#John Richard Moore
perfettamentechic · 9 months
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7 settembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Marsha Hunt, Marsha Virginia Hunt, attrice statunitense, attiva sul piccolo e grande schermo fin dal 1935 – una carriera che dura da quasi 80 anni apparendo un numerosi film. Marsha sposò il regista Jerry Hopper nel 1938. Divorziarono nel 1943. Sposò il suo secondo marito, lo sceneggiatore e regista radiofonico Robert Presnell Jr. nel 1946. Hunt era incinta e molto malata durante le riprese…
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nerds-yearbook · 22 days
After one season of 22 episodes, the first Flash live action series ended. The final episode of the 1990's the Flash aired on May 18, 1991. Corinne Bohrer who played Zoey Clark in this episode also played the same character 27 years later in the Flash reboot series (2014). ("Trial of the Trickster", The Flash, TV Event)
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star-reyes · 10 months
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X-Force #70-81 "The Road Trip arc"
"X-Force Fun Fact: While many superhero groups are funded by the government or wealthy patrons, the members of X-Force refuse to sell out. Consequently, they're broke."
Writer: John Francis Moore, Joseph Harris
Pencils: Adam Pollina, Andy Smith, Mike S. Miller
Inks: Mark Morales, Team X, Hanna & Parsons, Rob Still
Letters: Richard Starkings/Comicraft, Emerson Miranda, Kolja Fuchs
Colors: Marie Javins, John Kalisz, Gloria Vasquez, Steve Buccellato, Guillermo Zubiaga
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generic-lab-assistant · 9 months
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Assassin cats the sequel with some added ones cause why not
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no-side-us · 9 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Sep. 11
The Devil's Foot, Part 1 of 3
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This suggests that Watson isn't living with Holmes at the time this story is published, which makes me curious as to why. Perhaps they just needed some space from one another. Regardless, I can appreciate that it's different from them recounting a case while sitting by the fireplace.
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How many times has Holmes told Watson he can write up an interesting case they had before changing his mind? It must have been at least a few times if Watson is rushing to get his notes and publish the story.
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Dr. Agar is interesting: a doctor who is not Watson, who Holmes trusts to diagnose him and tell him to stop working. Whatever "dramatic introduction" they had, I would assume involved aiding Holmes. Maybe he saved his life.
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While this line could simply mean Holmes becoming too sick and debilitated to work, the use of "disqualified" makes me imagine Holmes with a detective license of some sort that Dr. Agar can just, revoke. I wouldn't know if that's the case, so it's probably just a fancy way of saying the first thing.
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Oh, poor Watson. You just wanted a nice, grim little cottage fantasy away from any crimes or cases, but what you fail to realize is that any detective story where they go on vacation is always going to include a case of some kind. If anything, you set the precedent.
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Watson is too much of a gentleman. I know deep down he wanted to tell the vicar off and to push him out the door the moment the words "extraordinary," "tragic", and "affair" left his lips.
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I remember reading this when I first read all the Sherlock Holmes stories years ago and imagining a scene which was much scarier than any art I could find of it. I also remember enjoying the venture into something more horrific for Holmes.
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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balu8 · 7 months
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X-Force #66: Tragic Kingdom
by John Francis Moore; Adam Pollina: Mark Morales; Marie Javins and Richard Starkings
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mariocki · 9 months
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The Saint: The Fiction Makers - Part 1 (6.11, ITC, 1968)
"Mr. Klein, do you remember what SWORD did to the police sergeant in Sunburst Five?"
"Oh no..."
"The equipment is fully operational in the cellar, it can be filled with acid in one minute."
"Oh, you wouldn't!"
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Artists’ Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook, A Special Digested Edition, Edited by Joan Lyons, Texts by Dick Higgins, Richard Kostelanetz, Ulises Carrión, Lucy R. Lippard, Shelley Rice, Barbara Moore and John Hendricks, Susi R. Bloch, Betsy Davids and Jim Petrillo, Felipe Ehrenberg, Magali Lara and Javier Cadena, Robert C. Morgan, copublished by Gibbs M. Smith, Inc., Peregrine Smith Books, Visual Studies Workshop Press, Rochester, NY, 1985 (Monoskop pdf here)
(via Tony White)
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duranduratulsa · 7 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Hatchet (2006) on Tubi #movie #movies #horror #hatchet #victorcrowley #adamgreen #kanehodder #robertenglund #joeldavidmoore #tamarafeldman #mercedesmcnab #johncarlbuechler #deonrichmond #RichardRiehle #PatrikaDarbo #TonyTodd #2000s #tubi #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
The Wizard of Speed and Time (1989)
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There will never be another film like The Wizard of Speed and Time. Even if Mike Jittlov hopped in a time machine, reassembled the original cast, used the same equipment, the same locations and shot the film using the same techniques on the same budget, it could never be duplicated. Difficult to track down unless you know where to find it - at which point it becomes ridiculously easy to view - it’s got that “lightning in a bottle” quality.
Based on his original short film, writer, cinematographer, animator, composer Mike Jittlov plays himself as he attempts to create a short film highlighting his DIY special effects techniques for a TV network special. He’s a complete unknown and more than a little odd, prompting the executives to place a bet on whether Jittlov will meet the deadline.
A childlike sense of enthusiasm, giddiness and pleasant naivete radiates from every frame of The Wizard of Speed and Time. As you might’ve guessed, Mike Jittlov is essentially playing himself. He creates and then sells the film he made in 1979 to a system which has stomped all potential for off-the-wall thinkers and radicals with its unions, business models and rules. He’s ambitious and gullible. Of course making a movie isn’t as easy as he expects it to be. Although the obstacles standing in his way are recognizable to us onlookers as completely necessary - although perhaps a little restrictive - he nonetheless brings you to his side. You want nothing more than for him to overcome the odds and show the world what wild abandon can do.
You know the movie is going to get made because you’re watching the movie the real-life Mike Jittlov made. This makes his triumphs feel like your own. The meta aspect turns The Wizard of Speed and Time into an experience rather than a story you simply watch. If he can make his dream come true, so can you. You can “see the strings” in all of the special effects sequences - that’s to say you know how they were done - but it doesn’t matter. Your jaw drops seeing them because you know this man did it all on his own. More than that; he invented the techniques. Particularly striking is the stop-motion animation - the best of which features Jittlov himself as the titular Wizard.
This picture is inspirational and hilarious. It’s big and wild and colourful and cheerful and clever. Watch it a half-dozen times and I bet you’ll still discover previously unseen jokes tucked away in the corners of the screen. Rather than self-congratulating and self-important, it’s a humble little picture that never takes itself too seriously and takes every opportunity to make fun of how crazy it is.
The number of successful gags makes the film’s lack of a proper DVD release even more disappointing. You want to be able to pause and take a look at what’s written on those sheets of paper on the wall in the background, or turn on subtitles to make sure you don’t miss a thing while the room is filled with laughter. Be honest; you’d never heard of this movie before and it’s largely faded away… except to the die-hard fans who, frustrated with the studio’s utter lack of enthusiasm when it came to a new home release, created a version you can find online - all with Jitlov's approval.
The Wizard of Speed and Time isn’t just a movie. It’s has romance, humour, likeable characters, crowd scenes, chase scenes, special effects, etc. but they're used in wholly original ways. To watch it is to open up an old cardboard box in your attic and rediscover your favourite toy all over again. (On VHS, May 10, 2019)
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
7 settembre … ricordiamo …
7 settembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2015: Dickie Moore, in seguito noto anche come Dick Moore, nome d’arte di John Richard Moore, Jr, attore statunitense. La sua prima apparizione risale al 1927 nel film The Beloved Rogue. A soli 7 anni venne poi scelto per il cast fisso della serie Simpatiche canaglie. Continuò a lavorare in diversi film, i più famosi dei quali sono Venere bionda (1932) e  Oliver Twist (1933). Con l’adolescenza…
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Welcome to my “who’s the sexiest: presidents assassins, and other people, edition”
I am not condoning murder. I am not condoning Ronald Reagan. I simply want to run a tournament. Y’all should know how this works.
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mpaulluvr666 · 1 year
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opera-ghosts · 2 years
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LOHENGRIN by Richard Wagner
Lohengrin: William Boland
Elsa: Beatrice Miranda
Ortrud: Doris Woodall
Telramund: Flintoff Moore
Heinrich: John Kelly
Dir: Charles Weber
Carl Rosa Company
Around June 1925
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coverpanelarchive · 2 years
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X-Factor #110 (1995)
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robynsassenmyview · 9 months
Of family meetings and other lies
"Of family meetings and other lies", a review of Mike van Graan's 'My Fellow South Africans' at Theatre on the Square in Sandton until 2 September.
WITH an ‘eff you’ face, Kim Blanche Adonis in Mike van Graan’s My Fellow South Africans at Theatre on the Square until 2 September. Photograph by Philip Kuhn. THERE IS NOTHING quite like the anger of an articulate playwright to get the currents of electricity flowing through the veins of an audience. My Fellow South Africans by Mike van Graan charges up the levels of political satire with strong…
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