mizgnomer · 8 months
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Behind the Scenes of Voyage of the Damned (Part 19)
Excerpts from TV Times, Christmas 2007:
While David is determined to keep the plot under wraps, he is happy to talk about working with the 39-year-old Aussie pop star. "It was great. She's a lovely person to be around. For all her glamour and glitz, she's very normal and down-to-earth." "Everyone's a fan of Kylie, aren't they?" he continues. "I mean, she's Kylie! I dance to her songs regularly and used to watch Neighbours. I feel like I've grown up with her; she's only a few years older than me but it feels like she's been part of my life. She's that much of a cultural icon, isn't she? Spend more than about two seconds with David and its obvious he absolutely loves playing the Doctor and his enthusiasm isn't fading with time. "It's been an incredible two and a bit years. A whirlwind, an all-consuming, life-changing whirlwind. But a real treat, too. I wouldn't have missed it for the world."
Link to [ part one ]  of the Voyage of the Damned behind-the-scenes posts, or click the #whoBtsVotd tag, or the full episode list [ here ]
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mizgnomer · 11 months
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Behind the Scenes of Voyage of the Damned (Part 18) Excerpt from Total TV Guide's 2007 Christmas issue:
"Everyone got very twittery when it was revealed that Kylie was coming," says David Tennant, who plays the Doctor. "Of course, she arrives and she's incredibly normal - none of those things a pop diva would be. I think she enjoyed being one of the team - it must get quite exhausting being your own brand." The special picks up where the last series left off, when the Titanic crashed through the walls of the Tardis. In this episode the liner comes under attack from an evil alien force, but David is sworn to secrecy about how the plot unfolds. And when he talks about the details of this homage to James Cameron's 1997 blockbuster Titanic, it's hard to know what to believe. "About half way through, we break into Celine Dion. Kylie turns to camera and goes, '"'And now, Mr. David Tennant and I perform My Heart Will Go On.' It's a bit like those Two Ronnies Christmas specials, where they'd do a sketch and then say, 'And now Manhattan Transfer!'" he says. But David becomes more serious when talking about the look of the show, saying that visually it's one of the best - a sort of 'Doctor Who does disaster movie'.
Link to [ part one ]  of the Voyage of the Damned behind-the-scenes posts, or click the #whoBtsVotd tag, or the full episode list [ here ]
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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Behind the Scenes of Voyage of the Damned (Part 17)
Excerpts from The Times article by Caitlin Moran - December 15, 2007
[ More on the first script read-through - in June 2007] The read-through is a little creaky at first - mainly because, judging from the faces in the room, everyone is preoccupied by thinking, "Kylie! It's Kylie! Kylie god hotpants Minogue Kylie!" But by shot 78, where she has a key scene with the Doctor, Tennant smiles a real, tender smile at her, everything judders into place and there's a sudden spritz of Christmas magic in the air. The read-through ends at precisely 2pm, and people gather around the buffet to eat cake, which is of a noticeably better quality than at meetings where Kylie Minogue has not been present. Eschewing lunch, Julie Gardner, Russell T. Davies, Phil Collinson, and director James Strong all gather for a post-reading meeting. The feeling is that things are going well, but Gardner is concerned that a key scene is underpowered. David Tennant has also voiced a concern - how the Tardis, supposedly impregnable, has suddenly crashed into the Titanic. "Oh, don't worry, I'm on the case," Davies says, airily. "It'll just take one or two lines." Suddenly, Kylie materializes at the table. "Hello, all you clever and high-powered people," she says. "I don't want to interrupt your pow-wow, but just to say thank you, and goodbye." She points at James Strong, the director. "And you need to crack the whip on me. When you know me better." And with a twinkly, minxy finger-wave, she leaves. "Ooooooh," Strong says. "Kylie," Davies sighs.
Link to [ part one ]  of the Voyage of the Damned behind-the-scenes posts, or click the #whoBtsVotd tag, or the full episode list [ here ]
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mizgnomer · 4 years
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Behind the Scenes of Voyage of the Damned (Part 16)
Excerpts from Tv Times:
When TV Times visits the Doctor Who set and squeezes through the narrow police box doors, it opens out into a huge room. Towering above us is the beating heart of one of TV’s most popular and iconic shows. It looks fabulous.
Like an overexcited child, we immediately have to sit in the Doctor’s chair and play with the controls. Made up of old compasses, keyboards, bits of ancient phones, car radios and a handbrake, it’s like a junk shop has exploded, raining its contents down on the control panel.
But we’re not in Cardiff just to pretend we can travel through time in a little blue box. We’re also here to talk to its driver, the 10th Time Lord - and arguably the best one yet - David Tennant. 
[discussing Astrid] Not only do they become friends, but it’s also rumoured they also kiss, “Off set, the kissing never stopped, I couldn’t get Kylie out of my trailer. It was embarrassing,” jokes David, adding cheekily: “You’ll have to tune in to find out. You’re not going to get it out of me that easily!”
While David is determined to keep the plot under wraps, he is happy to talk about working with the 39-year-old Aussie pop star. “It was great. She’s a lovely person to be around. For all her glamour and glitz, she’s very normal and down-to-earth.  Everyone’s a fan of Kylie, aren’t they?”
Spend more than about two seconds with David and it’s obvious he absolutely loves playing the Doctor and his enthusiasm isn’t fading with time. “It’s been an incredible two and a bit years. A whirlwind, an all-consuming, life-changing whirlwind. But a real treat, too. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”
First post in this set: [ one ]   (or click the #whoBtsVotd tag for all sixteen of them)
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mizgnomer · 4 years
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Behind the Scenes of Voyage of the Damned (Part 15)
Excerpt from TV & Satellite Week’s Q&A with David Tennant:
How would you sum up the Christmas Special?
It’s ‘Doctor Who does disaster movie’. I don’t want to give too much away, but there is an alien factor and lots of explosions. There’s also a sprinkle of tinsel.
How does the Doctor get on with Astrid?
Quite early on he sees she’s got adventure in her eyes and wanderlust in her soul. They bond quickly over a tray of spilled drinks.
How did you feel when you found out Kylie would be joining you?
I was thrilled. She’s an icon. For all her glamour, she’s very down to earth.
Did you get to smooch with her?
Off-set, obviously, we never stopped. But you’ll have to tune in to find out if we snog on screen.
Are you still happy playing the Doctor?
Oh yes! It has been an incredible few years, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I’m taking a break after next year’s series, but I’ll be back in 2009. I can’t imagine anyone else playing him, I’m too self-centered - but one day someone else will have as much fun as I do.
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mizgnomer · 4 years
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Behind the Scenes of Voyage of the Damned (Part 14)
Excerpts from The Times article by Caitlin Moran - December 15, 2007
That night there is a party to celebrate Kylie’s last day on set. The Roald Dhal Suite of the Modish St. David’s Hotel is reserved for the cast and crew to let their hair down. In a room full of jeans and washed faces, Kylie materializes in a skin-tight dress of gold and silver lace, and Christian Louboutin heels. She looks around the suite - a windowless corridor with a small, sad-looking bar at the end of it. “This is awful,” she says, reasonably. There is a small pause. “Everyone follow me!”
Like Maria leading the von Trapp children over the mountains in The Sound of Music, Kylie leads cast and crew down two flight of stairs, across the lobby, heels clicking, and into the beautiful St. David’s Hotel bar. There are five businessmen in there, having a small meeting over a single beer. When the Doctor Who massive enters the room, spearheaded by Kylie Minogue, their jaws drop to the floor. Edward Russell escorts Kylie to the bar. “Ms Minogue would like to move her bar-tab to this bar. There isn’t a problem with that, is there?”
“Of course not!”, the manager says, a faint sheen of sweat on his brow.
For the next eight hours, everyone parties hard. On the left, we have the show’s make-up artists explaining, with owlish, technical passion, why you shouldn’t drink flaming Sambucas while wearing lip-gloss - “It’s made of petroleum jelly. It sets fire to your face.” On the right, we have Ms Minogue, working through a steady stream of pink cosmopolitans and sporadically screaming.
David Tennant - although engaged in a very silly conversation about the potential innuendo contained in motorway signs (”I mean, slip roads! Really!”) - brings his evening to a gentle end after just three whiskies. “That’s enough for me,” he says, quietly leaving the party. The week before, his mother had died after a long illness.
Kylie leaves the party at 1:30am, shortly after dropping her drink on the floor (”Ooops! Better get another!”), spanking people’s bottoms and hugging them as she leaves the room. There is a collective sigh as she leaves. It’s a bit like when someone turns the fairylights off on the tree.
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mizgnomer · 4 years
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Behind the Scenes of Voyage of the Damned (Part 13)
Excerpts from the Radio Times story by Nick Griffiths - December 2007
“He [Bernard Cribbins] was great, just a ball of energy when he showed up,” Tennant recalls. “He must be in his 70′s [Cribbins turns 79 four days after Christmas ] but there’s nothing elderly about him. He was terrific. There’s just something about Bernard Cribbins: he’s the voice of our childhood [ Cribbins played Perks the station porter in The Railway Children, and was the voice behind The Wombles and the Tufty public information films of the 70s ]. He’s one of those people who didn’t disappoint in any way; he was exactly as you wanted him to be. You’d be chatting to him and you’d think: ‘That’s Bernard Cribbins!’“
No doubt there were also moments on set when Tennant suddenly though to himself: “That’s Kylie Minogue!” Which brings us to the crux of the matter: a well-traveled rumour that the Doctor and Astrid share a kiss. Tennant, necessarily cagey, puts it like this: “Well, if you had Kylie in the Christmas special, would you have her kiss the Doctor?”
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mizgnomer · 4 years
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Behind the Scenes of Voyage of the Damned (Part 12)
Excerpts from The Times article by Caitlin Moran - December 15, 2007
David Tennant comes bounding over between takes.  This morning, he explains, collapsing leggily onto a chair, he and Kylie did the modelling for the Doctor Who dolls, already tipped to be one of the Christmas bestsellers. The trick is, he says, to have a completely blank expression when they photograph you. He learnt this as a child, playing with his own Doctor Who toys.  “If the figures look happy, or fierce, or anything, it’s bound to ruin some scene you’ve got going on. The versatile action figure is the blank-faced action figure.”
Called back on set, Tennant bounds back on to the Titanic, and delivers Davies’s explanation of how the TARDIS, despite suupposedly being impenetrable, has crashed into a gigantic liner. “I was just rebuilding her,” he says, as the Doctor, squinting in the lights, “left my defences down - and bumped into the Titanic.”
Other parts of this set: [one]  [two]  [three]  [four]  [five]  [six]  [seven]  [eight]  [nine]  [ten]  [eleven] (or click the #whoBtsVotd tag)
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mizgnomer · 5 years
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Voyage of the Damned - Behind the Scenes (Part 11)
Excerpts from Doctor Who Magazine #390 & 391′s “You Ask David” articles by Benjamin Cook
Angela Prout asks: You’re frequently pictured in public wearing an open collar and very, very tight jeans. I’m not complaining! Are you secretly a bit of a tart, or are you teasing the fans?
David Tennant: I’m not aware of being a tart. I’m rather shocked and bemused that Angela should think such a thing. Teasing them with what?
DWM: Trousers, collars, that sort of thing.
David Tennant: I’m just trying to get by. If I am a tart, which I would refute strongly, it’s by accident.
Sue Heal asks: Do you realise how sexy you are in the brown pinstripe suit - especially how tight it is around the bum, which really sets female fans’ pulses racing?
David Tennant: Sexy in the pinstripe? Well, I have nothing to say about my bum. Anything I say will condemn me to... well, believe me. I didn’t... there was no... oh, I don’t know what to say.
DWM: It’s not intentional then? You’ve never asked [costume designer] Louise Page to tighten the backs of your trousers?
David Tennant: Of course not, no. [Laughs]. What’s with these questions, ladies?
Emma Wheatley asks: Bit of a cheeky one, but we need to know, are you a true Scotsman (ie what’s under your kilt)?
David Tennant: I have been on occasions, yes. It took me a while before I was brave enough.
DWM: You wore a kilt to last year’s BAFTA ceremony, didn’t you?
David Tennant: Yes, and I wasn’t wearing any pants!
Other parts of this set: [one]  [two]  [three]  [four]  [five]  [six]  [seven]  [eight]  [nine]  [ten] [All of my Tenth Doctor Behind-the-Scenes sets ]
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mizgnomer · 5 years
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Voyage of the Damned - Behind the Scenes (Part 10)
Excerpts from Doctor Who Magazine #390 & 391′s “You Ask David” articles by Benjamin Cook:
Jeong-min Yeon asks: When did you first kiss?
David Tennant: That’s a saucy question. It was in primary school, and it was with a girl called Melanie Hughes. I hope Melanie doesn’t mind me saying that in public. I don’t think she will. She still speaks to me. I couldn’t tell you what age I was. Probably about 11. No, 10.
Sally Taylor asks: Was it fun being snogged by Billie Piper?
David Tennant: It’s always fun being snogged by Billie Piper. How could it fail to be? I used to be in a select club - but now she’s done The Secret Diary of a Call Girl, I think every member of Equity has had a go!
Roxi Fairbank asks: Do you think the Doctor will ever meet Rose again?
David Tennant: [Thinks] I can’t answer that. Next!
Julia Leonard asks: Are you a workaholic?
David Tennant: I probably am to an extent, which is fine for a bit, but then you probably have to know when to stop, which I haven’t quite worked out yet.
Other parts of this set: [one]  [two]  [three]  [four]  [five]  [six]  [seven]  [eight]  [nine] [All of my Tenth Doctor Behind-the-Scenes sets ]
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mizgnomer · 6 years
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Voyage of the Damned - Behind the Scenes (Part 7)
Excerpts from Doctor Who Magazine #390 & 391′s “You Ask David” articles by Benjamin Cook:
Tiny Harris asks: Every holiday season, my parents set up and display ‘The Christmas Village’, a supposedly quaint Ye Olde miniature town featuring cherubic children tapping maple syrup from trees and the like. My parents are wonderful, but the Christmas Village is not. Can you think of a similar object of holiday despair?
David Tennant: Mince pies! I don’t get mince pies. Why do people like them? It’s like a pastry case full of all the leftover bits of ming that you put in everything else - a kind of grey liquid with lumps in it. And I don’t like a moist current.
Rebecca Cohen asks: If, like the Doctor, you could regenerate, what feature would be the first to change? 
David Tennant: That question is all about body image. That’s such a hot topic these days, isn’t it? I’m slightly loathed to give any answer at all, because...
DWM: Because you’re practically perfect in every way?
David Tennant: Quite the opposite. But if you start changing anything... I mean, obviously I have answers to that in my head, but the whole thing about changing your body is... well, I don’t mean to make a political point of Rebecca Cohen’s question, but you see racks of magazines that give people’s ideal weight and all that, and the same person, on the same day, can be pilloried for being too fat and too thin! It’s mad. Besides, the Doctor doesn’t get choose, does he, what regeneration offers up?
Thank you to anyone who shared set photos!
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mizgnomer · 6 years
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Voyage of the Damned - Behind the Scenes (Part 6)
Excerpts from Doctor Who Magazine #390 & 391′s “You Ask David” articles by Benjamin Cook:
Emily Bridewell asks: Who were you in your school Nativity play?
David Tennant: Well, I did play Joseph once. I remember being quite chuffed that I got the part, only to discover that I didn’t have any lines. I just stood holding a crook, while Mary jabbered away.
DWM: Why would Joseph have a crook?
David Tennant: I know! Joseph wasn’t a shepherd. He was a carpenter.
Emma Nolan asks: At the end of the 1997 Titanic movie, did you cry? If you didn’t, why not? It’s so sad!
David Tennant: Um... I didn’t cry, no. Why not? Because it’s a bit of a rubbish film.
Danielle Ward asks: Boxers or briefs? And what colour are you wearing right now?
David Tennant: I own some lovely pairs of both, Danielle, but I couldn’t tell you what colour I’m wearing right now; we’re filming outside today, so my pants are under too many layers of thermals
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mizgnomer · 6 years
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Voyage of the Damned - Behind the Scenes (Part 5)
Excerpts from Doctor Who Magazine #391′s “You Ask David (Part 2)” article by Benjamin Cook:
Jenny Downer asks: What was the most unpleasant part of filming Voyage of the Damned?
David Tennant: Squeezing up and down that staircase, through some very small spaces, which, on take 20, could get a little wearing. There were a lot of wind machines, and fireballs and things, but it actually was quite a pleasant shoot. It’s nice that there was a real gang feel to it - the gang that goes through the whole story together. But it was a fun one to film. The big set-pieces, and all the stunt-y stuff, can sometimes be a bit uncomfortable, but it wasn’t too unpleasant.
Dave King asks: Who has the best chat-up lines, the Doctor or Casanova?
David Tennant: Well, the Doctor may spend his time trying to make chums, charm, educate, and inform, but I don’t believe he has a chat-up line, whereas Casanova had several. Although, the Casanova that we told the story of (in 2005 BBC drama Casanova) was less of a lothario and more of an enthusiastic puppy dog, really, so I don’t know if even he had chat up lines in the traditional sense. The idea of a chat-up line is rather insincere, and I don’t think either the Doctor or Casanova would indulge in that.
DMM: What about David Tennant?
David Tennant: Hah!  I wish.
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mizgnomer · 6 years
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Voyage of the Damned - Behind the Scenes (Part 4)
Excerpts from Doctor Who Magazine #390′s “You Ask David” article by Benjamin Cook:
Mark Rawlins asks:  The Christmas Special is called Voyage of the Damned, but what’s the worst journey you’ve ever had?
David Tennant: When I was 11, we went on a school trip to Normandy. I think it was my first trip abroad. On the way back, the ferry got delayed by 14 hours, because of bad weather. When it did sail, it was into a full-on storm - into hell, basically. Every single person on the boat was sick. There were no sick-bags left. Bodies lay strewn around the boat. It was a post-apocalyptic sight. It felt like we were sailing away from Dunkirk. Clearly Dunkirk was worse, but to my 11-year-old eyes... Even now, as I’m describing it, I’m thinking that I quite enjoyed it. I quite like waves. I only had a tiny bit of sick - you know, that bit where sick comes up and goes back down again. That’s all I had.
Gabriella Shimeld-Fenn asked: Can you tell us three words that get said in Voyage of the Damned?
David Tennant: Wenceslas. Trifle. Er... what else? Um... Red Six Seven, plus one. That’s more than one word
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mizgnomer · 6 years
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Voyage of the Damned - Behind the Scenes (Part 3)
Excerpts from Doctor Who Magazine #390′s “You Ask David” article (by Benjamin Cook):
Kim Fox asks: Do you find it strange that there are a lot of people out there thinking of questions such as these to ask you?
David Tennant: I find it slightly impossible. It’s very lovely, and I’ve enjoyed doing it, but it’s odd to relate any of this to oneself. There is an element of madness to being in Doctor Who. Perhaps on a slightly more serious note… my mother died earlier in the year, and people on the internet started raising money for the hospice she died in, without any prompting, without me saying anything, just because of a job that I do. I love what I do, and I try to do it absolutely to the best of my ability at all times, but that’s my job. The fact that it obviously means so much to people, and that they want to do something like that for somebody that they’ve never met, is very humbling and terribly, terribly moving. It meant such a lot, and was quite sort of breathtaking for myself and the whole family. If I could take this opportunity to thank everyone for doing that. I can’t tell you what it meant. It was done so selflessly, so spontaneously, and without any fanfare. Something like this interview is great fun, and bewildering, and a bit silly, and a really nice thing to get to do, and then something like the fans’ response when my mother died is… well, it puts it all into perspective, really.  It’s an incredible thing to be part of, for as long as I’m part of it. To be in the eye of this particular hurricane is a wonderful place to be. I’m aware that it won’t , and can’t, and shouldn’t last forever, and someone else will probably get a chance to do it, and I just hope that they have as extraordinary a time as I’ve had.
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