#It's been wiiiiild
dcmksecretsanta · 2 years
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Ho ho ho, it’s secret santa time ! You heard me right, it’s already this time of the year again well, not really but you know what I mean lol and I’m very very excited to announce the dcmk secret santa event 2022 ! This will be the seventh time (!!) that I’m going to host this event and I honestly couldn’t be more excited & I hope that, despite tumblr being kinda dead lately, some of you are going to join this event and that we will be having a great time together ♡
❆ What is a secret santa event
Everyone who signs up for this event will be someone’s ‘secret santa’. Being someone’s secret santa means that you will send them anonymous messages, (optional) mini gifts, and make a present for them which will be posted around christmas. Obviously, you will have a secret santa as well. The main idea is to get to know new people, make someone happy and share some love for each other and dcmk. Read more here.
❆ How to enter
Reblog this post: the more, the merrier
Fill out this form
Follow @dcmksecretsanta​
Read through the information & the rules
You can join until the seventh of november & in the weeks afterwards (probably around the 20th) you will receive an e-mail from me specifying whose secret santa you are. The event will be going on from the 25th of november until the 26th of december. 
Last but not least, I also wanted to clarify that you can obviously join this event, no matter if you celebrate christmas or not ! If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me !
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goldensunset · 2 years
my roommates and i are all so slaphappy tonight it's insane i can't do this homework lol
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beidousbeloved · 1 year
Oh my goodness, m. has returned. What a year this is shaping up to beeeeee
~ 🤡
but the best part is when you realize i announced i was coming back and didn’t really come back because this is my first post in x amount of months 😗
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theglizzardwizard · 1 year
Finding out that cogs are like, sentient people with families and friends and feelings unrelated to their work really pisses all over Eve's self congratulatory parade. She really felt clever for channeling all of her destructive/vindictive/sadistic tendencies towards the cogs. Thinking that due to an assumed lack of intelligence, she was morally in the clear to mindlessly bust them up in the dozens on the daily.
Mind you, the correction of her initial misconceptions doesn't slow her down for long. If there's something Eve will never run out of, it's justifications for her callousness. In this case, it comes down to the cogs being an invading force. Like, really, if it was such a huge issue, surely the company in charge would look out for their employees, right? Therefore, all these deaths are Cyger's fault. This philosophy shit is easy.
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lushaletta · 11 months
paparazzi / remus lupin
pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
warnings: none
summary: kissing remus backstage before his show.
a/n: OH MY GOD?!! HELLO?? bro. it’s been too long. writer’s block is wiiiiild. anyway. here’s some rockstar!remus self-indulgent fluff as my apology.
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⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ༺ ˖࣪ ˖࣪ ∗
You’d been a secret.
Though, you’d grown accustomed to having to tiptoe around the set, stealing glances and smiles.
So this? Wrong. Dangerous. Careless.
You’re wearing your darkest shade of red lipstick, and there are already stains on his collar from your makeup. Paparazzi would never let it go.
“Remus—“ A kiss. “I—“ Another. “They’ll see us.”
He finally pulls away, letting you breathe for more than a second. “Maybe they will.”
You laugh. “In case you’ve forgotten, you’re going to be performing in…” You glance at his watch, “7 minutes.”
“I haven’t forgotten anything, sweetheart.”
“So we should really—“ He decides that if he can’t kiss your lips, your neck will have to suffice. It’s just as distracting, if not more so. “You should be.. backstage.”
You look up at Remus, and there’s a quirk in his brow. “I am backstage.”
“You know what I mean.”
He does know what you mean, but he takes pleasure in your frustration, apparently.
Putting his hands up in concession, “Two minutes, darling. Two minutes.”
It’s absurd how quickly you nod. Two minutes couldn’t possibly harm anyone. He grabs your face, planting kisses on your nose, your lips, your cheeks, and it’s all too much and not enough at the same time.
“So pretty,” he whispers, tucking your hair behind your ears.
“You’re one to talk.”
He laughs, a sweet sound. “You only think so because I’m covered in your lipstick, Miss Possessive.”
Remus was right, for the most part. You found him pretty all the time, but he looked especially good when it was evident he was yours; something not so common when your relationship was a secret from the public.
“You should wipe that off,” you say, not quite wanting him to.
“Later, honey.”
He places a final kiss on your forehead before retreating to the stage, face and clothes ruined by your make-up.
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Welcome back queeeeen 💞 could you please bless us with pussy drunk Hasan ? I think I might just die at the thought alone 😭
Cave man brain is going wiiiiild
He knows one word
And it's your name
A little backstory-
You guys got invited to a gala!
Well done, congratulations, nice job <3
QT decided to organize the gala for December during the holidays and obviously she invited you and Hasan!
Hasan took one look at your outfit and immediately knew what to choose
I know, I know! It's casual for a gala, but stay with me here!
You, being the multi-talented DIVINE CREATURE you are, you made your own dress and undies so he thought it was only right to under-dress.
As the night went on, he became more and more aware of your outfit.
He knew what Ted meant when he came over to compliment your outfit
He knew what Ludwig meant when he made a "soft, giant bf + confident, short gf" joke
He *absolutely* knew what Schlatt meant when he made a comment about knowing exactly what you and Hasan were gonna get up to later on.
And he'd be right! But oh, so wrong at the exact same time.
Ludwig made people get in on a bet about it! Guys *and* girls would place their money into a cup and would flirt with, wink at, touch, hug, dance with, talk to, laugh with, compliment you all in the collective effort to rile Hasan up enough to see what he'd do!
To be honest, you should be thankful! They're trynna get you dicked down!
So when Hasan went around to everyone and bid them each a goodnight, they all held knowing smirks on their faces.
Schlatt almost blew it all when he playfully smacked your ass as you and Hasan left. Ludwig called him out on it and expected Hasan to either get physical or shout at Schlatt, but he didn't! He just stared bee-line at your ass. But you didn't know that. You didn't need to know that.
You also didn't need to know that literally five minutes prior, he took a picture of your ass, BOLDFACED!!!
QT also almost blew it by texting you "Have a good night!" with one too many winky faces (One. She sent one.) but you chalked it up to her being tipsy and misclicking
When you got home, you stepped through the door first and placed your bag down on the kitchen table but you noticed Hasan wasn't behind you.
By now, he would've kicked his shoes off and taken his coat off but it didn't garner *this* amount of time to do so.
So, you went back to the door and found said man on his knees, looking- almost defeated?
"What's wrong, bubba?"
"If you say one more word to me that isn't while you're sat on my face, I think I might go on a murderous rampage."
When a smile cracked onto your face, he stood immediately and pushed you towards the stairs, pushing you up them as you giggled.
"Hold on! Give me a moment! I'm gonna trip!" you squealed, and he soon managed to get you all the way to the bedroom.
You began undoing one of the ribbons on your dress when a large hand gripped yours.
"No no no no," he muttered, tying it back up again, "the dress stays on."
And that's how you found yourself here!
It's been your third hour sat on his face.
You've cum at least four times, he's almost suffocated at least eight times, and you've tried to initiate sixty-nining at least twelve times.
He's already made it clear that you're not getting up anytime soon through his VICE grip he has on your thighs.
He's fucking messy too! You're dripping down his chin, streaking down his neck and he still wants more!
He can't stop
He can't help himself
He's insatiable
And he can't even say he doesn't know why.
Your legs are SHAKING the next day.
QT, Will, and Austin all give each other "knowing" looks when they see you on the Fear& set the next day.
But they could NEVER be so so wrong.
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analogwriting · 2 months
Chapter 18: Core
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3.5k a/n: uh, sorry it's been so long. life's been wiiiiild lmao first|next
Time went by quickly. The staff operated as if nothing happened - as if they hadn’t just been out for over a week. They were acting like it was just another run of the mill day and you were grateful for that. 
No one tried to get in contact with this side of the hospital. Well, one person did, but it was just a check in that was easily faked. It was also only a couple of hours, so it wasn’t like you had a lot of time for things to happen.
It felt too easy, but if Corazon was right, your father was banking on you being out for the count for a while. So unless Doflamingo were to somehow get ahold of him, he'd be none the wiser. The man must've thought he could take you on his own and didn't notify anyone you were here earlier. Good thing he had such a massive ego. It worked in your favor.
“Alright, get ready. It's shift change,” you said to one of your staff members. “Gather up a few more and we'll head over. I'm going to keep watch to see who comes in.” After all, you didn't want to get any innocents involved. 
You watched the screens, making note of who came and went. It seemed like it was a lot of your normal night staff, but with some of your father's men sprinkled in. Probably only about a handful. Nothing you couldn't handle. 
“Ready?” You looked over as one of your staff members poked their head in, you nodded. “There's about five of my father's men. The rest are normal staff.” They nodded as you headed towards the door. 
“Follow my lead. Just like before. We should be able to take care of this quickly.” Unfortunately, however, it was going to be a bit harder. You didn't have a series of tunnels on that side of the hospital, so you dressed in scrubs, including a mask and bouffant cap. You couldn't risk anyone recognizing you. Your staff could get by in just normal scrubs luckily.
You and three other staff members went with you to the front side of the hospital. You went in through the main entrance, acting like you were rolling in for your shift. 
You were greeted by the night receptionist. You waved at him, heading further into the hospital. You and the three others you were with spread out. You had debriefed them quickly on who was on this side that didn't belong. “Make sure to report to my office in an hour,” you muttered to the three of them. They all nodded and you went your separate ways. 
“Doctor, you're back?” You tensed, moving quickly. You grabbed whomever it was, pulling them into the storage closet, covering their mouth. It was Nico Robin. She didn't look scared or startled by your actions, however. 
“I can't let anyone know I'm here,” you said quietly.
She nodded in understanding and you removed your hand from her mouth. “Sorry about that.”
“It's quite alright. I knew something was up when you and Marco stopped showing up. Along with the boys. All of us staff did. Then new people rolled in, claiming new management. Glad to see you back.” She had a relaxed smile and you wondered why the hell she was so calm. Most people would be freaking out by now. 
“We're not as in the dark as you think, doctor. Not anymore at least. The newcomers aren't bright and talk very loud. And you know this place is a hub for gossip.” 
You couldn't help but smile from under your mask. “Well, it's nice to know people were still willing to stay.”
“Of course we did. We all knew you'd come back for us. Even if it took some time. Besides, they mostly left us alone and let us operate how we usually did.” She shrugged, folding her arms across her chest.
That was good. You had been worried that they'd completely overturn the place, at least they seemed to have trusted your staff on the front side to keep things operating. Though, Robin and your staff’s trust in you coming back meant the world to you. You had no idea they held you in such high regards. Everything was slowly being put into perspective for you.
You owed everyone so much at this point. You were already planning on giving everyone some extra vacation days and some gifts because this was insane. 
“There is one girl who is going around barking orders, but she doesn't seem to know the first thing about being a doctor.” Robin gave an amused laugh, shaking her head. “I think her name was Trinity? I'm not sure. I never paid much attention to her. However, she's out today.”
You felt your blood boil at the mention of her. Not necessarily at her, though. She was a victim and barely even an adult. Your blood boiled because you still couldn't believe your father. You couldn't believe he completely sired and raised a child all this time without you knowing. That he specifically kept it from you as well. 
You shoved those thoughts away. “Sorry again, Robin. Thank you for everything. I'll let you go.”
Robin just smiled her easy going smile and nodded. “It's quite alright, just like I said. Good luck, doctor.” With that, she left. 
You stayed there a moment longer, taking a deep breath. It was absolutely nerve wracking right now. Plus, how the hell did Robin immediately recognize you? You thought you were completely covered. Maybe Robin was just really good at recognizing people. That's what you hoped anyway. You somewhat banked on that hope.
After recollecting yourself, you headed out of the storage closet like nothing happened, continuing back towards your office. “Is it just radio silence over there?” You heard a voice coming from your office and you slowed down, sticking close to the wall as you listened from around the corner. 
“Yeah. I haven't been able to get ahold of anyone for a couple of hours. I figured they were busy, but I'm starting to get worried. They did check in, but nothing else. Which isn’t normal.” Ah, shit.
From the sounds of the voices, it was your father's right hand men, Daniel and Gabriel. You felt your chest tighten. These men were practically your uncles, they helped raise you, but they treated you just as coldly as your father did now. 
You took a deep breath before quieting your racing heart so you could listen. 
“You don't think they're back to take over the hospital, do you?”
“Nah, that's impossible. The boss made sure to crush their spirit. Besides, they signed the papers. Even if they tried to take things back, in the face of the law, the hospital isn't theirs anymore. I'm sure they're busy fixing someone up. I heard there was a shootout earlier today anyway.” 
You felt your blood boil even more. So, Corazon was right. Your father was banking on psychological warfare. How could you do such a thing to your own child? You still couldn’t believe he’d go so far. It was disgusting honestly. All this for what?
“If they would've just stopped with their stupid fantasyland, we wouldn't be in this situation.” A sigh could be heard. You felt your eye twitch.
“That's true. They have no one to blame but themselves.” A laugh. “For a doctor, they sure are dumb.” Both of them started laughing. 
Oh, you were going to fuck them up royally. You didn't care that these men helped raise you. These weren't the caring uncles you grew up with. Those men were dead - fake. 
“Wait, what's that on the camera? Is someone listening?” Shit. Well, there was no hiding now. You ripped off your mask and bouffant.
You rounded the corner, pulling out your gun, training it at them and they did the same to you. You shot once, getting one of them in the leg. Daniel cried out, kneeling on the ground. With one hand he covered the wound, with the other he pointed his gun at you. 
“What are you doing here?” You could hear slight fear in Gabriel's voice. It was true. Your father’s men did fear you. At least a little bit. You glared at the both of them. 
“What the fuck does it look like? I'm taking my hospital back.” 
“You can't. You signed it over.”
“Did I?”
You let another gunshot fly, getting Gabriel in the arm. He dodged, the bullet only grazing him. Shit. You heard another gunshot, dodging and rolling to the side. You shot the doorstop, making your door close so that no loose bullets could hit innocent passersbys. At least they had been smart enough to have silencers, so there wouldn’t be too much noise.
Your office was a good size, but it wasn't exactly a good size for a shootout. No place indoors would be. You needed to end this quickly. Right now it was a stalemate. The two of them behind the desk and you in front. You had to think. What to do… There were two of them and only one of you. Then an idea popped into your head.
With a deep breath, you shot at your metal cabinet, the bullet ricocheting and shooting behind the desk. You heard one of them cry out and a gun skitter to the floor. Luckily, they hadn’t been standing so the gun didn’t accidentally go off. “Gabriel!” You stood up quickly, pointing your gun at the otherside.
You saw Gabriel laying there on the ground, crumpled. Daniel was shaking him, but the man wasn’t moving. “He’s dead, Daniel.” You didn’t have to look to see. The rapidly accumulating blood on the floor told you enough. Must’ve gotten him in the neck.
The man looked at you with rage in his eyes. He turned, aiming his gun at you and just shooting blindly. Never shoot when blind with emotion - your father taught you that. First lesson. Luckily, you were able to predict that he was going to react like that, quickly ducking back behind the desk while the bullets made their way into your ceiling. They stopped in the softer tiles instead of bouncing off of them.
“How could you do such a thing, y/n?” You could hear the distress in his voice and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Says the man who was just shooting me,” you mumbled.
“We’re supposed to be family. Does that mean nothing to you? Gabriel even helped teach you how to drive a car. How could you treat him so coldly?” You sat there, astonished.
Was he really trying to guilt you right now? That was fucking rich.
You rounded the corner of your desk and before Daniel could even turn, you sent your fist into his face. The shock alone was enough to loosen his grip on his own gun and you snatched it out of his hands like taking a toy from a toddler.
You took him by the collar and pulled him in closer, glaring at him. “Are you really trying to use that on me right now? The two men who treated me like a stranger when I came to visit? The two men who just tried to kill me? The two men who were just banking on my mental breakdown to keep me from coming back?” You shook your head.
“Family means nothing to the likes of you. That much is clear.” 
“Y/n, please. Don’t do this. Think of all the good times we’ve had.” You acted like you were going to think about it, standing up and letting him go. He went to reach for Gabriel’s gun and you shot him in the head with a sigh. “Pathetic.”
Your therapist was going to be going into overtime. You were going to probably pay them extra these next few sessions. Maybe also get in a couple extra sessions. You had a lot of things to work through.
You closed your eyes, taking a moment. You were trying your best to keep it together right now, but you honestly felt like you were about to explode. This was the worst. Everything turned out so shitty. Everything had fallen apart so fast but…
Your mind shifted to what you did have. Pops and Marco. Corazon. Your staff. You just regained control over your hospital. Everything would sort itself out. You were sure.
After a moment of internal crisis, you glanced over to the desktop, checking the cameras. It seemed everyone else was apprehended as well. You saw them all knocked out and tied up in one of the conference rooms that was currently closed off. 
“There’s still one missing.” Your staff came into the office. Had it been an hour already? Shit, time was flying. “I’ll go look for them. Someone keep an eye on the others, one patrol the halls, and the other stay here and keep an eye on these two. They’re dead, but mostly make sure no one else wanders in to see them - and keep an eye on the cameras.” The three of them nodded and you turned to head out first.
You headed down the hallway. Everything was pretty quiet for the most part. It was late enough in the night that most, if not all, of the patients were asleep. It was a skeleton crew of staff as well. It was calm, eerily calm. Even though you had just murdered two men in cold blood in your office, things were oddly serene and it made you uneasy. You were just waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
You suddenly felt someone yank you into an empty room and hands around your throat. Oh sweet fuck. You struggled for a second, clawing and trying to get them to let go. You saw it was another person from your father’s crew, the one you had just been looking for. Well, you found them at least.
Black started to encroach on the edges of your vision as you started seeing stars. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You decided to drop your weight, startling them into loosening their grip and you gasped, beginning to cough and rolling a away from them to give yourself space. You felt them run over to you, stepping over you to straddle you but you didn’t stop moving long enough to let them succeed and you shoved them backwards as you sat up, sending them tumbling.
You quickly darted over to them and before they could gather themselves and stand up, you brought their head down onto the floor, knocking them out cold. You were panting as you sat down on the floor next to their unconscious body. Fuck, that was close. You rubbed your throat, just knowing it was probably going to bruise. Any longer and they probably would’ve done some serious damage to your windpipe too.
You closed your eyes, flopping on the ground to catch your breath. Man, this was exhausting. You just wanted to sleep.
You let yourself catch your breath before taking your assailant and tying them up, sticking them with the others. At this point, it was starting to get light outside. You didn’t even realize that much time had passed. Maybe you passed out for a minute there without realizing.
Now, everything was running like it used to. You called in all the staff you had from the underground side of the hospital. They were stationed on both sides, keeping an eye on things. You would probably have to keep security up for the time being until you would resolve this issue once and for all.
With Doflamingo out of commission for the most part and Crocodile straight up out of the picture, you weren’t sure there was really much else to do besides confront your father. You just weren’t sure how you were going to do that.
“So, you really did it, huh?” You turned around, seeing Marco walking into your office. You’d long since cleaned up the mess you made earlier. You felt weirdly numb about everything. Maybe it hadn’t fully sunk in yet. Some things still felt like a bad dream.
“I suppose I did,” you responded in a monotonous voice. You were painfully exhausted. Going from a hermit and depressive episode straight into action and fighting wasn’t exactly easy to do. Your entire body ached and you longed for sleep. “Wait, what are you doing here?” It just dawned on you - you didn’t call him.
“You should head home and get some rest,” Marco said with a frown as he examined you, ignoring your question. “Oh, that looks rough.” His eyes were on your neck. “That bad?” He nodded in response. You had been so busy making sure everyone else was okay and that the intruders were taken care of in a discreet manner that you hadn’t even had time to look at your own injuries. You know your had a few grazes from bullets as well that you hadn’t tended to just yet either.
“There’s still so much for me to do.”
“Well, run it over with me and I’ll take over. We can hold it from here.” You just looked at Marco, debating on whether or not to do just that.
Marco shook his head. “Sorry. I phrased that like you had a choice. I’m telling you to do it and that you are going to go home and rest after.” You were honestly so exhausted that you didn’t even argue with him.
For the most part, everything was taken care of. The intruders had been disposed of. Doflamingo was taken care of and sent back to his people in the terrible state he was stuck in. You had also made sure he knew that the hospital was still in your name. They had no legal hold in the issue. 
Right now, it was just making sure that no one else tried to take things over. It was a waiting game for most things to blow over. You weren’t sure if the families were going to try to retaliate or not.
You filled Marco in on everything, walking him through things as he patched you up. You had called in all your staff and even called in some older staff that had retired. Just to see if they’d help watch over the hospital. Luckily, they were all willing to help and you had extra security around the clock. At least for a little while.
Now, it was your turn to rest. You almost just collapsed in the breakroom, but you knew that Corazon was probably worried about you right now. Marco had mentioned something about him wanting to come but Marco had talked him out of it. 
“I told him that you would need motivation to go home and he’d be great motivation.” That had only made your face turn bright red. He wasn’t wrong, nothing was more enticing than the thought of curling up in bed with your boyfriend right now…he was your boyfriend, right? You two didn’t officially say anything, but you assumed as much.
Fuck, you were two tired to think.
You weren’t even fully there on the way home either. You blinked and you were in front of Pops’ house. Did you drive here? You were behind the wheel so you guessed you did. Maybe you really just zoned out. At least you didn’t get hurt and neither did anyone else. 
You weren’t going to do that again.
You slowly climbed out of the car, the adrenaline leaving your body. Everything felt like it was made of stone and you were sluggish in your movements. Not too much further. You yawned, stretching. As you stepped towards the gates, they opened, revealing Corazon. He immediately took your face in his hands and kissed you hard. It was now your turn to make a noise of surprise.
He picked you up, spinning you around in excitement. “You’re okay!”
Oh, sweet jesus you were going to throw up. “Oh fuck, please put me down. I’m going to hurl.”
“Oh, sorry.” He put you down with a frown. You shook your head. “It’s okay. Not your fault. I already felt like shit.” You took a deep breath, shaking your head. “I’m good now.” Corazon frowned as he seemed to notice the bruising on your neck. His fingers lightly traced the skin and you felt your breathing hitch.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” he mumbled.
Before you could say anything, you felt the hair on the back of your neck stand up and you shoved him through the opening of the gate. “Get down!” You heard two gunshots go off and a car speed off before pain immediately seared in your back and shoulder. It was so intense that you weren’t even sure where it was originating exactly.
The world began to spin immediately as your body started growing cold and numb. Oh fuck. It wasn’t your spine. You were sure it was your shoulder and maybe your waist. Nothing too damaging - you hoped. Not that you were able to think much before your entire world went black.
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4-leaf-cloverr · 15 days
ok so uweuwh i requested this on another blog but they said they dont know how 2 write poly and i reqqed it seprate instead but idk if i ever got a response
so! shihokasa x gn reader
uhmmwe summary: reader is a huge fucking fan of a series/show/game/whatever and have a lot of merch of it, a lot. so reader calls shihokasa to help them move their stuff to their attic and uhh idk i just want a silly fluff story :3
— 👒 anon out! goodbye and have a good day or night hoshii ^_^
SHIHOKASA!! THE CROWD GOES WIIIIILD! reader is so me if I was rich.. enjoy :3
shihokasa helping s/o move stuff!
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"Ugh, thanks for coming, you two! I really needed your help," You groaned as you moved a box up in the attic.
"No problem! Leave it to me to help you!" Tsukasa grinned. He picked up a figure on your desk. You had a lot of merch for [INSERT FRANCHISE HERE], so you asked your partners to help.
"When did you even buy this much stuff, y/n? This must've been expensive," Shiho commented, taping up a box filled with [INSERT FRANCHISE HERE] shirts
"Heh, we don't talk about that. Also, that's my favorite figure kasa, leave it there," You took the figure Tsukasa was holding from his hands.
"We're almost done, ri- oh my god." Shiho opened a door you forgot about. A life size cut out of your favorite character.
"Hahaha, you really seem to like that character, don't you?' Tsukasa laughed. You were heating up, embarrassed.
"I'll... I'll just move that up to the attic," You murmured, talking the life size cut out and placing it in the attic, never to be touched again or so you say.
After an hour, you and your partners were finally done moving everything upstairs. You plopped down on the couch, tired. "Can we cuddle? I'm exhausted."
Tsukasa quickly jumped into your arms. "Come on Shiho!"
"Yeah sure." Shiho, although reluctant, found a spot on the right of you. She rested her head on your shoulder.
You put your arms around the both of them, and contently said, "I love you both very much."
Shiho contently hummed, and Tsukasa pecked your cheek. "I love you too, my star!"
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berylgrace · 11 months
i bet jason would’ve been WIIIIILD if he was actually raised with thalia
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kylekozmikdeluxo · 10 months
Those Two Times BIONICLE and TOTAL DRAMA Came to My Rescue
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#longpost likely incoming...
Some things have a weird significance in my life, whether it's stuff I genuinely enjoy or stuff I could just take or leave...
But, I just remembered something...
I was looking through some older videos of mine, and came across a few I did in the pit of the miserable summer that was mid-2020. And while watching these old videos to see what kind of editing I did, I was hit with intense flashbacks... Flashbacks that reminded me how confusing and scary those times were for me, amidst the pandemic and life seemingly not about to get better. Add to that, a lot of nationwide happenings, and seeing people around me devolve into parroting all the worst misinformation about the then-current political climate.
I had some other things going on at the time, too, that ranged from disheartening to outright terrifying... I'd say July/early August 2020 was where I had some serious anxiety attacks...
Conversely, I was uncorking a version of me that I kinda had suppressed through high school, and really dialed down during my weird snobby pseudo-adult college years. So, I was letting a wild unchained side of myself flourish again circa May-August 2020. I was writing and drawing and creating some wiiiiild stuff, stuff I hadn't genuinely enjoyed creating in a looooong while. I think a lot of this was due to not having to worry about a work schedule and other commitments, I was home all the time! So, I had all the time in the world to let my creativity flow like a dam had been burst.
And then meanwhile, all this unrest was going on, COVID was not lessening because people kept spreading it, misinfo was everywhere, TFG is king!!! The 2020 presidential election looming, threats of violence and voter suppression from the right- which eventually plateaued with the 1/6 attempted insurrection... And then there was something else that I won't specify, but something that was emotionally draining me and terrifying the fuck out of me around this time... To the point where I was worried I'd associate my weird wacko creative autistic side of myself with this very thing, and suppress it again out of fear... Reject it outright, even! But luckily, I closed off the problem and continued onward, I continued to write and draw the stuff I love to make...
But by mid-August of 2020, it was like I had made it out of a trip through some kind of hell. Battered and smashed, to borrow from the opening monologue of MAD MAX 2...
And around this time, I guess because I was in the mood for them or I was feeling kind of warm and cozy inside... I revisited two things I dig...
Weirdly enough, I turned to both of those franchises when it came to bad periods in my life...
BIONICLE and I go way back. As in, when this very Lego line was first introduced in North America in the summer of 2001. My love affair with BIONICLE was a bit on and off afterwards. It was my whole jam throughout 2001, all the way into the fall/winter. (I got tons of Bonkle sets for my birthday and for Christmas.) Into early 2002 as well, I was writing fanfiction even. I was like "When I'm older, I'll make animated movies, and a BIONICLE movie will be one of them!" And I was writing that theoretical movie for some time!
(I still would LOVE to make animated movies, but right now, I'm putting my focus on making comics and graphic novels.)
Then I kinda put BIONICLE aside, and then got back into it, somewhat, in late 2002. When the Toa Nuva sets came out... I remember buying the new Gali Nuva set on my first-ever trip to New York City, got it at the FAO Schwartz!
Then I put the franchise aside, again... and then turned to it once more in late 2003... That was when... The first MOVIE came out. The direct-to-video Miramax release BIONICLE: MASK OF LIGHT... Plus, the arrival of many new sets: Takanuva, the Toa of Light. The Rahkshi. Plus, beasts like the Gukko bird and Pewku the crab. I bought the blue Rahkshi back then, and played around with the mini-CD that came with it. Back when PCs having a CD-ROM (!) drive was a big must... So, I was all about Bonkle again!
And in late 2003, I needed it... Because I was dealing with middle school pains (it was my first year), my paternal grandfather slowly dying after a stroke, various bullshit, and me just not being myself and having a lot of personal problems to work through. The franchise took a break after MASK OF LIGHT, and it later made its big return with the all-new prequel storyline set in a whole new location. That was in late 2004. Naturally, I was ready to go all-in: New movie, new characters, new sets, everything. But I'm getting ahead of myself here... BIONICLE, during the MASK OF LIGHT era, was like a warm blanket I could to turn to in late 2003. A special interest I could sink myself in. I was writing stories back then, too, so it naturally appealed to me with its colorful array of characters and its rich worldbuilding and lore. It's why all those BIONICLE Lore memes bring me so much joy. Other people were engulfed in this stuff, too!
Eventually, BIONICLE was off my radar by about late 2005 or so, as my brain drifted to other special interests.
So, enter 2008... I had finished sophomore year of high school in June 2008, an absolutely horrid semester for a multitude of reasons that I went over in other posts (particularly my 2-part post on my weird history with the MADAGASCAR movies), but... The short version? I was 15, depressed, feeling like I was the worst person, I was absolutely shook by a friendship turned sour and going on cutthroat message boards as my unrefined autistic self, I didn't have one of my close friends around to help me feel better about things, and my maternal grandfather was slowly dying after a disastrous hospital visit, I was getting wind that I wasn't straight and that horrified me... Yes, late 2007 going into early 2008 freakin' suuuuuucked.
(15 years later, the present... I'm openly queer. Please don't read that above sentence as me being upset that I'm not straight. I was back then because I was 15 and homophobia was rampant in its own peculiar way in 2008.)
And by summer 2008, there was a streak in me of sorts. That I aggressively wanted for things to get better, but the bad chemistry in my brain wasn't letting me- until I snapped out of it. (It also helped that this bummer mood was pissing off others around me, and some of them have HAD IT, and they sure let me know!) And by the end of August 2008... All those horrible, hateful, bad feelings... Were gone...
Yes folks, I remember when these things specifically happened... That's how my autistic analytical photographic memory works, for better or for worse...
So, around that time, a particular Canadian animated TV series had come to Cartoon Network in the United States... TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND.
Now, when I caught wind of this show, I was like... "Total Drama? DRAMA? What has Cartoon Network come too???"
I had kinda given up on Cartoon Network sometime in mid-2007, a little after their president at the time - Jim Samples - got fired for the AQUA TEEN movie scare involving LED lights of the Mooninites hung around Boston that were thought to be bombs placed by terrorists throughout the city. (Yes, this actually happened. The W. Bush/immediate post-9/11 era was a weeeeeird time.)
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, Cartoon Network after Samples left. I was uninterested by then, and kinda stupidly nostalgic for what the network was prior to 2006/07. I was definitely more into [adult swim] by then, for sure! But, once in a while I'd pop on CN in early 2008 and see things like... SKUNK FU? MR. MEN? JOHNNY TEST, I think? When I wanted to see reruns of, say, ED EDD N' EDDY or even something like FOSTER'S HOME FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS. Keep in mind, this was during sick days... And CN mornings during sick home from school days were... Also weird... Heck, I think one of the things I randomly watched on CN during a sick day was that CGI GARFIELD movie where he and Odie go to the real world. When you're 15, depressed, bored, and whatnot, you end up watching unlikely shit.
Again, I went off track... It's what I do, sorry. I'm a tangenter, for sure. I probably lost you, if I did, I apologize! Anyways... So, I see these listings for this "Total Drama" show and I'm like... This is what it's come to, huh?
I had caught glimpses of it, and thought... What are these characters? They're all terrible stereotypes! Ironic, coming from an actual 15-year-old at the time... But then, for whatever reason, I put it on... It was the episode "X-treme Torture". The one where Heather's top gets ripped off by the tree branch, and they show her blurred breasts...
And I was like, "Wait? This is on CARTOON NETWORK and not ADULT SWIM???" I had also seen that it was rated TV-PG, rare for a CN show back in the day. I was used to their stuff being either TV-G or TV-Y7 (sometimes with an FV)... So, it was a surprise to me, and I was intrigued. What 15-year-old wouldn't be? So I watched more of it, and found myself quite enjoying it for its fun characters, weird humor, and... Well, I also had crushes on several of the contestants back then, too, haha. In true form, my favorite was probably Gwen, the goth girl. Yeah, I'm one of those sadsacks who always had a cliched love for goth gals. Loved goth gals then, and I love goth women now. It didn't begin with Gwen, for sure, but she was a major part of it all no less.
So, yeah, I really dug TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND. I even looked up uploads of the original Canadian version on YouTube at the time, to see all the cuss words we didn't get in the stinky states. (The butchering of Lindsay going off on Heather in 'That's Off The Chain' is a work of censorship that astounds me - in all the wrong ways - to this day.) I largely kept this love for the show secret, and eventually I kinda forgot about it over time. I didn't really check out TOTAL DRAMA ACTION much when it was airing in spring 2009-ish, the rest passed me by. I briefly checked out ALL-STARS for a bit. There's a new season that's been out... Only in Italy, apparently. "Short Run in Peru", haha.
But in mid-to-late 2008, I was all-in on TOTAL DRAMA...
And, I got back into BIONICLE around the fall of 2008! I didn't follow any of the new stuff, I strictly stuck to the 2001-2004 era BIONICLE stuff. Mata Nui era and early Metru Nui era. I rewatched the first two movies, and I had a blast. It was fun to dig out my old sets. (Which are now in my studio.)
So then, fast-forward... August 2020... Coincidentally...
For whatever reason, I decided to revisit TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND... And BIONICLE...
When I revisited TOTAL DRAMA, I was struck by just how genuinely funny and entertaining it was, how sharp the voice acting is (Christian Potenza in particular, like he's having a ball as Chris McLean), and I even found something to appreciate in its often-criticized art style. Its slow pace, the reality show format, how it parodies the genre and also embraces its most entertaining elements (making for what is perhaps the *best* reality show? Leave it to animation to make a genre I generally dislike into something enjoyable), the summer island vibes, its looseness... Like, there's something kinda cozy about it. Later seasons are a little faster and a little more hectic, I feel.
And when I was re-watching TDI, along with the cheesy direct-to-DVD BIONICLE movies, all felt right in the world circa August-September 2020ish. In a sort-of weird, maybe not nostalgic way, but in a cozy and comfortable way. One is a good vibes show, the other is a cool lore-packed action-adventure with colorful robots. They're both big hits with me, that's for sure.
Maybe I'll pop the lid off of both pretty soon... It's August 2023, and life's been rough for me once more... I moved out earlier this year, I'm trying to find a really good job (my work situation right now is kinda mixed), anti-LGBTQIA+ shit continuously brings me down as I grapple with being openly queer and having to deal with a good chunk of my family being very conservative, I have rent to pay now, and groceries too, and it's ahhhhhhh!
Maybe August is made for TOTAL DRAMA and BIONICLE...
Isn't it weird how life repeats certain verses and choruses?
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seecarrun · 9 months
I had the weirdest dream that you posted about your updated kitchen?? I can't find a post on your blog, so it must have been me living vicariously through you
Omg, so two years ago, I posted about updating my kitchen, but because life, I got as far as updating the microwave, sink, and counters, and then had to put a pause on things, BUT Husband and I were literally JUST talking about finally getting the cabinets and backsplash, and other appliances done, so that is wiiiiild that you dreamt of that!!
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brett-is-afraid · 8 months
I was thirsting over Jack's chest and I sent someone that video of him pouting coffee over his tits
And they said "those look like real boobs like honest to God tits (/pos)"
And I just was like "yeah ikr" and the convo moved on...
And I tune into brain leak today and Seán goes "I went to the doctor and found out I was growing real tiddies. Like I had too much estrogen?? I think it must have been the soy milk"
AND MY ASS IS JUST LIKE "mmm,,,, keep drinking that soymilk pretty boy <3 you can never have too much titty"
Imagine God giving you a gift and then you just rejecting it. /j
But this is wiiiiild information to me. The creator men are feminizing themselves. They couldn't just stop at the cat ears and maid dresses, they had to grow themselves tiddies too.
Genuinely, though. He is so fucking pretty when he's all soft and feminine. And honestly, I think more men should have tits. Every time a man has tiddies, an angel gets its wings.
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thetwelfthcrow · 6 months
horner likes to act like he’d never let lewis in his team and says the max/lewis line up wouldn’t work out, but i’m 100% sure if lewis was truly interested and not just looking for backup options, horner wouldn’t say no. this line up is something u can’t refuse, no matter what happened in the past and even if u know things might turn sour at some point. also i freak out over the smallest 4433 crumbs, now imagine seeing them together most of the time during every race week and getting those youtube video challenges with them and everything, i would thriveee 🤌🏼 it’s never gonna happen but i can dream, also i hope this rumour will inspire more people to write teammate fanfics of them
hmmm. it's a very tricky line up. i think on one hand you can't refuse lewis hamilton in your team, but on the other hand we know how lewis fights for what he wants and how he wants another wdc and how he's more than capable enough of doing that. would you, as a team principal, risk a rivalling line up with potential fights and crashes over one steady driver and one... barely-there driver? max, this year, has enough points to get the wcc on his own. but will he reign this supreme when lewis is there too? will they not fight eachother with everything in their might?
and, also, would you go by the loyalty of your driver who's been with you since his start in f1 for lewis? unless lewis compromises and says, yk what i'm more than happy to win occasionally but not be the first driver, not be the wdc. which i would find incredibly unlikely.
so, like. on one hand, yeah absolutely lewis is the GOAT and why wouldn't you want him on your team? on the other hand, max is incredibly steady and reliable and more than capable to get these wdcs (and wccs). so do you need the greatest alongside max? i wouldn't think so.
if lewis was seriously interested, i am certain that christian (and co) would seriously consider it. but it is, on all accounts, risky.
also yeah god, same, i also freak out over a ring, a mention of the other's name or a smile so i GET you. to get regular videos with max and lewis?? close to each other?? wearing the same logos on their chest??? wild wild wiiiiild! i would drown in the content and the affection and love i have for these two. i would suffocate! and it would be the best thing ever!
i also hope this rumour inspires a buncha 4433 shippers (i see you, sleeper agents) to write more for them <3 teammate fics superior trope for them now huh.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Imagine if Austin actually wins an Oscar on his first try? He’s reminding me of rami malek and Eddie Redmayne when they won. Bring out the popcorn if that happens.
Oh I know.... 😫🙈
That would be wiiiiild.
I still think that Colin is the favorite to win, and I honestly think he WILL win.
The Academy usually doesn't like to award young, (especially handsome) actors for Oscars for some reason lol. 😂 At least, that's their typical M.O. 🤷🏾‍♀️
It's actually more likely for a young, attractive, (even new-comer) female actress to win a "Best Actress" Oscar than it is for a young male lol 😆
At least, that's been the typical scenario historically-speaking
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
did west think not trying at all would somehow work? he did not have much better chemistry with the actress playing camilla imo. i did not believe he wanted to be a tampon, maybe one for actual charles lmao. west said in an interview(s?) he is somehow a part of the prince's trust so idk if he is to blame for the prince's trust episode. i feel like pm intended the kitchen scene to be a mix of the australia scene & 'i hug who i want' scene for s5 but debicki was the only one who showed up. that scene might have been better if it happened before the divorce was official. maybe the omelette turned scrambled eggs are an unintended metaphor for this season lol.
A lot of people are a part of The Prince's Trust, so I will say that I doubt Dominic had anything to do with that. The Prince's Trust is one of those things PM should've reined himself in on... and if this had been the final season like it was originally lol, he may have. But he had two seasons for the 90s, so he geeked out very unwisely.
He's a good actor and he knows how to play a sleaze ball cheater (literally not even a jab at his personal life, I don't know his marriage and its rules, he was the lead of The Affair, enough said). I personally don't think an accurate Charles was what this season wanted. What the season wanted was a Charles that was better than what he is and was. Handsome Squidward, but make it Prince Charles. He's a perfectly good actor, but this is not the role for him, and it wasn't a well-written role, either.
I think other actors could have played Charles better, but I don't think that other actors would've been much better with the hodgepodge of a script this season had, especially for Charles. Is he whiny? Is he valiant and trying to modernize the monarchy? Is he creeping in and trying to politically assassinate his mother? Is he gross for the tampon comment, or just harmlessly, sweetly cringe? Josh O'Connor is probably the only person who could've brought it all together, but even then the writing for Charles made noooo sense compared to the slip from s3 to s4. S3 gave a guy who was cringe and privileged, but kinda pathetically sad and emotionally neglected by his parents. S4 took that same guy and upped his resentment level because he was denied the thing he wanted most (which makes sense--he responded badly and we should've known because his privilege and entitlement was always key to his character, even when he was sad) and gave him a figure to put all of his self-loathing and hatred of his parents onto. He couldn't hurt Elizabeth and Philip for not loving him correctly and denying him Camilla, not in the way he wanted, so he hurt Diana because she was closest and beneath him and wouldn't fight back. You could even say (and I mean this about fictional Charles, not the real guy) that in Diana's desperation for his love he saw his own desperation for love, and he struck out at that. Diana singing Phantom of the Opera songs to Charles was Charles telling Mummy he had a voice, or flopping at school in front of Philip.
The issue is that you go from the guy who's literally, let's be real, a hair's breadth away from striking Diana during the "I hug who I want" fight... to a guy who has had so little time pass, but seems more self-assured, fine and dandy, and really not even that angry in s5. It is WIIIIILD to me that s5 only had like... One big fight between Charles and Diana. Yes, s4 only had one massive fight, but there were so many more mean comments, so much more outward resentment in s4. They made SO little of the book in s5, and that was wild because Charles and Diana had like, face to face screaming matches over that book. He was cold, but he heated up when he got super fucking angry at her.
The path for Diana was a lot clearer to me because in s4 we ended with her outwardly telling Philip she was kinda fucking done... And ending with her so removed from the family. The ending for Charles was much less... powerful? Purposefully, I'm sure. But the leap in the writing was wild. Charles in s4 really did not have any empowered moments beyond stepping on Diana, if that counts. It's like they got spooked by the backlash to s4 and reworked. Which was stupid, lol, because s4 may have been hated by the royals but in terms of critical and fan reaction it was very, very successful.
To be blunt, I think that most actors are going to have a very hard time following Josh O'Connor when it comes to Charles, and while Dominic was the .... opposite of the direction they should've gone in, I think pretty much anyone besides Josh coming back for a third season would've had serious issues with the character consistency because there... was none. It wasn't just him trying to make Charles a different person, it was the script.
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busybee-123 · 5 months
got the urge to write again and i just love the idea of having this little page instead of doing it on paper. for once I'm living in the modern age you guys should be proud.
omg another thing you should be proud of is I finally deleted tiktok!! (the crowd goes wiiiiild), k had a small era like last year where I went like 4 months without it so hoping to return to thst era. fingers crossed I can keep up with this page now but I know me and I cannotnpromise that. I do hope I'm changing for the better.
found my little black book thingy i got fron tescos ages ago and wrote all my to do lists in, ripped out all the old pages and decided to start blank - absolute lies I'm not a changed girlie yet, but I am hoping to be slowly. baby steps.
it was just a silly little update today, maybe another day I'll tell you about what's been going on (i live a very uneventful life but I can probably twist it into something pretentious) and alllll the weather patterns. it's been so stormy these past few days I've actually love it.
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