#Ida Vitale
fadedday · 3 months
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Ida Vitale by Joaquín Del Castello
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intotheclash · 5 months
Che sia breve o lunga la vita, tutto ciò che viviamo si riduce a un residuo grigio nella memoria. Dei vecchi viaggi rimangono monete enigmatiche che rivendicano  falsi valori. Dalla memoria si alza solo un’impalpabile polvere e un profumo. Che sia poesia?
(Ida Vitale)
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Pero después del fuego es la ceniza, la durable ceniza la que gana.
Ida Vitale.
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Hoy el viento es poderoso, pero no es él quien lo dice sino las ramas de la encina. Aprender de esa discreción, de esa lección muda del viento...
Ida Vitale
Ida Vitale (2 de noviembre de 1923) es una poeta, traductora, ensayista, profesora y crítica literaria uruguaya. Forma parte del movimiento artístico denominado "Generación del 45". Esta semana cumplió un siglo de vida.
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viecome · 3 months
Recopilación de textos fotografiados. "Fortuna". Ida Vitale
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23 April 2019 | King Felipe VI of Spain, Queen Letizia of Spain and Uruguayan writer Ida Vitale attend the 'Miguel de Cervantes 2018' Award, given to Ida Vitale at Alcala de Henares University in Alcala de Henares, Spain. (c) Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images
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poesianoerestu · 2 years
Por años, disfrutar del error y de su enmienda, haber podido hablar, caminar libre, no existir mutilada, no entrar o sí en iglesias, leer, oír la música querida, ser en la noche un ser como en el día. No ser casada en un negocio, medida en cabras, sufrir gobierno de parientes o legal lapidación. No desfilar ya nunca y no admitir palabras que pongan en la sangre limaduras de hierro. Descubrir por ti misma otro ser no previsto en el puente de la mirada. Ser humano y mujer, ni más ni menos.
Fortuna, Ida Vitale
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villings · 2 years
(...) Pero los itinerarios inseguros se diseminan sin sentido preciso. Nos hemos vuelto nómades, sin esplendores en la travesía, ni dirección adentro del poema.
Ida Vitale
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carmenvicinanza · 2 months
Ida Vitale poeta uruguaiana
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Ida Vitale, poeta, saggista, traduttrice e critica letteraria uruguaiana è un’importante protagonista della tradizione delle avanguardie storiche latinoamericane.
È la più longeva esponente del movimento Generación del 45 che condivideva una apertura verso le novità dell’arte e della cultura che provenivano dall’Europa, con una matrice comune politico-culturale di sinistra e un’attenzione particolare alle tematiche legate alla città moderna.
Insignita di prestigiosi premi letterari, fra cui, nel 2018 svetta il Premio Cervantes, considerato il Nobel della letteratura in lingua spagnola, con la seguente motivazione: “il suo linguaggio è uno dei più conosciuti nella poesia spagnola contemporanea… Esso è al contempo intellettuale e popolare, universale e personale, superficiale e profondo“.
La sua scrittura è caratterizzata da un’attenzione per il mondo naturale e da un simbolismo volto all’indagine delle “alchimie del linguaggio”, la sua poesia essenzialista, mira alla concretezza delle parole.
Nei suoi brevi versi l’ironia rappresenta una componente fondamentale.
Il suo nome completo è Ida Ofelia Vitale Povigna ed è nata a Montevideo, il 2 novembre 1923. Appartiene alla quarta generazione di immigrati italiani provenienti dalla Sicilia. È cresciuta in una famiglia colta e cosmopolita.
Laureata in Lettere all’Università dell’Uruguay dove, successivamente, ha insegnato, ha collaborato e diretto diverse riviste letterarie e culturali.
Le sue prime opere rilevanti sono state “La luz de esta memoria“del 1949, “Palabra dada” (1953), “Cada uno su noche” (1960) e “Paso a paso” (1963).
Dura oppositrice della dittatura militare dell’Uruguay, nel 1974 è fuggita in Messico, dove ha conosciuto lo scrittore Premio Nobel Octavio Paz  entrando a far parte dello staff editoriale della rivista Vuelta che lui dirigeva. In seguito, ha partecipato alla fondazione del giornale Uno más Uno, è stata insegnante e ha tradotto libri per il Fondo de Cultura Económica, curando conferenze e lettorati, senza trascurare la partecipazione a giurie e giornali.
Rientrata nel Paese nativo, scriveva sulla pagina culturale del settimanale Jaque, prima di andare a vivere in Texas, negli Stati Uniti, dove è rimasta per trent’anni. Nel 2016 è tornata a Montevideo dove risiede stabilmente.
La sua opera è caratterizzata da brevi poemi, da un’attenta ricerca del senso delle parole e un carattere metaletterario. 
La sua poesia è pervasa dalla grande empatia per gli animali, in contrasto con la delusione per la moderna mediocrità degli esseri umani vittime del capitalismo culturale.
Precorritrice di una sensibilità ecologica, ha scritto romanzi, saggi, poesie e ha tradotto, dall’italiano e dal francese opere di Simone de Beauvoir, Luigi Pirandello, Benjamin Péret, Mario Praz, per citare qualche nome.
Nella sua scrittura c’è la rinuncia alla perfezione formale in cambio di un certo enigma, un punto di stimolo e di mistero. Con maestria spoglia le sue parole di ogni elemento ritenuto superfluo, fino a lasciare soltanto l’essenza del testo.ù
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Mira, sin olvidar fatalidades,
la creciente, mas disminuida, especie.
Ánclate en lo que tantos desdeñan,
discreta ignora lo que el mundo busca,
para así transitar, ya sin enfado,
tu bandera sin viento que desciende."
Ida Vitale, Programa.
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isbeldbr · 5 months
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– Ida Vitale
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7r0773r · 6 months
Time Without Keys by Ida Vitale, translated by Sarah Pollack
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Iceland, 2000
Ceibos, ceibas, only one letter marks their clear distinction. Red ceibos and green ceibas reign, also elderberries, willows, and cypresses, in the blessed incandescence common in the south awash with songs and colors. In Iceland, the blue and white island, there are no songbirds, only seabirds, no music, except that of hands, hands moving stones, but not every stone, so moss can grow and the green can begin singing, ever softly.
*Author's note: "Not every stone," because those that could be a home to an elf, which many believe in, are respected.
Nostalgia for the Dodo
I'm nostalgic for the dodo. What I miss isn't fictional, almost a myth, even if dictionaries do forget it. It appeared as real as old age and death, in a display case at the Victoria and Albert, astonishing me with its existence beyond my childhood readings, the immense and innocent companion of the waistcoated rabbit and his haste.
Akin to a goose, its aggressive beak was of no use to save its sympathetic race from extinction during a time of savagery, maybe worse, when I wouldn't have wished to live. I imagined its feathers swan white, now the yellowed ivory of abandoned pianos or lace from a venerable wedding. I imagined its strange tarsal gait, the deserted guardian of a truth transformed into dim fantasy.
Yes, I'm nostalgic for the dodo, and more, for the countless extinctions it condenses, for the time of crossing the looking-glass to discover that evil could be vanquished, being nothing but an absurd figure escaped from a deck of cards.
Between Yeses and Noes
In the beginning I was sweet, obedient. I later discovered a surfeit of motives for No. Then later, much, much later, Yes was possible, when harnessed to love, to trust earned within faithful walls. But, unhappy arc, alone now, Yes decays. Outside the windows and from a distance, No bares its sharpened teeth at the world's obtuseness and its conspiracies.
For years, to relish errors and their amends, to be able to speak, walk freely, not endure mutilation, to not enter churches, or enter, to read, listen to beloved music, by night be a being as well as by day.
To not be married off in a transaction, valued in goats, to not suffer the dominion of relatives or legal lapidation. To not parade ever again or allow words that inject iron filings in your blood.
To discover for yourself another unforeseen being on the bridge formed by a gaze.
To be human and woman, no more no less.
To Translate
Someone overflows at the center of the night. Facing the order of another's words, subjugated rebel, she offers the song of her whole memory, she sheathes them in new skin and lovingly puts them to sleep in a new tongue.
Lights off, the wind trumpets in the trees and there's a chill close to the window and the certainty that every landscape is disrupted within like a sentence that reaches the lair of formidable meaning. There is no benevolent guide waiting in the wasteland.
Steps are taken blindly, starless the sky. And thought anticipates wild beasts.
As if the starling left nothing to wonder but his name. For in whom but him is the auric at work? First it's his beak, in proximity to everything. And those flecks of gold in his feathers? Even dressed this way he bustles about the grasses of the earth. Like a medieval knight, he's ready for a tournament or a siege or the dust from the road in his clothes of a noble vagabond. Experienced and aloof, with him there's no room for dialogue or oblation. Perhaps the eye of Ahura Mazda contemplating in Persepolis the dark satin of his regalia left him spangled with brilliance and of that he is not unaware.
The snail moves with expedition though people don't believe it and think he only transits the wall in search of warm sun.
On the contrary, if you happen on his chalky bubbles in the umbra, know: he neither mates nor slumbers. Desiring better days to come,
he's resolved to swap his home. It's not a skyscraper he eyes with iron and mortar overblown
but the nest where the ovenbird abides. Soon you'll find him crossing ice in search of an igloo just his size.
Tiny Kingdom
1 Words: vacant palaces, city half-asleep. Before what knife will the thunder arrive —the flood follows— that awakens them?
2 Vocabularies, errant vocations, stars that irradiate light before their birth, or debris from distant marvels. Their eternal dust floats. How to become their mother liquor, even a wound on which to pause, how to go from arid to arable field  with their celestial mulch?
3 Sometimes words form a chord, the waterfalls ascend, break the law of gravity. Poetry, a powerful moon, gathers desolate tides and lifts them up where they can hazard the skies.
4 Field of fault lines, halo without a center: words, promises, portion, prize.
The past dissolved, no support for the present, crumbled the inconceivable future.
5 Prose under pressure used as deadwood prose without live coals, face down on the page,  no longer wind, barely breeze. Fear its turbulence like one who can't swim fears a reckless boat.
Like this bird that waits until the light dies to begin singing, I write in darkness, when nothing shines and calls out from the earth. I commence in the dark, l observe, I burrow within myself, as I am the darkness, toward  what's darkest of all, down the well of time of being-almost-nonbeing, after the seed, gem, origin, birth of myself, of mother, grandmothers, unattainable ocean of time and lost, swallowed-up creatures.
Patinir, magical and depraved, his otherworldly cave. The rower in the background thinks he's making headway.
From Tiger the Leap
From tiger the leap, from tiger, the ambushed hideout. Life lightning fast leaves, after claws swipe, the gash from which perseverance drips.
Then come the reasons to forget; tamed, we lick the new, dark scar when it aches and oblivious to the forest, we cross it again for our daily minimum.
The Word
Expectant words, fabulous in themselves, promises of possible meanings, artful, aerial, irate, Ariadnes.
A slight error makes them ornamental. Their indescribable exactitude erases us.
Step by Step
All at once wind will come and it will be autumn. Summer leaves and a memory falls and life descends another rung without being noticed, from one yellow to another. Farewell, behind, the step I haven't taken, friendship uncertain, barely a dream. All at once it will be autumn. There is no more time. I lost a magic double of my name, a passing sign that could render a more exact world. I lost the peace, the war. Perhaps I lost my life and haven't yet earned my own death.
In the empty space someone plucks a string, little by little. It is autumn already, so soon. There is no more time.
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giveme-shelter · 6 months
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Quiero dar a este viento lo que arrastro dormido y harto en las espaldas, y despertar y estar de veras viva, y ser parte y amor en la mañana
Ida Vitale.
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wisegardenbluebird · 6 months
EUFEMÉRIDES La poeta Ida Vitale, Premio Cervantes en 2018, cumple un  siglo de vida en plenas facultades Francisco R. Pastoriza          El abuelo paterno de Ida Vitale, Félix Vitale D’Amico, llegó a Uruguay desde Sicilia después de un viaje terrible en un barco destartalado. Había participado en las guerras de unificación de Italia formando parte de las brigadas de Garibaldi, y llegó…
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viecome · 1 year
Colección de citas literarias. XCIII
Entre el pensamiento y la palabra hablada existe una fisura en la que puede penetrar la intención, el símbolo puede ser abstraído y la mentira admitida en la existencia. Ursula K. Le Guin Tener el valor, sabiendo previamente que vas a ser derrotado, y salir a pelear: eso es la literatura. Roberto Bolaño Adquirir el hábito de la lectura y rodearnos de buenos libros es construirnos un refugio…
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