kirain · 3 months
I decided to make adult designs and "where are they now" stories for all the child tieflings who are confirmed to survive to Act 3.
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Unbeknownst to her, Arabella was a latent sorcerer with a natural connection to the Weave. Her powers likely would've manifested at puberty, but touching the idol of Silvanus imbued her with wild druid magic, multiclassing her prematurely. This caused an internal struggle between the two powers, which threatened to rip her and anyone around her apart. Fortunately, with Withers' guidance, she set out to follow the Weave and found balance in her new, strange abilities. For years she traveled Faerûn alone, honing her skills and making peace with her past. Eventually, she became known as the "Wondering Storm", so attuned to nature some would mistake her for Silvanus' Chosen. Those who crossed her, however, would swear she was Jergal's Chosen; able to end a life with a single stare. Though not unkind, Arabella became feared by many for her stoic personality, mysterious presence, and peculiar command of the Weave. It seemed that wherever she was needed, she would inexplicably be.
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Though Raphael went silent, Mol continued to enjoy, and perhaps abuse, the gifts from her patron. With the Absolute defeated, she quickly clawed her way up the ranks of the Guild, eventually becoming a pseudo ward to Nine-Fingers Keene. For years she would sharpen her skills, mentored by Keene and her most trusted associates, until she challenged the notorious crime lord to a duel for leadership. Much to her surprise, Keene lost, and was therefore forced to relinquish command to the young tiefling. Seeing the move as a betrayal, however, the Guild's loyalty was split, causing the criminal powerhouse to fracture. This led to a dark time for the Guild, with many in Baldur's Gate referring to it as the "Outlaw Civil War". Much blood was shed during this conflict, but eventually Mol turned the tides in her favour, running Keene and those still loyal to her out of the city. She would go on to rebuild the Guild in her image, successfully and more fearsome than ever; though, when she approached her old colleagues with an invitation to join, they all declined.
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Once he managed to enter the city, Mattis tried to find his companions from the Grove, but he ultimately turned his sights to conning rich families with "panaceas from the hells". For a while, he flourished under this racket, until his scheme was exposed by jealous competition. This led to him being violently assaulted by angry customers, nearly ending his life—he only survived by rolling into a rapid canal. After being saved by a kind, impoverished couple who fished him out of the water, he spent nearly three months confined to a bed. His recovery was slow and agonizing, but hardly discouraging. Instead of succumbing to his misery, he took the time to plot his revenge. With the couple's help, he learned the laws of the land and revived his strength. Then, when able, he cut his hair, disguised his face, spied on the man who wronged him, and subsequently tricked him into signing his business over to the couple. Together, they turned the questionable business into something respectable. Mostly. Mattis' silver tongue finally became an asset, rather than a survival tactic, though he was never above a good swindle.
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Ide and Umi took up arms during the Absolute's attack on the city, each of them basking in the action. Realising that Umi had developed an insatiable bloodlust, and itching for more battles herself, Ide suggested they enlist into the army. Though technically too young, the new General—appointed by High Duke Ravengard after the fall of the Absolute—accepted them as apprentices until they came of age.
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Though their time with the Flaming Fist was imperative to their training and survival, they found the rules and hypocrisy of the troop disheartening, and even more so when the General died. Eventually they deserted, leaving Baldur's Gate entirely and starting a small band of vigilantes. To some, they were a menace. To others, they became heroes of the Sword Coast. No matter the case, Ide and Umi were inseparable, never seen apart.
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Inspired by his saviours, Mirkon continued to write stories about his time in the Grove and his rescue from the harpies. He never found his parents, but he refused to live in the slum's orphanage. Life was hard for the young tiefling, often forcing him to grovel for food and coin. On the worst days, he found comfort turning his stories into songs, which he slowly morphed into a semi-profitable street act. This eventually caught the attention of Alfira, who one day happened to be passing by. Recognising his talent, and overjoyed to be reunited, she took him in and taught him how to play the violin. Together, they created a lucrative show that expanded well beyond the Elfsong Tavern, which aided Alfira in opening her dream college. She and Lakrissa would soon adopt Mirkon, and he would later become one of the most beloved and celebrated instructors at the college.
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Though working as a hawker for the Baldur's Mouth kept Silfy fed and relatively sheltered, she grew listless. Dealing with rude and racist customers hardened her enough to snap back, resulting in her termination. With nowhere to go, she found herself wandering into Ramazith's Tower, where she implored Rolan for a job. Feeling for her plight, Rolan put her to work stocking shelves and filling orders. It wasn't exciting work, but she was safe and satisfied, until one day a customer's tome exploded, causing a flurry of rainbow flames that whirled into the shape of a unicorn. This event, though frightening, would inspire Silfy to start reading the books in the shop, with the help of Tolna and Rolan. To everyone's surprise, she proved to have an impressive aptitude for magic, and she soon found herself enthralled. Within just a few years, Silfy would be accepted into Blackstaff Academy, where she would excel in her studies and catch the eye of the great Vajra Safahr. She would offer Silfy a position in the school, as well as a mentorship, but Silfy would politely decline, graduate, and return to Bauldr's Gate. Her true home.
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mmothmanners · 3 months
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I had to draw my boy Ris'daer alongside the Bards I've played in D&D games!
Left to Right: Dawne, Ris'daer, Wilaver, IDE
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nixcraft · 9 months
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amortodososdias · 6 months
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petchic101 · 8 months
Our Favorite Tiefling Kids as Young Adults!
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I made all of the Tiefling kids from Baldur's Gate 3 into Teens/Adults! In this au, Mol and the kids are running a very successful thieves guild in Baldur's Gate For all of their different horn and shin colors all their eyes are orange lol
Top to Bottom: Mol - she/them - Rogue Top Dog, Will kill you if you hurt her kids Arebella - she/her - Sorcerer Defiantly not a necromancer Mattis - he/him - Ranger Face of the business Ide - they/him - Wizard Fell in love with the circus and started studying magic Umi - they/them - Druid Found themselves missing the grove, studies under a certain pink haired half-orc Silfy - she/her - Bard Looked up to Alfira and studied under her to be a bard Meli - he/him - Ranger Definition of talk shit get hit Gan - he/him - Fighter No I didn't dye my horns it's real blood! D< Doni - Barbarian (Wouldn't hurt a fly) Only lets Umi cut his hair Zaki - he/him - fighter Got a little to hoity toity and left for a bit
For kids with hats I tried to match eyebrow colors as best I could but I did get free reign Any kid with curly hair got either a protective style or remained curly Mattis went from protective style-protective style If you have any questions about the colors I used let me know!
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Imagine if Misa decorated her and Light’s apartment. The new Kira headquarters would consist of a lot of black, skulls, creepy puppets, candles and drawings of Rem with a dash of pink. The task force thinks this is okay and normal
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bppeny32 · 2 months
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A Wizard's Apprentice
My submission for a tiefling discord Valentine's exchange 💜 for @chibi_trex (on Twitter) ft her OC Merridyn
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crazyfox-archives · 5 months
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A hanging scroll dating to the early Edo period (1600-1868) depicting the deity Ishanaten (伊舎那天 (Sanskrit: Īśāna)), a Buddhist version of the South Asian deity Śiva
From the collection of Henjōzan Saifukuji Temple (遍照山 西福寺) in Ide, Kyoto Prefecture, publicly displayed for the first time this year during a special exhibition at the temple
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yasirmukhtar · 8 months
Premis: Kita bisa ciptakan value dengan menjawab masalah yang dirasakan orang.
Pertanyaan: Gimana menemukan masalah yang layak dijawab?
Insight: Sebagian masalah gak obvious pada awalnya. Pilih satu masalah apapun yang mau dijawab, nanti masalah-masalah lainnya akan mulai keliatan.
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salorem · 12 days
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watched/read dungeon meshi. enjoyed it. here are my ocs as some of the races
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chernobog13 · 10 months
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"What the heck is Hayata doing way up there?"
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"Yoddle-lay-hee yoddle-lay-hee yoddle-lay-hee-ho!"
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hottiesbooted · 7 days
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Model: Emily
Site: IDE.
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isssaaag · 9 months
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What kind of IDE do use in your project?
About me, I especially use VS Code due to its convenience and flexibility.
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idereahellyeah · 1 year
J'ai vu les post de @plaidetchocolatchaud et je me suis rendue compte que j'ai été plutôt sage sur les retraites. Alors que bon.
Je m'appelle A., j'ai 33 ans, je suis infirmière depuis 10 ans et j'ai déjà deux accidents du travail reconnu qui m'handicaperont toute ma vie.
Je travaille dans un service privilégié où on a beaucoup de matériel pour nous aider, pourtant chaque jour je vois des collègues mettre leurs mains sur leurs hanches pour soulager leurs dos ou s'étirer la nuque dans l'espoir d'un craquement libérateur.
Je travaille avec une équipe jeune pourtant beaucoup portent les traumas de voir la douleur, la mort, la souffrance de vie de leurs patients. Nombreux sont ceux également qui avec l'alternance jour/nuit ne peuvent dormir sans prendre un traitement et je ne compte plus ceux qui en sortant du boulot vont systématiquement boire un coup pour ne pas ramener le boulot à la maison.
J'ai aussi la chance d'être entourée de mentor, quelques rares dinosaures qui travaillent depuis plusieurs décennies dans le service. L'expérience fait qu'ils refusent de faire certains gestes, comme les compressions thoraciques, afin de se préserver car ils savent qu'ils ne peuvent plus. Même remonter les patients dans les lits leur est difficile avec l'arthrose qui déforme leurs doigts et la fin de journée est difficile malgré les bas de contentions.
Encore une fois, j'ai de la chance, pas comme les 3/4 des services où toutes les conditions sont dégradés. Chez moi on nous demande de travailler plus avec moins, chez eux on leur demande de faire plus avec rien.
Les soignants n'arrivent pas à vieillir à l'hôpital, peu dépassent l'âge de 60 ans et les gens arrivent plus tard dans le milieu.
Et le gouvernement veut instaurer 64 ans de départ à la retraite et 43 ans de cotisation? Mais on va où sérieux?
L'hôpital va mal, ce n'est pas un secret de polichinelle, et on demande encore à ceux qui le font tenir de faire plus. C'est épuisant.
La pénibilité n'est pas reconnue pourtant, pour rappel, les femmes qui travaillent de nuit sont celles qui ont le plus de risque de développer des cancers et des maladies cardio vasculaires. Dans le discours du gouvernement on parle des aides soignants mais, outre les infirmiers, pourquoi juste eux? Les ASH qui manipulent des produits chimiques toute la journée n'ont pas un boulot pénible? Les manipulateurs radios qui se bouffent malgré tout des rayons toute la journée n'ont pas un boulot pénible? Et les médecins qui commencent à travailler officiellement à partir de l'internat, on les fait bosser jusqu'à 90 ans sous prétexte qu'ils "gagnent bien" leur vie? Sans déconner.
Hier j'étais dans la rue car je ne travaillais pas mais je pensais fort à mes collègues qui ont été réquisitionnés et qui portaient un bout de scotch sur leurs tenues marqué "En Grève".
Je pensais fort également à tous ceux qui hors de l'hôpital sont comme nous concernés, soit beaucoup trop de monde.
Force à nous tous !
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izicodes · 1 year
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>> Monday 28 November 2022 🌷
Continuing my Python study and I'm on Day 18 of the 100 Days of Python on Repl.it. In this lesson, I had to make a guessing game using my knowledge of while loops, continue, break, and if-statements! I found it really cool and it was fun! Small steps to my goals with Python.
Always been off and on with Python but now I want to sit down and dedicate real time to learning and follow through with it - not go into and learn lots and stop for months on end. I wanna make cool projects with Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Got to work hard for it though!
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codingcorgi · 7 months
Currently making a small C# program on my phone using an IDE that's in an app. I'm so bored waiting on my tires to be replaced! I need ideas for a small console game! I'm drawing a blank rn.
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