#I'm on some BL shit today I guess
hajihiko · 7 months
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Soft 💝
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denaliwrites · 5 months
Road to Hell
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Crowley x GN!Reader
Summary: Of all the subjects Crowley thought he might walk in on you researching in the bookshop, demonology was probably at the bottom of the list.
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Crowley is a dick (affectionate).
"What're you reading today?" Crowley asked, towering over you with a contemplative look. You lifted the book for him to see and in return he offered a shocked choking sound in the back of his throat. "Demonology, huh? What... inspired you to read that?"
He hadn't told you anything about him and Aziraphale being a demon and an angel, respectively. As far as he knew, Aziraphale hadn't broached the topic with you, either. To him, there was absolutely no reason for you to be reading about anything even remotely connected to his or Aziraphale's status as supernatural beings.
Yet here you were.
Reading a book on demonology.
You shrugged in response to his question, bringing the book back down to your lap to read comfortably. "I'd never checked out the occult section before, so I decided to read something from there and this was the most interesting looking book on the whole shelf."
"Ah, right." That did, to Crowley's immense relief, make sense. You'd read at least one book from nearly every section in the bookshop -- why wouldn't you, at some point, venture into the occult?
"Can't help but wonder how accurate it is, though," you mused aloud. "Pretty sure we've all collectively decided that demonic possessions are all just mentally ill people being misunderstood and abused by the church, right? Or I guess sometimes maybe people seeking attention? So how much of this is, like... considered true, I guess?"
"Do you... believe in demons?" Crowley asked carefully.
"Not really. I mean, I feel like if they were real, we'd have more evidence than just... the church saying so? Like, surely atheists and Satanists would've met a ton of demons by now, but I don't see any atheists or Satanists ever talking about meeting demons."
Crowley had to admit that was a fair cop. Maybe a little... small-minded, at least cosmically speaking, but you were but a human. That could be excused.
"What if they were real?" he asked, coming to sit on the arm of the chair you occupied. "What if you met a demon? Knew a demon, even?"
You made a sound at the back of your throat that sounded an awful lot like the one he made. "I'd have a lot of things I needed to reconsider, for starters."
"Oh? Like what?"
"Well," you started, closing the book and turning so that you were facing him. "If demons were real, then I think the next logical step would be that angels were real, and if angels were real then the next step from that point would be that God's real."
He rocked back slightly to better look at you, clicking his tongue curiously. "Is that so bad, really?"
You sighed dramatically. It was a sound he loved -- it usually came before something remarkably human. Something remarkably You. "Anthony Janthony Cranthony," you lamented, "I cannot ever, under any circumstances, let my parents know that I regret not going to church more."
Anthony Janthony Cranthony? Why had you called him that? Of all things, to go with Anthony Janthony Cranthony...
He supposed that wasn't really the point to what you were saying. Something about your parents and church, though, that was the point.
"Not sure why they'd have to know," he said casually with a shrug.
Your eyes widened in shocked realization. "Oh, fuck, you're right! They'd never have to know. You're brilliant," you said, to him -- you'd called him brilliant! He beamed at that. "Going to Hell anyway, if all that were real, may as well add 'disrespecting my parents' to my list of sins."
"Why do you think you'd go to Hell, darling?"
"It's not like I've been living a pious life, y'know?" you said, blinking up at him. "I curse, I've fucked out of wedlock, I'm reading all about demons and witchcraft and shit. I don't believe in God? I'm pretty sure that's one of the big no-nos."
It was his turn to blink, but his was followed up with a laugh. "Oh, love, God does not care about any of those things. Trust me."
"Oh, God, are you a Christian? Have you been this whole time? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend--"
"No, no, nothing like that. I..."
How did he tell you? Should he even tell you? He was sure Aziraphale might have something to say on the matter, but right now he couldn't be fucked, because you were here, looking up at him so innocently, so adoringly.
"What is it, Crowley?" And you sounded so concerned, so ready to take him into your arms and comfort him and apologize for a crime you hadn't even committed.
"I'm a demon."
The words tumbled forth from his lips before he could stop himself, and they hovered in the air for several silent and tense moments after, where all you did was stare at him.
And then you laughed -- and he wished he could laugh too. Hell, he wished he could hear even a trace of joy in your laugh. But it was all nerves and fear, like you weren't sure if this was some sick joke or if he was delusional.
When his expression didn't change, when he didn't yell out "sike!" or "gotcha!," your laugh died and then you just looked scared of him.
It nearly broke him, because if this was how you reacted before proof, how would you react when he showed you the truth?
But you didn't run away, so he carefully removed his glasses and blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. Yours were locked onto the yellow irises, the slitted pupils that contracted and dilated at will.
He could tell you wanted to deny the reality of them -- that you wanted to write them off as contacts, but they wouldn't let you, because contacts couldn't dilate.
The only other things he could do -- well, within the confines of the bookshop, were show you his wings or turn into a snake. He wasn't huge on the latter option, at least not right now -- it definitely put him at a disadvantage, made him easier to discorporate.
So, instead, he moved to a stand. And his wings fanned out as you watched, and then, he figured, you'd run out the door screaming, never to be seen again. He hoped you lived well. He closed his eyes so that he didn't have to watch you walk away.
You got up -- he could hear the rustling of fabric, the relieved groan of the chair, the book falling onto the cushion. He expected the little bell above the door to signal your departure at any moment.
Instead, he felt your hands on his face, pulling him nearer to you. His eyes opened, stared into yours. The fear had gone, replaced by unabashed curiosity and deep, untamed love.
He expected many things to come out of that lovely mouth of yours. So God is real? Am I going to Hell? I don't want to go to Hell! What did I do to deserve going to Hell???
(You weren't going to Hell -- but after the initial question, people tended to panic and vomit the others out uncontrollably.)
He expected those questions. A handful of a select few others. He did not anticipate what you actually asked --
"Do you have a cool demon name?"
"A... Sorry, a what?"
"You know... Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Lucifer, Belial. What's your demon name?"
"O-oh... No... no 'cool' demon name, I'm afraid. Just... Just Crowley..."
He hadn't expected to be embarrassed and doubly hadn't expected to see a beaming smile on your face.
"I think Crowley's the coolest demon name, personally."
He could see in your eyes that you meant it -- and that made him smile.
"Isn't it just?" he asked with a relieved laugh.
"Now I gotta know what all you've done as a demon. I mean -- how old are you?"
"Old as the universe, darling."
He could see the moment your brain started trying to process that unfathomable information, and he could also see the moment it gave up. You moved on as if nothing happened, but Crowley took a moment to appreciate he wouldn't have to miracle your memories away before your brain went into nuclear meltdown.
"Why aren't you in Hell?"
"It's dreadfully boring."
"Why are you here?"
"I just think humans are neat... and your lot is very good at making booze."
"Have you done anything cool as a demon?"
"I met Shakespeare, I stopped some Nazi spies, I tempted Eve, I stopped Armageddon..."
"You what!?"
"Oh, yeah..." He made that sound in his throat. You copied it, seemingly from instinct. He wasn't even sure you noticed that you did it. "Long story, but Aziraphale and I convinced the Antichrist to just... not do the whole ending the world thing."
"Who's Aziraphale?"
"Oh. Right. Mr. Fell."
"... Mr. Fell? This Mr. Fell?" You motioned to the bookshop at large and Crowley nodded. "Is he a demon too?"
Crowley laughed -- an uproarious, barking laugh, that lasted much longer than was strictly necessary.
"Oh, you better not let him hear that," he said once he'd calmed down.
"... So he's not a demon?" you mumbled, and Crowley realized he'd accidentally made you feel bad.
He took one of your hands in his and guided it away from his face so that he could kiss the palm. "No, darling, he's not." He kissed your palm again. "He's an angel."
"I'm sorry -- he's a what?"
"An angel, of course. Really, like he could be anything else."
Nothing against him, of course, but he very much was what he was.
"So why are an ageless angel and demon wasting their time with me, a human who'll wither and die? Why go through that for me?"
"Well, it's not exactly our fault you weaseled your way into our lives," he said with an indignant hgk. "But now that you're here, we can't really imagine the place without you."
"I think that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me, and I can't believe it came from a demon."
"Don't let the angel know I let you get away with calling me sweet. He'd never let me live it down."
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xxfangirl365xx · 2 months
I love the killjoys sm and i write killjoy fic on my wattpad, but I wanted to share some of the shorter one shots I have written from a collection I made called "Fabulous Killjoy Questions" where it's like a interview thing, where the question is asked to all of them, What is a day you will NEVER forget the answers varied from worst days to meeting a new friend to spending all day with the ones they love.
Here is Jet Star's answer
Huh, I never thought about that. There have been lots of good days and lots of bad ones. I try to let the good days outweigh the bad. But I'll tell the story people ask about the most, and one that really weighs on me today. The day I lost vision in my left eye was one of the crappiest days ever. We were out on a Drac stakeout, nothing out of the ordinary. Girl had brought a book with her and I was helping her read it. It wasn't school but she picked up fast and she's a great reader now. Anyways, we were sitting around when a shot was fired right above our heads. We got up and there were about ten Dracs...and four of us. We started fighting them and it was going pretty good. I got two of them then on the third they punched me in the chest, completely unexpectedly I fell backwards and had the wind knocked out of me.
They stood over me and fired trying to get a point blank shot in my head. I tried knocking the Blasta out of their hand but it ended up firing right into my eye socket. The adrenaline kept me from feeling it for several minutes. I kicked them back and managed to get up before ghosting them. At that same moment Kobra got the last one. I sighed and felt what I thought was sweat dripping down my face and went to wipe it away. I pulled my hand away and saw the blood and that's when I felt it. I sat down and kept wiping the blood off my face, the others had not noticed yet. My hands were shaking and I started to panic as the pain and fear kicked in. It was one of the worst pains I've ever experienced. Kobra was the first to notice.
" Guys! Something's wrong with Jet." He rushed to my side. My hair was in front of my face and he couldn't see what had happened yet. Kobra knelt next to me.
" What's wrong?" He asked me moving my hair to see my face.
" Holy shit! Poison, get the med kit!" He said upon seeing the extent of the injury. I don't think I really said more than a few words at that point. It hurt so bad I couldn't think enough to answer anything they asked. I don't remember a lot right after that. I remember seeing Ghoul who was standing a good distance back from the scene holding Girl who was clearly very upset. I remember Poison pressing gauze into my eye and trying to kick him away from me.
After that I think I passed out for a bit. I remember getting back to the diner where the brothers sat me propped up against the bathtub so they could finish patching up my eye. Poison did most of the work and Kobra was just there for support I guess.
" Want me to tie your hair back?" He asked me quietly. I nodded in response. He got a blue scrunchy hair tie I used when working on the car and put my hair in a loose bun. Poison finished cleaning it out. At this point I couldn't open my eye if I wanted to because it was swollen shut.
" Can you see anything Jet?" Poison asked
I closed my uninjured eye and managed to slightly pry my eye open. Nothing. No light. No shapes. Nothing. Just darkness.
" No." I said. I came to the realization that I was now partially blind and I wasn't even 30.
" I'm- Blind." I said clenching my fists.
Kobra took my hand and un-balled my fists to hold it.
'I'm gonna die aren't I?" I asked knowing that any kind of disability was a major weak point in the zones and most people were easy BL/I targets and didn't live long.
" How can I fight in firefights with one eye?" I asked again while tears poured out of my good eye. (Great I can't even produce tears from that one now)
Poison wrapped his arms around me.
" Jet, I promise you're not gonna die." He said, his voice breaking.
" You'll Still fight as good as before and we won't let anything happen to you." he continued while Kobra squeezed my hand tighter.
" I love you guys." I cried
" We love you too Jet Star." They said almost in unison.
After a few more hugs and reassurance Poison put a sticky patch over my eye until I could get a reusable one. Kobra helped me up and helped me to my bed where I was promptly greeted by Girl. I sat on the edge of my mattress and picked her up to sit next to me.
" You alright sunshine?" I asked
She sniffled before turning to hug me. I hugged her back.
" I'm fine. But you're not." she said sadly
She hugged me for a few minutes before I yawned. Near death experiences sure are tiring. She suddenly got up and ran out of the room.
" Huh... That's weird." I thought while taking off my shoes before laying down.
A few seconds later she came running back in with her teddy bear and hello kitty blanket
She climbed in bed next to me and held out the bear.
" Ghoul helped me do this." She said, showing off the piece of fabric stuck to the bear's eye.
" He looks like you, so you won't be sad." She said proudly
Suddenly I didn't feel too bad about my eye. I smiled and kissed her forehead.
" Thank you." I said
" You're welcome." She said laying the bear next to me and covering me in the hello kitty blanket
" Berry will keep you company." she explained
" Have a good nap Jet. I love you." she said before running off again.
While that was a pretty crappy day I am so grateful to have my little found family to look after me in the worst situations. I know I can always count on them.
THE END! I'll post other ones here too, but if u wanna read ahead my wattpad in linked on my pinned post (:
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discluded · 2 years
Hi, what is your pov on some of these comments about mileapo fans being “delulu” and naive bc it’s “just fake bl fanservice”?
Because idk if I’m going crazy but like as a gay person this shit seems borderline homophobic? On the one hand I kinda get where they’re coming from with like the concert “plot” (idk what else to call it 😭), but otherwise seeing how they interact with each other in off-screen/stage moments and their chemistry and the huge ass difference with the entire cast, how they interact with each other vs others, the side couples energy with each other, it’s not that big of a leap… and to imply that it’s dumb or naive for ppl (lots of them queer themselves) to perceive that smells like homophobia to me… idk
I’m not even trying to be mad abt the mileapo thing bc frankly i don’t give a shit what people do or don’t believe about two actors but it’s the dismissive tone of such comments that pisses me off, and I was wondering if maybe you or any of your followers have some thoughts about this too.
Hello friend.
Thank you for trusting me with this delicate ask. Hopefully I can do a good job with it.
I'm hearing a couple of things in your question, part of which I'm guessing is just being able vent (glad to provide the space!) but the crux of which is commenting on the irony of homophobia in Kinnporshe / BL fandom. And yeah. You're not imagining it.
CW: Homophobia. I'm serious, this is your only warning. Some of this really upset me today and I'm pretty good at compartmentalizing.
I saw this after I got your ask and already spent some time thinking about how to respond, but these comments were in response to Tong coming out at KPWT Manila on Tiktok. I hate looking at them, but I'll embed them in case the tweet ever gets deleted as a reminder that EQUALITY IS NOT REAL IN THIS WORLD.
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I won't lie, this hurt my feelings a lot and it's not even about me. I spent half a second being mad before just being sad about this for hours.
I've been into BL for so long, I am tired of this round-about argument we keep having over women, many of whom are queer or questioning, enjoying queer stories where the characters are male. There are culturally-adept literary and queer studies scholars who do research on this.
That being said, a not-small proportion of the fan base is made people who are genuinely homophobic and use BL as their fantasy. Just like watching lesbian porn doesn't make straight men allies, neither does watching BL make straight women allies. I am too exhausted to explain why they do but it's basically a mix of misogyny in not wanting to see other female actors opposite an actor you like but also using queer men as placeholders for your fantasy. Sometimes in fiction, but other times in reality.
I'm with @mirrorofprinces, we need to attack more homophobes for this. 😒😒😒 no more fighting over gay rights, time for KPTS-inspired gay wrongs and gay violence on the gaygenda.
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The "delulu" and "it's just fanservice" comments are...indeed kind of homophobic. I respect people who don't want to comment on or interpret their relationship, like you said, or interpret it differently. And it kind of sucks to be like "well some people will be homophobic and you have to share a space with them" in fandom about a queer story, but how do you confront people, some of whom are happy to be openly homophobic, about homophobia that is more nuanced?
But I think one thing that undermines MileApo's authenticity is that BibleBuild do so much fan service despite also claiming not to. Fan service is a Thai BL industry standard with other actor pairs. And as a reality check to myself, I have looked at some of those pairs interacting and yeah. Definitely brotherly or fan service there.
The other part of the problem is young people, especially after the pandemic, genuinely do not seem to know what normal human interaction looks like, including the difference between what's fake and what's real AND what's platonic vs. what's flirty or romantic affection.
As for what my friends/moots think, here's @mellowroxy and @cookiedoughfiesta's thoughts from August about Mile saying he was in love with Apo about the "delulu" comments. (Though let's be real... sometimes the fandom is also... a bit much 🤣🤣🤣)
When I talked to Yams (@mellowroxy) about this earlier, here's what she had to add on to the point:
Me: fans were freaking out when Tom called Zendaya 'my MJ' on his birthday wish to her, and that's way more subtle than what Mile and Apo are doing
Yams: There wouldn’t be this much push back if it was a guy and girl. Most people would be like “oh another on set romance” and call it a day. On the Zendaya and Tom topic, if this was decades back when interracial couples were taboo as fuck then they wouldn’t come out as well.
A conscious reminder equality has always been hard-fought for.
But trust me, this paradox of people who watch BL who are homophobic have not escaped Mile and Apo's notice either.
"Equality isn't real in this world."
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Apo's comment at KPWT Bangkok day 2, which many people have noted was likely about complaints over them reenacting Kinn and Porsche's first kiss live. I'm not going to look for it but @soft-husbands mentioned she saw a fancam that blurred the kiss out on Youtube 😑 (Why did you watch KPTS in the first place then.)
"People say that they are open minded, But they are actually not."
And isn't that the crux of it.
As I always say, you haven't have an opinion on the truth. So in the end, no one's opinions on the situation matters except for Mile's and Apo's. But it does suck to bear the brunt of people's negativity doesn't it.
Hopefully this didn't make you feel more sad... but you're not alone in noticing it at least.
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craziestfangirl98 · 1 month
I'm just now realising that there has been a cycle of events that have become synonymous with my life. It started in 2016. Or I should say 2017 I guess. I was going through shit mentally. Really struggling with things around me and with myself. That was the first time I watched Skam. As is with a lot of us I watched Season 3 of the og quickly followed by Season 4. After that I watched Yuri on Ice. Then onwards, the next 4 years, everytime I was struggling somehow there would be some version or at least a Skam season 3 remake somewhere around me. In 2021 , again at a time that I was losing my mind and really struggling with myself and feeling lost in my work and pandemic, I watched Young Royals. Then I read Red, White and Royal Blue and Heartstopper and then One Last Stop. Finally my reading slump kind of seemed to budge.
4 months ago I finished my studies, I have been pretty much jobless since then except for sending out as many applications as I can. It has been an extremely debilitating, stressful and in a way inhuman process. Once again leading to another breakdown. This time, I went to watch something I kept seeing everywhere on the internet but ddidn't really have the guts to check out. Bad Buddy. I had read about the thai bl that changed the course of how things operate and finally reached out to it at a time of immense crisis. That has for sure sent me down the spiral that is BLs once again. Especially Thai BLS. Which is still ongoing I guess.
Watching Young Royals today feels like a cathartic culmination of it all. I guess I can't really say culmination because I doubt it is the end of me looking at queer content to find my peace, but knowing that there are so many of my favourite characters are happy makes me feel like I could be happy at some point. It is not to say I am unhappy, just that there is something missing in my soul.
Anyway, I doubt anybody even cares enough to read this but I just wanted to keep this recorded somewhere I guess.
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justanotherniky · 2 months
30 Day HypMic Challenge!
Double post today! Because I wasn't gonna be left behind~
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There's two clauses to this day and Sasara kind of fits both, but mostly he goes here because he's my absolute favourite character in HypMic alongside Ramuda. But I do relate to this bad boi a bit, because if you couldn't tell, clowns who clown together stick together. :)
It took me forever to actually pick a favourite character in HypMic, because there's so many, and because I'm just kind of like that. Takes me a while to commit. :kekw:
And even when I did pick, I couldn't fully settle on one, because as I said, Sasara does share the spot with Ramuda. But I guess they're my favourites for some of the same reasons, but some different ones.
I remember liking Sasara as soon as I met him while listening to the drama tracks. I knew all of the characters already, but when I got to the DotsuHon track, I had never seen Sasara in action yet, I'd just read something off of the wiki and seen pictures of him. I had no strong opinions.
But oh boy was I about to have them.
I just loved him. I didn't expect him to be so smart and clever right off the bat. I was absolutely not expecting to perceive his depth so quickly, even through his usual funny and lighthearted persona. He immediately spoke to me, and I knew I was dealing with one that was going to become one of my favourite characters ever, not just in HypMic. My ult bias, if you will. *wink* (Sasara sits at the same table as Han Jisung in my brain. They should both feel honoured.)
Not to mention that he's, just, hot. Like, LOOK AT THE MAN. I know the orange matched with the green hair is a bit controversial but STILL the idea of a very polished looking outfit but in funky colours and with a silly pattern just feels perfectly in tune with his personality. It fits him! And that also means I get to salivate over him when they choose to remove his jacket in ARB cards. (Looking at you latest event - I was a mess for days.)
Obviously, knowing me, number 1 gay person and BL fan, my favourite character couldn't not be a gay little shit as well. That is something we have in common a stupid amount: both Sasara and I are gay disasters. We would have so much fun simping over men together while drinking tea. Also it is so hilarious that Sasara has such a fixed type in men I swear to god, the Rosho/MCD Samatoki parallels have me cackling every time. This man really replaced his ex he couldn't get over with basically the same guy but in white cum patate. Iconic move. For the history books.
Also, is anyone surprised that my favourite character is once again an ENTP fuckboy? No, I know. No one is. But birds of a feather come together, I guess, because I also am an ENTP fuckboy. :) I wasn't always - I guess this little bastard influenced me, together with some other assholes like Vanitas or Dazai or who knows who else. There's always one.
Should I cut the Sasara ramble short? Maybe. Maybe I should. Thanks to those who stuck around. Stan DotsuHon, stan Sasara. Ship SasaRosho. Peace out xoxo
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cyarskj1899 · 7 months
Black Twitter reacts to Jack Harlow finding out Brandy and Ray J are siblings in wild Hot 97 interview
Jack Harlow might want to log off from social media for a few days and listen to some 90s R&B.
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Black Twitter is not happy with Jack Harlow right now. Today (May 11), jaws were dropped when the “First Class” rapper discovered the Vocal Bible Brandy and entertainment mogul Ray J were siblings.
While visiting New York’s Hot 97 radio station, radio host Ebro Darden and crew challenged Harlow to a little game of guess that song.
As Darden cues up Brandy’s 1998 hit, “Angel in Disguise,” most figured it would be an easy win for the 24-year-old. They were wrong. Very wrong.
Darden and his co-hosts are seen nodding their heads to the tune as they give Harlow a chance to play the game.
“Oh, uh, Aaliyah?” Harlow asks.
“Nope!” the hosts yell after Harlow confuses the two very different artists.
“Stay with it, stay with it,” they urge him while giving the young rapper another shot. Some sing along while waiting for his answer.
The intro to the song is almost over and Harlow still can’t name the artist or track. One of the hosts asks, “Do you want me to give him a hint?”
“She had a TV show. She starred in a TV show,” Laura Stylez tells him.
“Tell me another hint,” Harlow says. Rosenberg chimes in with, “Her brother is the reason a lot of people are famous.”
With no response from Harlow, Ebro adds, “Her brother had an amazing sex tape.”
After several seconds go by, the “What’s Poppin” rapper asks, “Who’s Ray J’s sister?”
The hosts are shocked. While some throw their heads back with laughter, another can be heard saying, “Yo, he’s serious.” One host comes to his defense reminding listeners that Harlow is only 24.
“Brandy and Ray J are siblings?” Harlow asks as those in the room yell “Yes” in unison.
“Nobody’s ever told me that in my life,” the rapper responds.
Once Twitter got wind of the interview, they were flabbergasted. Most users seemed to feel that Harlow not recognizing the song was absurd.
“Not recognizing Brandy’s voice is why he shouldn’t be doing black music,” one person tweeted. Another added, “Brandy had one of the most recognizable voices. Ugh these generations of rappers.”
Others went a bit easier on the rapper. “Y’all are doing a LOT about Jack Harlow not knowing Brandy and Ray J. As if we don’t see young Black people ‘discover’ new things daily. Hell y’all find out Bobby Caldwell is white every three months.”
Take a look at what Black Twitter is saying about the revelation.
Not recognizing Brandy’s voice is why he shouldn’t be doing black music. — Critical Grace Theory (@Peaceful_Rule) May 11, 2022
Jack Harlow not knowing Brandy got y’all blaming Gen Z when ALL of us know her and that she’s related to Ray J… That’s a JACK HARLOW PROBLEM! — WILD ebony. (@BEYMANll) May 11, 2022
I'm furious!!! Brandy is very important to me. This is the turning point for me with Jack Harlow. 😟 — Petty Betty (@addicted2mess) May 11, 2022
jack harlow just finding out that brandy & ray j are siblings is exactly why y’all need to stop letting #them people capitalize off of our shit. — ☆ (@ALCHEMYSTlC) May 11, 2022
What’s the difference between Jack Harlow not knowing Brandy & Ray J were siblings, and Ella Mai not being able to name 3 Aretha Franklin songs? pic.twitter.com/D1QG8SXRgV — k a r y. (@itsKARY_) May 11, 2022
jack harlow is WHITE! him being 24 don't got nothing to do w him not knowing brandy and ray j are related, i'm 19 and i know that. as much as he tries to infiltrate black culture or whatever y'all can't forget that he is white at the end of the day — 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 🧙🏾‍♀️ (@theenarcissist) May 11, 2022
He wants to be performing Black music and hanging out in Black spaces, and doesn't know who Brandy is or what her voice sounds like?  Stupsee — Carolyn Hinds – Pettite Possee🇧🇧 (@CarrieCnh12) May 11, 2022
Jack Harlow is a 12 year old white boy so him not knowing who brandy is isnt crazy. But do artists not….study music??? — jennysayQuan (@notKissmequan) May 11, 2022
Y’all are doing a LOT about Jack Harlow not knowing Brandy and Ray J. As if we don’t see young Black people “discover” new things daily. Hell y’all find out Bobby Caldwell is white every three months. — Shut up already, damn! (@onlychyld) May 11, 2022
For Jack Harlow to not know Brandy is one of the whitest things ever.  This man gets to frolic like an elf with absolutely no devotion to the genre or craft. — Queer Latifah 🥭 (@TheAfrocentricI) May 11, 2022
Brandy had one of the most recognizable voices. Ugh these generations of rappers🙄 — Freakboi (@Freakboi14) May 11, 2022
first of all, how do you confuse brandy for aaliyah, that’s means he doesn’t know aaliyah songs either but this is who a lot of you simp over and let make hip hop music.. pic.twitter.com/ZW2to66OIG — chu (@chuuzus) May 11, 2022
Went from: "Wait a minute ain't that Brandy's brother?"🎶 -Lil Kim To: "Brandy is Ray J's sister?"  – Jack Harlow Ain't no way.🤦🏿‍♂️ — Dr. Will, LCSW 👑 (@WCoombsDSW) May 11, 2022
Brandy needs to drop a diss track on Jack Harlow.. we saw Queens- she can out spit him ANY DAY OF THE WEEK and ALL WKND pic.twitter.com/1VUQIZ7xG8 — p@ncho’s 🍑✍🏾📝🍓🎞🎬 🥑🍍 (@bici_IV_vente) May 11, 2022
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi, I hope you're well.
I'm asking this for my friend who recently started watching bl. Can you recommend some enemies-to-lovers bl? Other than Bad Buddy
Gosh there are so many enemies to lovers. I thought I had a post for this but I guess not.
I’m tempted to draw a distinction between enemies to lovers and one sided crush with a massive tsundere character. So, for example, We Best Love is not strictly enemies to lovers, because only one of them thinks they're enemies, but Semantic Error is, because mostly they both are in it to fight. But I’m lazy, so I’m just gonna pick the top 10 off my spreadsheet labeled E2L and call it a day. Presumably, you can decide on the quality of your own enemies to lovers desires? 
Top 10 Enemies to Lovers BLs! 
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1. Semantic Error (Korea - Viki) 
Korea hits it entirely out of the Park by doing a university set BL with everything we might expect done exactly right, their signature quality executed perfectly, and added bonus good story, great pacing, and fantastic chemistry. You cannot ask for more from a BL, let alone a KBL. 
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2. We Best Love (Taiwan - grey) 
They enemies, but really only one of them cares because he such a tsundere fucker. (We love him for it.) WBL successfully managed to pick up and combine the best features of Korean, Thai, and Japanese BL as it exists right now. Couple that to the insane chemistry from the leads, and we have one of the greatest BLs of all time, cooking to a recipe I doubt anyone else will ever be able to replicate since only Taiwan is this flexible. (I consider WBL 2 parts as one whole.) 
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3. Bad Buddy (Thailand - YouTube)
GMMTV’s flagship BL started 2022 on a BANG (okay no actual banging but you know what I mean), starring heavy hitters Ohm & Nanon in a pitch perfect university Romeo & Romeo masterpiece that will give you domesticity meets pain whiplash throughout and jet lag at the end. Great production values, killer acting, and some conscious effort to correct for half a decade of Thai BL’s anti-queer mistakes. It’s fantastic. 
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4. Why R U? (Thailand - Viki) 
Technically both couples start out as enemies. It’s pretty clear Fighter is hella gay for Tutor and just can’t work his shit out, and that Saifah has a crush on Zon, but it takes them all a while to flirt their way into lovers. The story on this one is messy, but you can’t fault the chemistry, and is is the best high heat BL we’ve ever gotten from Thailand. (Trigger: hazing) 
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5. SOTUS (Thailand - Netflix) 
Another one where the set up is enemies but the uke is just a massive tsundere who’s walls need to be scaled and shelled - as opposed to the standard practice of chipping away slowly. This is the BL that launched a hundred BLs. No literally, It was SOTUS’s international success that pretty much built the Thai BL industry into the juggernaut it is today. People have baggage around SOTUS, I have nostalgia. (Trigger: hazing) 
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6. HIStory 3 Trapped (Taiwan - Viki) 
Basically the definition of enemies to lovers. This is a cop + the mafia man he is chasing but WAIT, they fall in love. Added bonus side couple: assassin and nerd cop ALSO falling in love. It’s great. All the leads are stellar. Its high heat, fun action, and a bit of a mystery drama but pretty about all of it. My only warning is that the main couple doesn’t entirely end up together, it’s implied, but... amorphous ending. 
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7. My Day the series (The Philippines - grey) 
The set up on this one is enemies (also boss/employee) and they don’t like each other to start. But that gets resolved pretty quickly. And then they are some of the cutest, hottest, and best boyfriends ever. This is an under-appreciated BL, IMHO.  
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8. My Sweet Dear (Korea - Viki) 
I liked this one a lot better than most. Strict professional rivals (chefs) in a very enemies to lovers BL - to the point where we mistrust the sincerity of the seme because he’s so very in it to win. I kinda like that, because kitchens are hotbeds of drama, and I like a seme with some sinister edge. But be warned, it means the whole romance comes off as a little disingenuous. 
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9. You Are Ma Boy AKA EM LÀ CHÀNG TRAI CỦA ANH (Vietnam - YouTube) 
Another BL were the uke is just super tsundere and the seme kinda acts the part of an enemy in order to get what he wants (the uke). The leads in this drama crackle on screen together and I kinda adore them. Is there angst? Nope even what could have been angst (a gay idol) doesn’t materialize, it’s just cuties in a cafe confusing each other with cat & mouse games. No one has seen this BL, and you should really give it a try. 
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10. My Engineer (Thailand - YouTube) 
The main couple is enemies to lovers. But no one watches this for the main couple. Still if that’s what you want these two do it. They are even linguistic enemies. I really only like them because their language use is so bonkers, but the cast is solid and there’s a lot to enjoy about this bit of multi-couple insanity. 
Some others to consider, not all of these might be strictly enemies to loves and some of them are not good, but they are all BL. 
Capture Lover (China - Viki) 
Mr. CEO is Falling in Love with Him (China - grey) = bromance-ish 
Because of You (Taiwan - Viki) - trigger: kidnapping 
TharnType (Thailand - Viki) - trigger: rape
Kiss Me Again the PeteKao cut (Tailand YouTube) - just messy 
It’s great but are they really enemies? 
Be Loved In House: I Do (Taiwan - Viki) 
Light On Me (Taiwan Viki) 
Addicted (China - Viki) - trigger: kidnapping 
Not Me also started as enemies to lovers, but it's airing right now, so I can't rec it since I don't do that until something is completed.
Codicil: List is updated as of Mar 2022. Subject to change as new BLs appear, my preferences evolve, or I get arbitrary and whimsical. 
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Chiaroscuro (Part 3 of 3) (NSFW)
Marius x Vyn; Marius x Rosa
In which Marius finds he has to deal with crap whether likes it or not. Big sister Rosa helps him process his feels, because Vyn isn't of any help despite his two doctorates.
WARNING: NSFW; angst. (Possible) emotional manipulation.
Previous parts at Pt 1 | Pt 2
I really need to stop writing angst. But here it is, with some spicy bits.
Lemme know if you'd like more of these stuff, it has been an interesting experience trying my hand at BL.
"Cancel all of my engagements for today til the end of this week, Vincent."
Marius, after sincerely trying to concentrate at work, gave up once he accepted the realization that he was practically a lost cause and could not think of anything else other than castigating himself over the events involving his tutor--and Rosa by extension, no thanks to said tutor.
"I can't work like this," Marius literally banged his forehead onto his executive table with such force that a stack of files fell off the edge, spilling all over the floor like oversized confetti. "If I continue I may end up selling entire PAX for a--a--fucking ice cream truck. Or something."
"Master Marius!" Vincent, his secretary, ran over from his own table situated by the corner of the young acting CEO's office. "Are you alright?"
"Please tell me that was a rhetorical question, Vincent," Marius muttered, his face still full of table. "Of course am not.
"Is why I'm asking for a five day break. It's five days from today til Sunday yeah?"
"Yes." Then, "Wanna talk about it, man?" Vincent dropped his voice to his whisper, and along with it the formalities he put on when they were around other people. This was Marius, his closest friend who he grew up with, after all. "You've been out of it for weeks now. No one's asking questions yet but...I've had to refile some papers you've signed. I don't think you've really read their terms."
"Yeeaaaah. I need to mentally reset, Vince." Marius removed his face off the table's surface, rubbing the red spot located right smack in the middle of his forehead where his face made impact with teak.
Vincent smiled wryly as he sat on the edge of Marius's executive table. "Yeah, about that. That's exactly why I 'accidentally' lost one of those papers I had refiled. You were going to sell off Pharmaceuticals to a proverbial ice cream truck."
The secretary cleared his throat. "Well not exactly in those terms, and it would need board approval to formally take effect of course but, if I didn't catch it you probably won't be sitting in that chair right now."
Marius sighed, and was about to slam his head against the table again, if Vincent didn't catch him by pressing his palm against Marius's already red forehead.
"Stop it. I'll cover for you, okay?" Vincent furrowed his brow. "You want me to call Dr, Richter for you? He--"
Even Marius was surprised about how forceful his interjection was, and both he and Vincent fell silent for what seemed like forever.
Vincent was the first to break the silence. "If I have to hazard a guess, Dr. Richter is part of what's...plaguing you?"
Marius could only grumble in response.
"I had a hunch you were trying to avoid him when he called me. He told me you weren't taking his calls. I just told him that you had back to back board meetings recently."
"You're a lifesaver Vince."
"About that...I don't think he believed me. One of those supposed "back to back meetings" would have happened at 11 pm for my cover story to fly. He was calling at one in the morning."
"Wait. Vyn called you at one. In the morning."
"Sounded slightly...tipsy." Vincent's expression was a tad amused.
"When was this?" Marius's eyes narrowed.
"Last night. I didn't tell you because, to be honest...you aren't in such good shape to get saddled with drunk tutors."
"Shit." Marius fumbled for his smartphone from his back pocket and checked its call history. He didn't get a chance to check his phone since waking up this morning; in these instances the protocol was that if the matter was urgent and Marius couldn't be reached, they could dial Vincent instead.
And sure enough, there were more than ten missed calls from Vyn, from 11 pm last night til a few minutes before 12 midnight.
"Shit. Shitshitshitshitshit." Marius was about to throw his phone away but he wasn't going to throw a tantrum in front of Vincent. The poor secretary already had a lot of crap to deal with.
"...should I know what's up with you two?" Vincent now seemed genuinely worried. "I mean, just enough info for me to work with so I can cover for you if he calls again."
Marius pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to calm himself down. What the fuck is he thinking, trying to drunk call me? "We're just haunted by my brother's ghost." It wasn't exactly a lie, but not entirely true, either. "Is all."
"Okay," was all Vincent said, not quite convinced but wisely knew when to back off. "Should I just tell him any random excuse that seems plausible?"
"Yeah. Also," Marius handed Vincent his smartphone. "You hold onto this. I don't want to take any calls from that phone.
"From today until Sunday I'm to be reached only through the burner number, okay? Call me only when it's necessary. Like if someone tries to murder Dad or something."
"Fine," Vincent said as he pocketed Marius's smartphone. "Let me know if you need anything arranged, like transportation."
"Ehh...tell anyone who asks that I fucked off to Nosta or eloped with some chick. But I'm really just going to stay in my room and sleep til Sunday."
Before he entered his hibernation period, Marius decided to pay someone a visit to straighten things out with her.
Once he confirmed that Rosa was already home by five in the late afternoon, he jogged his way from where he was wandering aimlessly in the CBD to her nearby apartment.
Taking a deep breath, he rang Rosa's doorbell and hoped for the best, like not getting the door slammed on his face once she saw who dropped by her doorstep, unannounced.
"Who is it?" came Rosa's voice as she opened her door. "Marius?!"
Nice. At least she didn't sound hostile.
"Come in, quick," she pulled Marius in by the lapel of his jacket and slammed the door behind them.
"Missy?" Marius blinked, a delayed reaction. "What's wrong?"
"I really don't want to make the rounds in the tabloids again," Rosa groaned. "That last time when you picked me up from one of your satellite offices was pretty bad already."
"Oh." And Marius did tell Vincent to throw random tidbits to inquiring reporters including eloping with a girl. He had to fire him off a text to not do exactly that. "Yeah, that was careless of me. Sorry, miss."
"Marius? What's up?" Rosa peered at him with those curious, inquisitive, caring eyes that made the entire NXX team fall for her. Even Vyn, who treated her like a precious specimen that should not be sullied. Well, until the other night happened.
Vyn was already a tad touched in the head at the time.
Marius was trying to find the words to tell her--he only realized at that very moment that he was so caught up in his thoughts that while he somehow instinctually sought Rosa's presence, he did not exactly know how to articulate why.
Keeping his emotions hidden was so ingrained in him that he could not properly talk about them, at least not without the risk of being misunderstood.
He didn't have to worry however, as Rosa did not wait for his reply and instead held him in a tight hug.
"Rosa, I..."
"It's okay Marius," Rosa cooed as she gently patted his back. "You look terrible. Had a bad day?"
Marius, shocked at the heartfelt, open, non-judgmental gesture, found his lips curl in a small grimace that he struggled to unfurl into a twisted smile, to no avail.
And tears trickled across his cheeks, down to Rosa's shoulder.
She must have felt it, as she disengaged from her bear hug and held Marius at her arm's length, to have a good look at his face struggling between letting everything out or bottling his actual feelings inside.
She reached out to wipe his tears with a gentle touch. "Oh, Marius.."
Marius tried to edge out his depressing visage with a failed attempt at slipping on his little brother act. "Missy, I--"
"Hush. You know what you need?"
Rosa grinned. "Junk food."
Marius somehow found himself stretched out on Rosa's sofa, which was shorter than his height, and so a good part of his lower legs were hanging off the edge off one end.
In the other end of the sofa sat Rosa, whose lap Marius used as a pillow. Both were munching cheese curls as their eyes were glued to the screen playing a random period action flick that neither of them were paying full attention to.
They were merely enjoying each other's presences with relative silence and comfort.
"Missy." Marius checked the back label of the cheese curl can. "Where's your brand loyalty? This is an import--PAX Foods has something superior, y'know?"
"Pfft." Rosa smirked as she chewed on the crunchy snack. "I'll consider once PAX comes up with a white cheddar flavor. Then we'll talk."
"Fiiiine, white cheddar it is, then, for the picky Missy Lawyer." Marius huffed. "What other flavors d'ya like, Miss?"
"Hmm, I wonder," Rosa tapped her lips with a fingertip, pretending to think out loud. "Strawberry?"
"Strawberry...cheese curls? Okay, that...sounds plausible." Marius was inwardly cringing at the thought.
"Yuck. Are you serious, Missy?"
Rosa sighed. "Okay, for serious serious this time: Matcha."
"Ehh. Vyn must have rubbed off on--"
Marius realized what he just said, and his voice abruptly stopped.
"I knew it," Rosa whispered, letting her fingers comb Marius's dark hair. "Is it about Vyn?"
Marius took a deep breath. "Yeah. I can't...I don't know. It's hard to explain, Missy." He bit his lip. "It's so hard to explain, when I tried to tell Vyn the first thing he did was make me kiss the floor."
"Um." Rosa blushed. "What does kiss the floor even mean?"
"Oh, I meant he kicked me down to the floor and almost beat me up."
"What the hell?!" Rosa exclaimed. Marius felt thoroughly vindicated by her show of indignation. "Were you hurt?"
"Yeah, a bit," Marius winced at the memory. "I guess one of the perks of being a doctor is that you know where to...inflict pain."
Rosa shook her head. "That sounds terrible, Marius. I didn't know the fight between you two was that bad."
"To be fair I did, uh." Marius gulped, suddenly finding it hard to confess what it was that precipitated everything. "I did force myself on him before that. Just a kiss, but...yeah."
"Huh." Rosa reached for the remote control and turned off the screen. Clearly the talk was becoming more and more serious. "Do you want to talk about it? Like from the top. I'm here to listen, you can stay over if you want."
"You're an angel, Rosa," Marius murmured as he adjusted himself on the sofa so he could better face her, his head still on her lap.
Marius proceeded to pour his heart out, at first struggling with his words, but once he saw that Rosa never gave off any reaction to whatever he said, just listening quietly, never judging...the words came more freely, like a river breaking through a dam.
Like how his feelings for his now tutor started since they were young. How he had to bottle up his feelings, how he was trained to bottle up his emotions, until his emotions exploded and led to the catastrophe that took place in his atelier.
How he found out, too late, that Vyn was in a relationship with his brother. That he was able to put two and two together on how affected Vyn must have been with Giann's disappearance and that he was not...quite the same ever since, with all of the walls he had erected.
And how Marius believed he did Vyn harm with the stunt he pulled in his atelier, kissing him on impulse.
Rosa listened to Marius intently, and at some point her hand found his, holding it firmly as he revealed his vulnerabilities to her, the very thing that his teachers and advisors warned him not to do.
At that moment, they fell into the roles of little brother Marius and his big sister Rosa.
"I could see it, you know. Months after Giann went missing, when people shifted from the mindset of saving my brother, to just finding him..." Marius tightened his grip on Rosa's hand. "Vyn just grew cold and his cruel streak got worse, to whoever was on the business end of his hate."
He chuckled derisively. "I didn't expect I'd be a recipient of that hate."
Marius felt Rosa's hand stroke his hair. He could not help but bunt his head against the gentle touch.
"What's sad is that Vyn really was gentle and kind back then. You know?" He smiled, waxing nostalgic. "I think Vyn deliberately does it so people back off. I dunno. Just...throwing guesses here."
"Hmm. I think so too," Rosa murmured, now letting herself speak. "So what do you want to do now, Marius?"
"For starters," Marius said as he pushed himself up to a sitting position to properly face Rosa, hard as it were to extricate himself from the comfort of her lap. "I want to apologize to you."
Rosa's head tilted to the side. "Apologize, why?"
"Because Vyn got you involved into that messy affair the other night?" Marius blushed. "Which I think started because I was dumb enough to force myself on him."
Rosa averted her eyes, laughing awkwardly as heat rose to her own face. "Well, I did...I did like it, you know? No regrets here."
Rosa faced him once again, an impish smile on her face. "Really. I mean. It was pretty hot."
Marius did not expect Rosa to say something like It was pretty hot especially when talking about a three-way they both participated in. His blush deepened. "Ahaha."
"Haha, yourself." Rosa flicked a finger squarely onto Marius's forehead, the same spot that was still sore from being slammed against his desk that morning. "Ow, missy! It hurts!"
"Huh, you're already hurt by that?" Rosa asked, tone incredulous. "Weakling."
"No, really!" Marius was still wincing in pain. "I hit my head on my desk. I was getting really frustrated."
Rosa blinked. "Eh?" Then, seeing that Marius was not acting, she started fussing over him. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" She was about to stand up, presumably to grab an ice pack, when Marius grabbed her wrist, not letting her go.
"Kiss the boo-boo Missy" Marius pouted at her. "Make it feel better?"
Rosa sighed. "Marius. Von. Hagen."
"Yeeeess, Missy?" Marius smiled, hopeful.
"As if!" Rosa then proceeded to tickle Marius, reaching out to let her fingers slip inside his jacket and have her fingertips flutter lightly along his sides.
"Aah haha Missy, that's cheating! That's low! You're cruel!" Marius cried, but this time the tears were of laughter.
Somehow in the throes of Rosa tickling Marius they ended up tangled on the sofa, with Rosa lying on top of him.
Before they could realize the position they were in, Marius enveloped Rosa in his arms, holding her close to him.
"Hey, Missy," he breathed next to her ear. "Thanks. I mean it. I...I really feel better now."
Rosa, whose head laid on his chest, could feel Marius's heart thump wildly. "No problem. I mean, I care about you, you know?"
Something inside Marius's head clicked, as Rosa's words reminded him of what Vyn said the other night.
"Missy...when Vyn said he saw how you look at me, and him...did he mean...?"
A couple minutes passed before Rosa finally replied. "Yeah. I have a crush on both of you," Rosa buried her face against his chest, to hide her blushing. "I mean, aside from both of you being really good looking, you guys were really kind to me. Even Vyn."
"Well...Yeah, I think Vyn likes you too," Marius murmured. "I guess he was just pushed over the edge with what was happening."
"So. Um."
"Hey, Rosa," Marius gulped. "Want to do it?"
Rosa froze in his arms. Uh-oh. Not good. "I mean, if you want to. Tell me how you want me to make love to you. I still think Vyn hurt you back then--I want to make it right."
Rosa giggled, then let her body relax again in his arms. "Vyn was rough, but I uh...Um. I don't exactly...dislike being handled like that."
"Wow. Missy really likes it rough, huh?"
"Do you want to do it?"
"...yes. Again, you ask too many questions, Marius."
Marius took her hand and placed it over the hard on straining against his pants. "Let's go."
While Rosa did say that she liked how Vyn railed her from behind the other night, somehow she ended up mounting Marius in a reverse cowgirl position, giving the younger man a good view of how his cock slipped in and out of her as she gyrated her hips over him.
"Shit. This is such a good view, Missy," Marius hissed under his breath, overly aroused at the sight of his favorite lawyer's ass bounce on his hips. He felt his cock twitch inside her as she fucked herself using him, letting out her moans that sounded like a full orchestra in his ears.
He drove the back of his head deeper into Rosa's soft memory foam pillows, letting himself drown in pleasure--Rosa, who brought him emotional comfort by way of her openness, non-judgmental presence; Rosa, whose inner walls at that very moment felt exquisitely delicious and hot around his shaft; Rosa, whose soft, feminine cries spurred even more sexual arousal in him--
--a stark contrast to the lovely bouquet of roses and thorns that was Vyn, the man who occupied his thoughts day in and day out, the man who made himself out to be appreciated only from afar, the man who tortured him unintentionally with his walls when he tried to get close--
Marius wondered if he can have Vyn singing for him the way Rosa was doing right now.
His thoughts cut abruptly when Rosa started begging Marius to fuck her this time, that she was near...
"Ah, Missy...so delicious, so fuckable," he whispered as he sat himself upright, pushing Rosa all fours on her bed. "Do you want me to do you hard like how Vyn did you back in the conference room?"
"Yes! Do me hard, Marius, please."
Marius licked his lips, plunging in once again into Rosa's sopping wet sex. "You better get ready." He pulled back his hips just enough to leave the tip inside her pussy, then snapped his hips back forward with such force that made her mewl in aroused delight.
"This hard?" Marius bit his lip, he was near...
"Fondle yourself, Missy," Marius grunted as he started railing her hard in a similar fashion as Vyn did the other night, "I'm about to come myself."
"Marius, ah--" Rosa's hand slipped to her mound, and, quite teasingly let her fingertips flutter around his shaft that was violently fucking her in the pursuit of his orgasm.
"Shit, missy, don't do that, I'll---"
"Marius, it's okay to shout Vyn's name--ahn--when you--come..."
"Hahh--I can tell he's on your mind," Rosa moaned as she furiously flicked her fingertips at her sensitive bud. "So go ahead, cry his name out loud for me, will you?"
"Damn, missy, Vyn really IS rubbing off on you," Marius moaned, finding himself turned on by her unusual request. "Shit...!"
And his mind blanked out, his load coming out in violent spurts; Marius did as Rosa requested, repeatedly chanting Vyn's name as he emptied himself inside her.
"Man, Missy," Marius groaned as he rolled over Rosa's bedsheets. "You're really sexy in bed, y'know?"
Rosa giggled. She sat upright by the edge of her bed, watching the night cityscape, her back towards Marius. "I think it's just natural for me being touch starved all the while surrounded by incredibly attractive and unattached men day in and day out. It makes a woman just want to fuck, you know?"
"You mean the NXX? Us four?"
"Eheh~ don't tell me you have designs on Luke and Artem too," Marius wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Such a smutty lawyer, you."
"I'll take that as a compliment," came her coy response.
Marius straightened himself rested his back against the headboard. Then, arms outstretched, he formed a rectangle frame using the thumb and forefingers of both his hands, capturing Rosa in the middle and the night cityscape beyond.
And, came his reverent whisper, "Beautiful."
For against the dark backdrop of the city at night, Rosa's bare skin, loosely framed by the pale pink blanket draped around her hips, gave off an exquisite illumination accented by the bronze highlights of her loose auburn hair.
Marius took the time to take in all of her curves and dips, the shadows that pooled in between soft flesh and delicate bone structure; he committed the details to his memory for painting later. No, impasto would not do. Sfumato, though... Light and shadow interplaying in fragile smoke and haze wrapping her graceful form is more befitting her than the roughness of impasto, Marius decided.
Sfumato it is.
"Missy...Rosa," Marius found himself freely pouring out his honest emotions in her presence with nary a thought. It felt quite liberating, exhilarating. "Damn it, Rosa. It's going to be hard seeing you snagged by another man," he said wistfully. "I wish...I wish it was you I fell in love with."
This made Rosa turn to face him on the bed. "Mm. Would have been nice, but I'm okay seeing you with Vyn." She laughed coyly behind her hand. "Besides, both of you will still be around me, right? I mean..." her voice trailed off. We already fucked, us three, Marius knew she meant to complete her sentence with those words.
"Ah, man...but Rosa, you're worth more than a sidepiece," Marius slides across the sheets to give her a hug.
"Stop it, you. You guys didn't make me feel like one." Rosa smiled. "In fact, thanks to Vyn's antics both you and Vyn are now part of my little harem I'm trying to build up for myself."
"...Damn. Well played."
Thanks to Rosa, Marius went through the first days of his emergency leave with relative peace of mind.
Handing over his phone to Vincent, letting his trusted secretary and friend deal with the calls and shield him from aggravation from work and possible emotional turmoil proved to be a very wise decision as well.
After the trip to Rosa's apartment Marius holed himself up in his room, never even leaving it to work in his atelier. The emotions stirred by the fresh memory of what took place in it was still a bit raw, and so Marius decided to avoid his atelier for now until he was sure that he could make peace with what had happened.
He did start on the prototype sketches of the painting he planned to gift Rosa, but these he did in the small, cramped desk in his bedroom.
Marius had spent his time so far playing games, watching mindless shows, and, inspired by Rosa, allowing himself to munch on junk food as he nursed his bruised heart. Training can come later, he promised himself.
Of course, he also slept a lot, in between those idle activities. And dreamt, also a lot.
His dreams flipped between Rosa and Vyn, the two presences who made the most impression on him for the past few days. Rosa, with her warm, calming and somewhat voluptuous presence; Vyn, whose cold, tumultuous, yet alluring existence colored most of his dreams night by night.
In what he thought was still one of those dreams, he saw Vyn sitting by the end of his bed, looking at him. Marius groaned, and shifted under his blanket, willing himself to go back to sleep...
Then his eyes snapped open, training his gaze once again by the foot of his bed.
Vyn was indeed sitting there, and, after a confirmatory pinch on his arm, not a part of his dream.
"Hello, Marius," said Vyn, clad in a more casual outfit of loose sweater over a collared shirt, and jeans.
Marius pulled his bedsheets closer to him, suddenly feeling vulnerable, exposed, right in his own sacred space. He did not like it one bit. "Vyn. What the hell are you doing here."
"You did not return any of my calls." Vyn crossed his legs by the edge of Marius's bed. "So I saw it fit to pay you a visit. I was worried when I heard from Artem that you could not be reached directly for the past few days."
"I believe I had Vincent tell everybody that I was on an emergency leave, Vyn," Marius murmured, voice shaky. "I just needed sometime for myself, right now." Why the hell are you here? He wanted to scream at Vyn. You're the very man I don't want to deal with right now!
"From how I understood it, Marius, your order to Vincent was merely to screen your phone calls. You never did exactly had him turn away visitors."
Marius's mouth gaped open, then closed. "Y-yeah. Fuck that. You're right." He muttered as he sunk deeper into his pillows, willing himself to be swallowed up by the earth for such an elementary lapse of judgment.
"So, what the hell do you want?"
"That's no way to talk to your tutor."
"We're not exactly on professor and student capacity at the moment, Vyn."
"That is true. But," Vyn shifted himself on the bed to better face Marius. "That does not change the fact that we are worried about you." The golden eyes behind his glasses indeed looked concerned, but Marius didn't want to trust anything concerning the doctor at the moment. Not now. He was still too raw.
"I'm fine, Vyn. Like I said. I just need some time." Marius wrapped his arms around himself.
"I apologize." came Vyn's sudden pronouncement.
Marius blinked. "What did you say?"
"I said, I apologize." Vyn repeated his words, his facial expression solemn. Marius would have pegged his visage for an angel's face from a renaissance painting, but the night at the NXX headquarters with Rosa happened and it had greatly shaken how he viewed the doctor in front of him.
"I am not going to make excuses towards how I treated you and Rosa," Vyn whispered. "Nor am I going to promise to make things right. I just want you to know I am aware that...my behavior has been inexcusable as of late."
"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly blameless either," Marius sighed. "So? You said your piece, Vyn. What else do you need from me?"
Vyn fell silent.
Then, after a few minutes of utter silence, "I need to know what you want to do with me, from now on." He faced away from Marius, looking pensive. "If need be I can assist with having your private studies under me transferred to another tutor. I cannot remove myself from my NXX duties, but I can--"
"Stop. I thought you were asking me."
Marius pushed away the blankets wrapped around him and stepped off the bed, walking towards where Vyn sat by the edge. "Do I really, really have to decide now? Just when I'm trying to clear my head?"
He stood right in front of Vyn, towering over him, arms crossed, feeling pretty pissed off.
"Did Vincent even tell you why I had to pull this long break?" Marius's teeth gritted, bile rising from his throat. "Did he tell you that I was already signing papers without actually reading them, and if it wasn't for him I would have had my ass chewed by the board and kicked out of the group?"
"...no. This is news to me."
"Well," Marius bent low, hands on knees, his eye level with Vyn's. "You're hearing it straight from me, Vyn. Thanks to this fuckery going on right now--and yes, I admit I started it, which is why I want to drop off the face of the earth--I can't think, I can't function, I have to resort to shutting myself in my room so I can have headspace to process this shitty thing I started, but really, I didn't want this." Marius's voice dripped with pure misgiving. "I didn't want to fall for you, Vyn, if I could choose I would have fallen for someone sweet and caring like Rosa instead. But no. I had to fall stupidly in love over a cold, cruel bastard like you."
Vyn averted his eyes, shifting his sights to the floor. Once again, his face was unreadable.
"So now you're here, invading my space, and I am sure that shrink brain of yours knows what's been happening to me. Admit it, Vyn, you came here for your own sake."
An almost inaudible, yet sharp gasp escaped Vyn. It was so soft that Marius could have mistaken it for another sound in his room, but his face was so close to his tutor's that he even felt the breath expel as he gasped.
Clearly, Vyn himself did not realize it.
Maybe Vyn did go here under the intention of checking whether Marius still wanted to continue studying under him or not. Maybe his desire to do whatever he wanted to do to Marius overrode his usual impeccable judgment.
There were so many maybes, but all of them academically moot now that Vyn has already given away that Marius's assessment was spot on.
"Face me. Look at me, goddamnit." Marius grabs Vyn's face by the chin, forcing his gold eyes to look straight into his purples. "I was licking my wounds, Vyn. But you just barged in here like it was nothing. You better have something with you to show for it. Now, tell me, what did you really want to do here?"
Vyn stared back at him, but with his usual cold, steely demeanor now replaced with a slightly wide-eyed blank slate.
"Well, Vyn?" Marius prodded, his face still only a few inches away from his tutor's.
Nothing prepared Marius from what happened next: Vyn leaning forward ever so slightly, capturing his lips with his.
It was a soft--even polite--kiss, with Vyn's cool lips only brushing lightly against Marius's heated ones; bereft of malice that had colored Vyn's touches from that night in the NXX headquarters. If Marius had his eyes closed during that kiss, he wouldn't have thought that it was Vyn's--the light, soft touch was unlike anything he had ever received from his tutor.
Almost a complete 180 turn.
Marius pulled away, and beheld the face in front of him: eyes still half-lidded, obscured with his long, silver eyelashes; glasses askew; and a somewhat helpless expression that he had never, ever seen on the doctor who was always composed, always put-together, ever.
And Marius realized--was this what Giann, his brother, saw whenever he looked at Vyn?
He was still Vyn, still the same man with the silver hair and pale gold eyes whose gaze can easily turn razor sharp upon command, but overlaid with that one single layer that changed everything: vulnerability.
This time, Vyn was showing his vulnerable side. Marius gulped. Was this one of those instances where Vyn let slip something in a calculated manner, to lead the situation into an outcome of his own choosing? Marius wouldn't put it past his tutor. He'd seen Vyn pull that off one too many times; some attempts were done on Marius himself, only to be realized on hindsight.
Is this what Giann sees when he looks at you?
Marius reached out a tentative hand to Vyn's face: fingertips tracing jawline; thumb running across his lips.
Vyn's now-wide open eyes, stripped of its usual passive scorn that served as his thorns, made him look younger.
"Do with me as you will, Marius," Vyn whispered as he inwardly burned under Marius's scrutiny. "If that would satisfy you."
Something in Marius snapped.
"Like hell it would," he hissed as he pushed Vyn down to the bed by his shoulders, with such force that it completely dislodged the doctor's glasses from his face.
Despite himself, Vyn's distressed yelp surprised even Marius. It was something he had never heard from him before; who was this body snatcher, and why did he choose Vyn's body to take over?
"My, how the tables have turned, Professor." Marius's lips suddenly curled into a twisted smile, attempting to channel Vyn's cruelty. "I wonder what you were thinking when you decided to go here. You know how much you pissed me off."
The student was now the one pinning the teacher to the bed--Marius held both of Vyn's wrists to his sides, straddling the older man--and with the taller, younger student's weight not even Vyn's well-trained core strength could push him off...that is, if Vyn even tried to struggle.
The doctor just laid passively, body limp, not even meeting Marius's gaze.
"Just do whatever and get it over with," murmured Vyn. Even his voice was limp, resigned.
Marius let go of Vyn's wrists, and covered his face with his hands. "Ah, shit, I can't do this." He rolled off of Vyn, giving up on his hold over his erstwhile tormentor.
"How do you even do it, Vyn?" Marius said, voice plaintive. "I--I just don't have it in me. Not when you're as good as dead, even on my own bed."
"It just means you are a better person than I am," came Vyn's flat voice.
"Yeah?" Marius let out a short, self-derisive laugh.
"So, what now, Vyn? As much as the thought of you lying down on my bed, ripe for my taking is irresistible, I really, really don't feel like it right now." he sighed. "I would have been all over you, maybe if this happened before the entire shitshow. God that would have been mindblowing."
"Probably. Maybe," Vyn pushed himself back onto an upright sitting position and faced his student. "So, I take it that you are no longer...interested anymore?"
"I wish I can give you a straight answer, Vyn. Not kidding when I said I need to collect my thoughts."
"Ah." Vyn moved to get off the bed, but somehow he settled on sitting by the edge of the bed again, his back towards Marius, shoulders slightly hunched over. "I-I will get going, then."
Marius felt despondent by the turn of events. But it was true--he didn't feel like doing anything to Vyn at all, neither retaliation for what the doctor did to him in the atelier, nor to get intimate with him.
He was just emotionally spent.
He was already closing his eyes when he heard a muffled sound coming from Vyn, who still sat there by the edge of his bed, back still facing him, shoulders still hunched over.
Then he saw the nigh-imperceptible shuddering of Vyn's shoulders.
No reply from the doctor.
"Vyn?" Marius rolled over and pulled on his tutor's shoulder so that he faced him. "Ah--shit."
Vyn was crying silently.
He bit at his finger to suppress the sound, but tears came flowing copiously down his cheeks, the neckline of his sweater now damp.
"Fuck, don't pull this on me, Vyn," Marius combed his fingers through his hair in sheer, utter frustration. "God, please. I can't take more of this."
"I-I am sorry," was all Vyn said, choking on his words. "...sorry." His crying already discovered, he gave up all pretense of concealing his sobs, the quiet, pitiful sobs that now filled the sacred quiet of Marius's bedroom.
"But why are you crying, man?" Marius was slowly losing it again, clearly not equipped to navigate through the intricacies of fucked up people and their fucked up lives. "H-how can I make it stop? How can I make you feel better?"
Marius's desperate questioning only seemed to make Vyn's sobbing worse.
"I-I am going now. I best be on my...way," Vyn hastily stood up to leave--still crying--but before he could take even three steps away from the bed Marius grabbed him by his waist and threw him back onto the bed.
"The fuck you're leaving my room in that state!" Marius hissed at him. "Are you trying to start rumors about Marius von Hagen...I don't know, abusing his private tutor or something?!"
Vyn visibly winced at Marius's heated words, as if he was indeed physically struck.
"Shit. Shitshitshit." What would Rosa do?
What did Rosa do?
Taking a deep breath, Marius reached out with his arms and pulled Vyn towards him, letting the other man cry against his chest. Being the taller one, he let his chin rest atop the silver head as his hands tried, rather clumsily, to soothe Vyn's shuddering back.
Christ. What the fuck is happening.
"Look--Stop crying, okay?" Marius said in the most neutral tone that he could muster, while at the same time groaning inwardly. "Sssh. Come on, Vyn."
Vyn's hands gripped at Marius's shirt, his face still plastered against the student's chest.
Marius closed his eyes, silently counted from one to ten as slow as he could, and upon reaching ten, he said,
"Look, Vyn. Listen to me."
"I hear you."
Marius then gently, yet clumsily extricated Vyn from him, holding him at arm's length--a faithful imitation to what Rosa did for him--and looked at Vyn in his reddened, tear-stricken eyes.
"Vyn, I am going to say this only once, just so we're clear," Marius began, "I still am very, very, wary of you, and let's not kid ourselves, we know that you're good at manipulating people."
Vyn bit his lip, obviously hurt at what Marius outlined for him.
"Now, despite that, I will do this, because regardless of why you're crying, you're still crying, and I swear to god someone crying around me messes me up. Okay?"
Marius didn't bother waiting for Vyn's answer--there was no way the other man didn't hear him.
"That aside, let me make it clear that it could be you crying right now, it could be Rosa, or it could be any cute woman I know, and I will still do this. Okay? Okay."
With all the preamble done, Marius then tipped Vyn's chin towards him and enveloped him in a deep kiss.
His arms slid around Vyn's upper body as they kissed deeply, similar to what happened in the atelier, only this time they were both sitting on Marius's bed.
Deeper, yet gentler. Marius's hand slid upwards to the back of his tutor's head, fingers tangling with the wispy silver strands as he pushed Vyn's mouth closer to his--his tongue sliding past those lovely lips, the lips that he paid great attention to when he did his underdrawing for the portrait--greedily tasting the man who sent his life hurtling to the great uncertainty and beyond.
"I--I do not need your pity--" Vyn tried to break off from the younger's embrace, only to be pressed to his lips once again.
Marius slipped his hands underneath Vyn's layers, caressing his bare skin underneath. "Too late to back out now," Marius whispered as he pulled on the hem of Vyn's loose sweater and slipped it off over the older man's shoulders and arms. "You came here. What did you expect?"
"I only wanted to apologize," Vyn murmured as he averted his gaze from his student who was in the process of peeling off his layers. "That is all."
"It could have waited til I came back, Vyn." Marius's fingers deftly worked on the shirt buttons. "There was no real reason to come here." Finally done with the buttons, he parted Vyn's shirt, letting it slide off the man's lithe arms.
Despite all the talk of him being emotionally spent, the very sight of Vyn's supple, well-toned, naked torso made certain parts of Marius throb.
"Shit. You're really pretty," Marius licked his lips as he dipped down to plant small kisses along the side of his neck. The man smelled of sandalwood and roses--did Vyn specifically put perfume on for him before coming here? Marius thought it made Vyn extra suspicious, but at that point he did not care, not now when the man who filled most of his dreams was now moaning underneath his touches, moans that he never knew he was capable of--oh, indeed Vyn did sing delightfully--and Marius's cock throbbed achingly for him.
One of the things he learned about Vyn from that fateful night in the NXX headquarters was that the man loved to work with his tongue, the man loved to taste, the man loved to tease with that delightful pink tongue of his and so Marius wanted to try it for himself, himself now running his own tongue along the pale-skinned man's collarbone, taking his own sweet time now that they are in his room with no upcoming obligations--not that Marius would even care, anyway.
As far as he was concerned, the only important thing in the world right now is Vyn trembling in his arms.
Marius shifted Vyn so the older man leaned further back, supported by his strong arms. This gave him better access to Vyn's chest and stomach; the student slowly licked his way down from the secret beauty mark off the side of his tutor's right collarbone, down to one of his nipples now captured by his lips.
Marius gave it an tentative lick, feeling the nub harden underneath the wet touch of his tongue-tip. "M-Marius..." Vyn moaned.
Spurred on, turned on by Vyn moaning his name out loud--his name, and not his brother's--he lightly sucked on the nipple as one of his hands found the other, gently rolling it with a thumb and forefinger.
The shuddering now came strongly; Vyn now writhed in his arms, the trembling coming in sweet and enticing to Marius's sense of touch. He started craving for more of that heady, intoxicating, erotic reaction from the very object of his confused obsession--the delicious, sweet trembling under his fingers so palpable Marius almost believed he can make a sculpture inspired by it.
"Please..." Vyn's voice barely carried underneath his fast, shallow breathing.
"Please?" Marius whispered, still taking his time tasting the man's fragrant skin. "Please what." His lips left a trail of small, reverent kisses down Vyn's stomach.
"Take me."
"Ah, shit." Marius once again pushed Vyn down onto his bedsheets--gently, this time--and beheld the very evidence of the older man's arousal. The hard on straining through Vyn's pants was unmistakable. "You really want me, Vyn?"
Marius remembered that he had to say something before things went further.
"Full disclosure, Vyn," Marius gulped. "Before that time in the headquarters, I haven't touched another man. And my own sexual escapades has been limited. I was not lying when I said I wasn't a playboy like the tabloids make it out to be.
"So yeah, while I was walking around with this desire to fuck you for all these years, I actually am. Not experienced on how to actually fuck you."
Marius expected Vyn to laugh at him, but what he got instead was a faceful of Vyn Richter throwing himself at him, kissing his face all over with abandon. "Really now?" Vyn murmured as he licked the side of his student's face. "You're inexperienced?"
"The life of a serious art student isn't all parties and orgies, Vyn--ah---god, that's good." Marius tilted his head back as Vyn licked into his earlobe.
"But you want to fuck me?" Vyn whispered urgently as his hands slid down to his waist to undo his own belt buckle and the buttons of his pants.
"Yes, Vyn, I've wanted to fuck you senseless ever since you took my hand and invited me to come mess with the man who bullied Giann," Marius whispered, referencing one of his earlier memories with Vyn as a younger teenager.
He helped Vyn slip out of his pants and underwear.
"That was a long time ago, Marius."
"Vyn..." Marius leaned over to give his tutor an openmouthed kiss, their tongues sliding against each other, tasting each other, his hand sliding down to grasp the older man's cock.
"...you were my first sexual awakening."
"Hahh--I...I did not know..." Vyn shivered as he felt Marius's hand pump his shaft on a slow, measured, sensual pace. "Marius, I..."
"Teach me, Professor," Marius panted as he continued his ministrations on the other man's shaft. "Teach me how to fuck you."
"Very well."
Vyn laid down on his back over Marius's pillows. He reached out for one of Marius's hands, bringing it to his lips and slowly, languorously licked and sucked each of his fingers.
"Fuck, Vyn," Marius felt his cock strain harder against his pants as it twitched. "You look so sexy doing that. Ah, shit..."
The tutor kept at slathering his student's fingers with copious amounts of his saliva. Then, finally satisfied with how saturated Marius's fingers were with his spit, Vyn adjusted his position on the bed, lifting his ass a little bit, and guided his student's fingers down towards his entrance.
"Go ahead," Vyn's breath hitched in anticipation. "Slide it inside."
Fingers slightly shaking, wondering it he may accidentally hurt the other man, Marius carefully prodded the tip of his middle finger against the pert ring of muscle. To his surprise it slid inside easily, and Marius, for a single, delicious moment forgot how to breathe, his attention rapt at watching his very own finger fuck Vyn in the ass.
Gulping nervously Marius slipped his index finger next, both of his fingers inside Vyn carefully sliding in and out--
"Don't be so--ahn--afraid, Marius," Vyn now bit his finger again, trying to suppress the moaning that increasingly became louder and more frequent. "You have to--ah--loosen me up..."
"Shit," Marius's breathing transitioned into panting, increasingly turned on with the heavenly sight in front of him: Vyn writhing ever so deliciously over his pillows, his pretty cock at full mast; Marius's own fingers sliding in and out of Vyn's hole.
"God...Vyn, think you can take a third finger?"
"Y-yes..." His tutor now grabbed at the bedsheets, biting his lip as Marius tried to insert his ring finger as the third. "Aah--!"
Marius, now concentrating on loosening the tight muscle clamping down on his digits as his tutor had instructed, pressed down bit by bit until all three fingers are buried knuckle-deep.
"God, Vyn, please, let me fuck you now," Marius rode his thumb into the garter of his lounge pants and pulled out his own cock: painfully erect for some time now, tipped with precum, and quite ready to fuck his Professor.
"No not yet," Vyn moaned out loud. "Come here."
Not pulling his fingers out of Vyn's ass, Marius shifted to Vyn's side and could only groan in response when Vyn leaned slightly forward to take the student's cock in his mouth.
"Aaaahh shit," Marius panted, a loopy grin on his face, not entirely believing that he was on the receiving end of Vyn's blowjob. "This--should be fucking illegal."
Having slathered Marius's shaft with enough spit, Vyn finally let go. "If you were four years younger, yes it would be illegal," Vyn said, a touch impatient and horny. "Now feel free to fuck me. Legally."
"Yes, Professor Richter," Marius hummed as he carefully slipped out his fingers from his tutor's ass and replaced it with his cock, sitting along the entrance of his ring of muscle at first, then with slow, careful movements prodded forward inch by voluptuous inch.
"Oh, fuck," Vyn moaned, as if in pain.
"Vyn," Marius managed to stop himself from wrecking his tutor's ass with abandon. "Are you alright? What am I doing wrong?"
"N-nothing!" Vyn winced. "Continue fucking me!" His hands left the bedsheets, instead throwing his arms around Marius's shoulders to hang onto him tightly, so tightly that his nails dug into his student's flesh at the back.
It felt so amazingly, wonderfully hot, the way his inner walls clamped tightly around his shaft, yet even Marius could tell that Vyn needed to relax a little.
Would this help? Marius slipped a hand between them to work Vyn's cock with the same saliva-coated hand that he used to prepare him, and sure enough that distracted his tutor a bit, allowing Marius to fully hilt himself in one more thrust.
"Marius!" Vyn cried in response, then muffled his further cries by pulling his student in for another kiss. "Mmph--"
There was no need for further instruction. Marius started to move his hips, carefully and steadily, thoroughly enjoying the actual sensation of how it feels like to fuck his very own Vyn.
He frequently had wet dreams of him making love to his childhood friend, and now tutor, but the sensations in the dream were mere approximation of how he expected sex with him would feel like.
Now he was actually fucking him: Vyn's tight walls clamping down around his cock so deliciously, Vyn's sinful tongue thrashing against his in Marius's mouth, Vyn's fingernails digging desperately into the flesh of his back--Marius now has actual experience to base his future wet dreams on.
It felt glorious. Exhilarating. Manic.
"Mmph--Vyn, I'm about to come," Marius murmured against Vyn's lips. "Is--is it okay if I move faster?"
"Yes--ahh!" Vyn tightened his hold around Marius's neck as his student started to pummel him, each thrust hitting his walls hard.
To distract him, and also to help him chase his release, Marius pumped Vyn's cock on the same rhythm of his fucking--their hot, rapid breaths mingling, the sensations between them becoming more electric, their combined moans and cries filling the room wantonly, the bed frame creaking--
And the tide came, first washing over Vyn, a loud guttural moan escaping his throat. He arched backwards, losing himself to the strong climax that came in bursts of white and propelled with such force that a few white threads splattered his pale, previously pristine cheek.
"Hahaha, shit, you came a lot," Marius was about to laugh, but the erotic, dirty display of Vyn's cheek touched with his own sperm turned him on so much--"Oh shit, I'm coming too", he moaned with such urgency--that he came, his own come splashing inside Vyn, coating the man's inner walls white.
Both men--student and teacher--spent, they let their limbs stay tangled as they rested and caught their breaths on the sheets.
"Hahh--Vyn," Marius leaned over to lick the sperm off Vyn's cheek. His tutor's come tasted slightly bitter, tempered out with a little sweetness that was quite hard to catch. "Your sperm tastes just like you."
"You do not make sense, Marius," Vyn buried his face into one of the pillows. "Of course it would taste of me. It IS me."
Marius quietly beheld Vyn's face: flushed, forehead slick with sweat, his usually well-arranged hair now sticking out at odd angles, slightly dripping with sweat, his eyes, still slightly puffy from his crying earlier, hooded behind his silver lashes...
It was a beautiful, debauched sight. One that Marius thought would only exist in dreams.
But be that as it may, there were still things that need to be ironed out.
"I'm not my brother. How do you feel about me?"
"I do not know. I came here only to apologize, not fuck Giann's little brother."
"Fair enough."
"But," Vyn moved closer to bury his face against the crook of Marius's neck. "I suppose I will start seeing you. In that...way."
It's a start, at least.
Artem tapped the butt end of his pile of papers against the surface of the conference table, aligning the pages. "At least we know what to look for, and where to look for them," he said as he slipped the files into his binder. "Luke, where--"
"Holy shit, Marius! Is there something wrong with Marius, Vyn?!" Luke's voice carried through the corridor, prompting Artem and Rosa to run out of the conference room and join him in the corridor.
Marius was on the floor, Vyn on top of him. The way the doctor straddled Marius was a bit too odd for someone who was supposed to administer CPR.
This time, it was Rosa who cleared her throat, and swiftly dragged Luke and Artem by their arms, all the way outside the NXX headquarters. "Marius is fine! You did not see anything!"
"He is fine, Luke!" Rosa interrupted, not letting her best friend get a word in edgewise. "Let Dr. Richter um, treat him!"
In the meantime, Artem was oddly quiet, a red flush creeping from his collar up to his entire face.
Rosa pulled on their arms--linked in arm-in-arm manner, as if they were middle schoolers on the way to the ice cream shop and not members of an elite investigative team--all the way to the parking lot.
"You guys feel like eating out?" Rosa asked her two colleagues. "I know a nice place where we can drink afterwards too!"
"Oh, uh--I'm not very good with alcohol, so..." Artem mumbled, wanting to join in but exercising prudence with alcohol.
"That's fine!" Rosa smiled, still keeping her arm-in-arm hold on Luke and Artem--making sure their upper arms pressed against her breasts--you guys can totally crash in my place if you get too sloshed."
"Er, that's not, uh--" Artem stammered.
Luke, however, being the platonic best friend so far, was keen on the idea. "Yeah, that's a great idea, Watson!"
"Yes," Rosa smiled immaculately. "It'll be fun."
63 notes · View notes
After having a very rough life that makes her want to risk it all at the age of 12. Elaina receives a call from her older brother begging for help with his new born daughter. After watching the fiasco Ari and Aaliyah, her little sisters started in Crenshaw and knowing they needed to lay low for a long time. They head to a Freeridge California and meet a little beat up boy named Cesar. After awhile they start to rebuild the never put together family that she's always wanted but what happens when his older brother finally gets out of jail?
Show some love if you like it! I do not own on my block or any of its characters. I only own my own ocs. I also dont own the pictures. If you don't like the book don't read it and I'm always welcome to nice criticism but if your an ass you will be removed. I also dont speak spanish so I'm gonna do the best I can.
Driving to get to my new house in Freeridge was tiring as hell with my mija in the car. Dont get me wrong I know this is the first time we've got to spend time together in awhile but, I also know the girls hyped her up on candy and soda from the way she practically vibrating and jumping in her purple and black car seat. Fortunately she crashed from her sugar high about 40 minutes back and I would be able to carry her big head into the house.
Tapping my hand in the steering wheel, I pull through tagged up streets until I arrive at my new house in Freeridge, California. There were little trees and bushes blocking all edges of the house at the end of the street giving it a very good privacy setting. Its walls a off white concrete with beige tiles on the roof. There was a big yard big enough to store some of the cars Juju and I like to work on, a small garage and a doggie house for my dog Cerberus. As my eyes roam the house I let out the sigh that seems to have been on the tip of my tongue since I left my old home in Crenshaw.
I notice there were no lights on in the house and that I will have to get black out curtains, considering the amount of windows there were. It wont be good when I have to drink my self to sleep only to be woken up by the sun wanting to show how much holier it is than I. The houses off white cemented walls shined in the fading sunlight the light reflecting off the windows giving it a warm and cozy look thankfully along with the sun going down so is the famous unforgivable heat.
Stepping out of the car was a little more challenging than I thought it was going to be considering how my skin wanted to mend into the car seat. So, after I finally was able to surgically remove myself I was able to start walking up to the reinforced door one of the first things I noticed.
'That was probably one of Vin's ideas.' A bitter smile came at the thought....missing mi familia. I honestly don't even know where he is right now. 'I'll find you when it's safe again.' Already knowing the words were lies before they even left his mouth.
The second thing I notice was the cameras discreetly pointing at every angle surronding my house. So if a lizard crossed my yard I would know about it. I opened the door and propped it open with one of door stopper that was right next to it. Not even bothering to look further inside Going back to the car and I pull out mi hija without waking her while also grabbing whatever else we needed to spend one night in an empty house.
Quickly grabbing my silver .9mm from the glove department, I place it in my waist band of my black yoga shorts and start walking in the house and once fully inside, I put Nena and the bags down in the living room on the deep brown wooden floors before rubbing her hair. Glancing at her mixed cream skin with crazy black curly hair I secretly admire her beauty. 'She deserves this fresh start more than any of us. ' I quietly think to myself continuing to take in her peaceful sleeping face that looked so much like her fathers.
She has such an innocent face but, that's just what lures you in about her. She has such a devilish smile when you get past her angelic eyes.
Rubbing her hair once more I walk out and grab a few more bags before placing those bags around her as well. I go back and lock the door before going through her night bag and pulling out her pajamas.
Picking her up to wake her only causes her to start groaning and whining as she lazily opens her eyes and gives me a sweet soft kiss.
"We have to change your clothes before you go back to sleep Nena." I say quietly to the 3 year old.
"Tía" she said with her quiet rarely used voice it coming out soft and toddlerish. Her tired eyes trying to close despite my best efforts. God this girl could try to sleep through anything!
"You cant call me that anymore mija." I said to her softly with my soothing voice while looking into her deep amber eyes. My mother always said that I had the voice capable of putting anyone to sleep. I remember when I was 4 she told me one night that she wanted me to sing for her every night to chase away the nightmares. Unfortunately the next morning I found her overdosed in the tub covered in urine and throw up.
"Yes mama." She said starting to get a little excited but still in her sleep haze.
"I love you mama." Nena said burying her head into my shoulder. Secretly trying to go back to sleep from what I could tell by the way she started to slump into my arms.
"I love you too Nena. We have to get you changed before you go back to sleep plum."I said chuckling to the half asleep toddler before looking away and turning to my phone when I hear the gun shot notification. Clicking my phone on. I see a blaring picture of Nena and *Bang!!* another new text message. This one from the moving company. [ We will arrive Tomorrow at 7 am] Alright. Not that bad and there's really nothing I could do about that right now.
Scrolling to my other messages I see one from Abuela.
[ We are 30 minutes out. She is in a mood driving us all loco.] Chuckling when I finished reading.
'She just lost her sister, nana.' I thought to myself. Before shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts of her. Putting down Nena on the floor unconsciously bringing up old unwanted memories of before the beginning of all of this bullshit.
*Flashback 2 years ago*
Sitting here with my hands bruised, slashed, and bleeding all over the place from the street fights I've had that past week. The dark purple and yellow bruises seeming to do a puzzle the way they fit on top of each other.
Kissing my teeth and looking far out of space while throwing my head back, and letting out a small scream while standing up to let out my frustrations. Today was not a good day, but it seems like bad days are the only days I'm allowed to have anymore honestly. Turning my head around to fully take in my shitty surronding of an abandoned apartment building with dried blood on the walls, broken glass bottles everywhere, and dirty couches and mattresses. The whole place stunk of mold, anemone, and shit. A scoff escapes me.
'What am I even doing here?' I think to myself but in reality I already know why I was not home..... trying to get too fucked up to remember anything. This is not where I am supposed to be doing that though. I pry through the existing migraine to get to the depressing things I'm forced to call my thoughts. While pulling out my phone to check to see if I have recieved any messages, nope but it is 02:30.
'I should probably go home.' Although, as soon as that thought went though my head it was already gone. My mind being too filled with the existing numbness and static to absorb anymore thoughts of home.
Not now.... 'Theres no one there to return to anymore.'
Walking though the trashed old and moldy apartment building somewhere in NY blood territory if the tagged up place was anything to go by I stepped out side. Looking around I notice the tagged up neighborhood and my 2014 purple and black Dodge Charger. Stepping in the car with a groan I start the car and look at my phone again to connect the bluetooth and start playing Leroyce -Forever before I take off toward a destination not really caring where as long as it's not here.
Opening my glove department I pull out a blunt and light it before coming to a stop. 'Got to get off the road soon dont want to get pulled over again.' I sigh, even though I look older than it I am still only 10. One that really is tired of this worlds sandeces 'I really dont want to call Vin to tell the officer to let me go if I get caught.' I add another sigh to my day as I pull into a parking space and turning off the car. I continue to smoke my blunt while listening to the music letting it vibe though me. 'I haven't eaten in 3 days' I think with, yeah you guessed it another sigh not particularly having an appetite or craving anything to eat.
Putting out the roach that was left while also making sure my silver glock is by my side, I get out of the car and walk to the nearest store. Walking up to the 711 I open the door and notice there were three young chicos in the candy isle and an Arabian at the register. Going to the bakery isle I grab two banana nut muffins before going to grab a beer and some chips.
"Can I get a black and mild wood tip?" I asked as I walked up to the Arabian girl at the register. Her big brown eyes first going to my holstered gun before looking into my hazel green eyes. Looking like she was having a debate with herself on whether or not to ask for an armored mixed girls Id. Flipping her fake blonde hair it seems like she made the decision that she doesnt care about my life.
"That will be 9.34."
Placing a 10 on the counter I walk away leaving the change. Going straight back to my car rolling another one and, staring off into space letting my mind wonder into the depths that would only bring and leave more scars. The only thing that brings me back is the sound of my ringer going off. Looking at the screen I see a picture of my hermano Vin and I on the screen. My long curly black hair pushed to the side my eyes closed and a bright smile on my full lips showing off my pearly whites. Vins tattoed arms wrapped around his hermanita as tight as possible knowing that would be the last time we would see each other for awhile.... and it's already been 8 months. "Qué?" I demanded. As soon as I picked up the phone.
"Te necesito." His deep voice says hesitantly over the phone.'Really....now you need me?'
"Por qué?"
"We can't speak about it on the phone. I need you to come to me." His gravely deep voice demanded on the phone. Not really giving me a choice in the matter in my head.
But now, what could be so important that you cant tell me over the phone. Well the only way I was going to find out was by going to him.
"I'm in New York right now, get my location and set it to the nearest airport. Make sure you keep the cops from my route I dont want any problems. Order me a private jet and set it to where ever you are."
" Thank you Elaina."
Humming, then ending the conversation. I recieve the route not even a minute later. Taking care of my family is a full time job that I didnt even sign up for....but without them I would have given up a long time ago. I sighed pulling out of the parking lot finally lightin the blunt.
'This finna be some bullshit.Well at least I get to go to London.'
Hearing a truck pull up outside the house. Walking to the door I peek out the bullet proof window to see Abuela's black truck outside. The short mexican lady is cursing my hermanitas the hell out I notice with a small smile. Knowing them they probably deserve it. Shaking my head I start making my way to the door unlocking the door and stepping onto the second brick step.
"THATS YOUR MOTHERFUCKING EXCUSE FOR GETTING ALL THAT SHIT ON MY SEATS!?" oooh car problems...... Walking right back inside grabbing Nena who found her toy bag and was currently sleeping on a stuffed animal. But she was already dressed in her pajamas so imma just count it as a win-win situation. I already did what I needed to do which was open the door.
"Sissy save us!!!!" I hear both my other twin sisters yell. No. You fucked up her truck. You did this to a crazy Mob grandma.
"Let's go find somewhere to sleep Nena." Walking off not listening to the distressing calls of "Sissy!" from all three my sisters now.
I end up picking the empty master bedroom mentally cursing my brother for not having furniture arrive before his family did. 'Pendejo.'
Laying down on the carpet floor while putting white headphones in my ears and using a giant panda stuff animal as a pillow I pull an already asleep Nena over me and, put her head on my chest before closing my eyes.
I stayed like that for hours my insomnia not letting me sleep and my mind never truly letting me rest. I sit, wait, and listen to my sisters and grandma put away the little things they had before going to sleep. Well at least two of them do.
Looking up to my door as I hear the door click open. My younger sister Juju is there with a burning blunt and bottle of Hennessy...... our sleep medicine.
She's wearing a faded purple spaghetti strap crop top and black pajamas shorts. Most of her tattoos being shown off due to the lack of clothes. Pushing a deeply asleep toddler off of me and onto the panda. I watched her wrap her arms around the toy before turning and grabbing my phone.
After making sure my bebé was still fully asleep, something I honestly dont know why I even questioned, I stand up.
Following my younger sister outside to the back yard we hop on the concrete railing facing opposite of each other with the bottle between us and pop it open. Taking out my phone I start to play Say yes by Floetry. Before I really start to look around the back yard. Cerberus was going to have the time of his life fucking shit up back here. He will be arriving tomorrow along with the furniture, he doesn't do well with long road trips at all so we decided to just drug him and put him on a plane along with the rest of the stuff.
"I thought Vin said he would be here?" Her raspy tired voice said drawing me out of my thoughts and making me turn towards her. Big puppy dog hazel eyes that had dark circles from lack of sleep and brown curly hair made her look like a sun goddess. Her light carmel skin basically glowing in the moon and pool light. Out of all of my siblings I connected with sisters the most. Maybe because I went through a lot of bull shit with them? Maybe because they shared the womb at the same time with me? Either way I'm happy for it considering how much the world seems to hates my guts its good to have sisters that actually care if I die or not.
"You know why he can't come here." I said hitting the blunt. Knowingly about to start an unwanted argument.
"Wouldn't you say to protect his girls he would actually be here with us?Not there trying to get himself killed?!"She asked irritated and worried.
"Hm." Taking the bottle she chugs down the liquor with no regrets. Before handing it to me when she is done, I do the same thing until I feel somewhat alright.
"What school are we going to go to? Will you do football?" Now why would I be thinking about doing football? This ain't my home.
"We will be going to sign up for school soon I guess and no I'm not doing football."
" You might be able to start a new life, have friends, find love." She continued. Her mind filled with nothing but romance, roses, and bullets. She already knew that we shouldnt really get attached to anyone out here. It was far to dangerous to get anyone evolved in our lives but right now on this railing she can dream.
"Are you listing out Liyah's to-do list or mine?" I said laughing and fully feeling the effects of the alcohol. Not wanting to be the one to state the facts.
"All of ours fool!" She says laughing. Her smile showing off her small dimples. The smile slowly going away putting her head on my shoulder before shaking it.
"After everything that's been going on we deserve it.........How did we get here hermana?" Sighing I dont answer, knowing that question was more towards the Angels than to me.
"This isn't fair, for him to send us to one place while hes halfway around the world." She continues with a slight whimper in her voice. Taking another sip out of the bottle before passing it and lighting a black and mild.
"He's trying his best." Those soft spoken words could've been yelled at the poor girl with how quickly she quieted down.
Looking over at her down casted head.
"Yeah he is trying his best....but, his best could be with us there to help." She said damn near sobbing. The medicine is working.
"You know why we cant do that Juju. Come on." I said picking her up from the railing and stumbling back into the room after I placed her next to Nena before turning around and locking the door. Poor girl was already asleep when I turned back around.
What could I expect though after everything that's been going on. Quickly checking my phone for the time to see 02:45. I finally lay down next to them and let the alcohol in my system drag me into Morpheus's arms.
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