#they have a leather bound notebook and crystals and herbs and books and whatever odds and ends I can think of coming their way
Went on a huge witch/craft supplies run yesterday, spent a fuck ton of money more than I wanted, but I thing it's worth it. I got refills on a bunch of the stuff I've been sharing with kiddo and coworker, I got a book on mermaid magic that looked hella cool, four more oracle decks including three of the Seasons of the Witch decks (Beltane, Litha, and Mabon!), hubby managed to surprise me by sneaking these gorgeous tree of life notebooks into our cart when I wasn't looking, I got a few more notebooks myself in a different store (those were for a good cause and I can't resist notebooks lol), and there were two copies of Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs so I grabbed them both, one for Kiddo and one for Coworker.
Next step in kiddos present is gonna be Grovedaughter Witchery by @breelandwalker and herbs out the ass lol. They already have the crystals I could share, and I've gotten them a pendulum and a tarot deck.
(Sorry if I get overly emotional about Kiddo this week y'all, they turn 18 on Wednesday and I'm having some very strong emotions about it...)
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thefreelanceangel · 4 years
Tagged: Seven Things
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Annalei d’Latu: 
i. A small jar of lip carmine: Both admittedly vain and of the belief that a woman’s beauty is one of her best weapons, Anna always pays attention to her looks. Even an afternoon of slaughter is no excuse to ignore those particular details that draw the eye. And soft, glossy lips stained dark pink or blood red are definitely a particular detail.
ii. Combination nail file and buffer: Nothing tells someone you’re bored with their conversation quite like breaking out a nail file and diverting your attention to filing your nails. Anna knows this and uses it with cruel relish. 
iii. A silver flask with ‘S & A’ engraved in entwined letters: Although she does have a matching flask for her husband, she hasn’t yet given him the gift commemorating their marriage. Anna prefers to keep mint-laced bourbon available wherever she is and doesn’t stint herself on drinking it.
iv. Wedding ring: Seifer may concern himself with potential mishaps befalling his wedding ring (an excuse for not wearing it that Anna finds questionable, to say the least) but Anna rather proudly flaunts the heavily engraved platinum band with the excessively large, glittering diamond.
v. Blue crystal pendant on a thin silver chain: She doesn’t wear this, but keeps it on her person at all times. As she relies heavily on combat and such sources to keep her own stagnant aether replenished, it helps to have something that will identify the nearest source of potent aether. 
vi. A slim, razor-sharp dagger: Despite preferring to handle all combat with magic, Anna’s quite aware there are times when the only thing that will do is a blade. 
vii. A black leather collar with an intricate silver clasp: After all, she still has one open slot for a permanent lover, and if she happens to find one to her taste, it’d be remiss to not have the appropriate item on hand to claim him. 
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C’allie Kyho:
i. Popcorn / salted peanuts / chocolate-covered nuts / etc.: With the world as her entertainment, C’allie is always equipped with an assortment of snacks. It’d be a waste of a good show if she didn’t have something available to munch while watching a relationship combust, a free company fall apart, a fistfight in the streets. 
ii. Numerous concealed blades of various sizes: Never hurts a girl to be prepared and C’allie prides herself on always being prepared. 
iii. Tomestone: With a propensity for taking candid pictures (and video), C’allie keeps her tomestone readily at hand, just in case something particularly juicy happens and she wants to remember it later. 
iv. A short length of silk rope: Although it certainly has “recreational” uses, the rope she carries with her is just in case she needs to restrain someone for questioning. 
v. A small makeup kit: A girl’s gotta look good for all her lovers, doesn’t she? C’allie can’t always make it back to one of her many boltholes in order to freshen up, so she makes sure she’s got what she needs on the go. 
vi. Several silver flasks: Anyone who loves entertainment as much as C’allie does is going to carry a small variety of alcohol in order to fully enjoy the moment. 
vii. A small emergency medical kit: She’s not a healer, no, but C’allie keeps with her the basic essentials needed to treat a few minor wounds. Why? Well... She has her reasons. 
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Ferazhin Mercile: 
i. A small, faded pink ribbon: Part of being a professional martyr is never forgetting her own mistakes, and so this particular memento is rarely out of Ferazhin’s reach. 
ii. A small brass bell with Hingan writing etched on the handle: Although Ferazhin devoutly believes the kami have turned their backs on her, she goes through the motions of worship in hopes that one day, they’ll turn back to her. 
iii. A simple light blue leather collar: Often hidden beneath the decorative style of her gowns, the collar is something she’s yet to come to full terms with. Annalei d’Latu insisted, however, and Ferazhin didn’t feel herself in a position to negotiate.
iv. Lip stain papers and rice powder: Being in the ‘service’ that she is, Ferazhin is fully aware of the need to present an appealing presence and carries a few cosmetic aids with her.
v. A small ivory ring with Hingan writing carved on it: Few things came to Ul’dah with her, but this particular gift from Itsuki, given in their early childhood, still has great meaning for her. 
vi. An intricately fashioned star globe: With healing still a goal in sight and one she’s put much more focus on out of sheer fear of her own delight in thaumaturgy, Ferazhin doesn’t pass up a chance to examine the celestial bodies and attune herself to the echoes of their aether. 
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Dawne Strider: 
i. A leather satchel of medical supplies: As a healer, Dawne knows to always be prepared. After all, illnesses and wounds don’t wait until it’s convenient to happen and a good healer is ready to help at any given moment. 
ii. A small bone-handled dagger: During her time on the Steppes, Dawne learned the necessity of being prepared to defend herself. Her Xaela lover, Vachir, took steps to teach her and gifted her with the dagger when she managed to land three hits in a row on him during a spar. 
iii. One small leather-bound book on herbalism: Being blind, she can’t read it, but as her aunt read it to her very often and other people have found it helpful in identifying herbs to help her (ones she can’t find by scent and feel alone,) she keeps it with her. 
iv. A dried scrap of vine with a chocobo feather: An odd thing to carry about, especially considering it has no medicinal value, but the vine lead directly to her brief relationship with Deepwood Sniper (Kona). The feather she keeps with it was shed from Eddie, the chocobo she rode when Buck began teaching her to ride. Memories of the two men are dear to her; she keeps these entwined items safe.
v. A simple leather choker with a small brass pendant: Close inspection reveals the pendant to show an enameled sunrise. The necklace was another gift from Vachir to christen her “Endai” which he assured her was a suitable Xaela name for her to bear. 
vi. An extra change of clothing: With all the time she’s spent living out in the open, making her own way, Dawne has learned to keep a change of clothing readily available. She never can tell when whatever she’s wearing will end up bloodied, coated in plant sap or soaked through. 
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Summer Bellmayne: 
i. A sturdy leather-bound notebook and pens: Story inspiration is everywhere and Summer never misses an opportunity to jot it down. With her mind constantly racing and potential characters everywhere in the world, she needs to be able to write her ideas down without any time lost. 
ii. A simple cream-colored leather collar: Often concealed by her clothing or an overlaid decorative necklace, Summer never takes this particular item off outside of her home in the First, and even then, she prefers to be in Il Mheg if she’s going to remove it. 
iii. Sugary treats in all forms: How the mystel manages to survive off of so much sugar is anyone’s guess, but Summer’s become familiar enough with the “average” Eorzean diet to know she has to supply herself. Hence the stash of candy that’s always readily at hand. 
iv. A small sewing kit: With as much traveling as she does, Summer tends to be particularly hard on clothing. Climbing trees to escape angry animals, prowling through caves and falling into rivers isn’t gentle on her garb; she repairs it herself or stops somewhere for fabric to make herself replacement clothing.
v. An intricately woven silk scarf in brilliant pastels: Believing devoutly in True Love™ means being prepared to meet that One True Love at any moment. With that in mind, Summer wove an intricate scarf with just a little pixie magic so her Knight in Shining Armor will have a favor right off the bat. 
vi. A small handful of river-polished pebbles: Collected from the shores of Longmirror Lake, these pebbles are held in reserve, to be given only to the dearest of friends. 
vii. A curled piece of looking grass, carefully dried: With travel being such an important part of her life, it’s equally important Summer be able to return home. This particular item she uses to find locations with exceptionally potent aether in order to slip back through the doors leading into Lyhe Mheg.
Tagged by: @yshai-tia​; @kich-rp​ (Gods, it took me so long to do this ><)
Tagging: @scarssdoesrp​; @mirugaidoesthings​; @va1kyn​; @kymeira​ (whenever you get your blog going :D); @lareine-kira​; @gatheredfates​; @thorstyrh​ (Edit: DERP, YOU TAGGED ME. God, send help.); @janderius-ffxiv​ and anyone I missed because I got tagged in this FOREVER ago ><
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