#Invasive Treatment
moral-autism · 2 years
It's really too bad that we don't have good animal models for ectopic pregnancy because humans are uniquely unlucky. Human embryos and placentas are aggressive enough that humans have ever carried extrauterine pregnancies to term (with both mother and infant surviving!) but if you put embryos in mice the immune system does a better job of shutting down that nonsense.
I want to know if extrauterine pregnancy is viable in AMABs but there are good reasons for not testing this in humans, and mouse results just don't generalize!
My best proposal so far for remedying this situation is getting a female mouse to steal fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and then establishing a mouse line derived from her, but I haven't been able to get any funding and some members of the IRB have brought up the legitimate concern that doing so would make the mice less acceptable to experiment on. (Additionally, a preliminary commenter points out that the Curse of Eve may not replicate as desired.)
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benjinoff13 · 11 months
from what i’ve seen from secret invasion i’m so scared they’re only gonna use maria for nick’s character development and i’m so nervous about this 
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anarcho-smarmyism · 4 months
it's at the point where everyone is just going on and on about how anyone taking a side is evil or trying to manipulate you and saying "nuance nuance nuance 2 things can be true at once!!" but they're not actually discussing any of the nuance. just scolding the viewer/listener for being so stupid as to believe either "side" could be actually morally correct to support.....but where is the discussion of precisely what "both sides" have done here? Am i really expected to respect this social requirement of "nuance" that intentionally ignores all context and details; that portrays neutrality, indifference, and ultimately inaction as the morally and intellectually right position -and all from people who describe the violence of Ham*s as inhuman, animalistic barbarism that MUST be repaid in Palestinian blood, but only refer to "violence in Gaza" and "famine in Gaza" as if its an act of nature, never even mentioning WHO is actually committing that violence against civilians? do they really expect me to buy these Zionist lies without question because anything less is antisemitic? how fucking stupid do they think we are?
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david cronenberg, straight gender conforming man, trans icon. if taking medication and having surgery is an art then call me picasso
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tacticalhimbo · 3 months
ok but i'm playing through the operation anchorage dlc and i just wanna know if anybody's made a commentary on the way the simultation PEDDLES propaganda through its presentation and through the miscellaneous holotapes you find throughout the areas.
like. i'm sure somebody has. but this whole story of the lone, green soldier recording tapes home to his partner (re: molly) being implanted into a combat simulation... definitely giving "here's how we, the u.s. government, are going to train your hatred toward this specific minority group"
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james-vi-stan-blog · 3 months
James's attitude to 17th century medicine
So in The Murder of King James, Bellamy/Cogwell write:
But while the distemper [that eventually killed James] did not seem dangerous, from the start the doctors were confronted with a different problem: their old and sickly patient refused to follow instructions. This came as no surprise: his doctors were well aware of James's attitude towards them and their "art". He had always been an exceptionally difficult patient. "He laughs at medicine", Mayerne had noted in 1623, and "regards physicians as not only unnecessary but positively useless. He says that their art rests on mere conjectures, which are uncertain and therefore invalid." … The king would never follow the regimen necessary for good health … James particularly disliked the physicians' standard therapeutic repertoire. Powerful purgatives, he believed, "destroyed nature", and he would only tolerate milder forms of the drugs. James disliked medicine that caused excessive stomach cramps, and until 1613 he refused any time of "clyster" (enema), the standard purgative treatment for evacuating noxious humours from the bowels. He was equally opposed to phlebotomy (therapeutic bleeding) and was not bled medicinally until his dangerous health crisis in 1619. Even then, physicians used leeches (applied to the haemorrhoids) and blistering cups, rather than the knife." (37-38)
And this attitude towards the medicine of his time is continuously cited as an example of James's unreasonableness and his contribution to his own demise, however
is he fucking wrong
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aloeverawrites · 8 months
Getting a ton of notes from a reblog attacking you is weird like. Are these people liking the message me or do they also want to hit me with a truck what's happening
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sincerely-max · 10 months
I cannot fucking believe they had the AUDACITY to kill Maria Hill on the first episode. I'm in despair.
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natsmagi · 11 months
I’m willing to do tax invasion for you
we should kiss under a moonlit sky and exchange vows to one another
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
cursed fact I learned today: you can pay a plastic surgeon to remove the sweat glands from your armpits
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chaelinsbitch · 6 months
I haven't tried any but I'm still convinced that 70% of those skin treatments are a scam
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asiya2000 · 11 months
Advantages of Minimally Invasive Surgery
Minimally invasive surgery has revolutionized the medical field by providing a safe and effective alternative to traditional open surgeries. This modern surgical approach involves making small incisions and using specialized tools and cameras to visualize and operate on the affected area. Compared to open surgeries, minimally invasive procedures offer several significant advantages.
One of the key benefits is the use of smaller incisions, which reduces the trauma to surrounding tissues and organs. This results in fewer complications, such as damage to nerves, tendons, and muscles, and minimizes blood loss during surgery. Additionally, the risk of postoperative infections is significantly reduced due to the smaller incisions, which limit the entry of bacteria and viruses.
Patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery experience faster recovery rates and shorter hospital stays. In some cases, patients may not even require overnight hospitalization, further reducing costs. The recovery period is typically quicker, with patients able to resume their regular activities within a few days and experiencing less postoperative pain and swelling. The need for narcotic medications is also minimized.
Furthermore, minimally invasive surgeries result in fewer surgical scars since fewer stitches are required. This not only enhances the cosmetic outcome but also reduces the risk of complications associated with wound healing.
Overall, minimally invasive surgery has proven to be a safer and superior option for patients across various medical fields, including orthopedics. The benefits of reduced complications, decreased risk of infections, shorter hospital stays, faster recovery, and improved cosmetic outcomes make it an appealing choice for both doctors and patients alike. know more click here
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whostolemygoldfish · 9 months
Okay so. I went to the doctor today and I got some news. I can't continue physical therapy because it's not changing and my insurance is beginning to not accept it anymore because I have been doing it for quite a few months, and without insurance it's going to be thousands of dollars (Perks of living in the US 🙃). The problem is that the load-bearing muscle in my lower leg is in a casing that is too small for it to expand and contract as it's supposed to. The only treatment is to inject water into the muscle and then exercise to evaluate how much is wrong and then to have surgery to cut the muscle casing, which all is extremely invasive. I will also have to wait a few years to have this treatment done, because they need to see how it progresses.
This is hell but at least I know how to fix it now.
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seagullcharmer · 1 year
one of these days i'm going to snap and start screaming
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
been stuck in a cadaver workshop since early morning bc our cadavers are still kinda frozen even after an hour of thawing on the table, so now the lab techs are flushing the midline with heated NS until a mini laparotomy can be safely performed for umbilicus trocar insertion and then we can get finally the party started- anyway how are u guys doin’
p.s.: btw we owe replies to @jizokusei (and many others aaaaa) and we have NOT forgotten!! will try to get some stuff out later!!
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thevasularcenter · 1 year
The Impact of Smoking and Other Harmful Habits on Vascular Health
Smoking is a highest cause of vascular disease and can significantly raise the risk of heart attack strokes and other vascular conditions. Sedentism, poor diet and excessive alcohol consumption are all harmful habits that can harm vascular health.
At the Vascular Center, we understand the critical role that lifestyle habits play in preventing and managing vascular diseases. Quitting smoking is one of the most effective ways to improve vascular health and reduce the risk of complications.
Smoking can damage the blood vessels, causing them to narrow and stiffen over time. This can reduce blood flow and increase the risk of blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other complications. Smoking also increases the risk of peripheral artery disease (PAD), a condition in which the blood vessels in the legs narrow and restrict blood flow to the muscles.
Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of these and other vascular conditions significantly. According to studies, the risk of heart attack and stroke can be comparable to that of a nonsmoker within a few years of quitting smoking. This emphasizes the significance of quitting smoking as soon as possible.
Other risk factors for cardiovascular disease include a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet. Regular physical activity can help improve vascular health by strengthening the heart and blood vessels, lowering inflammation and increasing blood flow. A healthy diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in saturated and trans fats can also improve vascular health.
Excessive alcohol consumption can also be detrimental to vascular health. Alcohol can raise blood pressure, cause heart muscle damage, and increase the risk of blood clots. Moderate alcohol consumption can help reduce the risk of these complications.
At the Vascular Center, we work with our patients to identify and address any lifestyle factors that may be contributing to their vascular disease. We offer support and resources to patients who want to quit smoking, eat healthier, and exercise more. We also provide comprehensive medical treatment options for vascular conditions, including medication, minimally invasive procedures and surgery.
Cigarette smoking and other unhealthy lifestyle choices can have a significant impact on vascular health. Smoking cessation, a healthy diet and increased physical activity can all help reduce the risk of vascular disease and improve overall health. If you are concerned about your vascular health, make an appointment with one of our specialists at the Vascular Center. We can collaborate to create a tailored plan to help you achieve optimal vascular health.
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