#Joo Jang Mi
passionforfiction · 14 days
Queen of Tears
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This series is not perfect, but it is still good. It has a solid storyline, and great characters. Hong Hae In and Baek Hyun Woo have been married for 3 years and the love that had united them at the beginning seems to have disappeared in their distance and silence after a miscarriage that broke their hearts. When Baek Hyun Woo finally has the courage to present the divorce papers to Hong Hae In, she tells him she has a tumor and doesn't have much time left. His decision to stay with her gives them an unexpected chance at finding that love that had united them once. Family interactions between their very different families questions dynamics and help characters grow.
I like the fact that they didn't take the easy way out with our main antagonist. The story in itself is really good and I loved it, however, production was a bit careless with details that were too big to miss: Hae In's operation - how can a person with a brain tumor have a surgery with her hair intact. Or Hyun Woo's neck injury suddenly disappearing in a second, ext. These kind of details show some careless oversight. But we can forgive them - we laugh it off and keep watching to see what happens next.
I liked it and recommend it.
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cerulianvermillion · 1 year
Finally having post-TOTNT 1938 thoughts and. I've grown so fond of Jaeyoo and Yeohee??? I am so glad the showrunners added them into the story. Yeo-hee was awesome she really was a star in every scene she's in and Jae-yoo was just the cutest I love him and his puppydog eyes. And his brotherhood with mi yeon and shin joo!Shinjoo and Sunwoo Eunho made me emotional like the underlying plot was absolutely heartwrenching. Of course, Moo yeong and Hong joo were super cool and I hope we'll get to see them again. AND the main characters Rang and Yeon!!! Every single scene with them kept my eyes glued to the screen like their brotherhood was everythinggg. The villains were also really good. This season was great I love you Tale of the Nine-tailed 1938
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dilebe06 · 7 months
In realtà avrei voluto saltare il solito commento poiché impegnatissima ma poi ho trovato la necessità di buttar giù almeno qualche riga.
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Moving è una serie coreana che nonostante il suo altissimo badget, una bellissima storia, un cast con i controcazzi e una oggettiva mancanza di difetti, ho trovato poco conosciuta e poco vista. E' un peccato perché la serie merita sicuramente la visione.
Partendo dal cast che ho trovato perfetto. Tutti gli attori hanno dato il 100% nei loro ruoli, anche gli attori stranieri - che spesso sono cani come ricordo il tizio italiano di Vincenzo - ed i ragazzi più giovani. Nota di merito per Han Hyo Joo , interprete di Lee Mi Hyun . L'avevo già vista in Shining Inheritance e più recentemente in W ma qui sboccia completamente. Intensa, letale ma amorevole e capace di divenire fredda come il ghiaccio quando serve.
Anche Jang Joo Won è stato uno dei miei personaggi preferiti poiché un vero e proprio tenerone. Grande, grosso, letale ma capace di mostrare umanità e sofferenza, solitudine e smarrimento. Ho amato la parte dove Jang Joo Won si perde per la strada e piange sentendosi smarrito. Non è una perdita reale ma sta parlando della sua vita. E' lì che lui si è perso e non sa più cosa fare di essa. Queste parti poetiche forse sono state le mie preferite.
Da notare poi come la serie offra a tutti i personaggi una caratterizzazione, un background, una psicologia che li rende umani, vivi, reali e non figurine di cartone messe lì a fare numero. Questo è particolarmente vero per i "villain" della storia: ho apprezzato molto che essi non fossero cattivi perché sì, perché lo richiede la trama. In questo caso, faccio spoiler ma sti cazzi, i nord coreani sono risultati i personaggi più interessanti della storia. Le loro vite distrutte, in ostaggio, per il loro paese e contro il loro paese... le loro storie sono tristissime e diventa difficile, nonostante siano i villain, non avere empatia verso di loro.
Ho percepito la disperazione della Corea del Nord nel tentativo raffazzonato di trovare super uomini da mandare contro i loro vicini: troppo veloci, troppo superficiali, troppo crudeli. Ma questo reclutamento forzato mostra benissimo il tormento del Paese.
Parlando della trama poi, è interessante. Moving prende una classica storia di gente con i superpoteri - alla Avangers per intenderci - che non deve lottare contro il Thanos di turno ma li mostra nelle difficoltà relazionali, di scelte di vita, di sopravvivenza.
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Come dice giustamente Jang Joo Won, Moving non è una storia di combattimenti ma un romanzo d'amore. Amore verso i genitori ma anche verso i figli, verso la patria (qualunque essa sia), verso l'interesse amoroso di turno, verso la vita... @suzuran-s-rooftop
Le scazzottate, i proiettili in testa, lo splatter, la distruzione, diventa quindi solo uno sfondo dove i personaggi navigano sopravvivendo, crescendo e maturando.
Punto focale della serie è la relazione genitori-figli e cosa i primi sono capaci di fare una volta che vedono i loro pargoli in pericolo. Per la loro sicurezza sono disposti a rinunciare a tutto: sicurezza, libertà... è un bellissimo messaggio. In questo caso i tre genitori Jang Joo Won, Lee Mi Hyun o Lee Jae Man dotati anch'essi di poteri che annusando i loro figli in difficoltà non esistano nemmeno un secondo per proteggerli e salvarli.
Vorrei poi porre l'accento sulla questione dei servizi segreti Sudcoreani e sul Vicedirettore Min. Tralasciando tutte le imprecazioni che gli ho tirato, diventa difficile non essere almeno un po' d'accordo con lui: sappiamo e abbiamo visto come anche gli altri paesi abbiano i super uomini ( Frank sempre nei nostri cuori) e che non esitano a mandarli in missione in Corea. Può essa rimanere senza protezione? Ma allo stesso tempo, nessuno vuole fare davvero questo lavoro. Discorso difficile.
Altra nota poi è la quantità impressionante di splatter. Ora, io sono sensibilissima su questo frangente e per me è stato davvero troppo. La serie infatti non lesina su arti mozzati, occhi cavati, impalamenti ecc ecc ed io ho trovato difficoltoso vedermi certi combattimenti che infatti ho skippato con la morte nel cuore perché amo le scene di rissa.
La serie offre anche delle storie d'amore anche se la mia preferita è stata quella di Kim Doo Shik e Lee Mi Hyun : lenta, delicata, romantica e pericolosa. Ho amato poi, tutti i rimandi che sono stati inseriti, come nel finale il tetto della casa viola, in richiamo alle parole passate della madre su come il viola fosse il suo colore preferito. Tetto fatto di quel colore per indicare al padre la via di casa. Carini da morire.
Anche Kim Bong Seok e Jang Hee Soo sono stati adorabili: mi è piaciuto come abbiano legato sin da subito e fossero uno il sostegno dell'altro. Come Bong aiutasse Hee sia nei suoi allenamenti sia nella relazione con il padre e come Hee fosse sempre super gentile con Bong.
Ultima nota, il finale.
Ho apprezzato che il finale della serie tornasse all'inizio: gli americani. La loro storyline si era conclusa con la morte di Frank nel quarto episodio e poi non se ne era saputo più nulla. Ma con la fine della serie, tornano in tutta la loro gloria e mi è piaciuto che gli autori non se ne siano dimenticati e anzi, probabilmente saranno la base per una seconda stagione.
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E adesso, il vero motivo perché ho sentito il bisogno di scrivere queste righe:
Nonostante le mie belle parole, nonostante non abbia trovato criticità oggettive, nonostante l'ottima produzione, Moving non è riuscito a farmi innamorare. Mi è piaciuto, ho visto una bella storia fatta benissimo e potrei parlare per ore delle cose positive di questa serie. Ma non mi ha preso il cuore.
Non è stato come Someday o Circle o anche High and Low, drama da produzione più "brutte" a volte, con anche errori e cagate che però hanno saputo conquistarmi.
Ed è proprio la ricerca del perché questo non sia avvenuto ad avermi spinto a scrivere: ho pensato che mettendo "su carta" la serie, mi sarebbe giunta l'illuminazione.
Spoiler: non è arrivata.
Ci dovrò riflettere sopra ma in compenso mi sono data due risposte: la prima è il troppo splatter. Come detto sopra non solo non ne sono un amante ma proprio non riesco a vedere queste scene, portandomi quindi a non potermi godere metà dei combattimenti.
La seconda motivazione potrebbe essere la coralità. Tanti personaggi, tante storie, tanti background che mi hanno fatto volteggiare come una pallina impazzita da una parte e dall'altra. Non sono riuscita a concentrarmi su nessuno dei protagonisti perché tutti in un modo o nell'altro lo erano.
Detto questo, che rimane una mia opinione da considerare con il tempo, Moving rimane una serie assolutamente da vedere!
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scorbleeo · 11 months
Drama Review: Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938
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Source: Google Images
An unexpected case leads Lee Yeon back in time to 1938, where he reencounters Ryu Hong Joo. Once a guardian spirit of the mountain in the west, she's now the owner of a high-end restaurant in the capital city of Gyeongseong. He also meets his younger brother Lee Rang. Meanwhile, another former guardian spirit and ex-friend Cheon Moo Young has become hostile. Lee Yeon struggles to return to the present, to his loved one.
Source: MyDramaList (2023)
One of the Most Unserious Dramas Out There
Before we start: I did not watch the first one and am not planning to watch it at all. Going into Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 I admit I had to do a Q&A with my sister to understand what happened between the Lee brothers in this drama's modern world. However, one does not actually need to watch the previous drama to watch this and honestly speaking, from what I saw and knew about it, Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 is a whole lot more interesting and fun.
That being said, lets get on with how I felt about this drama. I am not kidding when I say, this is the most unserious drama for a drama anyone would think to be serious. Practically half of this drama was comedy and that is a praise. The comedy bit plays a part in making Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 so darn interesting and fun. Yet, this show also pulls on your heartstrings be it the brothers, the best friends or the best friends' righthand people.
I understand romance was a huge part of the first instalment but in this, it was just a tiny bit and I believe that is why I freaking loved watching this drama. In terms of what romance there was, I have no complains too. I mean, I adore the mermaid and the only complain I have is that I wished we could have gotten more scenes with her powers. When Rang said he liked someone who's stronger than him, he was not lying. The way Yeohee was written was right up my alley, she may not be as powerful as Rang but she saved him more times than he saved her and even when she was in danger, she still did not back down on a losing fight. For that reason, Yeohee is I really thought I would dislike the mermaid but nope, I love her.
Another thing I seriously love about Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 was the friendships. Any friendship in this drama was a pleasure to watch. Obviously, the friendship among our three mountain gods was my favourite. Don't get me wrong, Yeon is extremely lovable but in this trio, I need to worship my lady, Hongjoo and lovingly protect the cinnamon roll, Mooyoung. These three portrayed my kind of friendship where they were tight as children, still tight as adults and even with unfortunate circumstances, they might hate but they love each other more. Of course, the friendship among the roommates was a delight too. I only highlighted my top two favourites but I am not lying when I claim that this show did friendships so well.
Now, now. We have a problem though. At the beginning of this drama, Taluipa told Yeon even if he changes something in 1938, it does not affect 2023. I think its safe for me to say that we do not want that to be true, right? I am just willing to believe that what Taluipa said meant that Rang would still be dead in 2023, nothing Yeon did in 1938 changed Rang's decision in the future. I would even go as far to say that, everything Yeon did in 1938 further encouraged Rang to make that choice in the future. That is all I am willing to believe because I hear there's a third season and I need my best friends and roommates reunited to fight (without a doubt) the original mountain god. Yes, I know I said all I am willing to believe is that Rang is still dead but that's because I am sure there will be no Nine-Tailed dramas without both Lee brothers alive.
When the next instalment comes out, I will watch it as long as Hongjoo and Mooyoung are still around (if Jaeyoo, Miyeon and Yeohee are too, even better). I don't even care if there will be more romance although I wish there wouldn't be.
Rating: ★★★★★
P.S.: Anyone else felt that the big bad villains were so pathetic as compared to the smaller villains?
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fruchtchen · 10 months
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지저스 크라이스트 수퍼스타 (2015) - 윤형렬 (유다), 마이클리 (지저스), 박은태 (지저스), 한지상 (유다), 최재림 (유다), 김영주 (헤롯), 장은아 (마리아), 이영미 (마리아), 함연지 (마리아)
Jesus Christ Superstar (2015) - Yoon Hyung-ryul (Judas), Michael K. Lee (Jesus), Park Eun-tae (Jesus), Han Ji-sang (Judas), Choi Jae-rim (Judas), Kim Young-joo (Herod), Jang Eun-ah (Mary), Lee Young Mi (Mary), Ham Yonji (Mary)
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Jang Sung-kyu and Park Jin-joo, How to Deal with Yu-mi Kang, Live Broadcast Perception
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junkobato · 1 month
Upcoming Kdrama May 2024 💚
1/5: Frankly Speaking with Go Kyung Pyo, Kang Han Na. 12 episodes; rom-com.
4/5: the Atypical Family with Chun Woo Hee, Jang Ki Yong. 12 episodes, fantasy, romance, action.
11/5: the Midnight Romance with Jung Ryeo Won, Wi Ha Joon, So Joo Yun. 16 episodes; romance.
13/5: Crash with Lee Min Ki, Kwak Sun Young, Heo Sung Tae. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, comedy.
13/5: Dare to Love Me with Kim Myung Soo, Lee Yoo Young. 16 episodes; rom-com.
15/5: Uncle Samsik with Song Kang Ho, Byun Yo Han, Lee Kyu Hyung. 16 episodes; business drama.
17/5: the 8 Show with Ryu Joon Yul, Chun Woo Hee, Park Jong Min. 8 episodes; thriller, psychological.
22/5: Not Very Strong, but Attractive Homicide Squad with Park Se Wan, Kim Dong Wook. 12 episodes; mystery, comedy.
24/5: Bitter Sweet Hell with Kim Hee Sun, Lee Hye Young, Kim Nam Hee. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, comedy.
24/5: Connection with Ji Sung, Jeon Mi Do, Kwon Yul. 16 episodes; thriller, mystery.
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Many new dramas! And so little time...
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kdramaspace · 20 days
🔁 please consider reblogging to increase our sample size.
feel free to leave suggestions for characters you’d like to see in the tags! as always, if you’d like to submit a potential POTW question, you may send in your submissions here.
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dailyasiandramas · 10 months
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wlwcatalogue · 2 years
A Gay Girl's Guide to Korean Musicals (with English subtitles!)
People often associate musicals with male gayness (both onstage and off) but there's stuff out there for female-oriented queers too! It's just harder to find, which is why I put this video together despite not knowing Korean.
This list isn't comprehensive and I deliberately chose musicals with either queer female characters or gender-free casting (i.e. female actors playing male roles), except for Bernarda Alba, which is special as it’s by far the largest-scale all-female production with 10 characters. Obviously there are many Korean musicals out there which don't meet these criteria and are still of interest to the queers, but I wanted to highlight these in particular as they are, apart from Rebecca, not as well-known. I highly recommend checking out @koreanmusicals for more information on Korean musicals generally!
Note: Again, I don’t understand Korean and relied heavily on machine translation and the original lyrics for licenced productions, so any errors in the subtitles or explanations are mine. Corrections are very welcome!
At-a-glance list:
1. Lizze (리지)
2. Midnight (미드나잇)
3. Rebecca (레베카)
4. Pirate (해적)
5. V Ever After (V 에버 애프터)
6. Frida (프리다)
7. Red Cliff (적벽)
8. Bernarda Alba (베르나르다 알바)
More details, including links to the sources, under the cut!
1. LIZZIE (리지)
Photo source: NewsCulture
A. “If You Knew” (네가 안다면)
Actor: J-Min/제이민 (Alice) Video source:  Oh! J-Min 오! 제이민
B. “Will You Stay?” (있어줄래?)
Actors: J-Min/제이민 (Alice – main vocal), Yuria/유리아 (Lizzie) Video sources:  서울문화투데이TV, OSEN TV, 톱데일리 Top Daily, 더인터 (clip 1, clip 2), PlayDB, TongTongCulture
C. “Sweet Little Sister” (소중한 내 동생)
Actors: Kim Ryeowon/김려원 (Emma – main vocal), Jeon Sung-min/전성민 (Lizzie), Lee Youngmi/이영미 (Bridget), Kim Suyeon/김수연 (Alice) Video sources:  PlayDB, TongTongCulture
2. MIDNIGHT (미드나잇)
Photo source: 666PICTURE
A. “The Future Comes A-Knocking” (그날이 찾아왔어)
Actor: Yuria/유리아 (Visitor) Video source: 정숲
B. “Everyone’s A Devil, Now and Then” (누구나 악마죠 때로는)
Actors: Jang Bo-ram/장보람 (Visitor), Ju Da-on/주다온 (Woman), Jang Yoo-sang/장유상 (Man), Park Seon-young/박선영 (Player 1), Jina Esther Baek/백지나에스더 (Player 2), Kang Daewoon/강대운 (Player 3), Hwang Ji-sung/황지성 (Player 4) Video sources: 빚, 라디우스, 탄수화물 섭취량과 행복도의 상관관계
3. REBECCA (레베카)
Photo source: EMK Musical’s official Facebook page
“Rebecca” (레베카)
Actors: Ock Joo Hyun/옥주현 (Mrs. Danvers - main vocal), Lee Ji Hye/이지혜(Protagonist) Video source: EMK MUSICAL
4. PIRATE (해적)
Photo source: comet7423_PIC
A. “I Won't Let You Go” (가만 안 둬)
Actors: Kim Ee-hoo/김이후 (Anne Bonny), Kim Ryeowon/김려원 (Mary Read) Video source: KONTENTZ PLANNING
B. “All of us and the dreams we don’t remember” (우리 모두의, 기억나지 않는 꿈)
Actors: Kim Ee-hoo/김이후 (Anne Bonny), Kim Ryeowon/김려원 (Mary Read) Video source: MN CAM
5. V EVER AFTER (V 에버 애프터)
Photo source: Amor_pic
“Hunt” (사냥)
Actors: Kim Ee-hoo/김이후 (Lehwig – main vocal), Hwang Hannah/황한나 (Frantzschez) Video source: 컷콜 찍는 먼지
6. FRIDA (프리다)
Photo source: NewsCulture
“Hummingbird” (허밍버드)
Actors: Jeon Su-mi/전수미  (Diego/Reflejar), Kim So-hyang/김소향 (Frida) Video source: PlayDB
7. RED CLIFF (적벽)
Photo source: L0VE_pearl
“Southeastern Wind” (동남풍)
Actors: Lim Ji-soo (Kong Ming, aka. Zhuge Liang), Lee Geum-mi/이금미 (Zhou Yu), Kim Su-in 김수인 (Lu Su), Choi Ha-neul/최하늘 (Xu Sheng), Lee Yongjeong/이용전 (Zhao Yun, aka. Zhao Zilong), others Video source: KBS 11’s 국악 한마당, episode 1256 (aired 27 Apr 2019)
8. BERNARDA ALBA (베르나르다 알바)
Photo source: Screencap from livestream
“Prologue” (프롤로그)
Actors: Jung Young-joo/정영주 (Bernarda Alba), Lee Youngmi/이영미 (Foncia – main vocal), Hwang Seok-jeong/황석정 (Maria Josefa), Jung In-ji/정인지 (Angustias), Kim Hwan-Hee/김국희 (Amelia), Oh So-yeon/오소연 (Adela), Baek Eun-hye/백은혜 (Magdalena), Jeong Sung-min/전성민 (Martirio), Kim Hieora/김히어라 (Young Handmaid), Kim Koo-hee/김환희 (Handmaid, Prudence) Video source: THE MUSICAL
Amadeus (아마데우스)
El crítico (비평가)
Unchain (언체인)
Jane (제인)
Orphans (오펀스)
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kdramaqween · 5 months
To finish off the year, here's my TOP 23 Ships from dramas I watched in 2023
1. Kim Doo Shik ♥ Lee Mi Hyun
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2. Cha Jin Woo ♥ Jung Mo Eun
Tell Me That You Love Me
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3. Seo Do Guk ♥ Han Yi Joo
Perfect Marriage Revenge
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4. Xin Qi ♥ Min Hui
The Love You Give Me (C-Drama)
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5. Choi Kang Ho ♥ Lee Mi Joo
The Good Bad Mother
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6. Dongfang Qincang ♥ Xiao Lanhua
Love Between Fairy and Devil (C-Drama)
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7. Jung Ki Ho ♥ Seo Mok Ha
Castaway Diva
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8. Moon Jang Yeol ♥ Bong Ye Bun
Behind Your Touch
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9. Gu Won ♥ Cheon Sa Rang
King the Land
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10. Cho Yong Pil ♥ Cho Sam Dal
Welcome to Samdalri
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11. Yoo So Joon ♥ Song Ma Rin
Tomorrow With You
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12. Kang Hee Shik ♥ Kang Nam Soon
Strong Girl Namsoon
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13. Dong Go Yun ♥ Jung Da Eun
Daily Dose of Sunshine
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14. Gong Tae Gyeong ♥ Oh Yeon Doo
The Real Has Come
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15. Jang Seon Gyeol ♥ Gil Oh Sol
Clean With Passion for Now
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16. Cha Min ♥ Cho Se Yeon
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17. Heo Joon Jae ♥ Shim Cheong
Legend of the Blue Sea
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18. Kim Tae Hee ♥ Baek Dong Joo
May I Help You
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19. Jung Gu Won ♥ Do Do Hee
My Demon
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20. Nam Si Heon ♥ Han Jun Hee
A Time Called You
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21. Jang Tae Sang ♥ Yoon Chae Ok
Gyeongseong Creature
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22. Lee Kang ♥ Moon Cha Young
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23. Cha Eun Ho ♥ Kang Dan Hee
Romance is a Bonus Book
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thedramanotes · 2 years
Netflix subtitles call actress Oh Na Ra's character "Maidservant Kim" and that rubs me the wrong way every time I read it.
She's more steward than servant of the Jang household. If her character was male, he wouldn't have been mis-titled like this.
Kim Do-joo (as other characters call her) represents the Jangs in the absence of Jang Uk's father. She's also in charge of all Jang household decisions, including being responsible for fixing Jang Uk's marriage. She's treated with respect by the mages of Songrim.
So, it utterly bewilders me that the netflix subtitlers thought "Maidservant" was the correct designation for her role.
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prbni · 2 years
I actually never hated Kwon Min Woo. Surely I found him pretty annoying but didn't hate him. People like him exist more in this world. If you look at other characters, all of them seemed to have a soft spot for Youngwoo the instant they got close to her. But life isn't really that easy for people with autism. It's like showing Youngwoo's world with rose tinted glasses.
And while I resented both Hanbada CEO and Tae Su Mi cuz they're people with power treating Young woo like a tool, Minwoo was merely a subordinate looking out for himself.
And while the things he was trying to do were wrong, people like him are quite common. Just because you're in a team doesn't mean everyone in your team will have the same mindset. And his goal was different from that of the others. Same goes for his view towards the world.
And I'd go as far as saying it wasn't his feelings for Suyeon but with the shift from Attorney Jung to Atty Jang as his boss did he realise how important teamwork is. So, all in all I liked to see a character like him spicing things up in the storyline while not losing his vibe.
And a shout out to Joo Jong Hyuk for portraying this character so well. Lmao we all disliked it whenever he came on screen, didn't we?
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fruchtchen · 10 months
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지저스 크라이스트 수퍼스타 (2015) - 한지상 (유다), 지현준 (빌라도), 김태한 (빌라도), 김영주 (헤롯), 마이클리 (지서스), 함연지 (마리아), 박은태 (지저스), 장은아 (마리아), 이영미 (마리아)
Jesus Christ Superstar (2015) - Han Ji-sang (Judas), Ji Hyun-joon (Pilate), Kim Tae-han (Pilate), Kim Young-joo (Herod), Michael K. Lee (Jesus), Ham Yonji (Mary), Park Eun-tae (Jesus), Jang Eun-ah (Mary), Lee Young Mi (Mary)
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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"Lucid Paul, Luckily, doesn't speak English."
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wysteriahigh-rpg · 5 months
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⛧ A-B-C-D ⛧
Anatchaya Suputhipong (Natty) - Brekker
Anton Lee - Gaku
Bae Joo Hyun (Irene) - Aqua
Barbara Palvin - Stone
Cha Eun Woo - Garfield
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten) - Kira
Cho Mi Yeon - Serenade
Choi Beom Gyu - Destrie
Choi Soo Bin - Labyrinth
Choi Ye Na - BILLIE
Choi Yeon Jun - BILLIE
Chou Tzu Yu - soul
⛧ E-F-G-H ⛧
Fukutomi Tsuki - Brekker
Han Dong Min (Taesan) - Helyg
Han Yu Jin - Mimi
Hanni Pham - Labyrinth
Hong Eun Chae - Hina
Hwang Hyun Jin - Avalond
Hwang Ye Ji - soul
Kai Kamal Huening - Wari
⛧ I-J-K-L ⛧
Jake Shim - Gaku
Jang Won Young - Wari
Jeong Jun Ho - Rancid
Jeong Yun Oh (Jaehyun) - Mei
Jo Yuri - Baptism
Johnny Seo - Riv
Kim Dong Hyun (Lee Han) - Iridescent
Kim Jennie - Labyrinth
Kim Ji Woong - Howling
Kim Ji Soo - Zodiac
Kim Jong In - Kazu
Kim Min Ji - Helyg
Kim Min Jeong - BILLIE
Kim Sun Woo (Sunoo) - Helyg
Lalisa Manoban - Starlight
Lee Hee Seung - Rancid
Lee Ju Yeon - Helyg
Lee Min Ho (Lee Know) - Shota
Lee Tae Min - AKJ
⛧ M-N-O-P ⛧
Myoui Mina - Wari
Nakamoto Yuta - Ganamides
Ning Yi Zhou - Sillhvee
Nishimura Riki - Wari
Nakamura Kazuha - Bambi
Park Gun Wook - Silvergray
Park Sung Hoon - Baptism
Park Won Bin - Pierrot
⛧ Q-R-S-T ⛧
Park Jong Seong (Jay) - Mimi
Scarlet Leithold - Stone
Seol Yoon Ah - sweet.bubbles
Shen Quan Rui (Ricky) - Pantenom
Shin Ryu Jin - Gato
Son Chae Young -Gato
Song Ha Young - sakura
Sung Han Bin - BLOSSOM
⛧ U-V-W ⛧
Wen Junhui - soul
⛧ X-Y-Z ⛧
Ye Shuhua - Kuromi
Yang Jung Won - Brekker
Yoo Ji Min - amnesia
Zhang Hao - Mimi
Dracul - Wari
De Nile - Brekker
Emberfall - Rancid
Pierrot - Rivers
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