#Justice for Elincia
theia-eos · 2 months
Elincia Was Not Too Hesitant to Act
I love the Tellius games. I think the writing for the Fire Emblem series as a whole peaked in the Tellius duology. There's a lot of nuance and tiny details and characterizations and depth and layers to every character. However, this does not mean that the games are perfect or beyond criticism.
And one such criticism I have is the message they try to sell in Radiant Dawn Part 2. I am not buying it. Spoilers below the cut.
In Part 2 of Radiant Dawn, we see how being ruler of Crimea is working out for our fair Queen Elincia. The last time we saw her in Path of Radiance, she was filled with self-doubt and worried about her ability to rule as she was never raised to rule and kept secret from the public, so her coronation as queen of Crimea is a big step for her.
Ike stayed on as a member of the royal court for a while, but dips out 6 months prior to the events of Part 2 because he's only causing her more grief than he is providing support now and he goes back to the simple mercenary life he loves.
Bastian has also left her side, citing sightings of the Black Knight returning in Daein and wanting to get a good understanding of Ashnard's "son," the new King Pelleas. He is lying to her, which I'll go into later. So it's only Elincia and the children she was raised alongside, her knights Geoffrey and Lucia, in the courts.
And the nobles do not respect Elincia at all. They disparage her at every chance they get, they blame her for Bastian wanting to go scope out Daein because she lets him go because he tells her, as her advisor, that it's the best idea. They chastise Lucia and Geoffrey for trying to defend her. Generally, you get the idea why Ike had to leave, he probably kept calling them out until he was blue in the face and then some.
Leanne comes looking for Ike, and he's disappeared into the wind, and then Elincia gets word from Nephenne, Brom and Heather from Ohma that one of the nobles, Duke Ludveck, is attempting a coup based on what the recruiter said. Elincia sends Lucia to Ludveck's territory, under the guise of showing Leanne around Crimea's best orchard region, to gather some more information. Lucia finds proof that Ludveck is trying to start a civil war/insurrection, and brings that back to Elincia, who then sends Geoffrey and the Crimean Royal Knights to arrest Ludveck. Elincia privately despairs to Leanne that she never wanted to be queen, she never wanted to deal with these problems, the burden of having to act against her own people is too much for her to bear.
There's some political espionage, Ludveck had a decoy force at his castle and attacks Elincia in her safehouse in Fort Alpea, and Elincia bests Ludveck, captures him, and then says he needs to be executed for treason. Ludveck says she should make him king instead, as she's too indecisive and feeble to be queen, she took too long to stop him plotting under her and that's weakened her authority in Crimea, and to force her hand, he says that he captured Lucia. His forces will execute Lucia unless she releases him and promises to pass her crown to him. Elincia refuses, Lucia is about to be killed but Ike and the Greil Mercenaries swoop in to save the day to save Lucia. Elincia resolves to be more decisive in the future.
So what is my problem with this plot? Well, let's review the chapter count of Part 2, it's very short.
Prologue - Elincia finds Begnion wyvern riders attempting to capture Leanne and intervenes immediately
Chapter 1 - Nephenne, Brom, and new recruit Heather fight their way out of Ohma to warn Elincia directly
Chapter 2 - Elincia sends Lucia to find solid evidence that Ludveck is a traitor
Chapter 3 - Lucia comes back with proof and Elincia sends Geoffrey to arrest Ludveck
Final Chapter - Elincia fights Ludveck
Please tell me where Elincia was indecisive, failed to take action, dwadled, or let the insurrection just grow. As soon as she finds out that it's happening she goes to get evidence, and then as soon as she has the evidence, she orders for Ludveck to be arrested. She immediately refuses to hand Ludveck the throne.
Ludveck: So I take it you understand everything now? And considering Lady Lucia’s life is on the line, you haven’t much choice. Now, let’s have you free me from this prison cell, and then we can discuss any further details… Elincia: I don’t think so. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-F, Elincia's Gambit Extended Script Translation from Serenes Forest
No hesitation. None. Even in the prologue where she fights and kills Begnion forces intruding on her home, trying to enslave Leanne, no hesitation.
Elincia: Begnion dracoknights… You will only be warned once. Leave this area immediately! I serve the queen of Crimea. Trespassers on Crimean territory will be dealt with. No exceptions. Zeffren: The queen, she says! The very queen that relied on us, the Begnion Empire, to free her nation. Imperial dracoknights are not frightened by soldiers so weak as Crimean pegasus knights. Listen up! Leave those two alone. It’s the Serenes maiden we want. Do not allow her to escape! Elincia: …Looks like we’ll not talk any sense into them. I suppose we have no choice. Sir Nealuchi! We’re here to help you! [Elincia attacks Zeffren] Zeffren: You… You Crimeans seriously believe you can withstand the might of Begnion?! Elincia: Crimea takes this sort of encroachment seriously. We will not overlook invaders in our domain. Release your weapons, and apologize for your discourtesy… Only then will we lower our own. Zeffren: You have quite a mouth on you… I won’t be addressed in that tone by anyone. It’s time to end this farce. Radiant Dawn, Chatper 2-P, On Drifting Clouds
Like yes, she offers diplomacy and a chance for them to stand down, but the story and Ludveck would have you believe that she's so crippled by hesitation that she wouldn't take action. Ludveck says "you were too hesitant and too concerned about harming the people" in stopping the civil war decisively to be a strong ruler.
What the hell else was she supposed to do? Elincia never caught wind of the rebellion until the beginning of Chapter 2, and then what was she supposed to do? Take the word of three villagers that there was some random unknown man they didn't even bring in with them recruiting for a rebellion for Duke Ludveck? Like I love Nephenne, Brom, and Heather as much as anyone else, but if she had just arrested and executed Ludveck based on that information she'd be a tyrant, the other nobles would never trust her and could possibly turn against her too. Getting proof was not a sign of hesitation. Sure, she says she'd like to attempt diplomacy first instead of immediately resorting to the sword, but as soon as she says that, a soldier runs in and says Ludveck is preparing to attack and Elincia realizes the time for negotiation is over and authorizes an immediate attack.
Lucia: As we suspected, Lord Ludveck is intent on rebellion. His followers are spread across the land, inciting insurrection. We have the documents to prove it. Geoffrey: Queen Elincia, I stand ready to defend the realm! I will lead the Royal Knights into Felirae, and we will seize the duke! Elincia: I am hesitant to resort to the sword without at least attempting diplomacy. At all costs, I must stop the people of Crimea from fighting one another. [A Crimean soldier rushes in] Crimean Soldier: Your Majesty! News from the countryside! Duke Ludveck has assembled an army and announced his intentions against you! The rebellion in Felirae is growing quickly! Elincia: I see… Lucia: He must have realized that his operations were no longer a secret. Your Majesty, we have no time to waste. We must stand against this, for the future of Crimea! Elincia: …I understand. Geoffrey, leader of the Royal Knights… I hereby authorize the use of military force against the rebel army! Geoffrey: Yes, Your Majesty. At once! Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-2, Tides of Intrigue
Does a few seconds warrant Ludveck's criticisms? Is that a failure of Elincia, for taking a moment to say she wants to try diplomacy first?
Ludveck: Exactly, Your Majesty. If you truly had the power to quell the civil war… As long as I could affirm that, even if I were executed as a traitor, I would have no regrets. But, no, you were too hesitant and too concerned about harming the people… Now look what has happened. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-F, Elincia's Gambit Extended Script Translation from Serenes Forest
No, the real reason it took Elincia so long to act is because Bastian, Lucia and Geoffrey failed in their roles for her. All three of them had known that this was underway for a while.
Elincia: I see… So, that’s what’s going on. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I’m very sorry your village was affected by this. You have my sincere apologies. Brom: Oh, no, Your Majesty. We don’t need no apology. We’re just happy we could help. Geoffrey: Lucia… Brom’s story confirms what we’ve suspected all along. Lucia: Yes, as we thought. Duke Ludveck of Felirae is firing up a rebellion. We should have seen it coming. To be honest, Queen Elincia, there have been a number of indications that something like this was under way. We’d hoped to uncover something more tangible than hushed rumors… I should have told you sooner. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-2, Tides of Intrigue
They've suspected it. They've known it. They're not surprised when the Ohma villagers tell Elincia about it, which is the first time she ever hears of this going on. Lucia apologizes for keeping it from Elincia because she was waiting for more proof. If Elincia had known about this sooner, she could have acted sooner. She would have acted sooner, by how she immediately sends Lucia to gather evidence.
But worst of all is Bastian. Bastian not only knows that this is happening, he is so certain his absence would set things into motion that he hires Ike and the Greil Mercenaries to step in and assist at the last minute if things go as he expected. Does he warn Elincia of what might happen while he was gone? No. Not only that, but Bastian isn't even going to Daein to see if the new king is going to be friendly to them. He's going to Daein to get Izuka to force Izuka to cure Renning, even though Bastian has known all along for years that the herons could have cured Renning. Why does he go this route?
[エリンシア] ユリシーズ、あなたは いままでどこにいたのです?▼ 突然、連絡を絶ってしまって… とても心配していたのですよ。▼ [ユリシーズ] デインにて…… 長く探っていた”鍵”にめぐり合いまして。▼ それ故、表より姿を消し、 策謀を巡らしておりました。 全てはクリミアの未来のために……▼ Radiant Dawn, Chapter 4-5, Unforgivable Sin Extended Script
In the Extended Scripts (JP Only script locked to Hard/Manic Modes), Bastian explains that he is looking for a "key" to Crimea's future in Daein while working in secret, which is later revealed to be that he wants Izuka, former advisor of King Pelleas of Daein, cure Renning. This despite the fact that he could go to the herons the entire time, and eventually winds up going to the herons in the end anyway. While never talking to Elincia about any of this. The only justification for this is that Bastian is in love with Renning and Bastian is worried that Renning will die if he is cured through heron galdr, as Rajaion did, and Bastian's emotions get in the way of his reason. The best and most charitable explanation I can give Bastian saying that Renning is the key to Crimea's future, to the point he's left Elincia alone since before Part 2 begins when she really could have used his help, is that he hopes that Renning's support will make Elincia's rule more stable, but it's never explained why Bastian believes Renning is the key to the future or why Bastian doesn't go straight to the herons, so your guess is as good as mine.
But that still doesn't excuse the fact that he hires mercenaries to rescue Elincia without ever warning Elincia himself. He either doesn't believe in her himself, which him saying that Renning is the future of Crimea kind of hints towards, or he is just leaving the the queen of the country in the dark because he thought his plan was best. Either way, unforgivable.
None of Elincia's most trusted people, the people she relies on for advice and counsel, gives her a single hint of a warning of the information they have, even if it is only rumors. Elincia should have been told.
Is Elincia young and naïve? Yes. Ludveck's criticisms that she's too trusting, that it is too easy to assassinate her, or poison her food or drink are 100% valid. I'll even agree with his point about her letting the fleeing rebels leave after she captures Ludveck in the final chapter, they absolutely should be arrested and punished for treason. Maybe not killed, but punished.
But that she is too hesitant to act to quell the rebellion? No. Bastian, Geoffrey, and Lucia keep vital information from Elincia. That the civil war gets so far is on them, not Elincia. Elincia always takes the correct next step for her based on what she knows and what they know after finding out about it. Now, for all Ludveck knows, Bastian and the others found out and told Elincia from the start and the inaction was on Elincia, because why wouldn't they keep the queen informed, so he can say what he believes to be true. But the fact that Elincia believes him, the fact that no one calls out the three of them for what they did wrong, is a failure of the writing.
Elincia: Yes, that’s true. It’s for the same reason that, once I knew of the rebels’ movements… I didn’t immediately make any decisive orders. Radiant Dawn, Chapter 2-F, Elincia's Gambit Extended Script Translation from Serenes Forest
If they wanted me to believe that message, they would have needed to add another chapter into Part 2, not that Radiant Dawn needs to be any longer, ideally making Chapter 3 deal with her attempting diplomacy and hesitating to act (maybe they set up a place to talk that gets attacked and she still doesn't authorize an attack on Ludveck), and then Chapter 4 being Geoffrey's Charge when Ludveck mobilizes his army.
However, as it stands, Elincia hesitating to take action is completely absurd.
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amitieos · 1 year
babygirl, what’s your name?
As the most successful scammers of the group, “Marth” and “Roy” are your biggest targets. A chance encounter in a large town brings you face to face with the two, but things turn complicated when a crowd forms in support of the imposters. A gaggle of fans proudly support these “down-to-earth princes”, viciously defending them against your supposed slander. Try as you might, just one sensuous “babygirl” from Marth is enough to rally the crowd against you. The puffed-up “Roy” goes as far as to say they are undefeatable in their strength and purity of heart… but can they prove it? [Grants Sword +1]
The two men have evaded the church’s grasp for sometime, imitating two of her students to unscrupulous ends. Finally, they are caught between herself and Edward in the middle of town. Elincia shoots him a pleased smile, proud of their efforts and teamwork. Yet a crowd draws closer with every second, enthralled and enchanted by the pair of scoundrels. Do they not yet realise the danger they pose? How they besmirch the good name of two honourable young gentlemen?
“Leave our princes alone!” shouts a young woman, and Elincia turns her head in confusion.
“But Marth is Archanaea’s king, these men tell you naught but falsehoods.” She pinches her brow, taking a deep breath to calm herself. “Their deception and racketeering has led innocent people to bankruptcy. They must be stopped!”
“Babygirl, must we fight them?” The man who is very much not Marth asks in a voice barely above a whisper. The crowd starts squealing in a bizarre display of delight. She looks to Edward, puzzled by the response as the arrogant, imposter Roy threatens them with his infinite strength. Her hand twitches, the instinct to grasp Amiti’s hilt in defence almost irresistible but something else troubles her deeply.
“Babygirl? No! Absolutely not! How dare you call yourself pure of heart if you’re willing to drag an innocent child into a fight! A baby, too! A defenceless little baby. You should be ashamed!”
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nonbinaryspy · 7 months
Meta: Titania and Knightly Devotion
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My favorite way to read Titania is that in spirit, she never stopped being a knight. When Ike brings up her past as a Crimean knight, she isn't particularly pleased it's being discussed, and alludes to having a lot to worry about. Still, her Tellius Recollection profile says that "she is not ashamed of bearing the title of 'Paladin.'" Meanwhile, Greil and Elena's past gives a good indication of what Titania might have meant about her worries.
Back when Greil killed Elena and the villagers, and had to flee Gallia with his children—one of whom had amnesia and the other of whom was only a little older than a toddler—I've always assumed Titania went with him. It's stated in the Tellius Recollection book that she has been with the company since its inception, but IIRC, we don't know anything about this time from her perspective. What did she know about the medallion? How must she have felt, learning what Greil had done, when Elena was also her friend? Did she mourn Elena privately for Greil's sake, as she would later try to contain her grief for Greil?
Regardless, leaving the knights to join this broken family was a big decision. She doesn't seem to harbor any ill will toward the royal family or the knights, even getting defensive of them in chapter four while debating how Daein's invasion will turn out. Her choice demonstrates great loyalty to Greil. She certainly admires many things about him—his strength, his love of his family, and his values, which she shares. Those values contain arguably the main difference between her life now and her time as a royal knight.
As the Greil Mercenaries' captain, she helps people regardless of their status rather than focusing on serving the royal family. She serves Crimea and its common good with as much dedication as any knight, but she is able to do it in a more direct way than a knight perhaps would, without the trappings of politics. However, her Tellius Recollection profile lists her likes as justice and honesty, very knightly virtues. One of her design notes even says that "traces of her time in the Crimean Royal Knights remain." I imagine this is referring to elements of her visual design and her proper bearing, but I think it goes deeper.
Parts of the plot emphasize sacrifice as an ideal of knights, while also questioning it when Elincia refuses to let Geoffrey sacrifice himself (A post about this is absolutely coming soon, btw.). Titania, in deciding to follow Greil, sacrificed whatever her old ambitions had been as a knight. She continues to focus on taking care of others while hiding her own feelings. Even when Greil dies, she mourns him in private while working to keep the company together. Though Ike suggests that Titania loved Greil, it seems to have been a selfless love, not one where she looked for anything in return. That said, unlike a knight who might be expected to die for their liege, she lives so she can continue to support the mercenaries. This is even shown in one of her retreat quotes, where she initially intends to sacrifice herself for Crimea as one of its knights would, but withdraws at Ike's command:
Titania: Urgh! Ah… …I can still… …can still…fight… Ike: Stop it, Titania! That wound could kill you! Hurry up and retreat! Titania: For Crimea… I must… This war hangs in the balance… I cannot withdraw… Ike: No, that’s why you have to withdraw! I need you alive! We’ll be all right! Believe in us! Titania: I understand…Ike. And I’m sorry.
Just as Titania is too important to the plot to succumb to permadeath in PoR, she is too treasured within the group for her sacrifice to be accepted.
Titania has many roles within the group. She's a mother figure to Ike and Mist, of course—this is especially apparent in her Mist supports, where she's particularly doting. She tries to get Mist to relax, helps her with chores, goes shopping in town with her, buys her a dress, and even compares her own role to Elena's while offering herself as a confidant. If she left Gallia with Greil, then she would have literally been with Ike as long as he can remember.
But she's also a mentor who helps Ike finish his training after his father dies, and an advisor who guides him in both practical and moral concerns. She represents his conscience throughout the game. Even her Rhys supports feature her expressing concern that Ike may be tempted away from the ideals his father represented re: helping others regardless of reward, though she becomes certain that won't happen. She's Greil and Ike's second in command who they can trust to put in charge due to her calm demeanor and steady ideals.
But if you think of her as almost treating herself like Greil's knight, then doesn't that cast her relationships with Ike and Mist in the same light? She protects them. She supports them without question, and puts her faith in Ike to lead the group on a virtuous path. Despite having very personal relationships with them, she remains formal, stoic, and chivalrous, like a proper knight, rather than fitting the image of a rowdy mercenary. She's been with Greil for far longer than she was a Crimean knight, but she truly earns the title of paladin.
What really sells me on this reading is her A support with Ike, which I'm going to include in its entirety because it's one of my favorites:
Ike: Titania? I wish to thank you. Titania: W-what? What’s with all the formality? Ike: There’s no guarantee that any of us will see tomorrow, and I want to tell you this while it’s still in my head. Will you listen? Titania: Um… All right, but…what’s with you? And what have I done to deserve your thanks? Ike: You have done much. You helped my father build this company. He had lost his wife and had two young children to care for… I wish to thank you for that. Titania: …Oh, Ike… Ike: I’ve taken everything in my life for granted, and it was all possible because of you. My thanks is far too late in coming. Titania: It’s not necessary, Ike. What I did, I did because– Ike: You loved him. Didn’t you? Titania: …!!! …Um… Ike: Perhaps I’m wrong. Regardless… I stand here alive today because of you. And I still want to thank you for it. Had you not lent a helping hand, I would most likely be dead. And my father’s life cut short as well. You helped to keep him alive until the Black Knight brought him down… You made his final years happy. Thank you. Titania: Oh, Ike… …I don’t… …Sniff… …Sniff… …Sniff… Ike: Unlike my father, I lack both experience and strength, but… I’m learning. Please, keep aiding and supporting me. Please… Titania: …Sniff… Of course… Of course I will, Ike.
This conversation demonstrates Ike's thoughtfulness. He acknowledges everything she's done for him and expresses his gratitude, and even guesses at her hidden feelings. It shows the considerate person that he's grown into, in large part due to Titania's influence. In a base conversation, he even finally opens up about the night Greil died, a traumatic moment that Ike has not shared with anyone, because he feels she deserves to know. This helps her come to terms with her grief.
What's relevant about their support here, though, is his formality. Given the presentation of Titania as a motherly figure, and the fact that Ike is even calling out her feelings for Greil, one would expect him to behave more personally here, a step more casual compared to their professional relationship. But instead, he becomes more proper than he is in even meetings with politicians. It's almost like he's recognizing the princely role he plays in her life—the person she's sworn to follow, protect, and advise. That gives him a sense of duty to ensure she's properly appreciated, and that he has properly entreated her for her aid. It's certainly not a role one would expect him to be happy taking on, but maybe that's what happens when the only mother figure you remember is a gallant former knight. Either way, I'm glad her dedication at least gets the recognition it deserves.
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randomnameless · 5 months
FE 25 :
Uwu:(...) I question the way in which our society is designed. No matter what strength a person has, it is the station he is born into that controls his destiny. And you cannot control where you will be born. Do you believe that a person of low birth should simply endure the curse of his station? I think not. If you are stronger than those around you, you should benefit from your strength. This is why I will use my strength to remake this world. Class and rank will not matter. Human and sub-human will not matter. The strong will possess everything. The weak will submit to their will. Is this not the meaning of peace? A subhuman: Are you saying that the lives of those without strength have no value?
Uwu : If after all of this you believe the weak will still be weak, that is only because they are too used to relying on others instead of on themselves. A barbarian and potential subhuman lover : There are those who cannot live without their faith... and those who cannot go on once they have lost their reason for living. Your path will not be able to save them. It is the path of the strong, and so, it could only benefit the strong.
Uwu: That is the natural order. The only way for the weak to survive is to cling to the strong. Our discussion is over. Tell me, frail little bird who cannot fight; which do you choose? Submission? Or death? A subhuman: …Life proffered to me by your hand is something I would never accept! A barbarian and potential subhuman lover : (...) I finally understand…what you believe is right.
The context is different, Dimi has a special background with Supreme Leader and is her step-brother, so it makes sense trying to reach for her and at least try to understand what is going on in her mind, than Reyson, a frail and weak laguz by birth, trying to understand and reach out for Ashnard.
But are we really supposed to think Dimi's reply here is pretty different because he personally knew his Ashnard? Or because he isn't a weak and frail thing by birth, like Reyson, so he isn't as angry or as passionate in his replies?
I know this scene plays a role in Dimitri's arc - he tries to reach out for her (hand) when he earlier only wanted to end her life, because he isn't driven by revenge or vengeance anymore and wants to save people, even Supreme Leader.
So this convo is less about Supreme Leader and more about him.
And yet, imo, this always felt sort of wrong, because while Dimitri cannot do a thing for the people who are already dead (killing Supreme Leader won't bring them back, he has to think about the living now and not to avenge the dead) - Dimitri is still talking to someone who gave means and opportunities (and fodder!) to Izuka to create Feral Ones thus most likely knows there is a Gritnea Tower around, started a war and killed thousands, was involved (as far as he knows?) in the brutal killing of his family and has pretty biased views on Laguz.
Of course in the following scenes and maps, he resolves to put an end to the war thus defeat her, and we know Supreme Leader refuses his mercy and prefers to die - but the way this development is frailed is not a straight up rejection of her POV or her so called "IdEaLs", but it's framed as a tragedy because Dimitri couldn't "save" her.
No, kill that, it's even worse :
We have no choice but to destroy each other… Such is the destiny we were born to.
Now this fight - aka Dimitri wanting to put an end to Ashnard's war - is the result of fate, and not the will/choices both parties made to reach that point (which is, in a way, hilarious, because he mentions just after his line her "iron will", so pick your horse Dimitri, is this war the result of fate/destiny, or is it due to Ashnard's "iron will"?).
Ultimately, the themes and arcs of both games are different, so it's no wonder that the solution each Lord(s) offer is different - Elincia wants to avenge her parents and justice for her dead countrymen, Reyson wants to have the right to exist even if he is a weak thing by birth, Ike is out of the loop / Dimitri wants to accept Supreme Leader and "save" her because vengeance and justice drove him to a wall and got his close father figure killed, Dimitri now wants to protect the living, even Supreme Leader herself (or at least he tries).
So even if Ashnard and Supreme Leader share the same dubious ideals, keep a lizard in cage/captivity, used feral ones and started wars - the reaction to them is different, because the Lords have different character arcs and development.
That being said, even with all his character development, would a post-Rodrigue death Dimitri who, idk, is warped in FE9's Tellius, after befriending Laguz, witnessing racism, seeing Gritnea and the "wildlife experiments", witnessing Daein's army ruining civilians, learning about Lillia, Rajaion, etc etc, would that Dimitri still have reached his hand out to Ashnard upon his defeat?
If we want to stay in Fodlan, a Dimitri who befriends Nabateans (who reveals themselves to be Nabateans!), learns about the Relics, learns about Supreme Leader's goal to free the world from their existence because their race isn't allowed to have power over humans, seeing Gritnea or at least still giving fucks about the humans who were painfully transformed in Demonic Beasts (and maybe solving the question about who are they made from, random Adrestian civilians or war prisoners?), reacting to Ferdie's paralogue, learning about Rhea's zumba lessons in her 5 stars resort, etc etc, would this Dimitri still have reached his hand out to a Supreme Leader whose core belief (or least one of them) is Nabateans shouldn't be allowed to live in Fodlan, and Faerghus and Leicester should never have existed and should return to her?
Of course the game makes it so that we will never learn the answer to that second situation, because Hresvelg Tea and whatnot, but if we want to stay true to his character arc, then AM!Dimitri would still have reached out for her hand.
A Dimitri who becomes the kind of ruler Elincia is after her arc in FE10... wouldn't have at all.
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theofficersacademy · 9 months
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                                 Elincia Sephiran Alm Edward
                 F!Byleth Grima Rafal Mae Matthew Zelkov
WEEK 1: misty mountains cold
TAG: #SVRigel2023
"...really think that a random stranger spit out from the ocean is gonna wake up, look at you, and fall in love just like that? Not even Zofians would buy that story."
How did you... no, no you're starting to remember. Just a few hours ago your group was huddled in the deepest parts of your ship, bracing yourselves as the tumultuous waves tossed and rocked your vessel. Heavy rain drummed against the wooden decks above you, a constant drone that would be silenced by a roaring thunder. The last thing you remember is everything going to hell as you were swept out to sea...
"Is it so bad to want a love story like Tati and Zeke's?" Another girl's voice protests, rather young and childish. The scent of crushed herbs and freshly-mixed vulneraries gently wafts through the air, accompanied by the sound of bare feet and thin sandals quietly stepping past you, around you, over you. Someone runs a comb through your hair. "There's no one else here that can be the Alm to my Celica, the Zeke to my Tatiana... if I don't pull this off, I'll be alone for the rest of my life!"
Ten of you are currently crammed together in small room, some kind of makeshift infirmary manned by young priestesses. In the altar, a roaring fire burns in the hearth and staves away the cold. Swords and knives hang from the rafters, pointing directly down at you on the floor. If you ask a Valentian, that seems pretty Rigelian...
You have no idea where the rest of your teammates are. And you definitely have no idea where Matthew came from. As for you, Matthew... well, at least there's no Ephidel in sight. But what is the Valentia crew doing here?
Some of you are getting more attention than others. Sephiran, Byleth, Grima, and Zelkov seem to be secluded in their own corner of the room, watched over carefully by matronly nuns. They seem rather tense, actually. Alm, Rafal, and Mae, however, are getting lots of positive attention! The priestesses, who look as old as 12, giggle over Alm and Rafal, comparing them to 'Zeke' and debating who is more handsome. Male acolytes whisper angrily at each other in rough tones, arguing over who gets to be Mae's nurse for the day. It'd be cute if they were kids and not adults well into their twenties. As for the rest of you, just be grateful you're not dead. There's too many mouths to feed as it is.
Good news! There's talks of a "Yuri" coming in to check up on you guys in a couple of hours. The others must be nearby.
Roll call for Rigel! Here is everyone that will be part of the Rigel campaign for the duration of the event: @amitieos (Elincia), @thelightofcreation (Sephiran), @dracofalchions (Alm), @justices-blade (Edward), @ashenprofessor (F!Byleth), @fellincantation (Grima), @rafent (Rafal), @sweetroyalberry (Mae), @ostianshadow (Matthew), @elusivia (Zelkov)
There will be an important announcement on August 7th regarding the campaign, so stay tuned for that!
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pryings · 2 months
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as the first round comes to an end and conversations begin to die out around you, you are shuffled quickly and efficiently to a new set of tables, facing a new conversation partner.
"you've done very well," knoll says, trying to sound encouraging.
hubert's words are perhaps less encouraging. "you have exceeded expectations. we've been provided data that we can no doubt use."
either way, round two is about to begin. take a look at your partners, and read your conversation topic.
12pm. EST Feb 16 - 11:59pm Feb 17 ROUND TWO.
we hope you are enjoying your stay.
ike (@ofradiances) & deirdre (@nagaficat) topic: what does the word love mean to you?
mark (@allyphase) & hilda (@delicatevalentine) topic: your favorite opening move in a game of chess.
sakura (@gentlenekomata) & andrei (@ulircursed) topic: how many pets you would be willing to adopt, assuming you had the time and space?
forsyth (@viridescent-lance) & l’arachel (@aglaean) topic: would you be a good parent? why or why not?
edward (@justices-blade) & arval (@laruarva) topic: you have no idea what’s at stake here, do you? will you fight, or will you perish on your knees like the rest of them?
elincia (@amitieos) & eitri (@grimkkr) topic: if you could change one thing about your assigned partner's appearance, what would it be?
denning (@beholdenning) & laslow (@laslow) topic: what are the socio-economic consequences of increased banditry? pros and cons, please.
erk (@adalrikr) & petra (@calderosea) topic: are morals universal?
duessel (@obsidiendo) & saizo (@saizov) topic: favorite place to unwind.
niamh (@boundlesschaos) & elffin (@moriddyn) topic: preferred ways to pass the time.
elise (@nohrslittleflower) & dimitri (@blaiddllodi) topic: lady edelgard (and other esteemed leaders).
caspar (@berglietz) & faye (@fiberflxwer) topic: you and a sentient snail are both given enough money to purchase anything you wish, without any fear of it running out. you both become immortal, but you will die if the snail touches you. what do you do within this situation? note: the snail always knows where you are, and is always crawling towards you.
leif (@diadic) & lucius (@semperiuvare) topic: horses
farina (@making-dough) & forde (@renaisguy) topic: total monsters you have vanquished.
(as with last time, this had to be split into two posts. if you don't see your muse's name on this one, refer here.)
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teneguine · 1 year
✢⁎. universal collapse
You have turned your back on justice and joined the Dragon and his coterie of imposters… or so he thinks. A threatening “offer you can’t refuse” becomes the opportunity of a lifetime when he bribes you for information and cooperation, opening up a chance for you to feed false information and get some insight into how the group operates. That said, the enigmatic “Al” is said to be an intelligent and calculating man in his own right. Be warned, this may be one of his traps…   [Grants Any Weapon +1]  
“...And that’s when the great hero emerged, his flaming aura full of ice and fury! With one mighty swipe of his blade--SWOOSH!--the Fell Dragon was, er, felled... And the gleaming crown of unending glory forever stood atop his divine head!” 
A pair of mobsters blink. This is evidently a little more than they bargained for.
When they had heard, through heaven’s hell-sent gift, that a pair of faculty members at Garreg Mach intended to defect to their side, they were overjoyed. The prospect of new allies--new fakes--to expand their reach over the continent through its most prominent figurehead was one too good to be true. And that’s because it isn’t. Owain, under his professorial name Oberon Dark, has come to the agreed meeting point (a spot just beyond Arianrhod’s great wall) with one simple task: muddle their minds. His tongue peddles deception like no other, spinning its fancied fables with the kind of flair that only a fool would believe.
But, he was assured, this is indeed a foolish ring--if they believe they can truly slip under the church’s watchful eye. 
With only the moon, two accomplices, and winged Elincia as his witness, he finishes his tale with a grand gesture of his arms. The men... do not look impressed by it. In fact, between scrunched brows and squinted eyes, one clears his throat to challenge the Dark’s ruse. “That’s all well and good,” he heaves, and evidently he does not believe a word of it, “But uh, who were we talkin’ about again? Some Ylissean noble...?”
“I- hey!” shouts Owain, offense coloring the wide-gaping frown on his face, “Weren’t you listening? These are the adventurous exploits of the exalted Owain, Falchion’s next of kin and cousin of Lucina Lowell! Have you... Really not heard of him? There was a book written about him and everything...” 
One gloved hand finds the back of his ruffled hair to sheepishly scratch. Geez, what’s the deal with these guys? The professor was sure they’d at least remember the name. But each of their pensive stares speaks loud and clear: they don’t. 
Figuring there’s not much use bashing his head on this rock, he coughs into his other hand and motions at Elincia. She would be key to getting his point across--to heralding him as the scion of legend he truly is! 
“Well, it just so happens my esteemed colleague is his number one fan!” he stops to swallow a lump in his throat, batting his eyes in a way that tells the Crimean to simply roll with it, “Y-yes, she’s um, president of his fan club! Go on, o feathered one, tell these two of all the heroic feats I-er, Mister Owain, has dedicated his life to!” 
//starter for @amitieos
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laslow · 2 years
[CHASE] there’s a young boy under the church’s care that’s been getting into increasing amounts of trouble lately, and the church caretaker has had enough. but just as you see him get dragged by the ear for another lecture… he slips out and makes a run for it! he’ll not endure her tyranny any longer! tobias is a free child!!! enraged, the caretaker shouts at Elincia and Laslow to give chase— and bring that boy to justice!
The caretaker’s voice carries, loud and irate across the courtyard. Interrupting their quite cup of tea, Elincia watches as young Tobias sprints past them. A whirl of limbs and energy, she can’t help but be a little impress. And annoyed, when the woman barks orders at herself and her partner.
It had been a lovely cup of tea, whilst it lasted.
“I don’t think her idea of discipline is very effective,” the verdant haired queen says with a deep sigh. Tobias is a child, an orphaned one at that. Far more likely to respond positively to gentle encouragement and genuine kindness than shouting and anger. “We probably should find him before he gets himself in any more trouble. Maybe some time in class will give him an outlet for all that energy?”
Garreg Mach asks!
Garreg Mach's most infamous scamp has caused no end of mischief. Laslow doubts he's the only one sick of hearing the harried caretaker's raised voice constantly scolding Tobias.
Swordsman frowns, lunging across the table to steady the teapot upset by Tobias' sprint. Expression deepens when said caretaker turns her ire on Laslow and Elincia. Honestly, does this woman have no sense of romance? She's ruined a perfectly lovely not date!
"I agree with you, dearest Elincia," Laslow replies with a sigh. He stands in one fluid motion, extending a hand to help her up. "What a great idea! I was even younger than him when I first wielded a practice blade."
He rounds on the caretaker. "Aye, we'll help you. Only because I want Tobias to find some happiness here--you ruined our tea." Thoughtful pause. "...do stop yelling at the poor lad so much. He's lonely. Let him be a child, eh?"
With that, he begins jogging after the boy. "Tobias! Wait, you're not in trouble! Want to come learn sword fighting with Uncle Laslow and Auntie Elincia?"
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childofaura · 8 months
I am bored and overloaded on fodder from arena tickets and pity breaks, so any suggestions for other projects while I get grails for baby Azura?
I'm probably gonna be super biased towards some units, just because they're my favorites, lol.
Big one I can think of is Python. If you have a spare Summer Elincia lying around, her bow works really well for Python, and since he's a cavalry bow, he has good reach. Mine has a bit of an outdated build, but I run him with Whitecap Bow, Swift Sparrow, Desperation (it has saved my ass and I can't wait for Desperation 4), and Threaten Def (which you can just substitute for some other C-skill). Plus Deadeye.
Luthier is a good green mage unit if you need someone with speed and attack power. Not a whole lot of 4 star green mages are super fast that I know of, but he's a good one. I've considered foddering Tailtiu's Teacake Tower on him, but we'll see if he gets a Refine soon. Holding off until then.
M!Morgan is a big one for me, I have him dual-function as an offensive and supportive unit with Inf. Null Follow 3 (so he can support his mom Robin and dad Priam in the Arena). His weapon with the refine is really good and it makes him a pretty hardcore demote Red Tome.
Benny's a fantastic Far Save unit for me, most people run him near save but that satisfactory Res stat makes him optimal for far save. Only thing is that I run him with Arcane Qiang which is hard to get, so go for it if you have one on hand, but hold off if not. Not a lot of lance weapons that help boost the Res stat. My Benny is run with Distant Stance, Mystic Boost 4, A/R far save, and Def/Res Ideal S seal. I'm considering nabbing an extra Armored Beacon fodder, but the Armored Beacon/Armored Floe fodder I have right now is being saved for if Miklan gets added to the game. So yeah, Benny's a sweetheart of a defender if you run a Far Save on him. I love Henriette but I've never pulled more than one copy of her, and Benny works best.
This one is weird, but Azama is also an interesting staff unit; he's not flawless, but I have him in Aether Raids and he tends to fuck up people who ignore him in favor of taking out other units first. Serpentine Staff deals less damage than Pain does (7 HP as opposed to Pain's 10), but it also has built in Deep Wounds. So I run him with Fort. Def/Res 3, Renewal 3 (which probably should be replaced with Poison Strike, or Poetic Justice if you need him to attack better), and two counts of Savage Blow 3. Problem is you gotta invest a LOT of Dragon Flowers into him. But to me, he's still worth the build. If you have a Holy Panic, slap that on him. His Attack stat is absolutely abysmal, but he's more of the "Death by a Thousand Papercuts" type of unit.
This one is only a suggestion if you have an Arcane Downfall, but Mustafa definitely is a solid axe unit. He virtually has Ganglot's kit (Distant Stance and Quick Riposte 4) plus Def/Res Menace and Fort. Def/Res 2 as an S seal. If you have good support units behind him, he's a monster. The unit showcase video I did of him has him taking down Ninja Camilla, though I'm like... 95% sure it was unmerged (or only had one or two merges), but STILL. He's an enemy phase slaughterhouse.
This one goes without saying, but one of my most utilized units is Silas. The only thing that sucks is the constant influx of sword units that are starting to outclass him (LOOKING AT YOU, B!SELIPH), but if you play to his weapon refine, he's incredibly reliable. Just needs a Far Save unit to cover him, lmao. I run him as an enemy phase unit: Sturdy Stance (prevents cooldown charge in most cases, very useful to prevent him from getting wiped out by a Special), Quick Riposte 4, Atk/Def Menace (which I may replace someday if we get a better Atk/Def C-skill), and Atk/Def Form 3. His refine weapon, Sworn lance, requires a support partner, but it prevents most units from making follow up attacks; which means sometimes he can tank hits from dragon units (but not all the time) because he prevents their follow up attack. So most of the time in combat, he's getting at least 20+ Atk and Def. And his support partner is OG Kinshi Hinoka (since I paired them in my Fates game), so with her Atk/Spd Oath 4, she can usually get around to where he is if she's close enough to him or another unit. He's not as destructive as Geralt or Petrine, but he's my buddy and that's all that counts.
Sorry for the long list, I started going down my barracks and realized I have a lot of units that I just have fun using, lmao. There's a couple I left out but I didn't wanna drag out the list.
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dmclemblems · 1 year
belated to your RD posting: Haar!!! yeah!!! Oscar!!!!! they were always mvp's for me too. i love those guys!!!
you didn't say shinon im disappointed
I'm actually so happy to hear Oscar was an MVP for you because the AMOUNT of people who tell me they don't even use him because he "got stat screwed" is basically like... everyone who ever played the game that I've talked to jdkgdjfg. He's literally amazing and the most self sufficient character on horseback who has the best rounded stats. I use Kieran too (enough that I can max level him and I always bring him with me to the Tower of Guidance, so that you give a decent timeline of how much I use him), but he doesn't dodge, crit or activate Sol nearly as much as Oscar.
It's crazy to hear so many stories about how people can't use Oscar because he hasn't failed me even once. Of course, I say I beat the Tellius games a combined total of 29 (I think it's probably actually 30 tbh lmao, I think I beat RD once through fully on an emulator during that period of time I wasn't at home when I also played PoR on an emulator fully through for that same reason), but that's also an irl timeline of like... fifteen, sixteen years? Basically since the day I picked the game up which wasn't that far from its release in NA, I've used him without fail since I was about sixteen years younger lmao. So it's crazy when I hear that I've gone basically sixteen or so years being able to successfully use him and somehow get him to first place in both games every time, but other people have so much trouble with his level ups. Whether I use fixed or random level ups in PoR, Oscar always does great and in RD it's just batshit how good he is. Like Shinon is absolutely fantastic in this game and so is Haar, but neither of them can self-heal without a skill to do so which usually has me putting Oscar in the front lines. Think, like, chapter ten of part three, when Elincia goes weaponless head first into the enemy army lmao. I have all my other guys deal with the people closest to my units at the start and have only Oscar run up to fight the enemies targeted the Crimean army, and he always just fine without the help sjkdjgs. How do people have so much trouble with him?!
I feel like Haar is a forgone conclusion in RD because who DIDN'T cheese part two endgame with him at least once? He also comes with me to the Tower of Guidance, so he always ends up in my top five.
At least RD did Haar a lot of justice and made up for him not being playable until the last section of PoR. In PoR I try REALLY HARD to get Ranulf in my top five and it's insanely difficult because of how late into the game he joins. Since he joins in the same chapter Haar does, by the time Haar shows up I've already decided on my units for that playthrough so he gets benched (and I always include Ranulf in that before I even get him lol. His spirit is ALWAYS THERE).
#MORE OSCAR USERS YEAHHHHH it feels like we're an eeny weenie group#I feel like some people probably see some bad levels up for a few levels and give up some on units#usually I stick to the same units in the majority of my playthroughs because I'm super boringggg#but I can always make those units come back from a bad few levels#I've also heard somewhere can't recall where that you can manipulate the RNG for BEXP in a really tedious way#apparently if you give someone one point of BEXP and do that until they level up#it gives them a better level up? I haven't tried that myself but maybe I should experiment with it#I'm not sure if it only applies to one or both games#it has something to do with the level up coding but I never tried it because I never had the patience for it lmao#and usually my units don't really neeeeeed to code manipulate but I could try it for the lols#I think it's also possible that on RD people coming from PoR don't realize that normal mode is actually hard mode#and that the localization didn't localize/tl it correctly to normal hard very hard etc#normally iirc localized FE gives us a localized-specific easy mode or at least did in the older games#whereas RD didn't actually make an easy mode but labeled normal mode as easy#and I think coming off PoR which is not anywhere near as difficult RD hard mode#that people expected it to go better for their units. if they didn't select ''easy'' mode and went for ''normal''#they were playing on hard mode and I feel like that's messed up people's perceptions of RD's difficulty#and how well the units perform since there are more enemies who are also harder to beat on Actually Hard Mode#so when Oscar doesn't perform the way they'd anticipate they think it's bc of him as a unit#and not because of the mode they're playing on bc I played ''easy'' once just to see what it was like#and absolutely none of my units were ''bad'' lol#but at this point I've played RD on Actually Hard Not Normal mode so many times that it's just ironically normal for me now lol#it bugs me playing ''easy'' bc I'm so used to hard's difficulty now#DCE Ask
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amitieos · 3 months
more than our worst deeds
"What is justice?"
What a loaded question for a first meeting.
"Greetings, sir," she rises from her seat and drops into a curtsy before offering her hand out to to the blue haired gentleman. "My name is Elincia, It's a pleasure to meet you."
She sits, back straight in the chair with her hands still clutching the card in her hands. The hint of a frown etches itself onto her face. It's certainly not the gentle, light-hearted conversation topic Elincia had expected for such an encounter. Perhaps that was the nature of this experiment.
"Cheerful topic, lucky us! An important one though. Hmmm," Elincia pulls her bottom lip between her teeth as she considers her words. The ideal of justice was indeed a fine thing indeed but... too often had she seen it used to excuse violence and cruelty. "Justice is supposed to be fair and equal treatment for everybody. Let all get what they 'deserve', sadly I've yet to see any society reach such an ideal."
"That isn't to say we shouldn't aspire to it, though I believe there is often as much, or more, value in mercy too."
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premiersoleil · 2 years
☼ phantasmic paladin | + elincia.
This territory has been experiencing heightened monster activity, especially after the recent attack. The Alliance greatly appreciates any assistance you can offer to make the area safer and protect the citizens. Your enemies aren’t too much different from what you’re used to, but a few have a more… ghostly aura about them. On an open field, you see a massive paladin on a monster of a horse, both clad in golden armor, patrolling the area. You won’t catch up with him on foot, but perhaps with a horse… [Grants Riding + 1]
A gigantic paladin wreaking havoc upon innocent civilians? How can such a person call themselves anything other than a hypocrite for turning against the noble duty to which they have sworn themselves? It seems the Church thinks likewise, for in a brilliant move the Archbishop has sent out a detachment of students and faculty to combat the invading ne’er-do-wells, Ferdinand among them. It was wise of them to include him; with his assistance, they will surely defeat this wretched, supposed “ghost” swiftly and soundly!
His partner for the task, a regal verdette lady who is no doubt one of the many foreign dignitaries come to the academy to teach or learn, brings with her a lovely white pegasus adorned with an ivory horn on its forehead. What a gorgeous and magnificent creature! Ferdinand cannot help the slight pang of envy at the sight, but dismisses it at once. Has he not his own faithful and dignified companion in the form of his dear Alexandre? Still... to take flight... the ginger shakes his head and puts the thought aside. I have no doubt that, should I excel in my studies, I will soon acquire a majestic pegasus of my own. But for now, we must pursue this peon calling himself a paladin and bring him to justice!
Swinging himself up onto Alexandre’s back with a practiced motion, Ferdinand takes the reins in hand, scanning the horizon for any sight of their mysterious target. Then he turns and gives his partner a bright smile. “Well, Lady Elincia, shall we? I am certain we can defeat this miscreant and return in time for supper. If it eases your worries, I have proven myself capable and skilled enough to bring him down without so much as a scratch!”
starter for @amitieos​
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randomnameless · 2 years
Seeing another point about Lonato’s rebellion and how “Rhea BaD” for killing civilians -
Uh, if you give a gun to a “civilian”, and said “civilian” is pointing that gun on your head, I do not call the person who armed this civilian and who told him to put that gun on my head a nice guy.
I know there might be different cultural values at play - but Lonato marching on Garreg Mach with his army of civilians armed to demand “justice for Christophe” isn’t, imo, leading being reasonable. 
Next what, Rhea doesn’t give him the answer he wants, will he shoot her? If she refuses to give him Catherine, will he shoot Flayn in retaliation?
In his battle, Lonato pretty much tells why he is marching, it is not to politely ask Rhea what happened to Christophe, but to bring jugdment to the Central Church and its followers :
The fog has cleared. There's nothing left to hide you or the filthy Central Church from the judgment of the goddess!
Lonato wants to “destroy” the people of the Central Church - he armed his peasants for this goal, I cannot see how this would not have ended in a bloodbath.
Claude explains it himself, had they not stopped Lonato’s merry band of friends, all villages on the road to Garreg Mach would have been burnt :
If we hadn't done what we did, the rebel army would have followed this road all the way to the monastery.
And they would have crushed all the little villages along the way. We stopped that from happening. You should be proud.
Lonato is asked multiple times, even by his son (the non biological one) to put down his weapons and cease his foolishness. His very own Prince can also ask him to stop his nonsense -
But he refuses to back down, to put down his (and his people’s) weapons and ultimately resolves to strike both down for his cause.
For anyone who is familiar with the series, putting down armed civilians who want your head is a clear throwback at FE10′s Elincia’s arc - Elincia does not want to fight and hurt her own people, but her reticence at doing so cost her her dearest sister, and hurt more villagers than she thought. She ultimately defends her castle against the “rebels”, after having asked them to drop off their weapons and being ignored by the same “rebels”, who see her reticence at bringing them justice a “weakness”.
Back to FE16, this event does not happen because Rhea is evil and wants to “terrorise poor uwu students in obeying the Church else they die”, the students were tasked to stay in the back with the rearguard and deal with the “aftermath”.
To show students - without putting them in the blood bath that is the main battle - that raising their swords against the Church Goddess (thanks Treehouse!) is foolish and will be met with force.
Just like, say, you don’t try to storm the Capitol with guns else you will be gunned.
Tl; Dr : Lonato fodderized his civilians to get Rhea’s head - Rhea had them slapped before razing villages and her monastery -> i.e. Lonato was not a hero, and definitely not a heroic rebel trying to defend himself against an unjust situation.
And, funny how some people completely forgot who included Lonato in their plans to create a distraction in the Monastery to sneak around and steal Sothis’s spinal cord.
Is Rhea BaD for fighting back not wanting to be killed, Lonato BaD for getting his people killed in his own delured quest of vengeance where he targets everything affiliated with the Central Church even villages, or the Mole Men and Flamey BaD for fueling Lonato’s head with nefarious ideas, and ultimately using him to create a decoy?
It must be Rhea BaD, the game says it’s very sad, Lonato was fighting for his “ideals”, and planting the tone for the ultimate Supreme Leader washing program, i.e. you’re free to do whatever you want as long as it is to reach your “ideals” or bring a more “just’n’fair society ~”.
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thotkumi · 6 years
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emblemxeno · 3 years
Dimitri as a character and AM as a route are simple in a complex way that gets overlooked a lot. Both are a traditional character/journey but the way they’re presented and how they make use of the characters and setting around them just turns what would be a simple story you’ve seen a million times into an emotional journey where you feel invested enough to care about the things happening in the story. After having played the other routes, which are good in their own right, I ended up with a newfound appreciation for what 3h did with Dimitri and how he develops in regards to Edelgard and Fodlan’s different factions.
I feel the same! It took a very traditional and familiar plot by FE standards and gave it a twist. A lord who witnesses first hand the kind of tragedy that sets the stage for their eventual succession to the throne, but unlike his predecessors whom have gone through similar events (like say, Elincia, Micaiah or Eliwood), Dimitri commits to his desire for vengeance, creating a fascinating dichotomy with his sense of justice and personal aversion to killing. You get pulled in easily, whether you're a long time FE fan or starting with 3H, because it provides something for both.
He loses himself when he experiences things that remind him of the Tragedy of Duscur, until he finally snaps upon the Flame Emperor's identity reveal. It then becomes a story where you must follow a prince who is driven by rage, frustration, sadness among other things towards a goal which during two of the routes where you aren't with him? He gets killed. He dies a death that's said no one deserves to go through.
But upon realizing how much he had lost and how he had wronged his friends by having them go down that path with him, he begins to find himself again and live for what he believes in. Something I appreciate though is that it isn't an instant change; he's still very much in recovery even by the end of the game. He still hears voices, contends with nightmares and visions of the dead, but presses on for his kingdom and his loved ones regardless. He even goes so far as to try and negotiate with Edelgard one last time instead of fighting first (quality of the scene itself notwithstanding).
It's just... really good. Idk if it hits harder for me personally since I started with Shadow Dragon which set the foundation for the "Lost Royal Takes Back Their Homeland" that a number of the other games follow, but it really got me the first time I played Blue Lions. I really do love that route.
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theofficersacademy · 9 months
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                                 Elincia Sephiran Alm Edward
                   F!Byleth Grima Rafal Mae Matthew
WEEK 3: long-forgotten gold
TAG: #SVRigel2023
Death is the peace that comes after pain. Your senses dull to a whisper, leaving you with nothing but your memories, your sense of self, for however long that lasts until you too fade away...
It's a peace disrupted with a... splash?
You hear the shouts of men as you take in your second first breath, snorting and coughing past the water that's made it into your windpipe. Daniel's hands carefully wipe water off of your face. "Welcome back to the land of the living."
In this silent world, the voice is a cherished friend.
There is no justice in this world. All we can do is fight for what we believe in.
Shards of red clutched in her hands, she works to summon the flames once more.
All of you who were in Fear Mountain tragically had their adventures cut short... but your work paid off, as your path led to the discovery of a new Fountain of Resurrection. For your work, you have been granted the gift of life once more. Well done!
You are dressed like corpses prepared for a funeral, as your old clothes were unsalvageable. Daniel is just happy you're alright.
Back in Sheepshead Crossing, Annika has continued to wander into the woods. She's currently been out for almost the entire day, worrying Yuri.
Margret is not looking so hot. She's more listless than when you first met her, and she struggled to focus.
Did you find what you were looking for in Fear Mountain?
Yuri is preparing to go out in the woods to search for Annika again. At the same time, Margret has been spotted out in the forest from time to time... these two might know more about what's going on.
Ping Mod Bren for questions and information.
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