#Keep coming for Cinderella 2015 and watch me be obnoxious
artist-issues · 1 year
Maleficent is a retelling of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. It is not just a reimagining.
It is a capitalization on Disney’s eye-catching design for their animated Maleficent. If it were just this beautiful original spin on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault or even the version in Perceforest, it would look incredibly different.
In Perrault’s version, the evil fairy that curses the princess has one defining character trait: she is old. She is ancient, and has lived in a tower isolated for so long that everyone thought she was dead, and that’s why she wasn’t invited to the princess’ christening. She disappears after placing the curse and is not heard from, defeated, or worried about for the rest of the story.
What the animated Disney Sleeping Beauty did was take that character and make her:
An antagonist that returns to the plot.
Named “Maleficent.”
Two huge things that they changed which turned the evil fairy into an iconic villainess that endured to this day were the name of the character and the way she looks. Those things are unique to the Disney animated classic version. They are inseparable.
So your wonderful “reimagined” Maleficent came along in the year 2014 and said, “Yeah, we’re going to do something new and different!” And did this:
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Actually, the movie never said that. The trailer included lines from the animated film, again, iconic and unique to the Animated film, and even capitalized on the original “Once Upon a Dream” song.
But it’s funny that everyone acts like it’s not a retelling of the animated film, and they want to use the word “reimagining.”
All you’re really saying is that we should excuse this film for marketing itself as a movie that would satisfy or interest fans of the original Sleeping Beauty, but wound up totally dumping on the original Sleeping Beauty through the changes it made.
The movie is not a beautiful new twist on the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. It is a money-grabbing shock jock Wicked rip-off that would not exist if it weren’t trying to climb onto the shoulders of the SPECIFIC ANIMATED SLEEPING BEAUTY.
Going to say it one more time. If Maleficent (2014) wanted to be this amazing exercise in originality, it should not have been so tightly tied to the Disney Animated Classic. Because when it is connected so tightly to that specific animated version of the tale, we expect it to celebrate that version, and instead, it spat on it.
All it really did was celebrate the striking character design of the evil fairy and capitalize on the name. Like a bait-and-switch.
And side-note, a movie that takes the main character and makes her everything to everyone in the plot is so obnoxious. I was more intensely bored by this movie than any other live action remake because I couldn’t care about a main character who kept switching tones every five minutes. First she’s a naive free spirited waif, then she’s a scorned lover, then she’s a dramatic villainess, then she’s a bumbling caretaker, then she’s a beloved mother, etc. Her motives and feelings about the situations she’s in change and conflict so many times during the movie that I stop caring.
And while I stop caring about this movie, I entertain myself by thinking about how consistent the motives and character choices for the original were, and how superior it was, and how cheap and awful a movie that over-glorifies it’s main character is.
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justsomebucky · 7 years
Cinderella (Part 2)
Summary: AU. After the tragic passing of reader’s father, reader is left with a cruel stepmother and two miserable step-sisters, who not only don’t care about her, but they use her for their own gain. Will a handsome stranger offer her the freedom she longs for?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,256
Warnings: mentions of death, angst, sadness, mentions of crime, mentions of murder
A/N: This is a RE-POST of my entry for the @stories-from-stark-tower ‘s AU movie challenge. It’s based off of the 2015 Disney adaptation of Cinderella, only with a bit of my own spin on it.
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“I wasn’t aware that you were so bad at fighting, Your Highness.”
Bucky smirked at his best friend and Captain of the Royal Guard, Steve Rogers. He rounded on the other man, his arms up in a fighting stance.
The two were sparring in the spare room that was normally used for fencing. Today, the Prince had requested it for his own personal use, so that no one but Steve and a few trusted guards would see that he hated fencing but loved fighting.
“Now Steve, you also weren’t aware that I was going easy on you. I didn’t want to embarrass you in the company of your guardsmen.”
The blond man rolled his eyes. “As if you could, Your Highness.”  Steve crouched low to intercept a kick to the gut. He retaliated by taking a swing at the Prince while he was off-balance.
“I told you, it’s Bucky.” The Prince deftly moved out of the range of Steve’s fists. He circled Steve again, eyebrows raised in challenge.
“And I told you, I’m not permitted to call you that. I can’t even call you James, Your Highness.”
He threw another punch at the Prince, which was skillfully ducked in return. “I’m about to call you a weakling, Steve, as you’ve not managed to land a single punch on- oof!”
Steve grinned as a shot landed on the jaw, and Bucky went stumbling backwards. “You were saying, Your Highness?”
Bucky straightened himself, his blue eyes filled with laughter. “I deserved that one, I know.” He ran a hand over his jawline. “I hope you haven’t bruised my handsome face, Captain. You know I’m being sold to the highest bidder in two weeks time.”
“What a way to speak of your impending marriage.”
“It’s true, though, isn’t it? Father wishes for me to have an advantageous marriage. I really feel as if this is the Grand Duke’s influence over him.” Bucky cleared his throat. “He claims that if I don’t marry well, I’ll let the entire kingdom down.”
“Then we will call it a day. I don’t want to injure you more before your big moment at the ball. Besides, you seem a bit too distracted for fighting.” Steve moved off to the side of the room, and Bucky followed.
“I’m very distracted, my friend.” He grinned at the Captain. “Remember the girl I spoke of earlier? The one that has my father on edge? I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“Ah, yes, the one maiden in the kingdom that couldn’t possibly provide you a good match, according to the King,” Steve recalled. “You do know that he and the Grand Duke are plotting to match you with a Princess, don’t you?”
“I’m aware.” Bucky gave a shrug. “They can’t really tell me what to do in the end, though, can they?”
The Captain made a face. “Of course they can. Your father is still the King, don’t forget, regardless of his declining health. And we both know the Grand Duke isn’t short on allies. They could rewrite law in a heartbeat, with just a few short words added to your royal duties if it meant your compliance.”
“Ah, but the Princesses that they want me to woo…these women haven’t got the same kindness, nor the same spirit as my mystery maiden.” Bucky’s eyes sparkled at the memory of that chance meeting.
“I’ll take your word for it,” Steve said, clapping the Prince on the back. He motioned for Bucky to go through the door first, as they exited into the main hallway. “Now tell me, does she have a sister?”
Bucky threw his head back laughing. “That, I definitely do not know.”
“Perhaps your mystery maiden will come to the ball?” Steve gave his best friend a knowing look. “That’s why you opened it to the public, isn’t it?”
“No, the war was difficult for everyone. The ball is a momentary distraction, a little bit of fun for the benefit of the people,” the Prince insisted with a sheepish smile. “And if she just happens to be there…well, then I might finally have the opportunity to prove my point about her.”
“If this girl from the woods is as charming as you say, perhaps she will change their minds on her own.”
“Hey, Y/N!”
You whirled around when you heard someone call your name in the middle of the town’s open market, careful to move out of everyone else’s way. Your eyes searched the crowd until an arm shot up in the air and waved.
Someone you’d not seen in weeks appeared among the throng of people with a bright smile on his handsome face.
“Sam!” You grinned and threw your arms around him when he got close enough. “Where have you been these days? I feel like it’s been ages since we last spoke.”
“Working,” he supplied, pulling back from your embrace. “My boss has me working overtime these days to try to get everything ready for winter.”
Sam worked for a man named Vis, who called himself Vision to try to market his construction company as the latest and greatest there was. Technically, they were the only construction company in the area, so it just confirmed what an eccentric person Vis really was.
Sam and his coworker Clint were Vis’ top two employees, with Vis’ wife Wanda adding her own personal touch to the interior design side of things.
“Whose home are you working away at now?” you asked.
Some people in this town were more demanding than others, and you really didn’t want your friend to be taken advantage of. You’d heard horror stories about deplorable conditions all over the kingdom, too.
It was normally the Grand Duke’s responsibility to keep up with the needs of the people and report back to the King, but the one in place now only had an eye for the military.
Sam rolled his eyes. “Oh, it’s nothing, nowhere at all really. That is, if you think of the Royal Palace as nowhere at all.”
“What?!” You couldn’t believe it. “It’s such a big deal that Vis picked you, congratulations!”
“Vis just knows I’ll get the work done, that’s all. Besides, he didn’t want to go himself. He said the Grand Duke was a pain in the backside, but he didn’t say backside. Personally, I didn’t find him nearly as annoying as Prince James, though.”
“Oh? Is he unkind?” The mere idea of having a monarchy that was anything less than empathetic really turned your stomach.
“No, not really, but there’s just something obnoxious about him.”
You gave him a small smile. “Even so, you’re bound to get more work after this. It can only be a good thing.”
“You’re right. So what are you up to?”
“I told Stepmother that I was going out for food, but I really came to get away from them. I have this bad feeling that something is going on with them that they aren’t telling me.”
“You’re good at snooping though, can’t you find out?” Sam nudged you with his elbow. “You’re instincts are rarely wrong.”
You chewed on your lower lip thoughtfully. “I need to try. There’s no other way around it. I-”
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone hammering loudly.
The two of you looked over to the bulletin board situated in front of the market, where all the royal announcements were posted. The Town Crier cleared his throat before lifting the paper in his hands.
“Hear ye, hear ye,” he shouted. “Know, on this day, two weeks hence, there shall be held at the palace, a royal ball. At said ball, in accordance with ancient custom, the Prince shall choose a bride. Furthermore, at the behest of the Prince, it is hereby declared that every maiden in the kingdom, be she noble or commoner, is invited to attend. Such is the command of our most noble King!”
You turned to Sam with disbelief in your eyes. “Oh my goodness! I can see my handsome guard again!”
He looked at you in question. “See who again?”
“I have to go! Goodbye, Sam! Good luck with the palace!” You ran off as quickly as you could. There was so much to be done, and you hoped upon hope that you would be permitted to attend the ball.
Sam scratched his head in confusion as he watched you disappear around a row of houses.
By the time you reached home again and told your step-family the news, you could hardly contain your excitement. You’d never dreamed of going to the palace, nor to a royal ball, but everything about it gave you a chance to find Bucky, even if you had to hike up your skirt and search the grounds for him.
Maybe, if his superior officer was feeling lenient, he’d even be able to have a dance with you.
Drisella and Anastasia had quite a different reaction.
“This is such an opportunity for us,” Drisella exclaimed.
“Sister, one of us could be a princess,” Anastasia added.
“Girls,” your stepmother chimed in. “Calm yourselves. That is all good and well, but I think you might be missing the bigger picture here.”
“What bigger picture, Mother?” Drisella’s hands went to her hips. “What could be bigger than being a princess?”
“Being a princess, and robbing the royal palace.” Stepmother raised an evil eyebrow at her daughters. “One of you might just catch the eye of the Prince. But what if he’s already betrothed? What if he already has an eye on someone? The only way to ensure that this is a valuable use of our time is to make sure we set them up as our next mark.”
“Will this get us out of debt?” Drisella glanced at her sister.
“We are in dire need of money since this one’s father kicked the bucket,” Anastasia added rather snidely, throwing a thumb in your direction.
“That’s ridiculous!” Your fury boiled over, and you couldn’t keep your mouth quiet any longer. It was one thing to insult you, but this was a whole different subject.
If they were to break into the palace, Bucky could get in trouble, or possibly even get hurt if there was a skirmish. You wouldn’t stand for it. “What makes you think that the hundreds of royal guards that will be at the ball, not to mention those stationed outside, would ever let anyone get away with that while the King and Prince are present? The Grand Duke alone would-“
“You let me worry about the Grand Duke,” your stepmother snapped. She took a deep breath to calm herself, and then smiled. “Cinderella, dear, do remember your place. Don’t forget all we’ve discussed. You’re too ambitious for your own good.”
Your eyes dropped to the ground, recognizing the thinly veiled threat. “Yes, Stepmother.”
“Now, I need you do make sure you get three fine ball gowns for the three of us. Drisella and Anastasia will be entertaining the Prince whilst I slip away and search out the valuables. We’ll need you there in your gear, of course, waiting for the signal.”
Oh, no. No no no! “But Stepmother, won’t that be suspicious? How will I even get in?”
She smirked at you. “Well, since you’re so familiar with the palace guards, why don’t you put those skills to use and figure it out? You are not to be seen in the main ballroom, do you understand?”
“Yes, Stepmother.” Thoughts of dancing with Bucky, so handsome in his guard uniform, crumbled away.
“Now go! Every girl in the kingdom will be chasing the Prince, we must get there before the seamstress is drowning in work!”
You turned from your step-family, chewing your lip nervously as you walked away. Now that the palace (and more specifically the Prince) were marks, what could you possibly do to prevent it?
You had to sabotage this plan.
That was the only way to prevent your stepmother from ruining yet another person’s life. It was a chance to atone for all the things you’d done to help them, for your complacency and cowardice over the years. Even if you could never return once your mission was done, at least you would rest well knowing you did all you could for Bucky and the kingdom.
Besides, this would give you an awfully good reason to see Bucky again, even if it wasn’t for a dance.
Sam might have an idea. If he was building and repairing structures for the King, he would have a blueprint to the palace. That might give you an idea as to the route your stepmother was planning on taking. If they really expected you to clean up after them, they’d have to let you know the plan eventually anyway.
Preparation was going to be important here, as you had no room for mistakes. There was no way on this good earth that you were going to let them hurt the employment chances of your friend Bucky and his father. You weren’t sure about the punishment for royal guards who failed to protect the King and Prince, but you hoped to never find out.
You had to find a gown quickly, and hide it so that your stepmother didn’t find out. Regardless of what she had told you, it was imperative that you get word to the Prince, even if you had to risk everything and dance with him to get close enough. The rest you’d have to figure out later.
It was time to call in some favors.
Part 1 - 3
no tags because it’s a re-post from December 11th, 2016. I am moving it from another blog. It was probably the second thing I ever wrote for this fandom so please forgive me in advance.
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