#Imperfection by Snootles
snootlestheangel · 8 months
You can find it here: @snootlessimperfectworld
If you're interested in reading more world-building about this world, maybe you're emotionally invested in my ocs, or just want to read some of my work that isn't COD based, feel free to check it out!! (I am tagging @mike-like-t-scream cause I feel you'd really like it)
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Let's Talk Series
So I want to do a series of posts called "Let's Talk" that are just worldbuilding/character building posts
This series will especially thrive on audience interaction, so if you read something in any post, feel free to ask it (doesn't have to be my inbox, any way works great!) and I'll use this series to answer questions/build on any prior stuff!
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Star Wars EU Reviews: Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
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Return of the Jedi, while being the weakest film in the original trilogy, is still a masterpiece. Luke’s own Hero’s Journey reaches it’s culmination in this movie and it is beautifully and artfully done in such a way that is both moving and exciting. People have tons of fun making fun of Luke for how much he whines, needs his friends to rescue him, and is brash to the point of being a liability. But, in all fairness close examination of this movie in comparison to the previous two reveals how admirable a man Luke Skywalker actually becomes. Disillusionment with one’s ideals is not uncommon in the growth of any adult especially when we see those whom we admired and imitated show their own flaws and imperfections to us. Luke Skywalker was a young dreamer who wanted to become a Jedi Knight like his own father and never stopped to consider how hard a life that would be for him. One can only imagine the bitter blow it would be to discover that the man he admired and made a role model was not who he thought he was. We all discover eventually that our own parents are human and imperfect, but rarely do we discover that they are evil! I truly admire and give credit to Luke’s character because a lesser man would have become cynical at the revelation that his role model was nothing more than a lie. Luke, on the other hand, stuck to the principle of his ideals and reacted to the truth of his father’s identity by attempting to turn his father back to the ideals that he had rejected decades ago. And when failure seemed inevitable Luke stuck to his guns in the face of certain death. He stood there even to the point of tossing his weapon aside and declared himself “a Jedi like my father before me.” If Darth Vader had ignored his son’s pleas for help Luke would not have given up and turned to the Dark Side to survive. Death was an option. Turning to the Dark Side was not. After truly considering all that I dare anyone to seriously call Luke a pansy.
And Darth Vader’s conversion to the Light Side of the Force and his final moments with his son is my absolute favourite scene in the entire Star Wars franchise. It’s a beautiful, moving, and meaningful finale that puts George Lucas high up on the list of great storytellers.
Sadly this film is rife with imperfections and flaws in its other parts. The epic final showdown with the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire is disappointing and drags more than it excites. The chemistry between Han, Leia, Chewie, the droids, and other characters is no where near as good as it was in The Empire Strikes Back and much of it falls flat and is overshadowed by Luke and Vader’s story.
The second Death Star is a very lame mcguffin to threaten the Rebels with since we already seen one of those in A New Hope. The lack of originality is a gaping problem with Return of the Jedi and as fantastic as the space battle is it doesn’t make up for the utterly absurd manner in which the Empire is taken down. The Ewoks are clearly a marketing gimmick to sell toys and make the film appeal to very little children, but for the rest of us who wanted an epic and believable conclusion to the Rebellion against the Empire we are disappointed with seeing care bears with stone age spears and slingshots take out a battle-hardened, heavily armed, and thoroughly trained Imperial military. It’s stupid, pure and simple, and the only commendable thing to come of the Ewoks was Warwick Davis’s future career which I have enjoyed immensely.
I also feel that the first half hour of Return of the Jedi really drags. The Jabba’s Palace sequence feels like a failed attempt to recapture the novelty of the Cantina scene in A New Hope, but the music the band plays sucks in both the original version and the Special Edition (although the Special Edition is admittedly worse) and I find myself thinking the scene would have been better if Jabba had booked Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes rather than Sy Snootles and her crew. It also would have spared us the excruciating Special Edition scene in which Boba Fett flirts with some of the female singers. Boba Fett is such an overrated chump as it is we really don’t need to mess with him more by having him getting distracted by a pair of legs and flashing eyelashes at a dingy party.
And if I am jumping on the Boba Fett is overrated bandwagon it is only because I sincerely sit in that camp. He had Han Solo handed over to him by a Sith Lord in a frozen block of carbonite before he could be bothered to take him in and after Han woke up feverish and blind as a bat he still managed to overcome the heavily armed bounty hunter with a stick. I wouldn’t hire Boba Fett to win an Easter egg hunt!
Also what the hell is up with Leia at Jabba’s Palace? She was tortured, drugged, and imprisoned by a Dark Lord of the Sith and yet still remained the independent spitfire we all know and love. But, now she gets captured and put in a degrading slave outfit by a fat gangster who needs help moving to the bathroom and suddenly that shuts her up? Whatever happened to telling Grand Moffs they smell bad, accusing Darth Vader of being on a leash, and calling the coolest man in the Galaxy a laserbrain and a nerfherder? After enduring physical torture and seeing her homeworld annihilated you would think a perverted slug would be just another day at the office; but, no, she is now broken, tamed, and needs Luke and Han Solo to rescue her. I am calling bull! And don’t get me wrong. I am not complaining about the slave outfit itself. That puberty-inducing getup suits the straight male in me just fine. I just don’t like seeing Leia rendered inert by it. Her strength should not have been sapped by humiliation and I wholeheartedly object to it.
It’s the Jabba’s Palace and Endor stuff that really keeps this film from being perfect. But, the epic conclusion of Luke Skywalker’s path to being a Jedi and Anakin Skywalker’s redemption more than makes up for those imperfections and combining that with the groundbreaking special effects, John Williams’s score, Ben Burtt’s sound design, and all the other talents who put their innovative mark on Return of the Jedi are what make this movie a masterpiece. Adding it to A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back and The Original Star Wars Trilogy is to this day one of the greatest screen epics ever made along side with Coppola’s Godfather films (which also had a weak third entry), Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, and cinematic treasures like Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, and Ben-Hur. If people ask me why I love Star Wars so much and need a short answer I won’t point to all the multi-media, comics, games, books, and fan conventions. I will point to these three films by themselves as a whole and let them know that these films are what make me love Star Wars. I have seen some hardcore EU lovers who have admitted that if the EU had not existed they probably would not care for the Star Wars movies all that much and that seriously bothers me. I have even heard one guy comment that by themselves the Original Trilogy movies were merely quaint and it was the EU that truly made Star Wars meaningful to him. While far be it from me to dispute one’s right to a subjective opinion, I do wonder at how someone could look at these films and see something quaint or uninteresting. The Original Star Wars trilogy is enough for me. As much as I love the EU, I could live with just A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. Boil it down to its purest essence and it is these three masterpieces that are what Star Wars truly is and I, for one, hold them in highest honour.
Check tomorrow for a review of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and may the Force be with you.
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Welcome to Imperfection!
Hey friends! Snootles here dedicating an entire blog to her original work and OCs!
Working summary: Follow the trials of Maxlar Whishling and company as they stand alone against the world.
On this blog, expect to see world-building posts, character discussions, and actual chapters of the work itself!
Reblogs of posts made on my main can be found here and here! These are great world-building posts, especially about the individual characters!
If you want more worldbuilding posts, search the tag "Let's Talk by Snootles" for all the more in-depth/major worldbuilding posts! These will also include character building/description posts!
Each chapter, when posted, will have a specific tag following this formula: "Imperfection: Chapter (x) by Snootles" where (x) represents the chapter. For example, the first chapter will be tagged "Imperfection: Chapter One by Snootles"
In general, all writings for Imperfection that are part of the actual work will all be tagged with "Imperfection by Snootles"
I would love to hear any questions you have about my work or the characters, so please don't hesitate to reach out!
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Let's Talk: Dragons
Dragons are like the bad boy/jocks of the Imperfect World.
To most other species, especially human, they are perceived as "aggressive" creatures, yet this couldn't be further from the truth. They really take the term "Gentle Giants" to a whole new level. This misconception is related solely to the drastic size difference and more animalistic behaviors of Dragons compared to other species, especially humans.
Dragons are Reptilians
Dragons are scaly, cold-blooded creatures with more traits in common with reptilians than anything else. Even when in their "human" form, Dragons are still cold-blooded and incredibly susceptible to cold temperatures and dramatic temperature changes than other species.
Often found wrestling or engaging in very violent-appearing behaviors to produce warmth. Think of litters of puppies playing. Lots of teeth, growling, tackling, and pinning each other but just massive reptilian creatures with wings that roar and growl and can shake the ground. Also engage in massive dogpiles to conserve warmth and energy. Just picture a mountain of multicolored dragons all curled around each other and using each others' wings as blankets and their tails as pillows. Any buildings designed for their "human" forms have massive windows, very open spaces designed to let in light.
They have nostrils, like lizards and snakes do, but use their forked tongues in similar fashion to smell. Surprisingly poor sense of smell, but make up for it in vision. You cannot hide from a dragon. They will see you. Adapted with heat-seeking "abilities" (basically thermal detection). Depending on where they're from within the dragon realm, they're surprisingly good swimmers. Can hold their breath for long periods of time (big lungs equal big breaths), and have hollow bones, meaning if they wanted they can float just a bit.
Primary diet components are cattle like animals found in their realm, a variety of seafood found on earth as well (crab is peak evolutionary form), unicorn, and sea-vegetation. Yes, they have unicorns in their realm and yes they are prey creatures. And yes, Dragons eat them.
Might be large and powerful, but surprisingly lazy creatures. They're known to not want to make short travels because it simply requires too much effort. This definitely has to do with their cold-blooded nature, as they often want to preserve energy for times where it might be a bit cooler than is comfortable to function.
Dragons: A History
They have a legend/true story that serves as the basis for their "government".
It's the story of the first monarchs. Prior to their ruling, the lands of their world were divided between the Stone fields, the Meadows, the Basalt Pits, and the Northern Forest (forest is a loose term for it, more like the only place that has trees. Think of like massive Californian Redwoods type trees here). There wasn't necessarily any aggression between these places, but they were all closed off from each other, typically due to just basic geography preventing easy access to other areas (such as Northern Forest dragons are a far distance from each other in dragon terms so they had little to no contact with each other prior to the first monarchs).
The first King, a Meadows dragon had spent a long time travelling between the different regions and had learned so many things. He knew it'd benefit their kind to be united in a way that allowed for better trade/communication. Besides, he had this burning love for a dragon from the Basalt Pits. So he worked on getting all the leaders/elders/officials of each region together and they formed a monarchy. He, surprisingly, didn't want to be the one to rule. He didn't like the idea of being the one in charge, but the others reminded him he was the most versed in all the regions out of them. They even called him "Son of All Dragons" because he had lost many practices/traits that are iconic to a Meadows dragon.
He was able to wed the Basalt Pits dragon he had fallen in love with. The Basalt Pits dragons are the most hostile out of all, they're still not aggressive nor dangerous to other dragons, but they, to this day, still prefer to keep to themselves.
Alpharion thus became the first king, an absolutely massive multi-colored dragon that earned respect from all the regions. His beloved wife, Sapphirona, was an equally large dragon, nearly his size. Their massive size is the reason the monarch must be the biggest, rather than there being an actual lineage to the throne: the "Dragon of all Dragons" so to speak gets to rule.
They had a buttload of children. Not uncommon for dragons, actually. Dragons are born from eggs, often in clutches of 3-5, and remain as dragons until roughly 18-20 years of age. Dragons can live for long ass times, so this is like, comparatively to humans, only like 18-20 weeks of development. And they get big fast.
Their first clutch was 4: A gold dragon boy named Alverick, a bronze girl named Mayatina, a silver boy named Tobias, and another boy of grey coloring named Timotep. These four grew up to be the largest of all their siblings, and Alverick even grew to be larger than his father.
Their second clutch was 3: a dragon girl with cocoa brown coloring named Caris, a black dragon boy named Wilmack, and another girl with the most brilliant white scales named Yundara. Yundara ended up being the biggest of this clutch, roughly the same size as many of her older siblings.
Their third clutch was 4: a girl of pinkish coloring (like a sunset almost) named Roschlin, a boy of iridescent scales named Indizi, a gorgeous forest green girl named Emteria, and a dark yellow boy named Flamiatus.
But what Sapphirona and Alpharion hadn't expected was a single egg to be laid nearly a month later. It wasn't uncommon for some eggs to be delayed, or premature, but these types of eggs typically held still-born offspring. This egg, however, hatched rather quickly, and out popped the most beautiful little red dragon Sapphirona and Alpharion had ever seen. His headdress was gorgeous, matching his mother's extremely complex crown of spines, horns, and a matching pair of massive sea-shell like ears.
HIs name? Atendarajo, meaning "Precious".
Alverick and his siblings quickly grew very jealous of their mother's favoritism, especially considering how ridiculously small this dragon was. They tried to find ways to get their mother's affection to waver, yet it never did.
So Alverick took matters into his own hands. With the help of the Royal Guard, he captured his mother and baby brother. She was chained in her dragon form by her own son, as he was the only dragon present bigger than her.
She watched in horror as they killed her precious baby.
To this day, in the dungeons of the castle, built by Alpharion, lies a massive chamber known as "Sapphirona's Death". Inside the chamber is a pool filled with water. The water has remained the same the entire time, and many believe the water to be the very tears Sapphirona shed for both her sons; the eldest so overwhelmed with jealous it had driven him mad, and her precious, no more than a babe and as innocent as can be.
Alpharion casted himself and Alverick out, and there are rumors that on a distant island, they still fight to this day. Sapphirona, unfortunately, passed from what they call "heartbreak" not long after the incident.
But the dragons know something she never had a chance to learn: the dragon murdered that night wasn't her own. He has yet to be found ;)
This is part of why dragons, to this day, still discriminate against small dragons: the lasting jealous of Alverick's surviving siblings permeated the political realm, and has yet to be reversed.
Regions of Dragons
As I mentioned before, there are different regions within the dragons' realm.
The Stone fields: a large portion of exposed stone on the main island. These dragons are typically shorter, yet longer, with slimmer shapes. They're designed for mining the plethora of raw materials found within the stone base of the mainland. They had specialized claws, no horns/headdresses, and nose flaps/second eyelids to protect from dirt/dust. Very well-adapted to seeing in the dark, especially opposed to Meadow dragons. The social butterflies of the dragon realm. They share most of what they find, as they prefer the drab stone and basic rocks found, so they trade many of the precious gems/metals.
The Meadows: Typically the biggest of the dragons, with minimal extra qualities like spines/headdresses. Probably what you think of when you think dragon, just without the flair, in terms of shape. Proportional limbs and good, thick bois all around. Probably the laziest of the dragons, as well. Their biggest trade item is the cattle creatures they shepherd, as well as unicorn. The most common of dragons/have the largest population. Follow in Alpharion's footsteps and travel the most, making them desirable in official trade businesses.
The Northern Forest: These are the dragons that have longer hind legs than front ones. Devon is a Northern Forest dragon. The shorter front limbs are designed to assist them in foraging in the trees, which can often be taller than the average Northern Forest dragon (Devon is an exception, he has a bit of Meadow heritage from his father hence why he's hecking large). Lumber is their biggest trade item, and are known as the "nerds" of the dragon world because they do a lot more reading/writing than the others do. This makes them desirable for working within the castle/government.
The Basalt Pits: These are the introverts of the dragon world. Where Stone Fields dragons are extroverts, these guys don't like company/visitors. They're the rivalling for largest dragons (on average) but also the fanciest of dragons. Known for having complex crests/crowns of horns, spikes, spines, etc. around their heads. Have really reflective/almost naturally sparkly scales. Have the best metal workers and create the best weapons/metal creations. Cranky, not very desirable for government roles because of their tempers. (Yes, this is what Aten is)
And that's our talk on Dragons! Any questions, compliments, or just ideas you've had after reading this? Please don't shy away from asking!
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snootlestheangel · 5 months
Okay this is a big spam post about my OCs that aren't COD, but my original ones. Lot of random stuff just cause I've been thinking of writing a crossover fic between mine and COD
More stuff for my homebrew creatures on @snootlessimperfectworld
First is my Demon baby Malvo!! I fucking *squeezes him*
He's by far one of the most powerful things to ever exist: a Death Crawler who's soul was twisted into an ancient dark being referred to only as a Demon, the actual name for these having been lost to time.
He's very cold natured and definitely an asshole. He's very much a know-it-all and speaks in a weirdly formal way. Despises cursing for no known reason, but everyone learns it's best to just not curse around him.
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This the type of shit he wears all the time. Literally could be fighting a battle against other magic wielders and Dragons and he's wearing a fucking suit. Not to mention he's a total badass, and he's wielding a massive dark blue sword like it's nothing.
Most people have trouble trusting him because of his status as a Demon, but he's contractually bound to protecting his older brother Maxlar, so he's good. Aten is one of the few people who doesn't ever trust him.
Aten claims Malvo gives him the "ick", which like fair enough. Hades, Aten's husband, trusts Malvo probably the most outside of Maxlar, and it pisses Aten off to no end.
Granted, Aten is definitely justified in his mistrust of Malvo, but he lets it control the way he treats the Demon. Aten intentionally curses and says vulgar things around Malvo because he's also smart enough to have learned Malvo won't do anything to stop him.
Aten is actually a genius. He keeps testing Malvo's limits because of his distrust, and it both helps the team trust him and not. Aten is just clever small dragon boy. He boy even if he's several hundred years old.
Aten has no self preservation and severe Small Dog syndrome. I mean, considering the other dragon in their group could swallow him whole when both are in dragon form, it kinda makes sense
Meanwhile his husband Hades is the King of Anxiety. Hades is constantly stressed and everything wrong in his life has never once been his fault. He simply cannot catch a break.
Whereas there's a lot wrong in Maxlar's life, but a lot of it is still his fault.
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Let's Talk: Night Watchers
Night Watchers are believed to have evolved alongside home sapiens, and are believed to have existed alongside some of the earliest ancestors of humankind. This makes them the oldest existing species to date, as there is no way to date the existence of Dragons. They are magic-users but draw much of their abilities from the natural world. Because of written texts from the earliest Watchers, many modern-day Watchers lack the more meditative personalities of their ancestors. This causes them to often lose certain abilities over time/to struggle to control certain things like fire and water.
They do not often refer to themselves as Night Watchers, but as Clatunate. When interacting with other species or when other species are present, they continue to use Night Watchers.
Humanity's Protectors
The earliest Night Watchers did not necessarily go out of their way to keep the early humans safe, but after a certain point, it was clear their ability to manipulate things like fire gave them a big advantage in survival. Thus, they began to integrate themselves into human societies as healers and guards. They provided fires and treated the wounded. Eventually earned themselves the name "Night Watchers" from the fact they would keep the night watch to protect the humans, as well as the fact they were mysterious people that could often be found watching the sky/stars.
Night Watchers helped humanity thrive and were rather proud of their relative species. Acted as a median between newer species like werewolves, vampires, etc. Once Dragons found a way into this dimension, the Night Watchers worked with them to find a way to keep their worlds separate.
This is where their alliance comes from; a joint respect for humanity's protection.
Then came along Death Crawlers, who were created out of a fear of the unusual. One particular human that found the magic of a Night Watcher to be unnatural and made a deal with Demons to create a new species that inherently wanted nothing but ill-fortunate for humanity. Humanity, by this time, had been named the Night Watchers' "Greatest Love", and it wasn't uncommon for humans and NWs to marry and have children.
However, when Death Crawlers began to run rampant, Watchers took the only action they deemed the best to protect humans.
The Council, a select group of the eldest/most skilled magic users within the Watcher community, came together to combine their power. They banished themselves, erased the memory of all monster-kind from humanity (thus were the myths came from, because there no longer existed any evidence), and cast a protection on humans. The protection meant that Death Crawlers could not directly hurt humanity, but could still influence them into hurting themselves.
The Night Realm
There are Night Watchers dedicated to the craft of maintaining their underground safe-haven. This includes monitoring the sealed portals between the Realm and humanity's space (what they refer to as Topside), keeping the caverns stable, and monitoring weak points.
Some of the animals/creatures found within the Realm are cavernous type creatures. Most are almost mythical, nightmarish versions of cave newts and salamanders (as if those weren't already terrifying enough). These are predatory creatures that pose a threat to the sheep, goats, and chickens the Watchers keep. They do not pose a threat to the thriving unicorn herds.
Unicorns were a gift from the Dragons as a sign of friendship. The Dragons intended this to be "Look, we offer great food!" whereas the Watchers took this as "Oh, a working animal! We shall care for and love these magnificent beasts!" Unicorns found within the Realm are so spoiled, in fact, rather than be skittish like the rest of their kind in the Dragon world, these ones tend to be aggressive/outgoing/bossy/arrogant. You name it. They've also adapted to living underground, and tend to come in more neutral colors, whereas Dragon Realm Unicorns come in a variety of colors. The white/lighter color ones in the Night Realm tend to be almost opaque, and all of them have more of a haunting appearance.
There is an entire agriculture-focused center of magic, where large groups of Watchers maintain fields and farm animals. This looks like providing "sunlight" and rainfall, while monitoring the growth of the harvests (which include wheat, barley, corn, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, and asparagus).
They Have Parasites
Yes, you read that right. Night Watchers have parasites.
These parasites are called Ethereals, as they are spirits that attach themselves to the essence of a Night Watcher. More often than not, an Ethereal goes unnoticed throughout its host's life, and when the host dies, the Ethereal will jump to another available Watcher in the area. Watchers can only have 1 (one) of these at a time. They are typically not bad, but also not necessarily good. They often exist undetected and when detected, aren't usually a nuisance.
Ethereals feed off of emotions, typically ones that are abundant (like happiness, stress, exhaustion, anger, sadness, etc. There are a few rare Ethereals that feed off of emotions like Fear or deeper things like adrenaline highs. These types are the dangerous kinds, as they often have to force their hosts into situations that trigger Fear or adrenaline.
These types are so rare, in fact, that they can all be named. There are four of them in existence today: Dante (feeds off depression), Starla (feeds off manic joy), Fineas (feeds off adrenaline highs), and Xander (feeds off fear). Starla and her host, Claudia, are kept safe in a facility after Starla's hunger drove Claudia mad, which led to her spree-killing. Dante and his host, Paul, live a quiet life, yet there are healthcare workers that regularly visit Paul to ensure his safety.
Fineas and his host, Alastor, serve as the Head Knight of the Royal Guard. Alastor is Hades's cousin, and I love my weird little freak. Hades is Xander's host :)
Ethereals can influence their host in a manner of ways. This includes speaking to them telepathically, making them involuntarily move, appearing as their reflection, or forcing them to laugh/cry. The other way is for an Ethereal to take full control of the host's body. This comes with minor shifts in the host's physical appearance such as becoming taller/shorter/fatter/skinnier, changing the color of their eyes, changing the way their hands/feet/nose/chin appear, and adjusting the tone/accent/other characteristics of the host's voice.
Anyone familiar with the Host will always be able to tell when the Ethereal has taken over. This is RARE though! It requires an inherently powerful Ethereal, one that is incredibly old which means they have a high count of hosts, or one of the rare types that feed on darker things, like the above mentioned.
As far as I'm aware, this is it for our good boys the Night Watchers! Please don't be shy in asking questions or complimenting my work! I don't care if it's in replies, reblogs, my inbox, or through dms!
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snootlestheangel · 8 months
The OCs
Literally just another rant/thing about my OCs (I am tagging you @mike-like-t-scream because this is more or less a continuation of the OC rant you asked for)
Completed with the picrews found on this post here (thank you fren)
Anyways! On to the point of this!
Maxlar Whishling
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He's my messy man. Yes the sunglasses are not critical but more or less hiding the fact I couldn't make his eyes purple. The sparkle is because he has Zero Clue What Is Happening But Is Happy To Be Here! This is actually the best I've been able to put my mental image of Max into something tangible for others, minus the more curly aspect of his hair
Malvo Whishling
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Will cut you, hates everyone and everything. Judging Constantly. So fed up with everyone's bullshit. Will insult you in the most poetic way possible. This is the exact mental image I have of Malvo, y'all. I cannot explain how happy it makes me that this works so well
Hades Evanchio
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So anxious. King of the Night Watchers? Sure. King of Anxiety? Absolutely. Might keel over and die from anxiety, actually. The face he's making is because he's just witnessed his beloved husband provoke the powerful Demon that's supposed to be protecting their mutual friend Maxlar. Probably one of my least favorite depictions of our boy, simply because it doesn't do his hair justice. (I will show y'all the Queen Mother, aka his Mum, and just put the curly of her hair onto our boy here, yeah?)
Devon Blackstone
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My big boi <3. Look at him! He and Max absolutely have matching sunglasses, don't judge! They're bros! Party bros to be exact! He's vibing and is best Uncle to Maxlar's kids.
Atendarajo Evanchio
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HADES'S FERAL HUSBAND!! Look at those freckles!! Definitely bites!! He's flipping Malvo off cause he hates him and he knows Malvo despises lewd gestures like that. Technically used a picrew designed for female characters, BUT, I couldn't find a good one that conveyed a sense of Feral like this one could. So, ignore the slight curve of his chest. Please.
A Few Random Other Characters!
Andrea Whishling (Maxlar's wife)
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LOOK AT HER!!! *joins Maxlar in staring at her with total admiration* She the bestest!
Dorothy "Dot" Baker
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Andrea's closest friend! A goofball but also so smart! Bestest Aunt of The Year Every Year
Athena Evanchio
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The Queen Mother Herself!!!!!! *screams* She's gorgeous!!! LOOK AT HER!! (I am truly each of these beautiful ladies' husbands every time I look at them. Literally just massive heart eyes like their men). She is badass, takes no shit, and looks good while doing it. Loves her Son-In-Law despite the fact he's a feral little gremlin. She thinks he balances Hades's anxiety out perfectly and reminds her so much of her past husband's high energy personality (Hades's father)
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Maxlar skin
Maxlar has some weird self-esteem issues.
He's gotten to a point to where he's very comfortable being Maxlar. He's moved past the issues with his Death Crawler nature because he knows he's a good person by choice, and he knows that's a very commendable thing.
He has to fight the instinct to just be a horrible being a lot. It's why for him, his breaking point is something that can be easily reached. Maxlar has to put effort into being as cool and confident as he appears, more so than anyone else. He struggles with that internal Death Crawler telling him nasty things.
That alone is difficult enough, but when he's reunited with Malvo, it's a whole other issue. Death Crawlers feel that disturbing the dead is one of the worst things you could do, which is why they do it constantly to humans/other species but never to their own kind. So when Malvo has been cursed by Death Crawler Elders to be brought back from the dead, it's a massive gut punch to Maxlar.
He feels like a massive failure once again, exactly the way he was made to feel growing up. How couldn't he? He was clearly such a failure they took it out on his little brother!
But he looks at the little monster in his head and he laughs. Cause despite that little monster, despite all his failures and shortcomings, he's still Maxlar Whishling. He still has a beautiful wife and kids, he still has incredible, loyal friends. He's still worthy
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Maxlar - what's something you do to pass the time
Maxlar: All sorts of things! I mostly do stuff with my kids like teach them how to ride bikes. After, of course, teaching myself how to ride one haha! It took me an embarrassingly long time to learn that. If I'm not doing stuff with the kids, it's chores. If it's not either of those, I'm probably hanging out with Devyn. Sometimes we'll go play card games like Uno at Hades and Aten's place. But it's mostly chores so Andrea doesn't have to. I mean, she's a doctor, she shouldn't have to come home and clean and shit! How horrible of a husband would I be if I sat around doing jack diddly and made her do it??
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Let's Talk: Death Crawlers
The moral opposites of Night Watchers, and the current high ruling species of the modern world. They have been taking advantage of the fact the Night Watchers cursed them to be unable to physically harm humans by integrating themselves into society.
The Reveal of Monsterkind
Death Crawlers are solely responsible for humanity's awareness of monster/inhuman species. It occurred not long into the 21st century, and was a whole ordeal. There was a world-wide panic and Death Crawlers "stepped up to help ease humanity's fears".
What happened was the Death Crawlers set intentional traps for humans to discover several large vampire nests, werewolf dens, siren pod hideouts, etc. Once everyone began to panic because there was undeniable evidence supporting that monsters exist, Sortis and the Elders stepped forward as public representatives of their species to help humanity. Basically, they're mocking early-day Night Watchers by being the "median" between humans and everything else.
There were a series of "hearings" where Sortis, The Elders, representatives of different countries, and representatives of different species all met to determine ways of easing living for their kind/what their limits would be. Dragons refused to participate, knowing what Death Crawlers are, hence why everyone else pretty much agreed that as long as Dragons remain in their Realm, then there wouldn't be an issue.
Sortis and The Elders
Sortis is the first created Death Crawler. Only he and one of the Elders know the origins of his existence, but there is speculation that he is actually somehow a Demon/Night Watcher. He has a specialization in Time based Magic (for those that know Latin, yes this is where he earned his name). He's very limited in what he can do: he can only see events as they occurred/will occur. Can read people's thoughts (limited to what they actively think in response to something. ie if he says something about Malvo and Maxlar thinks "stfu", he knows it)
Death Crawlers don't have an official sort of government necessarily. They kind of do what they please unless Sortis declares it "unbecoming of our nature". Sortis is hailed as sort of this fictitious god on earth by the Death Crawlers (I mean, let's be honest, if humanity still had the first human alive today, wouldn't we do the same?)
The Elders are technically a second generation of Death Crawlers. Not related to Sortis by blood, but helped create more Death Crawlers so they could naturally populate over time. They're kind of interesting, as they each have a specialty that they use to assist Sortis in his plans. It is unclear why Sortis needs the Elders, but it is clear the Elders are like enforcers of the code of Death Crawlers. They monitor every Death Crawler to determine whether they are staying true to their nature or being misguided.
The first of the Elders is Ancteactus. He appears as an old, black man with a long gray beard. He has golden eyes and an aquiline nose. He specializes on seeing the past, thus meaning he can see much further than Sortis, can project the images of the past he sees whether onto a mirror/window/or directly into someone's mind. Ancteactus, despite being "the past" holds the second greatest honor between the Elders because he once saved Sortis's life.
Hodiernus is a middle aged man with a more Middle Eastern appearance, except his hair is a lighter color. He specializes in the present, meaning he can see your thoughts/hear your thoughts/can share your thoughts with someone else/can project your thoughts onto a mirror/window. He's an asshole, more so than the others. He is constantly interrupting you with your own thoughts and is the poster child for shit-eating grins.
Posterus is the only female Elder and appears as a young woman, very blonde with almost doll-like features. She's the most unpredictable Elder, and more often than not is siding against Sortis, yet he still keeps her in the highest esteem. It is unclear why, but many predict it is because she specializes in the future. She can see options for the future and can choose which one to expand upon. This is partly why she is so unpredictable, because as time unfolds, the original point of choice for her will solidify something and will change the paths once again.
Meaning, if she sees a rock on the ground she sees these options: Sortis steps on it and hurts his foot, Sortis does not step on it and nothing happens, or he sees it and kicks it away. She chooses the first option to expand upon. This will show her him hurting himself on the rock, becoming angry, and now, in a sour mood, is presented with bad news. However, what actually occurs is he sees the rock, kicks it away, is presented with bad news, but is able to handle it due to his mood not being already soured.
So, in a more complicated scenario, she may choose to put her faith into one path, but as time goes on, the path she chose no longer is an option/changes drastically thus presenting new options for her to view and side with.
She plays a massive role in the lives of Maxlar and Malvo Whishling, and the younger Whishling has a certain respect for her. As time unfolds, it becomes increasingly unclear as to why Malvo would respect her, but no one wants to question it.
And those are the villains! Technically! Anyways, soon the character drabbles will be here! They're gonna just be more in-depth descriptions of their appearances, their personalities, and for some of them, backstory that doesn't spoil anything!
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Some Incorrect Quotes
Warning: language, brief mentions of suicidal thoughts, and occasionally sexual themes
I've been working on the last 2 of the worldbuilding posts and the characters, but I'm pretty stressed since I have an interview for a new job in about 2 hours, so instead y'all are gonna get some incorrect quotes.
Malvo: *talking about something incredibly important* Aten, behind him: *mocking while doing the hand-talking motion*
Some rando: You're mad! Malvo: Mad is a word and you have used it The person: *visible confusion* *gets stabbed*
Maxlar: I'm just a silly, goofy guy! You wouldn't hurt a silly, goofy guy, would you? Malvo: *is fully reared back with a massive book in his hands ready to beat the crap out of him* I desire nothing more than to hit you right now
Aten: Yeah, I'd be pretty fucking pissed too if I had to walk around with a face like that. Malvo, glaring: I only just walked into the room. Aten: And? Bitch
Hades: Someone asked me this morning how I'm holding up since ~the incident~ and I broke down into tears. Maxlar, concerned: What was the incident? Hades: Yesterday someone tripped and spilled hot tea on me. I was so surprised by the event that instead of asking "Are you okay?" or saying "I'm so fucking sorry" I merely shouted at them "Are you fucking sorry?!" Maxlar: Oh my god... Hades: I had to sit with The Council for a bit so they could monitor my sanity. :)
Devon: Dude, did you sleep last night? Maxlar, who very clearly did not: Uh no, I didn't. Devon: Why?? Maxlar: Kinda hard to fall back asleep when you walk into your kitchen for some water at 3am and your literal Demon brother is sitting on your table surrounded by a very strange assortment of things and looks at you with those weird ass glowing eyes only to mumble "Go back to bed" at you. Devon: Did-did you ever find out what he was doing? Maxlar: Nope. Kinda don't wanna know. Devon: That's valid, actually.
Aten: God made me small cause he knew I'd be too powerful if my size rivaled Devon's. Hades: No, he made you small so you'd be easier to keep on a leash. Aten: *blinks in dirty thoughts* Uh, Hades? Troy, walking out of the room: Did NOT need to know that
Malvo: How did you and Maxlar meet? Hades: I lost track of Aten once when we were out. I found him trying to fight some people and Devon was the one holding him back. Malvo: And you allowed the two to befriend you? Hades: I had no choice in the matter. Maxlar had been laughing the entire time, and Aten found him funny. Turns out, we both knew Troy and it has been downhill ever since. Malvo: *wordlessly slides the bottle of wine closer to Hades*
Aten: Everyone's always asking me how I bagged such a baddie. Babes *laughs* I didn't bag shit. Hades: *offended noises* Aten: I kidnapped him :D
Dot: Someone asked me once if Maxlar was bothering me, like as a "Is this guy bothering you, miss?" kind of way. I went with it, cause he was, just not that way, and I recorded him getting dragged by security. Dot: Sometimes Andrea will send me the video back just to tell me she's still laughing over it.
Devon: I'm really proud of Maxlar, ya know? He became a father and he's really matured. Maxlar: *pouring honey into his drink and muttering to himself* Yeah, get in there, you sticky bee sauce. Devon: Can I retract my statement?
Malvo, angry and yelling at Hades: How does one manage to be so intelligent, yet so incredibly stupid? Aten, defending Hades: How does one manage to be such a BITCH? *Aten screaming as Malvo attacks him*
Hades: I don't understand why people are so determined to keep asking me how I'm doing when they really don't want the truth, they're just being polite. Hades: Apparently, answering that question with: "Horribly, honest. The annoying little bitch in my head keeps telling me to kill myself and my best friend is the reason I have responsibilities again." is not appropriate.
Maxlar: I've never understood people that can't stand their wives and use hanging out with friends as an excuse to get away from her. Maxlar: I've always used "spending time with my wife" to get out of hanging out with those weirdos I call friends.
Andrea: You must be pretty proud of your brother for how far he's come. *Maxlar actively doing something silly with his kids* Malvo: Proud is not the word I would use.
Maxlar: Being schizophrenic and the reason for an interdimensional war is pretty fucking wild. *Hades and Malvo both staring in horror* Maxlar: Cause like just this morning I couldn't eat anything cause I was convinced a Death Crawler assassin had broken into the safehouse and poisoned my Pop-Tarts, put them back into the packaging, sealed it with magic, and then vanished. Rationally, yes, I know this is outlandish and totally impossible considering Malvo was in the kitchen the entire time last night, but still! Hades: Oh my god...
Malvo: I am actually grateful Maxlar was able to settle down and start a family, but I do have one question for you. Andrea: What's your question? Malvo: Why?
Aten: I call Hades all sorts of weird names, some of them insults like bitch, and some actual like couple-y pet names. Aten: But last week I called him "Bri'ish" and I think I broke him
Hades: Sometimes I wonder how I would actually react if I screamed into the void and it screamed back. Malvo, calmly flipping through a book: The void's scream back is just an echo of your misery to remind you of your insignificance. Hades: What the fuck-
Troy: Old people, especially humans, like to say shit like "you must be one of them queer people that worships the devil" cause of all my piercings and my dyed hair. Troy: I like to respond with "Yeah, I do be sucking off your sons! Sucking their blood, actually.*takes a long pause* Your son is dead in a ditch somewhere."
Troy: One time, my brother arrested me. He had no reason, he just thought I looked stupid and needed to sit in timeout for a bit. Troy: He's great :D
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Silly Goofy Alignment Charts
No particular order, just as they come. Corny, outdated, just goofy
Key: A- For Aten H- For Hades Purple M- For Maxlar Green M- For Malvo Blue D- For Devon Magenta D- For Dot Yellow C- For Cyrus Dark Blue T- For Troy Gray T- For Titus
More information: Troy and Titus are twin brothers and are vampires. Titus is a normal dude, kinda, and Troy is a feral punk guy. They don't get along much any more. Cyrus is this really cool werewolf dude (he's got the sickest dreads too). Kind of an enigma to his friends, as well. I mentioned briefly about Dot on a post I reblogged from my main
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One of the few things Malvo accomplishes when he disappears for long periods of time
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Malvo is definitely still an asshole, but more reserved. Yes, he's intentionally somewhat in the evil category. He's a Demon you guys
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Maxlar, an actual parent; a child! Aten: NO
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Hades is just too anxious to babysit alone, and because Aten cannot be trusted with that job (he's too chaotic, it'd end in arson), he almost never watches the Whishling kiddos. Devon is just better at being the cool uncle than babysitting. Malvo is surprisingly good with kids. This fact breaks my heart :')
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Dot and Devon are both smart just not always. Aten is very cunningly smart
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Hmm yeah, pretty straightforward.
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Malvo's a Demon. If I had Troy, Titus and Cyrus it'd be Cyrus on knows a few recipes, Troy is banned, and Titus made toast once for someone else
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Devon and Dot being the biggest sweethearts <3 Malvo aggressively telling someone "Go to therapy" in that neutral yet condescending voice of his just hits different
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Titus: *is a cop* His twin brother that would be identical if he wasn't a punk: ROB THE RICH Cyrus is just a cryptid, actually. They affectionately refer to him as their little wolf cryptid
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Devon, a big intimidating dude just wanting to be kind, but everyone is afraid of him Hades: *on his last legs of sanity*
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Hades: *has crippling anxiety/social anxiety* Malvo: *just simply hates everyone* If I had Troy, Titus, and Cyrus: Troy and Cy are Eat Ass, Suck a Dick, and Sell Drugs. Titus is there with Malvo
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Hades: *struggling to run a kingdom in the midst of war* Dot's kindness is often mistaken for her liking them Devon is once again struggling from the cons of Scary Dog Privilege no one wants to talk about
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Titus once again being a literal cop. Hades: *on the verge of tears because of this incident* Maxlar showing off his actually good musical skills The BoysTM are supporting him
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Something about Aten being labeled as simply "piece of shit" makes me giggle every time I see it
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Devon is my himbo and I love him so fucking much Hades experiencing ~trauma~
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They all want to be optimists (except Malvo) but they've seen too much/been through too much to be chaotic about it :(
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Without Dot because she is the opposite of problematic Maxlar: *is the reason there is an interdimensional war* Hades, Malvo, and Aten: *have some fucked up shit going on in the background*
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Aten and Hades are both cold-natured so they almost always have the heat on and have so many blankets that Hades, rather than changing one of those things, just abandons pants. Aten abandons clothes anyways because of his wings and stuff. He's the big spoon :)
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Maxlar and Troy being passionately stupid will never not be funny to me. Titus does not give a shit anymore. His fucks are all gone.
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Maxlar isn't suicidal by any means but he's had a really fucked up life and he's probably reached a point where his death being confirmed would be a relief. Same with Hades, only he'd say this internally. His outward reaction, as a King, is to say "Give the orders" Troy knows what the word means. He's just a shit.
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There's a story here with Cracker Barrel Also, ignore Malvo trying to kill children. Don't worry about it. Devon believes in aliens because "I'm technically an alien, and I believe in myself so there!" Hades believes in the same thing but applies it to Aten "he's technically an alien and I believe in him" Dot is a secret cryptid hunter
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