jrueships · 3 months
fangirl gg !!!!
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tom-holland-parker · 3 years
I Hate You???
Summary: You’re convinced Bucky hates you. Bucky’s convinced you hate him. Steve is just tired of hearing you both complain and finally decides to set you both up
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!reader
Word count: 1569
You sat on the kitchen counter quietly eating your ice cream when Steve and Bucky walked in, whispering amongst themselves. It took a few seconds before they realized they weren’t alone, pausing when they saw you. Steve smiled, “y/n would you consider yourself a hateful person?” 
You tilted your head in confusion, Steve wasn’t known for asking weird questions out of the blue. You stood silent, trying to think of a good answer, “No really” You shrugged, “If anything, I think I’m too loving” 
Steve chuckled, turning to Bucky with a smirk. You glanced at Bucky, watching as he gave you an emotionless stare. You sighed as you hopped off the counter and walked out the kitchen. You hated the fact that Bucky hated you and to make it worse, you didn’t even know why he hated you. 
When you first met each other things seemed to go great. You guys got to know each other and joke around. Within those few months of getting to know each other you had developed a crush on the tall man. Which is why it hurt more when he stopped talking to you a few weeks after your first mission together. Whenever you walked into a room he would always find some excuse to leave, and when he couldn’t leave he would talk to everyone but you. Steve always said you were crazy whenever you mentioned it to him, but deep down you couldn’t believe him. A large part of you just knew that you liked a man who hated you.
As you walked out the kitchen Steve sighed, turning to Bucky, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about”. Bucky rolled his eyes, “She hates me, I just know it”
“The girl literally just said she has a problem of loving too much” Steve said as he grabbed a beer out the fridge, “In fact I think she has a crush on you”
Bucky let out a chuckled, grabbing a beer of his own, “No she definitely hates me, she won’t even look at me, she just walks away whenever she gets the chance”
Bucky leaned back against the counter, remembering the countless times you would walk out of the room when he was around. It really hurt him to know that the one person he’d had romantic feelings for in years, hated him. He sighed, finished his beer before getting up to walked out the kitchen, “It’s whatever, I’ll just find someone else”
Steve stared at his feet in concentration, trying to figure out ways to get the two of you together without actually spilling your secrets. He used to find it comically, how you both liked each other but thought the other person hated you. He would always find himself laughing whenever one of you mentioned it, but he became worried when he noticed how sad it was making you both. 
He smirked, coming up with a plan to get you two together. It was very simple actually, something straight out of a Romcom you forced him to watch. He just needed to wait for the right moment.
“Hey y/n remember when you asked me to teach you boxing” Steve said as he poked his head into your room. You looked up from your book, “Yeah” you said with a nod
“Well today’s the day so get dressed and meet me in the training room in about 10 minutes” he said, closing the door before you could respond.
As you got dressed Steve made his way to Bucky’s room, poking his head in without knocking, “Hey, Sam is planning on putting magnets and stickers all over your arm so you might want to get rid of his stickers before he gets the chance. He hides them in the training room” He said with a goofy smile as he walked shut the door. Bucky stared at the door in confusion but sighed, getting up from the bed to walk to the training room. 
Steve smiled to himself as he walked into the security room, watching from the cameras as you made your way downstairs. 
“Steve” You called out in confusion. You crossed your arms when you got no response, “Steve this isn’t funny I’m not wasting a new sports bra on your stupid jokes” you shouted as you looked around the room. 
Your head quickly turned when you heard the door open, your heart speeding up when you realized it was Bucky walking in. You stared at him in silence as he looked at you in confusion, “Where are the stickers?” He asked 
“What are you talking about?” You chuckled, “I'm supposed to -” you were interrupted when you heard a loud beep from the intercom. Steve chuckled quietly before clearing his throat, “You’re both probably wondering why I’ve bought you here today” He said through the intercom. You looked around the room at a loss for words. “Well it’s come to my attention that you both need to talk. So I've locked you both in here and you're going to stay in here until you talk things out. Think of it like a date" 
You let out a deep breath, frustrated with everything Steve was doing. Bucky sighed sitting on a bench against the wall. An extremely awkward tension filled the room, unsure who should talk first. The intercom beeped again, "I'm not seeing any talking. I could do this all day" 
You stared at the camera, sticking your middle finger to the screen. Your head turned as you heard Bucky chuckle, "What are we even supposed to be talking about?" He asked, crossing his arms 
"there's a bunch of things we could talk about" you shrugged, laying down in the mat, "he was never specific"
The intercom beeped again, "you need to talk about each other. Now stop wasting my time and start talking" 
You rolled your eyes, "piss off Tinkerbell"
"What happened to you not being a hateful person? You seem to be pretty hateful now" Bucky said with a smirk
"I don't appreciate being locked in a room against my will" You said not bothering to look at him. "Why are you here anyway? Thought that arm of yours could break through these glass doors" 
"It can but who says I want to leave?" He said as he got up, laying next to you. You chuckled, "oh so now you want to spend time with me"
His brows furrowed in confusion, "what are you talking about?"
You sat up slightly, propping yourself up on your elbows, "you haven't spoken to me in months. You constantly ignore me and alway look emotionless when you're around me. As if I suck all the life from you"
He head turned towards you quickly, "what are you talking about? You've been doing that to me"
"No I haven't. You've been acting like this since we got back from that mission we did" You rolled your eyes, it made you even more mad that the butterflies in your stomach fluttered every time he talked.
He scoffed, "that's not tr-"
"Bullshit and you know it" you interrupted, "I just don't get it. Why?"
"Why what?" He raised his voice slightly, clearly getting frustrated. You assume it was due to your attitude, however it was actually the fact that his heart was skipping a beat with every word you spoke. 
"Why do you hate me?" Your voice practically cracked from your frustration.
He remained quiet, all words seemed to disappear as shock took over his face, "I hate you? I thought you hated me. Do you know how hurt I was when I realized the one girl I've liked in years hated me?" It was terrible and now you think I hate you" he rambled, unaware of the words coming out his mouth. It took a few seconds for him to realize exactly what he said
Your eyes widened, "You can't be serious right now" you let out a stressed chuckle, "you're telling me that I've had a crush on you for months and you thought I hated you. I baked you a cake on your fucking birthday and you thought I hated you"
You wanted to pulled all your hair out at how stupid you sounded. The room fell silent again as thoughts took over both your minds. It was a few minutes later when Bucky spoke first. "I'm sorry" he said with a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I didn't even realize I was doing that. It's my first time having these kinds of feelings after years of being numb and alone. I just thought that if I hid them and ignore you then they would go away"
You slowly sat up, your eyes never leaving him, "I'm sorry too. I should've made an effort instead of just jumping to the conclusion that you hated me"
The room fell silent again, the two of you had not else to say but couldn't stop staring at each other. Both wonder where you go from here. 
You sighed, "Bucky-"
"Do you want to go on a date with me?" He interrupted. You were taken aback by his words, not expecting such bluntness.
"Yes" you chuckled, "preferably one where Steve doesn't listen to everything we say the entire time"
The intercom beeped, Steve's laughter filling the room, "you guys could've left at any moment. These doors don't have a lock".
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lukawodric · 6 years
(vatreniworld) #44 with Lucelo (otp/brotp/whatever you like) :)
i’ve added some other madridistas to join this weird story and i hope you like it!Trick-or-…trick!(44. “If you die, I’m gonna kill you.)With: Luka Modric, Marcelo Vieira, Karim Benzema, Raphael Varane, Toni Kroos, Gareth Bale & Marco Asensio!
The week has brought RealMadrid two difficult matches. It wasn’t the time to overthink the goals allover again, due to the tiredness that was consuming everybody, little by little.
The atmosphere was heavy and dull. The boys were running during the trainingsession like their legs were going to melt at any time. Their faces were asgood as Lopetegui’s expression when he watched all the balls getting into Keylor’sgoal. And then the balls hitting Courtois’ net.
In the locker room, Casemiro entered and met Luka, sitting on the wooden benchand drinking the blue isotonic. “It sucks, huh?” Luka sighed. “Yeah, bro. It really does. Everyone’s mood is killing the whole vibe.”Casemiro vented. He opened his wardrobe, took his jersey and then roughly closedit, making a loud sound of it.“But what can we do? There’s no way to turn this around.” Luka left his emptybottle aside and got up. “The day is so damn sad that Marcelo is 5 minuteslate.” He pointed at the clock.“You’re right.” Casemiro laughed. “I mean, the guy is the craziest one aboutthis team and is always here in time…-”“Imma tell ya, Lopetegui will definitely punish him as soon as he gets here.” Thistime, Luka’s wardrobe got opened and he started looking for his headband.“Or… maybe we can punish him.” Casemiro suggested.Luka slowly moved his head to stare at a thoughtful Casemiro, walking aroundthe room with an idea inside his mind.“W-what… what do you mean?” Luka questioned. “Do… you wanna fight him? Knockhim down or what? Don’t count me in!”“No, Lukita. Obviously not!” He interrupted. “Think about it: everybody’sfeeling sad as f*ck and maybe we can cheer this training up… just a little bit…”“I’m listening and I’m not really liking the pictures on my imagination.” Lukaprotested.“LISTEN. JUST LISTEN! We can play some tricks on Marcelo and also entertainthose men with a good soap opera.” Casemiro placed his fingers on his chinmeanwhile planning it all.“Are we going to sit down on the field and watch a Netflix s-“ Luka was stilltrying to figure it out.“Thank your dad for keeping you this naive, Luka. That’s not it. What about wepretend that you got hurt during the exercises for Marcelo to think that there’ssomething wrong?” The number 14 implied. “I’M IN!” Toni announced, while breaking into the locker room.“What?! Do you actually think that’s a good idea?” Luka asked.“Uhm… yes?” Raphael followed Toni. “C’mon, we need to get distracted somehow.”“And you know who had the injury that worried Marcelo the most?” Benzema asked,bringing his pair of boots on his hands.“No… no way I’m buying this silly game. What if he believes this kind of crap?”Luka started getting outraged.“Hello? That’s the intention, genius.” Asensio came out of nowhere, throwingthe ball right into Luka’s direction.“Guys, take it easy on him. Luka isn’t the player/actor type of person.” Garethjoined the locker room group. “Thank you, Bale. Are you with me?” Luka sighed in relief, holding the ball. “Are you kidding me? This plan sounds great! I’m in too.” Bale smashed his handagainst Casemiro’s, smiling.“Can someone else play the main drama part?” Luka begged and everyone kepttheir words for themselves. “Nice.”“Don’t you wanna bring this team back from the dead?” Benzema asked, taking theball from his hands.“Yes, I do… however-“ Luka tried to prolong.“THEN GOOD! Let’s do it.” Toni hit his back twice, making him step forwards tokeep his body still up.All of the boys started clapping and leaving the room to the field. Luka kepthimself steady, thinking about how pissed he would be if it happened to him.But he also considered the fact that Marcelo used to be so cool about jokesbetween them… and so did Luka. Wasn’t friendship also about playing littletricks? Maybe it’d cheer Marcelo’s feelings up too.A hand tightly held his arm, bringing him back to reality.“Oh good, is it the devil trying to drag me down for this?” Luka thought.The hand pulled him. “C’mon you dipshit, Marcelo has arrived.” Marco dragged him to the field.
Marcelo was greeting the guys, holding his backpack with a discouraged attitude.When his eyes met Luka’s, he walked in his direction and offered his left hand.“Hey, Lukita!” He forced a smile. “Hey… bro.” Luka squeezed his hand. For almost 1 minute.“Ah… are you okay?” Marcelo asked.“Yes. I’m alright. Fine. Nothing wrong.” He replied. “Then why are you still shaking hands with me?” Marcelo got confused.
In the background, Luka could only see Toni facepalming. Casemiro had his armscrossed and nodding his head in denial.
“It’s because… I missed you! Come here and hug me.” Luka pulled Marcelo andgave him the most awkward hug ever. “Th- g-ys are trying to pl-y a tr-ck on ya.”He tried to warn.“Lukita… WHAT?” He yelled. “Are you drunk before 2pm?”Gareth noticed that Luka wanted to ruin the plan and pushed him away fromMarcelo’s arms. “No, he’s not. He’s justrecovering from the trauma.” Asensio pressed Luka’s shoulder. “You know, those twomatches…” Harder. Luka squeaked. “Alright then… I’ll start warming up, otherwise Julen will kick somethingbesides the ball.” He left.“What were you trying to do?” Gareth asked while placing his hands on hiswaist.“Have you looked at him? He’s not fine.” Luka justified. “We should mindserious business-““For God’s sake, is just a game!” Raphael appeared, insisting on the tricks.“The plan is: we’ll start with that spot kicking exercise and when you make amove, you’ll fall and act like you’re in pain.” Casemiro started. “And then we’ll all check upon you, asking how are you doing and stuff. WhenMarcelo comes to you, act your ass off!” Karim added.“For how long am I supposed to prolong this theatre?” Luka rolled his eyes.“Until he starts crying.” Bale finished.“Let’s go?” Toni suggested. 
Theystarted walking to their positions. One by one, they kicked the ball, keepingone eye at the goal’s direction and the other eye on Luka, just to make sure hewouldn’t dare messing up with the plan again.When Luka’s turn came in, he kicked the ball as strong as he could, so maybe he’dbe able to improve the whole acting with some real pain. 
The ball flied all the way over the goal… and hit the crossbar. All of a sudden, everything went black and he felt his body hitting the ground.Like a boomerang, the ball made the way back right against Luka’s forehead,making the sound of the bone being pressed by the object echoes throughout thestadium. 
From afar, the boys saw his blond hair moving in slowmotion when his body startedgoing down. Toni facepalmed again; Casemiro and Marco covered their mouths in surprise; Raphaelmoved his hands through his hair; Benzema and Gareth with their eyes wide opencould only whisper one word: “f*ck!”; Marcelo rushed his steps to see themassacre closer. 
Luka swore for God that he saw more stars than the whole NASA team has everseen. The birds from the cartoons became reality on his imagination. His eyeswere crossed and his forehead had instantly got red. 
“Lukita!” Marcelo called him. “Big bro… is everything alright?” “Dad?” Luka asked.“How many fingers am I holding up?” The number 12 tried to test his sanity.“One, two, three, four… thousand…” Luka started pointing and counting. “Oh,your hair is looking good today. Have you tried that expensive shampoo thatGareth uses?” He changed the subject. 
The boys arrived.Toni poked Luka’s arm. “What have you done?”“Not so much lately, what about you?” Totally nonsense, he responded. “Come here. Hold my hand, let’s get up!” Casemiro gave his hand. “No! No… I like in here. Can I stay here?” Luka inquired, avoiding fromCasemiro’s touch.“Is everything alright?” Varane questioned, getting down on his knees.“It’s dizzy… and dark… I think I’m passing out…” Luka tried to organize histhoughts. “I could literally feel my brain shaking and probably something isout of its place…” 
While Luka started murmuring sentences in croatian, Karim went out to look forhelp. 
“Marcelito… big bro… let me ask you a favor…” Luka pulled Marcelo, grabbing hisshirt. He almost fell over his chest. “Tell Ivano that I love him and tell himto tell his sisters that I love them too…” “Luka?! Stop kidding, you’re not going to die… a-are you?” He started to feelmore concerned about the situation.“I don’t know… I-I can’t… move…” Luka informed and then closed his eyes.“Are you listening to this?” Marcelo turned his head to face the other boys. “He’stalking pure sh… Luka?” He glanced at his face again. “LUKA? Luka that’s not funny!” Shaking his body, Marcelo immediately shouted. “ANSWER ME, YOU TINYB*TCH! YOU CAN’T DIE! OPEN YOUR F*CKING EYES RIGHT NOW!”
Casemiro gave himself the benefit of the doubt. “Is this man the greatest actorever or the unluckiest guy in the world?” He thought quietly. 
“TELL ME YOU’RE ALIVE!” Yelling and completely out of control, Marcelo startedslapping Luka’s face, trying to wake him up. “YOU CAN’T BE DEAD. YOU CAN’T!HAVE YOU HEARD ME? IF YOU DIE, I’M GONNA KILL YOU!” 
Everybody stopped walking side to side and stared at Marcelo. He listened to athousand different types of “what?” coming out uninterruptedly from everyone’smouths. 
“What?” Luka joined. “I SAID THAT wait, are you alive?” He directed his attention back at him.“Pretty much…” The Croatian one moved his body up, sitting down and quickly blinking.Marcelo helped him to get up.“I thought you were f*cking dead! You scared the hell outta me-““I just needed to close my eyes. The sun was burning them into flames… by theway, are they red?” He interrupted and pulled the skin under his eyes forMarcelo to check them up. “No, they aren’t!” Marcelo slapped him one more time, this time on his hands. “Butyour forehead is.”“It was all a plan. We were trying to play some tricks on you…” Casemiro nervouslylaughed and touched Marcelo’s shoulder.“We just wanted to get rid of this sad mood from the matches…” Toni added.“We just didn’t know that things were going to happen like this…” Varane ended. “So… your eyes aren’t red. Your forehead is.” Marcelo concluded. “Apparently…” Luka followed him.“But your face can get as red as your forehead, can’t it?” He asked, catchingthe ball.“Well, only if the ball hit me ag…-“ Luka couldn’t even finish the sentence andstarted running away as fast as possible. 
“Hey guys! The doctor is here to see how is Luka doing…” Benzema announced,bringing the help he went out to search for. He saw Luka running. “Well, heseems alright to me!” He laughed and tapped the doctor’s back, as a silentwarning that he could get back to what he was doing before… and then he sawMarcelo holding the ball on his hands. “Wait! Actually, you can stay and hopefor the best, just like us.”
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georgies-boat · 7 years
Your angsty stenbrough hcs upset me. Would you be willing to write happy endings for the scenerios?
i kinda got sick of headcanons for the night, made minifics instead.. I hope it’s okay!
Bill wasn’t happy; he knew he wasn’t. He wasn’t the only one. His new partner knew it too. They pretended for a few days that they were happy together, but they both, and everyone around them, could see how uninterested Bill was. It was quite pathetic, really. Bill knew it was pathetic, and it was selfish.
Still, Bill found himself unable to break up with them. He couldn’t bring himself to do it, because he knew if he did, he would have to accept the truth; he was utterly in love with his best friend. His best friend whom he hadn’t talked to in 3 days, and it was killing him inside. As his partner tugged gently on his arm, Bill’s eyes were trained on the curly haired boy that consumed his thoughts. Stan wouldn’t even look at him. He wasn’t sure why Stan created the sudden distance between them, but he knew it hurt like hell.
Bill hadn’t noticed his partner pulling him in the other direction; they were no longer heading to the cafeteria, but to the main entrance. Once they were outside, Bill noticed where they were and furrowed his brows in confusion. “Bill.. I can’t do this anymore. I know you’re in love with someone else; If we stay together, it’s not fair to me, you, or him. I’m sorry, but it’s for the best.” Bill only swallowed, and looked down at his feet. “I’m so-sor-sorry.” He managed, and his now ex-partner smiled. “It’s okay. And Bill?” He looked up, locking his blue eyes with theirs. “Tell him.”
With that, his ex left, and Bill was left alone to his thoughts. He thought a breakup would hurt more, but he knew he wasn’t really in a relationship. He may have been considered a boyfriend, but his heart wasn’t in it. He knew now he couldn’t pretend these feelings weren’t there. He had to tell Stan. He was nervous as hell, but he wasn’t chickening out. Not this time.
Determination washed over him, and Bill entered the building, not thinking clearly as he headed directly for Stan. “Stanley!” He called, gaining the boy’s attention, as well as a good size crowd of the kids in the halls. “Bill?” Stan asked, hesitantly, and he looked like he was going to take off at any given moment. “I-I’m sorry for this.” Bill said, and before Stan could fully process the words, Bill grabbed Stanley by the waist and pulled him into a kiss.
A chorus of gasps followed by an “oH SHIT, HE ACTUALLY DID IT!” (we all know who that was cOUGH TRASHMOUTH). Bill pulled away, looked at Stan with flushed cheeks. Stan didn’t look much better, in fact, his entire face was flushed. Bill thought it was adorable. “I-I-It’s always been yo-you, Stan-nley.” Bill whispered, pressing his forehead to Stan’s. A smile lit up Stan’s face, one brighter than Bill had ever seen. “It’s always been you too, Bill.”
Bill can’t take it anymore. He needs to at least know why Stan did it. Just the other day, the two were wrapped up in each other’s arms and smiling happily; laughing and rolling their eyes at Richie’s comments. It was the two of them against the world; it had been for as long as he could remember. Bill spent the entire night sleepless, he stayed up trying to work out a reason for Stan to end things. He couldn’t come up with a single one; not one that would make logical sense, anyways.
Biking to school the next morning, the only powering the tired boy was the determination to get his boyfriend back. He was willing to do anything. It hadn’t even been a full 24 hours yet, and Bill already had completely lost it. He wanted his boyfriend. He needed his boyfriend.
Finding Stan wasn’t easy; he’d been avoiding bill the entire day. Unfortunately for Bill, neither of the two shared many classes, and the three periods they did, Stan switched seats. After school, Bill wouldn’t have it, and he knew Stan would have to go to his locker. He had a schedule, and he couldn’t break it for long. As planned, Stan was exactly where he always was at this time, putting away his books from his last period class. Bill walked over, his face showing no emotions, but in his eyes, anyone could see how hurt and broken he was.
Stan hadn’t looked up, and noticed Bill’s presence. “W-why di-di-did you do it, s-st-stan-l-ley?” He hiccuped, his voice cracking. Stan jumped, surprised, and dropped all of his books. Stan wanted to leave as soon as he heard Bill’s voice, but he looked into his eyes and saw how hurt Bill was, and Stan’s heart cracked even more. He didn’t think it was possible, but somehow, it hurt even more than leaving him the first time with his tear stained cheeks. “Wh-why?” Bill repeated, and Stanley sighed. “Not here, Bill.”
“Stan, tell me. Now.” He said, not a single stutter leaving his mouth. Stan faltered slightly, but simply sighed again. “Bill, you’re causing a scene.” “I don’t care, Stan! Tell me!” He demanded, a tear slipping from his eye. Stan gave up, and looked him in the eye. “I don’t deserve you, okay? You’re everything, and I’m nothing! Why should someone like me, deserve someone like you?” He whispered, his voice cracking, and reflecting the overwhelming feel he felt in his heart. Bill froze, and looked at Stan, ludicrously.
“That’s why you broke up with me?” Bill asked, sadly. Stan looked down, refusing to meet his eyes. Bill stepped forward, and grabbed Stanley’s chin, pulling it gently upwards, his gaze meeting Bill’s. “You’re not nothing, and if anything, I don’t deserve you, Stan. You’re MY everything.” With that, Stan began to sob, and clung onto Bill with a death grip. Bill squeezed back just as tight, and they stood in each other’s embrace, quietly crying into each other. “Never break up with my again.” Bill mumbled, sniffling. Stan pulled back, smiling at him weakly. “Never.”
It was 4am. Both boys lied awake, unable to bring themselves to sleep. They didn’t want to sleep. Not without the other. All stan wanted was to wake up, wrapped in Bill’s arms, and have it all be a dream; that Bill cheating was simply nothing but a nightmare. All Bill wanted was to have Stan in his arms, telling him how sorry he was and that it was a misunderstanding. But this was reality. And neither of those things were happening.
Bill was done. He couldn’t stay lying in his bed any longer, knowing the boy he loves is suffering because of him. He’d waited long enough. He didn’t even care that it was 4am, he knew the chance of Stan being asleep was slim. He slid out of bed, sliding on some proper clothes, his socks then shoes, and climbed out the window. He grabbed his bike and took the quickest route to the Uris household. Bill was all about romance, he grabbed a pebble off the lawn, and chucked it at Stan’s window.
Stan jumped at the sudden noise, his eyes blowing wide. Maybe it was just the wind. But then he heard it again; not as loud, but still a small thud hitting the window. Crawling out of bed, he shuffled over to the window, seeing none other than the boy he loved outside his window. He debated closing his blinds and telling Bill to go away, but Stan knew he didn’t have it in him. Instead, he opened the window. He crawled out of the room, sitting on the roof outside his window. Looking down at Bill, he frowned. “What’s the sorry excuse you’ve come up with?” He asked, bitterly.
“I di-di-didn’t.” Bill said, stepping forward. This deepened Stan’s frown, and Bill sighed. “Stan, I do-don’t lik-ke Gr-Gr-Gret-t-ta. I-It was a misunderst-st-stand-d-ding.” He said, his eyes filling with tears. He could see the hurt flooding Stan’s eyes, even from the distance of the ground to the roof. “How was it a misunderstanding, Bill?” Stan rolled his eyes, unbelieving.
“I did it for you, for us!” Bill yelled, silencing Stan. He hadn’t stuttered, which was uncommon, but when Bill meant something, he rarely stuttered. “You didn’t want anyone to know ab-about u-us. I pa-pa-panicked! Sh-she c-came ont-to me, and I wa-was scared to expose our relationsh-ship. I didn’t want to d-do that t-to y-you.” He admitted, swallowing the lump in his throat. Stan was speechless.
“You kissed a girl, for me?” Stan whispered, chuckling a bit at the statement, but his heart was swelling. “Y-Yeah. N-Not the most ro-romantic gesture, b-but I tr-try.” Bill teased, making the two boys laugh. They fell silent, just gazing at each other in the darkness of the night. “Come cuddle with me?” Stan asked, his voice cracking. Bill smiled, “I never thought you’d ask.”
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mediocreronpas · 7 years
SDR2 Boys and a nervous S/O saying “I love you” for the first time.
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Another fluffy one coming at ya! Hope you enjoy!
- Mod Teruteru
Hajime Hinata
- When he had first met you he could tell how sweet of a person you were.
- You would do almost anything within your capabilities to keep everyone happy.
- When you started dating, you would constantly hold his hand, hug him, and compliment him to no end, even if everyone else ridiculed him for having no talents.
- He loved being around you, but you felt like something was wrong.
- You were clearly missing something.
- So you asked for help from your friends!
- “Did you tell him you loved him yet?”
- *Slams fists on table, if there is a table near by.*
- How did I miss that?
- You thought that after everything you’ve done with him, you can tell him you love him easy, right.?
- Sore wa chigau yo!
- You don’t get it.
-You tell your family members you love them all the time.
- What’s so different about this!?
- The moment you decided you got this was after a nice date.
- He walked you to your porch and kissed you on the forehead, with proper old romance movie etiquette.
- When he turned to go back to his car, you tugged his sleeve.
- You looked at him, blushing hard.
- “Uh-um. Thank you for tonight, I-I love y-you.”
- Huh?
- Your face shined with anticipation for a response.
- Then you were pulled into a tight hug.
- “I love you too S/O!”
Kazuichi Souda
- You absolutely love your mechanic boyfriend.
- Even if he does always smell like motor oil.
- And he loves you too!
- He loves the squeaks you make when you stretch, when you hug him out of nowhere, and will protect you whenever you feel sad.
- But neither of you have ever said that to each other.
- You decided that you should change that.
- But you were much much more nervous for this than you thought you would be.
- You were showing it while on your date with Souda.
- You had been quiet and blushy all day long.
- So Souda asked what was wrong.
- Then you got even more weird by flinching away like a cat.
- “N-nothing! Nothing at all! I j-just have something on my mind… that’s all.”
- Oh my God your bashful face is so cute.
- “What?”
- You swallowed a lump in your throat and looked him in the eye.
- “Kazuichi Souda, I…I-I…”
- Wait what’s going on?
- “I love you!”
- Oh.
- OH.
- You were sweating a bit waiting for a response.
- You suddenly thought you had ruined your relationship by going too fast, until you were attacked by a wave of affection.
- By wave I mean he tackled you.
- “Ahhh! I love you too!”
- He kissed your neck and showered you with love and admiration for the rest of the week.
Nekomaru Nidai
- You had been thinking about ways to tell Nidai you love him for awhile now.
- Because you knew he wouldn’t take a quiet expression of love without yelling at you to pump it up.
- Especially since he had been training you to be less nervous and more expressive a few days after you began dating.
- So you planned on making it as loud and expressive as possible.
- Even if thinking about it made you feel like you were having a heart attack.
- So after a great game of football, made great by the team Nidai coached, you had run down to the field to show Nidai your love.
- Nidai meanwhile, had no idea where you were.
- You weren’t at your seat in the stands, nor were you near the concessions.
- He found you though, when he walked out of the concessions.
- The most nervous girl he’s met.
- On the jumbotron. Holding a microphone. Staring at him.
- “N-nidai-kun.”
- Everyone turned to the direction she was looking.
- “This is the only way I could think of telling you that I…that I…”
- Huh?
- “I LOVE YOU!!”
- After five full seconds of silence, everyone in the crowd started cheering.
- That included Nidai, who ran down the stands and onto the field to hug you.
- You cuddled him and went deaf at the same time when he yelled his love back to you.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
- You and Fuyuhiko had been together for quite some time.
- Long enough for you to think that your time had come.
- You wanted to tell him you love him.
- Like that’s gonna happen though.
- Whenever you get to a good time to say anything you stutter and fail miserably.
- Though Fuyuhiko was surprisingly thick to this, Peko noticed immediately and decided to help.
- You and Fuyuhiko were alone again in your living room when you thought of trying to say it again.
- “Hey Fuyuhiko? I want to tell you something…”
- “Yeah?”
- “I-I uh, I…mm, you know what, nevermind.”
- “Ok.”
- Then without warning Peko jumped up next to the baby faced gangster.
- “Master?”
- “What’s up?”
- Peko leaned forward and whispered something into her master’s ear that made his cheeks go pink.
- He then turned to you.
- “Is that true S/O?”
- “W-what?”
- “Please just tell him the truth S/O.”
- You blushed red and looked at the ground.
- “Yeah, I-I love you.”
- Baby gangsters face flared as red as yours.
- “That’s not what you said Peko.”
- What.
- “I told her to tell you the truth. Not the answer to what I said.”
- Peko got up and left, leaving both of you flustered and confused.
Komaeda Nagito
- He would always say how lucky he is to have an S/O like you.
- Though you loved taking this compliment, before you could return with one of your own he would say something like, “Trash like me doesn’t deserve to be near you let alone be in a relationship with you.”
- And this is something you absolutely hated.
- Whenever you caught him saying something like that, you would stop him and tell him to take it back.
- But unfortunately he never took you seriously on that matter.
- At this point you absolutely needed to let him know he isn’t human trash.
- So that’s exactly what you were going to do!
- “Komaeda? I need to tell you something.”
- “What is it S/O-chan?”
- Crap you forgot about your emotions.
- “I - uh - I-I… it’s just…”
- I probably lucked out this morning. He thought, She’s probably breaking up with-
- “I love you Komaeda!”
- What?
- “You don’t have to pity me like that S/O. I already know that I’m tr-”
- Oh no, not this time!
- You grabbed him by the hands and looked him in the eyes.
- “Komaeda Nagito. You are no human trash. You are my boyfriend. I-I love you.”
- This left him absolutely speechless. For once.
- Then he started laughing.
- “I really am lucky to have a wonderful symbol of hope as a girlfriend, aren’t I?”
Teruteru Hanamura
- You thought Hanamura was flirty before you were in a relationship?
- Bish please.
- As soon as you asked him to go out with you, you became an unavoidable target.
- Not that this was a bad thing of course.
- It’s just that you always felt like you needed to return the favor.
- Though you don’t have the confidence to do so.
- So you tried going the so called “easy route” by telling him you loved him.
- Emphasis on tried.
- Almost every time he hit you with a flirty remark you tried telling him.
- But the words got jumbled as they fell from your mouth.
- “My my S/O, you look wonderful in that tight skirt of yours. You should wear it more often.”
- “Thank you! I l-lo, I mean, bought it at, uh, online.”
- Dammit S/O! Just say it! It’s that simple!
- You had to wait until tomorrow. Your confidence just wasn’t having it.
- So when you walked into the school kitchen you were fully prepared.
- Until he handed you a dish, wanting your opinion.
- Not wanting to refuse you took a bite.
- “I love it! It’s delicious.”
- “I’m glad to hear it!”
- Say it!
- “And you.”
- “Hmm?”
- Come on!
- “I l-love you Teruteru!”
- You kept your eyes closed, waiting for him to say something. You heard footsteps and opened your eyes to a kiss on the cheek.
- “I love you too my sweet S/O.”
Ultimate Imposter
- Having a boyfriend that constantly changed his appearance made everyday you tried to tell him you love him very hard.
- It’s like your confidence had been reset with every new disguise.
- You somehow had to get him to remove his mask if you want to actually have to built up confidence to tell him you love him.
- This was going to go nowhere fast.
- You had a plan however.
- You had invited him to your house telling him you had something important to tell him.
- Though you were nervous af you felt like you were ready.
- When he arrived at your house, you asked him to meet you in your room.
- When you entered your room, he was politely sitting on a chair, quietly waiting for you. He was dressed as Makoto after all.
- When you sat on the bed you looked at him.
- “Imposter, could you please take off your mask?”
- “Wha- S/O you know I can’t-”
- You him in the eyes.
- “Please, imposter.”
- Against his better judgement, he looked you in the eyes, and took off his mask.
- When you saw his actual face, it hit you how important this is to you, and might be to imposter.
- “Mm! Uh…”
- Your face flushed red.
- “I-I-I,”
- Even Imposters cheeks were dusted pink.
- “I-I love you, and only you, Imposter.”
- When you confirmed that you loved him for his personality, and not one he’s copied, and his eyes shined like diamonds.
- Then declared how he loved you too, and asked if you wanted to go somewhere special to celebrate, once again taking on his Makoto Naegi persona.
Gundam Tanaka
- You had always seen him giving affection to his animals.
- To the point where it would make some girls would jealous.
- But you generally don’t mine.
- You do get to be around a lot of cute and exotic animals anyway.
- You wanted to thank him for everything, so why not thank him by telling him you love him?
- But your brain was not having it.
- You want to tell someone you love him even after you confessed your love to him?
- Hell no!
- So your idea seems to go straight down the drain.
- Until his Devas give you an idea.
- Literally.
- They approach you with a piece of paper and a pencil.
- So you took it in your hand
- “Ah! My Dark Devas. You have returned. Did you have fun visiting the dark mistress?”
- “Hm? What kind of message have you received from the underworld this morrow?”
- The note read “I love you Gundam ~ S/O”
- And there you were next to the door frame, blushing your face off.
- Gundam pulled his scarf over his nose for the same reason and walked over to you.
- “I am glad you feel this way my queen. If you must know, I feel the same.”
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Raven-Home was alive with revelry, as it often was. Many of the visitors were fed or feasting, drunk or drinking, or playing at small games about the field. There was never a dull moment at Regent's feasts, and I knew there was no risk of it happening soon, as Regent stepped toward a ring of rope fencework to announce our next amusement.
Regent: Now, let's have a little fun, shall we?
Regent: It's all well and good that our houses are all allied, but I think we should stir up a little chaos - spark a friendly rivalry or two, eh?
The King unceremoniously began to discard his armor, working himself down to a pair of simple cloth breeches and little else. His lithe figure showed little definition in the torchlight, and he grinned at his audience as he unbound his hair and let it fall loose over his shoulders.
Regent: I challenge each house to a wrestling match. Your head can either step forward and meet me themselves, or commit a champion in their stead.
Regent: The rules are simple. No powers, no psychic tricks, no magic. Victory goes to whomever can pin their opponent for five seconds straight, counted by the referee - else I decide if a bout goes on long enough to forfeit.
Regent: Whoever wins - or in the case of multiple or no winners, whoever lasts longest - earns my favor for the night to spend as they please.
Regent: So, who would accept the challenge first? We've got three fights to clear, and the night's plenty young.
There were murmurs among the spectators, especially from those of the noble houses who had only to accept the challenge, as they decided who should go first, and whether or not they should designate a champion.
Naturally, having no champion to fight for him, Roasin stepped forward first. Regent met his challenger with an excited grin.
Regent: Lord Volyat. Good to see you're in high spirits.
Roasin: --- Likewise, Seer-King.
Regent: A shame and a half I'll have to put them and you both to the floor.
Regent: Dogana! On your ready!
The burgundy Maid sat at the edge of the arena, fumbling around a pile of flags until she found one that displayed the seal of Avalon. She raised the flags with every count of a number until her arms were held high in the sky.
Dogana: Fi^v^e! Four!
Dogana: Three! T^w^o!
Dogana: One! Fight!
And both flags dropped. The combatants rushed at each other, planting hands on their opponents shoulders or waists, and they began to grapple, punch, and knee one-another to wear their foe down. Roasin put forward a serious effort, which was helped by his natural tealblooded strength, but Regent's constitution was legendary.
Roasin's knee met his foe's ribs several times, then shifted to hit his stomach, trying in vain to knock the wind out of him, but Regent gritted his teeth, keeping a firm grip on the Lord's shoulder as he slammed hard into Roasin's side.
Both fighters grunted and groaned and heaved as they tried to upend one another, until Regent turned his free hand on the same side as his grappling hand, rent Roasin to the ground with a powerful shove, and rolled to place a knee on his chest, pinning him in place. Dogana counted the seconds, and Roasin wheezed at the call of "five" when his opponent lifted his knee and extended a hand.
Regent: Hhah, bastard!
Regent: Fable hasn't been halfassing your unarmed training, has she?
Roasin: --- hhhnn...no, Gods-, she certainly has not.
Roasin: --- That said...I still need to work on it.
Regent: Keep at it. Dizmar! Get this man a drink and a cushion!
Regent: Now who's next? Elysium, or Alternia?
My mother began to appraise the situation, keeping a thoughtful look on her face as she looked at the people who could potentially champion Elysium in the wrestling match. I had already figured who I would send into the ring - either dad, who was little different from Regent, though physically hardier, or Fable, who was an undisputed master with most known forms of combat, and had our father's stubborn force of will to match.
Tarkas was a good third option, having been trained by Fable, much like Roasin, though for much longer, and doubtless his training would have been reinforced by Amarokian durability. Those three would make natural competitors against Regent, and I was certain she'd choose one of them to go in her stead.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Emperor Foebus whispering between his matesprit Santia and his advisor Lilvia, nodding his head at last to show he came to a decision. He raised his glass and accepted Regent's challenge.
Foebus: o)-- i c}{()()se varn()x trivel as my c}{ampi()n!
And from the Alternian lot, a lanky purpleblood sans-makeup lumbered into the ring. He widened his stance and prepared for the fight, and I took the opportunity to sneak over to Foebus' side to pry.
Rowan: not accepting the challenge yourself, emperor? how curious.
Foebus: o)-- }{e}{. well, t}{ere are tw() t}{ings st()pping me fr()m g()ing in t}{ere and tr()uncing regent myself little miss winc}{ester.
He nonchalantly waved his glass, sloshing some of its contents about.
Foebus: o)-- f()r starters, i'm already starting t() get buzzed. can't be t()() l()ng n()w 'til i'm starting t() get drunk.
Rowan: and the other thing?
Foebus: o)-- getting t}{e piss beaten ()ut ()f y()u by a human juggernaut surprisingly isn't all t}{at fun, win ()r l()se.
Lilvia: I trust VarnOx still has his wiles abOut him. Elsewise it's dOwn tO brute strength.
Rowan: and i'm pretty sure that's a contest regent wins most of the time.
Foebus: o)-- if n()t}{ing else, }{e can last a damn l()ng w}{ile. }{()pefully y()ur dad and sister are drunk, r()wan.
Rowan: oh? why should we hope for that?
Foebus: o)-- lady isabella - all respect t() t}{e w()man - already }{as pleeeeeeeenty ()f regent's fav()r. and besides - i want s()me f()r myself, }{e}{.
I nodded, then quietly returned to my seat. The fight was already well underway, and compared to his first bout against Roasin, the violence inflicted between Regent and Varnox was staggering. The purpleblood bore down on Regent with pure malice, making every effort to pummel the Seer to the earth, and Regent, for his part, was holding up surprisingly well.
The fight had lasted twice as long as Roasin's attempt, and it had seemed for a moment that Varnox was winning. He had bent his foe low to the ground, then shoved Regent onto his back, but in a motion that was both blindingly quick and surprisingly fluid, Regent turned Varnox over onto his stomach, locking one arm against the small of his back. Dogana counted to five, and Regent threw his arms into the air in boast.
Two of Varnox's friends, Saepho and Silvee, sprung from the Alternian crowd to retrieve and mend the unfortunate champion, while Regent dropped to his knees as Athene came to his side and began her work.
If Roasin had managed to bruise Regent, then Varnox broke bones and left bigger bruises. The King's breathing was ragged, his body leaning painfully to one side, and a trickle of blood crept from the corner of his mouth, but his face was still a snarl of vicious confidence. And now he had just one opponent left.
Once he had been fully healed, the Seer shouted his third challenge.
Regent: Good fight, Foebus, Varnox - I expected no less from Alternia!
Regent: You all may win tonight's favor yet, but let's not count our chickens before they hatch.
Regent: Queen Isabella! Have we any contenders from Elysium?
Victor and Fable were both sitting on the edges of their seats, waiting to be called on. Mom took one more appraising look about her company, then stood.
Isabella: Hirces. Win this for me, please.
There was a brief moment of silence, and in that moment I was rightly confused. Hirces? The huntsman, doubtless strong in his own right, but hardly comparing to our house's known warriors. He would be our champion? I glanced back, watching him slowly rise to his feet. Isabella was the only one who didn't look back at him, though she wore a small smile as she heard him answer.
Hirces: yes, my lady. count it yours.
He threw off his tabard and hood, stalking toward the arena, and for a moment, I could've sworn I saw the faintest hint of yellow-ochre at the corners of his cheeks unmarred by his facial scar. When he was within the arena, he lowered himself to the ground, ready to pounce.
Regent: Well, looks like Dogana's gonna have a real show now.
Hirces: shed better. i dont get to show off often.
Regent: Ready to make losing look good?
Hirces: speak for yourself.
Regent nodded, Dogana blushed and began the countdown. When the fight began, Hirces lunged at Regent with lethal speeds, but was met by what amounted to an immovable object. He struck and tore at the King, a frenzy of focused violence, and Regent withstood it all, landing a few of his own blows in turn.
The huntsman began to vary his approach - hooking his legs under Regent's, groping for a good position to hoist him straight off the ground, wearing at him with punches and kicks, he tried everything, but each strategy seemed to be checked. Legs would shift or plant to avoid being taken out, weight would be forced down lower to the earth, and blows would be mitigated by physical endurance alone.
Things started working more and more in Regent's favor, as Hirces' onslaught began to wane, more for lacking any more tricks to try than for exhaustion. For a moment, Regent had seemed poised to topple his opponent, but then the tables were turned.
One hand sprung up and tore Regent's grappling hand off Hirces' shoulder, and he followed the motion by stepping inside the Seer's stance, hooking his leg behind Regent's own. He threw his free arm behind the small of Regent's back, and pushed hard off his back leg, toppling the King in a brutally swift motion.
Landing hard on Hirces' arm bent Regent back to the earth odd, visibly causing him pain, and Hirces capitalized on his success by placing his free arm hard down on Regent's throat, leaving him stunned. Dogana counted it out.
Dogana: One! T^w^o!
Dogana: Three! Four!
Dogana: And fi^v^e! Hirces ^w^ins!!!!!!
The Hunter-Praetor crawled off of his fallen foe, taking to his knees. He seemed no more winded than when he began the fight, but Regent writhed on the ground with a moment's pain clearing up.
Regent: Ghh-od-damn...
Athene rushed into the arena, healing Regent once more.
Regent: ...My back...?
Athene: n()t br()ken, just sprained.
Regent: That felt, waaaaaay worse than a sprain. Gods.
Athene: d() y()u need any help, hirces?
Hirces: no thanks.
A bit of yellow blood welled at the corner of his mouth, but his expression only dared Athene to say anything. She didn't, and simply finished her work on the King.
When she returned to the crowd behind Regent, the King stood up, stretched, and looked Hirces in the eye. It had seemed for the moment that he was judging the goldblood, but that thought was dispelled when he belted out in laughter and slapped his opponent's shoulder.
Regent: That hurt like hell! Remind me not to piss you off, eh?
He raised one hand triumphantly in our direction, and Dogana likewise raised the flag displaying our family crest.
Regent: Victory - and my favor - goes to the Winchester house and the Kingdom of Elysium! Give this man your applause!
A deafening uproar followed as Hirces stood, gave Regent a short bow, and returned to his seat. The King then began letting anyone pick opponents to wrestle, and the order of the challenges seemed from a distance to be first-come, first-serve, but I paid little attention to it.
Instead, I watched as Hirces was stopped just before passing Isabella. He looked up to her, darkness concealing his expression, and all I heard was a quiet congratulation for the victory. Hirces returned to his seat, lazily throwing on his tabard and hood, and for the rest of the night, the revelry at Raven-Home was as expected.
People were fed or feasting, drunk or drinking, and playing games about the field.
And there was never a dull moment.
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