#Interstate commerce
kp777 · 1 year
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Grown in Oklahoma, Smoked in New York: Illicit Marijuana’s Legal Roots
Surplus weed produced in states like Oklahoma is increasingly ending up in New York, fueling its illicit market and complicating the state’s efforts to expand legal cannabis sales. In the dead of night last April, state drug agents in Oklahoma intercepted an 18-wheeler rumbling east toward the Arkansas border smuggling 7,000 pounds of marijuana hidden in security camera boxes. The weed was from…
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quillsword · 3 months
Discover the shocking tale of a miscarriage of justice against President Trump and its ripple effects: a trucker boycott of New York City. Delve into the controversial fallout, the socio-political implications, and the broader discourse surrounding this unprecedented event - or just listen to my snarky ranting!
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kujakumai · 2 years
please give us the Ishtar siblings paper please please I live for lore and theories
I have tried to write this specific meta like eight times and it never comes out how I want it but now I'm just going to give up and make the attempt. yeah fine.
Yami Marik is made of hate; specifically 10-year-old Marik's hate after he was put through the carving ritual. The real question is who that hate is directed at, and it's one Marik explicitly asks--his first question, after he comes out of it, is word for word "Who should I hate?"
The most obvious answer to that is "Dad Ishtar," but the fact that there's a question in the first place means that he is not the only one on the table. Yami Marik wants to kill Rishid, too. A lot. He only shows up in the first place when Rishid's not awake. That is not a coincidence.
So let us backtrack real quick: Marik Ishtar is 10 years old, really isolated, and in an abusive home (it's not clear if, outside the ritual, Dad Ishtar was physically abusive to anyone besides Rishid; but even if Marik is the favorite, regular exposure to that level of violence and control would have messed up all three of them). He is about to go through something horrible at the hands of his father, and he knows and dreads it; he doesn't understand why it has to happen, is so scared of it he's depicted as explaining it while in tears.
The adult he does see as source of safety amongst all this is his big brother Rishid. And he asks Rishid to save him from it. The anime switches this, and has Rishid offer on his own accord, but don't get it twisted--in the original, Rishid taking the ritual in his place was all Marik's idea. It's not an order, either--he pleads for it (again, in tears), and Rishid says yes.
And Rishid does try! And fail. His appeal is firmly rejected. What happens next is that Marik gets dragged off kicking and screaming and pleading for help and experiences a painful mutilation while the person he asked to protect him does nothing.
It's debatable if there's anything Rishid actually could have done to prevent this, save kidnap Marik and run off to surface or something, or if he can really be held at fault. The objective facts don't matter here, though. What matters is that Marik is 10, and his ten year old traumatized little brain isn't processing who actually controlled this process. He just knows he asked his dad not to have to go through this, and had to anyway, and that he asked Rishid to save him and he didn't.
So Marik stumbles out in horrible pain, and asks--"Who should I hate?" Who's fault is this? Who should he direct his anger at? His dad? Rishid? The clan? The pharaoh? The gods? Who let this happen?
The reason that the reveal of Rishid's carvings act as a temporary seal on Marik's hatred is because they answer that question with "Not Rishid." They're a "Look what I've done, look how bad I feel. I still care about you, I'm suffering too, I accept fault."
Marik's reaction to this is really interesting, too. He's initially horrified, and then recovers, and proceeds to laugh about it and affirm Rishid's inferiority.
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This is a REALLY NOTICABLE CHANGE! A big one! It's a big deal! Because up until now, everything we've seen about little Marik and Rishid's relationship is that despite what Dad said, Marik thought of Rishid as his brother and was eager to have him accepted into the family. This is a major act of love and penance by Rishid, and Marik is reacting to it by basically saying "Good, I hope it hurts. Maybe Dad was right and you are supposed to serve me."
Marik does hate Rishid! At least, ten year old Marik in excruciating pain does. He's a terrified little kid, he asked for help, was told he would be helped, and didn't get any. He hates him as least as much as the guy who did the carving.
But the scars are enough, for now. They're not brothers anymore, that relationship has a giant crack in it, but it gets a band-aid. Rishid may have hurt you, but he cares enough to be hurt with you, and to feel bad about it, which nobody else seems to. So the scars seal the hatred. Somebody still wants to protect him.
Marik's relationship with Rishid after this is interesting and complicated. I don't think it ever fully recovers. He still loves and trusts him a lot, but it's not like the Marik we see in BC is treating Rishid very well. Rishid doesn't stand up for himself, either, because he fears reprisal; Marik doesn't trust him so much that it's no longer necessary to play shadow. And could he, really, after Rishid failed so horribly the first time? Keeping Rishid as servant-not-brother defends you from the pain of another betrayal.
So we circle back to Yami Marik, who is all defense mechanism, all hatred. Yami Marik never recovers from anything. He is operating, always, on the delirious, excruciating, hurts-so-bad-you-have-to-laugh concentrated rage of a grade schooler who has just experienced the worst thing he'll ever go through in his entire life, punishing the world around him.
Yami Marik hates his dad, because of course he does; he's the one that did this. He skins him alive, since skin seemed so important to him.
Yami Marik hates Rishid, too. He wants him dead. Really dead. So that regular-Marik can't come back, sure, but that's really an aside. He wants Rishid dead because he's still trying to answer the question. Marik, at first glance, might have let Rishid off the hook, but there's still things unaccounted for, boiling under the surface. And Yami Marik is here because the band-aid is coming off.
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1900scartoons · 1 year
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An Interstate Commerce Commission Signal 
January 30, 1907
Capitol Hill broadcasts an urgent message from the Interstate Commerce Commission to enact a Compulsory Block System for US railroads; Congress looks on.
The caption reads 'And one that congress cannot longer afford to disregard'.
The ICC was reporting on the various illegal practices of the railroad trusts.
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/5457/rec/31
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xkcdbracket · 10 months
Supreme Court Bracket
Remember that this is a silly Tumblr poll, and these two things are not actually in conflict. So don't get too heated in the notes.
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Interstate Commerce is regulated by Congress. The case Gibbons v. Ogden established that interstate commerce is regulated by the U.S. Congress according to the U.S. Constitution, that interstate navigation is fundamental to interstate commerce, and that therefore the power to regulate interstate navigation in this way rests with the U.S. Congress, not with any state legislature.
Pre-Publication Censorship is Unconstitutional. The case Near v. Minnesota is a landmark United States Supreme Court decision that found that prior restraints on publication violate freedom of the press as protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, a principle that was applied to free speech generally in subsequent jurisprudence. The Court ruled that a Minnesota law that targeted publishers of ''malicious'' or ''scandalous'' newspapers violated the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
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opencommunion · 2 months
"The historical struggle against colonialism and imperialism ... is waged at the same time as a struggle over the historical and cultural record. One of the first targets, for example, of the Israeli Defense Forces when they entered the Lebanese capital of Beirut in the fall of 1982 was the PLO Research Center and its archives containing the documentary and cultural history of the Palestinian people. Similarly the United States police squadron which in August 1985 arrested in San Juan, Puerto Rico, eleven Puerto Rican independentistas on charges of bank robbery and violation of interstate commerce laws also entered the offices of the journal Pensamiento critico where they confiscated the journal's archival resources as well as its copier and typewriter. The struggle over the historical record is seen from all sides as no less crucial than the armed struggle."
Barbara Harlow, Resistance Literature (1987)
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veganpropaganda · 10 days
‘Oppressive’ child labor found at poultry plant’s kill floor after teen’s death, feds say
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article288585497.html
A U.S. chicken producer is again facing child labor accusations after a 16-year-old worker was killed at its poultry plant in Mississippi last July, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.
On May 1, four teenagers, including two 16-year-olds and two 17-year-olds, were found working on the kill floor at Mar-Jac Poultry’s processing facility in Jasper, Alabama, federal court filings show.
With three teens’ shifts starting at 11 p.m. — and a fourth teen’s shift starting at 8:30 p.m. — they were each tasked with “hanging live chickens on hooks for slaughter and cutting meat from the carcasses,” according to court documents filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama.
This violates federal child labor provisions in place to protect minors from dangerous jobs that have proven deadly.
On July 14, 2023, Duvan Robert Tomas Perez, a 16-year-old migrant from Guatemala, was killed while cleaning a chicken deboning machine at Mar-Jac’s plant in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, according to a wrongful death lawsuit, McClatchy News previously reported.
The Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration found Perez was fatally pulled into the “still-energized” machine because Mar-Jac Poultry MS LLC “disregarded safety standards.”
OSHA cited the company over his death in January, according to a news release.
Now, the Labor Department is seeking a court order to stop Mar-Jac from selling and shipping “poultry tainted by oppressive child labor” from the company’s plant in Alabama, court filings say.
An “urgent” request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction filed by Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su asks the court to prevent Mar-Jac Poultry of Alabama, LLC, from profiting off products linked to child labor.
Following the request, an evidentiary hearing was held on May 14 and May 15, Mar-Jac said in a May 20 news release provided to McClatchy News in response to a request for comment.
Instead of granting the request, the court ordered Su to submit a brief by May 28 and ordered Mar-Jac to submit a response to the brief by June 4, the release said.
What Mar-Jac says about the child labor accusations
In a response filed May 8, Mar-Jac contends it offered to stop shipping poultry produced on the May 1 shift, when the alleged child labor violations involving the four teens were uncovered by the Labor Department’s Wage and Hour Division.
However, the Wage and Hour Division “rejected that offer and demanded Mar-Jac not ship goods in interstate commerce for the next 30 days,” the filing says.
This would “would put more than 1000 workers out of their jobs for that 1-month period and disrupt the supply chain, adversely affecting hundreds more workers involved in growing and transporting poultry products,” Mar-Jac said in its news release.
Mar-Jac refused the division’s demand and argues that the company was unaware three of the four minor employees were underage.
According to the Labor Department, Wage and Hour Division investigators learned the four teens “had been working at the facility for months,” a complaint says.
The department has declared all chicken produced by Mar-Jac up until May 31 are “hot goods” that are “tainted by child labor,” according to the complaint.
Mar-Jac maintains three of the four teens showed documents that claimed they were older than 17 and were then verified as over 18, according to the May 8 court filing.
The company says it “immediately discharged” the three minors after learning they were underage and denied that they worked on the Alabama plant’s kill floor, the filing says.
As for the fourth minor, Mar-Jac said federal investigators haven’t identified the teen, “making it impossible for Mar-Jac to end the alleged (child labor) violation,” according to the filing.
On May 14, the Labor Department called Mar-Jac’s response a “misguided attempt to persuade this Court to allow (the company) to flout the inherent dangers of oppressive child labor,” court records show.
Mar-Jac said in the release that the company “will continue to vigorously defend itself and expects to prevail in this matter” and that it is “committed to complying with all relevant laws, including but not limited to the child labor regulations.”
Following the death of Perez at the Mississippi poultry plant, Mar-Jac acknowledged he “should not have been hired” because he was under 18, according to a July 19 news release published online by WDAM-TV.
The company said the employee’s age and identity “were misrepresented” on his hiring paperwork, according to the release.
Seth Hunter, an attorney representing Perez’s mother, who is suing over his death, said in a news release provided to McClatchy News in February that Mar-Jac’s “working conditions have to change.”
He said Chick-fil-A “is one of Mar-Jac’s largest customers” and that Chick-fil-A and other companies “should insist on better working conditions or stop doing business with them.”
At the time, Chick-fil-A didn’t respond to McClatchy News’ request for comment from Feb. 5.
A few months after Perez’s death, the company told NBC News in October that “We are reviewing our own procedures for investigation and response as we pursue the steps necessary to effectively hold all our suppliers to our high safety standards.”
Similar to Perez, a New York Times investigative report published in September found many migrant children and teens are working dangerous jobs, including at poultry plants.
Mar-Jac’s plant in Jasper, Alabama, is about a 240-mile drive west of the company’s headquarters in Gainesville, Georgia.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Minimum amount a tipped employee can legally make per hour
by u/xetal1
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, “Minimum Wages for Tipped Employees”, as of 1st May 2023. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped
Tip credit: Most states employ a tip credit system. This means that part of the salary (how large part varies by state, see source above) may be covered by tips. However, the total wage (salary + tips) must exceed the total minimum or the employer is eligible to pay the difference. States not using this are Alaska, California, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, where the employer must pay out the full amount on top of any tips.
Fair Standards Labor Act (FLSA): Some states (Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Wyoming) have no state minimum wage or a state minimum wage lower than set out in the FLSA. Any business with a yearly revenue exceeding $500,000, or engaged in interstate commerce is covered by the minimums set out in this act.
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sexhaver · 6 months
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this is totally just sovcit horseshit, right? i looked up the relevant law and this guy was definitely not a hotel shuttle or engaged in interstate commerce, it was just one dude driving a regular-ass 4runner
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California's latest attempt to save the legal cannabis market just failed
California’s dream of selling cannabis legally across the country has gone up in smoke. On Tuesday, state Attorney General Rob Bonta declared that allowing legal cannabis companies to export marijuana across state lines would result in “significant legal risk to the State of California.” The move effectively halts California’s attempt to open up interstate sales, which many had hoped could…
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quillsword · 4 months
Keep on Truckin'! Anywhere But New York!
When you’re running a senile old man and have to abuse the justice system in a vain attempt to keep his opponent out of the race, maybe you should reconsider your life choice to be a political party. No one expected a fair verdict out of that kangaroo court, or New York for that matter, but the insanely egregious judgment left even my cranky jaw dropping. I’ll spare you the words my cat had to…
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cliff-montgomery · 4 months
The Thorny Problem of Straw Purchases in U.S. Gun Law
by Cliff Montgomery - Feb. 15th, 2024
Yesterday’s mass shooting at a parade intended to celebrate the Kansas City Chiefs’ recent Super Bowl victory over the San Francisco 49s once again reminds us of the need for serious gun laws and gun law reform.
On February 9th, two short reviews on current federal gun laws were released by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). The CRS refers to itself as a “ non-partisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress.” In short, it prepares concise, easy-to understand reports on matters of the moment to members of the U.S. and their affiliated staff members.
We will cover those two short studies for our readers. Tonight, we look at the report Gun Control: Straw Purchase and Gun Trafficking Provisions in Public Law 117-159, better known as the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.
Straw purchases are defined by the study as “illegal firearms transactions in which a person serves as a middleman by posing as the transferee, but is actually acquiring the firearm for another person.”
Below, we offer readers most of the central statements found in the CRS report:
“On June 25, 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA; S. 2938; P.L. 117-159). This law includes the Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act, provisions of which amend the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA, 18 U.S.C. §§921 et seq.) to more explicitly prohibit straw purchases and illegal gun trafficking. Related provisions expand federal law enforcement investigative authorities.
Federal Firearms Law
“The GCA is the principal statute regulating interstate firearms commerce in the United States. The purpose of the GCA is to assist federal, state, and local law enforcement in ongoing efforts to reduce violent crime.
“Congress constructed the GCA to allow state and local governments to regulate firearms more strictly within their own borders, so long as state law does not conflict with federal law or violate constitutional provisions.
“Hence, one condition of a federal firearms license for gun dealers, which permits the holder to engage in interstate firearms commerce, is that the licensee must comply with both federal and state law.
“Also, under the GCA there are several classes of persons prohibited from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition (e.g., convicted felons, fugitives, unlawful drug users). It was and remains unlawful under the GCA for any person to transfer knowingly a firearm or ammunition to a prohibited person (18 U.S.C. §922(d)). Violations are punishable by up to 10 years’ imprisonment.
“The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is the principal agency that administers and enforces the GCA, as well as the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA, 26 U.S.C. §§5801 et seq.).
“The NFA further regulates certain firearms deemed to be especially dangerous (e.g., machine guns, short-barreled shotguns) by taxing all aspects of the making and transfer of such weapons and requiring their registration with the Attorney General.
Straw Purchase Provision
“Straw purchases are illegal firearms transactions in which a person serves as a middleman by posing as the transferee, but is actually acquiring the firearm for another person.
“As discussed below, straw purchases are unlawful under two existing laws. Prosecutions under those provisions have been characterized by some as mere paperwork violations and, hence, inadequate in terms of deterring unlawful gun trafficking.
“P.L. 117-159 amends the GCA with a new provision, 18 U.S.C. §932, to prohibit any person from knowingly purchasing or conspiring to purchase any firearm for, on behalf of, or at the request or demand of any other persons if the purchaser knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the actual buyer
is a person prohibited from being transferred a firearm under 18 U.S.C. §922(d);
plans to use, carry, possess, or sell (dispose of) the firearm(s) in furtherance of a felony, federal crime of terrorism, or drug trafficking crime; or
plans to sell or otherwise dispose of the firearm(s) to a person who would meet any of the conditions described above.
“Violations are punishable by a fine and up to 15 years’ imprisonment. Violations made by a person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that any firearm involved will be used to commit a felony, federal crime of terrorism, or drug trafficking crime are punishable by a fine and up to 25 years’ imprisonment.
Gun Trafficking Provision
“Gun trafficking entails the movement or diversion of firearms from legal to illegal channels of commerce in violation of the GCA. P.L. 117-159 amends the GCA with a new provision, 18 U.S.C. §933, to prohibit any person from shipping, transporting, causing to be shipped or transported, or otherwise disposing of any firearm to another person with the knowledge or reasonable cause to believe that the transferee’s use, carrying, or possession would constitute a felony.
“It would also prohibit the receipt of such firearm if the transferee knows or has reasonable cause to believe that receiving it would constitute a felony. Attempts and conspiracies to violate these provisions are proscribed as well. Violations are punishable by a fine and up to 15 years’ imprisonment. […]
GCA Interstate Transfer Prohibitions
“The GCA generally prohibits anyone who is not a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) from acquiring a firearm from an out-of-state source. [But] Interstate transfers among unlicensed persons may be facilitated through an FFL in the state where the transferee resides. […]
GCA Record-keeping and Straw Purchases
“Under the GCA (18 U.S.C. §926), Congress authorized a decentralized system of record-keeping allowing ATF to trace a firearm’s chain of commerce, from manufacturer or importer to dealer, and to the first retail purchaser of record. FFLs must maintain certain records, including ATF Forms 4473, on transfers to non-FFLs as well as a parallel acquisition/disposition log.
“As part of a firearms transaction, both the FFL and purchaser must truthfully fill out and sign the ATF Form 4473. The FFL must verify the purchaser’s name, date of birth, and other information by examining government-issued identification (e.g., driver’s license). The purchaser attests on Form 4473 that he or she is not a prohibited person and is the actual transferee/buyer. […]
“[However,] straw purchases are not easily detected because they only become apparent when the straw purchase is revealed by a subsequent transfer to a prohibited person.
Other GCA Gun Trafficking Prohibitions
“According to ATF, gun trafficking often entails an unlawful flow of firearms from jurisdictions with less restrictive firearms laws to jurisdictions with more restrictive firearms laws, both domestically and internationally.
“Such unlawful activities can include, but are not limited to, the following:
straw purchasers or straw purchasing rings in violation of the provisions described above;
persons engaging in the business of dealing in firearms without a license in violation of 18 U.S.C. §921(a)(1)(A), punishable by up to 5 years’ imprisonment;
corrupt FFLs dealing off-the-books in an attempt to escape federal regulation in violation of 18 U.S.C. §922(b)(5), punishable by up to 5 years’ imprisonment; and
trafficking in stolen firearms in violation of 18 U.S.C. §922(j), punishable by up to 10 years’ imprisonment.
“Under current law, offenders could potentially be charged with multiple offenses under both the preexisting GCA provisions such as those discussed above and 18 U.S.C. §§932 and 933.
“Since P.L. 117-159 went into effect on October 31, 2023, 250 defendants have been charged with gun trafficking, including 80 charged with violating the law’s straw purchase provision.
“In January 2024, the National Shooting Sports Foundation—an industry trade group for the firearms industry—noted that the ATF has yet to implement two parts of P.L. 117-159: ‘Firearm Handler Background Checks’ (FHCs) and instant point-of-sale background checks when an FFL buys from a private individual.
“The former would allow FFLs to use the NICS to background check FFL employees and has been in regulatory review since September 26, 2023. The latter would allow FFLs to instantly identify if a weapon is stolen at the point of sale by authorizing importers, manufacturers, and dealers of firearms to access records of stolen firearms in the National Crime Information Center; it has been in the interim final rule stage since May 17, 2023.”
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1900scartoons · 6 months
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The Higher the Fewer - Considering a Complaint
December 19, 1907
The Traveling Public is seated two stories up in a train car, in bed 13. The Interstate Commerce Commission takes notes while a porter from the Pullman Sleeping Car Co. laughs.
The caption reads "The Traveling Public - These upper berths are too high!"
This refers to the prices of upper berths in sleeping cars, which were the same as the more desirable lower berths, leading to a lawsuit demanding lower prices for the upper berths.
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/5929/rec/1812
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whenweallvote · 1 month
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#OnThisDay in 1961: The original 13 Freedom Riders left Washington, D.C. for New Orleans on two Greyhound buses.
Freedom Riders were civil rights activists who made bus trips throughout the American South protesting segregated terminals by using “whites-only” restrooms and lunch counters at bus stations. The group was often confronted by police officers, bystanders, and violent counter-protest mobs.
In the fall of 1961, the Freedom Riders’ activism proved successful: the U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission banned segregation in interstate bus travel. 🙌🏿
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F*ck anons
Hate, Harassment, and Threats: Coping and Handling
It happens and it's happened since the rise of LJ. I remember getting my first hatepost and how much it upset me, but I was never a target in the way that many were. LJ was truly the wild and wooly west - Dodge City or Deadwood, when people thought it would be a utopia. We had greyfaces, anons, sock puppets, and meat puppets. For people transitioning from controlled environments like e-Groups, Listserv, and forums it was not the mod-free utopia that they might have wished for. Real fandom scandals and legitimate harm to fans have been built on anons, sockpuppets, and greyfaces.
Anon: Anonymous account either from outside the service or from an established account that has been anonymized.
Greyface: LJ term for an account with no identifiers, created explicitly to harass.
Sock Puppet: Account created by one person with the intent of being perceived as a separate individual.
Meat Puppet: Also used to be called a fanpoodle. A person whose actions are directed by another. Also called a muppet for having the controller's hand shoved so far up their ass that it can work their mouth.
Defining Hateposting/Cyberstalking/Harassment/Threats
First, there is a federal law -18 U.S. Code § 2261A Stalking - that defines stalking and harassment. Full text is here, with excerpt below:
(2) (Whoever) with the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, uses the mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service or electronic communication system of interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign commerce to engage in a course of conduct that— (A)places that person in reasonable fear of the death of or serious bodily injury to a person, a pet, a service animal, an emotional support animal, or a horse described in clause (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of paragraph (1)(A); or (B)causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of paragraph (1)(A),
Laws can vary from state to state. 48 states have some laws on the books, with 44 having criminal penalties. You'll need to contact local law enforcement or look them up on your state legislature's website.
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All forms of online harassment can be grouped under the label of cyberbullying. How do you know what is or isn't cyberbullying? There is a comprehensive list. Even some things that you didn't think might be bullying are, in fact, bullying. Unfortunately, the FBI seems to focus on financial crimes and scams, and have changed their reporting pages to reflect that. In all cases using the internet to convey threats as defined under 18 U.S. Code § 2261A need to be documented and reported to the FBI.
Documenting: Keep the Reciepts
Documenting online abuse is key to stopping online abuse. To be Tumblr specific, screenshots of DMs, replies to your posts, posts harassing you, reblogs of your posts with abuse in the comments and tagjacking or abusive hashtags, screenshots of anons/sockpuppets and harassing asks need to be kept. You need your receipts.
Fuck Anons
Anons are not worth your mental health or the pleasure and community you derive from fandom.
"But some of my followers are shy!"
They can create an account that they can use just for doing asks. Exposing you to abuse and bullying should not be the price of someone being shy. I have also turned on anons when someone has asked me to via DM, in a post comment, or via an anon comment on my Ao3 so that they could send me an ask without unmasking themselves. This protects me and protects them.
Tumblr recently started requiring a valid email address to send an anon without being signed in. This could be seen a couple of different ways - Tumblr wants some sort tabs on people using their site anonymously, or that they want people sending anons to create an account. There is nothing to stop an anon from creating a burner email account in order to harass, so that only goes so far.
Block anons. I am serious. Just go into your account settings and do it. You can even turn off asks entirely.
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Per Tumblr: "Anonymous asks are not associated with a specific account, and blocking those will block the IP address of the sender."
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So, if you block an anon and someone suddenly disappears from your followers, or you get a follower asking why they can't see or interact with your blog, then you have your answer as to where your anon bullying might well be coming from.
However, isn't it easier to just turn off anons?
Yes. It is. My anons are kept off 99.9 percent of the time and I sleep just fine.
Other Tips and Tricks
You can control who reblogs your posts. The default is that anyone on Tumblr can reblog. You can also block anyone from reblogging. The new feature offers middle ground by allowing you to add users allowed to reblog by mentioning them. I don't know if this extends to other parties reblogging from the people you allowed to reblog, however. Click on the little gear to access the dropdown.
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From the Settings Menu
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In addition to the default, you have two other options under the dropdown.
Tumblrs you follow and that have been mutuals with you for a week can reply
Only Tumblrs you follow can reply.
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Keep the people you follow private by toggling this off.
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Toggle off to stop DMs from people you don't follow.
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Hide your Tumblr from people without a Tumblr, or from people who are signed out. Remove your blog from Tumblr search results or from search engine crawlers.
Finally, you can block DMs on a case by case basis, too.
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Finally, it can be hard to start over, but when the bullying is too much and too persistent, you can back up your blog or take it private and start a new Tumblr with people you trust.
Other Resources
Online Harassment Field Guide - a really comprehensive source
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