#I'm so sorry kiddo
followerofmercy · 2 months
I think Freminet has some of the most interesting dissonance in his self perception of any Genshin character.
Like, of the Hearthlings we know, he's one of the most emotionally mature and intelligent. Lynette might still have him beat, but after playing her hangout... I dunno. I think they're tied. Lyney is Crumbling, Alrecchino is. Well. Arlecchino. Everyone else is a deeply traumatized child or adult and Freminet seems to pretty regularly be people's emotional support. His character stories talk about getting his vision by saving a bunch of other kids on a dive that went bad. The Selkie event literally had him being a therapist for a grownass woman, citing his past experiences with all the other Hearthlings that have died or killed themselves. And he handled that situation WELL. Yeah, he seems to live in a fantasy, but goddamn he's alive and a lot of people in his position aren't so clearly something is working.
Either his or Lyney's character story talks about the time Freminet had reached out to Lyney to try to ease his burdens, which resulted in Lyney blowing up at him. That probably contributed to Freminet thinking he's not good at it, but I think the reason Lyney reacted so badly was BECAUSE Freminet is actually a good support. He can't allow himself that from the little brother he's supposed to protect.
Freminet seems to both cry and dissociate often, but like... Kiddo you are in fact the only person in this family actually processing your emotions. Lynette dissociates 24/7. Arlecchino. Lyney lies and tells everyone he's fine and would literally rather die than admit otherwise. In comparison, Freminet is doing FANTASTIC
Freminet also gets a lot out of helping people! Like anyone, he needs to feel useful and needed. He seems to be an excellent mentor to the younger Hearthlings and perfectly competent on his own, but when you put him in a room with Lyney and Lynette who baby him and insist that THEY take care of HIM, he withdraws into himself.
Like, Freminet by himself feels like a young man and Freminet with the magician twins feels like a teenager. I have no idea how old he actually is. Logically, he would be OLDER than them! He's been with the House much, much longer and his experience shows. I think it's fascinating that they love him SO MUCH and yet, they just Cannot let him help them. Which is hurting him.
(Lynette is much better about not babying him and that is probably why their relationship is so much better than Freminet and Lyney's. Also why she keeps having to mediate between them. Because Lyney charges off trying to Fix Everything and that just makes Freminet feel useless and he doesn't want to get in the way and- you get the point)
Idk. It's hard to tell what things the previous director said to him vs what Arlecchino has said to him. I'm inclined to think our Arlecchino was the one that said he cries too much, but in a "crying in front of your enemies will get you killed" way and she herself is too fucked up to realize how "you cry too much" could be damaging.
Also I try not to consider gameplay stuff when it comes to story, but Freminet also has some of the most BRUTAL animations. He SMASHES HIS EMOTIONAL SUPPORT METAL PENGUIN INTO HIS ENEMY'S FACE. He doesn't think he's the most amazing fighter, and by Fatui standards he probably isn't, but he is winning fights against most grown men.
Tldr Freminet thinks he cries too much and is a burden and isn't good at helping people when he's actually the most mentally stable Hearthling send tweet
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qpjianghu · 5 months
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I have seen the world but you are my home.
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cienie-isengardu · 15 days
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Ares and his sons: Deimos & Phobos
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little-pup-pip · 6 months
I’d love to request a mood board based on neopets please. Unisex is okie dokie (just if you do any clothes, please can they be gender neutral or more male leaning), paci is awesome or maybe a teether toy instead and I’m happy with deco or plain. Have fun with it, I like your boards a lot. Thank you!
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fr-thrice · 1 year
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I've fallen behind on naming Vormun and Izumi's latest offspring, so there's 2 clutches still hanging out in the lair and another about to hatch tomorrow. it's getting crowded in their place!!
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stitchedragdoll · 7 months
Hi Stitcher Julie! Don’t know if your found of kids, But. Meet Maggie. ^^
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This is Maggie. She’s just offering you a hug. If that’s cool. Anyways. Love ya :3
Hello hello
Make sure to read the rules ! I have gotten a few roleplay asks again and I have to remind you that Stitcher cannot see you ! This blog will not roleplay ! There are special cases where I can answer, but it will only happen rarely
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But to answer your questions, it's not that Stitcher isn't fond of kids, but she's terrible with them
At first she will try to be friendly and play with the kiddo, she doesn't mind hugs either, but after a while she gets bored and then I can't say the child will be safe. And worse, if the child is annoying, Stitcher won't hesitate to kill them. After all, if a kid is walking around alone in the Out of Bound, it's that there's no one to look after them, right ? Who will miss them then ? That's Stitcher's logic
You better send your kid to Keeper haha
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wayfinderships · 6 months
Good morning gamers!! Hope you're all doing well!! As for me...well...uh
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I have a crush-
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breezypunk · 1 year
2069-2082: Diary of a merc
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2069: You were confused. You felt more alone than ever before. At only 19 you thought you had the world at your fingertips, but everything changed. You met a guy and you thought you were in love, but he turned out to be a prick. You relied on him for everything, you even told him your deepest secrets. He used it against you, and most of the clan ultimately turned hostile when seeing you around. You were hurting, emotionally more than anything. Is this what it felt like to be a burden?
Time to join snake nation! Except for you it was time to escape. You thought you could handle being on your own, it was better than being with people who wanted to see you at your worst. No, this was your time for freedom, to find people who accepted you for who you were, not what others wanted you to be to fit the mold, not what people thought a "proper" Bakker should be. You are a nomad, you are a fighter, you spent 4 years on the run searching for a place to call home. But you were alone, and it felt like a roller coaster. You ran into people who helped you briefly, you stayed in tents and abandoned trailers until you finally made your way to a place where you were destined to change your life. You found Night City, and maybe it was finally time to retire your nomad roots. You just wanted to rest for once in your life.
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2074: Night City has been an interesting experience for you. You'd only been there for less than a year, and already found yourself with many enemies. You didn't know there were so many gangs walking around, but you found a home with The Mox. They took you in as one of their own when you had nothing to your name, some nights you barely remembered your name. Getting drunk and forgetting the bad shit was your calling. You frequented around Lizzie's bar for two months before being found by Susanna Quinn, who just became the new owner of the bar. You were grateful, but you were scared and understandably so. You were offered a job as a bartender to try and get back on your feet, and even started a small fling with Susanna herself when late nights after the bar was closed, you two found yourselves in her office talking about your pasts, and eventually one thing led to another. It wasn't based on true feelings, touch was always your love language, and you didn't know what real love felt like, you just wanted to feel like someone cared, you let anyone who could give you that in, even when you knew it was pretend.
You are a street kid, or rather.. you inherited the traits of one. In the back of your mind you wondered what it would be like to be a nomad again, where your true freedom really lies, but than remembered freedom was taken from you during that time. You just wanted to find yourself, and you are on the right track. You are accepted by your new friends, you knew The Mox would take care of you. For years after, you'd never forget who was there for you when you were at your lowest point.
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2077: Things went ass up for you, and not in a good way. You found yourself in a lot of danger, but most importantly, you're quite literally going insane. Moving to Night City was suppose to be a positive change for you, but somehow, someway, Vaughn Leblanc always manages to find himself lying face down in a pile of cow shit. Question is, how do you find your way out? You meet someone. He begs you for help, and maybe you can hardly hear him because you're too busy staring, but he knows you need him as much as he needs you, and right now you're pretty much digging yourself a grave, with Johnny Silverhand on your left with a second shovel. You thought you were gonna make it in this world, you managed to get a job doing merc work, you found yourself an apartment, you were making the big bucks, kiddo. But nothing ever goes as planned in your life, and when did it ever? You had a choice, die or live. You wanted to live, and your talking emotional support brain tumor wanted to help you.
Times are officially tougher than they've ever been, but you're tougher than you've ever been, you had no choice. You lost everything, and it was up to you to find it, to start over and have this last chance to make something of your life before it was too late. You are a lone-wolf. You walked a lonely road, and lonely it was. It was a lesson well learned, you needed that taste of loneliness to get you were you are today. You were always a lone wolf, it just took you a long time to admit you liked it.
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2082: After everything you've been through over the last few years, you've finally managed to find some peace in your life. You have obstacles, a lot in fact, but it's nothing you've never been able to get through. You've built an empire with your found family, to be there for each other and lean on each other through tough times, something that you've never experienced before moving to the big city. Running away from a group of people who couldn't have cared less was the best thing to ever happen to you.
You fell in love for real, you spent five years with someone who helped you understand what love truly felt like. You settled down and even got yourself an apartment and became a cat dad. You could finally rest if you wanted. Of course there's never any rest for the wicked, and you still have a lot of unfinished business. But your life was starting to finally have some meaning, and you were happier than you'd ever been. You are a nomad forever, you spend a lot of time out in the badlands and you spend time protecting your clan, The Aldecaldos. You're comfortable there, you're comfortable leading with your best friend Panam, and it took time to feel comfortable, and sometimes you and your family don't see eye to eye, but you will protect them until your last breath, there's not a thing you wouldn't do for them.
Jackie would be proud.
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Went on a huge witch/craft supplies run yesterday, spent a fuck ton of money more than I wanted, but I thing it's worth it. I got refills on a bunch of the stuff I've been sharing with kiddo and coworker, I got a book on mermaid magic that looked hella cool, four more oracle decks including three of the Seasons of the Witch decks (Beltane, Litha, and Mabon!), hubby managed to surprise me by sneaking these gorgeous tree of life notebooks into our cart when I wasn't looking, I got a few more notebooks myself in a different store (those were for a good cause and I can't resist notebooks lol), and there were two copies of Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs so I grabbed them both, one for Kiddo and one for Coworker.
Next step in kiddos present is gonna be Grovedaughter Witchery by @breelandwalker and herbs out the ass lol. They already have the crystals I could share, and I've gotten them a pendulum and a tarot deck.
(Sorry if I get overly emotional about Kiddo this week y'all, they turn 18 on Wednesday and I'm having some very strong emotions about it...)
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sighonaraa · 10 months
the football kiddos au, or, as i will now be calling it: The Adventures of Angry Caterpillars and His Jam Tart. everybody say thank you keeley for your incomprehensible dialogue patterns!
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bcrcavcd · 1 year
@sisturn complains: “why are we going grave-robbing again?” abigail drifts to wendy’s side, her brow quirked, “aren’t there other places to get rare stuff? preferably without seeing a skeleton. those give me the heeby-jeebie—”
a small blue specter rises from a nearby headstone, making a pitiful wailing sound. abigail’s eyes narrow, and she immediately puts herself between wendy and the other ghost. the deceased twin moans irritably, swatting at him; the little spirit squeaks, retreating behind the headstone. he peeks out from behind it, looking between the twins with wide eyes. his gaze settles on wendy, and he gives a tiny whine — “scary! scary! help?” — while abigail still glowers at him, practically puffing herself up like an angry bird.
"Because the others at camp are too scared to get things from here..." Wendy illuminates, seeming as completely annoyed by the prospect of coming here as Abigail was. The last time they'd come here had felt so recent, and already the adults were out of gold? It felt preposterous in all honesty, to send a child out with the specters of the world. Wendy didn't mind going there at that point, finding herself at peace with all the doom and gloom around her. That didn't make it fair, however, and she felt a right to complain about it.
However, things change once the specter appears. Usually, the only times they would appear was if they were disturbed, or the full moon was present. Considering it was the middle of the day, that ruled out the latter, and she hadn't even begun digging up the graves yet. So, what was this one doing out?
With that in mind, Wendy also notices how small the ghost seems to be. She and Abigail were only ten, and yet the latter appeared the same size as the other ghosts, so the only thought that passed her mind was one that brought her great sadness. A smaller child than even she, forced into this world and unable to live through it. That poor child... No wonder it was awoken by their presence, such a restless soul must live behind those downtrodden eyes.
He wants help... Perhaps, from her annoyed sister who had every reason to be wary. The living sister was not, though. Such a small creature, he likely couldn't hurt a fly, could he? Much more frightened of them than they ever could be of him. So, she takes that first leap and turns to Abigail, hoping that her words would be enough to calm her down. "I know we don't often see creatures that are completely harmless, but I don't think there's anything we need to be worried about here..." She replies in her normal monotone, before she turns her attention fully to the little ghost.
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"It's alright... I won't let Abigail hurt you, she just gets scared for me is all," Once that focus shifts, Wendy seems to be a lot softer in her toning, something that would be odd for anyone who knew her well. Maybe it was just the fact that the child was so young. Or maybe she felt pity for his situation. In any sense, her main priority was making sure the young one felt safe, even if there wasn't much he needed to worry about.
"It's awfully strange to see one like you without some sort of disturbance... Is there something that keeps you from your rest?" It was the least she could do, offering to help where she could. It didn't mean she would be able to do it, but at the very least she could hear him out. "I don't want you to think I can do anything, but the two of us will see what we can do to help..."
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dragon-spaghetti · 1 year
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*Glances at the tags* Boy do I have bad news for you
But since you insist :) all the turtles watch mlp and had their own oc's as kids. They did dramatic re-enactments of the songs. They all cried when Twilight got her wings. Raph loves fluttershy and applejack, mikey loves pinkie, donnie loves twilight, and leo loves rainbow dash & rarity 💖
It is a comfort show for All Of Them to this day but are they gonna admit it?? Who knows 💀
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s2pdoktopus · 1 year
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The strict Shijie
#and my first Jiang disciple OC. she was going to be the daughter but i decided against it XD#she's old enough to understand the drama and she's gonna have opinions that would matter and she'd feel strongly because#daddy-o was crying on the floor again#so no she's not gonna be THE child. the child has to be a literal kid who just likes to brag that she's gonna be sect leader one day#like Simba singing I just can't wait to be king#fuck that's a material right there... when she realizes that being leader means Jiang Cheng will die because duh?#how did Jin Ling become sect leader?#anyway back to the girl in the pic. she's the little brat's glorified nanny. how her role downgraded XD#little baby jiang mistress is scared of no one! but A-die and strict Shijie.#i kinda wanna make a post about all the jiang kiddos. like their backstories and the core of their characters and what they are in the sect#but also... too lazy to draw it XD#i have thought of a comic again tho. it has Wei WuXian. the territory I am afraid to breach XDDD#oh one of the reasons I decided not to go forth with strict shijie (yes she has no name. i should probably give her one)#is because I thought she looked boring.#i'm sorry MDZS characters looked too alike for me. and that's coming from someone who watch anime!!!#if I'm making an oc they have to at least look unique. strict shijie I think can pop in mdzs and I wouldn't think it weird.#that's how bland she is. but I have drawn her so... welcome to the club strict shijie!
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freakbleeds · 1 year
Bass players are universally just a little bit slutty (affectionate) and I will never be immune to that unfortunately (fortunately).
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ssaalexblake · 9 months
Get a day off babysitting and I can't even celebrate bc I get the day off due to her hurting herself and needing early pickup from her parents 😭
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mythvoiced · 1 year
-. About Eren's connections and whom I personally believed Eren had felt the closest to and whom he might have grown closest to in the healthiest way given the opportunity to do so aka none of the fking story happening lmao. PART 1 because there are loadsa characters and I love doing this, I LOVE LOVE LOVE--
This is NOT SHIPPING RELATED, I don't have anything against shipping (within legal and moral frames), but this post just isn't about that.
Reiner - That Eren idolised Reiner to some small extent is basically confirmed via his reaction to the Reveal, Reiner was a cool not-older-but-older-seeming kid whom Eren looked up to; his brotherly, protective demeanour and the absolute Himbo-ness of his attitude captivated Eren in a way, made him feel (and sometimes even act) like that fricking Spider-man meme. Large puppy dog eyes, 'this guy is so cool!', getting his heart broken by that Reveal absolutely annihilated my heart. That was his guy, his bro, the target of his starry-eyed gaze, dammit Reiner. (I said not shipping related, but I do sometimes like to believe Eren had a crush on this silly-ass goon)
Jean - Do not even look at me, if you've heard me go off about AoT before, chances are you know Jean is my favourite character and ALSO I believe him to be the... best character, as well, morally speaking. He's definitely the most genuine and humane, let me tell you that. But that's besides the point, one thing I am convinced of is that had Eren been given the opportunity to befriend Jean beyond the friendship we see on screen, if we'd gotten to have these two close enough that Eren would confide in Jean, none of the bullshit later down the line would have happened. Jean has the personality type that would get Eren to Stop™. He's honest, he's genuine, he's kind, he's highly intelligent, he cares So Much (I LOVE JEAN), and he's not going to treat you softly when you need some cold hard facts thrown your way. Jean & Eren could have been a fucking Tag Team, dammit. None would have done it like them. If you're seeing this in the tags, @g1gant is a phenomenal fucking Jean I violently recommend Nassy's portrayal, I'm kissing it.
Armin - Armin is Eren's canonical best friend, but part of me believes this friendship was initially born out of a subconscious desire to protect the other. In a way, I do believe these two are that Onion Headline of 'Best Friends Secretly Think Of The Other as Sidekick'. Eren & Armin both seem to believe the other needs them to get through life, which only implies a very firm perception they have of each other that doesn't allow for a lot of deviating from it. They're close, and Armin has a pretty solid understanding of some aspects of Eren's psyche, but I wouldn't say they know each other very deeply. I'd even go as far as saying Armin has a rational understanding of Eren, but his impression of him rules over any new realisations he might have been able to make. He assesses Eren the way he assesses most things.
Mikasa - I might get hate if I write anything here lmao (but I will if prompted, I love starting Mikasa-related shit)
Levi - Levi Ackerman's role in Eren's life is a fucking rabbit hole of fandom nonsense I will not allow myself to perish in, so I'll be quick: Levi is one of the many adults who judge Eren according to his purpose, his usefulness, and/or his threat level to the cause, and he's an ass to him, but he's one of the few adults who, once he's done assessing him, actually remembers he's talking to a kid, and for that he gets bonus points. Eren idolised him and meeting his idol and getting a reality check that deeply fucks with his parasocial relationship to him was good for his mental health, and I do believe adult Eren and Levi would have been good work partners, but... you know. Yeah, I think he's the best adult in Eren's life. But looking at the facts, it's like calling him the tallest dwarf, you know what I mean? Yeah. The adults in AoT suck ass oh god.
And that's all I got for now, I stopped everything I was doing because I couldn't stop thinking about this. Now I gotta go back to... doing things.
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