#Economic impact
tmarshconnors · 9 months
The Pointlessness of the SAG Strike 2023
In recent weeks, the entertainment industry has been rocked by news of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) strike in 2023. While the actors involved in the strike have their reasons and concerns, it's essential to critically examine whether this strike is truly necessary or if it might be, in fact, quite pointless.
Economic Impact: One of the most immediate consequences of the SAG strike is the significant economic impact it has on the industry. Thousands of jobs, from actors to crew members, are being affected. Production companies are losing millions of dollars every day the strike continues. Given the economic hardships that many people have faced in recent times, including the COVID-19 pandemic, one must question the wisdom of causing further financial strain on the industry and its workers.
Demands and Priorities: The demands put forth by the striking actors are not unreasonable. However, one could argue that these demands might not be the top priority in a world grappling with more pressing issues. With global crises like climate change, social justice, and healthcare disparities, is a higher salary for already well-paid actors truly the most critical concern? Many people struggle to make ends meet, and it's hard to sympathize fully with actors making exorbitant salaries, especially when so many others are struggling.
Timing: The timing of the SAG strike is questionable, at best. It's happening in an era when the industry is still recovering from the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people in the entertainment business are just getting back on their feet after months of uncertainty and unemployment. Striking now seems insensitive to the plight of others in the industry.
Alternative Solutions: Are strikes the only way to resolve disputes and negotiate better terms? In an industry that thrives on creativity and innovation, one would hope for more imaginative and collaborative solutions. Negotiation and dialogue could lead to more mutually beneficial outcomes without causing widespread disruption and financial loss.
Public Perception: Lastly, it's worth considering the public perception of the strike. In an age where people are increasingly disillusioned with celebrities and their lavish lifestyles, a strike like this may only further alienate the audience. The entertainment industry depends on the support and admiration of the public, and a strike that seems self-serving could harm its reputation.
In conclusion, while the actors participating in the SAG strike 2023 may have legitimate concerns, it's crucial to weigh the impact of their actions on the broader industry and society as a whole. In a world facing numerous pressing issues, this strike may indeed appear pointless to many, given its economic consequences and the perceived priorities of those involved. Perhaps there are more constructive ways to address the concerns of actors and create a fairer and more equitable entertainment industry.
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investindo · 7 months
Discover the Billion-Dollar Boom: Indonesia's Construction Industry Secrets Revealed!
The construction sector in Indonesia has been experiencing remarkable growth in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue. This growth is largely driven by the government's infrastructure development initiatives, which have led to a substantial increase in investment in the construction industry. In 2021, the Indonesian construction industry recorded an impressive annual growth rate of 4.83%, according to data from the Indonesian Statistics Agency (BPS).
The government's commitment to infrastructure development is evident from the significant increase in infrastructure investment. In 2018, the investment in infrastructure rose to IDR 157.8 trillion (approximately US$11.3 billion), up from IDR 216.8 trillion in the previous year. This substantial investment contributed significantly to the country's economic growth, accounting for 1.28% of the overall economic growth in 2018, with an added value of IDR 184.4 trillion. This marked an increase from the 1.06% contribution in 2017, with an added value of IDR 146.9 trillion.
These investments have been directed towards various infrastructure projects, including the construction of dams, new public roads, bridges, and toll roads. These developments have not only improved the country's infrastructure but have also enhanced its competitiveness on the global stage.
Indonesia's rankings in global competitiveness indices have seen positive changes. In the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index, Indonesia's rank in the Quality of Roads category improved from 72 in 2014 to 60 in 2019, out of 141 countries. Similarly, in the World Bank's Logistic Performance Index, Indonesia climbed from 53 in 2014 to 46 out of 161 countries in its 2018 report.
While the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the construction industry in 2020, the sector has since rebounded and is poised for continuous growth. Various consultancy firms project annual growth rates ranging from 5% to 7% in real terms. This growth is attributed to the government's effective COVID-19 mitigation measures and the ongoing infrastructure projects.
One of the major upcoming projects is the relocation of Indonesia's capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, estimated to cost $33 billion and take a decade to complete. To fund this ambitious project and others, the Indonesian government launched the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA), a Sovereign Wealth Fund. The government plans to inject over $5 billion into INA, with several countries expressing interest in investing through it, including the US, Japan, and Canada.
In conclusion, Indonesia's construction sector is poised for continued growth and remains an attractive investment opportunity. Despite short-term challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, the government's commitment to infrastructure development, coupled with a stable political environment, low inflation, good credit ratings, and prudent macroeconomic policies, makes Indonesia's construction sector a promising prospect for investors. To navigate this competitive landscape, investors are advised to seek experienced local partners with established networks for a competitive edge. References: https://sertifikasi.co.id https://duniatender.com https://skk-konstruksi.com
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bookish2bookish · 2 days
El ascenso de la derecha. ¿Cómo el giro hacia la extrema derecha en Europa impacta la globalización, la sostenibilidad y el comercio?
El giro hacia la derecha en las más recientes elecciones del Parlamento Europeo 2024-2029 (resultados provisionales al día de hoy) ha captado la atención de quienes trabajamos en temas de globalización, sostenibilidad y comercio internacional. Aunque en la extrema derecha europea aún existen algunos negacionistas del cambio climático, la realidad es que la mayoría de los partidos europeos de…
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“Why I No Longer Travel To Or Through Wales”
Living in border towns many found life difficult during the pandemic as they could not cross the borders to do business, see relatives and engage in everyday realities such as visit the nearest shop just across the border. The state was pernicious in its response to transgressors except for members of government of course. These strange times with taken for granted freedoms and hard fought for…
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coffeezforclosers · 4 days
Federal Mortgage Policies 2024
Explore the intricate relationship between federal policies and mortgage rates in 2024. Discover how these policies shape the housing market landscape, impacting both short-term fluctuations and long-term trends. Learn more about the key federal policies expected to influence mortgage rates and their potential effects on borrowers' ability to finance home purchases.
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techdriveplay · 22 days
Leading the Charge with BSA Co-CEOs Richard Bartley and Arno Becker on Australia's EV Future
The electric vehicle market in Australia continues to boom – last year we saw a 161% increase in EV sales compared from 2022. Growth has continued this year, with EVs comprising 10% of all car sales, compared to 8% last year. As demand grows, questions surrounding the readiness of the country’s charging infrastructure have arisen, and while the Government invests in more infrastructure this year,…
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signode-blog · 2 months
The 2008 Market Crash: Causes, Impacts, and Lessons Learned
l. Introduction The 2008 market crash stands as one of the most significant financial upheavals in modern history, reshaping economies and livelihoods around the globe. Understanding the causes and impacts of this crisis is crucial for navigating future economic challenges. ll. Background of the 2008 Market Crash A. Economic conditions leading up to the crash Prior to 2008, the United States…
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tokenlivenews · 2 months
Micron Technology, Inc. ($MU) Poised for Skyrocketing Growth: Biden's $6.1 Billion Boost Sparks Investor Frenzy
New Post has been published on https://www.tokenlivenews.xyz/bitcoin/micron-technology-inc-mu-poised-for-skyrocketing-growth-bidens-6-1-billion-boost-sparks-investor-frenzy/
Micron Technology, Inc. ($MU) Poised for Skyrocketing Growth: Biden's $6.1 Billion Boost Sparks Investor Frenzy
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In a seismic shift poised to reverberate across the tech sector, Micron Technology, Inc. ($MU) emerges as the unrivaled protagonist in America’s quest for semiconductor supremacy. The Biden administration’s landmark agreement to inject $6.1 billion into Micron’s advanced memory chip production sends shockwaves of optimism through the investment community, igniting a fervor of confidence in the company’s future prospects.
With the stroke of a pen, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer orchestrates a monumental coup, luring Micron to the heartland of New York, where dreams of a sprawling chip empire near Syracuse begin to crystallize. As Schumer himself boldly proclaims, this endeavor heralds the dawn of the “biggest memory chip plant in America,” a statement underscored by the Erie Canal-sized economic impact it promises to deliver.
But the ramifications extend far beyond the confines of upstate New York. Micron’s steadfast commitment to innovation sees it double down on its hometown of Boise, Idaho, where plans for a $15 billion memory chip plant stand as a testament to American ingenuity at its zenith. Investors, sensing the seismic shift in the tech landscape, eagerly position themselves for a windfall of opportunities as Micron’s star ascends.
Amidst a backdrop of global chip shortages and escalating demand for cutting-edge technology, Micron’s expansion couldn’t be more timely. Bolstered by the provisions of the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act, which earmarks a staggering $52 billion to fortify the domestic semiconductor industry, Micron stands poised to not only meet but surpass the burgeoning needs of a digitized world.
For investors eyeing the next big opportunity, Micron Technology, Inc. ($MU) emerges as the undisputed titan of the tech realm. With an estimated 9,000 direct jobs and an additional 40,000 construction jobs on the horizon, the economic ripple effect is poised to galvanize communities, bolster livelihoods, and solidify America’s standing as a beacon of technological innovation.
As the curtain rises on a new era of technological supremacy, investors find themselves at the precipice of history, poised to ride the wave of Micron’s meteoric ascent. With the Biden administration’s unwavering support and Micron’s indomitable spirit driving it forward, the stage is set for an epoch-defining journey towards unparalleled growth and prosperity.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of TokenLiveNews.xyz. TokenLiveNews.xyz does not endorse any specific investment or trading strategy, and shall not be held liable for any losses or damages resulting from reliance on the information provided herein. Investing in stocks, including Micron Technology, Inc. ($MU), carries inherent risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results.
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Migrant workers are enduring persecution across Russia following the terrorist attack on the CrocusCity Hall entertainment complex outside Moscow in late March. The crackdown has resulted in mass detentions and the expulsion of guest workers. Moscow experienced its deadliest terrorist attack in the last 20 years on March 22, an episode that claimed the lives of 144 people. Four leading suspects detained in the aftermath of the attack turned out to be citizens of Tajikistan. Since then, the wave of migrant-phobia has intensified in Russia. Russian authorities have tightened immigration rules for Central Asia laborers, and foreigners in many cities have experienced blatant discrimination, and even assaults, according to media accounts. In the days after the terrorist tragedy, reports circulated that labor migrants spent more than 24 hours at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport waiting to enter the country. A Kyrgyz citizens told RFE/RL’s Radio Azattyk that Russian authorities offered no explanation for the delays, even in cases where travelers’ entry documents were in order. Russian police conducted raids on locations in cities nationwide where large groups of migrants are known to live and work. The Baza Telegram channel also reported special police squads were organized to check foreigners’ documents at hostels and on highways. During the week-long period from March 23-29, the Important History Telegram channel reported that Moscow courts received 1,493 cases involving the alleged illegal entry by migrants (Article 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Many of the accused had Central Asian surnames. In St. Petersburg, there were 515 judicial proceedings against suspected illegal migrants between March 25-29: deportation orders were issued in 466 of those cases. Of those facing deportation orders, 418 were subject to “forced deportation” with detention, and 48 people were given “controlled independent departure” from the country.
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subsidystadium · 2 months
After being told that a Final Four would bring trillions to the area, the city of Glendale accepts that they made almost nothing off it
Around 2010, the NCAA told Final Four host cities to generally expect an economic boost between $70 and $200 million. Last year, Glendale, Arizona was told that it could make $270 million dollars in economic impact from hosting a Final Four event in 2024. This year, some groups mentioned the possibility of the state making an impact between $250-$300 million from the Final Four. Others believed…
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ironmanrecords · 3 months
Formal apology on behalf of the United Kingdom to the people of the European Union regarding Brexit and a gesture of hospitality
Dear People of the European Union, I am writing this letter for and on behalf of the United Kingdom to extend our heartfelt apologies for the impact of Brexit on the people of the European Union, and for the personal insult, distress and uncertainty it has caused. I didn’t vote for Brexit, I voted to remain and I have had to learn to respect and accept the outcome of the referendum and it’s…
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independentjournalism · 3 months
Driving Towards Unemployment: How Increased License Suspensions Could Stall the Economy
Good evening, everyone. This is Jordan The Producer with Independent Journalism and Media (iJam) bringing you the latest news. Today, we are discussing a concerning trend that could have widespread effects on employment and the economy. Construction zone: Credit iJam Media Group, LLC Recent data has shown a significant increase in license suspensions across the country. Whether it be due to…
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brewscoop · 3 months
🍻 Cheers, South Dakota! 🍻 South Dakota Craft Beer Week is here, celebrating the resurgence of local brewers and their incredible impact on our community and economy. Dive into the craft beer revolution, explore new flavors, and support local. Don't miss this toast to innovation, community, and craftsmanship. Join the festivity and discover why this is more than just beer—it's a celebration of South Dakota's spirit and creativity. #SouthDakotaCraftBeerWeek
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gitzette · 3 months
Join us in celebrating the spirit of resilience and unity at the Dominican Independence Day Breakfast! 🎉 Discover how this significant event showcases the cultural contributions, economic impact, and growing political influence of the Dominican community. A heartwarming reflection of progress, unity, and empowerment. Don’t miss out on this vibrant celebration! #DominicanIndependenceDay
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artisticdivasworld · 3 months
Navigating the Complexities of Border Security and Trade: The Texas Dilemma
In recent times, the Lone Star State has found itself at the epicenter of a complex dilemma that intertwines domestic security measures with international trade dynamics. Governor Greg Abbott’s stringent border security initiatives, including the deployment of the National Guard and the construction of barriers along the Texas-Mexico border, have sparked a multifaceted debate. These measures,…
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globaltradesposts · 4 months
Petrochemical exporters from India operate in a dynamic and often volatile market environment where manipulation concerns can significantly impact their operations and bottom line. The interplay of various market forces, including geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and speculative trading, can create challenges for Indian exporters seeking stability and fair competition.
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