#Just Astro and Bull
unseasonedrat · 2 months
astro observations (part 1)
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disclaimer: these are just observations, every placement manifests differently based on one’s chart.
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gemini suns are very charismatic, they can strike up a conversation with just about anyone. they always seem to know everyone or can invoke these feelings that makes them seem very inviting!
libra suns/risings are so ethereal, they strive for balance, may be a shopaholic (ik someone with this placement who loves beautiful things, the venus influence)
do you find yourself craving stability, feeling a little stubborn, does change scare you? well you may be entitled to compensation as a taurus moon
^ taurus moons have an earthly beauty, very determined (just like a bull)
virgo rising, ok mr. clean
^ no but seriously, perfectionists, like to keep things in order
leo risings, just the energy you invoke is mind blowing. very radiant energy, attract attention!
sagittarius risings, y’all are very funny but also very determined when it comes to your goals
capricorn risings, pls take a deep breath omg. please stop being so hard on yourself all the time. okay maybe you won’t listen, but BREATHE?!?
gemini rising…….does your brain ever stop? (i have this placement and omg, my mind runs at 1000mph, jack of all trades vibe)
gemini risings/moons are the type to multitask, listen to music while scrolling on their phone, a show playing in the background and even attempting to study
aquarius risings give off eccentric vibes, very unique, model energy
aries risings are very set in their ways, straightforward (working out is a great way to release pent up emotions, or just scream. whatever helps you!)
pisces risings, delulu (kidding, but know how to differentiate your reality from your more than vivd imagination)
pisces midheaven need a spiritually attuned career or a career that speaks to your heart
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*these are just my personal observations*
© unseasonedrat 2023-2024
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astrow1zar6 · 4 months
Astro observations of players/ heartbreakers - 26
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Libra placements: Libras really adore romantic attention (when single & sometimes even in a relationship) they will flirt with people they really have no attraction to for fun or cuz their bored. They have this amazing ability to make others feel really special just for them to be doing that to 5 others or just for it to be completely ingenuine. They can be so charming that you really believe they like you until you realize they don’t. Libras leave a lot of broken hearts behind them. They will say the most heart warming shit that will have you thinking they’re in love with you just to leave you for the cutie next door 😭 especially if you have libra in your sun, moon and rising.
5th house stellium’s: oh lord lol these people can be everywhere in terms of the heart. The 5th house is related to short love affairs. So you can imagine these people go thru a lot of potential partners in their life (unless afflicted or Saturns in the 5th). These people are very flirty they love the feeling of having new crushes and the LOVE the attention they get from their crush too. However, these people normally have a lot of crushes and never usually settles down with one. This can be a big baby maker placement especially if Jupiter and Venus are involved. I’ve seen men with a lot of 5th house placements that have babies with multiple women or have a lot of baby mommas. They tend to do very risky shit for fun just for it to backfire on them. They are part animals at heart and usually that’s where I notice they make most of their mistakes they end up regretting. They usually end up getting caught up in the heat of the moment when it comes to people their attracted to which can lead to a cheating problem.
Sagittarius suns: if you can get a Sagittarius to actually commit to you you won.. no but seriously they are not the best with commitment😭 when they feel a relationship is getting too close I notice they start to get cold feet and become really distant with their partner or do little things to self sabotage the relationship. They are very romantic very fast in the beginning of the relationship. Most Sagittarius’s move REALLY fast and are impulsive when getting in relationships. They usually try to commit too early having the other party believe they are in love with them just for them to back out the minute it gets to stabilized and that isn’t usually long. They can feel like their partners slow them down in some way and end up neglecting the relationship.
Scorpio Venus: now I really don’t believe all these posts saying “this this the most die heart loyal sign” cuz that’s complete bull crap and the people who know know😭 I’m mostly talking about the men in this situation but these men can be the biggest cheaters!! It’s honestly rare to see these people not cheat from what I’ve seen. They are really picky of the women they date and I notice the women they do pick to date they don’t really like them that much?? They go for people they have a very mild attraction to usually and for such intense people it’s something you wouldn’t expect. I believe Scorpio Venus do this as a way of control because when they are truly in love and with the right partner they become fiercely loyal and loving. But I don’t think they seek out those type of relationships because they are often extremely painful for them because of their intense emotions, when they are truly in love they feel like they have no control over themselves when in that state, so I think they find people they don’t love that deeply so they can be in complete control of themselves and their partner. Which is why they can be very possessive and jealous of their partner even while their sleeping around it’s a big control thing. But I believe once they find their soulmate it’s the complete opposite but that’s usually a challenge.
Pisces Venus: these are also extreme charmers like libra. Pisces is exalted here so they have the ability to be some of the most romantic loving partners, they will sweep you off your feet with the words and promises that they give you then outta no where where you think everything’s perfect between the two of you… he ghosts you. Then next thing you know you see him at the bar talking to another girl like nothing. These men tend to never quite know what they want and usually have wandering eyes for other females. The commitment line is usually really blurred for these people which is why they attract a lot of situationships no one knows what it really is.
Aqua Venus: these people play hot & cold soo much it can drive the person they’re talking to a little crazy. When they are unsure of the partner they tend to juggle them around until they decide. One minute they are so flirty and engaging and romantic towards you then the next they’re ignoring your texts, giving you really dry robotic responses. They put their partners thru a whirlwind to get to their heart. This can leave the other party feel like they are being stringed along (most likely they are) like Scorpio Venus they are very picky with their partners and settle for very authentic/unique people. They can like the most oddest people or just people you’d never expect them to date. You never know what’s going to melt these peoples heart. They really need someone who excites them. (Sn: I notice Scorpio and Aqua Venus’s actually make an amazing couple)
Uranus square Venus: one minute they wanna break up & meet other people the next they want you again and the cycle repeats. These are the kings & queens of on and off relationships 😂 they can never seem to make up their mind on if they’re ready to commit, they can be really unpredictable in love which can be pretty exhausting. One minute they’re in love the next they’re bored and cold towards you. U tend to have a lot of relationships come and go but can’t seem to get them stabilized. This can leave your partners feeling really confused & played.
Gemini Venus: they never really seem like they’re interested in anyone they’re dating. They are always trying to seek out attention from other people even when in a relationship. Their crushes are usually very superficial and fleeting. It takes A LOT to keep these people attention, you have to be very mentally stimulating and almost fascinate them to really get them hooked on you. But they are not easily impressed, they are really good at predicting people’s behaviors so it’s hard to find someone that really excites them. They enjoy things they can’t predict or keeps them guessing it lights up their curious minds (go for a Venus in aqua!).
P.S. just because you have any of the placements mentioned that doesn’t make you a player other placements obviously play a role! Just the most common ones I’ve observed 🐮
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
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Hey! My name is Monet. I wanted to share some more insight on the signs and some house placements. I hope you all enjoy!
Taurus suns are incredible listeners. They are big on gift giving and creating safe and sensual spaces for their partners. However they due tend to argue a lot, its the bull headed energy they have. Its an Adrenaline rush. Be careful not to be around them while their hot tempered, you might get a kick from the bull. On the bright side, their sensual personas is a gift from the cosmos. They can turn this trait into a gold mine. They have the energy to entice you with their words, their bodies and even the way they express themselves.
Jupiter in Aquarius individuals have a complex understanding of the cosmos. It's not typically understood by the masses but I mean it is in aquarius! Jupiter here shows an expansion in knowledge be it whatever it is they put their fingers on. The Midas Touch. Even if the odds are against them, they still have a notoriety to their character that most never saw coming. They change the odds to work in their favor due to a shift in mindset. Good luck bestows them when they go into odd, original territory. You never know what you might find!
Jupiter 10th House individuals have an urgency to be successful, this can be a painful placement to have because while they may have big dreams their is a ton of practicality that comes in with this placement. This placement can be quite depressive when they aren't sure how their plans for the future can commence. They have to work hard to get to this dream however they must take into account that things don't always happen so quickly. Jupiter in this house shows a person with a magnetic persona, where people will feel the good energy on you and will latch on to it. It doesnt quite matter what this character is doing, they will always have a respectable aura to the masses. It is their gift.
Sun in the 11th shows a person who is popular with the masses, however it has its quirks. These are the internet famous geeks. The ones who turn the trends into their favor. Pioneers in the originality train. They normally just have to be themselves and people will be attracted to them. Angel dust is literally sprinkled on their character. For social media of course ;) jk. On another end, these people are quick to join different organizations and groups. However they feel at the moment, they usually take a chance in whatever is not the ordinary. 11th house is ruled by uranus/aquarius naturally, so the 11th house suns have a knack for creating and/or being in spaces where they can connect to people who are different from them.
Neptune 12th housers, whew boy. You guys have a gift in the subconscious that goes untapped by the rest of the world. Your gift in seeing things that arent there, can be used in creative/practical outlets. I'd argue that you could just paint or draw, but its much bigger than that. Sometimes thats not what you're subconscious is looking for. It requires you to seek it. This house placement goes on journeys through the psyche, and in the physical it shows itself in a number of ways. Whether through people, art, locations. Doesn't matter. There is one thing that is always certain, that the imagination has a mission. And that's to bring it to life.
These people are good at reading the world because they are constantly rejected and ocratized on being different. The 'crazy' one. But the one who is also the most talented in astrology, occult, the stars, and mysticism. It's a gift not everyone gets, but it's something work noting. They challenge you too see the beyond, and help others tap into themselves . The escapist, they have others who try to escape with them, but it doesnt last. Be gentle with them, they have a lot going on in their mind. They just want to share it with someone.
Venus in Leo has a royal aura. Their charm can wow others and can make them fall in love easily. Their gift is in works of art but for them i do sense singing would be a great one for them. They don't need to have the 'best' voice. Just the confidence to keep going. Their magnetism is strongest during artistic associations because leo gets a knack out of being in the spotlight.
Mercury in the 3rd House has a significant tone to their voice. Its odd but its very distinctive that people enjoy listening. These people can also have a knack in playing instruments. Jazz style locations works for them. This is so the mind can relax as they are consistently on the go. Researching kills any acts of boredom easily, as this is a necessity for the mind.
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starfelina · 1 year
felina's astro notes
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☆ all virgos i've met had one thing in common: they were obsessed with healthy & natural anything! they did not like to eat/use anything that isn't 100% natural and they were really concerned about their health when they accidentally used something chemical.
☆ i've noticed that many sag females i know were tomboys when they were young. most of them have heavy scorpio placements as well.
☆ ive always felt astrology as a part of who I am. i I checked my chart and found out that asteroid urania (30) is conjunct my sun (and it's the only planetary body that is in an EXACT conjunction with my sun!) asteroid urania can tell you a lot about your relationship with astrology.
☆ this is just my observation but I feel like the animals that are connected to our angel asteroid (11911) are our spirit animals. like we receive a message from our angels every time we see that animal. ive always felt a weird connection to big felines. like lions,leopards etc. it turns out that my angel is in leo. I got chills when I found out about that !
aries: lambs,rams
taurus: bulls, cows
gemini: deer, dogs
cancer: crabs
leo: big felines (lions,cheetahs etc)
virgo: foxes, elephants
libra: swans, doves
scorpio: scorpions, snakes
saggitarius: horses
capricorn: goats
aquarius: owls
pisces: fish, dolphins
☆ sag placement women have the most perfect hips ever
☆ to build your perfect wardrobe, take inspo from a combo of venus and aphrodite (1388) signs' aesthetics.
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xoxo, feliné
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reyboris · 11 months
My favorite quotes from linda goodman about the signs taken from her book SUN SIGNS (PART 1)
ARIES: Actually, Aries kids can learn anything in no time, never forget it, and zip through school like the wind, if they apply themselves. But not all parents know how to achieve it. It is possible that they spend years wondering why Miguelito and Margarita get such a high IQ on tests, and yet they have been in third grade for four years now. They don't need to worry too much, however, because Miguelito and Margarita will make up for lost time with the speed of a bullet, as soon as they get out into the world and realize that people are more alive than they are. A couple of humiliations, and the ego of a Martian will drive them to such an effort that they will jump several rungs in one jump.
GEMINI: his true character, despite his superficial cordiality, is lukewarm, withdrawn and ultimately lonely; Although he often seeks company, what he is really after is something that is inside him. However, he is not surly. His way of being can be warm and compassionate, but at the same time he offers his sympathy and understanding in the same way that he offers love and friendship: from a distance.
VIRGO: The fresh, green jade and the purity of platinum are the complement of him and what brings him luck. But Virgo's good luck is always followed by five kinds of loneliness, and the call of duty is never quite silent in his heart.
LIBRA: Not even Solomon in all his wisdom could overcome the final balance of a typical Libra decision. What he has no inclination to consider the personal nuances or emotional tangles that may lie below the surface. He is enough with the facts and he does not need more. In his judgment, the deep insight into character that a Pisces, Scorpio, or Aquarius might display would cloud the clarity of the picture he sees. He instinctively feels that those psychological depths are not his line, and it is true.
AQUARIUS:She Every once in a while she'll come off the hook with a surprisingly moving line. If you ask her what he thinks of space travel, she will answer: "When I was little, I believed that the stars were holes in the sky, through which light passed." But if she's in a different mood, when you tell her you're sad to see that melting snowman, she'll reply, "That's just sentimental nonsense, Charlie." First romantic, then practical; first shy, cheeky later. The Aquarius woman will ruthlessly mock flying saucers, only to later tell you that she has seen a gnome dressed in red dancing on the windowsill.
TAURUS: don't be fooled by the good disposition of Taurus or his compliance with his superiors: it is not easy to take him ahead. The Bull has a kind of Machiavellian detachment towards those who believe they are manipulating him, which allows him to deal with them with tact and subtle diplomacy. But if he looks closely, you'll see that he has a sly expression on his face and a sideways glance as he humors these aggressive people who try to lead him where they want. Ultimately, the Bull will get his way, and his success is further ensured by his ability to wait as long as it takes to win over the hasty. However, when his personal emotions are trampled on or his deep pride is hurt, his calm may disappear, and be replaced by childish stubbornness.
CANCER: They're not the kind of limelight people like extroverted Leos or clowning Sagittarius, but Cancerians have a terrifying sense of publicity, when it comes to being noticed. Don't be fooled by that apparent modesty. They secretly like attention, and will be intoxicated by whatever headlines they can get. You won't find Cancer pursuing fame with a passion (there's nothing he pursues with true passion), but rest assured, he won't run from it either. It will be easier to see him warming up to the heat of the applause than running away from them. There may be things that Cancer hides from, but recognition is not one of them.
LEO: Leo is extremely cunning, in many ways. It will be rare to see him waste energy trying to extract water from a depleted well, as Aries often does; he is therefore an excellent organizer and wise distributor of obligations. His commands are surprisingly effective when he controls the dramatic effects, for the Lion can be a master of the art of simple and direct speech, even if he sometimes smacks of theatrics. He freely and openly expresses his approval, and his flattery can be so exaggerated as to confuse one.
CAPRICORN: one day, your little Capricorn will comment like who doesn't want the thing that he wants to go to school early to call roll. "And why do you have to call the roll?", you ask. The answer will astound you. "Oh, I'm just class president." When you want to know why he didn't tell you, he'll reply with careless modesty, "Wow, it's not such a big deal." However, he will be flushed and satisfied: it will be his adult life style of behavior.
PISCES he is a mystic at heart, and secretly believes in the invisible and the supernatural, although he may be a little ashamed of it. He will not practice any voodoo rites at his desk or meditate in the lotus position next to the refrigerator, because he fears ridicule if people discover the undercurrent of his psychic vibrations. But they'll find out anyway, even if he tries hard to play the hardcore royalist.
SAGITTARIUS Most of the time, the typical Sagittarius is happy and gregarious, but his temper can go off like a rocket if he feels hassled by people who abuse his naturally friendly ways or get too close to him. Rebellions against authority and against an oppressive society are also common. Sagittarius will never dodge the bulge in the face of a fight or a request for help. Women are capable of losing their normally agreeable disposition to attack with the barrage of an unexpectedly serious speech that puts the impertinent in their place. Men will use their fists, disdaining weapons. It is not uncommon for the rude and insulting person who has played on Jupiter's good nature to find himself sprawled on the sidewalk, wondering where that change came from.
SCORPIO It is impossible to surprise them. Or rather, it is possible to surprise them, but it is not possible to detect it in the Scorpio's tone of voice, words or change of expression. There are two reasons for this; a) They are precognitive enough to guess anything ahead of us; b) When you catch them unawares, their factions are alerted, even though they are not. Scorpios take the fun out of everything. They make very unsatisfactory guests of honor at surprise birthday parties. Somehow the spark of spontaneity will be missing.
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heartstringsduet · 17 days
I literally just googled wtf the Astro's bullpen is. Literally thought Gabriel talked about bulls the entire time 😂😂😂😂
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astro-wixch · 1 year
Astro Obs for the FIRE SIGNS
Im not an astrologer. These are just for fun. Please take what resonates only.
I do not own the rights to this image
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🔥Can often be cold natured. They love the heat! Winter time is the worst season for them and because of this they may struggle with seasonal depression.
🔥Have so much energy. Energy for days, weeks even.
🔥Tend to have the best humor bc it’s stupid humor. These are the friends that laugh at you when you fall 😂 but then proceed to help you get back up because they’re loyal like that.
🔥Tend to have explosive tempers. Often are physically violent or have a lot of physical energy in general. Sports or working out usually help them to burn all that extra energy.
🔥Many of them either play a sport or several sports, or they have in the past
🔥Mostly great dancers and entertainers all the way around. The life of the party type of people.
🔥The most resilient of all the elements. Things just seem to glide off of the shoulders of heavy fire placements. It’s like, they smack the shit outta you and then they’re over it 😂 meanwhile, the person who didn’t slap the shit outta you when they should’ve (water signs) is still obsessing about revenge tactics lmao. Aries, Leo & Sag have moved on. But Cancer, Pisces, & Scorpio have have already planned the murder, wake, & funeral
🔥Fire risings always look like they tryna fight somebody 😂 or like they’ve had 5 cups of coffee and a red-bull in 2 hrs, there’s usually no in between.
🔥Very impatient. Drive like lunatics but somehow still seem to be breathing lol.
🔥Assertive. Knows what they want and goes after it which can be intimidating towards others.
🔥Typically loves spicy and fast foods as they’re always on the go!
🔥May be drawn to activities revolving fire or the blood’s version of fire: adrenaline. These are the thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies.
🔥bonfires, burning things for release, pottery, welding, fireplaces, shooting ranges, sports of any kind, high steaks challenges, gambling, the lottery, racing, competition in general, fights and fighting, boxing, karate and other forms of self defense, dance & choreography, stunt actors/actresses
🔥These are your athletes, firefighters, welders, boxers, professional fighters, cops, actors/actresses, comedians, activists, stuntmen, entertainers, party hosts/hostesses, theatrical performers, leaders, trendsetters, trailblazers,
🔥Risings have so much hair. And it’s always so beautiful and unique. But typically it’s wild and untamable. Also usually have cat-like or slanted facial features.
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What are all the babes (sams canon and ocs) favorite soda or water /flavors?
You're in for...a long ass lost. Buckle in🩸🌜anon.
Canon and AUs:
Sun: Cucumber Water
Moon: Red Bull
Kill Code/Crescent: Monster
Eclipse: Coconut Water
Blood Moon: Carbonated Blood
Harvest Moon: Carbonated Bone Broth
Lunar: Orange Juice
Good Eclipse/Sirius: Carbonated Oil
Lord Eclipse/Pulsar: Carbonated Coffee
Servant Sun/Dawn: Mint Lime-ade
Prisoner Moon/Dusk: Lavender Lemonade
Captive Lunar/Twilight: Tea With Honey
Moonless Sun/Nebula: Mountain Dew Voltage
Merged Moon/Ganymede: Six Vente Mocha Frappuccinos In A Row
Star: Cotton Candy Faygo
Ceres: Candy Apple Faygo
Andromeda: Sun Drop
Callisto: Mug's Root Beer
Eris: Barq's Root Beer
Hunter Moon: Espresso
Blue Moon: Dr. Pepper
Gibbous Moon: Coca-Cola
Buck Moon: Pepsi
Purple Moon: Apple Cider
Honey Moon: Hot Chocolate
Dysnomia: Vanilla Cream Soda
Murder Code Sun/Black Hole: Saltwater
Arche: Margharitas
Angel: Sugar Syrup
Glow Moon: Glow Stick Liquid
Glitter Moon: Sparkling Water With Beverage Glitter
All My Eclipse Backups:
Comet: Baja Blast
Kuiper: Blueberry Lime Water
Cosmos: Lemon Water
Equinox: Mint Chocolate Smoothie
Solstice: Pear Fennel Water
Meridian: Chocolate Sauce
Quasar: Raspberry Mint Water
Heliosphere: Faygo Redpop
Bolide: Blackberry Sage Water
Stellar: Blackberry Lemon Smoothies
Orbit: Ice Cream (but ice cream isn't a drink, you may say. But to Orbit, ice cream is an entire food group and thus qualifies as a drink too.)
Galaxy: Green Tea
Asteroid: Red Wine
Supermassive: Strawberry Oat Milk
Betelgeuse: Apple Juice
Plasma: Ice Cream Milkshake
Luminous Blue: Light Blue Powerade
Firestar: Sprite
Remnant: Ice Chips (he refuses to drink things)
Plerion: Slushies
Emission: Aloe Vera Juice (it's the only thing he can keep down)
Subsatellite: Chocolate Caramel Smoothie
Cepheid: Root Beer Float
Chad: Gasoline
Starburst: Cranberry Juice
Seyfert: Blueberry Lemonade
Meteor Shower: Chocolate Milk
Shooting Star: Grape Juice
Heaven: Matcha Tea
Astro: Cinnamon Latte
Quark: Honey (literally just straight honey)
Chthonian: Twelve Espresso Shots In A Row
Stargaze: Pineapple Juice
Hydra: Apple Cinnamon Water
Kerberos: Lemon Lime Sparkling Water
Brown Dwarf: Faygo Moon Mist Blue
Sedna: Brown Sugar Boba Tea
Orcus: Matcha Milk Tea
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el-yon · 2 years
“Oh it’s Ulquiorra’s birthday... huh, he’s a Sagittarius? Geez that’s not accur- wait” *flips my ancient astro-notes* So, Sagitarius are ruled by Jupiter - you know, Zeus, the Ruler of Gods, the guy also known for throwing some powerful Lanza del Relanpagos of his own. Now, Jupiter is considered to be the planet of growth, expansion, broader purposes, searches, and belief.  As such, Sagittarius are often associated with philosophers and adventurers - the Archer’s arrow pointing forward represents this reaching out to “what is out there”. Lots of people automatically associate this with travellers, extroverts, risk takers and more dynamic personalities - like, let’s say, Isshin, the other significant Sagittarius representative in Bleach-verse. But Ulquiorra is the definition of seeking, growth and expansion: the entire search for meaning, his fixation with Orihime and Ichigo, achieving Segunda Etapa. It’s just... a dark-mirror version of the Great Benefic that Jupiter ought to be. 
And this when my brain makes some brr-noises and segways to Ichigo and his Hollow (and a tad of politics because I can’t help myself): The Archer symbol is a reference to the Centaur -- whose name could be read as Kentauros, meaning, piercing bull. But the best thing here is that the Centaur is brought up for Maquiavelli’s the Prince (chapter 18: on How a Prince Should keep Faith/his Words) in which he emphasizes how rulers ought to perform both reason and violence - a Prince needs to be both men and beast to be able to exercise power. King and his Horse? King and his Horse.  And the coolest thing is that through Ulquiorra, Ichigo lets violence rule over during Lust Arc. It is through Isshin - our other Sagittarius - that Ichigo is able to get more knowledge of himself to exercise his full power, all his inner energies - be both men and beast, reason and violence, under his lead, his ruling.  Ulquiorra was such a fundamental piece of Bleach I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate Kubo for his character, Lust Arc, Ichigo & Orihime x Hollowfication x Humanity, and Ichigo’s development. 
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Why astrology is so complicated
With the surge of interest in my astrology stuff (and in part due to a conversation I had with Ephie yesterday), I figured I'd give a little rundown of "when I say astrology is a complex study, I mean it." (Also explains why skeptics' "there aren't only 12 personality types 🙄" nonsense makes no sense, and really maybe you should do at least 5 minutes of research before crapping on a subject, but I digress.)
You can check out the #hp astro tag, or my HP Astro link compilation for more "me having a good time" and less "me ranting and lecturing about astrology because I love it and no one takes it seriously at all." (Like it's fine not to believe in it, but like...at least have appreciation for how complex and deep and ancient a study it is! Please at least understand that there's more to it than you think, even if you don't buy into it. Maybe appreciate how fascinating it all is, between all the symbolism and history and moving parts!)
I'm making this as simple as possible, and the details themselves don't really matter, because I'm not trying to teach you details, I'm giving you an idea of the scale we're working with.
By using the time, date, and place of birth we freeze where the planets are at that given time.
That placement is thrown into 2 charts divided into 12 parts: the 12 signs and the 12 houses.
You have not only the sun sign, but the sun house. And also moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. As well as your rising sign (the sign rising on the eastern horizon.) And various other small planets like Chiron that some people study. There's also your True Node. And really all number of objects with their own meaning, but unless you're an astrologer or a mega nerd you probably just wanna look at the main planets.
Each of the planets has its own "realm" so to speak
The planets represent "what"
"What" part of you is being represented.
The sun is the core and sense of self, moon is emotions, Mercury is communication, and so on and so forth.
The signs are the "how" of each planet
How each planet's speciality is portrayed. The specific flavor of energy powering that realm.
Each sign is made up of multiple parts.
We have 4 elements: fire, earth, air, and water.
There are 2 polarities: traditionally called masculine and feminine, but can better be understood as "outward-focus" (or extroversion) and "inward focus" (or introversion.) The fire and air signs are more outwardly focused while the earth and water signs are more inwardly focused.
There are 3 modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. There are 3 signs in each element, and each sign in those element has a different modality. So there's one cardinal fire sign, one fixed fire sign, and one mutable fire sign.
Each sign is ruled by a planet: Sun rules Leo, moon rules Cancer, Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, Venus rules Libra and Taurus, etc.
The symbols: each sign has a symbol. Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull, etc.
Seasons: you can also take into account the seasons each sign take place in. Cardinal signs mark the start of a new season (Aries for spring, Cancer for summer, Libra for fall, Capricorn for winter.) The fixed signs are the middle of the season (Taurus for spring, Leo for summer, Scorpio for fall, Aquarius for winter.) Mutable signs are the end of a season (Gemini for spring, Virgo for summer, Sagittarius for fall, Pisces for winter.)
Age: the wheel "grows up" through each sign, starting with Aries "the youngest" sign to Pisces "the oldest sign."
Each sign has its opposition sign. For me, knowing the oppositions helps understanding of the sign itself. Oppositions are an intense connection, where the signs are too similar in some ways and dissimilar in others.
By knowing each part that builds a sign, you can understand that sign better, rather than general stereotypes. All signs have their good and bad. All signs have their potential, that can be used or squandered.
The Houses
Houses are the "where" of it all. What part of you (planet), how it's being expressed (signs), and where it's being expressed (houses.)
The Houses have a very loose association with the signs. I have to stress that. Do not confuse the signs and the houses. They are different. But they come from a similar place, so if you keep in mind their differences, you can use the connection to better learn about the houses. Houses 1 - 12 correlate to the signs by order of the signs, wherein the First House has a connection to Aries and the Twelfth House has a connection to Pisces.
This also means houses are sometimes thought to have their own element. As in, the First House is fire, Second earth, Third air, Fourth water...
This is where it gets really complicated.
If you see a circle chart and see a lot of lines....those lines are the angles, or "aspects." These are the planets' relationship to each other.
You can look at sign-based aspects to get an idea of how the energy of those planets works together. Remember: water and earth go well, fire and air go well. Fire and earth? Less good. Air and water? Less good. Planets in different water signs will be trine. Planets in an earth and water are sextile.
You have harmonious aspects, such as trine and sextile, where the planets have an easy relationship. You have hard aspects like square and opposition, which face more challenges. Then you have conjunctions, which can be both or neither (the planets are very close and very similar; aims might blur.) There are also minor aspects such as semi-sextile (hard) and quincunx (neither.) Quincunx relates to planets that might not otherwise have a relationship and is more or less those planets making eye contact.
The aspects are formed by angles. Each planet is in a degree and minute of a sign. So its exact placement will determine exact aspects. 3° Taurus forms an exact trine with 3° Virgo. But there's an orb of anywhere from 5 to 10° to determine aspects. So 3° Taurus still trines 8° Virgo.
Exact aspects indicate those planets' aims are coming together, and how those aims clash or blend.
Rulership and Dignities
Each sign is ruled by a planet, yes?
Those planets when in those signs are said to be "domicile"
When that planet is in an opposition sign, it is said to be "detriment."
Each planet also has a second sign it's happy in, which is known as it's exaltation. And the opposition of the exalted sign is when the planet is in fall.
These are called the "essential dignities"
The planets work "best" in their domicile and exaltation (the purpose of each planet in a sign with the right energy for its purpose) while the planets face a bit of struggle in signs of detriment or fall (this charger was not made for this device, but it's making do.)
For the sake of the next section, I'll also explain:
The rising sign, while not a planet, is an important part of the chart. The planet that rules the rising sign is called the chart ruler. So that planet has a bit more prominence.
The sun and moon also have rulers, which are called the dispositor of the sun and the dispositor of the moon respectively. This is obsessive nerd type details, but I will say I do care about the dispositors if the sun or moon is the chart ruler.
Priority List
Not all planets are equally important. They all have some level impact on you, but some will be more impactful.
The sun, moon, and rising sign are called The Big 3 and, as you can tell, are the Most important. The sun and moon the luminaries. The sun is the core of who you are. The moon is your inner world. The rising is how the world sees you.
Mercury, Venus, and Mars are called the "inner planets" which are also known as the "personal planets." Closer to the sun, so closer to who you are, and cover more personal matters such as communication, relationships, and drive.
Jupiter and Saturn are intermediary planets and are of moderate importance. Some people group them with the inner planets, but not I. Jupiter governs "abundance" and Saturn governs "discipline." Luck and life lessons.
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the "outer planets", also called "generational planets." Farther from the sun, farther from who you are. People in your generation will have these same sign placements. The house placement on the planets matter more than the sign, because that's more tailored to you.
If an outer planet is the chart ruler, or has a connection to an inner planet, then we might examine the outer planets more closely. But the outer planets govern things like "progress" (Uranus), "dreams" (Neptune), and "transformation" (Pluto) so...yeah kinda hard to fully grasp and explain what they mean.
Example Placement
Imagine, if you will, Venus in Taurus in the Second House.
Venus: love, relationships, hobbies, interests
Taurus: fixed earth sign. Also: the bull. Second sign of the zodiac. Springtime.
Second House: possessions.
Venus is domicile in Taurus.
Taurus is stubborn, sensual, loyal, hard-working, luxury-loving.
Taurus wants to have a good time and a good life. It wants to relax and enjoy itself. All fit into Venus' harmonious aims.
Taurus is an earth sign, and earth represents the physical, material world. So Taurus likes luxury. Or more specifically: comfort. Cozy blankets, good food, good music, etc. Taurus wants to feel good.
Taurus also values tangible items. Jewelry, sure, but also things like keepsakes, mementos, etc. Taurus can be quiet sentimental in this way.
Taurus is very sensual and sexual: think love (Venus) + physical (earth.)
As an earth sign, Taurus values security. As a fixed sign, Taurus is stubborn and steady. Taurus is prepared to work hard to have a good life. But Taurus is also set in its ways. Taurus is prepared to dig in its heels and work hard to hold onto its comfort and security. Even if it means eating hte same delicious meal 10 days in a row, or listening to the same sweet song on repeat.
Venus covers hobbies. For Taurus, this could be earthy things such as gardening, comfort things such as knitting, yummy things such as cooking, sensual things such as music. It covers interests, so maybe an animal-lover, or candle-collector.
Venus represents relationships (romantic and platonic.) So Taurus is loyal. Affectionate (physically, especially.) There is a focus on the physical world, so perhaps sharing an interest or hobby. People they can be at peace with and relax with.
Then all of this...in the second house. House of Possessions. There is a focus on money and material gain.
With Venus, perhaps being drawn to people of status, or people who can help you get what you want.
This gives an extra enjoyment (Venus) of luxuries themselves (the tangible objects, second house) and owning them.
The Second House is how you make money. In Venus, this could mean through relationships (marry rich!), other connections (friends in high places), or even earning them through hobbies. A star baker who decides to monetize their skills and what they love.
Taurus and the second house view objects and money as security. So first and foremost, possessions as survival and safety. Then, once attained, it's about comfort and joy. Or, even, hedonism and indulgence if taken too far.
So much potential and so much to it! And this is only Venus.
There are still...2 other inner planets to account for. And the Big 3. Alone. Then...what if Venus is aspecting another planet???? That's extra consideration!! And one should at least be aware of the outer planets!
So...yeah. There's a lot to it.
Don't even get me started on synastry (comparing 2 charts; as in...how your chart works alongside someone else's) or transits (your chart vs. where the planets currently are and how that impacts your day to day life.)
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shadzytarts · 1 year
I just saw your koi boys and I need to know everything about them immediately (totally cool if there's no story tho)
WELL THERES A LITTLE BIT OF A STORY, So my friend has this ocean au, Astro sirens are like these big fish serpent guys, Sunrise is a big sun I think he's a lil based on a lion fish, and there's Moonfall who's his brother I think they're really neat (actually I should post some of my art of them now that I think about it)
Anyways Bit bit (the sun) and Bitey (the moon) are Mini sirens, they're about 6 feet long (This is kinda long vdgshak Warning for mention of some violence but it's okay) Story wise Bit bit and Bitey are in a Qpp, they wear rings on their tails kinda like friendship bracelets
One time Bitey tried to fight a bull shark which, was not a great idea and Bit bit got injured trying to get Bitey out of that fight safely. Bitey was passed tf out and Bit bit dragged him onto shore and tries to tend to their wounds, but they're both worse for wear.
One stormy night, Moonfall comes across them (giant astro siren Moon, he's https://www.tumblr.com/crabas-lordes 's character) Bit bit's not doin great but's protective of Bitey, he can barely keep himself propped up on his arms bc he got a lil nerve damage (He just has a shaky arm now) bc of the storm Moonfall's feeling pretty soft so he decides to help them out even though Bit bit isn't very trusting of a giant predator.
So Moonfall keeps them in his under water cave home for a little while under the condition that when they're both healed up they need to leave and the next time he sees them they're a meal.
And Bit bit's like "ok", Bitey's passed out basically that whole time, he doesn't stay long after he wakes up with his messed up fin and they say their last goodbye to Moonfall After that they're taken in by Squish who's this seaslug astro siren (I'm p sure they're a sub species so they're a lil smaller than the regular astro sirens) who belongs to https://twitter.com/BShikiwara they. She's very motherly and just adopts everyone teensy Moonfall is her friend so Moonfall sees Bit bit and Bitey again like "ah- fuck its you" but he can't follow through with eating them cause Squish would kill him
So Bitey's like "oh yeah I recognize you" and just has the audacity to be like "lol you can't eat us you're emotionally attached" and they have this relationship of Bitey teasing Moonfall about that and Moonfall being like "bet" and trying to scare Bitey by dangling him over his mouth a lot Bit bit's kinda worried about Bitey but doesn't interfere much, Bitey has depressive episodes so one day he kinda tries to swim away from everyone and Bit bit's left worrying about him Moonfall follows him around noticing he's sad and bitey gets kinda "why're you here, I'm just food to you" and Moonfall's like "you cant even offer me sustenance" and's pretty persistent on keeping an eye on Bitey to keep him safe So Bitey kinda gives up tryin to get away from him and they end up having a very depressed conversation where Bitey shares his "im kinda nothing but a snack /neg" feelings and Moonfall listens ands like "I never really thought about that"
After that Bitey just generally feels comfier around Moonfall and just implicitly trusts him, and makes depressed jokes with him like "If i died would u keep my bones?" / "how would you like to eat me, I really wanna be grilled" and Moonfalls just "lol dw i'd grill u" there was an incident where Bitey was being dangled over Moonfall's mouth while they were fuckin around and he purposefully dropped in and Moonfall had a heart attack and choked him out like "don't do that again omg" I love their relationship, Bitey looks up to Moonfall and wants to be a big strong guy like him even tho that's not possible he's stuck at 6 feet long Sunrise on the other hand just sees Bit bit and Bitey as stressballs and dolls to throw around which like, Bitey's better at dealing with than Bit bit is cause Bitey will actively try to get away from him and Bit bit will just accept his fate be'in squeezed and tossed around like nothin which really hurts him He's ok Moonfall and Squish are protective of him when Sunrise gets too rough
Bit bit and Bitey wear ponchos bc Bit bit's self conscious of his shoulder scar and Bitey wears his as emotional support for him. Bitey thinks his scars are really cool They're also super food motivated, Bit bit's the more cautious one but Bitey'll just omn your whole arm on accident if you offer food
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playerzbaby · 2 years
hey boo, do you think you can do Zach LaVine? I literally just sat going thru ur page and I must say ur taste is amazing! Thank you!!!!💕
Thank you love!! 💖
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Astro breakdown: Pisces sun ☀️ cancer moon 🌙 Aquarius Mercury , Aquarius Venus 💝
This man is EMOTIONAL, he just hides it pretty well He has water and air in his chart, his Pisces sun and cancer moon speak to him being more of an emotional person and he probably daydreams A LOT. In his own lil world fr✨ he probably has a nostalgic love for childhood memories, or music and film that remind him of certain moments in his life. Having double water in your chart and in your big 3 is really interesting, he craves deep situations like deep romances and deep love from friends, like close bonds. He just doesn’t do fake shit! With that aqua Venus, he thinks ahead, probably likes space themed clothes like NASA sweaters or something like that, he just has a unique vibe and love language, probably likes intellect or progressive thinking someone who just stands OUT . His Venus speaks to him not being like the love mushy type but wanting just that something more.
His Aquarius Mercury makes him big big big on progressive thinking. Like if you want to impress him, tell him something or a perspective he never thought of before. be a lil “weird “ he’ll love it. He’s going to always explore Someone who peaks his curiosity 🗣🤯
He’s so sexy to me, and gets finer with age 🤩😍 he needs to dominate because he’s so skilled! He’s on his way to be a full on household name; hope he wins a chip for Chicago ( my town)
Create your own legacy for the bulls Zach ! 😙
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laresearchette · 10 months
Friday, August 04, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
ESPN THE OCHO!!!!! (TSN2) 1:00am: Stern Heads-Up Pinball Invitational 1:30am: USA Mullet Championships 2:00am: 2023 ACL Pro Shootout Championship 3:00am: Disc Golf Pro Tour Championship 4:00am: Marble Runs 4:30am: Financial Modeling World Championships 5:00am: 2023 Table Hockey World Championships 5:30am: Death Diving 6:00am: Teqball 6:30am: Auctioneer's Championship 7:00am: Microsoft Excel eSports: Elimination Race 7:30am: Truck and Tractor Pulling 8:00am: One Wheel World Championship 8:30 am: Arm Wrestling Reborn 9:00am: Extreme Axe & Knife Games 10:00am: Omegaball Women's Invitational 11:00am: Bullshooter 12:00pm: Omegaball Men's Invitational 1:00pm: Professional Cuesports League 2:00pm: Kickball Championship 3:00pm: The Ocho Show 4:00pm: 2023 Wiffleball All-Stars 5:00pm: Major League Table Tennis 6:00pm: Slippery Stairs 7:00pm: ACL World Championships 9:00pm: Viii Sports 10:00pm: Pillow Fighting Championship 11:00pm: 2023 FootGolf World Cup 11:30pm: Stein Holding Competition 12:00am: 2023 Corgi Races 12:30am: World Dog Surfing Championship 1:00am: Dodgeball All-Star Showcase 2:00am: 2023 Table Hockey World Championships 2:30am: Truck and Tractor Pulling
HLINKA GRETZKY CUP (TSN4) 1:00pm: Semifinal: Canada vs. United States (TSN5) 1:00pm: Semifinal: Czechia vs. Finland
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 2:00pm: Atlanta vs. Cubs (SN) 7:00pm: Jays vs. Red Sox (SN Now) 7:00pm: Mets vs. Orioles (TSN3/TSN5) 8:00pm: Rays vs. Astros (SN1) 9:30pm: Dodgers vs. Padres
CEBL BASKETBALL (TSN5) 7:00pm: East Play-In - Brampton Honey Badgers vs. Scarborough Shooting Stars (TSN5) 9:00pm: West Play-In - Edmonton Stingers vs. Winnipeg Sea Bears
LEAGUES CUP SOCCER (TSN3) 8:30pm: Round of 32: Chicago vs Club America (TSN3) 10:30pm: Round of 32: Monterey vs. Portland
LEGENDS VS. MODERN ICONS (Cottage Life) 8:00pm: The competition kicks off with a cage match between the Colosseum, the ancient world's top arena, and Wembley Stadium, the most expensive football venue ever built; a look at their architectural features and which one offers the best fan experience.
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN4) 9:00pm: Argos vs. Stamps
GIANT POP-UP CONSTRUCTIONS (Cottage Life) 9:00pm/10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Workers gather in India to build a railway underpass in just five hours; they battle stifling heat and deadly obstacles to reconnect the tracks and ensure they're safe before the first scheduled train roars through.
STIMULANT (Crave) 9:00pm: A humanoid A.I.'s attempt at winning a grieving widow's heart puts it in the path of a government agent trying to stop the rise of machine consciousness.
NATURAL BORN KILLERS: DIRECTOR'S CUT (Starz Canada) 9:00pm: Two young lovers (Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis) embark on a blood-drenched killing spree that quickly propels them to celebrity status.
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l3xistentialism · 1 year
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TAURUS ♉️ | As the Sun enters the sign of the Bull, we’re called to reflect on our connection to the earth and the nourishment we receive from having our material needs met. Taurus natives are known to love to eat, sleep, fuck, create, and do things on their own time. They don’t necessarily *enjoy* working so hard; they do it because it affords them easier access to the things they want out of life. Word to the wise: do not rush these mfs; just know it’ll get done. Honing this energy and working with it effectively calls on us to just be real with ourselves and our situations and do what makes the most sense. Taurus is fixed earth; common sense is life.
Some significant astro events happening during Taurus Szn 2023:
*Aries Black Moon Eclipse: right before the Sun ingresses into Taurus, there’s an explosive hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries that brings abrupt beginnings and fresh new territory to tread. Focusing on independent pursuits and how they affect our relationships with others, there’s some new experiences to be had. If we’re being stagnant or hesitant about things, we’ll basically be kicked in the chest out of our comfort zones.
*Sun Square Pluto: Almost immediately after the Sun ingresses into Taurus (right after that eclipse), the Sun will make a Square to Pluto in Aquarius, putting pressure on how we’ve done things before & challenging us to empower ourselves by taking a different route.
*Mercury Retrograde in Taurus: Mercury in the sign of Taurus keeps our mind grounded & focused on material comforts. Its retrograde motion may make these things harder to come by. Of course there’s the usual Mercury Rx stuff of folks popping back up, technology malfunctioning, overall delays & needed revisions. Digging into the healing work that Mercury Rx in Taurus offers requires us to really allow ourselves to slow things down and not be pressed for…anything really.
*Venus enters Cancer on May 7, bringing our desires towards that which feels like home. We’ll be looking to receive love that feels safe while nourishing our emotional senses. We may fall into wanting more traditional relationships after a little exploration while Venus was in Gemini.
*Jupiter enters Taurus: The planet of expansion enters Taurus’s grounded home on May 16, bringing luck and blessings to our material pursuits. We’re encouraged to place our faith in that which is sustainable and bears creative & material fruit.
*Mars enters Leo: On May 20, right before the Sun enters the sign of the Twins, Mars ingresses from the more subdued motivations of Cancer to in-your-face Leo. Things are going to get loud, & folks are not going to be so willing to give up their sense of autonomy and power. Things may be unseasonably warm for unreasonably long (Fixed Fire), conflicts will be rooted in selfish, prideful endeavors. Buckle up babes; might be a long, hot summer.
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bluiex · 1 year
was watching Astro boy with my little cousins earlier, anyways as silly as it sounds the robot fighting ring scene made me think of the bull au, with Scar being forced to fight in bull rings and being treated awfully, and put up against even bigger bulls than him, n the poor man finally being free after like the ring coordinators and all the keepers get caught and arrested and all the bulls that were being kept and abused are released finally, and Scar just coming to Mumbo’s ranch in this absolutely awful state, mottled with scars because wounds were never treated right, so much muscle mass but clearly underfed and fatigued, and hair too long and matted with long dried dirt and blood, and getting spooked at the smallest movements :( and the worst thing of all is that he’s a very compassionate, kind person at heart, who was trapped in an awful environment for so long
god I just went on an angst rant woops
HHNNNGNGNGN *shakes you* exactly this. I lvoe it. I love bull Scar sm. He's just in so much need of love and care.. And to be shown he's safe and loved now
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tokiro07 · 2 years
Undead Unluck Ch. 132 reaction
[The Journey’s End]
Akira being revealed to be sitting slightly to Fuuko’s left during Ragnarok is, likely unintentionally, the funniest god damn thing to ever come out of this series
Cus like...you gotta figure that from the moment G-Liner broke and Anno Un died, he was just chilling with the group the entire time. This raises a lot of questions, like who he went with when Fuuko was taken by Under or how he reacted to Fuuko being STABBED IN THE HEART
Did he know who Ruin was? He must have, right? Ruin must have existed within Information’s vision, unless he was literally only just created post G-Liner? But that’d be weird, considering that he has a scar already. I kind of doubt Sun designed him with a scar, I’m pretty sure his entire thing about being created by God is a bunch of bull, but whatever
Anyway, I think it’s extremely fitting that Akira is the one who both closes out the old and opens the new loops. Not only is he the author surrogate, lamenting the end of the current story and expressing his hope for what he’ll be able to do in the future (possibly an expression of the fear of Undead Unluck potentially being canceled before reaching that conclusion like so many other Jump manga), but he’s also a major impetus for the entire story thus far
Akira wrote To You, From Me, the story that allowed Fuuko to continue living right up until she would meet Andy. For all intents and purposes, he saved Fuuko at the very beginning of the manga, so it’s only appropriate that Part 2 begins with Fuuko saving Akira WITH the story that he allowed her to “write”
Also, fun bit of trivia, the new manga that Akira is talking about being in Jump that week (Sep. 11, 1972, issue #39) is Astro Kyuudan, and the issue of Jump he’s carrying actually has the cover in question!
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Astro Kyuudan is about a baseball team made up of boys born with baseball-shaped birthmarks and unique powers that they use to build the ultimate baseball team. I have to wonder if this series was an inspiration for Tozuka, considering that Undead Unluck is about a group with special powers trying to form the best team possible to achieve their goals (in this case killing God instead of going to Koshien). Apparently it’s a series known for doing unconventional things with the sports genre, which is appropriate, considering that Undead Unluck does a decent number of unconventional things with the battle genre
Back on topic, Akira once again found G-Liner, which presumably had again become Information’s host, but that’s a little odd since A) that means that the selection of the Artifact was pre-ordained instead of random as it was stated, and B) that the timing of Information’s capture was the same. I’m going to chalk this up to Tozuka not wanting to get bogged down in the details and instead wanting to do something compelling, which I definitely feel, I’m just the type to think about that kind of thing
Now, here’s the odd thing:
Fuuko’s got her long hair again, tucked into her shirt, implying that Andy hasn’t been around to cut it, but it’s been about 100 years since Fuuko should have been placed in the Loop. Has she really not run into Andy yet? Or are they split up for some reason, like covering as much ground as they can for recruiting the rest of the Negators? 
Fuuko telling Akira about the previous Loop presents the perfect framing device for us to learn how she’s spent the last 100 years, so I’m sure it’ll be made clear soon enough
Backtracking a bit, Fuuko’s declaration that she and everyone else would negate the Gods is as strong of confirmation that they’ll be fighting Luna as I think we could possibly ask for. When she turned to face Luna, we saw the burning Earth framing her determined expression, as if to say that the whole world had her back and that the Earth itself was declaring the Sun and Moon their enemies
The image of Andy’s skull, or the portion that holds his eyes at least (the most recognizable part of Andy in my opinion) floating through space and biding its time is one that I imagine will stick with me for a long time, especially with how it contrasts how bright and bombastic the last several chapters in the Sun fight were
Seeing countless Suns emerging to initiate Ragnarok was honestly chilling, and brings up the question of what’s going to happen after they manage to defeat Sun next Loop: are more just going to keep popping up? Do they only need to defeat one, or do they need to defeat all of them? Will Sun admit defeat if they manage to beat just one, or will its consciousness be defeated in that moment?
There’s clearly a lot more to this than initially suggested, and most likely a lot more build up to the finale than I anticipated, so we might actually hit the four year mark after all!
Time will tell, but I’m very excited to be along for the ride!
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