#I'm glad he got to get it out of the tardis wardrobe
mizgnomer · 11 months
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Behind the Scenes of Voyage of the Damned (Part 18) Excerpt from Total TV Guide's 2007 Christmas issue:
"Everyone got very twittery when it was revealed that Kylie was coming," says David Tennant, who plays the Doctor. "Of course, she arrives and she's incredibly normal - none of those things a pop diva would be. I think she enjoyed being one of the team - it must get quite exhausting being your own brand." The special picks up where the last series left off, when the Titanic crashed through the walls of the Tardis. In this episode the liner comes under attack from an evil alien force, but David is sworn to secrecy about how the plot unfolds. And when he talks about the details of this homage to James Cameron's 1997 blockbuster Titanic, it's hard to know what to believe. "About half way through, we break into Celine Dion. Kylie turns to camera and goes, '"'And now, Mr. David Tennant and I perform My Heart Will Go On.' It's a bit like those Two Ronnies Christmas specials, where they'd do a sketch and then say, 'And now Manhattan Transfer!'" he says. But David becomes more serious when talking about the look of the show, saying that visually it's one of the best - a sort of 'Doctor Who does disaster movie'.
Link to [ part one ]  of the Voyage of the Damned behind-the-scenes posts, or click the #whoBtsVotd tag, or the full episode list [ here ]
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Follow up: 10 wearing the skirt donna helped him buy to a date with his multitudes of digitalish dates?
Ooooooh, yes!
Going with they/them for this! :O
On with the fic!
"I found it!" Came the loud, delighted shout from somewhere within the massive wardrobe.
Arthur, who had been in the middle of trying to pick up a number of articles of clothing that had been flung about, paused, and looked over. House, projected from the TARDIS's system, lazily glanced over in the same direction.
"What did you find?" Arthur asked, setting aside the pile of clothing.
"What I was looking for! Oooh, I can't believe it's been ages since I wore it! Been so busy running about and keeping occupied that I never really bothered with changing out my suit too often." The Doctor said when they poked their head out from a rack of clothes, smiling at the two.
"But what is it?" House sighed, clearly bored. He didn't have to be here, but the Doctor knew House hated it when they were alone with Arthur and just had to be involved.
"Give me a second and I'll show you. I'm gonna wear it when we go visit Castor!" And with that, the Doctor pulled themself back into the clothing and moved to find the mirrors. They looked at the pinstripe clothing in their hands, a sad smile came to them.
Ah, Donna, they were so glad she was fine with them wanting to get this. Heck, she was really supportive of a lot of stuff involving the Doctor's choices, at least in subjects like this.
They bet she wouldn't approve of House, but then again, they were sure she'd be the only person in all of time and space to put him in his place. Though she might have liked Arthur and Castor! Especially Arthur, how could anyone, aside from House, hate him?
They set the article of clothing aside and worked to remove their pants, emptying some stuff from their pockets to put into their other set in a moment. After they were off, with some difficulty because, really, they should have remembered to take off their trainers, jeez, they slipped on the skirt and looked at themself in the mirror.
It has been a really long time since they wore this, hadn't since before, well, The Big Event, but still, it fit like a glove and they had missed it so much.
The Doctor grinned at their reflection and did a little spin, yep, still got it! And they remembered to wear matching socks! Well... socks that were blue with Bigfoot and stars on them totally counted as matching, right?
They slipped on their coat and hurried back towards the two who had been waiting patiently. "Alright! You guys ready for date night?"
Arthur looked over, surprised. He tilted his head for a moment and then nodded. "Do you realize that your skirt is a bit hijacked?"
"Oh?" The Doctor looked at the skirt, part of it was at an awkward angle. "Oops, must've happened when I was putting on my coat!" They adjusted it and House sighed.
"Aw, you ruined the view, I like seeing your legs." He smirked and the Doctor rolled their eyes.
"I know you do, and you can still see them like this! Come on, Castor's probably waiting for us!" The Doctor announced before rushing to the console room with a bit of pep in their step.
It didn't take them long to get to the lab where the computer that housed Castor and his home city was located, and the trio were able to arrive on time, with just minutes to spare.
Castor was waiting for them at the bar, a few other people were about in his club, but that was normal. He looked at them, smiling, and then noticed the Doctor. "Oooh, don't you look pretty, love. New outfit?"
"Old one, thought I'd dress up a bit for tonight." The Doctor said, shoving their hands in the pockets, rocking back and forth on their feet. Then they snapped a glare at House when they felt cool fingers brush against their leg. "Really? Gonna keep that up?"
"You're being a tease today, Doctor." House replied, putting his arm around the other's shoulders. "How can I resist?"
"Easily." Arthur replied and House glared at him, but Arthur easily ignored it, making his way over to Castor, getting a peck on the cheek from the program.
The Doctor sniffed. "Come on guys, it's date night, let's have a fun time, then you can bicker and try to kill each other later."
"Fine, we can kill House later." Castor sighed theatrically, but smiled, eyes looking at the Doctor once more. "But really, you do look so lovely, if I knew we'd be dressing up tonight, I'd get out my little white dress to match."
"Well, if you want to change, we can wait." Arthur said.
"Mmm, not tonight, don't want to upstage the Doctor. For now." Castor winked. "Let's get going, we have reservations!"
The Doctor nodded, following after Castor and the others, inwardly excited. They liked this, they were okay with all of this. The Doctor had been worried that their partners would ask questions, but then again... this sort of topic didn't seem like one that any of them cared to make a big deal out of, so the Doctor really didn't have anything to worry about in the long run.
They'll have to dress up like this more often then! They did still have that nice blue on, they'd just have to find a new suit jacket to go with it!
Supportive digital boyfriends? Supportive digital boyfriends. *nods*
Also, tiny, bonus Castor/Arthur because yes.
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caedmonfaith · 5 years
Can I get a Nine/Rose "I'm sick of being USELESS"/"You're not useless"?
Thank you!! 
The Doctor spun around the console, flipping switches and pressing buttons in sequence that would dematerialize them from Adam’s living room. He was nearly overwhelmed with gladness to be rid of the prat: so relieved, in fact, that the pretty boy’s performance on Satellite Five had been somewhat of a relief. Yes, he’d nearly cocked things up unimaginably, but the fact that he had cocked things up so significantly meant that the Doctor was well within his rights to ditch him in his own time, hole in his forehead and all. Now the boy would be away from Rose, and he’d have his companion all to himself again. Fantastic!
When he’d finished dematerializing them, he turned to look at Rose with a daft grin, prepared to ask her where she wanted to go next. The look on her face, however, stopped his words and stole his smile. “What’s wrong?”
She didn’t answer verbally, just shrugged, looking down at the grating, and the Doctor knitted his brows. This was unlike her. He took a step towards her, wanting to reach out, to soothe whatever was troubling her mind. He tried again. “Rose?”
“I’m just… I’m sick of being useless.”
The Doctor was shocked and shook his head slightly. “You’re not useless.”
“I am!” she insisted. “I talked you into bringing Adam along, and he nearly ruined everything. If he had, it would have been my fault.”
“No, it would have been that twat’s fault. Not yours, Rose.” She shook her head sadly in denial, and he pressed. “It wouldn’t have been. You had no way of knowing what he would do. You were just being kind, wanting to show him the stars.”
“Well, what about in 1987? Nearly cocked everything up that time, too. I did cock everything up! Got you eaten by a reaper and everything! Useless. I’m absolutely useless.”
The Doctor had had enough. He stepped forward and folded her into a warm hug, pressing his mouth to the top of her hair but not kissing - never kissing. “That was entirely my fault, Rose. I didn’t properly explain, and you had no way of knowing what would happen.”
She let her arms wrap around his waist, under his leather jacket, and he couldn’t help the thrill he felt from that. 
“Rose, what you think of as you being useless is actually one of the things I like best about you. In both of those instances, you were acting from a place of love, showing kindness I’ve never known the like of before. Do you know how rare and special that is? It’s a quality you hardly ever see in humans. That’s what sets you apart. That’s what makes you different.”
“Yeah?” she murmured against his chest.
“Yeah,” he agreed, swaying her a bit. Just a bit. “So what if it having a big heart causes a spot of bother sometimes? The vast majority of the time, your kindness improves everything it touches. And it’s better than the alternative - being bitter and cold. I hope you never change, Rose.”
She sniffled but didn’t answer, and he hugged her a little tighter. If, when she pulled back from him a couple of minutes later, her eyes were red, he wasn’t going to comment on it. 
“Better?” he asked.
Rose nodded. “Better.”
“Good. Now, run along to the wardrobe room and have the TARDIS pick you out something for a visit to Greece, 23BC. I’m in the mood for some honeyed figs and a philosophy lecture. Interested?”
She smiled. “Yeah. Something boring, yeah?”
“If that’s what you want. Go get dressed and meet me back here in a bit. Go on,” he encouraged her. 
His blonde companion gave him a smile, then went to do as he’d asked, her mood clearly lifted. He watched her go, his heart swelling with an emotion he didn’t dare name, but kept growing and growing within him - regardless of what he sternly told himself. It was stupid and foolish to lo - to care about her more than he cared for anyone else. He couldn’t afford to do that, and he wouldn’t. He simply wouldn’t.
The Doctor shoved that nameless emotion down and turned to the console, setting the coordinates so all he’d have to do is press a button when Rose was ready to go.
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ineffably-good · 6 years
So I'm just gonna keep coming back... Because you never dissapoint. Can I have one for the Doctor's reaction to finding you asleep in random places/ with his coat? (I couldn't decide which one, so you can. :P Just a little something with sleepy Y/N)
Hi Alix - Sorry, this one took a few days, have been celebrating my husband’s birthday for a couple nights in a row and working overtime. Sound like you were looking more for story than for a quick comparison, here, so I did a quick one shot focusing on 10 and 11. Hope you enjoy!
(And please keep coming back - I love getting new ideas from your (and other people’s) asks!)
Comparing Doctors: You Sleeping in Their Coat
10 - Oneshot
When the magistrate came for the Tenth Doctor, letting him know he would now be temporarily released from your holding cell to negotiate the terms of both your releases, he asked for a moment and turned to you, whereyou sat on the cell’s lone chair, huddled up for warmth.
He squatted in front of you and took your hands in his, looked into your eyes. “Y/N, I’ll be back soon, ok?” he said, voice low. “Don’tworry. I know you’re exhausted and it’s been a tough day, but I’m not leaving you.”
“Promise?” you said with a weak smile.
He grinned back. “Promise.”
He stood up to walk away and then turned back, shrugging out of his coat.
“Here, take this,” he said. “Your hands are freezing. Try to warm up.”
And then he was gone. You slipped on the coat and buried your hands in the pockets.
Time ticked by very, very slowly, as time tends to do when one is in a prison cell.
You amused yourself for a while by counting all the various creatures and beings that had chased you in the six months you’d beentravelling with the doctor. Then you sorted those creatures by skin color, breathing apparatus, and height. Then you tried to think of some winner charades terms for your next game with the Doctor, because for some reason this kept popping up at the oddest time.  
Eventually, you realized that however quickly he hoped to be back, this was obviously going to take a while, and you were going to need somesleep. You began looking around for a reasonable place for a kip.
The Doctor was intensely frustrated when the guards finally returned him to you nearly six hours later, after endless bureaucracy and paper signing and finger printing and kow towing, during all of which he was worryingabout you. He was practically buzzing with tension clanged the cell door open and left him to collect you without a look back.
He couldn’t even find you at first in the dim light, and he felt his heart pick up a notch with worry. He really hadn’t meant to be gone solong. Then he made out the small brown bundle in the back corner of the cell.
He dropped to his knees beside you, silently, and took it in. You, curled up inside his coat, completely engulfed in it. Perhaps you’dbeen cold, perhaps you’d needed the comfort, but you’d wrapped it around yourself and settled down on the floor with an arm under your head and fallen asleep.
You looked, he thought, small and still and ephemerally lovely, your hair wispy around your face and your face gentle in sleep. Hereached a hand out and gently, softly, brushed the hair out of your eyes, overcome by the sight of you huddled inside his jacket like it was the warmest, best place in the world.
You felt the touch and opened your eyes almost immediately.
“Took you long enough,” you murmured.
“I know,” he said, shamefacedly. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You grinned at him and sat up. “S’ok. I got at least a half a night’s sleep out of it.”
“So I see!”
You looked down at his coat and were horrified to notice that it was covered in dirt and cobwebs and wrinkles.  “Oh no!” you moaned, starting to slip your arms out of the sleeves. “I’ve destroyed your coat!”
He laid a hand on your arm to stop you. “No, it’s okay,” he said with a soft smile. “Keep it for now. It looks good on you.”
You couldn’t help but feel a warm glow as you wandered back to the TARDIS with the Doctor’s hand in yours and his coat wrapped tightlyaround you to keep out the chill.
11 - Oneshot
You had just tried it on for a lark – you’d wandered into the console room one morning when the Doctor was hard at work under the floor gratings, fixing something and muttering occasionally and all you could reallysee were his boots, but his coat! Oh, his coat. That lovely tweed thing, so soft and comfy and envy-inducing, it was hanging there on the railing, just calling to you.
So of course you slipped it on.
It fit like a dream over your worn jeans and long-sleeved navy and white striped tee – just slightly too large in that way that you had always liked, just right for pushing the sleeves up to your elbows and drooping downslightly over the shoulders, and so warm and substantial and comforting.
It felt, in short, like heaven. And that was even before you noticed the smell.
The smell? How to describe it? It smelled vaguely of motor oil, and of eraser dust, a little bit of shaving cream, just the slightest bitof a dark and amber smell you associated with whiskey, like cardamom mixed with space dust. It smelled like mystery and warmth and adventure. You raised the sleeve and buried your nose in it and it was like an explosion of happiness in your brain.
So of course you kept it for a while.
He wasn’t going to notice.
You wandered off, as you do, to cook an egg for breakfast, then set off to explore for a bit, finding several new rooms full of collectionsand keepsakes from past trips, past lives, full of pictures and portraits and scrapbooks that you glanced at with avid interest but didn’t delve into as fully as you might have wanted to, out of respect for his privacy (despite the fact that you’d apparently stolen his wardrobe), and finally explored new corners of the library until you found a book that appeared well read and folded over and loved almost to the point of falling apart, at which point you settled downto read.
You’re not sure when you fell asleep. But you know when you woke up.
You woke up when someone poked you in the foot with the toe of their boot, then plopped down next to you on the couch.
“Taking my clothing, now, are we?” he said brightly, grinning at you.
You blushed only a little. “It was just sitting there… Looked comfy. Decided to find out if it was false advertising.”
“Absolutely true,” you said with a grin, stretching your arms overhead and then hugging the coat to you. “I think I need to keep it. Smells like you.”
He looked – for just a moment, a glimmer that you almost didn’t catch before it was gone – absurdly touched, moved with emotion. He covered it by clearing his throat as if he had a cough brewing, but you were sure that he hadn’t really needed to.
“Keep it,” he finally said. “It looks like it was made for you. But only on board, okay? We can’t have people thinking I make my companions dress like me, now. That would just be, well, weird.”
“Oh right,” you said, “THAT’S what makes us weird. Right. Glad to have that all straightened out.”
You ducked when he tosses a pillow at your head.
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