#I’m sure he liked being with keiko and working at the ramen shop for as long as he did
sadisticyouko · 2 years
i actually hc that yusuke and keiko get a divorce a few years down the line of them living together, getting married, and after having one or two kids
he’s just not suited for “human” life. never been the type. he was at his happiest fighting demons and challenging his own physical strength. being a detective gave him a purpose and put him in an environment where he was truly free to be himself.
at first he tried to fit in. really gave the whole “husband” and “father” thing a shot, but I think even keiko could notice the eventual dulling of his eyes. his lackluster attitude and eventually everything just seemed to make him mad. make him lash out.
and he’d never mean it like that. really. he’s a nice guy, they both know that to be a fact. but he’s just off. not really feeling this whole “living” vibe anymore and he thinks again maybe it’s because he’s not really supposed to be alive
but keiko knows better. it becomes obvious with age and it’s something she learns not to force on him. not anymore, at least.
i think they’re both happier after the divorce too. now that they can stop pretending and forcing their own ideas of “normal” on each other. yusuke mostly resides in the demon world, switching back from time to time and always visiting her. it’s kind of like they’re dating again.
she never remarries or even goes out with anyone else. her heart belongs to him. and his to her. they’re just better worlds apart from time to time.
she sees him smile more often. the energy around him is completely different when he’s set free. when he can fight and train and let himself be. and it’s a little sad that she can’t share the life she always wanted to with him. the one she’d picture after watching corny romance movies while he’d be away. but then again, she always knew they’d be kinda different. yusuke was always different.
their different works for them.
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A Request
For the Kagome x Kurama (Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho) lovers and writers out there, I have a request. I have two stunning plots I would someday like to expand on...but, as of now, I cannot. And every time I try, I'm pulled away for some reason or another. Not much is being written these days, and my current focus is the SessKag Week miniseries. (I'm bound and determined to finish it!) Soo...I will share my plots publicly, and if you decide to pick it up please let me know so I can read it! Please also credit me, if only a little, and contact me if you want more information on what I've written on them over the years. (On Switched, I have quite a few notes written.) Without further ado...the plots.
Idea 1: Switched
AU where Kagome was never able to travel back in time and the Shikon wasn't wished away; the detectives are still sometimes called for their aid in getting rid of potential world-ending threats.
Kagome has been unable to find her past friends or any demons at all in her time...and it has depressed her more and more as time slipped through her fingers. Now, she's eighteen...and accidentally makes a wish on the Shikon no Tama around her neck. She wants that adventure again, fighting alongside humans and demons to keep everyone safe. She knew how to do that well...living in a normal society now is strange to her. It doesn't feel like living. She then heads to bed, unaware of the wish made from the deepest depths of her heart.
Meanwhile, in Makai, Yusuke and gang make their way through a hoard of demons to the very end- three War Lords thinking to take Makai back to its old ways. Yusuke makes it to them first and vastly underestimates their power. By the time Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara reaches him, he's taken out one and a half of them...and the one he's half killed rams his skull into Yusuke's. Ironically, this demon is a ram demon, and it's lights out for Yusuke...
When Kagome wakes, she awakens to a splitting headache and blurry vision. She tries to blink all of the blur away, and most of it goes slowly...and then she realizes she's staring up at a starry night sky. A red-headed man leans over her with a fond smile.
"I'm glad you're finally awake," he speaks, Kagome completely confused. "That blow to the head had us all worried..." This man...he was demon. Or part.
"Yeah, Higurashi," another voice speaks and she manages to turn her head to see a red-haired full human sitting not far away. "Whaddya think ya were doing out there, playing hero?" He huffs and Kagome's brow furrows.
"It's in her nature," a full demon with gravity-defying black hair with a white starburst snorts from across a crackling fire. "She's reckless, like a wildfire blazing through- get out of her way or get burned." The red-haired human laughs outright while the part-demon tried to hide it behind his hand. Kagome feels a semblance of embarrassment, warmth rising and pink dusting her cheeks. Hiei continues to stare her down, and she begins to bristle. "What? No comeback, detective?" At that, she frowns and hesitates. Detective? What in the world was he talking about? Why were they all talking to her like they knew her? Her hesitation mildly surprises Hiei, his brow furrowing at her.
"Kagome..?" Kurama asks gently, helping her to sit up when she tries to on her own. A mistake. Her head starts to spin and ache, her hand moving to massage her forehead...just to pull back blood. She stares at it a long moment, almost transfixed. She feels sick...she wants to run away, but knows that she can't. Instead, she turns back to Kurama and swallows, the action difficult with a dry throat. His image is slightly blurry from...whatever head injury she had sustained.
"I don't know where I am...," she manages to get out, pulling at the jacket over her and realizing she was only wearing bandages and pants beneath. She firmly keeps it shut. "I don't know who...any of you are." Her voice is husky, and his head tilts to the side as his brows furrow. Worry shines so very clearly within his emerald orbs. Kuwabara jumps forwards suddenly, startling Kagome. Kurama has a hand behind her before she can teeter backwards.
"This is another joke, isn't it?" Kuwabara asks with a grin. "Ha ha, let's trick the loser. Okay, jokes over Higurashi. You can laugh now." He starts laughing boisterously from his belly while Kagome only solemnly stares at him like he's grown a second head.
"I don't think this is a joke, Kuwabara," Kurama speaks up after a moment, the worry she'd seen shining in his eyes coming through in his tone. "He must've hit her harder than we thought..." The last was a murmer, but Kagome heard him clear as day.
"What? She's gotta be kidding!" Kuwabara finally comes down from his laughing, and begins staring at the disturbed woman. "Kagome...tell him! You really do remember us...right? I mean...I've know you the longest. We went to high school together, from seventh grade to the final year..." Kagome's own brow furrows. All she remembers is fighting in and out of the Feudal Era most of her high school days...and wanting desperately to return the past year... Wait. The jewel. Her heart stutters in her chest as she sets into motion, fumbling and patting down her and body for the jewel. All three stare at her in varied degrees of surprise. The jewel. It's not there. She begins to realize that she had made a wish on said jewel, for a more exciting life...but where is it? Her breathing comes faster and is more unstable.
"Where...where is it? The Shikon? It's gone, it's...I...I made a wish. Oh, kami...I made a wish. I made a wish and the Shikon...it granted it...," Kagome speaks brokenly, trying to absorb everything while also shaking and beginning to hyperventilate. Kurama knows some of the lore of the Shikon, and is the only one who doesn't think she's crazy.
"The heck is she going on about?" Kuwabara asks with wide eyes. He's never seen her like this.
"I'm...not entirely sure...," Kurama admits, not jumping on his theory yet. He needs to know things first. "Kagome...it's alright. You need to calm down and take deep breaths or you're going to pass out again." She nods rapidly, another mistake due to her weakened state, and she begins forcing her breaths to come more slowly. "This Shikon you refer to...is it the Jewel of Four Souls? The legendary Shikon no Tama that disappeared with the Shikon Miko some five hundred years ago?"
"Yes," she manages to gasp out, trying to still her racing heart. "That...that was me. I was...and I made a wish. I time-travelled to put it together again, then I couldn't anymore, and I made a wish. I'm not in my life anymore...maybe not even the same dimension..." She looks around, everything looking...odd. Red-tinted. (It's Makai.)
"Do you understand any of this gibberish, fox?" Hiei asks, he and Kuwabara completely confused. Kurama has an inkling...but is only beginning to get it. He explains a theory of what he believes happened, basically that their detective was swapped with her thanks to the jewel...but they only have memory of her.
Basically the same story as Yusuke's, but with some gender differences. And another issue that Kurama now is secretly battling with. He and Kagome had begun to see one another romantically. Finally. There was always some mission or another getting in the way, life issues...work. But they had finally begun their relationship. Kuwabara is the only one unaware, although they didn't actually tell anyone. He has to battle his own feelings about it as things begin to unfold.
Kagome has dreams when she goes to sleep, "remembering" the life she had in this reality. Every night at ten, she passes out and the memories begin and last until six in the morning. When she "remembers", the length of time it covers is the same amount that is erased of her own actual memories. (IE, the first dream she remembers up until "detective" her is five, best friends with Keiko. She forgets any memories she previously had of her actual life with her mom and dad until that day when she was five as "detective" her.) The more time wears on, the more she forgets of her actual life...and the more she remembers that the Yu Yu Gang remembers. She figures this out quickly, and writes her memories down in a journal before looking for a Higurashi Shrine. She can't find it- it doesn't exist. Kagome finds herself torn as time marches on...she wants to get back to her life...but she's rapidly falling for Kurama. Plus, daily dangers and a ramen shop to tend. Higurashi Ramen.
On the other end of the spectrum, Yusuke wakes up in her room just as confused. Actually, more so since he has no idea what the Shikon is or what happened. He's happy with an actual good mother figure, but it feels...wrong. He sets out to find his ramen shop, without luck. Kurama and Kuwabara don't live where they should. Keiko is even gone...which rends his heart. He gets it after a few nights that his memories are being erased, and it only makes him that much more desperate to figure things out. Basically Kagome's story, with gender differences. Inuyasha was a girl. A very moody tsundere girl. But, since the adventures are over...and he doesn't have any real friends...he feels isolated and alone in his search for the truth. The opposite as Kagome. And...he doesn't know it, but the Shikon is preventing him from finding much out. It's not until he wishes to find things and people that he actually does. But it's not until later on in the story.
The intention here was for the writer to jump p.o.v.s between Kagome and Yusuke as they remember and forget more and more, upping the anguish and frustration and tearing Kagome between her lonely life and the tempting new one she was offered...knowing that the person that was actually supposed to be here was leading a very happy life. And she has guilt over that, too.
For what I had in mind for the ending, hit me up.
Idea 2: The Dark Miko's Curse
AU, Kagome couldn't go back in time. What separates this one from the other is that she doesn't have the Shikon, and she knows of demons, and wears her miko garb to have reason to carry her bow and arrows so that she can take out threats to humanity. She has worked with other humans and demons and half-breeds to take them out. Yu Yu Hakusho has ended as the series did, but they still occasionally take care of threats.
Kagome senses the presence of a dark miko first, running into a park headlong to defeat her. The Yu Yu group comes in about thirty minutes after, sans Hiei. Kurama leads the way in just in time to watch Kagome just barely destroy a demon with her reiki. It was summoned by Saki, the dark miko. She takes on demons much like Tsubaki did. Kagome and the others speak, finding each other not to be a threat. Youko still exists and comments in Kurama's mind, but his voice is more along the solemn tones of the series. They fight their way to Tsubaki, Kagome getting her arm bitten and broken by a shark demon before they get there. In another turn of bad luck, Saki aims a spark of dark reiki at her. Kurama attempts to knock her out of the way, but they both get caught in the blast. Yusuke manages to use that moment to shoot her with his Spirit Gun, taking her out.
When checked on, Kagome and Kurama find themselves mostly fine...but there's silence in Kurama's mind....and a new voice in Kagome's. The dark reiki was actually a spell disguised as an attack...a switch of power. Kagome got youki and Kurama got her reiki. But with the switch...Youko was also jostled away to the unaware once-miko. It doesn't take Kurama long to figure out what's happened, especially when Kagome talks to, seemingly, no one and becomes mildly paranoid. Her arm is healing fast, though. Something she's grateful for. They come up with a plan of action- study and seek out dark miko to get the spell reversed. But...they both have issues dealing with their powers, and have to work on control together. It doesn't help that Youko is giving her a hard time... Through this, though, they get to know one another quite well, good and bad, and slowly fall for one another. Even Youko begins to approve, the more he sees of her and the more she shows him of her memories. But it can't be easy or simple...hiccups here and there, and threatening enemies. The more time that passes that they have the other's powers, the more opposite of their personalities they begin to act. Kurama has a good heart to begin with, for instance, but he starts wandering into pure and "goody-goody" territory, even becoming somewhat naive. Kagome, on the other hand, begins having darker desires and occasional bouts of blood lust. They feel like they're losing who they really are.
Get with me if you want to know the ending I'd roughly mapped out.
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