way.
This scene also tells us (I feel) with the difference between Buffy and Cyrus in relation to TJ. Buffy was saying and trying to do the exact same thing as Cyrus was saying: “So Buffy was right all along”. Buffy’s actions were just the wrong ones. She didn’t get to know TJ, she didn’t seem to care overly much either (and understandably so). There was a goal. I think she really had to know TJ to really help him in teaching methods. She did try, and she did try understanding with searching into dyscalculia etc, but Cyrus was so much more open and calm... He also knows TJ on a different level because of their similarities and interactions etc. Cyrus has also put in the effort and seen TJ for who he is without any one telling him otherwise. Cyrus’ reaction to TJ saying he has dyscalculia is the best reaction, it’s like he was just learning another casual thing about him, there was no surprise, no pity, just plain “yeah, and?...” attitude. 
This approach is just so different, and I think that’s why TJ really appreciates it. It’s chilled out, it’s like it’s the most casual thing in the world, as it should be. It’s so funny though because TJ is all about helping Cyrus own himself, building him up and here Cyrus is, doing that for TJ. Buffy was trying to tell TJ all this but it was lost. Their hostility clouded it. Cyrus was the middle ground. TJ didn’t want to impress Buffy or anything, he had a goal, just like Buffy did with tutoring. TJ and Buffy really aren’t the endgame. That is made clear when TJ tells Cyrus that he is the one that helped him, not Buffy. That is what the fortune teller meant, but Cyrus is so much more than just a friend. That I think starts to change here, and then as time goes on and finally with the look back bit and rap. That is where things properly change between those two mostly. Cyrus is constantly surprised by TJ, but it means more when it’s for a friend also... That is the moment I believe that Cyrus fell for TJ, but for TJ, I don’t know, maybe it’s just been a slow build, but this scene here when he reveals he had Dyscalculia says a lot.
Finally, I wanted to say about what I stated earlier about Buffy saying that Cyrus can’t do something. Honestly, both Buffy and Andi have no faith sometimes with Cyrus, and that’s very sad. I don’t know whether that will be addressed, or Buffy and Andi just cotton on to “Oh, Cyrus is becoming more comfortable and confident with himself, that’s nice. Maybe he can do that” (most likely the latter but we’ll see). They can be a little selfish and yeah, they can just have very little faith in Cyrus which isn’t fair because as (best) friends you are meant to support each other. 
So yeah. To finish off that last scene with TJ and Cyrus, I forgot to say about how it ends. Cyrus also was getting worried and Cyrus was also open about that...
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and TJ reassured him, tells him he was the one that helped the most. 
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I think what sets this scene apart from his therapy session with Amber and Buffy is how unforced this was, like everything with TJ and Cyrus. It isn’t forced, it is so uncomplicated compared to literally all the other het ships on the show. It’s probably why I like it so much 😂😂
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^ also that is a look of hope, that is hella gay.
But yeah, so Cyrus builds up TJ, just as much as TJ builds up Cyrus. They also push each other in the right direction and they are in it together. They are a team, the set apart from the crowd as well and I can’t wait to see TJ be integrated in the GHC. 
Can’t wait to see what comes of them :)
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i-am-church-the-cat · 5 years
Chapter 4: Maybe It’s Love
My name’s @i-am-church-the-cat and this is my fanfic, and all other fanfics...are just as good in their own right and should be respected as such *air horn blasts*
Jonah and Walker had pretty much mastered the art of hiding from mortals. The two boys had both had many failed relationships, neither of them catching a break. Eros had turned Walker first, but it wasn’t more than a century later that Jonah had been recruited. Walker had been Jonah’s mentor in all the messing-with-people’s-love-lives thing. They were both cautious in the beginning but after some arguments, two loud confessions, and lots of tears, they had found someone to entrust their hearts to. They didn’t really like messing with people, but something told them that this time was special. It was their friend, Cyrus, after all!
Cyrus had been working for Apollo for a little over a century when the couple had met him and his two friends. They had seemed nice, but it took a while before Buffy trusted that the to boys weren’t going to mess with their love lives, and the promised they wouldn’t! But when Walker and Jonah had seen the interaction between their friend and the handsome prince, they took it upon themselves to be the matchmakers.
So that’s why they were following the four heroes at a distance, swerving in and out of trees to keep from being seen by the younger god. It was difficult to maneuver their large wings in the dense forest, but Jonah thought he was doing a pretty good-
Cyrus’ head snapped around, searching for the producer of the loud sound. After a moment, he and his companions resumed their trek through the woods. Behind the wide trunks, Walker was holding Jonah to his body, pressing his wings down as he kept both of them aloft. When Walker was sure the party had gone far enough away, he let go of his boyfriend and setting them both softly on the ground. Walker looked at the younger boy and folded his wings away.
“Come on”, the older said. “Let’s walk. Don’t want to snap off another tree branch.”
“How was I supposed to know that the branch was going to be there”, Jonah grumbled, though he was given away by the small smile on his face.
Walker laughed and gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the nose. “Come on. We got to catch up.”
Cyrus was worried. He knew he could be unlucky, but if Eros or one of his agents got involved, then he had pissed off the wrong god.
When he had seen a flash of white feathers out of the corner of his eye, he likened it to a bird or paranoia.
But when he had heard that tree branch break, he knew that he was-
“Hey”, a voice said, breaking Cyrus out of his thoughts. The god turned to look at his companion, the prince smiling brightly. Cyrus promptly forgot what he was thinking about.
“Hey”, Cyrus replied, returning his smile. TJ seemed to glow. “What’s up?”
The golden-haired boy shrugged. “You seemed tense. Is everything all right?”
“Oh”, Cyrus said, surprised at the concern in TJ’s voice. “Well, the situation isn't great, but we’re fixing the problem quickly, so I say things are pretty good.”
The prince nodded in agreement. “You know, there is one good thing about all this”, TJ noted after a moment.
“Oh yeah?”
“I got to meet you”, TJ said, flashing another heart-stopping grin.
Cyrus couldn’t help the blush that dusted his cheeks as he turned back to the path in front of us. Cyrus still hated how flustered he got around cute guys, especially ones who were flirting with him. That was something that hadn’t changed once he had become a god. Cyrus was about to risk another glance at the gorgeous boy next to him when Amber and Marty came riding up beside them.
“So, Cyrus. How did you end up working for Apollo?”, Marty asked.
“Well, he was walking through my village, disguised as an old man, when I offered to feed him. He ate all my food and on a whim, turned my friends and I into gods. My friend Buffy joined the Hunters after meeting Lady Artemis, and my other friend Andi became the handmaiden to Lady Persephone.”
“And Apollo just, what? Claimed you?”, Amber asked.
“Pretty much.”
“What’s it like?”, TJ asked. “Working for the sun god?”
“Well”, Cyrus began, wondering why he was so open to talking to people he just met. Maybe it was the kinship of all being in the same prophecy. “It’s pretty cool honestly. Apollo’s usually off chasing after pretty men and women, or arguing with another god, or getting into some other form of mischief. Mostly, I just watch over humanity and take care of the Oracle, though I have a bunch of other smaller tasks.”
“Watch over the Oracle?”, Amber asked, hesitantly.
“Yeah”, Cyrus said softly, knowing this was a sore spot for her. “I take care of the Oracle when their transitioning and I’m usually there until they start taking people’s questions regularly, just to help them settle in. I’ve been the personal helper of all the Oracles for the last three hundred years.”
“How did you get that job?”
“Well, I’ve found I’m pretty good at taking care of people and advising them. The person who did it before me was glad to give it up because they had responsibilities of their own domain, while my powers are just a subunit of Apollo’s, you could say. Plus, people trust me”, Cyrus explained, proud of the honor he had. And if the last sentence was a barb at some people who might’ve been flying around trying to mettle, well, that was up to him.
“I did it once and it just sort...stuck”, Cyrus finished with a shrug.
Marty looked at the young god. He appeared younger than them, but he talked with the wisdom brought about by many lifetimes. Though, that seemed more like his personality than the fact that he was over three hundred years old.
Marty has never really trusted gods. Sure, they were okay, but they treated humanity the way humanity treated sheep. Something to be watched and used and sometimes used to play tricks on. He didn’t enjoy it. But Cyrus seemed like one of the better ones, and by the way TJ had talked about him, Marty could tell that the minor his already had his prince’s trust. Now this was a hard thing to accomplish. It took Marty nearly five years of fighting beside TJ to get where they were today.
Marty had been left at the palace guard station when he was two. He had been taken in by the master of the guard and her wife. Marty had seen people doubt the capabilities of his adopted mother as the captain, but Marty had learned quickly that a woman can defeat someone in a fight just as well as a man can. Sometimes even better. And the fact that she was a woman married to a woman didn’t seem to matter to the king either.
Being the adopted son of the captain of the guard meant that he was always getting into fights with the other boys in the yard. He didn’t mind a brawl, but Marty had learned how to dodge and get out of one, which was sometimes the better option. He had soon became the fastest one out there, both in running speed and the speed in which he handled his sword.
Marty had met TJ when he was sixteen. Yeah, he had seen the prince around and at feasts sometimes, but they’d never been formally introduced or anything like that. Marty had thought he was a pompous arrogant loudmouth, and he pretended to be on the surface, but it wasn’t long before Marty saw the real him, the side of himself he tried to hide away. In the beginning, it only came out when they would duel against each other, but as their missions together became more frequent and the time they spent together not training grew longer, TJ started to let Marty in more.
Now, here they were six years later, on a quest with a light god and two more expected to arrive. They were going into what may be their last battle, and TJ had trusted Marty to come along and protect him and his sister. A far cry from the two boys who had punched it out in the courtyard a year after they met.
“Hey”, TJ called out, kicking at Marty’s ankle to break him out of his reverie. He raised his eyebrows, a silent question in his eyes. Marty nodded and showed a reassuring smile. TJ still seemed a little unsure, but he turned forward where Amber and Cyrus were talking quietly in front of them. They seemed to be deep into their conversation. Marty hoped Cyrus could help the princess. She had always struggled with her gift and if Cyrus was as good as he said he is, than maybe she would become more comfortable with it.
Marty, about to be lost to his memories once more, was snapped to attention a loud roar cut through the forest. The traveling party was immediately on edge, Marty and TJ both drawing their swords. Cyrus was rigid straight, scanning the forest as if seeing something the others couldn’t. The four of them were on edge for severally heart-stopping moments. As Marty began to relax, a hellhound landed in front of them.
The hellhound has several bleeding wounds, all from different forms of attack. It had broken off arrows protruding from its hide and claw and teeth marks from wolves and birds of prey. It was easily three times the size of their horses, teeth and claws as long as Marty’s forearm. Sensing the new enemy, it turned to glare at the four of them. A low growl escaped from its maw, but before it could attack, a barrage of arrows fell on it, followed by a pack of wolves.
The animals and arrows were soon followed by a brown-haired girl who jumped on the back of the hellhound. The monster tried to buck her off, but she held on fast. She reached behind her and pulled out a dagger, careful to keep it away from herself or the wolves. Finally, she plunged the blade into the monster’s skull. The monster dropped and the girl rolled off, effectively pulling the bloodied blade from the monster’s head. The hellhound lay still and the girl slowly rise to her feet. As Marty’s eyes fell on the girl’s face, his heart stopped. She was beautiful, and for a moment, Marty just sat there in shock, wondering who could possibly be so incredible.
“Buffy!”, Cyrus exclaimed as he jumped off his horse and ran to hug her.
Oh, Marty thought. That’s who.
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kalinara · 7 years
Rip/Sara - Gideon. Rip - self-worth. Rip - stubbornness. Rip - temper. Rip - fights. Rip - friends. Rip - era (any/all). Rip + team - era (ie., how much culturally does Rip miss/not realize he's missing/realizes he misses and doesn't care in his interactions with the team). Rip - time travel. Rip - music. Rip - concentration. Rip - aloof (what's it masking?). Rip/Sara - time. Rip - team. Rip - families. Rip and Jax - bond. Rip and Rogues - mastery.
I think you’re trying to murder me.  Fortunately, my babbling knows no bounds.
However, these will likely be shorter than my other headcanons/meta.
Rip/Sara - Gideon:  So Gideon is an interesting complication to any Rip pairing fic, because, well, she’s there.  She’s always going to be there.  And regardless of whether you see her relationship with Rip as having romantic elements, it’s still going to be a factor.
I wonder if, in a way, it would be rather like living inside of your mother-in-law.  Which seems awkward.
I have to say though, I don’t think that Sara would propose a threesome.  She did think that Gideon was hot, but I don’t really think Gideon is her type personality-wise.
Rip - self worth:  ...  Really?
Okay, I don’t think Rip is completely without self-worth, but I think that his self-worth is particularly wrapped up in the various roles he plays.  And that becomes a problem, because said roles have a disconcerting habit of disappearing on him.
He has value as a husband and father.  Until his wife and son are dead.  He has value as a Time Master, until they betray him, are revealed to be corrupt, and are destroyed.  He has value as a guardian of the spear of destiny, until he was captured and turned.  He has value as the Captain of the Waverider, until he is supplanted by a more capable alternative.
The problem with Rip is that as soon as he loses his role, he doesn’t really know how to find a new one.  I’m not sure he really knows how to define himself in his own right, without the input of the people around him.
Rip - Stubbornness:
Hah, well, that is definitely a character trait that Rip has.  I don’t think Rip is stubborn just for the sake of being stubborn though.  Rather, I think he generally has a very clear idea of what his goal is, what he wants, and how things are supposed to be.
That doesn’t make him any less difficult to deal with sometimes though.  But as we’ve seen, especially in season 1, he can be swayed and reasoned with.  And he really seems to value that the team will call him out, force him to back down, and make him see things another way.
I do feel a little sorry for Vandal Savage sometimes though.  Because Rip will not ever give up.  :-)
Rip - temper:
I tend to see Rip as being a hot-tempered sort.  His anger comes in flashes and dissipates pretty quickly after the initial eruption.
The one exception is if you hurt someone he cares about.  Then he will come for blood.  This is the man who hunted Vandal Savage through centuries.  I wouldn’t recommend it.
Rip - fights:
Hm.  I think Rip, on a whole, was never really prone to fighting.  When he lived on the streets, he was a small child.  So any fight he got into would not have ended well.  At any point that he was attacked, the goal would have been to strike quickly and escape.  I doubt the Time Masters would have had much patience for casual fighting either.
This isn’t to say that Rip can’t handle himself in a fight.  We’ve seen that he can.  But I don’t think he enjoys it the way that certain other characters do.  I think that, for Rip, a fight means that either his life, someone else’s, or the mission is on the line.  
This might make for an interesting contrast with Sara, who I think DOES enjoy the fight.  I think that if she ever realized exactly how good he was (like in the scene in Out of Time), she would be very enthusiastic about the idea of a friendly match.  And he would NOT.
Rip - friends. 
I’m not sure that I think Rip has the capacity to have casual friends.  I think he has acquaintances/allies and then he has people that he would 100% throw himself into a volcano for, with no middle ground.
And it makes some sense, given his upbringing.  You get the sense that the Time Masters didn’t necessarily produce an environment that allowed for casual friendships (though the children did appear to play together at the Refuge), so if you’re going to break the rules you might as well go all out.
...I think that might be Rip’s motto anyway.
Rip - era (any/all). 
I think that as a Time Master, Rip isn’t really supposed to have a favorite era.  But we also know exactly how well Rip seems to follow rules like that.  But for all his interest in the Wild West trappings, or his success in fighting Time Pirates, I don’t think that’s what makes an era particularly interesting to him.
I think it’s the people.  Rip’s favorite eras are the ones that his favorite people reside in.  He loves the Wild West because of Jonah.  He loves the 1940s for the JSA.  He loves the early 21st century for his team.  (And specifically 2130-ish because that’s where he and Kendra finally killed Savage).
Rip + team - era (ie., how much culturally does Rip miss/not realize he's missing/realizes he misses and doesn't care in his interactions with the team). 
Rip was raised in the future by a scary time-space cult, so he’s definitely got a different cultural background than the rest of the team.  But I think it’s less about pop-culture trivia (you never know what might be relevant to a Time Master’s studies after all.  Some future war may have been averted because of the ambassadors’ mutual love of the Backstreet Boys), and more about the way they look at the world.
I make fun of Rip’s “because, fuck you” tendencies, but the thing is, in the world that Rip grew up in, his entire life would have been wrapped up in rules and regulations.  Everything regimented.  Everything monitored.  The man lives with an AI who watches and records his dreams.  Freedom, privacy, democracy, those may not even be values in Time Master society so much as historical concepts.
Can you imagine how strange Sara, Jax, or Ray’s childhood would sound to Rip?  Or heck, even Snart and Rory’s?  
I think Rip is always fundamentally aware of how alien he is from the rest of the team.  In a way that they aren’t.  But I also think that’s part of why he values them so much.  They fill a need for him that his own culture has never been able to provide.
Rip - time travel
I think Rip, deep down, simply loves to time travel.  It’s just...fun.  He loves to visit different times and meet different people. 
If Rip Hunter hadn’t been raised by the Time Masters, he would have still somehow managed to go out and build a time sphere in his garage and do it that way.
I know, because I’ve read the comics.  :-P 
Rip - music. 
I think that Rip loves all kinds of music.  But that he hasn’t listened to much of anything since his family died.  He hasn’t sung, or touched an instrument since then either.  
However, in the time between season one and season two, that was starting to change.  He’d be in the engine room, supervising Jax’s repairs (hardly necessary at this point, but Jax was still anxious enough to want to make sure he was doing it right), and find himself humming a Rolling Stones song under his breath.  Thankfully, Jax didn’t hear him.  If the crew knew, he’d never hear the end of it.
(Jax actually did hear him.  He and Gideon were colluding on having the ship play some of Rip’s favorite songs as a surprise but Rip disappeared before they could.)
Rip - concentration. 
A headcanon to do with concentration.  Hmm. 
Oddly enough, I’ve got nothing.  :-)  I think Rip is generally very good at concentrating on tasks at hand, but that the crew would try anyone’s patience and I’m sure havoc would ensue.  (Possibly conveniently timed for when Rip has been working too long and missed food and sleep.  Making it very easy for someone like Sara or Jax to nag at him to go to sleep since it’s obvious that he wasn’t going to be able to get back in the right frame of mind.)
Oh, I know.  Rip hates concentrated orange juice.  It is a terrible thing.
Rip - aloof (what's it masking?). 
Rip Hunter is a seething mass of white-hot rage, hopeless love, and impossibly bad decisions all thinly wrapped in a veneer of British sarcasm
Rip/Sara - time. 
I have to admit, I see Time Canary as possibly the most star-crossed of any potential Legends of Tomorrow pairing that comes to mind.  Because I do think they’d be good together.  I think they have a strong emotional bond, and they’ve been good support for one another on many occasions.
But they’ve always had issues in terms of timing.  When they met, Sara was dealing with resurrection and bloodlust, and Rip had JUST lost his family.  
Later, after they’ve worked together for some time, with Sara’s bloodlust under control, her slow coming to terms with Laurel’s death, and Rip finally starting to move past his grief and trauma, he disappears. 
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and circa Raiders of the Lost Art, I started to see a lot of signs that the two characters might be ready to come together.  Sara’s reaction when she thought Phil was Rip.  Phil’s kind of tentative attraction (I see Phil as basically Rip, with all the baggage stripped away)...
But then there was the Legion.  And evil!Rip.  And even though Sara clearly doesn’t blame Rip for what happened, that’s a whole mess of new guilt and trauma that he’ll have to work past to even be remotely able to conceive of pursuing a romance with Sara.  And Sara’s got her own issues: the captaincy, the quest, (and her understandable frustration with his general personality.  :-P)
I think the characters definitely love each other, and that it’s possible that eventually that love could move into a romantic direction, but so far, the timing has never been right.
Rip - team. 
I think that Rip Hunter loves his team to a ridiculous, irrational, near obsessive extent.  He would die for them in a heartbeat.  He has no idea what to do whenever he’s without them.  And he wants to hug them or beat them to death with a broomstick on a daily basis.
I also think that he has no idea how to communicate any of this to any of them.  And he’d probably die of embarrassment before he ever made the attempt.  So they have no idea.
This is why I find all of the teases about Season Three so fascinating.  It will be so interesting to see what happens to cause Rip to break so completely with the team, how the aftermath shakes out, and what ways he ends up functioning without them.  I’m dreading it a little too, of course.  But it ought to be a fun ride.  :-)
Rip - families. 
I always find myself wondering how Rip and Miranda initially established themselves as a family.  Because it’s not like either of them had much experience to base it on, as far as we know.  Rip’s account of his backstory involved starving on the streets and then the Refuge.  Though, if Miranda was recruited at the age of ten as well, it’s possible that she may have memories of her original family life.
But can you imagine how confusing it must have been at first?  I mean, obviously a Time Master’s education would have included concepts of family dynamics and marriage.  Since so many historical events were fueled by those kind of things.  But there’s a difference between reading about it and living it.
I’d like to imagine, from the little bit we see of Miranda, that she adapted to life in 2166 Whitechapel very well.  She seems like the sort to be able to make friends easily, and possibly she was able to study them as she went.  And Rip is the sort to follow her lead when it comes to such things.
On the plus side, having grown up very separate from modern or even future ideas of family dynamics, Rip and Miranda would have had the freedom to basically discard anything that didn’t suit them.  I’d imagine whatever they came up with would have looked rather odd to an outside observer, but worked very well for them.  :-) 
Rip and Jax - bond.
One of the things that I thought season two did really well was establish a clear and strong bond between Rip and Jax.  And that’s pretty impressive considering that Rip was gone for eight episodes, and the characters did not have a huge amount of interaction in season one.  There were a few good bits here and there: Rip choosing Jax as engineer, Rip’s concern in the 1950s, his gentleness with Jax’s father dilemma, and the endangering part of River of Time, but the real thrust of their dynamic seemed to come about in Out of Time, and carried on through Rip’s return.
I know I’ve said this before, but in a way, it actually makes a lot of sense that the two would get along.  They’re the youngest men on the ship (even though there’s a ten year age difference between them).  They’re both mechanically minded and they both truly love the Waverider in a way that only an engineer or mechanic can.  They’re not childish or silly in the same way that Nate or Ray can be.  
If there is one character that I think Rip might have been able to truly relax around and be a functioning human being with, I think it’s Jax.  (And I think we saw that a bit in Fellowship, with the jelly beans).
And Jax is one of the two characters (the other being Sara), who I think really do feel an honest connection to their mission and the quest.  He’s definitely a character that I could imagine captaining a time ship himself in the not-so-distant future.
Rip and Rogues - mastery
I am tempted to make jokes about Rip wearing a leash, but I will behave myself.
The thing that’s always been interesting about the Rogues in season one is that, of all of the characters, they were the only ones who really had any sort of experience working as a team.
The Hawks were always “us against the world” even when Kendra had her memories.  Ray, Martin and Jax were all fairly new to the superhero thing.  Sara had a bit more experience with the League of Assassins and her brief stint with Team Arrow, but those experiences have a certain level of baggage attached.
But Snart and Rory have been a criminal team, off and on, for decades.  They’ve regularly worked with other people too.  They have justifiable confidence in their skills because they’ve practiced them for decades.  And Snart, in particular, has been a leader of groups for about that long.
It’s an interesting dynamic.  Because Snart is by far a better leader than Rip ever was, but there is no way that he would have managed to lead this group.  It's not his quest, and while the crew liked and respected him, it’s not clear that they would have trusted him enough to follow him.  
One of the things I’ve always wished for was to see more direct interaction between Rip and Snart, and Rip and Mick.  (Particularly the latter, since the show is not subtle with their many parallels.)  There is some good fic out there to fill the lack, at least.  :-)
(I may have to hold off on responding to the rest until tomorrow.  :-))
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