bedriddenandcrying 1 year
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Dunno how to feel abt this but spidey stelle馃挭
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inkedberries 1 year
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i absolutely love fics where bruce and clark have no idea who their secret identities are and they fall in love. that鈥檚 my iv drip
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lover-of-mine 2 months
Okay, but I kinda wanna talk about the panic attack conversation with new context, because here's the thing, the wording of that conversation is very on purpose. And Buck is calling Eddie out in a very specific way because what Buck is saying is actually "if you love me you're not going to do that to her" but like, everything about that conversation is crazy. Buck is checking in in a way I feel he's very entitled to considering that he gets Chris if something happens to Eddie, so if Eddie is seeing cardiologists, something might be wrong and I think Eddie gave up the right to privacy about his health when he signed his will, but like, does Buck assume the problem is the shooting because he is still anxious about it? And like, Buck is assuming things are fine with Ana, we have no reason to believe things aren't fine with Taylor, but you don't talk about a relationship you want to be in as just fine, and Buck is talking about loving someone who doesn't love him enough to be all the way in and he's talking about Abby, but is he? The will reveal was a love confession. But halfway done. It was a shield. Eddie hiding behind Chris. "My kid loves her" "Is that enough?". Is Buck saying your kid loves me. You offered him to me. What does it mean? Is that all it takes? If that's all it takes then why aren't you all the way in with me? Why does all I get is a maybe under a condition I can't live with? "Somehow we became a ready made family and I don't know if I'm ready for that" Buck has been taking care of Chris since he found out Chris existed. Someone assumed Eddie, Chris and Buck were a family months into them knowing each other. Is Buck seeing that as Eddie being scared of any type of family? Is Buck seeing that as Eddie being scared of his place in Chris' life? Does he think Eddie would freak out if it was him? That's pretty much the only situation where we see Buck seem genuinely mad at Eddie. Eddie confessed his love hiding behind his child, now he's having all these feelings about someone assuming Ana's place in their life. Is Buck feeling as rejected there because he has no way of knowing if Eddie wouldn't react like that if someone assumed that about them? Because the will is a love confession but is one that Buck can't accept. In his head that is conditional. And the price is something he will never be willing to pay. "If you don't want to hurt Ana, you owe it to her to be honest" "come on, Eddie, if you're not gonna be honest with Frank, at least be honest with me", "look, man, you don't need to pretend with me" was Buck begging for clarification? Was Buck asking if he's allowed to want this? Has Buck been daring Eddie to say it again because he doesn't know if he read what happened right since Eddie didn't mention it again and he can't risk being wrong? Is the miscommunication of this situation even deeper than we imagined? Did Eddie assume Buck rejected what he offered while Buck assumed Eddie didn't love him enough to offer everything? Does Eddie understand that while he offered everything, he put a condition to it that Buck will never take because Buck needs him too much to even consider? Does Eddie understand that he offered Buck everything he ever wanted and put it just out of his reach in a place Buck would never dare to reach for anyway, because he thinks the only way he gets there is if Eddie dies and Eddie dying means he's not actually getting everything he wanted? I wrote in a fic once "I can't ask for more of you, Eddie" "everything is already yours", but do they even realize that that's what's going on? That they are imagining obstacles that could be solved if they were just honest with each other the way they keep begging the other to be? Do they even understand that the only thing between them is the way they keep assuming things and acting on that assumption instead of just asking for clarification? "You don't need to decide right now" does Buck think that Eddie not telling him again means he made a decision already? Are they just looking at each other thinking they can't reach for it????????
Are they just trapped in the moment that gun went off watching the other fall away and helpless to do anything about it??????
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poems-of-a-lover 1 year
i love boys so much i love men i love guys i love men with piercings i love men with curly hair i love men with dyed hair i love men with natural hair i love men with big noses i love men with crooked teeth i love men with freckles i love short men i love tall men i love fat men i love skinny men i love muscly men i love goth men i love preppy men i love sporty men i love men with pets i love men with confidence i love men who are working on themselves god i fucking love men
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eidolons-stuff 1 year
Enid: *startled, jumps back away from Wednesday*
Nurse: *realises* "Am I interrupting something?"
Enid: *nervously chuckles* "uh- no no"
Wednesday: "I would disagree"
Enid: *secretly grins*
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ha-youwish 1 month
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strifezz 1 year
Get it grandpa 馃
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inutaffy 1 year
something about liam being the first person to see theo take pain. something about liam being the first person to give theo a chance. something about how he saw theo take the pain of someone who just shot at him, someone who hates him--who hurt him, something about liam being the first person to trust theo again after everything that he did, even if he didnt know it, even if he didnt admit it
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maudiemoods 4 months
Need a reliable site that won't sell my art to ai
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meowdyjac 1 month
I'm breaking my promise to keep playing on team Frye until she wins.
The human's wishes will NOT be in vain! WE SHAN'T SUFFER THE SAME FATE!!!
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bettertwin9000 9 months
Yes it is
Don't know what you're talking about.
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lover-of-mine 4 months
Okay, more thoughts. I already said it here, that I think this is about Eddie, given the patterns we have of framing and positioning for the 2 of them in important conversation.
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But here's the thing, if this is about their relationship or if this is about Buck, this scene will be a game changer. Because here's the thing, Buck's admiration of Eddie clouds his judgement, Eddie can't exist in this place where he thinks he's always right and Buck always agrees with it, and Buck can't exist in a place where what Eddie says goes if a relationship between them is gonna work. When there's conflict, Buck is always literally and figuratively looking up at Eddie, and that's a problem.
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Buck can't let Eddie get away with thinking he's right all the time and making the choices by himself. And if they are sitting down and having a conversation where they are on the same level in all aspects then it's game over. It would be HUGE. Buck breaking through that and calling Eddie out, forcing Eddie to hear his side, forcing Eddie to talk to him and not just make the choice by himself and expect Buck to be okay with it is HUGE. And if we take the fact that Eddie is in his uniform, but Buck isn't, this scene possibly being Buck cornering Eddie to force him to talk?? I would lose my mind. Like legit start screaming. This scene right there has SO MUCH POTENTIAL in moving them towards being together.
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poems-of-a-lover 11 months
need a boyfriend whos also my best friend. i have. so many thoughts today. i miss having someone to talk to all the time.
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heartblobs 6 months
Downloaded Some 1920s CC...
Not a lot, just a few hairs and makeup to test it out/make a few Sims for future story purposes and oh my god 馃槏 I absolutely cannot wait for the 1920s in my save!
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gotta-bail-my-quails 7 months
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bugeatrr 5 months
being out of weed is like being held down and tortured sober this shi crazy
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