baifengxis 1 year
cannot believe jang uk wants to die because he misses his wife (who killed him in the first place without wanting to) and he WANTS HER TO KILL HIM without knowing it's her THE IRONY THE ANGST THE TRAGEDY I LOVE THIS STORYLINE
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the-sixth-lion-blog 5 years
Things Happen For a Reason... Unless You Write For Voltron
There are tons of continuity errors and full on missing character arcs. So many, in fact, that I wonder if they didn't know how many seasons they were cleared for or how much time they had.
Has Lance Always Been Like That?
The Lance I met was a relatable character. Erratic, rash, defensive, but also empathetic, loyal and infectiously optimistic. Still, he's... The dumb one. That's his main title, the running joke, the flatness of his character.
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So where did this suave, sweater wearing, humble nerd come from? He uses words that indicate a college reading level. He is capable of expressing his thoughts and emotions with beautiful fluency. It doesn't feel right.
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This is a massive change from his fairly well developed character arc of him finding a place in the team, growing as a sharp shooter, being uplifting and learning selflessness. It also completely undermines his budding brotherhood with Keith to let him go have fun with Allura. Sure, we all like a well dressed Lance who uses big words and likes... Farming?
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Yeah, so nothing about Lance's love for piloting persisted past Voltron I guess. His extreme passion for being in a team, his clear ability to shoot and his love of flying and exploring must have diminished the second he touched Earth and transformed into a completely different and unrelated field of work. I understand that, I promise, but it doesn't seem like Lance, who spent years overcoming his intrinsic dumbness to be a pilot at the garrison. We see him struggle for this! He wanted it.
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He loved it.
And Speaking of Love
Guess what, this isn't going where you think it is!
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That's right! Friend love!
These guys are best friends. They hang out, they know each other, they spend excruciating amounts of time stuck with each other at the Garrison on ships. So why does that all nearly disintegrate come Voltron? Lance and Hunk almost never exchange memories of their time at the Garrison. Anyone who has moved knows how fast those memories of their old life flow. And Pidge completely isolates herself. If you didn't know it you would never guess the three had been a lovely little friend group.
No wonder Lance had such a crisis when Keith showed him up as a pilot. Hunk and Pidge are immediately emotionally distant, his hero Shiro thinks he's a dumbass and he has to live on a crazy space castle with the usually angry and creepy closeted emo kid (adored by Shiro, who don't forget is Lance's #1 role model) who is somehow also clearly better than him.
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Their friendship has been reduced to filler episodes.
Was That Shiro Cowering in a Corner or am I Imagining Things?
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Nope. There it is.
Wow. Well. If I'm not mistaken this man has a rocket arm that delivers swift and capable punches. Now, that is clearly not as important to the show as his arm wrestling capability but if the writers wanted Shiro to have true, consistent and well written PTSD I would have accepted that as an explanation for his sudden inability to fight. But seeing as Shiro's nothing but traumatizing past (torture, losing his arm, being made to fight for his life in a space Colosseum while grappling with the existence of fully developed alien life that is trying to end earth, losing Sam and Matt, being trapped in a Lion, suffering the loss of Adam) has had almost no effect on his life past serving to provide minor exposition or to give Keith a chance to do something.
To further this point, here is a list of every time Shiro (not Kuron) got into a fight before and after Keith became black paladin. Here, a fight is if Shiro was outside of Voltron and engaged in any hand to hand combat or was injured by a malevolent being that was targeting him.
Ep 3 S1
Ep 4 S1
Ep 8 S1
Ep 9 S1
Ep 12 S1
Ep 13 S1
Ep 1 S2
Ep 3 S2 (in flashbacks)
Ep 4 S2
Ep 6 S2
Ep 7 S2 (in the astral plane)
Ep 10 S2
Now let's skip ahead.... 4 seasons... Oh man
Ep 12 S7
that's it
Ah. Hm. I think the data speaks for itself, don't you?
So what in the world happened to Shiro, gladiator and protectorate who would die for his team? When the enemy infiltrates his ship and attacks his friends, he is transformed into an inexplicably incapable soldier.
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Shiro Actually Married "Adam", if You're Hard of Hearing
Have you happen to have heard the video guide for the ending of the last episode?
I'm a little skeptical of the source so let me know if this is incorrect. If it's real audio then I'm just disappointed.
Full Metal Paladin, Brotherhood
Sorry for forcing the title but it's the best thing that came to mind.
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Keith and Shiro are close. Since they met, Shiro has been gently guiding Keith to his best path. Their bond is undeniable.
Out of all of the paladins, Keith should understand Shiro the best. So why in the world does Keith never bother to check in with Shiro? Strange migraines, not feeling like himself, making unnatural decisions? I doubt that anyone would see this as a warning sign for "clone," but anyone who has claimed a close friendship with someone will be concerned when they begin acting erratically. When Shiro mentions how terrible he's feeling-
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(here is where I used up my image allowance so just imagine what I put in brackets)
He gets no response, and even Keith ignores his joyous outburst of "I feel so much better!". There's an appropriate "friend" response to that that Shiro does not receive from anyone. Keith, above all other paladins, is likely to know just how much Adam meant to Shiro, but Keith doesn't supply a shoulder to lean on at any moment. The writers want us to know that Keith loves Shiro. In what exact way I care not to delve into, though I would personally argue in a brotherly way. So why does Keith let Shiro's heart waste away like this?
[Shiro being sad which happens a lot actually]
Me too, Shiro. Me too.
The Allura of Power is Too Great
Why did the white lion choose Allura if not because of her intrinsic incorruptible self? And what changed in her heart or the story to make her seek dark power? She got infected with S1 Lance disease I suppose, because all of a sudden she's being dangerous and thoughtless.
[Allura opening up the stupid case and letting that thing out]
In s8, the situation is pretty dire. But it was dire before. She already learned not to trust Lotor, but then you know, he shows up and looks like Lance a little bit and that's enough for her to open up her arms and give dark alchemy a great big hug.
The white lion chose her over Lotor because she was bright and accepted her fate for the future of everything she held dear. What became of her, and why did we only see this change truly take form with less than an hour of the entire series left?
[White Lion jumping around with Allura]
Thanks for Making it Through This Post
There are hundreds of other things that I could mention, and feel free to add on to this with your own opinions! I know this isn't exactly plot continuity but characterization continuity. I hope that is okay! If you want me to focus more on plot next time, let me know 馃槉
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dingyuxi 2 years
replying directly to ur reply: ofc + THANK /YOU/!! my majors are media & cultural studies + asian studies so nothing as intense as pharmacy but one project was sooooo stressful, i'm glad the semester is over with! ahn bohyun kind of has a punchable face................. i mean i think he was even a boxer or smthn but ..yh i get what u mean. most of the time i can overlook what i think abt actors' visuals unless they're a trashy person like lee byunghun or yoo yeonseok. watching through gifs though is the best way to enjoy a drama sometimes, especially when they're your gifs ;) and YESSS LINK!!! i agree that their visuals look good together and it's refreshing that gayoung is the older one of the two, they had table reading clips out and she seemed like an older friend that teases him !! it'll be interesting to see how they incorporate crime into the drama tho!! also if u have time pls give from now on showtime a chance! it's sooo good ik i said this in the last ask but i look forward to it the most each week out of korean dramas airing rn! i do think to my star had v natural chem and also their visuals were nice together, i'm a sucker for people who have compatible faces..ok that sounds weird but ygwim! SKIPPING THE SECOND COUPLE IN PLUS & MINUS?? *insert kermit falling off building gif* but yh.. fu ligong is my beloved. king could've hidden it anywhere in his apt but decides on one of the most open places 馃槶i love how cheng isn't rejecting his confession but needs time to think about seeing him romantically, super realistic and sweet! i'm still SOOO behind on lap but junyoung.. all i've been seeing is that she's starting shit like u said. she would've been better off in spainnnnnn. WAIT U THINK ONE SPRING NIGHT IS SUPERIOR TO HALF OF HALF?? i could go on for days abt half of half. the fact that it was shortened 4 eps still makes me MADDDDD. but one spring night is <333 tbh i haven't watched more since i sent u the last message but i wanna savor this haein x jimin magic. kp ep 6.. was amazing.. v obsessed w the ep!! also i only knew about alchemy of souls because of minhyun 馃構i have one song saved from both flor and the band camino!! i've never heard of vinyl theatre or gentle bones so i'll definitely check out their musiccc!! also gaho!! <333 i almost saw plt in chicago when they came but i had gone to too many concerts at the time and another ticket was not in the budget 馃槶i haven't listened to gaho since 2020 but my fave songs are still then and pink walk!! also lucyyyyy, i need to stan them more as a band but i really liked flowering!!! gwangil's cover of 雮滌稑 is also in my favorite videos playlist for youtube, and i very rarely hit the like button on vids but that video is liked!! also umm i saw ur carrot cake post the other day. um. ummmm. sammmm.. how can u like carrot cake ??? after all these times i've said u have superior taste w dramas i'm afraid u don't have superior taste w desserts 馃槬:( it's been a stressful week but hopefully next week i'll get some answers and have less stress! i'm sorry you tested positive for covid tho :( i remember at the start of the pandemic my mom's son invited my sis and i to decorate his christmas tree and then i went back home and not soon after my mom's son tested positive and my mom blamed me for possibly getting it :)))))))) but i hope u aren't feeling too sick and resting up!! i hope u are having a lovely day as well despite having covid!! - z anon
don't demean the arts like that! your studies are just as vigorous and important <33 asldkjf HE DOESSS (I don't find him hot either :D) sometimes I am a very vain individual and like to watch pretty people being pretty on my screen..."especially when they're your gifs" Z PLEASE. awww that's cute I actually haven't watched the table reading but I've seen the trailers and short clips of them. I totally forgot how old gayoung is lol but they seemed similar in age so I rolled with it. also I think they were both child actors? I know jingoo was, I think gayoung was too but I could be wrong. ahhh I'm glad you're enjoying itttt I've been kinda in a kdrama/cdrama slump since none of them are really hitting for me rn (even of the ones I am watching I'm not like SUPER invested in). kinnporsche sustains me at the moment. I'll keep showtime on the list and try it out if I have time ^^ omg is skipping the second couple a controversial take oops. I don't even want to talk about junyoung...she gets my blood boiling. UMMMM YES?? (ngl I had to google half of half because I forget apoym was also called that lol). Don't get me wrong apoym was soft and cute, but idk own just hit me more with them mature characters and themes. the episode cut our the drama I think, it really could've been better if they'd gotten the full 16 eps. omg PLT in concert! that would've been fun I'm sure. ohhh what concerts have you gone to? I've actually never been to any lmao. gaho my vocal king, love all his covers/arrangements he does with his friends KAVE. love LOVE flowering, the taste! NO DON'T YOU DARE COME FOR CARROT CAKE LIKE THAT. what did carrot cake ever do to you. I actually made carrot cake the other week, cream cheese frosting and all yummm. what's your favorite dessert then? thank you for the well wishes! I was well other than a slight sore throat and sniffles, but they only lasted for a couple days. it just sucked having to isolate myself for the whole week. I'm all better now!!
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dingyuxi 2 years
hey it's z anon!!! i've been away from my computer for the past couple of days so i couldn't reply right away BUT !!! v belated congrats on ur last day for didactic classes & exams!! i hope everything goes smoothly w the year of clinical practice and studying for boards!! i also got my grades back for the semester and did WAYYY better than i thought.. my semester gpa was 3.9 smthn which makes my cumulative 3.64 :D okie backkk to drama talk,, omg is there a reason you didn't watch s1 of yumi's cells?? i feel like it's kim goeun's best work..even above goblin 馃槄but yess please watch it for jinyoung.. his character is sooo sweet and i alr know a spoiler for how the webcomics played out so i'm looking forward to how the s2 will work! my other most anticipated is link!! like link, why her, and yumi's cells?!!? ahhh so exciting.. also have you been watching from now on showtime? i don't see many talking abt it and it's very underrated imo. clear communication btwn characters w great acting >>> and comedic plot while also being able to be serious ??? it's so good.. really. confession: i still didn't finish to my star 1... my friend lovesss it though so i should give it a second try... also THIS WEEK'S EPISODE OF PLUS AND MINUS.. NO ONE TOUCH ME... it just keeps getting better i'm <33333333333 so PLEASE continue when you have time and lemme kno ur thoughts!! also you haven't led me astray so far so 馃構 i think we can just acknowledge that you have good taste! and idek w xu kai she just says he seems like a robot when he acts and that he has a funny face .. both non logical reasons to dislike him but she's a bit pretentious anyways 馃槼sh**ting stars.. yh.. such a shame w such a good cast too... and our blues.. the teens got MARRIED. like wha..what.... ure right the anti-abortion plot was way too strong and i'm honestly just watching it rn so my mom can have someone to talk to abt it. lap.. i am still on ep 7 but everything is so <3 esp since the secret got revealed and it (imo) wasn't that bad. idk how an accidental injury became bribery though 馃槙the otp of miss crow & mr lizard <333 i still haven't finished it.. i think i'm only on ep 23 still bcos i'm slowing down .. i want to savor the drama :)) sucks to hear the ending is rushed tho :( ALSO watching one spring night FINALLY and jung haein and han jimin look so good together :OO still nothing beats han jimin and nam joohyuk imo...also KINNPORSCHE THE WAY KINN APOLOGIZED NOT ONCE BUT TWICE.. i mean i kinda would've liked porsche to be upset longer but at least it wasn't as bad as in the novel... OH also alchemy of souls is airing in june?!? what the heck.. june is really my month for kdramas. also v unrelated but what music do you like? i feel like it would be fun to leave recs for each other !! so i'm recommending the albums j煤j煤 & the flowerbug by sunni col贸n & bismillah by peter cat recording co.!! sorry for the long message and i hope you're having a great weekend - z anon
thank you and CONGRATS right back at you! that's definitely something to be proud of 鉂わ笌 you worked hard and you deserve it! I didn't watch s1 because I wasn't really into either of the actors (but ahn bo hyun and me don't vibe for whatever reason idk). I watched through all the gifs tho! so I know what went down and I've heard of the spoilers from the webtoon too. ohhh link! I want to watch that too, jingoo and gayoung look good together, I hope it delivers. I'm not watching now on showtime, I know at least eon of my moots is tho so I watch through her gifs. jin ki joo looks soooo cute in that drama tho, glad she's getting that. ahaha to my star I admit can be a bit slow for some people but they really were very cute together, their chemistry was very natural and comfortable. I caught up on plus and minus yesterday!! will admit I fast forward all the scenes of the second couple but I'm looking forward to developments between our lead besties. (also for someone who was trying to hide the box with the charm fu ligong was doing a very poor job at it alkdfj). SHUT UP THEY GOT MARRIED!?? DLFKJ the way they went from 0-100 so quick. the whiplash. lmfaoo at your friend I can't even be a hater because honestly sometimes it just works like that. I feel like you can hate/dislike people (esp celebrities) for really no reason and as long as you're not being a public menace about it's all good. as for LAP the hatred was really uncalled for SMH and junyoung could've just stayed in Spain I didn't need her to come back and ruin all this wonderful progress we've taken so long to get through. ONE SPRING NIGHT the superior haein drama. they were the softest little family of three, all the other trash men in that drama could choke tho. As you could probably tell from the onslaught of gifs I made, episode six of KP really was something else!!! we finally got communication and it was delicious. I literally had no idea alchemy of souls existed until I saw luni's pretty caps of it on my dash. my music taste is random obscure indie-pop/k-pop/k-indie and then a little bit of this and that that spotify recommends me lmfao. I'll def check out your recs tho 鉂わ笌 to pick a couple artists from my playlists: gaho, lucy, flor, vinyl theatre, the band camino, gentle bones.
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