#Jellzu's Art
jellzudoesart · 3 years
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Decided I'd do a screenshot redraw and well
I just realize how much I love him
And reminds me how much my old drawings I need to finish won't match my apperent new style. What's consistency?
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spade-sins · 5 years
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Here is my part of the art trade with @jellzudoesart @jellzu
(sorry i tagged you twice :’D)
A cute tim with glasses! With coffee and his book in hand ready to read!
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Do you have a list of all time fav? Like some certain fics you always go back to all the time and can't let go?
There are some faves! There are actually 2 of us on this blog (I got help guys it’s so exciting!) so I’ll put the recs from each of us & try to indicate whose is whose? And maybe eventually we’ll introduce ourselves? (Sorry all of mine have been recommended already)
You could also ask me my fave fics tomorrow and they’d probably change and I’m pretty sure that’s true for both of us.
Cat’s Faves
Thief!Dick Verse by JayDick_Hell 
Dick Grayson’s life ended the night he witnessed his parents fall in the Big Top. He raised himself on the streets and learned to hone his various talents to grow into the talented and notorious thief known as Robin. One day, he finds himself in Blüdhaven, sizing up a place when he’s interrupted by the Red Hood.
Jason Todd finally branched out from the shadow of the Bat, ready to be his own hero. He just decided ‘Haven would be his Gotham when he came across a handsome stranger clearly up to no good. Naturally, he had to put a stop to the criminal. He never expected to get addicted to the wily thief.
For what it’s worth: So good. Very cute series, I love it so much.
Bite Me to the Bone by elwon
After six months walking around with a beating heart, Dick wishes he could use the speed, strength and abilities he’s used to. Because he’s still a soulless demon deep down. Being able to walk in the daylight and eat pizza do not make up for this utter humiliation and punishment. But then the Red Hood appears, and things start to look up.
For what it’s worth: So good. Just. amazingly fantastic.  Side note on this one: I actually told my mom how obsessed I was with this fic within 10 minutes of finishing it.
Fumes of our love by moonfox281
Behind every successful man, there is a woman… No, no it’s not! It’s 2016 for God’s sake. You can’t assume anybody’s gender.It must change to 'Behind every successful husband, there is a wife.’ Cause wife is just a title, not a gender, and, yeah, let admit it, there are a wife and husband in every relationship.Things are the same, just a lot stranger when you’re a powerful mob boss, and your other half is a hot ass super-hero. 
For what it’s worth: I think the coolest way to approach their relationship is when you’re looking at Jason being a crime lord vs Dick being a vigilante and this fic does it perfectly. 
Another Perfect Catastrophe by Mikimoo, pentapus (Artwork here)
Dick goes undercover as himself in order to catch a gang of international thieves. Jason reluctantly tags along as his long suffering bodyguard. During the ensuing mayhem they get to know each other again and build a few bridges.
For what it’s worth: they have to work together to take down crime while undercover??? sign me up. very very good & bonus: art!! the best.
Jellzu’s Faves
knocked me off the ground byWindmire
“It’s Jason Todd you’d be working with. You remember Jason, right?”
“He’s probably hoping you remember him.”
For his best friend’s wedding, Dick’s more than willing to double as best man and co-wedding planner, even if it means going back to the city he’s been avoiding for years on end. Then he meets the other best man and co-wedding planner and falling so hard and so fast was so not part of the plan.
For what it’s worth: This had me cackling. Dick sees a hot guy, has to work with hot guy for best friends wedding. Oh and, apparently he knows this hot guy but doesn’t remember and said guy sure does remember him? Well then, let the awkwardness ensue.
Two Worlds byxserenity
Dick thought it was just a dream, a weird dream but apparently it wasn’t. He found himself stuck in a reality where he wasn’t dating Jason Todd. Instead, he was dating some girl he didn’t know.
And he hated the fact.
For what it’s worth: I always love the fics where either Dick or Jason are transported to another universe where they aren’t dating each other. It’s angst and fluff mixed together but at the same time, amusing because then they always try to get their counterparts to date. Ah, my heart.
we will wear our masks again out after dark byIMightwing
Dick paused and looked straight at Jason. “I want you to be Batman until I’m healed.”
“No,” Jason said. No way in hell, he wanted to say, but the quicker he got this over with, the better.
For what it’s worth: A theory: Jason will do what Dick asks of him just because of the fact that _Dick is asking him to do him a favor_. He didn’t plan it, but here he is, in the batcave, covering for Dick Grayson… Great.
Hurricane bykeykiyoshi7443
The high school AU where Jason and Dick star in a musical that no one really wanted.
For what it’s worth: No matter what, high school AUs are one of the best. Especially when it has Jason doing the cellblock tango. This needs to be an animatic. (That may or may not be in the works. i just can’t help myself) But IT’S THE CELLLBLOCK TANGO. Come on people, it’s pure. 
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jellzudoesart · 3 years
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I am the happiest camper
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jellzudoesart · 4 years
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I have been in such a big Ben 10 mood. It made me get back into art (even if I have many Boku No Hero drafts)
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
Eyyy b! Can I request a Cass in some punk civvies? If you're still taking!
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I love Cass so much, there isn't any excuse
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
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I love Steph so much, have my warm up for the day, she deserves praise
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
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Happy birthday Tim! I'm a day late but you still get this love!
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
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@doc-scrawls am I too late to hop on the Jason with a crooked smile train?
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
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@somebratinamask finally getting me to finish something
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
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I'm super salty
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
Hi! Your art is gorgeous. I'd like to request Jason and Damian, please.
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Ah thank you! I love these two so much. Ultimate brotherly love
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
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I love Cass, I hadn't done her Justice before.
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
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Jason Todd, love of my life
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
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Who ordered up two strong and powerful girls? Um, yes, anytime
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jellzudoesart · 5 years
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Today's warm up got waaaaaaaay out of hand. Eek
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