#Juli 2019
unplaces · 14 days
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Pike St, Wheeling, West Virginia.
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oldmon3y · 10 months
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Lana Del Rey photographed for the Billboard Magazine by Melodie McDaniel on August 8, 2019
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mister-sol · 11 months
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his boyfriend is a menace
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joojdraws · 9 months
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I hope they both get their happy ever after ❤️
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tyforthevnm · 1 year
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FrankIero: first day of tour: i just ripped my only pair of shorts getting out of the trailer and now my balls are hanging out the side. #sik 👊 [July 20, 2019 | 9:26 PM]
amandaveyart: you really do just smash that ‘send tweet’ button sometimes, huh
FrankIero: it is entirely possible my newly freed testicle swung out and smashed said button. 🤷‍♀️ [July 20, 2019 | 9:31 PM]
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711 notes · View notes
Anyway I realize that even though by all rights I haven’t actually been here very long, I think I deserve some recognition for my lifespan so far vs the lifespan of the average gimmick blog. Most of my species are goddamn fruit flies
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chirpsythismorning · 10 months
And God said:
Let there be gay people circa 1985 (2019)
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mattodore · 3 months
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OC Evolution tag: 2024 <- 2018
choose an oc and show the progress of the earliest to latest version of them
tagged by @elderwisp! it took me hours to find the oldest trays i could of theirs but uh... yeah. everyone else i've seen do this had such nice sims in the past but i think my old sims have to be some kind of sin against god.
i’ll tag @stinkrascal, @wldestluv-rs, @spurgees, @veone, and @warmsol <3
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strangesickness · 3 months
gay people will watch a horror movie where all/some of their favorite characters die and be like
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78 notes · View notes
nobodyfamousposts · 7 months
Felix July - Tragic
Yes, I know this is years late. I hope it's worth it.
Follow up to the Betrayal prompt and an aftermath of Party Crasher:
With that, the call ended. Felix gave a small sigh of relief.
At least that whole mess was over with. Mostly.
He looked up at the multitude of girls appearing all too pleased.
“I expect you’ll be having quite a few tokens of appeasement waiting for you come Monday. Maybe sooner.” He stated, returning his phone to his pocket.
“Thank you, Felix.” Alya said, sounding almost downright pleasant towards him for once.
“Don’t you think that was a bit mean?” Marinette asked. “I mean, they were doing it for Adrien.”
“The problem isn’t the party for Adrien, it’s that they lied to us about it and left us with all this work to handle by ourselves in the process.” Alya countered.
Mylene nodded. “It took a lot of planning to set this whole thing up and having most of the male portion of the city duck out at the last minute for a party they just set up that day is downright rude.” She looked away, pouting and muttering something about no kisses for a week.
Marinette felt a hand on her shoulder, drawing her gaze up to Felix. “They knew they would likely cause problems by doing this and chose to do so anyway. And so they decided to lie to try to avoid being caught. Whatever happens is a direct result of their actions, regardless of the supposed goodness of their reasons.”
“You’re saying that because they left you to nearly get your eyes clawed out.” Marinette pointed out.
His eye twitched. “But am I wrong?”
Well, he really wasn’t…
“Still…” She remained uncertain.
“They could have just invited Adrien and his bodyguard to help out here rather than start a party.” Rose pointed out.
“And leave all the work for us.” Alya added—because yes, she was still bitter about that.
“I still say we should use them as fertilizer.” Alix grumbled.
“Girls, this is a community project, meant to be for the community, not made up of the community.” Mylene reasoned.
“Even if they deserve it.” Juleka snarked, also still miffed and unwilling to let it go.
Rose smiled, beaming. “Still, that girls’ party sounds like a good idea.”
“It’d be a nice reward after all this.” Mylene agreed.
“Not to mention a nice petty revenge at the boys.” Alix said with a grin.
Marinette laughed, seeming relieved with the peaceful solution. “Better than killing them, at any rate.”
Felix clapped his hands, seemingly nonchalant.
“Well then, I hope you all have fun.” And with that, he turned to walk away.
Only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder and a smiling Alya.
…he did not like that smile. Not one bit.
The increasing grip on his being only added to his trepidation.
Alya, naturally, had no concern for this.
“Don’t say that, Felix! You’re coming too.”
A pause.
The week passed in relative normalcy. Emphasis on “relative” as it did still involve the drama of half of his classmates cowering and/or groveling before the other half. As well as much bemoaning, harrumphing, occasional begging, and the daily occurrence of walking into the classroom to be greeted by the sight of an array of flowers, candy, and gift baskets on the desks of one or more of the girls in the class each time he entered.
But it was surprisingly akuma-free, so Felix would consider it normal. An odd sort of normal, but normal nonetheless. It was nice. Peaceful, even.
…if not for the sense of impending doom he could feel creeping on him the more of the week that passed and the closer they got to the weekend—and the time of the planned “party”.
Felix knew that going to the party would be a bad idea. And not just because it was a girls’ slumber party. Or one that the girls in his class were throwing out of sheer spite due to the impromptu party the boys had thrown without them when they were supposed to be working together on that community project. Or because the girls in question had previously threatened his eyes. It was partly due to those things, certainly, but not solely.
He simply did not want to go. Period.
But like with many things in his life, Felix‘s feelings weren’t so much overlooked as they were completely disregarded.
Going to a party for the girls was not something Felix had any interest in. He wasn’t a people person in the first place and a slumber party with a number of teenage females was far from his idea of a good time, regardless of what his peers may believe. Furthermore, he was sure there were rules—or were SUPPOSED to be rules concerning the presence of boys at such things.
But apparently this was his punishment for his part in Lahiffe’s plot. Despite the fact he’d had no interest or involvement in that either. And had even been the one to explain what was going on.
Truly life was cruel.
Or maybe it was just Cesaire trying to make him miserable.
...considering the gleeful smirk on her face when she informed him of this decision, he was inclined to believe the latter.
“Don’t worry, Felix! It’ll be fun!” Assured Adrien Agreste, who was apparently either completely ignorant of what was to come or was simply a masochist.
And no, the fact that he would not be suffering this torment alone was no comfort.
“I’m so excited!” Agreste squeed—actually squeed the way the boy’s own fangirls did. Felix wanted to die from embarrassment on his behalf. 
“I know! I can’t wait!” Agreed Whayhem Marot, whom Felix was sure would enjoy the event regardless simply as long as Agreste was there.
Felix twitched.
Why was he the only one who recognized it as the punishment it was? Even the other males in the class seemed to see this as a desirable or dare he even say enviable circumstance.
“Felix. Bro. We got to talk.”
Case in point: Nino Lahiffe as he grabbed Felix and dragged him across the courtyard to some impromptu meeting with the other idiotic males of the class. And Couffaine.
This was his life now, apparently.
“What is it?” Felix demanded. Demanded quite reasonably, in his opinion—given the grabbing and the forced interaction.
“Dude. While you’re there, don’t be looking at my girl.” Lahiffe warned him. Backed by the other relationship-bound males in the class whom were also giving him stern looks and nodding in agreement in defense of their respective girlfriends and girl friends.
Not that Felix had any interest in observing any of the aforementioned females in states of undress. And again, didn’t want to be there to begin with.
“But get pictures. We need pics, man!”
He wasn’t sure he would be able to be able to take pictures at all with the girls watching him. Much less take pictures of anyone when he wasn’t allowed to look at them.
“And details!”
More to the point...
Felix raised a hand in exasperation. “There are two problems with this. The first being that I don’t know anything about slumber parties.”
“It’s…y’know. Slumber. And parties.” Lahiffe frowned before turning to the others. “Guys, back me up!”
“I have compiled a list of top activities that tend to take place at slumber parties, along with their detailed explanations for your purposes.” Kante offered, holding out a ream of papers clipped together that could practically be its own book.
Felix shoved it back to the shorter boy with a glare.
“The second problem is that I don’t care.”
“Man, seriously?” Le Chien demanded, as if the reason Felix should want to go was supposed to be obvious. “This is a party! With girls!”
A pause.
Felix raised an eyebrow.
Le Chien scratched his head. “That’s…kind of supposed to be the reason.”
He turned away. “And I’m done here.”
Frustratingly, Lahiffe blocked his way.
“Come on, Felix! Adrien is going! Would you really let Adrien go to a girls’ party all alone?”
“Yes.” He replied without even the slightest hesitation.
If it was his choice, who was Felix to interfere? Or be needed to put himself at risk? Because that was the difference—Agreste actually WANTED to go and possibly meet death. A brutal, painful, burning, scarring death.
“Dude! You’re really just going to leave Adrien on his own?”
“I fail to see how that would be my problem.”
Or why they weren’t bugging Agreste about getting these desired ‘pics’.
“Besides, Marot is going so he won’t be ‘alone’, as you say.” Felix stated, even going so far as to make ‘quotation’ gestures for emphasis.
Lahiffe coughed. “Wayhem is…cool and all. But he’s a fanboy! And about as innocent as Adrien is!”
“Then they can learn together. Starting with why adolescent males should not be at slumber parties with adolescent females.”
“Oh come on, do you really think those two would do anything?” Le Chien questioned.
He said that like anyone would think Agreste and Marot would be the ones to worry about instead of the victims.
Felix expected that there would be bodybags.
…he expected one of those bags to be his own.
But on that note…
“Why isn’t Couffaine going?” He asked, gesturing to the musician who had apparently stopped by to drop off a delivery for the girls that likely had to do with the party in question.
Because surely, surely he of all people wouldn’t have earned the girls’ ire.
“Because Luka joined the guys’ party.”
Felix shot Luka a withering look.
“You disappoint me.”
Luka smiled, nervous and apologetic. “Sorry.”
“Make no mistake.” Felix stated, turning back to the others. “If I had any say in the matter, I would not be going to this party. At all.”
“Too bad you don’t have a choice!” Cesaire chirped, coming upon the group with a vicious smirk that made the other males scramble away like the dirty cowards they were. “We’ll be set for the night and you’re not allowed to run. Or we will know.”
Felix sighed.
How they had gotten his mother on board with this, he had no idea.
“This is a punishment, isn’t it?“
“What?” Cesaire fake gasped. “You’re going to be spending the night with a bunch of pretty girls, eating plenty of junk food and baked goods, and having tons of fun! How is that a punishment?“ She asked, fluttering her eyes at him.
Felix glared at her, unimpressed.
“I despise fun.”
“Careful Felix.” She said all too sweetly. “I would almost think you were rejecting our kind offer.“
Ah, yes. The “kind offer“ to not claw out his eyes at the low cost of one night of humiliation and degradation that would no doubt be used to haunt him for the rest of his life.
...he could learn Braille.
The night of the party came, and at late afternoon, Felix was “escorted” to Le Grand Paris.
And by “escorted”, he meant “kidnapped”.
Not that his mother cared.
“Goodbye, Felix!” She called out, waving happily while seemingly ignoring the fact that he was literally being dragged away. “I’ll see you in the morning! Have fun!”
Evil woman. Evil vile woman.
“Come on, Felix! You don’t want to be late!” Cesaire said, all too cheerfully.
“I could just not go.” He muttered. He could very well hide out under a bridge. That would be unpleasant for the night, but still better than what was to come.
“How cute! He thinks he has a choice!” Cesaire cooed as she and Kubdel each stood on either side of him—likely to prevent him from escaping.
He gave her a flat glare. “Die. Die and come back as something pleasant.”
Cesaire just grinned smugly. Kubdel, for her part, rolled her eyes but went along with Cesaire.
It was clear there would be no avoiding this. All Felix could do was accept his fate and begrudgingly walk with the girls to the car that would be taking them to the party.
The only good thing to come of this was that Rossi would not be in attendance as she had not helped out with the volunteer project either.
Though Felix suspected that was just the official excuse so as to prevent discord during the night between Dupain-Cheng and Rossi…
…as well as prevent him from following through on his threat to jump out the first window available, regardless of relative distance to the ground.
You win this round, gravity.
“Hi, Felix!” Agreste greeted as Felix and his “escorts” entered the car.
Felix merely grunted in acknowledgment as the doors closed and his moving tomb started to head towards their destination.
Somehow, though for the life of him he would never understand precisely how, the girls had managed to convince Agreste’s anal-retentive father to consent to his son going to an all-girls’ slumber party.
Which would quite frankly be a miracle in and of itself. Felix has heard enough of the man over the years to know that this should have been an impossible feat. Even if Gabriel Agreste was the sort of man to believe in something as asinine as “fun”, no sensible parent would want to allow males at a sleepover comprising mostly of teenage daughters. And while Felix did question Mr. Agreste’s precise position on the line between “sensible” and “idiotic”, he had been sure that even that man would know better—if only to protect his slowly dying business from the scandal of his son spending a night with a bunch of girls.
Felix suspected some form of blackmail may have been involved.
Or mind control.
Agreste was clearly excited, practically bouncing in his seat. “This will be my first sleepover!”
“Mine too!” Merot chimed in.
It would be Felix’s as well, but that hardly meant it was a life goal and for the life of him, Felix didn’t understand why anyone would think it should be.
As the others continued chatting, Felix was contemplating the pros and cons of jumping out of a moving vehicle. They weren’t going too quickly. Maybe if he ducked and rolled? Or waited until it came to a complete stop?
Either fortunately or not, his contemplations were cut short as they had rather quickly arrived at the destination.
The Grand Hotel.
“It was really nice of Chloe’s Dad to let us have the party here!” Adrien said cheerfully.
Alya smiled.
Felix did not trust that smile. At all.
While none of the girls explained how they had gotten permission to use the hotel main event room for this party, Felix highly suspected that Mayor Bourgeois’s unusual acquiesce to their request had less to do with any good will than it did the very real threat that the girls involved were classmates of his daughter and could easily tell her that he had gone to that party at the mansion.
Adrien’s mansion.
Adrien. Her “best friend”.
A party SHE was not invited to.
To say she would be furious would be an understatement. And the fact that he had managed to keep his involvement secret from her was impressive in its own right. And maybe it would have worked out for him if Cesaire wasn’t involved and looking for vengeance.
Felix sympathized somewhat with the man. Only somewhat because….well…a grown man—and an easily recognizable politician at that? Going to that party was still an incredibly stupid thing to do. Not to mention somewhat creepy.
Andre Bourgeois seemed to think Felix was a kindred spirit as he smiled shakily at the boy, as if looking for some sympathy.
Or perhaps silently praying for him.
Felix would take the latter. He’d need all the help he could get to make it through this night.
The event room in question where the sleepover would be taking place was one of the hotel’s executive suites. There was a central room as well as two side bedrooms and a separate kitchen area. Not that Felix expected there to be much cooking if the laptop Haprele was opening up to the selection of a nearby pizzeria was any indication.
Lavillant and the younger Couffaine were already present and arranging the food and plates. Kubdel seemed to be setting up the television for various video games and movies.
Which left…
“Sorry I’m late!” Dupain-Cheng’s arrival was announced with an apology and a bang as she tried to open the door while holding several boxed of what he reasonably assumed were various pastries.
And with that, the gang was all here.
“Oh, let me help you with that, Marinette!” Agreste offered.
Felix prepared to step in himself. Knowing that girl’s crush, him coming closer to her would make her more likely to drop her cargo than help.
But he hadn’t needed to.
“No worries! I’ve got it!” Came a cheerful voice as another girl came in from behind her. She had tan skin and short red hair. And she seemed muscled, so the multitude of packages alongside her own bags were no trouble to her.
“Thanks, Odine!” Dupain-Cheng said, looking relieved.
Oh right. He remembered now. That girl was Le Chein’s girlfriend, Odine Soares. But why was she there?
As if sensing his confusion, Cesaire smirked. “Odine was invited to our party since she was also left out of the boys’.”
Soares settled the cartons on the table with a huff. “That was a real jerk move of the boys to make excuses to bail on their commitment, and I didn’t appreciate Kim using our swim sessions as a part of their excuse.” She turned to the others with a smile. “I do appreciate the invite though.”
Felix held up his hand. “Well, if this counts as an additional person for a party with limited room, it would be remiss of me to not give my place to someone more deserving—”
Cesaire grabbed his sleeve to keep him from his less than casual move for the door. Thankfully not his arm or they would likely have had a problem. “Oh come on, Felix!” She said, her grin a bit too wide to be innocent. “There’s no need for that!”
“I beg to differ. You just have fun and—”
The door closed behind him. The slam as clear as his own death knell.
“We insist.” Cesaire stated, her words clearly a warning.
Felix sighed and reluctantly moved to place his bags in the side room designated for the boys. When he returned, he found the girls in a discussion over horror movies or video games. With little option and wanting to open himself up to as little drama as possible, he chose to sit next to Agreste and Merot on the couch. His only allies for this mess of a night. 
“This is going to be fun!”
“I know, right?”
…it seemed his allies had already fallen.
Felix was on his own.
The sleepover started simply enough.
Pizza was ordered. Soda was poured. Popcorn was popped and promptly somehow simultaneously fought over and used as ammo. Candy was shared.
They started with some Mecha Strike which all of them played—except for Dupain-Cheng, who was apparently banned due to her “mad skillz”. They played in teams that eventually came out with Lavillant and Felix as the winners—which he wasn’t at all smug about no matter Cesiare’s claim.
Then the girls insisted on a dance game. Felix, understandably, chose to sit out. To his surprise, Dupain-Cheng chose to sit out with him as well.
Or maybe it wasn’t that much of a surprise, given her natural clumsiness. No doubt it would be exacerbated due to the presence of her crush.
Still, that she chose to keep him company in his “dark and dreary” corner of the room (Cesaire’s words, not his) was…kind.
“Enjoying yourself?” She asked, polite and considerate and everything he absolutely did not need right now.
He looked away, irritated. Seeing his expression, she frowned and sat next to him.
“I’m sorry you were dragged into this.” She said quietly. “I know this isn’t your idea of a good time.”
She wasn’t wrong. Felix’s idea of a good time was probably the exact opposite of the current situation. Somewhere quiet and alone. Likely his room with a book and some tea.
It was nice that someone at least recognized that. Not that it made a difference.
“I don’t blame you.” He assured her, insomuch that at least it wasn’t her he blamed. She could probably tell that much from the glare he sent towards Cesaire at her place on the couch and cheering on Agreste and Merot’s tag team in the dance game.
Oh yes, HER, he did blame. 
As if feeling his glare on her, she turned to look at him and wagged her eyebrows in his direction.
He resisted the urge to make a profane gesture.
“Honestly, I think they’re just trying to stick it to the other boys for ditching us to throw a party where we’re specifically not invited.” Dupain-Cheng explained. 
It wasn’t necessary for her to try to explain it away. Maybe she could convince someone who didn’t know better, but Felix knew full well that this was more than vengeance against the rest of their male classmates. Cesaire was taking full advantage of the opportunity to vex him as well.
But he would be magnanimous and refrain from pointing that out because she sounded a bit miffed about the whole prior incident and he wasn’t about to try and deny her her right to her fury over the matter.
Dupain-Cheng continued, smiling at him. “Since you at least stuck to your word and told us the truth about what was going on, this is kind of a reward.”
“But for whom? Because from my perspective, this is simply a punishment all around.” He bit out.
Marinette smiled. “But Nino and the guys won’t see it that way.”
Ah, yes. The adolescent male mind would no doubt see entry into this event as a privilege and something to envy.
That’s because they didn’t know better.
No doubt they simply thought of it as scantily clad girls sleeping together or whatever else their hormone-driven brains could imagine.
The truth was that it would be more embarrassing and aggravating than anything. Humiliating. Potentially traumatizing. And may very well end in death—most likely his own.
Felix wondered if letting the other males keep that foolish image would make this night worth it.
…it wouldn’t. He knew it wouldn’t. But he would still keep quiet about it because he blamed them almost as much as he blamed Cesaire since they started this mess in the first place.
And Felix deserved something today.
In his ruminations, Dupain-Cheng had left him to his thoughts, though only for a short time. A little while later, she had returned with some hot herbal tea.
It didn’t make him feel better about what this night would bring.
But it helped.
It wasn’t long before the group had gotten worn out from the more active video games and had turned to less active and more personal time.
The girls had sat in a circle, back to front. For…simultaneous hair-styling, apparently. They had a number of hairbands, clips, head pieces, and decorations with which to adorn each other while they talked and gossiped. Agreste and Merot excitedly joined them in the circle as well.
“Felix! You should join!” Agreste invited.
“Yeah,” Cesaire said with what could only be an evil smirk. “There’s a spot for your right here!” She patted the space in front of her.
Felix gave her a dry glare. “You’re not subtle, Cesaire. I know better than to trust you anywhere near my hair.”
She pouted but turned to Dupain-Cheng instead.
Felix watched in some limited amusement at the mixture of decent styles and outright monstrosities that were born of the styling circle. Agreste ended up with his hair covered in pink clips by an overly enthusiastic Lavillant. Merot ended up with wild streaks from Kubdel and…wow, he was glad he didn’t join. He hadn’t thought they’d bring hair dye.
Cesaire, much to his vindication, ended up with her hair looking somewhat akin to a hydra after Merot separated her hair into a number of separate mismatched asymmetrical ponytails and then used hair spray to keep them in place. Whatever hairstyle the boy had been going for had failed atrociously, but they seemed to get a good laugh out of it…and only convinced Felix all the more that he was right to avoid it altogether.
If only he would be able to avoid the next activity.
Because then came THE game. The one Felix knew was coming. The one he dreaded.
“Truth or Dare~!”
Was it too late to jump out the window?
He glanced over, seriously considering it. They were only a few floors off the ground. Just 10 or 12. It wasn’t that much, right? He could make it.
Or he would fall into the sweet, sweet embrace of death and never have to experience another night like this.
Unfortunately, Kubdel and Lavillant blocked the path to the window—likely the former knowing more of his plan than the latter, who just smiled at him innocently and asked if he wanted to sit next to her for the game.
“Of course he would!”
Before he could even speak, Cesaire had reached an arm around his shoulders and “guided” him to the circle where everyone was now facing the center and preparing to play.
“I can escape.” He hissed to her. “Don’t think I wouldn’t.”
“Oh sure, you could.” She whispered back in agreement.  Then she smirked. “And what a shame that would be. Marinette would be disappointed. I guess this would leave me with no choice but to distract her from your absence and use this opportunity to continue Operation Adrinette and all of us would be free to ask Adrien so many questions about who he likes.” 
Something about that struck him as more distasteful than remaining at the party and taking part in the game.
And given the way she was looking at him, Cesaire knew it, too.
“Plus you’ll have to go home sooner or later.” She added with a smirk. “And your mother is going to want all the details of her son’s ‘first sleepover’. Imagine her disappointment if she finds out you ditched us?”
…vile girl.
“Fine.” He hissed, moving to join the ‘Circle of Friendship’.
Most of the group seem elated as he sat among them. Kubdel was snickering. Lavillant looked on the verge of squealing. Agreste and Merot smiled at him with their ignorant, oblivious, innocent eyes.
Dupain-Cheng looked nervous. Understandable, given the nature of the game they were about to play and her history of embarrassment at the hands of her so-called ‘friends’. Something that a game like this would only open her up for in spades.
If nothing else, he supposed he could at least try to help spare her the death of embarrassment. If only to spare himself the same.
The first rounds were simple, silly things.
“What was your worst akuma?”
“I dare you to impersonate Hawk Moth!”
“Try to pun like Chat Noir!”
At least Cesaire was keeping to her word with him there, as she had yet to try any of her silly matchmaking shenanigans. And the other girls seemed to be following her lead, as none of them did anything of the sort either.
Then of course, came the inevitable…
“Felix! Truth or Dare?” Lavillant asked cheerfully.
He immediately felt his back straighten.
She was cheerful. And out of all the classmates, the girl was the most kind—seemingly. But also the most naive and impressionable. Cesaire could have put her up to something.
But she wouldn’t willingly make him do anything she knew would hurt him, right?
He felt a grin from the side and resolutely chose to not look at Cesaire.
“Dare.” He said. Against all better judgement.
“I dare you…” Lavillant said, drawing it out as she seemed to be trying to think of something.
“To style Juleka’s hair!”
He blinked.
“Come again?”
“You didn’t get to take part in the hairstyle circle so it’s only fair!” She insisted.
“Style something for us, Felix!”
“Use your modeling skills!”
…well, that wasn’t so bad, at least.
“Fine.” He agreed, rolling up his sleeves. All the better to get this over with quickly. And with as little fuss as possible.
“You okay with this, Felix?” Dupain-Cheng asked. At least she was kind enough to have some concern for his comfort. He wasn't fond of touching people, after all.
He shrugged.
“It could be worse. They could have me shirtless and serving them drinks.”
A pause.
A long pause.
“Can I change my dare?”
“No.” He replied immediately.
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batshaped · 11 months
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smear frames for this!! smear me up!!!!
224 notes · View notes
unplaces · 3 months
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OH-51, Toledo, Ohio.
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tippenfunkaport · 11 months
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I'll never not be mad at Target and Mattel for how badly they botched the rollout of this toyline, but please look at these adorable pictures of ND Stevenson and the voice actors seeing the dolls for the very first time!
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reekrockk · 5 years
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the cooler crowley
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moonstoast · 2 years
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champagne problems by taylor swift // the wedding dress by frederick w. elwell // july by noah cyrus // little women (2019) // a toast to the engaged couple karl wilhelm hübner // little women (2019)
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winter-seance · 2 years
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427 notes · View notes