loafbud · 5 days
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lululeighsworld · 2 months
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it was literally their moment and they just let us watch
(if you need me i'll be marinating in this for the foreseeable future)
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always-a-joyful-note · 8 months
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Enstars sure is an experience. Did I miss anything?
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beaulesbian · 5 days
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⚔️ ONE PIECE || Zoro smiling & being silly - Fishman Island Arc ⚔️
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marnum · 1 month
I see your Falin Dove imagery and I raise you Falin Pelican imagery.
For those unfamiliar, there's a myth about pelicans that they'll cut open their own chests to feed their babies blood in times of hardship.
I'm just sayin
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alpacacare-archive · 8 months
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inside you there are two wolfs
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haemosexuality · 4 months
small brain: the scene where jayce gets it on w mel and the scene where sky asks viktor out and he refuses are paralleled to show that jayce has decided to focus on politics (mel) and neglect his partnership with viktor, while viktor continues to focus on science and experimentation (as well as poiting out viktors growing isolation from those around him).
big brain: the scene where jayce gets it on w mel and the scene where sky asks viktor out and he refuses are paralleled to show that viktor is not interested in women and is gay. and in love with jayce.
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mejomonster · 11 months
I am going to again mention that Hikaru No Go cdrama adaptation Qi Hun is on youtube for free (iqiyi), really really good, and if you ever shipped the two rivals to partners then the cdrama decides well They Do Too and cranks it to Bad Buddy childhood rivals to desperately longing for each other to domestic and professional partners levels. (I'm not kidding, to spoil the ending out of context: they move in together with one bed, play partner go for future career, and end the show together happy). And yes, our ghost friend still absolutely decimated me emotionally. <3 ;-;
Anyway I just. While it's absolutely amazing as a show on simply the merit of quality, pacing, good storyline, solid story it's based on And solid adaptation that kept things true while putting it's own touches? It's also really really heartfelt if you like childhood enemies/friends to partners stories. And it feels as bl as Guardian or Word of Honor did, easily (so clearly shippers helped make the show lol).
Here's where to watch!
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eosofspades · 4 months
actually shout out to the croods 1 for female character design im so serious. i can't speak on the sequel cause i haven't seen it but women with broad shoulders women with frizzy wild hair women with crooked teeth women covered in dirt women who can throw boulders and are loud and violence-prone and short-tempered. women who are feral and not in the quirky way but like actually allowed to be offputting. the scene where eep wolfs down a turkey leg bigger than her entire body in like 4 seconds was revolutionary to me idc
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bananafishdepression · 10 months
Nobody really talks about BF stage but have these beautiful low quality pictures of Eiji taking pics of Ash and talking about them <3
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whomadewaffles · 9 months
Incase anyone wanted a complete newbies opinion on the one piece liveaction adaptation.
Before we start, here is what I knew vaguely before going on, never having watched a single episode of the anime
. A pirate gets killed but challenges people to find his hidden treasure before he is killed
.there is fruit that gives magical powers, main character can stretch like mr fantastic and elastiagirl
.longgggg ass sorry with alot of rich world building
Now i Adore great world building so was always interested in watching the anime but...paying for cruncyroll premium and the sheer length of the show has kept me away. But with the word of mouth about this live action show being very positive I thought why not use this as a starting point. So without further ado here is what I thought.
It was wonderful, I was either smiling like an idiot or tearing up through all of it, I was hear for the worldbuilding and it gave me plenty in that regard but I wasn't realy expecting to fall for like...pretty much every single charater, the strawhats are all delightful and have such a amazing found family vibe and I am SO weak to that trope, koby and his marine subplot grew on me and so much good well choreographed action and some actual laugh outloud moments (buggy was a scene stealing highlight). Everyone said sanji's backstory was a tear jerker and that's 100% correct but nami's third act betrayal realy caught me of guard but love how it was handled. Luffy lives up to his shonen protagonist roots by just being an inspiring becon of positivity who I wish the absolute best for, the show would have fallen apart of we didn't care for luffy and luckly they nailed it. I would say zoro is my favourite of the crew though he had such a dry sarcastic sense of humor that i vibed with. The world was absolutely fascinating with how everything revolves around the sea, and the technology isn't advanced at all like they use snails as phones i loved that, it was so weird! And the way they used pratical effects when they could was great to see gave the world a real and lived in feel. and I realy get the sense there's so much magical stuff still to see! And the music!!! Omg the music! It added so much to so many great moments. Just have to hope netflix sticks with it but with their track record I'm.....not optimistic. But in summary what a charming start to an adventure!
I am curious am I the only person watching as a new fan? Is gate keeping generally a thing with this fandom?
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chuuyadelune · 10 months
now that i have recovered from the emotional shock of seeing *that* akutagawa scene from chapter 88 animated in HD 4K (i thought i’d have another week to emotionally prepare myself LMAO), i just wanna be a little bit of a nerd and say that i really liked the cinematography/composition this episode.
in particular, i really enjoyed the anime’s decision to draw visual parallels between this fight and previous fights (in particular, the fight against francis, which is important because it is the first time they worked together).
after all, this fight is the culmination of everything they’ve done together. from the combining of their abilities, coming to an understanding with each other, realising the potential of beast-beneath the moonlight-rashoumon… bringing back similar shots that were used in previous fights is SUPER effective at highlighting the parallels and how far they’ve come, in my humble opinion.
here are a few things i noticed:
- first of all, both of them activating their abilities one after another is an explicit nod to S2’s fight;
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- the confrontation/conversation in the hallway from S2 (to an extent! they’re on the same sides, which caught my eye);
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- akutagawa blowing up the engine room on the ship, and kyouka doing the same during the first fight between him and atsushi (S1);
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- and a similar angle being used for black tiger claws / koukko zessou as a nod to the fight in the S3 finale.
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the parallels — though maybe less explicit, *are* still there in the manga? like, the entire “structure” of the fight so to speak is very similar to the francis fight in S2 — akutagawa finding atsushi, taking place on a(n air)ship, breaking away from the fight to strategise before confronting the final boss (then, francis, and now, fukuchi) is undeniably a nod to that fight? i love that this is given its due in the anime as well.
another thing about the cinematography this episode i loved was them using the clock as being the indicator of fukuchi’s fuckass space-time sword doing its thing. that was a really nice touch, in my opinion; the cuts in between were jarring and disorienting and really helped put us into sskk’s shoes.
and as for the background design alongside the clock itself — there were a couple of things about them i enjoyed:
- the number of floors / levels of the ship in the back (5, as a nod to the five ways an angel decays, the DOA)
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- the blue of the clock is meant to be reminiscent of fukuchi’s sword, i’d argue, with the way both of them pops out of the sunset/orangey-red lighting
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- the clock’s design being super ornate and gold plated reminds me a *bit* of a tabernacle (where they keep unused eucharist in a church) — and thus brings up connotations of sacrifice. that white bridge-thing beneath the clock as well reminds me a lot of an altar, too (see the image above the last to see what exactly i’m referring to, because image limit)
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okay, yeah, that one might be a bit of a stretch, sure. but its placement as being above them, combined with the two tables/boxes to the left and right of the ship’s bow (which looks very much like a cross, btw) gives it a distinctly religious, altar-kinda feel, i’d argue. and crosses have been used in S4 as symbolism as well!
(tbh, there could even be a bit more imagery i’m missing, because — the angels of the DOA refers specifically to the buddhist conception of an angel. i’m not too familiar with buddhist imagery, but i thought that this was worth pointing out regardless!)
the last thing i want to say is that the red and blue symbolism went CRAZY this episode. i don’t have much else to say because it was super obvious — they even reused the same “black tiger claws” shot from S3, after all — but i do wanna point out that the symbolism even went into the carpets. the fucking carpets.
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like, the shift: it’s red when akutagawa’s leading the conversation but changes to blue after atsushi’s suggesting of the submersible as a strategy? i mean, i don’t know if this (or anything i’ve said, to be fair) was intentional or not, but it’s a cool detail anyway!
personally, i enjoyed this episode, the action was great, and all of this too was a really neat addition as well! and now… uh. we wait for the chaos to get worse i suppose !? (laughs nervously)
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hubriswest · 10 months
it's strange to see people share deleted scenes of re-animator because my first viewing of the movie was a youtube video with EVERYTHING in it. "here's the clip of dan giving herbert his t shot that was sadly removed from the final cut" sir i saw it happen right before my eyes what are you TALKING ABOUT
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stinkrascal · 3 months
i hate everyone in the world for making me think that im gonna be an old hag by the age of 30 bc im turning 25 this yr only 5 yrs away and i look exactly the same as i did when i was 16 and im still into cringe anime and fandom chicanery etc like basically nothing changed so why does everyone act like you gotta get a walking cane and invest all ur time into knitting the moment you hit the big 30
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baby5fanclub · 4 months
so how come i always liked acesan even after i realized they barely interacted when i read the manga, and now i’m watching alabasta and ace is just?? there???
honestly obsessed with the ace filler + simple ace presence and if he’s gonna have a yaoi moment with sanji in the process you know what so be it.
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kathybluecaller · 1 month
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I just think they’re neat :]
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