#I'm fun to chat with 🥰🥰😘
susanmiller2153 · 2 months
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amandamiller400 · 7 days
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I'm very naughty and I can make you cum💦 in your pants lol🥵
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elsamorgan911 · 1 month
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indigosunsetao3 · 3 months
Hey! Sorry I'm not sure if you're taking requests but there's this trend on tiktok where people are calling their boyfriends their husband and I thought it would be cute to see 141s reaction to the same🥰
Feel free to take creative liberties otherwise there's no pressure at all to do it! :)
I am definitely taking requests! It's fun to get different prompt/ideas and figuring out to make them work.
This is too cute! I was going to just do a list-type answer but then one thing turned into another and I had all sorts of scenarios running through my mind while at work. So, I took a little creative liberty. Some of them are acknowledging the trend, others are situational conversations.
Hope you enjoy! And you know I had to put Alex in 😘
It was the second time in a month that a stupid pipe burst. That’s what you got for insisting on buying a fixer upper in the coldest winter the area had seen in years. You had managed to get the water cut off before it completely flooded the whole downstairs then set about cleaning up the mess.
Alex had arrived to find you a frazzled mess as you mopped up the water when your phone rang. The plumber. Alex quickly handed you the phone before he went about mopping. The plumber couldn’t be there today, earliest it would be was Monday. You couldn’t be home that day.
Looking at Alex, who could hear the call, he nodded and mouthed he could be there.
“I won’t be here, but my husband will,” you say. It’s a slip of the tongue. Alex and you didn’t even live together yet but just calling him a boyfriend seemed so minuscule compared to how you felt.
Alex had instantly stopped mopping and watched you curiously. The plumber continued talking but you barely heard what he said. You could feel the burning red of embarrassment on your cheeks as you watched Alex's face for his reaction. This was not a conversation you were ready for. You had wanted to talk to him about it, soon, but not today.
“Right, okay. Yes, his name is Alex, I’ll send you his number,” you assure the man as you continue to stare at Alex. Alex had gone back to mopping but you saw the stupid happy grin on his face as he worked and a hint of a red tinge to his cheeks. Hanging up you set your phone on the counter and take a deep breath.
“Listen I didn’t mean,” you start but Alex leans the mop against the fridge and steps toward you, his feet splashing in the water a bit.
"Oh, I think you did mean it," he answers grabbing your hips. "And here I was thinking I was just your boy toy for home improvement."
"Hush," you answer still feeling the tingle of the blush that had gone up to your ears.
Gaz insisted that you still do your monthly book club even though you protest , preferring to spend time with him. Him being home was a luxury and you had honestly started the online club as a way to pass lonely days counting down his return.
Leaning down you read the chat as people start joining. You grin at the number of people you managed to amass in the past few weeks. The beauty of online was anyone from anywhere could join. You had a few people from other countries even and always tried to set the meeting times to be accommodating for all.
After you all start talking and chatting about the book Gaz flops comfortably on the couch next to you handing you a glass of wine. He hadn't read the book but he was still interested in what you were doing so he peers at the screen, the side of his face visible to everyone for a fraction of a second.
It sends the chat into a tizzy. Everyone knew you had a significant other but they had never seen him. The comments are flying which makes you laugh before pointing a few out to Gaz who grins.
“They’re dying to know who you are,” you venture looking over at him. “Comfortable saying hello to my friends?” You raise your eyebrows and Gaz pauses before straightening his shirt in an exaggerated manner, preening himself. He nods and you turn the camera to face him so you are out of screen.
“Everyone this is Kyle,” you say grinning before tacking on, “my husband.” It was a joke, something you had seen people doing online as a trend.
It got his attention though. His eyes flick up to yours as the sounds of the chat pinging start going off tenfold. He's ignoring what people are saying verbally and written as his eyes rake over your face while you casually sip your wine staring back at him.
“My deepest apologies,” Kyle says after a moment as looks back at the camera while undoing the top button of his polo. “But I’m going to have to cut our session a little short. My wife,” he emphasizes the word as his eyes lock on yours, “and I have something to tend to.” He doesn’t give them a chance to respond before he snaps the laptop shut and all but chucks it on the recliner.
He’s on you in a moment, pining you down into the couch as you giggle. “Husband?” He grins and you swear you see him glance at your empty ring finger.
Simon wasn't a fan of pictures of himself if his face was visible. He has loads of you though, his camera roll was just random shots of you mixed in with work items and stupid memes from his team. But you barely had any casual pictures of him in return. The pictures were always of you holding hands, or you pressed up against his chest with his arms around you. He didn't mind taking pictures that way, always holding his pose for you until you got it just to your standards after the first or fifty tries. Photography made you happy and even if he was a bit self-conscious about it, he fed your hobby.
The few times you could get a picture of his face with his approval he always had his mask on, only his striking eyes were visible as he stared at you. It was fine, you understood why, but you missed looking at his face when he was gone.
So while you were at a local cafe, safely tucked into a back corner, and he takes off his mask you dare to snap a picture. His hood is up, his lower half of his face obscured by the cup but you could still see his light blond stubble on his jaw. The slight crook of his nose where it had been broken and not set properly years ago. Even a small glimpse of the corner of his lips which were a natural pink that made you envious.
"Love," Simon says quietly as he looks at you from over the cup.
"I'm sorry. The light in here was too good to pass up," you sigh and scroll to delete it, savoring it for a second as your thumb hovers over the trashcan icon. "I miss looking at my husband when you're gone," you explain as you hit the button and watch the picture wipe away.
"Husband?" Simon asks quietly as he sets down his cup and carefully pulls his hood forward a bit to make sure his profile is covered.
You don't answer as you look back up at him and set your phone on the table between you. Instead you grab your own cup and stare right back at him. It was a joke you had seen online, see how your boyfriend reacts to the official title. You didn't expect much from it, maybe a laugh or a joke in response but he doesn't do either.
He instead reaches out to nudge your phone back toward your hand and cock his head to the side a bit. Then he smiles, a genuine heartfelt smile that sets your heart fluttering.
"Go on then," he says nodding his head at the phone. "One picture, just for you. From your husband," he smirks as you fumble for the camera in a rush.
You snuck out of bed early that morning, having to creep quietly out of the room because John was such a light sleeper. It was his birthday and you were determined to give him some sort of a surprise. He always made sure your day was special, always took care of you, so it was your turn.
Shushing the dogs you set about making breakfast, careful to not bang the pans too loud and diving for the kettle as it starts to whistle. It was a simple dish of eggs and bacon with hot tea, but John loved anything hot and homecooked. You had to shove the dogs outside before walking back up the stairs balancing everything carefully before hipping open the door.
"Damn it," you mutter as you see him half sitting up in bed smiling at you. "How long have you been up?"
"Mmm, since you tripped over your slippers," he answers with a small chuckle at your face. You thought you had gotten away with it, he hadn't even twitched as you cussed and caught yourself on the dresser. "You were so determined I didn't want to ruin it," he grins.
"One day I'll surprise my husband," you say with a sigh before setting his tea on the nightstand and the breakfast in his lap. He doesn't answer, doesn't move, as he looks at you. It seems you managed to surprise him after all as his eyebrows climb up toward his messy bed tousled hair.
"Sorry I shouldn't have," you start back peddling. "It's just a joke my friends told me to try. It's all over social media, they did it with their boyfriends and thought it was funny." You explain as he slides the plate off his lap and sets it on the night stand next to his tea.
"Do you think it's a joke?" He asks tilting his head to the side a bit, watching you get flustered and trip over your words. He's grinning now though as he crosses his arms over his bare chest waiting for you to get yourself out of your rambling.
"I mean the trend is a joke," you start, "but I mean if," you were making a mess of this.
"Sweetheart, I was ready to marry you after our second date. I am your husband, even if I haven't managed to get you down that aisle yet." He smiles and tugs you toward him as you attempt to reconcile how a simple joke had John confessing he'd had marriage on the brain for almost a year.
Another conference for work. At least this time you were able to bring Johnny along. You had forced your boss to agree to let you bring him even if it was only supposed to be for spouses. You told him it was either Johnny came or you wouldn't be there. You’d be damned if you were missing Soap’s short leave to sit in a stuffy room full of men praising their own egos ignoring you because you were a woman.
“Am I fancy enough to be here?” Johnny asks, a teasing smirk on his face. He was in a button down and slacks with a tie to match your cocktail dress for dinner.
“Plenty fancy,” you answer back smiling as you take his extended elbow. “Let’s get this over with,” you huff as you step on the elevator. A networking dinner with other people that were in your field and while it was better having Johnny here it was still not your favorite thing to do.
Johnny gently leaves you to go grab drinks while you stake out an empty table. It's not deserted for long before one of your coworkers stands right next to you at the high top giving you a once over. You had managed to avoid him all day but he had managed to spot you alone and swoop in out of nowhere.
“Who’s the guy?” He asks as he eyes Johnny at the bar striking up a genial conversation with the bartender. You really couldn’t take Johnny anywhere without him making friends. “I thought we were only allowed to bring spouses,” he tacks on. You had been fighting off Mark's advances for months, as politely as possible, but you'd had enough.
“John,” you answer coolly as you set your purse on the standing cocktail table. He didn’t get to call him Johnny. “And who says he isn’t my spouse?” You ask raising an eyebrow. He wasn’t your spouse, you weren’t even formally engaged but to you Johnny was the one anyway.
“Says the lack of any ring,” he says pointing to your hand. He never took no for an answer, ignored you when you said you had a boyfriend. He was persistent and creepy but it was ending tonight.
“John,” you say as Johnny walks over to your other side with a beer and your vodka soda. He knows something is up, his eyebrow quirks at the use of the formality of his name. “I’d like you to meet Mark,” you gesture to him emphasizing the name because Johnny had heard all about him.
“Mark, meet my husband,” you say boldly.
If Johnny was shocked he didn’t let on. He just gently places a hand on your lower back before setting his beer down and extending the other to Mark to shake his hand. You can see him squeeze a bit too hard despite being jovial and kind. The conversation remains casual and a bit forced after that before Mark excuses himself.
Johnny doesn’t say anything at how you introduce him to everyone as your husband, just exchanges pleasantries in return. But you notice his hand never leaves your body in one way or another and he’s been grinning to himself the whole evening. Cutting his eyes to you with a shine to them every time you say husband and even stepping in himself to introduce himself as your husband to a few people.
“Husband, lass?” He asks once he gets you alone in the elevator.
“Sorry,” you mutter kicking off your heels to which he extends a hand to take them without you asking. “Mark just won't get the hint and I,” he cuts you off crowding you into the corner as the lift steadily rises.
“Don’t apologize,” he grins tilting your head up. “I like how it sounds.”
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kmp78 · 7 months
We talk about JL and TTT for fun BUT how you feel ? Hope you feelling better 🙂🌸
I'm doing ok! Thank you for checking! 🤗🌷
Sunday and Monday were crushing, but once the initial shock wore off I've been getting by okay, altho there's this overriding feeling of "blueness" constantly on me. 😕
There are still tears occasionally, like earlier today when I was chatting with the son of the person we lost. He was obvs crushed even more than I was but we reminisced about the good old days and I feel like it helped us both. 🥰
One day at a time, as they say. 🙏
Hope you are doing well too! 😘
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Happy birthday to my blog !
Exactly ONE YEAR of Madara ultrafixation, and I'm still not tired of him. So let’s recap what we achieve this year and what is coming for in future?
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thank you @elenaditgoia for your lovely illustration🥰
377 of you are following me. I'm so grateful and I have no idea why there is so many of you since I have no talent in drawing, I don’t talk about any top 5 main character from Naruto, I love an old 90 years grumpy guy with unkempt hair and eyes bags, I have ZERO interest in ship, fandom drama makes me sleep... but here you are, thank you so much ! A lot of amazing people from literally the 5 continents with so many talents, I enjoy every conversations in public, in private or anon. Let’s carry on for an other year. We can double that number, let’s reach 800 people for december 2023 !
321 posts I’ve written in a year. Mostly analysis. Solely focus on Madara’s canon, the Warring state Era period, the cultural background, Kishimoto’s possible source of inspirations. You know the most funny part, last year when I started this blog from scratches, I thought that considering the small amount of informations about the founders, I won’t make more that two or three posts, 5 MAXIMUM. How delusional I was...
31K words. 6 chapters. That’s where I am now with my fanfic Madara golden age. It’s a personal pride to have gone so far considering english is not my mother tongue. It still asks me tremendous efforts to be able to convey ideas in my head into a grammatically readable plot. But I’m passionate about it, I love what I did so far, and I want to do even better next year.
43 members in our discords Madara Protection Squad that we've created just a month ago. I didn’t expected people to be so dynamic, fun and creative. If you’re not a member yet, you should come here !
What's coming next?
More fanfictions! I've realised this year that writing story is what I love the most. Madara Golden age is my top priority in 2023. You know by now that it takes me a month or two to write a chapter. It's a slow machine but don't worry I'm hell-bent determinate to finish it. And also I can already announce that I have in mind a trilogy. MGA is the seinen, the second book will be a shojo/romance, the third one a shonen. So I'll be busy writing for some years ahead !
More fanart. I know I talk about it often, but I really want to draw. that's a new challenge because I have no idea where to start but I'm seeing so much beautiful fanart of Madara I'm curious if I'm able to do something. Wish me luck !
Fictional astrology birth chart. You remember I did it first to Madara? I would like to do it for the founders Hashirama and Tobirama and some important Uchiha members like Sasuke, Obito and Itachi.
Less analysis of the canon. I think so far I've analysed in details most of Madara's life and plot holes. I might add some stuff about tiny details now and there but most of what I needed to say are here in my Madarapedia page. So 2023 is less blabla on tumblr, more silent creative content!
More discord events. If you want to chit chat with me in daily basis, you gotta come in the Madara protection squad. It's like entering a pub with other drunk Madara addicts talking about the same stuff over and over again and never being bored. We also have a writing club, where everyone is invited if you need a place to share your fanfic, having some feedback and some advices. And also we will do more stream live in future, btw the next one is for the eve of Madara's birthday the 23rd, don't miss it !
Thank you again for following me and let's thrive an other year together 😘💖
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black-diamond1329 · 8 months
⭐ Name: Sandra, but you can tell me Sandy 😉.
⭐Age: I feel like I'm 15 years old, I stopped counting at 19 and my friends say that I act like I'm 5 years old XD hahaha ... Nah! I just turned 23 years old this August n_n.
💔 Occupation: Being a universitary girl XD ... Yes! It's so fun! (sarcasm).
🩷 Some things that I love it: Read (I read all kinds of books and about my favorite ships on Ao3! 🤭), cook desserts, listen to music while I do other activities like my homework or when I read, Greek mythology (The love between us will never die! 💗).
⭐Saint Seiya (or Knights of the Zodiac). I found this beautiful serie when I was 7 years old. My favorite is the original serie, although I also like the Lost Canvas a lot and Episode G (because Aioria is the protagonist). Soul of Gold gives me mixed feelings. From Omega and Next Dimension, better don't ask me; my mind lives in denial. My favorite characters are the Golden Saints, especially Aioros and Aioria, being Aioria my super favorite.
Thanks to Saint Seiya I developed a great love for the stars 💫 and I have many scientific books on the subject, as well as books of myths and legends about the constellations ✨.
💥 I'm a Marvel Girl. I love those tormented superheroes and antiheroes. I basically grew up watching Marvel since Iron Man came out in 2008 and I immersed myself fully in the world of the comics, I have a lot of comics and books on my bookshelf 🤭. My favorites are: Iron Man ♥️, Captain America, Spider-Man, Loki, the X-Men, Black Widow and Scarlet Witch, in all their presentations and with all their charms and defects!.
🍿Series: Friends, Full House, The big bang theory, How I met your mother and How I met your father, Modern Family, Mom, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel... I love it K-Dramas like Goblin: The lonely and great God, Crash landing on you, Tale of the Nine Tailed 😋, I have also watched many animes like Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host Club, Toradora, Code Geass, Inuyasha, Kaleido Star, Shaman King, Attack on Titan... it's a long list and I don't remember everything at this moment 🤔. Miraculous Ladybug (I know it's for kids, but ... there is Chat Noir 🖤).
🐉In my House of the Dragon era 🖤: Like many people, I was also terribly disappointed with the horrible ending of Game of Thrones, but I really loved Fire and Blood when I read it in 2020... so I decided to give the serie a chance when I saw the first trailer... and I don't regret it! 🥳. I liked Daemon and Rhaenyra so much in the book and absolutely loved them in the TV Show! (Matt and Emma are incredible! ❣️). Another character that I loved in the book and the one I always wanted to know more about was Jacaerys Velaryon and I must say that I am very pleased with the choice of Harry Collett 😍 (oh yeah baby! 🔥).
I really hope that the directors and writers do justice to this wonderful crown prince! 🥰, because for me he is already one of my favorite characters of all time! ❣️.
🎥 Favorite Movies: Troy 2004 (did I mention I'm a Greek mythology lover?), the Star Wars saga 💫 (1-6 only), The Great Gatsby, A Walk to Remember, Harry Potter 🪄 (books and movies), The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy, The Hunger Games saga ❣️(books and movies), The Twilight saga 😊 (books and movies).
I love Studio Ghibli movies with all my heart 💗 since my dad bought me the movie of Kiki Delivery Service when I was a 6-year-old little girl.
I love everything Disney and Pixar does 💗😘. (think of the happiest things, It's the same as having wings! 🎶)
🎧 Music: I have a very varied taste in music, some would say strange 😅, but if I like the rhythm and lyrics of the song I will surely add it to my playlist (mainly I like rock), AC / DC, Queen, Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Imagine Dragons, Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, Lana del Rey, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. I enjoy classical music too 🩷.
⭐ Something more about me: I am an inveterate dreamer and extremely perfectionist. I express myself better by writing than talking 😚.
I haven't drawn anything in almost 5 years and when I did I used to draw with traditional media (watercolor, charcoal, colored pencils, gouche and acrylic paints 🖌️).
But since October (from last year), when I saw Harry Collett as Prince Jacaerys, I felt a desire to draw that I hadn't felt in a long time ❣️.
This is my first time trying to draw in digital media, I hope you like what you see! 😘 (YouTube tutorials don't fail me now! 😭). I spent the whole summer practicing🥺.
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P.S: Sorry if exist some error, the english is not my firts lenguage.
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tkwrites · 2 months
Oh this is what I needed after a ROUGH couple days 😬, instant mood lift when I see you post 😍
I'm so glad that you have found writing about your experiences to be healing xx. I'm so sorry for all your heartbreak and grief, and thankyou for sharing your emotions and experiences through Sarah 💕. I know I find it to be extremely helpful processing my own grief and I am immensely grateful xx
Okay but I LOVE Sarah's relationship with Travis and how he can recognise qualities she got from his sister 🥹❤️. The banter was so fun to read and idk why exactly but that pantry interaction really got me good 😂😍
Huggy Bear and Sar Bear, that is adorableee. And love how her uncle grows to like him over the night after chatting and seeing his interactions with his niece
Quinn and Sarah continue to be absolutely made for eachother and having them both just agreeing to be proud of eachother when they mightn't feel it, chefs kiss ✨️💕💕
I do have a question, how do you choose your characters names? Like are they all just kinda random? Do you base your characters (name or personality) on people around you?
Thankyou to you and your beautiful creative brain always 😘
I'm sorry to hear you had a rough couple of days, Alora, but I'm glad I could help in this small way.
Travis and Sarah's banter just flowed, and I'm so glad you enjoyed their relationship! That scene of him pulling her into the pantry was actually the scene that inspired this whole snapshot. When I wrote Samson in, I knew it would be a perfect opportunity to provide a bit more comic relief to have him squished between them.
It felt like a nice, full circle moment to have Sarah and Quinn express that pride for each other in a way neither of them really could for themselves, for vastly different reasons. I'm so glad you liked it.
Info about characters' names is below the cut, so I don't take over your feed. 😉
Thank you for your undying support! It really inspires me to continue on! 🥰
Naming characters is both random and calculated. Eunice's name came from a woman I work with occasionally, but she's nothing like the Eunice I know. I just wanted a unique name. Her personality is very similar to an old coworker of mine who I've always wanted to write into a story. She's just so intense and wacky that it's hard not to be inspired.
Travis was pretty heavily inspired by Travis Barker only for the music connection. Trevor was originally named Tanner, but I liked the idea of their names being closer together, so Trav and Trev were born.
The kids were totally random.
Sarah's name I picked because it's classic and pretty and is a Hebrew name, and I thought that would be a nice tie-in with Quinn's Jewish heritage on his mother's side.
And I just couldn't resist Sar Bear and Huggy Bear. It was just sitting there for the taking, so I had to grab it.
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malinastharlock · 11 months
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Hi everyone, I'm back. I do apologize for my absence buy I have been going girl balls deep in a game lately. I've been playing a game called Diablo 4 and I'll make a separate post about both my love and absolute seething hate I have for it. Also in my absence I noticed so many freaking DMs and I'm like yo wtf! So I may or may not get to any of that. I think I might just start my own discord and let you all just message on there or voice chat or something. Like really I'm sorry I am a gamer girl goblin who gets hyper focused on her fun time demon killing but wowza I didn't think I was that... What is the word I'm thinking of English word desired sought after something like that? You understandtand what I mean, I hope. Um let see other than that I didn't get a chance to do a 4th of July outfit but I have like 3 lol no instead I got high as fuck on some moon rocks and put on some welding glasses and watched fireworks at night. 🤣 No lie, that was actually really fun. I hope everyone is staying safe and having a blast. I love you all and hope you all have had a great time. 😍🥰😘
Also idea for a movie, I call it Love at First Sight. It starts of as a cute romcom me all pretty and doing cute shit and some dude falls in love with me but then it turns into a supernatural thriller and I'm actually a demon who steals the life force of men through there eyes. Like I entrance them with my eyes and just drain them completely, giggity. That's a Hulu original right there, boom baby!
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glorious-blackout · 5 months
hello lovely! 💞 4, 5 and 15 for the arctic monkeys asks 🥰
Thank you! 🥰😘
4) Which member of the band would you most like to spend an afternoon with and why? how would you spend your time?
Honestly that would be Alex, for the very boring reason that he's the only one that's likely to share my love of a quiet afternoon with a book 😅 I feel like it'd be fun to browse bookshops with him and just chat about music and fangirl over Ennio Morricone and Breaking Bad for hours.
(also it would give me an opportunity to wax lyrical about the fact that TBHC is one of the best albums he's ever made and pick his brains over all the weird and wonderful characters/scenarios he must have envisioned while writing it...)
5) Which album means the most to you?
Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino my beloved 💖 I adore The Car as well and consider those two albums my joint faves from a musical perspective, but TBHC just hits different. I vividly remember listening to it for the first time on a long bus journey, watching the world go by as Arctic Monkeys finally *clicked* for me. It gave me a whole new appreciation for Alex's writing and his instinct to try something completely new (releasing TBHC after AM went stratospheric was a super ballsy move in retrospect) and the album inspired me to start writing again after over a year of writer's block. I just love how weird and spacey and Bowie-esque it is and the adorable story behind the album art is the icing on the cake 🥰
15) Favourite Arctic Monkeys B-side?
Honestly I'm less familiar with their b-sides than I should be (though I've listened to most of them at least once) but I have a soft spot for The Blond-O-Sonic Shimmer Trap and Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys.
You and I gets an honourable mention because Richard Hawley is awesome and I also like their cover of Red Right Hand, though nothing could surpass Nick Cave's original for me 😊
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notesonartistry · 4 months
💌 HI EM!!! i just wanted to say that i love seeing you on my dash and thank you for talking abt the script with me 🥹🥹 you’re such a sweet person, i’m so glad we’re mutuals 💗💗
Hi Elyn! Thanks for sending this 🥰. It's fun chatting about The Script with you. I'm glad that you've been enjoying their music! It's always lovely to see you on my dash 😘
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nymika-arts · 11 months
HIII 🥰 i love the energy you bring to the dash you're always so fun and cheerful and whenever we do chat it's always a blast <3 you're super sweet and super down to earth and just such a cutie ilysm!! you're also so supportive of others and i'm always excited to see your tags when i post something bc i know they'll make me smile
mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u
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sweetestofchaos · 6 months
OUR CHELL HAS HIT 1K!!! 😍🥰🥳🌼💜🐚✨
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this is amazing and so well deserved and i hope that your audience and support circle only continues to grow!!! thank you for writing such rich stories with beautiful and compelling characters. it is such a privilege to get a glimpse into different worlds (literally and figuratively) and to read characters with different perspectives and backgrounds!!! 💜💜💜 the characters and worlds you create are incredibly and thoughtful, and i hope that more and more people discover and read what you have to offer!
i cannot tell you how amazing it is to have you as a friend!!! 🥰 our chats one on one and over servers, and our little interactions on here always brighten my day. i always wanna hear about the jobs and the lils and the terror twins (i am calling the dogs that too hehehe.)
i will always be here to cheer you on and tell you not to spend money on more candles and beta read and bounce ideas around!!! 💐⚡🎁
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(i am going to send an event related ask but i wanted to get this out of the way first hehehe. 😘)
harrow!!!! got me over here crying which is bad 'cause i'm still snotty...so i am struggling to breath lol but i fucking love you so much!
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you have been in my corner for a little over a year now and have given me so much. not only are you a wonderful friend, but having you to bounce ideas off of is wild 'cause the type time we are on is...well shit is crazy honestly.
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but it's always so much fun to just talk and mess around. i love when we share videos that make us think of each other. i always laugh and it warms my heart that i even cross your mind. i am thankful for you and your beautiful soul. i am looking forward to what you are cooking up as a request!
love you soooo much,
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briannalottie2 · 1 year
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Dm me now daddy for your 🔥🔥 sex texting 💦💦🥰 how naughty can you think I am daddy text me and let's me show you how naughty I am daddy 💦💦💦🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘🥰💦💦💦💦💦🔥💦💦💦
I'm available for fun and naughty things 💯💦💦💦💦💦🍆🍆🍆😍😍😍🍆
Google chat; [email protected]
Snapchat; brianna_lottie
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the-knaves-world · 2 years
Hello Amy 🌺🌻💕
Lilia going through the trouble of bringing his love across the world and into twisted wonderland just has my mind whirling. Can you imagine? Its a reincarnated love that's he's been searching for, for a long long time and he's finally found them...but they are in another world. So, he uses his magic to bring them over. ...what if... what if that eventually leads to his overblot a la book 7 because he also used magic to stop malleus ObB? nooooo mind why you going angst on me?? 😭😭
using that line of us is not fair at all! and he knows what he's doing! trying to hide from him would make it worse too. "are you being bad? shall I teach you?" *flashbacks to club lilia line*
Ah thank you!, I'm glad you do 🥰🌺💜💕 If I ever annoy you with the tags, let me know though. I don't want to overwhelm you 🙏💕🥰
if Idia grew on you now, then book 6 will make him bloom. unless, you already know what happens? 👀
I simp for everyone but I have been narrowing the list down to who I focus more on more sometimes than others.
we share some favorites 👏
so my list goes: deuce, riddle, vil, rook, idia, all of diasomnia lolol
for ace, leona, kalim I would have to be in a certain mood for and they would have to be written a certain way. its hard to explain 🤔
everyone else its as mood strikes I guess, but ortho is always baby bro. sane with trey, I like him but... something about his situation with riddle unsettles me so it depends for him too.
please ramble on, I love rambling and talking about who we simp for and such
lilia will never let you go 😘 this bat dad came for my throat. he has so much potential?? he's a family man, raised three kids, has fun, his past makes you wonder what he's hiding.just... so much potential
please, feel free to chat with me. I love talking about similar interests. I also see that your into ikemen prince 👀 and you know labyrinth and howl 👀👀👀 I have a really good labyrinth fanfic if you like Sarah/jareth fanfics 👀💜
hjdkdhjhjhk Amy you should be sleeping at 6am 😂😭 though I'm the last one talking. I dont usually sleep until 3 am 😂😂
Lila going through all the plans to try and start a family with you.
Lilia "everything I have done, I have done for you." vanrouge
I will talk all night if given the chance! Any time you wanna chat, dms and ask box are open!
That was my thought process for my fic last night! I just alluded to it so very slightly.
Just try to hide your face in his shoulder or chest after he teases you about it!
'Lilia reaches down to grip your chin in his large hand and pulls your chin up to ensure you are looking at him. "Oh little human, how precious, you think you can hide from my eyes? Come now, you should know that I quite like having your eyes on me always."x
This man knows how to tease and does it so well.
That club card line gives me unholy ideas🥴🥵
You will never annoy me with tags! Any chance to consume more content puts a smile on my face! Likewise, if you ever get tired of tags, lmk and I can cut back!
I know a bit about book 6! I just wanna see these men *cough cough* idia and Lilia *cough cough* in uniforms
Your list sounds perfect tbh🤔🥺 seems like you would have the perfect mixture of subby boys :deuce, riddle, idia and silver:, dominate boys like :lilia, rook, malleus: and ofc the switches :sebek and vil:. Sounds like a good lineup for a Friday night🥵🥴😏
I get what you mean when it comes to most having to be mood based! Me with vil and Deuce! Deuce is so sweet that I wanna protect him but I also wanna throttle him sometimes bc, CAN WE NOT BREAK SHIZ GUYS? Love him but he would get us thrown out Nightraven College so fast our heads would spin!
Trey prolly has something to do Bigger plot points in game tbh, he knows too much about everyone that don't really say or do much (like idia) same for leona.
I will talk over our simp squad sm!
Not to be nsfw but like...I wanna make riddle, epel and jamil cry😏
My lilia hcs are that he never really fell in love and shuttered his emotions to deal with them during war time and then he was raising the prince and then his human son and practically adopted crocodile son. He met you then he just feels his chest swell and yearns for something, someone, other than peace.
When He found his fated one in another dimension, in fae lore they are said to be able to walk any plane or dimension (because they aren't of the earth), he pulls a Jareth and pulls you to twisted wonderland and doing his job of saving the world takes sm energy that he kinda goes into a coma while malleus recovers from his overblot. Everything is tense for a while and eventually sebek comes to expect your soft humming of a song that Lilia always used to sing to him and the others growing up.
Silver brings you his father's favorites. All three of the boys come every night after class to the infirmary to listen to their new parent tell stories of their world. I can only imagine how the reveal of Lilia being the one to bring them to twst went!🤣😋
I love the whole ikemen series! Favorites from ikesen are kichou, kanetsugu and kenshin!
Ikepri is chevalier, imma sucker for that man, Keith and Gilbert!
Ikevamp is vlad, LEONARDO, Charles, Isaac and mozart!
Howl is amazing and such a brat (lilia much?)! Sarah/jareth brings joy to teen and child me! Younger me wanted to be whisked away by the fae man🥲. Not much has changed, obviously 💅
It's like 4:09 rn and we seem to either be on the same time zone or just a few hours apart. But I'm horrible with time so I'm prolly wrong about that.🤷‍♀️
Lilia would absolutely have a whole book of plans and a ton of fae/human baby name books!
Lilia "lemme cuddlefuck you on the couch while the kids are asleep in their rooms waiting for santa" Vanrouge
But that's prolly just me👀
I could talk about jamil, idia and Lilia for hours tbh
I might be awkward but when I start talking, I get comfy with people way too quick.😣😅
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sturnioloshacker · 2 years
Hey my love,
Long time no see, I miss you so much and I'm sorry that you didn't chat to me for the past few weeks so.... I decided that in 2 months time I have a new content just for you very very and very soon 😊😊😊😊😊😊and also I just forgot the present!!!!!
And also you got this and I be waiting for you until your free in tumblr soon 😊😊😊😊 and sending loves here in the West cost of Ireland 😍😍😍😍
I hope you had a great day and don't get overwork to hard and stress out ok.
I love you so much my beautiful fun loving puppy Shiba inu a.k.a my Australian princess my Tia 😇🥰😊😘
Your cutie happy go lucky tuxedo kitten a.k.a your Irish Queen Your Maricel xoxo ❤💕
(Ps. This song will reduce you some stress)
thank you beautiful, you're too kind! can't wait for my surprise, so excited!
i love you so much ❤️
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