#I’m not super into the nu-goth look but I used to be when I was still a babybat
catrastulip · 3 months
Do you Goth style?
absolutely lol
although I switch between that and emo or even punk?
I’m just alternate idk
musically, I’m all of the above and more, but most recently, I’ve been heavy into emo and punky music
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
My name is Joey, im a Aquarius and my other zodiacs are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, my MBTI is ENTP, im transgender, aromatic and unlabeled, im adhdtistic, i have brown shoulder length hair(which will be cut off soon to more boyish hair), i wear glasses and im pretty much in between skinny but a little bit chubby, also lastly I wear a shit load of styles like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku manba and kogal), scenemo/emo, and lastly vkei, ouji and lolita.
this is what I look like ^^
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My personality is ENTP but usually I’m a little non-talkative and awkward at first when I meet a new person so it may take me some time to adjust to them before I can be myself, i usually love to ramble my interests to other people and I also enjoy when they talk to me too, im also not afraid to get snarky when someone bothers me to much, im also pretty protective of people and my own interests LMAOO always that’s all I got for his section👍
My hobbies/interests(warning: fun shit ahead⚠️): anime/manga, fashion, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), gaming, cooking, learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), i also like doing gym, listening to music/making music, musicals, hanging out with my friends, going shopping, cosplaying, social media and more so on
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like “you remind me of ____” ,also spiders.. I scream whenever I see one, fish, sleeping in uncomfortable places
Thanks again!
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Matchup For Joey!
This is my second matchup so bare with me if things are wrong. For the most part, I hope you enjoy!
Hacker:Akudama Drive
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The two of you met within a group mission, both being crucial parts that needed to work together, but Hacker wasn't for the idea of working along with someone else and worked on his own things in quiet. When the mission began going south, he started to realize that he was going to need to work together even if it was out of his comfort zone.
After a few hours, Hacker began to realize that you were pretty good at what you're doing and that your work was actually useful. Shocking to most, he chooses to stay connected after the mission just in case he needs help with something. But, secretly he wants to hang out more and he thinks that you're cute… you didn't hear that from me though.
Once a year passes by, Hacker finally gets the courage to ask you out on a date, now knowing a lot about you. His preferred date night is inside, maybe watching a movie or playing a new game together. Of course if you're interested in going out somewhere, he would find some way into getting a reservation (likely hacking into the resturants database and adding a reservation in) for an expensive dinner and then taking you out to see the stars.
Hacker's not into PDA, maybe if the two of you are dating for a while he'll start feeling more comfortable but for the most part he's keeping to himself.
I feel like both of your styles would go good together, especially some of the goth ones. Hacker wouldn't be into matching outfits, but he would try and wear something similar whether it be the color or the pattern. The two of you would share music back and forth with each other, possibly even have a shared playlist for all of your guys' music. He would play music and dance around the room when he got finished with a super hard code or mission, almost like a victory dance,
Hacker would act like he didn't care about your interests and the things you ramble about, but deep down he's making sure to hear every word and remember it
An average day between the two of you is hanging out in a dark room and working on things you both enjoy, Hacker would be working on some sort of code and would ask for some advice on how to make it better.
After some time being together, I feel like Hacker would open up about his thoughts about something else being out there and how he dreams of reaching it. From that point forward, he starts opening up more to you about his insecurities and the fear of nothing actually being out there.
Kouichi Shindou: HoriMiya
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You met Kouichi from your mutual friend, Miyamura, who introduced the two of you in junior high school. You weren't sure how to feel about him, but that all changed when you got to see the side of him around Miyamura, sticking up for him and helping him become a better person. Some time had gone by and the two of you were now in high school, except the two of you didn't go to the same high school. He went to another school nearby in order to get his life set together, which you're happy about until the news of him repeating his second year went around. You made sure to never let him live it down.
Valentines had rolled around and Miyamura and you were on your way home when the sounds of girls squealing were heard nearby. Across from them, the ginger haired boy tried to leave the big crowds of girls who waited for him to accept their gifts.
Watching the interaction between the two, a new feeling bursted within as you stomped over through the crowd of people. Grabbing Kouichi's arm, you drag him away from the crowd bringing him to your dorm not sure what to do next. Talking, he begins to question why you brought him to your house and away from those people, in which you let split that you felt jealous and didn't want him to receive valentines from other people
Once the secret was revealed, the two of you agreed to go out with each other and soon enough a relationship was born.
Date nights with Kouichi are outside in calming areas where he can feel free to be himself without the screaming girls always behind him. He once took you to a flower field filled with all sorts of flowers, along with your favorite. The two of you then had a picnic and stared at the stars when nightfall hit embracing the comfort of each other.
Takashi Morinozuka: Ouran High School Host Club
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You accidentally ran into them when the group was going to the market and Honey-senpal had gotten lost needing help to find his friend. Lucky for him, you happened to be there to help and with a little bit of searching the two of you found his friends who were panically searching for their friends.
Enjoying your company, Honey-senpai wanted to keep in touch and invite you to one of his many tea parties with all of his sweets. Accepting the invite, that was how you met the blonde's best friend, Mori-senpai.
You weren't sure about him not knowing much about him considering that he didn't talk much and preferred to listen, but he won you over when Tamaki was in one of his moods and was throwing pillows around the host club. He got so angry that he threw one extremely hard your way, but before it could hit you Mori-Senpai caught it, saving your life.
From then on, the two of you became closer and soon enough a date is arranged between the two of you, plus honey of course. All of you went to a dessert cafe and had a blast, especially honey who ended up having a stomach ache after leading to Mori carrying him home, but that allowed the two of you to have some time alone.
Your guys' relationship was good besides the constant girls from the host club, but Mori and the host club members always made sure to stick up for you when one of them tried to tear you down.
Your relationship is usually spent with Honey and the host club, but there are some small chances when the two of you get to be alone, but it doesn't happen much. When the two of you are together, Mori-senpai listens about your day and makes sure to note everything that's said when you're rambling. He's a good listener and can memorize anything your saying. You mention something you want? He's already planning to get it. You had a bad day? He's planning to make it better.
Definitely boyfriend material and father material, I mean we have seen the way he acts around Honey.
That's it for the matchup and I hope you enjoyed Joey! Request are open! Feel free to send one in :)
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iii-days-grace · 2 years
Can’t believe that I ever wanted to pursue a dark academia aesthetic, that was just me being a closeted goth I think
I mean really it went
Enjoy music
Enjoy fashion
People are really creepy about it in a manic pixie goth girl kind of way
Stop looking anything like that. Chuck most of my old clothes anyway for various reasons. Dress mostly in scruffy work clothes tbh.
Dip toes into dark academia aes bc am nerd and like spooky
It’s full of pretentious asshats bc you know. It’s just an aesthetic with nothing much under the hood.
Keep dressing like a garbage rat. Or like super fem when not bc letsbehonest I’m still a little bit hesitant about actually presenting more masc.
Nu metal? Garbage rats rad as hell actually?
Ok now I have the confidence to dress like whatever the fuck I want
Still dress fem sometimes bc why not
What is fashion anyway
Enjoy music
I’m not chained to any one aes and I still dress for practicality first (my wardrobe is very minimal at the best of times because I hate clutter and dragging things around with me when I move). But now that I’m settled in one place and have the time and resources to dress for enjoyment as well.
Step 8 is also a little bit abt empowering myself as a transmasc person bc people tell us we look like shitty gremlins anyway - I know that is not universally empowering for various reasons but it was for me.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hi! Can I get a romantic JJK matchup please?
My pronouns are she/her and my preference is male. I guess my love language would be words of affirmation or acts of service.
I’m very independent, boisterous, and headstrong. I’m also very stubborn and sensitive which leads to me being moody and isolating myself. I can be really lazy at times and honestly, I’m very ditzy. I can be super insecure especially if I feel like I’m being a burden, but I’m still a huge optimist. I’m very passionate, creative and hardworking. I’m always trying to help others and support my friends. People often tell me to calm down and to not worry so much.
I’m pretty laidback so I’ll go along with almost anything but I’m not much of a thrill seeker. I also don’t like people who get angry easily especially if they get violent. I’m a huge feminist so I get annoyed by misogyny, racism and homophobia real quick. Probably the only thing that actually makes me mad. I’m usually the friend people go to for advice but I’ll also be honest and tell them when they’ve made a mistake. I’m not afraid to stand up for others but I don’t always take my own advice lol.
I’m a big fan of the arts!! I love dancing, drawing and alt-fashion. I’ve been labeled goth and punk before but I love pink and purple. I like going shopping and just walking around the city to find cool places. I love horror movies, and spooky things. I like watching documentaries and playing video games in my spare time. Sometimes I sketch but I’m not confident in my abilities so I won’t draw in front of others. If I have time, I love to go clubs and concerts with my friends! I’m also always listening to music and it varies a lot. I love nu-metal and classic rock but I also love Kpop and hiphop. I’m not great at organizing plans but I’m very reliable and chill.
Your work is always so good! Thank youu!
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
Yuji Itadori
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He had never liked anyone mean and aggressive in his life. He didn't care about popularity, and he never wanted to hang out with bullies. He always accepted everyone as they were and did not discriminate against anyone. Someone might have looked different or acted. Then others could mistreat this person. But not him. Even then, he would stand up for someone who is a victim. People didn't oppose him, and if he had to, he would have used force.
He is stubborn about helping people. He will ignore his needs to help someone. This can be illogical at times because sometimes he needs help more. But he ignores what he needs and follows what will be good for everyone. Even if it's worse for him.
People are surprised by his behavior. They can tell him to think about himself and not someone else. But she wouldn't listen to them anyway. He can only let go when the person he wanted to help convince him to do so.
He would never want to be considered redundant. Useless and unnecessary. Then he will be really sad, but he will be determined to show that person that he is useful. No matter what he may be useful for.
He thinks of people. Good, and always in his mind the world is good. Even when things are bad, he tries to think about the positives.
He thinks about everything that can be good. He will never give up before he finishes what he started. And if someone asks him for help, he will not refuse. Even when he was tired, he would regain his energy very quickly and run.
He likes adventures, as long as they are not dangerous. He would not go to certain death with someone just to look for impressions. He is not. He will only go to places that are definitely safe and nobody will be hurt.
People considered by others as outcasts are friends to him. Actually, there's nothing wrong with them. He can make friends with everyone and consider them very nice people. Everyone has something cool about them. He also does not understand rejection and abuse of people because of appearance, race and beliefs. Everyone can be themselves. And no matter what he is, he doesn't have to change. People who could change for him are those who discriminate against others.
He considers everyone a friend. He won't be mean to anyone from the beginning.
He is honest in his feelings and will tell people what is right and what is wrong. He lives with his sense of justice.
He loves being there for someone. He will take care of his loved ones the most to make sure that they trust him, are for him as he is for them, and that he is fine with them.
• He loves you for your personality. He respects nice people and wants to be as close to them as possible. Especially when someone accepts every defect they have.
He is often lazier than you might think. Ideally, he would be sleeping or lying down reading the manga. And that is his biggest drawback (he may think so). He would also like to be stronger to better protect others. He still thinks he's too weak.
So when he hears you say to him that he is strong, he may say thank you with a smile, but he will say that he wants to be even stronger.
• He is sad when you don't want to talk to him. He knows that everyone has their whims and aversion to some things sometimes, but when you do, they always feel guilty about it. He would like you to keep smiling at him. And also so that you do not want to be alone. That you would let him in so that he could console you.
• One of the problems with him is that he goes berserk when he sees someone getting hurt. Especially if the person who has done nothing wrong is suffering.
Then you have to calm him down as soon as possible before he defeats the mean person.
• He likes mutual help. When he helps you, you will help him too. Of course he would like to do everything himself, but he knows you can not let him do it.
• During his break, he is able to drag you along to laze together or do something together. He doesn't care what you do. It is important that it is safe and it will be nice. And also that you will do it together.
• He will always try to support you. At any moment, he can say nice words to you and lift your spirits. He will always be there to tell you something nice.
Same with bringing you something. You may not expect it, but it will bring you something anyway. Whether it's a gift or something else. He is able to bring you breakfast in bed without the occasional use, cook dinner for you and even prepare a bath for you.
• He will praise everything you do, even if you find it ugly. He doesn't know much about it, but he knows what he likes and what he doesn't. Besides, he admires your talents. Never say it's ugly! Everyone has their own talents and it is important that you like what you do.
• When he tells you not to be afraid of the horrors you are watching or not to be sad when he beats you in a game, he himself is often afraid and loses. Don't take the words he says seriously so as not to upset you. Because he himself can lose to you and he won't be sad.
And you can both be afraid of horror movie together.
Watch documentaries about animals with him. He loves little animals.
• He loves it when you get along well with the rest of his friends. That's why every moment is good. He is happier when there are more of you and you don't need to feel like nobody wants to meet with you. Because everyone can love you in their own way. But Yuji wants you to love only him. Because he doesn't want to be heartbroken by love for you. Friends are friends. And you are his girlfriend after all. And I don't want to change that.
"Do you think I'm strong? Hah, thank you so much, but I need to be even stronger. Then I can protect you better. I will become stronger for you. I promise that nothing will happen to you. Thanks to this, nothing will happen to you. You can always rely on me! I'll do everything for you. I promise you will be happy and loved with me."
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ulubionywuja · 3 years
Hi i had to copy-paste this bc it doesnt work <3
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You posted 2113 times in 2021.
For every post you created, you reblogged 26.8 posts.
You used 424 tags in 2021.
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#m 160 posts (for music)
#mine 56 posts
#polish literature 53 posts
#buck tick 37 posts
#malice mizer 23 posts
Longest tag
#i went there with classmates when we were like 12 and many kids were touching the walls to lick their hands and find out if it's salty
(Whew, that's 134 characters!)
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Got a Pet Shop of Horrors tattoo. I love it.
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More dumb stuff
🖤 Non-obvious tips for babybats / new goths 🖤
Hello! My blog is a small one, but I still hope someone will find this helpful. So. There are plenty of “tips for babybats” videos on youtube and now probably tiktok, but they’re always basically the same things: research music, thrift, don’t be obnoxious, find a local scene. Easy. I’ve been a part of this goth thing since 2012 and observed some stuff. So here’s my little post about do-s and don’t-s. If you’re a new goth and don’t agree with me, that’s fine too.
Firstly, I don’t think babybats are really defined by “listening to Evanescence or Manson, shopping at Hot Topic and writing questionable poetry”; well, this is just one half of this group in my opinion. The second one is new goths who just learned what goth actually is and make it their entire personality, look, lifestyle, everything. I don’t think it’s good to just throw your non-goth hobbies and interests away for the sake of being ubergoth. In fact, most goths who have been in the community for a while will probably find it laughable, and nobody wants to be laughed at. I installed tiktok recently and EVERY goth video I’ve seen was either “hehe I’m so goth my fav band is mgła” or “Hey call me Siouxsie!!!”. Althrough I must admit I don’t spend a lot of time on tiktok. Anyways, if you like rap, don’t stop listening to rap; if your favorite color is lime green, add it to your outfits. It’s fine. Only people with no working braincells will have problems with that. And! Don’t shriek at e-girls, it’s so stupid and peak babybat.
Secondly, I often hear that babybats should “get familiar with goth subtypes, like victorian, perky or trad and pick one that suits them most”. Well, you can do that, if you want to be a super mainstream goth who defines their style by one thing only. (Goth has it’s own mainstream, yes. When I started it was focused on romantic and nu goth, now I feel like it’s trad and hippie goth.) Obviously you can take inspirations from major goth icons like Robert Smith, Rozz Williams, Siouxsie and Dave Vanian - they all have or had great styles - but don’t become an impersonator. I personally have been a fan of visual kei since forever and many of my style icons come from this scene, and also Japanese goth / post punk. If you’re dead set on trad goth, google pictures of batcave kids, they were really creative, and maybe pictures from the 80s scenes from around the globe, countries like Russia, Turkey and Japan had really big goth communities.
The third thing - goth is a communtiy of people, and it has seen better times. The scene has a little crisis and many clubs are closing (it was happening before covid too), so don’t gatekeep. Just don’t. It’s killing the scene. I’ve seen a drawing made by a teenage goth here on tumblr, depicting a trad “““grufti”“““ stabbing an e-girl with a knife. This is so embarassing, oh my god. I left a very very critical comment under that post. If you’re a new goth, don’t even try to “educate” e-girls, emos, whatever, because these people are not trying to “steal” goth or be a part of our community - they’re doing their own thing. If one of them actually wants to be a goth, they will get there by themselves, it’s one google search away from them, and after all, gatekeeping will stop newcomers from actively keeping the scene alive.
The fourth one - goth trends. They’re quite dumb. Don’t follow them, I would say. Goth influencers often participate in them, as they recieve PR from goth clothing companies, thus, they’re promoting them to their viewiers. Goth trends are based on mainstream trends - in 2015 there were cringey “witchy n bitchy” slogan tees and skinny jeans with studs, now we’re seeing a lot of layering, strega inspirations, techwear-ish items and Y2K influences. And it’s just not worth it. It’s so overpriced and after all, fast fashion, so it will be considered tacky (or fall apart) soon. (I owned a Punk Rave coat once, it was tragic.) It’s a different story if you really like a trend and maybe see yourself keeping the item regardless of what’s “in” - for me it’s wide leg pants and layered strega skirts. The swooshier, the better. From the 2010s, I still own a felt wide brim hat and a lot of maroon things. I love maroon and no one will disrespect my vampire red color in my house. (It’s so dumb, why is an entire color considered cheugy? Mainstream, you ok?) Also don’t buy polyester, it just looks sad. The wrong type of sad.
The final thing. Very, very important. Goth has a big crossover with the fetish and BDSM community, thus we see a lot of harnesses, latex clothing, ridiculous heels and also nudity. If you’re a babybat, you’re probably a minor, so please protect yourself, because this scene is sadly full of weird creeps. I’m not saying you should wear a black potato sack, but maybe don’t wear a latex lingerie set, fishnets and stripper heels to any events and don’t post riskey pictures of yourself. It’s not “empowerment”, it’s dangerous. If you want to be a sex worker, wait until your an adult and REALLY think about it before starting.
Have fun and remember, babybat isn’t a bad word for more experienced goths. Just a part of the community, an incredibly important one. Don’t be offended if someone calls you a babybat or a newbie, it’s most likely not with bad intent.
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Creating questionable au-s is my passion
Your #1 post of 2021
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Prince of Wiśniowiec, king of vampire drip
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See you in 2022!
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slasherbastard · 3 years
Hi im so so sorry to bother but I was wondering if I could maybe get a match up?? It nots that okay I understand! But I am a girl, I'm 5 foot and I'm pretty pale and slim, I dress in a mix of trad goth and nu goth style, I love horror and all things spooky, I pratice witchcraft specifically the "darker" side of things, I love wearing large platforms and doing really cool makeup ans wearing a lot of jewelry, again I really love horror especially horror movies, I like both guys and girls as well, I'm really quite and keep to myself when I first meet someone but I do try to talk and conversate, I have a bit of a short temper and sometimes I can be mean Unintentionally when I really tired or anxious, I love sleeping and I nap a lot, I love to joke around and talk about everything and anything, I love rock, deathmetal, and goth music, I am constantly dying and changing my hair from super bright colors to dark ones, my hair is short and cut like ramona flowers hair, im a bit loud and clumsy sometimes but I'm also sometimes really quite and sneaky without trying and there's no in-between, I am a horrible procrastinator and I easily forget things, I love video games and art, and my hobbies include reading, writing, gaming, reading tarot cards and my craft. My favorite color is purple and I am deathly afraid of bugs and spiders. I love cats and rabbits and all animals that are Tony and cute and I have a horrible habit of drinking sodas and leaving then halfways finished and staying up to ungodly hours of the night and then complaining about how tired I am the next day. Thank you so so much again!!
I’m gonna apologise every time I post a matchup because I’m taking forever to do them so sorry!
I pair you with
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Asa Emory and Nancy Downs!
(gif credit: loo-nuh-tik and diablito666)
Nancy isn’t really used to seeing other people who look like her so when she first saw you she just knew that she had to be friends with you and then suddenly you were dating. She loves your whole get go, the music, the style, the hair, your love for witchcraft? You’re both so similar that it’s a bit spooky (haha see what I did there? Sorry), she’s actually glad that you like the same things as her so she won’t feel the need to hide anything from you. She would melt if she caught you wearing her clothes, even one of her necklaces. Also she might steal some of your clothes - it’ll get to a point where neither of you will be able to tell who originally owned which shirt or pair of shoes. Practicing witchcraft with her is one of her favourite ways to spend time with you!
Cuddling and watching horror movies. Do I need to say more? These two LOVE cuddling with you and watching horror movies. Another thing they love about you is your art, they both think you’re so talented and anything you draw gets either hung up or kept somewhere safe, same goes for your writing, they’ll want to read it no matter what it’s about. They both seem like scary and heartless people but they’re not, especially around you since you’re their weakness. Asa and Nancy are both new to videogames, they’re aware of them but they’ve never had the time to try any out. Nancy would love the silent hill games while Asa probably wouldn’t be too into any games, maybe Bioshock? 
Nancy has a short temper of her own and although she doesn’t really know how to control herself most of the time, she knows a few tricks to help calm herself down at least enough to not want to fill someone’s house with bugs and snakes which she’ll offer to you if you’re ever upset (the tricks, not the bugs). Again, they both seem scary and heartless but if anything or anyone is bothering you then they’ll help out no matter what. Asa would be the type to “dislike” the idea of having a cat but imagine this, late at night while he’s grading test papers or maybe even passed out from overworking himself, cuddling up with the cat and gently snoring. But Asa does have two dogs so if you did get a cat then it’d have to stay away from those two. Meanwhile Nancy would be over the moon - but she’d definitely want a black cat because why not. 
The only problem with Asa is that he loves insects and spiders and he collects them (he does study them so there’s no surprise there). He might try to help you with your phobias but if it doesn’t help then he’ll try to keep that side of his work away from you. I feel like Asa is the type to leave little post it notes on your bathroom mirror with messages like “water the plants” “I love you” and “go to sleep early” neatly written on them before he goes to work. Sometimes Asa will try to force you to go to sleep but then when you deny his request and stay up until 4am, he’ll roll his eyes when he sees you yawning and struggling to stay awake at breakfast the next morning while telling you off about going to bed late.
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worst releases of 2017
Glue is still a band people like??
that dude jimmy’s existence and the fact that people pay attention to him
“hey check out my new power electronics album it’s a 7 CD collection of 3 hour long tracks coming soon on hospital productions”
finding out people you associated with for years are abusers
and people still are friends with them
having to immerse yourself in ~scene politics~ if you want to play shows even though it’s all obnoxious juvenile bullshit and everyone sucks
punk as a whole being a cesspool of boring garbage that exists for most people as a backdrop for social functions and personal gain via cutthroat capitalism disguised as “DIY”
the overuse of the term “social capital” by those with no understanding of what it means or knowledge of cultural capital or symbolic capital which they often confuse it with
add “gaslighting” and “emotional labor” to that list
"10 Reasons Why Every Band Should Conform To My Narrow, Lowest Common Denominator Informed Ideas Of How To Perform Music (And Also Should Only Play For 7 Minutes Max)"
"10 Reasons That Prove I'm A Boring Pedestrian Who Doesn't Appreciate Challenging Artistic Expression Or Even Understand That Performance Itself Is An Art Form And Doesn't Have To Always Appeal To Everyone" 
"10 Reasons I'm Using To Justify Saying 'That's Just The Way Things Are' So They Do Stay The Way They Are, Because Punk To Me Is More About Social Hierarchy Than It Is About The Music, Politics, Experimentation, And Acceptance Of True Outcasts Which Are Integral Aspects Of The Punk Aesthetic"
dude we fucking get it, you just heard Death Church......but you’re never gonna be Matthews, Blinko, Greville, or any combination of the three, so please fucking stop ruining their style with tryhard riffs that go on for too long and aren’t memorable
and every goddamn band does it now
is deathwish inc still a thing?
oh yea they are because Converge put out another steaming pile of shit
I really don’t feel too compelled to listen to your 8th “new gorenoise project” after the first seven weren't too impressive
old alt bands trying to stay relevant by using art that looks right off the youth attack catalog from 2010 and touring with artists who stopped being relevant like 4 years ago
apparently shitty screamo (sorry....”skramz”) bands and bands who sound like bad marilyn manson ripoffs are to be considered deathrock and/or noise rock
people say “skramz” and “emo violence” with no sense of irony
the people who were the ones shitting on art punk and noise the hardest for years are now jocking that shit and starting bands but still treating it as a joke
turnstile is a band and apparently they played in israel LOL
realizing that nu metal is just sludge for normies and Dystopia is just nu metal for crusties 
look dude......using too much chorus pedal on both guitar and bass, writing one song about a graveyard (that’s actually just a generic anarcho-punk nursery rhyme) and having a tonedeaf singer who moans through too much reverb doesn’t make you a goth band even with your super cool pre-distressed Sisters Of Mercy shirt
also bands who clearly like New Order and Tears For Fears but not enough to not blatantly rip them off
youth crew probably
“all cops are bastards” chanted with total sincerity as a supposedly meaningful chorus to a “political” song
comic book villain laughing being overused
the new wave of punks trying to play industrial that they think is original even though they just sound like the worst of skinny puppy and have never even heard of SPK
nyc as a whole
holy shit why is there so much oi
tuff guy gruff vocals are getting more hilariously unbearable by the day
and they were already fucking outrageously goofy to begin with
punks using poppers but not for their intended purpose
is the term “female fronted” still used as a genre by dipshits
the continuing adventures of the infantilization of women, poc, and lgbtq individuals -- as well as taking those with chronic illnesses and disabilities lightly and treating them as if they’re being unreasonable -- in punk, a subculture which claims to embrace leftist politics (see #7)
“hello it is I an uninformed metalhead shitass duebro here to tell you why caring makes you stupid” by metal sucks dot com 
sweet christ if your tape is being used as a release it’s not a demo -- just title your fucking tapes so they’re distinguishable somehow when I type in “demo 2017″ while looking for it
chances are, if you did just call it “demo” I didn’t even bother because I know it’s gonna be knockoff Peni riffs and stompy big bad boy drums or “mutant so weird true freaks” bullshit
or “raw punk” aka “we just heard disclose lol”
I’m honestly not sure which of those is more unbearable at this point it’s a tough call
all music is bad
the end see you next year fuckers
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babydollsmadd · 6 years
Meet The Daydreamer: Elli! 🌸
This is my “meet the daydreamer” post! My answers will be under the cut since this did end up being quite long.
You can find the template here, feel free to do this if you want to! I also tag @maddlyinluv to do this~ 💜
1.) Name/Nickname:
My name is Elisabeth, but I go by Elli, or my parame’s name which is Nyru!
2.) Age:
Fresh 19 years old.
3.) Pronouns:
4.) Star Sign:
Aquarius 💦
5.) MBTI:
I’m an INTP-T! What a surprise.
6.) Likes:
A lot of things. I love listening to music, playing video games and watching YouTube videos. I love Goth clothing, more specifically gothic lolita and nu-goth, as well as everything make up related. I enjoy cuddling my two cats and spending most of my time on the internet. Oh, and I’ve always been very obsessed with horses. And then of course everything MaDD related. I love my daydreams and my paras, I love finding new music and scrolling through Pinterest, and I love talking about it. Recently I’ve also really started to enjoy making aesthetics/moodboards.
7.) Dislikes:
Also a lot. Probably more than my likes, actually. There’s a lot of food I don’t like since I’m an extremely picky eater, I dislike summer because it’s always too hot, I hate it when someone is sitting on my chair and I really don’t like not being able to listen to music. I’m super anxious in social situations, and I hate being pushed around. I generally can’t cope with expectations. I hate that MaDD keeps ruining my life, but oh well, I don’t really see that as a dislike. I really don’t like drinking water. It’s disgusting. It needs to be something sweet for me. I can’t deal with ignorant people, like people who just won’t listen to anyone that doesn’t share their opinion and are so in their own head that they can’t see beyond their own plate. But that’s a whole other conversation.
8.) Hobbies:
Music, video games and YouTube videos. That’s mostly just what I do. And daydreaming. I guess fashion and make up would also considered a hobby. Otherwise I don’t really have any hobbies? I just don’t really do much at all. The only thing that I’d definitely consider an actual hobby would be horse riding, if I could ever pick that up again.
9.) Fav Colors:
Black & Purple! I pretty much only wear black, and sometimes white or pastel pink/purple. But I love all shades of purple.
10.) For how long have you had MaDD?
Daydreaming became maladaptive for me around the age of 12. I’ve always had a very vivid imagination, but as a kid it wasn’t a concern and it also didn’t really influence me. Only after some traumatic experiences it became really bad, it became my biggest coping mechanism and I started coming up with scenarios, worlds and people in my head. Those people are still my paras, and I’ve had them for as long as I have MaDD now. So 7 years.
11.) When did you discover the term/community?
I only learned about the term Maladaptive Daydreaming about a year ago from one of those stupid posts where someone spread completely false information. The name sounded interesting tho, so I looked it up and started to realize that maybe I wasn’t crazy, but that it was a condition. I started following many blogs and reading up everything I could find, I was just observing for the most part. About three months ago I started becoming active in the community, and so far it’s been incredible!
12.) In which ways does daydreaming affect your daily life?
MaDD affects me in pretty much every aspect of my life. It’s constantly on my mind, I daydream all the time and even when I’m not, I’m thinking about my paras. It prevents me from living in the present. I don’t want this to be too long and I also don’t want to ramble on about it, but even tho it has so many negative effects on my life, there’s no way I could ever give it up. It allows me to cope with some very dark issues, and while I do know that I need to be able to control it better in order to actually live my life, I don’t hate having MaDD. I hate how it keeps me from living. It also changed the way I think and feel about a lot of things.
13.) How many Paras do you have? How developed are they?
I have 10 paras in total! My two main paras, my parame/self, 3 important ones and 4 less important ones. But I do love them all. Just some more than others. My three most important paras are highly developed, they’re fully fleshed out and especially my two mains feel just so real, with all their quirks and flaws. The next 3 are also very developed, but the last 4 are kinda all over the place. Two are somewhat fleshed out, but the other two are more “ideas” than full on paras. But I’m working on that.
14.) What media do you use for MaDD related things? (Examples would be music, books or social media platforms.)
Music is definitely the main one! My Spotify has hundreds of songs and playlists, I only very recently re-organized them again which seemed to help me daydream much better. I don’t read books anymore at all, just fanfics from time to time which do sometimes prompt a daydream. I also watch a lot of movies and series. As for social media, I guess YouTube would count too since I take inspiration for houses/apartments and dialogues from certain YouTubers. Of course Tumblr, I have a MaDD blog as well as two private para blogs. I’ve also started using Pinterest a while ago which has proven to be the best idea ever.
15.) Assuming you have a MaDD blog, in what ways did that change how you view and interact with your daydreams/Paras?
I’ve had this blog for almost 2 months now, and it definitely changed the way I think about MaDD. The most important part being that I found such a good friend, someone I talk to on a daily basis! I also stopped thinking of my daydreams as something crazy/bad, and instead of an actual valid coping mechanism. It’s also very interesting too see other’s experience the same things as me, and see the differences in paras and such. I’m not sure if this is related to me having a place to talk about it now, but it seems like I’ve dreamt about my paras at night much more than I did before.
16.) Is there a special meaning behind the name of your blog? How did you choose it?
There is, actually! The name comes from the character Babydoll from the movie Sucker Punch. It has been my absolute favorite movie for so many years now, and Babydoll is one of my favorite characters of all time. I’ve always felt like the movie was (most likely unintentionally) about MaDD, and that Babydoll would be someone to develop it. So she was the inspiration for this blog, as I also have a quote from the movie as my bio on my main blog. On this blog, she inspired the name and the title, and my header image is also obviously her. (If you want to read my post about why it’s such a good movie, click here!)
17.) Do you want to add anything? Here you can say something about yourself that you want to share!
I’m not sure what to say or how to end this post, but if you want to talk to me, don’t be afraid to! I’m very anxious myself, but I’m really trying to be more social and interact with people in the same communities. So feel free to message me or send an ask if you feel like it!
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gothmedia · 7 years
Brand Loyalty
Punk Rave, Dollskill, Killstar, Blackcraft, Devil Fashion, Restyle. You’ve probably seen these names EVERYWHERE the in the last year. It’s not really any different than it used to be, ten years ago the most popular stuff was Tripp NYC and Hellbunny. Ten years before that was Lip Service and Begotten. Why are we so hung up on brand names? For some reason, brand loyalty seems to have become more and more prevalent within the Goth scene, ESPECIALLY in the online communities with advertising being easier than ever and online personalities shelling haul videos of particular brands. There seems to be a bit of polarity with opinions clothes brands just like there is with music. One side is embracing the clothes whole-heartedly and the other is denouncing the consumerism and shallowness of it all. So, which is the “right” side? Well, on one side, you have the brands. Most of them look nice, but there’s not a lot of variety with them. A lot of the brands listed above make Nu-Goth styles and little else. Some of them also make more Visual-Kei, and Dark Mori style clothes in lesser amounts. Not saying that these are bad styles, but these are the ONLY styles. Everything seems to have gone really homogeneous in terms of style. Where’s the cyber and Victorian and romantic? I miss seeing faux-medieval dresses. Trad styles have gotten a revival as of late, but with that comes some odd mindsets that I’ll discuss later. These brands not only offer little variety, but they’re also pretty expensive. I’m not gonna shell out $750 for a jacket and $85 for a dress. Maybe if it were a gown, but a plain cotton maxi dress with mesh sleeves shouldn’t cost that much. We also have to remember that these are BRANDS. They’re not indie artists or people. I’m happy to turn people onto Sweet Midnight, Isabella Corsetry, and Hillary’s Vanity because they’re indie brands and I KNOW the people behind them and they support the subculture. They help fund events and festivals. They care about their customers and they care about the scene. Sad to say, a lot of the big brand names you see in stores don’t. Hell Bunny and a few other brands ditched their dark demeanor to join the rockabilly crowd once Goth lost popularity. And brands like Too Fast have only jumped back on the bandwagon once Goth became “in” again. It’s good to know while brand names might be an easy way to get a great look, they don’t love us the way we love them. Well, if that’s the case we should just ditch all brand names and get everything from the thrift store, right? Well, not exactly. Again, there are indie creators that love and support the scene and supporting them just makes the scene stronger. A lot of the people that denounce any and all brands tend to be into Trad and fall into three categories: The older goths lamenting how the scene was in the 80s, the younger goths lamenting how the scene was in the 80s, and the elitist babybats that live near a good thrift store. Not saying that you can’t be super bitter about the over-saturation of brand loyalty or the lack of variety when shopping, but to call everyone wearing anything with a known label a poseur is rude. Sometimes people are just getting into the scene and don’t know how to dress, they want a goth-in-a-box outfit so they can look the way they want fast and they only know the big brands. Sometimes these brands just release really cute clothes and you wanna get something nice with little effort. (I have my heart set on one particular dress with graceful draping and intricate bead-work...) Also, not everyone can sew or find things to DIY. For one thing, I have no idea how to sew lace or chiffon without ripping it, though I would like to learn. Also, I don’t know how people can just thrift and find great stuff because the only things my local thrift stores have are obscene amounts of Venice Beach T-shirts. This is what happens when you live in a tourist-y area. TONS of “I met Elvis on the Walk-of-Fame!” and “Surf’s up at Santa Monica!” shirts. (Don’t surf at Santa Monica. It’s gross.) Though DIY is nice, not everyone can do it. This doesn’t mean they’re not dedicated to the scene, though. If they got  love for the music in their heart it shouldn’t matter what they’re wearing. Plus, there’s a third option: Since Goth is in vogue at the moment, stores like Target and Sears actually have black lace, knee-high boots, and velvet in stock. You can easily make a goth-y looking outfit from mix and match things from “regular” stores. And even if you can’t DIY, you can always add your own flair to something with pins, jewelry, or just throwing in your own knick-knacks. You don’t have to have EVERYTHING you like be GOTH. My keys have a Five Nights at Freddy’s plush attached and he goes with my outfit as well as everything else. All in all, it’s fine to like these brands and own some things from them, but don’t get too caught up in who has the most expensive brand name coat or what the label on someone’s clothes are. Just be true to yourself and dress the way you want to. You are not less of a goth for the clothes you wear.
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yuli-ban · 7 years
Anarchy in Prague/Belle Grand-Mär Megapost
See, now this is a megapost. The goth one was only about two unique pictures. This one has three.
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Current theme song for Anarchy in Prague. Harkens back to the days when it was described as a “Stoner Rock Scott Pilgrim”. 
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Drawn by @dalf
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She’s 27 at the time the story starts. She is literally on the edge of being a Millennial (I’m one of those who thinks the cut-off between Millennials/Generation Y and iGeneration/Generation Z should be 2001, but some say it’s actually 1996).
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Drawn by @alouissever 
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If two people share a 1-Up, how would that work? Also, you can tell they’re getting close to 30 just by how stoned they look when, in fact, they’re trying to stay awake for New Year’s. I love this aspect of Anarchie, rambling about how Millennials are growing old and are no longer the dominant youth generation. In 2024 (which is 7 years away), there will be 40-something Millennials. I’ll be 30, holy fucking mother of fathers.
Drawn by @dalf
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Muriel and Malfiore. Pan’s goth “girls”. Muriel’s, like, 28. However, Malfiore/Marie is 37. She’s still a Millennial, yo. 2024-37=1987. She’s a fucking ‘90s kid and she’s already growing some grays and finding the protoforms of what will one day become wrinkles.
Drawn by @alouissever
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Arthur and his sister, Daria (yes, I know it was Darya; deal with it). Daria’s nonplussed about how childish Venus remains.
Drawn by @alouissever
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I actually couldn’t find the bottom image for the longest time, so I think this is the first time I’ve posted it to Tumblr. See? It’s not all reposts. I kinda like how Venus looks like a ghost in the second picture, but Dalf forgot about the Saint Vitus logo! And yes, that’s a Pepper robot. I imagined that they might gain a bit more utility between now and 2024. Also, funny thing about Venus being a “hipster”. She’s actually not. She’s more of a moddie than a hipster. But since Arthur’s a hipster, she sometimes tries to be one ironically.
Drawn by @dalf
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Arthur Tartakovsky, Venus’s ultra-hipster boyfriend. This was before he gained his ironic mustache. He used to be in an indie pop band in an earlier draft, but nowadays he’s still in an indie pop band. The actual change was his other hobby: before, he was a comic artist. Now he’s an indie game dev specializing in retro games and VR cyberpunk. The world of indie game devs can get hectic, especially in a tight job market. He has to deal with rival devs sabotaging each other and himself sometimes, which is why he developed electrokinetic powers.
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Early sketches of the original trio. Only Venus has really changed visually. She was much less notable.
Drawn by @dalf
I already did the posts where @pan-pizza gets his nuts crushed. I see no reason why I should post them again other than to goad Pan into reblogging this megapost. Pan, do not  reblog this.
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Drawn by @alouissever
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Drawn/animated by @spookyfishcakes
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Drawn by @nicolas-px-art
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Early form of Malfiore. She always wears Ed’s clothes (a la Ed Edd n Eddy), but it was much more faithful in the earliest sketches. Just ask Alouisse-Ver. Also, she used to have Daria’s hairstyle.
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Muriel’s first sketch, back before she had her top hat. I created her as a loveletter to Pan Pizza and his gothosexual tendencies; Malfiore was always going to be a part of the story.
Drawn by @alouissever
Anarchie’s still got a lotta stoner rock in it (Venus’s band and their scene mates are all either stoner rock or heavy rock), but even back in 2014 when I first created the story, I left some room for indie rock. Nowadays, they both take up an equal amount of space. If it ever becomes a movie or a cartoon, it’ll probably be the only one in history where the OST consists of Nebula, Kyuss, Radio Moscow, and Orange Goblin right alongside The Pillows, Kodaline, Arctic Monkeys, and Porno Mags. Radiohead one second, Pentagram the next.
And, for now, that’s all for Anarchie. I’ve yet to commission pictures of Kalo, Syd, Adamski, or Azura Meco, but those are coming. I’m just actually working on the story. Shocker, I know. Even I’m surprised. I just did a 30,000 word outline in about 10 days; the real rough draft should be finished by April.
And now for BGM, which is basically “Anarchie + Cyberdelic Pharmaceuticals”. The early posts here don’t show that off well, but the world will know...
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Title card still pending.... I made that 3 yea— holy fuck, I made that three years ago?! How is it 2017 already? 
Pure stardream. It sounds like dreamrock, honestly. The moment I heard this, I knew I had found BGM’s BGM. No pun intended. It was either this or Stand Up. 
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Belle. Belle Grand-Mär. British moddie, real name “Indira Elizabeth Jones”, elective mute, severe and antisocial, freeskating and freerunning traceause, yadayadayada. If Venus was a female Scott Pilgrim fused with Murdoc Niccals, Belle is Ramona Flowers + Haruko Haruhara + Ryuko Matoi + Garnet + a mime + Neku Sakuraba + a silent cartoon character. I’m glad I’m a writer. Try creating a silent character! You’d better have mastered visual emotion.
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Aurora. Real name “Farideh Moradi”, Persian-Briton moddie, freerunning traceuse, Belle’s closest friend and whatnot. She literally got her name from the reference to the Aurora Borealis in A Flock of Seagull’s uber-80′s hit “I Ran (So Far Away)”. The 2020′s are basically the ‘80s with more cyberdelia, after all.
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Bomb. Real name “Madeleine Violetta Dumont”, French moddie, actually dead and works as a psychokinetic grim reaper whenever she feels like it. Also Belle’s rival and foil. Freeskating traceuse. She was created in 2009 as the lead character in a story that was literally “JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future + The World Ends With You”. This is why she seems like someone badly took a character from each of those games and fused them together.
Drawn by @alouissever
Parov Stelar’s beautiful little electroswing track. It’s so 2020′s.  BGM has much more of a stardream atmosphere than the down-to-earth feel of Anarchie. There’s a lot more chiptune, dreamier rock, electrofunk, and whatnot. If you took the soundtrack to Super Mario Galaxy and Steven Universe, mixed it with the soundtrack to Jet Set Radio Future, and made it thrice as eclectic, you’d get something like BGM’s presumed BGM.
You may have noticed that all the characters for BGM thus far are moddies. That’s no mistake or coincidence— it’s a moddie story. It has a stronger character than Anarchie, to the point I can even call it when aspects of Anarchie “seem like something out of BGM”.  Moddies are already getting started, though no one’s yet calling them moddies. But you see how vaporwave’s gotten so big? How neon and pixel art is dominating Tumblr? Seapunk and dyed hair are everywhere, everyone loves hallucinogenics, and everyone loves the ‘80s once more. Major Lazer, for the fucking win. Right now, we say that these are signs of hipsterdom. But in the 2020s, we’re going to look back and realize what it really was— the birth of the moddies. We’ve not yet reached the moddies— we still need a Transhuman Be-In, cheaper OLEDs, and a Sgt. Pepper moment for electronic music (where people stop seeing it as purely dance music). And I don’t see anyone who owns a robot like Pepper or ASIMO yet either. And while luminescent hair is definitely a thing, it’s not yet become a common thing. Nor has leaving up Christmas lights all year, or being obsessed with bright primary colors.
But we’re getting there. And the thing that will trigger the final separation between post-hipsters and moddies isn’t a Transhuman Be-In, but simply time: us Millennials are indeed growing older. I was born in ‘94, and I’m 22 going on 23. Millennials brought back hipsterdom, but ‘10s hipsters suffered a brutal blow due to the loss of Bernie Sanders and the rise of Donald Trump. Our whole zeitgeist became fragile. Hence why people are looking for harder music instead of the previously comfortably twee indie pop and nu-folk. Being vintage and authentic hasn’t helped us one bit, and the kids— those younger than ourselves— don’t believe in our ideals. They just see a blizzard.  Some may mock the hair colors, but they secretly love it. They want something more than what Millennials are offering. They are loving several aspects of what’s big— aforementioned things like vaporwave, electronic music, dyed hair, cyberpunk revivalism, ‘80s and ‘90s love, etc.— but other aspects, they are eager to discard. There’s a strain of neo-futurism in the iGeneration, which isn’t surprising considering they were raised as something of a proto-cyborg generation.
And that’s the moddies in a nutshell. Kids who recognize they live in “The Future™” and wish to own it. They don’t just listen to electronic music because it’s cool; it also aids that whole sense of living in years that previous generations thought were purely sci-fi. They don’t see electronic music as just dance club/background music. They want electronic versions of prog rock and conscious hip hop. They’re more than happy to drop acid and fuck robots. They don’t love the obsession with a minimalist future with sterile colors— they want neon. Neon lights, neon paint, and a cyberdelic attitude. If that means making cities look like one giant rave, so be it. Because ha ha, they live in the Future.
You can forgive them for their incredible optimism; they’re just kids. And they want you to know it.
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unsure-username · 7 years
i had an idea for a show/comic/book/story?? so there's the kid of death himself and they go by they/them she/her and will be cool if you use both in the same sentance?? she goes to a school in the mortal realm bc they got kicked out of the underworld's school for acting like an idiot, and she makes these friends from all different groups and cliques and social classes and she's just a total sweetheart who loves memes and being a nerd?? 
her clothing style is like casual goth and punk and pastel goth and nu goth and rocker and edgy and whatever the hell they want to wear? like she wears makeup colors that she thinks are pretty and different and doesn't give a shit if the bright yellow lipstick and green eyeliner she has on matches her purple hoodie and blue & red striped pants? they paint their nails crazy colors that they pick up at Rite-Aid when they go shopping for bubble bath and socks? she has three earlobe piercings on each ear and her left ear has five cartilage piercings and her right one has six?? she wears mascara that makes her lashes crazy big and black and they have eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man?? 
they laugh super hard whenever they see something that mentions dying or being unable to die and buys it immediately?  they have all these pins with sarcastic comments that they pin to their leather backpack?? she dyes her hair whenever she wants and usually it's bubblegum pink or baby blue or hot fiery red? she listens to ska music and Halsey and death metal and cute pop songs and hippie bands and Johnny Cash and techno? they wear chokers and hats that make them giggle and they revel in the looks they get from taken aback old people and entranced young kids?? 
she decorates her room with posters of models and bands and pictures of her family and her friends and she has pastel quilts over her skull-printed sheets and black painted walls with light green stripes? she loves her dads (she calls death Father and she calls their demon dad Dad) and she hugs them each morning and she's vegan for one month and she eats everything that tastes good the next? they take banana-strawberry-apple juice smoothies to school in opaque water bottles and they smoke joints in the alley behind their house and they tell their friends no, i'm not giving you weed because it will hurt you so stop asking me for joints and i can smoke it because it doesn't hurt me and they brings the homeless veteran lady who's missing her left leg and sits with a sign on the corner all day sandwiches and juice and blankets and a coat when it's cold??
 she flips off cops when she speeds past them and cackles as they follow her in the fixed-up hearse she stole from the dump and she donates to the police and firemen and the hospital when they have fundraisers? they’re awesome at dancing and loves to waltz and practices witchcraft and grows rosemary and sage and buys clear quartz and gems and packs of candles and they have spells that help their friends feel happier or find missing things or do better in school and they refuse to make love spells? she paints pictures of the sky and trees and has a bottle of holy water and a salt shaker in her room because her dads annoy her sometimes and that's how she stops them from coming in her room???
basically just this sweetheart meme kid who will punch you if you say shes weird bc shes the child of death and a demon and they take no shit??
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