#I’m just feeling really angsty about myself right now
shrekgogurt · 1 day
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I have been watching one million YouTube video essays about pop culture and emphatically not writing over the past several days. This chapter was supposed to be a shorter one and now it’s shaping up to be the longest one so far and I’m deeply frustrated by it. I want it done. Only 3/6 of the POVs are “finished” (aka beta ready) and one of the Baz POVs needs a lot reworked. Narratively, it was the chapter I was least looking forward to writing and in trying to redeem it (infuse it with more emotion) it’s just getting so big. Nevertheless, so many people are out and about today so I’m serving up the first sentence of each POV.
It’s the first day of classes and I’m already in trouble.
I wouldn’t venture so far as to say I have a spring in my step, but I’m faring better than I was last month.
A man who appears to have walked fresh off the set of a k-pop music video just called Baz’s name and I’m not handling it well.
[this is the POV that needs so much reworking so instead here is one sentence I know will stay] “If you’ve been feeling part of the scenery, perhaps you should walk right out of the machinery.”
As I stare at the three gates blocking our exit, I suddenly wish Penny had more friends.
Snow is a bloody contagion.
Okay I’m a little bit just whining some more down here. But GODDAMN it! I keep reading so many beautiful masterpieces by y’all and getting so inspired and wanting to make my shit better. Which is good! But also! This chapter is now 10x harder to write because I want it to be deeper now than it originally would’ve been. And ultimately, again, that’s good! But it’s so much more effort. And I’m being really really hard on myself and the output. And it’s not currently super duper fun. More like when you know what something could be or should be but you can’t get it to shape properly. Or rather, I’m angsty about putting forth the energy to mash it all up to make it better than before. So…it’s all growth. Just a pain in the ass.
Not to mention, the key to unlocking more depth for the Baz bits is Hejira which is a fucking masterpiece. (How can I be Joni? No one can be Joni!) And he doesn’t start out there! I have to bring him to this place of reflection! And like cover the time elapsed. And it’s HARD! BOO! EVIL! I’m doing it to myself!
May the spirit of poetry hopefully overtake me. It’s terribly lacking in this chapter. (I think I’ll be forever chasing the damn high of chapter thirteen.)
Okay done whining.
Thank you for the tags today! @monbons @roomwithanopenfire @blackberrysummerblog @rimeswithpurple @forabeatofadrum @thewholelemon @artsyunderstudy @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @mooncello
Shorter list of tags because it’s late: @bookish-bogwitch @brilla-brilla-estrellita @cutestkilla @emeryhall @hushed-chorus @ileadacharmedlife @ineffable-grimm-pitch @j-nipper-95 @larkral @letraspal @messofthejess @onepintobean @prettygoododds @raenestee @theimpossibledemon @valeffelees @youarenevertooold @mitranian
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I didn’t create tedmort.
I want to make that 100000% clear. I didn’t come up with it, I didn’t write the first fic or draw the first art. I didn’t even come up with the damn ship name! I need all of you to understand something because even if you think it’s not important for me to be clear about this, it really is to me, in my opinion.
I don’t credit tedmort as my ship. It doesn’t belong solely to me: y’all can write it, draw it, headcanon it — it’s not mine and never was! I don’t own it and won’t ever claim that I do. I will never ever gatekeep tedmort because they’re so precious to me and I want all of you to love them and cherish them as much as I do.
Warning: Long post ahead but it’s my feelings and I really hope you all take the time out to read this.
When I called myself the tedmort ship captain, it wasn’t because I was claiming the ship as MY rarepair. It’s me saying listen, I wrote a lot of tedmort and the tags here on tumblr and on ao3 are filled with me screaming into the void about this ship. I am the person standing on the deck of the ship that is the USS Tedmort, if you will, and hyping it up! Calling all of you from the shore to come on, hop aboard, and sail with me, not for me.
I do want to be the captain of the ship, but not in an “I own this!” sort of way, but in a “come, join me!” way. I want to set up the refershment table of headcanons and tell everyone joining up on our ship to “take a headcanon and leave one of your own!” and to joke and laugh over the angst we’ve collectively put our poor middle aged men through. This is a collective and I am not in charge and don’t want to be.
At the end of the day, I do want to be known as the tedmort person. But I really want to be known as more of a guide. A person that anyone in fandom, new or old, feels comfortable with approaching because I want to share tedmort with every single one of you. I write this ship because I love it. I feel the passion that I haven’t in fandom for a long time for these two and I feel free to share it without judgement!
I just love Teddy and Mort, plain and simple. I’m gonna write whether anybody is reading it or not because I’m having fun. But I want you as a fandom to have fun too.
I don’t want anybody to ever feel like they can’t write a ship because it “belongs” to someone else. Because someone has claimed the ship as “theirs.” I know there will always be people like that, in every fandom and every corner of the internet and in every part of the real world - someone who stakes claim because they love something so much, alienating others even when they don’t do mean to. I love being known for tedmort, but other people deserve a chance in the spotlight for their tedmort fics as well.
So maybe this is me saying, I’ll be your guide to tedmort, if you’ll have me, but I will never make this ship out to be mine and mine alone. Tedmort is ours.
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riseatlantisss · 9 months
The end we start from
Pairing : Astarion x female!reader/Tav Around 1,8 words Takes place after the events in Cazador's palace in act 3 (non-ascended Astarion, established relationship) Angst with a happy ending (and loooots of sex) <3
Astarion doesn’t feel good enough. you show him he’s everything.
TW : 18+ MDNI, unprotected sex, very angry/angsty/rough sex, fingering, mature language, mentions of death and depression, mentions of blood
A/N : when i don’t work, i do two things: i take care of my dog and i play BG3. i don’t eat. i don’t sleep. i don’t socialize. i just play BG3. and I write stuff about *him*.
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Astarion is many things. Quiet is not one of them. But lately, that’s all he’s been, and you’ve been worrying about him night and day. Tonight is no exception. You wake up in the middle of the night and realize two things : not only is Astarion’s side of the bed empty but the sheets and pillows are untouched, uncrumpled. His side hasn’t been slept in. This isn’t right. Of course, he doesn’t really need to sleep but he always, always lays next to you at night, spooning you, playing with your hair and whispering sweet I love yous in your ear until you fall asleep. His absence means something’s off. Unable to shake off the anxiety, you get up in one swift motion, determined to find him. No chance you’re falling back asleep now anyway.
Your bare feet hit the cold marble floor and you shiver as you make your way accros the bedroom in a hurry. You think of searching outside in case he went for a hunt, but it turns out you don’t have to look too far. There he is, silently leaning against the wall by the window, gazing into the pitch-black night of the Underdark. The light in the room is so dim that you couldn’t even spot him from your bed. You approach him and your heart breaks a little when you notice the lingering sadness in his crimson eyes, enhanced by the faint light of the burning candles next to him.
You want to ask him if he’s ok but it’s obvious he’s not so instead, you remain silent and close the space between the two of you, wrapping your arms around him and gently resting your head on his shoulder.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask softly after a while, your voice barely above a whisper.
Astarion averts his gaze and gives you a faint smile, nothing but a twist of lips.
“Nothing,” he replies. “I’m just being selfish, as usual. Forgive me, y/n.”
You frown and stare at him incredulously. “You’re not selfish,” you say, surprised at how intensely he means it. “Why would you even say that?”
“I –” He pauses, rethinks his words. This does nothing to make you less worried. “I caused you great pain,” he finally says. “I put you in danger. Repeatedly, ever since we met. You could have died a hundred times and it would have been my own, entire fault.”
You look up to him and feel a lump form in your throat. You have never seen him look like this – grief in his eyes and etched into the lines of his face.
“I’m not dead, Astarion. I’m right here with you.” You say as you wrap your arms around his neck. He makes a sound somewhere near a sob and your arms tighten.
“But I did put you in danger and now you’re stuck with me for eternity, in the middle of nowhere, and you—" Again, he stops. He’s bad at this, at talking about emotions. But he fights through it because it’s you. And nothing can be left unsaid between the two of you. Not after everything that’s happened. “You deserve so much better. You deserve the world, and I can’t give it to you.” You’re not sure where this conversation is going but you don't want to find out. His lower lip quiver but he goes on, words spilling out of him like blood from a wound. “I can’t give it to you, and I’ll never be able to forgive myself for it. It’s killing me all over again.” You crumble under each one of his words. His lips are trembling now and you can’t stand it. You can’t but you can’t do him the dishonor of looking away either.
“Astarion, I chose this life.” Your hands flutter to his face, each one cupping a cold cheek, forcing him to look at you. Your heart is pounding, and you know he can feel it. “I had a choice; I could stay, or I could run, and I chose you. I’m not stuck here. I’m home.”
Astarion heaves a faltering breath in an attempt at composure. “Sometimes I think you would be happier without me. Better off.” He barely mouths the words, but you hear them all distinctively, nonetheless. “You should go and leave me here. Walk in the sun. Be happy and live your life.” You draw your hands away from his face and he steps back, speaking louder now.
“It won’t get any better in here,” he continues, gesturing urgently around the room. “It’ll always be cold and dark, I’ll always be a blood-thirsty monster. I belong to the shadows, and I’ll never be able to make you happy, so you might as well just leave.”
His words knock the air out of your lungs and, for a moment, you cannot breathe. You feel your pulse pounding in your veins and blood thrumming under your skin as your heartbreak turns into anger. That fucking idiot, you think, looking up at him through eyes blurred with tears.
“You don’t know what makes me happy. You don’t,” you shout, surprised by the vehemence in your voice. "And you certainly don't get to speak for me." Astarion looks at you in such confusion that you almost feel bad for a moment, but you continue.
“You – you make me happy, Astarion, gods you do. I would rather live an eternity in the Underdark with you than one more day in the fucking sun.” Your heart is clenching in your chest, and you can feel the heat pooling in your cheeks. “By no means would I be better off, let alone happier, without you. I can’t believe that you could even think –” You trail off and sigh in frustration. You can’t bring yourself to scream at him any longer because that’s all he’s ever known before you, screams and shouts and abuse, and you can’t do this to him. But that doesn’t leave you with many options to get through to him. Astarion opens his mouth to say something, but you don’t let him.
Without warning you grab his shirt to pull him close and your lips crash into his, knocking the breath out of both of you with the force that you collide with. It only fuels your rage because the moment his lips are on yours, you can’t help thinking that you almost lost this once and you can’t actually lose it. You won’t let that happen. So you kiss him harder. It’s rough and desperate and sloppy. It's harsh breath and biting teeth.
He turns you around and backs you against the wall. You take it rather hard, but you welcome the sting. Anything to shut him up about not being good enough for you. He crowds in closer, presses you even harder against the wall, shoving his knee between your thighs. His cold lips connect to your throat, making you eagerly tilt your head to give him access to your thrumming pulse dancing at your neck. You have absolutely no qualms about it. If he wants it, it’s his.
But he doesn’t take it. Instead, his mouth sucks and licks, making you squirm and rock your hips against him. You cling to him, grabbing his shoulders and sliding your hands down his shirt and to his back. He hoists you up like you weighed nothing and you wrap both legs around his waist. You tangle your hands in his curly silver hair and pull him forward to feel that mouth on yours again. His tongue running over your lip makes you grind faster, searching for more, more, more. You moan when his hand reaches beneath your gown and through your damp underwear.
Firm, icy fingers are stroking you into madness. You make a sound that’s close to a whimper, but more like a groan, because damn it, you are so impatient now. You are clenching – aching to have him inside.
He is gasping at the feeling of your fluttering around him, and you must be gasping too, but you’re not sure; your head falls back and it feels like you’re breathing, but you could just as well be drowning.
You dig your nails hard into his back - you need to channel the anger into something. Maybe you’ll be the one drawing blood this time. You lean forward to rest your dizzy head on his shoulder and groan in anticipation. Not wasting anymore time, he pushes his hard, large cock into you, going steadily until he’s all the way in.
“Harder. Fuck me harder.” You plead and he obeys.
He sets a pace that graces all the right spots, spurred on the increasingly desperate noises escaping your mouth. This is no effort at all for him, holding you up easily and fucking you hard with determination. But you can see it when you rest your forehead against his – the sheer weakness you feel is reflected right back at you and you know he needs this just as much as you do.
You are so close. You need to concentrate on breathing, just so you simply don’t die. Your lower back thuds against the wardrobe with your oh gods and fucks singing in tandem. The vampire trails open-mouthed kisses and little bites down your neck while maintaining the almost vicious pace in and out of you. Every stroke curls and loves and breaks you into submission. You forget to be angry because your release is in his hands and your body is desperately handing itself over to him.
Your thighs start to quiver around him, the sounds of wetness and the feeling of his own explosion of pleasure deep inside you taking you so high that eventually, you shatter into him. You’re so grateful for the strength holding you up, so you can fall apart.
Your repeatedly moan his name on your way back to consciousness, lips brushing softly against his pale skin.
Before you know what is happening, you break into a sob.
“Please…. Please don’t ever tell me to leave, ever again.” You try to articulate, your voice shaking uncontrollably.
He sinks down onto his knees, holding you in his lap and whispering, “Shh,” into your ear.
“I’m so sorry,” he says, his voice is low and full of gravel. He never sounded so sweet. “I love you, always have and always will. And you’re not going anywhere.”
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reiding-writing · 2 months
Hiiii, first of all i wanna say congratsss!! You’re an amazing writer and i LOVE your stuff! Secondly, i would like to mention that i’ve never actually made a request before so bear with me 😬 Okay okay, so i was wondering if you could write cold!reader with angsty prompt 28. "I can't believe I didn't see that coming." and general prompt 23. “I thought I’d lost you.” Maybe spencer gets hurt and reader shows emotion (maybe some tears) and the team is all like ???
(feel free to ignore this btw 💗💗)
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28. “I can’t believe I didn’t see that coming.”
23. “I thought I’d lost you.”
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WARNINGS: fem!reader, guns, hostage situation, character death, reader is her typical rash self, happy ending
spencer reid x cold!reader || hurt/comfort || 2.8k ||
a/n: thank you <3 i’m honoured to be the conduit you chose for your first request and i hope this is what you envisioned 🫶
main masterlist!! ⋆。°✩ cold!reader masterlist!!
event masterlist!!
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Spencer’s hands shake so much as he pulls off his bulletproof vest you’re not sure how he has enough articulation in his fingers to do so in the first place.
“Reid, you’re not ready to do this.” Your words aren’t as harsh as they are truthful, but it cuts him down the same anyhow. “Let me or Hotch do it.”
“No, I need to do this myself,” Spencer shakes his head determinedly, and if he wasn’t so focused on the sheer amount of adrenaline running through his veins right no he’d probably be proud of himself for standing up to you and not just following your word as law, but alas, the only thing he could feel right now is absolute dread. “He won’t listen to you.”
Why was it always him that got personally involved with the unsubs? It was like they were a heat-seeking missile locked only onto his location.
Literally locked onto his location in this case. He’d seen him —Daniel as he called himself— on the train home from work, in the coffee shop he frequented, the local library, and he swears he also saw him parked in his apartment building’s parking lot.
It was like he was silently screaming at Spencer to notice him, and when he finally got to speak to the man, he asked for help. He was afraid. He was afraid of himself because he was having horribly intrusive thoughts that made him want to do terrible things and he viewed Spencer as his only scapegoat. Pros and cons of being all over the news for his job he supposes.
Spencer really did try to help him, but every suggestion he made was shut down like they weren’t good enough, like Daniel wanted Spencer to physically go into his brain and remove all of the faulty parts that were making him feel insane.
Spencer’s help just wasn’t good enough, and it lead to multiple people dying as a result.
And now Daniel was holding a woman hostage in her own house.
How was he supposed to not feel solely responsible for that?
Spencer had to be the one to speak to him. Not you or Hotch and your negotiation training, him and his personal connection to all the deaths that had happened because he wasn’t able to help someone that was begging him to save them from their own mind.
He practically shoves his revolver into your hand as he commits to going inside, taking a second to regulate his breathing before emerging from behind the SUVs to approach the closed front door, leaving you all in wait, guns raised at every window in the event that something goes wrong.
Something was bound to go wrong.
“Reid the minute that something feels off you leave, understand?” It technically wasn’t your call to make, but as you spoke into the small radio on your chest you weren’t really thinking about that. It’s not like Hotch would disagree with you anyway.
There’s a few seconds of silence over the radio, even though you know he heard you from the slight jolt in his spine as he reached the front door of the house. “Reid. Tell me that you understand that.”
You had half the mind to drag him back into the car from that response alone. He clearly wasn’t listening to you, not properly anyway, and having such an emotional involvement in something like this was going to get him killed if he treated it the wrong way.
“Be careful,” Hotch was less antagonistic in his warning, but it held the same message.
Spencer threw an arbitrary thumbs up above his head before knocking on the door of the house and entering slowly with both his arms raised.
Then it was a waiting game. A stalemate where you had to sit with your guns trained and just wait for any sign of change. It was like absolute torture.
It was virtual silence and tumble weeds for the best of five minutes, and then there was a loud gunshot sound that echoed from inside the walls of the house, and all of that waiting felt for naught as you pressed the button on your radio with a steady stream of trepidation raising in your throat that he might not answer you. “Reid? Reid come in.”
You wait for something to come from the other side of the radio, even if it’s just the crackle of static from him pressing the button without actually speaking into it. But all you get is silence, and it makes that sinking feeling grow until you literally feel like you’re about to throw up your stomach.
You don’t think twice about running towards the front door of the house after you don’t get an answer, ignoring the calls of Hotch for you to back down and let SWAT take care of it so he didn’t possibly lose two agents instead of just one.
He knew you weren’t going to listen to him either way.
You open the door with your pistol raised at your eyes, the weight of Spencer’s revolver tucked into the waistband of your jeans acting both as an instrument to ground you and as a torturous reminder that the gunshot you heard couldn’t have possibly been from him.
It had to have come from Daniel.
Logically you should’ve swept the ground floor first before rushing straight into the dining room where you knew the three had been last, in case Daniel had left the room and approached you from behind.
You don’t of course, and you kick open the barricaded dining room door with enough force to splinter the door frame holding the hinge pin in place, the door hitting the wall with a thud.
The sight you’re met with is not what you expected to find.
“Reid—” You drop your gun to your side the second your eyes land on the back of his head, his back to you and his eyes locked on Daniel, lying on his back on the dining room floor with a bullet hole to the side of his head, his blood slowly pooling on the linoleum.
The woman he had hostage was alive too, thank god, practically trying to melt into the corner as she cried into her hands, obviously still in shock over what happened.
“I can’t believe I didn’t see that coming,” Spencer’s words didn’t feel like they were coming from himself as he spoke, his voice feeling detached from his consciousness as his mind focused on fully comprehending the situation.
“I can’t believe how stupid you are—” Your body forces a sharp breath to leave your mouth as it cools don from the adrenaline rushing through your system, and you pull Spencer backwards by his arm to stop the blood from Daniel’s body reaching his shoes. “What the fuck were you thinking?”
“I just- I don’t know,” Spencer gives up on trying to find an explanation for his actions before even really thinking about it. He knows there’s no use, because he really wasn’t thinking, it was just acting on instinct.
“You see this Reid?” You give the radio on his chest a pull with your hand, causing him to stumble forward towards you in the process. “It’s a radio, use it.” There’s no denying the insurmountable rage in your tone as you berate Spencer for his carelessness, something that he most definitely deserves as he stands there nodding at you like an idiot.
You let go of his radio with a small push, sending him stumbling backwards this time, and you take a second to compose yourself before pressing on your own radio to communicate with the rest of the team. “I’ve got Reid and the hostage alive. The unsub shot himself.”
“Copy that, we’re coming in.”
Hotch’s voice may as well be a leaf in the wind as Spencer puts his full focus into how absolutely furious you seem with him.
“I’m sorry—”
”Sorry isn’t good enough.” You ignore the arrival of your teammates in the house, how they carefully guide the hostage outside to get her looked over by the ambulance waiting outside and how they secure the scene for the forensics team to deal with. “You cannot throw your life away by running head first into a dangerous situation knowing you can’t defend yourself.”
“I thought—”
“What? That it’d be fine? That you all of a sudden had all the training you needed to talk down an armed serial killer with serious delusions that could leave you as his next victim?” Maybe you we’re being a bit too harsh on him, but it was important he understood exactly what could’ve gone wrong. “You might be a genius Reid, but you are the dumbest goddamn person I have ever met.”
Spencer presses his lips together into a line at your declaration, lowering his head until his gaze is firmly planted on the floor.
“You are not an expendable resource, you can’t be replaced, and you need to understand that before you throw yourself into a possible line of fire do you understand me?” You ignore the lingering gaze of Hotch as you continue your verbal assault on Spencer, and you know you’ll probably get an earful yourself for being so hard on him, but he gave you a real scare, and you were expressing that to him in the way that suited you most.
“Yes I understand, I’m sorry…” The slight waver of his voice as he responds to you is enough to knock your anger down a peg, and you drag your hand down your face with a sigh.
“We were scared for you Reid, you could’ve died.”
“I know…”
You give another soft sigh at the voice he barely keeps his voice controlled as he whispers out his answer to you, on the verge of tears from your thorough verbal assault.
“Don’t do it again. I thought I’d lost you.” You lift up one of your hands to put it on his shoulder, although it lands closer to the curve of his neck, prompting his face upwards to meet your eyes once more. “And as much as you can be idiotic, the team needs you alive.”
He gives you a soft hum as an answer this time, not trusting his voice to not crack if he were to speak properly.
He tries not to focus on the warmth of your hand on his neck, nor on the fact that you’d said ‘I’ instead of ‘we’ when talking about being concerned for his safety under fear of only worsening his attempts at keeping himself composed.
Your gaze softens marginally as you spot the glassiness of his eyes, and for a second he swears that the protective shield you cover yourself with disappears to show the amount of concern you truly felt for him.
“I’m okay… I promise,” He nods softly at you with rounded eyes. He’s mildly flattered by how much you care, but he doesn’t want you to show it as concern, positive emotions suited you much better he thinks.
“You’re lucky, and it won’t last forever,” You use you hand against his shoulder to turn him around, pushing him gently towards the front door and using the opportunity of him not facing you to swallow the start of your own tears, clearing your throat into your elbow as he takes your lead in leaving the house.
“Reid,” Hotch is on top of the two of you before you even walk out the door. “Go and meet Morgan by the ambulance, I want you checked over,”
“Go,” Hotch’s inherent ability to be authoritative trumps Spencer’s resistance immediately, and Spencer begrudgingly leaves your side with a small “yes sir,” to go and be checked out by one of the EMTs.
You attempt to follow him at first, but you’re promptly stopped by Hotch raising his hand in your direction, and then gesturing you over to him.
“Berating somebody for running into a dangerous situation head first with how you responded is very—“
“Hypocritical, I know,” You interrupt the end of Hotch’s sentence by finishing it yourself. “But if he hadn’t gotten into that situation in the first place then I wouldn’t have had to respond the way I did,”
“I understand you care about Reid,” Hotch crosses his arms over his chest, and although there is zero malice in his expression or his tone, you can still tell that he’s not exactly happy with you right now. “But you also need to be more careful with how you handle yourself,”
You narrow your gaze at him a little, and he mirrors it right back at you. “You can’t worry about keeping Reid alive if you’re not alive yourself, you need to be more careful, understand?”
“Yes sir,” The words are almost begrudging as they leave your mouth, but you know he’s right really. Running in after Spencer without a second thought and then berating him for being reckless was hypocritical, and you probably deserved to be reprimanded for it.
“You really gave her a scare you know,” Morgan speaks, prompted by Spencer’s very obvious lingering glances in your direction as you speak with Hotch.
“I know,” Spencer sighs dejectedly as he finally removes his eyes from you to allow the paramedic in front of him to check his pupillary response. “She made sure of that,”
“She cares about you Reid,” Morgan gives him a squeeze on his shoulder. “You’re gonna give the poor girl a heart attack if you keep this up,”
“That’s quite dramatic, the chances of somebody going into cardiac arrest from shock is extremely low, only 5% of all cases, and technically it would actually be cardiogenic shock, which isn’t a heart attack,”
“It’s a figure of speech Reid,” Morgan gives him a small playful shove after the paramedic has finished his evaluation, rolling his eyes. “Point is, you scared her, and I don’t know whether to be amazed or concerned at the fact that’s even possible,”
“She’s just as likely to be afraid as anyone else,” Spencer bites his cheek at Morgan’s declaration, unsure whether he should feel guilty or flustered at just how much you seemed to care about him, from the words of the rest of the team anyway.
“I mean yeah we were all worried about you, but she ran head first into the house with a potentially manic shooter inside, by herself, after Hotch told her to wait for backup,” Morgan gives Spencer a light nudge with his elbow, raising his eyebrows with an amused expression. “You know what I call that? Favouritism,”
Spencer lets out a small airy laugh, shaking his head as he stands from the edge of the ambulance.
“Face it pretty boy, you’re stuck with her for life, even if it means she follows you into an early grave,” The teasing in Morgan’s voice is unmistakeable, but his words ring truth either way. “Let’s just make sure you don’t end up in an early grave alright?”
“Yeah—” Spencer lets out another small breath through his mouth as Morgan pats his hand between his shoulder blades, gesturing for Spencer to follow him towards the rest of the team with a nod of his head.
Spencer doesn’t want to cut himself short just yet, especially if that means you’ll serve yourself the same fate. Although the idea of having you accompany him, even if it did mean in whatever lies after death, didn’t sound like too bad of an idea.
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lightsoutletsgo · 2 months
gotta go my own way — ln.4
pairing: lando norris x reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: angst to absolute crack and stupidity that makes no sense
request: Hi, can you do an angsty fic inspired by “I gotta go my own way” from HSM2. If can either be Charles or Lando or Charlando and they fuck up or something and reader leaves them? Maybe hurt/no comfort? It’s okay if you don’t want to
I fully thank @norrizzandpia for the hot mess that is the end of this fic. we couldn't stop cry laughing once we pictured the rest of the grid watching them sing the song and thus the end of the fic was born. (also credits to them bc I stole some of the dialogue lines they sent to my dm's!) happy reading! mimi 🤍 (I'm so so sorry if this isn't the request fill you were hoping for 😭)
taglist (all works): @arieslost - babe I'm so sorry I'm tagging you in this mess
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“Y/N wait!!” You heard Lando call your name from the opposite side of the hotel courtyard and you turned to see him sprinting after you. You stopped and rested your suitcase next to you as he reached you, “Where are you going? Baby we can talk about this!” His hand reached for your arm and you stepped back with a sigh, “Lando… Listen…” He looked at you, pleading as he searched your face, “I guess I just need to say it straight right?” Your heart clenched, god knows this wasn’t easy, “Something about us just… doesn’t seem right these days…” You tried to speak as gently as possible, wanting Lando to understand you weren’t mad at him. “Neither one of us can help it, I know that, but it feels like whatever we try and do somehow the plan is always rearranged…” You trailed off, stepping back towards him and taking his hand gently. You didn’t look up at him, instead choosing to look at where his hand was now gently squeezing yours, his thumb rubbing back and forth in a soothing motion. Whether it was to soothe you or himself you weren’t sure but you took a deep breath to calm yourself. 
He didn’t say a thing, just gave you the space to continue talking, “I knew what I signed up for when I started dating you and if I went back and did it all over again I wouldn’t change my mind. I guess I just didn’t expect that it would affect my life so much? My job, my friends, my family?” Your eyes flitted up to his and you noticed how there were tears now pricking the corner of his eyes. “So what are you saying?” Your bottom lip trembled as you shrugged apologetically, “I’ve got to move on and be who I am…” It was so silent that you hardly dared to breathe. “Lando I’ve tried, I really really have but… Losing my privacy? Losing my time with the other people I love? Sacrificing my job? I just-” Lando scoffed and took his hand away from you “But what about us? What about everything we’ve been through?” “Well what about trust and everything that I’ve given up for you?!” You couldn’t help the way you raised your voice, Lando flinched at your words, seeming to realise how blind he’d been about your struggles, 
“You know I never wanted to hurt you…” You nodded and almost shrunk in on yourself, “I know…” Lando approached you slowly, not wanting to make you feel pressured or smothered, “I just need to know… Do you not love me anymore?” You let out a forced laugh as your eyes welled up with tears, “Do I not love you anymore? Lando I still love you so much that it’s killing me to do this but I know I have to-” “Why? If you still love me then why?!” “Because if I don’t leave you now then I’ll continue to give up everything else for you because I love you that damn much but maybe for a while I need to love myself!” You ranted, panting when you finished. 
He inhaled sharply and you couldn’t help but let the tears fall as you spoke quietly, “I’m sorry- “Don’t apologise. You have nothing to be sorry for.” His voice was firm,  “I have to go, my flight is in a couple of hours.” “I’ll miss you.” His voice was even softer, barely audible even though you were so close to him. “Who knows… maybe we’ll find our place in the world someday?” Lando gave a weak smile, “Yeah, maybe we will… Can I hug you? Just once more and then I swear, I’ll let you leave.” You nodded, unable to speak as you started crying harder.
Lando pulled you into his arms, as he too felt the tears start to fall, “I know you need to do this but it still really fucking hurts…” “I know Lando,” You pulled back to gently cup his face, “I gotta go my own way…” You smiled with a shrug. He pulled you closer to him and gently pressed a kiss to your forehead, your eyes closing as you inhaled deeply. “I’ll see you round?” “Yeah,” You grabbed the handle of your suitcase and started to walk towards the door, “I’ll see you around.” ✩ ♬ ₊.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩ ♬ ₊.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩ ♬ ₊.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Alex sat on the balcony of his hotel room that overlooked the courtyard, enjoying the cool night air. The door opened and out stumbled Oscar and Logan, their eyes glassy from the alcohol they’d been drinking at the afterparty. Alex chuckled, “Steady on guys.” Logan gave him a hazy half-lidded smile, “I’m okay!” Alex snorted, “Sure you are.” He turned his attention back to his laptop where his movie was paused. “Oh look! There’s Lando and Y/N!” Alex followed where Oscar was pointing to see you dragging your suitcase and Lando running after you. “Oooo I missed them! Should I call them over? HEY LA- MMPH!” Logan’s shout was muffled by Alex darting to cover his mouth, “I think they’re fighting?” Oscar looked sad as Logan tapped Alex’s arm to release him, “Surely not? They’re the perfect couple?” Alex leaned over the balcony, thankful that it was quiet enough that they could hear some of the conversation.
“What’s up guys?” The door on the balcony of the room next door slid open and out stepped George and Charles, “Lando and Y/N are fighting?” “Lando and Y/N? There’s no way! They’ll work it out.” Charles said confidently shrugging. Oscar’s brows furrowed suddenly, “Are you guys hearing that music too?” George frowned and craned his ears, “Why does that sound like High School Musical?” “Alex, is your film playing?” Logan asked innocently, “You were watching High School Musical?” Oscar snickered, “NO!” “I don’t know if I should be more concerned that we’re hearing music coming from nowhere or that George knew what it was straight away…” George scoffed at Charles, “Excuse me but the second movie has the best songs.” 
“Is no one else concerned that it’s coming from where Lando and Y/N are?” Oscar pointed out. “Oh God they’re singing.” Alex’s jaw dropped open, “Shut up they’re not?” “I promise you they are.” George and Charles paused for a moment to look at each other before scrambling out of George’s room and down the hallway to Alex’s. They burst into the room and pushed their way onto the balcony, squishing in between Oscar and Alex to lean over the railing. Charles slapped a hand over his mouth as he heard Lando sing the next line very loudly and out of tune, “Are they high?” George pondered out loud, “What exactly is going on?” “Well it can’t be a fight, there’s no way that’s a fight.” Logan spoke matter of factly, “Do you think they’re aware of what they’re doing?” Their expressions varied as you warbled out a somewhat high note, 
“More than that, do you think they know we can hear them?” Logan’s hand came up to cover his ear, “Should we stop them?” Charles asked, “Nope!” “Absolutely not.” George and Alex spoke across each other as Oscar’s phone appeared out of nowhere in his hand and he held it up to start filming. “Are they okay?” Nobody answered Logan, instead just watching you and Lando, until they heard a cough from above them. Leaning back against the balcony and tipping their heads to look up they saw Carlos looking down at them, “That, my friends, is debatable. But it is entertaining, no?” Everyone’s attention turned back to the two of you as the song came to an end and you walked away from Lando, “Oh my god guys, I think that was actually them breaking up.” Logan stated as everyone stood there in shock. Nobody spoke for a moment until Carlos’ voice filtered down from the balcony above, “Also I’ve been out here the entire time and would like to let you know that Alex was actually watching Camp Rock.” 
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hi hi hi!! I love your fics so much and i don't know if you're still taking requests but if you are could you write a Melissa x reader where the reader is madly in love with Melissa and everyone kind of knows except for Mel. And when Mel starts flirting with Gary reader starts going on random dates to try and get over Mel, but Mel gets jealous and hates every person that reader tries to date. And their friendship gets all angsty but they of course end up happily together and everyone at Abbott is like "finally took you two long enough"
I feel like saying this has taken forever isn't actually an exaggeration - but better late than never! I hope after all this time that this is at least close to what you were looking for. I admit though, I got a bit indecisive with the ending, so there are actually two and you can pick which you prefer.!
Melissa and Gary are a thing, and you hate it. Worse, you hate that you hate it.  You want to be happy for her, you really do, but you can’t help the way your heart clenches painfully every time you hear her talk about what she and Gary are doing together, or apparently the nausea that comes with seeing them together.
Still, you weren’t raised without manners and in love with your friend though you may be, you are Melissa’s friend first and foremost.  So you slap on a smile and endure the looks of sympathy from your colleagues. 
When you start to distance yourself it’s not because you don’t want to spend time with the redhead, but as an act of self-preservation.  Your little Abbott family, who were annoyingly quick to pick up on the fact you were in love with the red head, are also quick to pick up on the shift. 
Barb is the first to say something out loud, offering to set you up with a nice girl she knows.  It’s unexpected and takes you by surprise.  “Thanks, Barb.  It’s really sweet of you but I’m not looking for anything serious just now.”
You miss the daggers being aimed at the kindergarten teacher behind your head and in making a break for the coffee machine you also miss the older woman’s raised eyebrow in response to a certain red head. 
“So, how many matches did we get?” asks Jacob like it’s some kind of team game, as he comes into the break room to find you on your phone. 
It had been games night the night before, but the board game had ended up set aside and Jacob and Janine got you set up on Tinder.  Melissa suddenly becomes very interested in your phone screen over your shoulder.
“You really think you need an app to get a date?”
“Well we can’t all have our other halves roll in with our favourite drinks, can we?” you quip, ignoring her jibe.  You keep your eyes on your phone, all too aware of the silence that has fallen over the breakroom at your comment.
You jump as Melissa suddenly leans over your shoulder, swiping at your screen.
“She’s too old for you.”
You turn to look at the red head with a raised eyebrow.  “Actually, I set the age range myself, so she’d have been just the right age.”
She huffs and you turn back to your phone, and if you swipe with a little more vigour than before, well, it’s certainly not to prove a point. 
You manage to set up a couple of dates via the app, but they’re terrible.  What you hoped could be a chance to blow of a little steam ends of being up being a few awkward drinks with people who are more interested in their image and talking about themselves than anything else. 
Not that you tell that to Melissa.  No, as far as she’s aware the string of dates you’ve on have been great. 
“Yeah, that’s why you keep going on new ones,” she quips one day.
“I didn’t say I planned on marrying these people,” you huff.  “But it’s not illegal to want a little fun!”
Melissa snorts.  “You’re not that shallow,” she smirks as she passes you on her way out of the room.
You lay your head on the table, groaning. 
“Those dates that bad, huh?”
Your head flies up at the words, eyes wide as you take in Ava pouring a liberal amount of sugar into her coffee.  Had she been there the whole time?  “They’ve not been great,” you admit.  “I don’t tend to well on dates when I’ve never really met the person, never mind barely messaged them,” you admit.
Ava cocks her head to the side.  “You let Tweedledumb and Tweedleditzy set up that account, didn’t you?”
You nod, not quite sure where she’s going with this.
“Yeah, you ain’t gonna get dates who just want to do the dirty and not expect breakfast in the morning with something they set up.”  She slides into the seat opposite you and holds out her hand.  “I can fix that.  Gimme your phone.”
She rolls her eyes as you flinch back.  “You know what?  Forget that stupid app.  I’ll get you a date.  You’ll love this one.  Trust me.”
You’re not entirely convinced you do as she waggles her eyebrows playfully at you, but surely anything has to be better than the dates you’ve recently been on?
You walk in to the bar and for a moment you think that Ava has somehow set you up with Melissa.  The red hair catches you attention first, the feminine curves a quick second, but then you realise the hair is not quite the right colour, the curves less pronounced.  The description of the outfit matches though so after taking a moment to compose yourself, you make your way over and say hi. 
Blue eyes meet yours as she stands and the woman takes a moment to look you up and down as you squirm under the attention.  How people can do anything other than blush and stutter under the scrutiny of a beautiful woman you’re not sure.  One thing you do know though, is that this woman is indeed beautiful.
“Ava said you might be a little nervous, so got you a drink.” 
You thank her, taking a sip only to realise that Ava must have also told the woman what you drank.  Your second sip turns more into a gulp as you proceed to down the drink.  “Sorry,” you say sheepishly.  “Could at least have asked your name before I downed the drink you bought me.”
She smiles at your embarrassment, extending a hand.  “Joanne,” she offers.  “Jo, if I decide I like you.”
“Here’s hoping,” you smile back, shaking the offered hand. 
It’s going well, you realise.  The conversation is flowing between you and can’t deny she’s attractive.  She seems to like what she sees too if her flirting and casual touches are anything to go by.  There’s just one problem.  There’s another red head on your mind and you can’t help but compare the two. 
Joanne seems to feel your hesitancy.  “It’s fine,” she says, her smile turning gentle as she places a hand on your arm.  “Ava suggested you might be a little emotionally unavailable, but it’s been a while since I had a date with a cute girl, so I figured what’s the harm?”
“Sorry,” you say, ducking your head. 
“Don’t be,” smiles the red head.  “Look, we’re here, why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”
“You don’t deserve that,” you say, shaking your head.
Joanne merely smirks.  “You’re buying the drinks.”
There’s something about her easy manner that puts you at ease.  You look up at her, waiting patiently for you to speak.  Ava had clearly told her more than your favourite tipple. 
“What’s her name?” she asks.
You feel your cheeks heat up.  Here you are, sitting on a date with a beautiful, interesting, apparently endlessly patient woman, and she’s asking about her.  “Melissa,” you say in all but a whisper.
“Let me guess,” smirks the other woman.  “Red head, my kinda age?”
Your blush only deepens.
Joanne chuckles.  “Ava ain’t subtle, honey.  But you know you gotta move on before your little heart breaks even more.” 
The hand that had been resting on your arm moves to cup your cheek as she leans in to kiss you.  It’s nice.  It’s really nice.  And for a moment, you find you’re not thinking about Melissa. 
“Well fuck,” sighs Melissa, halting in her steps.  She stands, unable to look away as she sees you in the bar, clearly on a date.  For a moment, she’s not sure what to do.  She had been on her way to your apartment, but she can hardly interrupt your night now.  “What a shitty end to a shitty night,” she breathes, stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets as she turns on her heel and heads home, her steps much less determined than they had been.
When Monday rolls around you’re in a better mood than you’ve been in a while.  To your surprise, you actually enjoyed Ava’s date.  She was good company, and after you were honest with her, it turned out she was also rather good at giving advice.  The advice being that you should be the friend you’ve always been to Melissa, after all, it’s not the red head’s fault you fell in love with her.  The kissing and light making out was just a bonus, really.  A little fun never hurt, after all. 
Melissa, however, isn’t quite so bright come Monday.  She’s quiet, distracted and when you finally ask what’s wrong at lunch, she just shakes her head and leaves the room.  You look to Barb, hoping she’ll take pity and at least cast a little light on the situation. 
“She and Gary broke up,” she tells you quietly, her voice low to keep the other’s from hearing.
“Oh,” you breathe.  You’re not quite sure what to say to that.
At the end of the day, you look up from your tidying to find Melissa loitering in your doorway.  “Hey,” you say by way of greeting.  “Barb told me,” you tell her, offering a sad smile.  “Sorry to hear.”
She shrugs.  “I think I knew it was coming…just, didn’t expect it to happen the way it did.”
You watch as she comes to sit on the edge of your desk.  “Saw you out on your date on Saturday.  Was actually on my way to yours.”
“Oh,” you say, your cheeks heating up.  “Yeah, Ava set me up.  She was great but we’re not taking it any further.  Or at least, it’s nothing serious.”
“But you looked like you were having a good time, and she…”
You shake your head.  “I was…it was…Gary’s an ass by the way, for leaving you,” is what finally comes out.
“Actually, Gary isn’t an ass” she sighs.  “Gary called it quits because he asked me if I’d ever say yes if he asked me the question…and I told him I couldn’t.”  She drops her gaze, hanging her head.  “He knew it wasn’t just my past that meant I couldn’t say yes.  He knew my heart wasn’t in it…”
You start putting two and two together and getting dangerously close to four.  Gary broke up with Melissa because she wouldn’t say yes to that question.  Because her heart wasn’t in it. 
“Why did Ava set you up with that woman?” asks Melissa, still not looking up. 
Unable to properly see her face, hidden as it is by her hair, you can’t read her expression as you’d like to.  Your next words feel important thought.  “Ava knows my type.”
Melissa nods, her eyes still on the floor.  “Why ain’t you gonna see that woman again?”  This time she does look up.  “You looked like you were actually enjoying yourself.”
“I was,” you admit.  There’s no point lying.  She saw you, probably smiling and laughing.  “Ava set me up with her because she knew I’d find her attractive.  But she also told her I might be a bit hung up on someone else, so that night, when you saw me with her, I was probably talking about you.”
“You were talking about me, with her, while she was kissing you?”
That comment lets you place when Melissa would have walked by.  You nod.  “When you saw me, that was probably right around the time she told me I should think about moving on if I didn’t want to break my own heart even more.”
Melissa stands and is in front of you before either of you can think.  She looks at you for what feels like forever, green eyes searching your face, for what you don’t know.  She reaches up to touch your face and you close your eyes on instinct, gasping at the featherlight touch of her lips against yours.  Covering the hand on your face with your own, you open your eyes as she pulls back.  “I can’t do this if your heart’s not in it.”
“What if it is?”
* Ava
“Well I was gonna ask how you enjoyed my date but I guess I got my answer.”
The pair of you jump at the sound of Ava’s voice.
“About damn time you two got your shit together.  If I’d knows all it would take to get you with this spicy white was to put another firecracker in front of you I’d have done it months ago!”  She claps her hands excitedly.  “Oh this is too good to keep!”  She disappears from the doorway, only for her head to pop back around a moment later.  “Just no funny business in front of the kids.  But what happens in the supply closet stays in the supply closet,” she grins, waggling her eyebrows at the pair of you.  With that, she leaves you, the sound of her heels echoing along the hallway. 
“Ava!” scolds Melissa, thinking she’s going to have to take disinfectant wipes the next time she ventures into the supply closet.  With Ava, there’s no guessing what level of depravity the room has been subjected to. 
You know your cheeks are beet red, and you hide your face against Melissa’s shoulder. 
“This isn’t exactly how I saw this going,” admits the red head. 
Raising your head, you look up at her with hopeful eyes.  “But you saw it going somewhere?”
She shrugs.  “You seem keen on going on all these dates, how about one with me?”
Biting your lip, you take a moment to just look at her; the slightly shy expression, the twinkle in her eye.  Nodding, you lean in to kiss her once more.
“You know I almost didn’t believe her.”
You pull apart to see Barb in the doorway.
Melissa rolls her eyes.  “Anyone else wanna come and watch?”
A moment later Janine’s head appears around the doorframe, Jacob close behind.
“Seriously?” snaps the red head, hands on her hips. 
Ava returns, a wide grin plastered on her face.  “They wanted to come and confirm before I collected my winnings.”
“Winnings?” asks Melissa, eyebrow raised and tone bordering on dangerous.
“Hand it over people,” smirks Ava, hand extended.
“Oh hell no!”  The red head snaps into action, heading for the group.  “You did not bet on me!”  She snatches the notes from Ava’s outstretched hand.  “You bet on my happiness I’m sure you won’t mind if this goes towards it!  Y/N? Let’s go!”
You look at the hand being held out towards you and are quick to hoist your bag onto your shoulder and follow her.  You duck your head and blush under everyone’s gaze but can’t help but grin as your hand settles in her own. 
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” calls Ava. 
The group watches you both go, Melissa rolling her eyes at the hollering they let out as she puts a possessive arm around your waist.
* Barb *
If Barb notices that Melissa is unusually reserved as they order their drinks she says nothing of it.  Truth be told, she had only suggested the meal to make sure Melissa wasn’t left sitting in the house on her own on a Friday night, or worse, going out to the bars on her own in search of some company for the night.
“There’s something I gotta tell you,” says the red head, setting down the menu wasn’t even reading. 
“You’re not getting back together with him, are you?” asks the Kindergarten teacher. 
“What?  No!  No, I…that’s over and it’s for the best,” replies Melissa.  “No, the night Gary broke up with me, I ended up going for a walk to clear my head and ended up heading to Y/N’s apartment, except I didn’t quite make it there,” she admits.  “I saw her out on that date Ava set her up on.”  She sighs, wishing she had waited for their drinks to have arrived.  “And it made me feel…”
“Jealous?” Barb ventures.
Melissa looks up, meeting her friend’s eyes.  “I guess that covers it, yeah.”  Taking a deep breath, she pushes on.  “Anyway, I spoke to her on Monday about it…and I might have kissed her.”  Admission made, she looks away, pleased to see the waiter arriving with their drinks.  She doesn’t even let him put it on the table before she takes it and raises it to her lips.  It’s only when she finally sets her cocktail glass down, half empty, that she dares to look at her friend once more.
What she sees is a gentle smile.
“Took you long enough.”
“What?” she asks, a frown creasing her features.
“You have liked that girl since before Gary was even on the scene,” says Barb.
Melisa’s frown only deepens.  “Then why did you push me, literally may I add, in his direction?”
At this, Barb’s smile falters.  “I hoped it might make you realise how you felt about her.”
The red head lets out a huff, reaching for her glass once more.  “Well that went well, didn’t it?”
“It wasn’t my finest moment”, admits the older woman.  “But maybe it’s all finally working out in the end?”
Melissa fidgets with her straw.  “So you don’t think she’s too young? Too…”
Reaching out, Barb places a gentle hand on her friend’s arm.  “I think she’s in love with you, and I think you like her, a lot.”
Cheeks pinking, Melissa puts down her glass.  “I do.  A lot.  A helluva lot.”
Knowing it says something in itself the fact the red head isn’t making a joke, but rather admitting how she feels, Barb knows this is the real deal.  She knows if this goes South that hearts will be well and truly broken, but she’s seen the two of you together.  You work well together.  There’s a quiet in you that balances out the boisterousness of Melissa.  A steadiness that although she won’t admit it, the red head craves. 
“I think you could be good for each other,” she says softly.  “And no, I don’t think she’s too anything.”
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littlerosette · 3 months
everlark/thg fic recs!
i just wanted to share some love with the fics that i find myself continuously going back to and enjoying <3
on the threshold by ghtlovesthg: by far my one of favorite “i know this would have happened anyway” fics. katniss and peeta’s relationship is adorable, and i really enjoy this author’s portrayal of smitten!katniss. it’s exactly how i imagine her and it’s adorable. they just like each other so much.
the heartrender by juniebugg: helnik!everlark au. i have a weakness for enemies to lovers and this more than hits the spot. the ending is gorgeous. stunning piece of writing.
the unrecorded hours by hollycomb: this fic has been praised to death but i am deeply obsessed with it. katniss and peeta felt very appropriately prickly and messy with each other, which i think fit considering where they’re at mentally post-mj. the ending was also so quintessentially Them.
which of your lives is this? by writingforhugs: this fic has way too few kudos for what a masterpiece it is. it’s katniss traveling through italy with peeta, and it’s pure, unadulterated escapism. the detail is so rich that it actually feels like you’re on the journey with them, and the chemistry is impeccable and so sexy. i adore this story.
hero of the story by atetheresmind: first of all, i love everything from this author. second of all, this story is amazing. “no games” fics are probably my favorite everlark fic subgenre and this one is written to perfection. katniss and peeta have an affair on their spouses and have to deal with the consequences when their relationship is discovered. the characterization is amazing and i love how the author handled the fallout. gorgeous story.
blowout by annieoakley1: age gap everlark fic and probably my favorite one. this story is so sexy and i love love love peeta and katniss’s relationship in it. katniss is so predictably Herself that it’s fun to watch her navigate a relationship she knows she’s gonna get shit for being in.
our little fires by brimay: a new fic and stunningly gorgeous. katniss and peeta fall in love before the reaping and their entire experience in the games is changed because of this. i adored the recurring theme where their love was the real rebellious act, their “little fire,” which i think struck so true to the heart of the actual trilogy. this story is amazing.
the project by ronja: unfinished but stellar. katniss and peeta’s bond is so sweet and their chemistry is amazing. it also helps that katniss is in a relationship with gale for a majority of the story, which lets you see how much she truly likes peeta compared to him. it was adorable to see them in a fake marriage scenario and they both relish in every bit of it. this story is “ivy” by taylor swift personified.
the hanging tree series by sparebitofparchment: this a peeta’s pov retelling. right now it’s on catching fire, but the writing is so so stellar. it’s perfectly angsty and beautiful, and flowery enough compared to katniss’s pov that it feels like you’re seeing everything through peeta’s eyes. gorgeous series.
and many graces by encroix: this is kind of exactly what i’m talking about when i say messy!everlark post mj. peeta and katniss are so desperate for each other but also so flawed and uncommunicative in their expectations that they end up hurting each other repeatedly. it’s beautiful and i love it. i cried multiple times reading it.
my heart is yours, and yours is mine by songbirdheart: the most enchanting, folksy, almost fairytale adjacent series ever. it truly is written with so much magic that it feels like a collection of short stories that you’d find in an old folktale book. every story is wonderful but i also have a particular fondness for the gadge one shot. it’s adorable and i love the way all the characters are written.
thg fic/non-everlark
where soul meets body by ellizablue: annie x finnick love story from her games to the aftermath of his death. wretchedly beautiful story. the writing is amazing and i cried several times reading this. it’s one of my absolute favorite fan fictions of all time and i reread it very frequently.
i’m yours to keep and i’m yours to lose by fkevin073: a modern snowbaird au where lucy gray and coryo are toxic exes who can’t leave each other the fuck alone. their mutual obsession and dysfunction was so fun to read and the pure, twisted soulmatery between them honestly was like a drug to me. i Love unhinged romantic leads.
the end of the world by fernwithy: this whole series is amazing but i was especially in love with this first installment. it’s a retelling of haymitch’s games and it’s amazingly done. haymitch feels appropriately brilliant, and watching him navigate the arena was gripping. i was unexpectedly touched by the relationship he develops with maysilee during this story. beautiful, gut-wrenching story.
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strniohoeee · 5 months
Could you write a Matt x fem y/n where she gets overwhelmed with life (or something like that) and she tries to hide it from Matt. She fails miserably and in telling him what’s wrong she has a panic attack, so he has to guide her through it. Like kind of angsty in the beginning but very fluffy in the end? If that’s okay with you?
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is struggling to balance her stressful life without realizing it. Unable to figure out what’s wrong some questions from Matt make her spiral and panic takes place🗣️
Warnings⚠️: None it’s just short 😭
Song for the imagine: Silver Soul- Beach House
(Past tense) Trapped
Prevent (someone) from escaping from a place
Lately my mind has been clouded by this overwhelming feeling of stress. I’m not usually a stressed person, but when I do find myself getting overwhelmed I handle it well.
But right now in this moment I wasn’t sure what was wrong and why I couldn’t control these feelings. I suppose it’s true that stress is a silent killer.
I couldn’t really pinpoint why my mind was racing and I felt this impending doom waiting for me. Like I was on the brink of snapping?
To make matters worse I’ve been distancing myself from Matt and his brothers because I didn’t want to seem like a buzz kill. Constantly plagued by the “what’s wrong” was making me annoyed. Because I simply couldn’t say what was wrong because I didn’t even know.
Matt had come over to my apartment to spend the night with me. I felt horrible because he was so excited and I just wanted peace and quiet, and to go to sleep.
I was being such a bitch, and I tried not to be but it was becoming very hard. My mind was constantly racing and for what? I had no idea….
“Baby are you okay?” Matt asked me, snapping me out of my trance
“Huh what?” I said looking at him
“Well I’ve been talking to you and you haven’t said a thing” he said furrowing his brows at me
“I’m- I’m sorry” I said shaking my head
“Are you sure you’re okay? You seem off” he replied rubbing my arm
“Yes Matt I’m fine” I said sternly kind of brushing his arm off of me
“Oh uhh I’m sorry” he said snatching his hand back
“Listen I’m sorry I’m just not feeling the best today” I said rubbing my forehead
“Would you like to talk about it?” He asked repositioning himself on the couch
“What is there to talk about when I don’t even know what’s going on in my brain” I said frustrated
“I’m not trying to make you upset so we don’t have to talk about” he said looking at me
“I’m sorry, okay, it’s not you I promise. I’m just stressed” I said back to him
“Well baby what are you stressed about?” He asked reading my face for an answer
“Matt I don’t know okay” I said feeling my heart beat quicken
“It’s okay” he said rubbing my knee which caused my anxiety to spike even more
His over analyzing of the situation made my brain go haywire. Anxious thoughts infiltrating my mind.
“I’m just stressed about a lot…..my content, and then my part time job and then also juggling school, and then my mom called me the other day to say that my dog is probably dying, and I have tons of bills and so much stuff to do and such little time” I said my chest rising and falling
“It’s okay to feel that way. You’re young and you’re doing a lot and living on your own isn’t easy” he said tucking my hair behind my ear
“And the warranty is up for my car so I have to call and purchase it again, and my manager has been trying to get a meeting in with me, and I have to fly back home in two weeks”
“and….and…..why does my chest feel like it’s tightening?” I suddenly blurted out the last part
“Y/N, you have to calm down okay. You’re freaking yourself out just breathe” Matt said sitting up
“I can’t breathe and my hearing is going out, my vision seems blurry? Am I going to pass out?? Why can’t I breathe Matt?” I said breathing quickly and erratically
“Listen to me, okay listen to my voice. You’re having a panic attack. You need to focus on your breathing and calm down” he said grabbing my hands and sitting in front of me
“I can’t” I said staring blankly as tears ran down my face
“Yes you can baby” he said
“Why am I crying?” I asked trying to breathe
“You’re having a breakdown, you’re going to be okay just do as I say” he replied back
“Remember when I took you to the cape and we went to that river?” He asked me
“Yes” I said shakily
“Okay now breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth” he said wiping my tears
“Well remember how beautiful it looked, and how vibrant the tree were….we sat down on a rock and you put your feet in the water” he said to me
“Yes I remember” I replied blinking my tears away
“And you tried to count the rocks in the water but you couldn’t” he said
“Yeah there were too many I kept messing up” I said laughing a bit
“And then you just focused on the water running through your feet, and you said that-“ I cut him off
“I said that it felt like silk running along my skin” I replied smiling at him
“Exactly, and you said the wind blowing through your hair made you feel like a main character in a movie” he replied laughing
“Yes I remember” I said laughing
“And do you remember who was there with you?” He asked and to this I furrowed my eyebrows
“Of course Matt, it was you” I said looking at him
“Exactly, I will be with you no matter what. I will always be by your side” he said kissing my knuckles
I had calmed down and my mind had cleared. Finally coming to my senses at what just happened. My body and mind feeling exhausted
“Thank you Matt” I said smiling at him
“Always my love. I’ll always be here for you. You should never let yourself get this way. If you ever feel any amount of stress just tell me I can help you” he said rubbing my cheek with his thumb
“I’m sorry I just don’t want to seem like a burden” I replied looking down
“You’re never a burden. Because when I’m stressed you’re always there to help me and I want you to do the same” he told me
“Okay Matt I will. I promise” I said leaning into his chest after he sat back on the couch
“Listen, you're doing well enough to quit your part time job, and if you ever need any money for anything just let me know okay. I want to help you! I’ll fly with you back home, and I'll go to the dealership to get the warranty package for your car again. Let’s look at your calendar together and schedule the meeting with your manager. And I can help be your study buddy for your courses” he replied rubbing my shoulders
“Thank you Matt I really appreciate it” I said melting into his touch
“This is what I’m here for! To be there for you always” he replied kissing my shoulder
“I love you” I said
“I love you too” he replied back
I looked over my shoulder and he placed a kiss on my lips. A kiss that let me know how loved I was….
The End
Hiiiii I hope you enjoyed this one! I have two stories similar to this on my page, so I tried my best to make it different😭😭 I love yall and I hope you enjoyed this one🥹🖤🖤
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ovaryacted · 4 months
Well let me send some soft!Leon.
Leon is the type of guy to be like “I may have gotten bitten by zombies and thrown against walls but like. That’s still better than period cramps.”
If he’s not away on a mission, I imagine he’d want to just lay in bed with you all day. He gives good snuggles. Gets tea and the heating pad.
But also, I had the hilarious imagine of Leon being real fucking clueless with the emotions of it. You know the meme of the girl over the toilet being pat on the back by a broom? That’s Leon. He’s like “there there” while keeping 10ft away from you.
Unironically if you run out of pads/tampons he probably texts you “what size coochie you wear?” Or whatever. But! If you tell him, that’s the only time you need to because he remembers.
Also, not embarrassed about getting period products. I mean, this guy is built like a house, and attractive as fuck everyone knows he’s picking stuff up for his lady. Probably getting head too let’s be honest.
He also picks up your face snack.
-angsty anon (I guess not angsty this time lol)
EEEEEEK thank you for sending this angsty (not so angsty) anon cause I actually feel like shit at work but this was so cute. Also I know the memes you’re talking about they’re deep in my gallery I can’t find them right now lmao. But yeah let me cook and self indulge cause I can. (And cause the cramps are starting to ramp up).
Disclaimer: I know everyone’s period cycle is different, this is not a one size fits all. I’m speaking generally, mostly about myself but yeah if it doesn’t apply let it fly and that’s okay! Leon would still be a good partner and meet your needs either way. 🫶
Leon to me is the type of guy that would provide comfort and humor whenever you need it and without you having to ask for it. He just cares, that’s all he does really. But of course, he’s aware that when your cycle hits, he has to be more aware of your emotions and what you need. He’s very in tune when it comes to tending to you, but he isn’t afraid to ask so he can give you exactly what you want.
If he isn’t at home, he’d probably have your cycle tracked on his phone so he knows when to send you a gift package or flowers just so you know he’s around. If he’s going on mission, he’d send those things in advance, and when he comes back home he’d bring your favorite food and snacks as a welcome present.
But when he is home and he knows your period is about to kickstart, he instantly goes into house husband mode. He knows the first few days are the toughest and it gets easier over time, but sometimes all you want to do is just stay curled up in bed and sleep the pain off. He’d be right there beside you, giving you tea and pain medication if you ask for it, making sure you have water nearby and a heating pad to help with your comfort. Clothing wise, he gives you his clothes, ones you already stole from him anyway, finding his boxers much more comfortable than the panties you have, and a baggy t-shirt that smells like him to ease your nerves.
He handles the chores in your living space, cleans the place up and does the laundry, plus he gets groceries and cooks if that’s what you request. When he does go out to do the shopping, he asks you what snacks you want, already having some in mind but double checks if you want something specific. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous your cravings are, he’ll give them to you without judgement. You can eat all the junk and sugar you want, so long as it helps with your mood he’ll get it. Or if you want fruits and things that are a bit easier to eat considering your nausea, he’ll get that too.
He buys your feminine products without shame, gets irritated about how expensive they are “because they should be free” according to him, and gets you an extra box for you to have in advance. There may be other people in the section watching him as he finds the exact brand and size you use, not that he cares if he’s being watched, and he can hear your voice in his head talking about it.
Get the all cotton ones with wings, medium-sized. The thicker ones are for overnight, so get me a pack too. Do not get the ones that say light flow or small, those don’t do shit!
Your emotions are all over the place, more sensitive and easily irritable by anything and everything. At times it scares him how fast your mood can change, but he doesn’t judge you for it, you can’t help the way your body behaves. He doesn’t hover over you, comes by to check in, see if you feel any better. If you ask him to cuddle with you, he’ll do that no questions asked, but if you don’t want to be touched, he’ll leave you alone and let you rest. It’s not personal to him, he gets it, somewhat at least. He’ll send you cute text messages with those silly emoticons from the living room, or send you a funny video he saw on social media (it didn’t make you laugh but it’s the thought that counts).
The mental aspects of your cycle can be debilitating at times, and it’ll make you second guess things that shouldn’t be in your head. Leon knows what that’s like, and he’s there for you to talk to if you need it. He’s ready with affirmations, soft words, and constantly tells you that he adores you and loves you. Shit that makes your heart warm and your mind shut up, he just supports you in whatever you need.
Now as for the secret period horniness that sometimes likes to sneak up on you, he’s also willing to provide. It doesn’t happen often, but he knows when it does. When you’re snuggled up into him and start shifting your hips against him, or when your breathing gets a bit shaky the moment his hands come up towards your thighs. He’s on your time, whatever you say goes, and he only does things if you ask for them. So if you say you want to be touched he’ll do it, he’ll caress you and massage your chest to ease the soreness you feel there. If you want to suck him off to appease to your oral fixation, he’ll let you, and happily keep your hair up and praise you along the way. And if you tell him you want to have sex with him, he’ll bring out the towels or propose a shower, whatever you decide he’s fine with. It doesn’t bother him, he’s seen so much blood and gore that this is the last of his concerns. Plus, orgasms help with period cramps so whatever helps you, he’ll do it.
Whatever you need, he’s willing to provide. Thats just the type of man and partner he is.
I need him. Im fucking sad.
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redroses07 · 4 days
Promise//Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sam is having doubts about reader going on hunts with him and Dean, but they finally decide to come to an agreement that will make them both happy.
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, oral (fem! receiving), fingering, subby Sam, angsty Sam, death, violence (the basics lol), mention of Jess.
WC: 1.5k
A/N: Hey guys!!!! Sam is my baby so I wanted to write something for him! Anyways I really like this fic and plot so I hope y’all enjoy it too! love y’all ♡
Sam was always hesitant to take you on hunts, after all you only knew about the business because of him.
Sure there were parts of his job that were rewarding, which made it worthwhile; but there were also parts that he resented. Such as the constant danger, the danger that he tried his best to keep you away from. His worst fear was you ending up like Jess…and that it would all be his fault.
At first you were content with staying behind while Sam and Dean did their thing. But as you learned more about what they did, you grew tired of the lonely hotel rooms. You became restless every time they left, unable to sit back while your boyfriend subjected himself to such horrors.
This is what prompted the argument the two of you were currently having.
“Sam, please let me come just this once!” you retorted.
“I want to be there, I understood at first, but I know what I’m getting myself into now!”
“I’m prepared, you and Dean have taught me everything you know.”
Sam pressed his fingers to his furrowed brow, frustrated.
You could see you were upsetting him, but did he really think you would never have to have this conversation?
“Jesus, Sammy! Let her go, we need an extra pair of hands anyways.” Dean argued, rolling his eyes at his brother.
“I said No!” Sam snapped.
Sam turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, letting his head fall into his hands.
You gave Dean a look, as if to say ‘get out, we need some privacy’.
Surprisingly, he understood.
“I’ll be in the Impala, y’all let me know when you’re ready so we can get to work.”
Dean gave you a nod as he walked out the door, swiftly shutting it behind him.
You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts.
This was a sensitive subject for Sam, you had to remember, and one that came from a place of love.
“Sammy, love, I know you’re worried, but think of everything you and Dean have survived. Why would I be any different?” You spoke softly, almost as if you were afraid someone might hear.
Sam looked up, his eyes tinged with red, and tears forming around the rim. It was a look of loneliness, of longing, and you knew he needed you the most in this moment.
You walked over to him. You remained standing while he continued to sit.
Sam leaned his head against your stomach.
You could feel his short breaths through your thin shirt, and you knew he was fighting tears. Vulnerability was hard for Sam, and you wanted to do everything possible to make him comfortable.
You wrapped your arms around his head, pulling him even closer. You traced your fingers through his messy, yet soft, brown locks.
Sam sniffled, and you knew by the wet spots you felt on your shirt that he has finally let the tears fall.
You finally decided to sit down, bringing Sam's head up to your shoulder as you did.
"I love you, you know that's why this is so hard for me right?" Sam said finally.
He lifted his head off of you in order to look you in the eye. His bangs hung loosely in front of his face, almost as if they were trying to hide his sad eyes.
"Baby, I know, but you can't let fear control our lives." You moved his hair out of his eyes, and cupped his face with your hands.
Sam nodded as he sank into your touch.
"I know...but I guess, I guess I don't know how."
"How about I promise you this."
Sam looked at you in curiosity.
"You let me come along, but when something becomes too dangerous, you say the word and I'll step to the side."
Sam thought about it for a moment, running a hand through his hair as he did.
"Okay, but you can't let your stubbornness get in the way."
You gasped playfully.
"Sam Winchester I can't believe you're calling me stubborn!"
The two of you shared a moment of laughter before the heavy reality settled in.
"I promise." You pressed your forehead to Sam's as a way to seal the promise, your personal spin on a pinky swear.
Only then did you notice the tension between the two of you, and the urge to feel his lips on yours.
Sam pressed a finger to your lips, his warmth seeping into the soft flesh. You took it in your mouth, running tongue and teeth over it, tasting him.
Sam was the one to break the invisible barrier between the two of you, smashing his lips against yours.
It was a hungry, fiery, passionate kiss. You couldn’t remember the last time you two had shared one like it.
Sam pushed you back, your head hitting the crappy motel mattress. You didn’t care. You needed him, to feel him everywhere all at once.
You gasped as Sam finally removed his lips from yours, but only to move down to your neck and collarbone.
Sam’s hands snaked down your body, reaching your hips and eventually the rim of your jeans.
“Wanna make you feel good, baby.” Sam said breathlessly as he began to fool with the button.
“Aww you don’t have to, you’ve already made me feel so good.” You replied softly.
“Well then I wanna make you feel better than good.” Sam mumbled as he pulled your jeans off your hips. Now there was no way to hide how soaked you were.
Sam gave you a knowing look before removing your panties.
He wasted no time getting to work, shoving two of his fingers deep inside you. He always knew exactly where to put them, hitting that spot that made you roll your hips into him.
“Jesus.” You gasped, the sudden wave of pleasure was almost unbearable.
Sam pumped his fingers in and out of you, and you were surprised by how fast you were reaching your high.
Sure, it had been a while, especially since Sam had been so busy recently; but you didn’t realize how much you had missed this until now.
Sam pulled his fingers out, licking the remnants off.
That must have made him want more because he immediately shoved his face into your pussy.
Sam licked up your wetness before moving to circle his tongue around your clit.
You moaned loudly and reached your hands out to tangle them in his. You pulled softly, giving you something else to focus on other than the fact that you wanted to scream out in pleasure.
“You’re doing so good baby.” You mumbled, making sure he received some much earned praise.
You were so close to your climax when you heard the door swing open.
You knew it was Dean before you even saw him, and you rolled over quickly shoving Sam off of you.
“Jesus Christ. Put your Goddamn clothes on and get your asses in the car.” Dean shouted before slamming the door.
You stopped scrambling to get dressed and let your heads fall into your hands with embarrassment.
“Don’t be embarrassed, I’ve walked in on him in much worse positions.” Sam laughed.
“One time when-“
You cut him off.
“I’m gonna stop you right there because I would prefer not to learn about your brothers extra curricular activities.”
You shared a moment of laughter before you stood up and finished putting your clothes on.
“I’m glad we had this talk.” Sam pulled you into his chest and kissed you on the forehead.
“Are you sure it was the talking part you liked?” You looked up at him.
He eyed you suspiciously as if to say “you know what I meant.”
You responded by giving him a quick peck on the lips, deciding not to think about the fact that you could still taste yourself on him.
“Let’s go before Dean kills us.”
You grabbed Sam’s hand and dragged him behind you, still ever intent upon keeping your promise.
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soursturniolo · 7 months
I’m ADDICTED to angsty fics where Matt or chris get in an argument with the reader and they move their hand and reader flinches and then it’s all soft and comforting and sweet PLS WRITE THIS I NEED MORE OF THESE FICS KAY
Trauma Response • Matt Sturniolo
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo/Reader
Summary: An argument triggers the reader, and Matt is there for comfort and support.
TRIGGER WARNING: light discussion of a past, physically abusive relationship. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, know that you are not alone and there’s help out there. Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233, or text START to 88788
“I just wish you would listen to me this one fucking time,” Matt gritted out, voice low and irritated.
“Matt, it’s just a little get together, and my best friend is going,” I explain softly. I hate confrontation, Matt knows this, but he’s being so insistent that I don’t go to this little kickback tonight and I don’t understand why.
“Tell her she shouldn’t go either! I’m being so for real right now, people I know going to that party are bad news, babe, don’t go.” He demands, stepping closer to me, at this point we’re maybe a foot apart from each other, standing in the middle of our bedroom.
“Why are you being so controlling right now? This isn’t like you, Matt, and I don’t like it,” I tell him, crossing my arms.
“IM NOT!” He yells, making me roll my eyes.
“Yes you literally are,” I tell him.
Matt lets out a loud and frustrated groan as he brings his hand up quickly. I immediately flinch away, shrinking in on myself as I step back.
Everything pauses.
“Baby?” Matt asks, voice soft and sounding heartbroken. I peak up at him, and see where his hand had went. He was reaching up to fix his earring, not what I had instinctively thought. His gaze is sad and concerned, eyes wide and teary looking as he gazes at me.
“Matt, I-“ I start, but my voice shakes and I can’t find the words to say right now.
Matt slowly lowers his hand back down from fixing his earring. He also takes a step back from me.
“You think I’d hit you?” He asks me, voice breaking at the end.
“N-no, Matt, it’s not,” I trail off, once again having trouble speaking. I still feel panicked and anxious, but I know it’s past traumas affecting me right now. I know Matt would never lay a hand on me that way, logically. He’s not that kind of man. But trauma and logic don’t always get along, and Matt doesn’t really know about my past trauma.
“Are you afraid of me? Baby, please, I don’t care how angry I ever am, I’d never-“ Matt has to pause as he gets choked up. A tear runs down his cheek and I break, beginning to cry as I step forward, wrapping my arms tightly around him as a burrow my head into his chest.
“I’d never hurt you sweetheart, never, I don’t want you to be afraid of me” he says, sniffling lightly as I feel him press a kiss to my head. I nod against his chest. We stand there in the middle of his room just holding each other for I don’t know how long as we calm down. In this moment, Matt needed the comfort just as much as I did.
Once I feel back in control of my emotions and my anxiety leaving my body, I pull back slightly so Matt and I can look at each while still in each other’s arms.
“Matt, I know you’d never hurt me, I know that and I need you to know it too,” I tell him softly.
His eyes are red and watery still as he nods.
“I promise you I’d never, I love you,” he tells me, making me smile.
“I know, I love you too,” I respond.
He then asks the question I knew would come, but was dreading.
“Why did you flinch away from me, though?” He asks me gently.
“You know about the guy I dated before you? The one I never talk about,” I begin, to which Matt nods.
“I’m not ready to talk about it all, but sometimes, he’d get physical with me when he was mad, that’s why I flinched. That’s why I hate confrontation so much, it can take my straight back to that feeling I had with him” I explain.
Matt’s jaw clenches a bit as I see him swallow dryly. I can tell hearing this is hard for him, which I hate.
“Hey, I got out, that guy is states away with no idea where I am, I’m safe now, I’m with you,” I assure him.
He nods, and pulls me back into his chest, his arm snug around my waist as his other hand comes up to cradle the back of my head, holding me firmly but gently to his chest.
“I’m so sorry you were ever with a guy like that. I swear to you, I’ll never hurt you. I’ll never lay a finger on you in any way you don’t want. No matter how upset or angry we are. I love you.” he vows to me.
“I love you too,” I tell him, before leaning up and kissing him on the lips. He kisses me back so softly and gently, like I’m made of fine china.
“Thank you for trusting me enough to share that with me, I know even talking about that a little bit has to be hard, baby. I’m so proud of you, you’re so strong,” he whispers to me as he reaches up and tucks a piece of my hair back behind my ear.
“Thank you, Matty,” I smile.
“I’m sorry I got so upset about the party you want to go to with your friend tonight. If you want to go still that’s fine. I can’t control you, and I’m sorry it came off that way. I just know some of the guys who plan to go tonight and they’re all bad news. Really bad news. And I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all” he explains to me.
“No, you’re right then, if they’re bad news I’d rather not be around that, I’ll text her and let her know too, we shouldn’t go,” I agree.
That evening Matt and I stayed in, opting to watch a movie in bed together. As I drifted to sleep, surrounded by warm blankets and Matt’s arms, I knew I’d always be safe and looked out for, and I’d never have to worry about going through anything like my past relationship brought me.
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slvthrs · 11 months
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after 3 years you finally reunite with vinnie but it's not how you would like
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, ANGSTY, + some fluff, sex, alcohol ment, drug use (weed), making out, grinding, praise kink, emotional cheating idk, slight possessiveness
word count:  2.5k <3
The air is so salty on LA beaches.
It burns the inside of my throat whilst chlorine fills up my nose and salt in my eyes but the waves are nicer than Seattle. Warmer too.
I can feel the sand bed on my toes and shells scraping the sides of my legs as I float out peering and the sky and the way the shades of orange and yellow melt away at the baby blue and how the sun looks so majestic at this time.
I’m still slightly tipsy from the drinks we had earlier but I'm not incapacitated, it's just a nice buzz, it reminds me of when I lay my head down in the grass and I can hear the tiny shuffling of ants.
But apparently I’m still drunk enough to not hear my friends shouting from shore for me to come back until I feel a hand on mine pulling me out.
“Jesus, I thought you were gonna drown out there.” It’s Harvey, I love Harvey. He always smells like strawberries and smokes with me without judging.
“I wasn’t, let me like the ocean in peace you guys are assholes.” I retorted but I didn't stop walking with him back to the shore with my friends.
I fall back onto the plush of the towel as Harvey joins everyone else in a game of beach volleyball.
Well everyone except me… and Vinnie.
Vinnie, the same guy that I was inseparable for 10 years, now seeing him for the first time in 3.
The same guy I fell in love with at 13 and who broke my heart at 17. 
That Vinnie.
He’s sitting right in front of me in his shorts leaning back looking at everyone playing.
He has tattoos now and is much bigger. His hair is darker and face is more aged. He dresses better now and looks a lot happier but besides that he's still the same Vinnie.
I tuck my legs into my chest and rest my head on my knees, letting myself take in everything that changed about him to distract me from the cold wind tangling up my hair.
He finally looks back at me and something about it makes me still smile after all these years.
“M’ sorry I didn’t know you were gonna be here.” I mumble and then look away from him.
“Why are you sorry? I love seeing you.” He still has that same warmth in his voice that I fell in love with all those years ago.
“Just… I don’t know, I figured it’d be weird for you and her.” There's a maliciousness in my voice that I didn’t even know I could muster.
“Right… Allison.” He takes a deep breath, “ She likes you, don't worry!”
Allison, Vinnie’s new girlfriend of two months, she’s really sweet and a genuinely kind person but I can’t bring myself to like her.
I feel so pathetic, being in love with the same boy who hurt me all those years ago and who was able to move on whilst I stayed where I was. The same 17 year old stuck in bed the night Vinnie told me he loved me.
“Do you wanna go smoke?” 
I don’t think I’ve ever said no to that question from Vinnie but now it’s different.
“Shouldn’t you ask her first?” I say averting my gaze from him and playing with my nails.
“She hates when I smoke so probably not,” He gets up and walks to me giving me his hand, “Get up.”
“Get up!”
“Vinnie fuck off this shit is broken.” I stand up and shove the skateboard into his chest.
“C’mon you barely even tried it’s actually very fun, please I wanna teach you!” He says beaming in the sun and smiling at me whilst I try to clean the cuts on my legs.
“You're a shit teacher, Hacker!”
We’ve been at this skatepark for four hours and the only thing I can do is go in a straight line and wiggle a bit and Vinnie knows how much I hate things I don’t get the hang of quickly.
“You're torturing me Vinnie, I’m gonna leave here with a cut off leg or something!” I cry out
“You're gonna be fine, I'm not gonna let you get hurt.” He pouts in a faux puppy dog face
“I hate you so much.”
“Stop being a pussy!”
“Stop being a pussy Vin.” He’s been dragging me to this secluded part of the beach for 5 minutes
“My girlfriend hates smokers, I really don’t wanna get into another fight tonight.” He sighs
“Why don’t you try to quit? I know you want to, you hate smoking.” 
“It’s easier said than done- See we're here, you're just lazy!”
“Tell me something I don’t know, genius.” I half-joke
The view is nice, like really nice. It's so much quieter and less people means you can see the ocean without any distractions.
I lay down on the sand forgetting about the fact I'll be covered in it when I get up- That's a problem for me in the future.
He takes out a mini bong and packs it whilst I lay there and close my eyes.
This is nice, it reminds me of when we were younger. I was actually the first person to introduce Vinnie to weed and it kinda became our ritual, he would get the bing ready and I would wait patiently for him.
I can hear the bubbles and turn to look at him as he turns his head up, flexing his jaw and blowing the smoke out. 
He always looks so pretty smoking.
“Do you ever miss it?” I ask, purposefully vague.
“Miss what?” 
“Yeah, especially during the summer. It’s hard to miss it that much when I come back every month to see my family.” He replies by passing the bong to me along with the lighter as I sit up.
“But you never come visit me?” I turn my head and he looks away into the ocean
“I know… I wanted to but everytime I mustered up the courage something would get in the way… Plus whenever I saw your pictures you looked happy, I didn’t wanna fuck that up.” 
“So your solution was to invite to to the beach with your new girlfriend and all your old friends instead of I don’t know, talking to your fucking bestfriend instead of ignoring her for 3 years making her feel like she fucked up?” It come out in a condescending tone
Every sour emotion that I held against Vinnie is bubbling up. Every emotion I felt when I saw a picture of him with his new friends, when he got his first girlfriend in LA, when he won that stupid fucking match and didn’t even reply to my dm congratulating him. 
“I know I fucked up trust me,” The bong is still in my hands, lying their idly like a forgotten childrens toy, “But even if I did talk to you whenever I would come back I wouldn’t even know what to say to you.”
“Oh fuck off Vinnie, you could have said anything, I was waiting for you to say anything. Apologies are two words but you couldn’t even muster that up? God I hate you so much.”
I don’t.
“I’m sorry,” He breathes in, “I’m sorry I stopped talking to you, I’m sorry I fucked everything up, I’m sorry I never actually told you how I felt, I’m sorry I made you feel like it was your fault, I’m sorry I ruined the friendship, and I’m so sorry I never said this earlier to you. Your my favourite person and I fucked everything over cause I was to scared of loving you.”
He breathes out.
We both just sit there in silence, I’m getting colder by the minute but I don’t move. The apology I waited 3 years for finally arrived but I don’t feel any better. I just wanted Vinnie to say something to make all the pain feel worth it and then everything to go back the way it was.
“It wasn’t entirely your fault for ruining the friendship.”
“You promise this won't ruin our friendship Vin.”
“I promise you, and you trust me so relax.”
His lips slot in between mine, he pulls me closer to him as my hands thread through his hair. 
It’s rough. I should have bought him new shampoo for his 18th.
“Your lips are so soft, I love them.” He whispers to me in between kisses as I lay my body over his and he guides my hips over his dick, rutting into him.
“You suck as dirty talk.” I giggle before going back to make out with him.
I let my lips trail down to his jawline leaving faint kisses there as he holds me close to him so I can feel the way his chest rises and falls. My hands drag down his torso and then up inside his shirt. My kisses falter as they reach his neck and I start sucking love bites into them and hear his hiss and whimper above me.
“Feels s’ good baby.” He breathes out, letting his hands rest at my waist as his thumb circles the area soothing the skins there.
When I’m done he flips the two of us over so now he’s above me with my hands pinned to my sides. 
He locks his lips into mine again, my whole body melts into the kiss, I lean into him, shutting my eyes, letting myself save the memory. I moan into his mouth as he pulls the kiss closer to him in a tantalizing fight for more dominance. 
As he pulls back, his eyes meet mine and I get lost in the honey brown, I study the features on his face at this moment, intent to not forget a thing. He looks back at me with a small smile.
His hands free mine and let me hook my hands around his neck. I pull him closer to my body as he kisses down my neck whilst his hands go under my shirt.
“Say you want this baby.” His gasps 
“Please, I need you so bad, I want you bad.” I beg
His hand undone my pants pulling them off leaving me in just my shirt and panties. 
Vinnie lifts himself up to take off his shirt, letting my hands graze through his body as he undoes his belt and pants and throws them on the floor, then taking his dick out of his boxer, pumping it up in his hand whilst reaching over into his dresser for a condom.
I lean my head back and stare into the ceiling waiting for him before he pulls my panties to the side and slowly lets his cock stretch me out as I arch into his touch.
His pace is relenting, I clutch his shoulder for stability and cry out into his neck, his thumb is circling my clit, his free hand holds us up and his eyebrows are knitted together in focus even though his lips keep kissing my body to make sure I’m okay.
“Feel good, you're not hurt angel?”
“No, fuck, god no, feels good Vin.” I say, barely able to make any full sentences.
It’s not long until I cum under him, I drag my nails across his back and scream into his neck to make sure I’m quiet enough and Vinnie rides me out through my high as a gasp and falls back into his bed. 
It’s not long after Vinnie comes and places a kiss on my forehead before getting us a towel and me some water to clean up. He gave me my favorite sweatshirt of his, a red Seattle shirt that I ended up cutting the collar off so it wouldn’t stay on my shoulder. 
“I love you.” He whispers before laying his face into my shoulder.
I end up falling asleep in his arms as he pulls me closer to him.
In the morning I’m alone in his bed and in his house and I end up going back to my own, lying saying I was with a friend.
It wasn’t until that night until I got a call from Reggie telling me that Vinnie had left for LA last night.
I ended up giving Vinnie’s sweater back to Reggie.
“It might not have been my entire fault but I still left in the middle of the night, in my bed, in my shirt, without telling you.” He reminds me, snapping me back from reality.
I lie back down into the sand taking a hit of the forgotten bong and then placing it on my side, Vinnie copies me.
It’s quiet, I like it. 
Back home me and Vinnie would always sit in the same room doing our own things, he would game whilst I’d play with Poncho or message my friends. Being in the same atmosphere was relaxing for each other.
Now it’s just tense.
“Vinnie,” I look at him, “Do you ever miss me?”
He laughs.
“Everyday, every time I go to the beach, every time my friends talk about love, every time I remember home you're always there. I don’t think I could ever not miss you.” He turns his head to look at me.
I really do miss him. I miss going to his house after a long day, I miss skipping classes together and smoking weed, I miss telling him everything. I miss him so much it hurts.
“Everything could have been so different.” I chuckle
“Yeah, we could have both still be in University together, we could have both still be in Seattle. Hell could have actually gotten together.” He laughs but I finally look back at him.
We fall back into our comfortable silence letting the ocean waves wash over us. It's dark out now and you can see the moons and the stars. It’s calming.
It’s a short lived calm however since his phone rings and he jerks up to pick it up.
I don’t listen until I hear him call the person on the line ‘baby’. It’s Allison… his girlfriend.
Our time ’s up, so I pick up my things which are just myself and a bong whilst Vinnie ends the call and we walk back to where everyone is in silence.
We get back and Allison runs into Vinnies arms placing kisses all over his face and tugs him down to sit at the bonfire. 
I lean my head on to Harveys shoulder as I zone as I eat the burger he made for me but as I look up I see Vinnie staring at me but as soon as he sees me looking back at him he looks down at his plate.
Before we realize it turns to 1 in the morning and I’m ready to go to sleep. Harvey is dropping me off and Chloe is coming with us. 
Vinnie is leaving with Allison as she drags him away but he stops as he sees me.
Before Vinnie leaves he gives me a bag with something inside and hugs me without saying a word. 
It’s a hoodie. The hoodie. A red Seattle crewneck with a cut collar. The hoodie he gave me the night he told me he loved and then left. And he left again. Leaving me with nothing but his stupid hoodie and all the things we never said.
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wise-tortoise · 7 months
Hi! i’m new to chengxian. so i was wondering, do you have any recs please? preferably long one shots (10k+) and set in the original location (i don’t like modern aus mostly as they are based in the us or uk). sorry for all the stipulations!
I am DELIGHTED to be a source of fic recs, and I have JUST the fics for you.
First of all, I highly recommend checking out the various ao3 collections of past chengxian events, such as Chengxian Happy Ending Fest, or Chengxian Minibang 2023, Chengxian Week 2020, Chengxian Week 2021 , Our Meeting is Inevitable or The Chengxian+ Collection, which are a goldmine of wonderful fics. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding something to your taste among them!
Now, on to my personal recommendations, under the read more because this got LONG.
Based on what you said you'd prefer, the fic all my dreams have come and gone a half a million times by iri_vail sounds like something you'd enjoy. It's a lovely post-canon shuangjie reconciliation fic, 10k words, with wonderful art. There's frogs too!
consider rivers by Lirazel, 9k, canon divergence fic with no war that rewrote my brain chemistry. Jiang Cheng wants Wei Wuxian to marry Jiang Yanli: lots of yunmeng trio feels, lots and lots and lots of pining.
after the sun sets by Artemis1000, 12k words, it's an amazing fic set during sunshot campaign, lots of hurt/comfort, lots of love and understanding and softness between our two favorite miscommunicators.
electricity between both of us by zyprexd is an absolutely incredible series of two fics that make me go feral. Past w4ngxian, tentative shuangjie reconciliation with long overdue communication, lots of feelings aknowledged and accepted, Wei Wuxian introspection.
Turn Back, Dull Earth by groundwiremantaray, 8k, canon divergence, a whole lot of fluff (with a delightful twist). Though not a oneshot, if you like to read happy times with chengxian, this is absolutely the fic for you.
this love that I most fear by Runespoor, 25k words divided in three chapters, in which a coreless Jiang Cheng has to aknowledge Wei Wuxian as his bastard brother in order for him to become sect leader, with all the relative implications. An angsty delight!
Little Sesame by Rurtle, which is an absolute must read. In which the summoning ritual goes wrong and Wei Wuxian reincarnates into a dog. Shenanigans ensue.
born of waters like blood by Artemis1000 (same Artemis as before) which is one of my absolute favorite fics of all time. Chengxian baby made of resentment and lake waters! Chengxian being dads! An unspecified number of eyes!!!! This fic is a bit shorter than the others I've recced, but absolutely worth reading.
letters from inside the storm by serein, in which everyone has a very bad time (not me though, I enjoyed this IMMENSELY), double whump with a very tentative reconciliation.
if tomorrow would ever come... by Midori_99, 17k, a reincarnation fic in which Wei Wuxian after his death reincarnates into a playful little fox and, despite his best efforts, finds himself once again in Lotus Pier, beside Jiang Cheng (and, really, there's no better place for him to be). The good, GOOD, cathartic angst right here, good food for the soul.
If you'd like EVEN MORE chengxian fics, my bookmarks are open and the fics are all ready to receive lots of love (and of course, if you like, there's my fics too, but they're only open to registered users)
Alright, that's definitely not all the fics I would like to rec, but that's about all I can fit in a single post before it becomes too long.
I suggest of course that you check out other works by the authors I listed, as they are all incredibly talented (and I really really wish I could put more of them here but I tried to contain myself with word count and setting as per your request)
Thank you for the ask anon, I hope you'll enjoy your stay in the chengxian side of fandom and I wish you a wonderful day!!
233 notes · View notes
ravencoloredroses · 1 year
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Az is gone on a mission and two people from the past decide to pay the reader a visit to do some experiments…..
Warnings: fire, blood, swearing
Word Count: 4,258
A/N: Here’s my first Az fic! This one’s really angsty with a hint of fluff. Thanks for reading!!! I hope you like it! <3
The morning sunshine wakes me up before my alarm. I roll over to my mate's side of bed to snuggle into his warmth, but I only find a cold and empty spot. He’s gone. Well, not gone, he’s out on a mission. Has been for a while.
Something about making sure the Autumn Court is sticking to our agreement, at least that’s what I remember him telling me. That was 2 weeks ago, Az has been gone for 2 whole weeks.
I know not to worry, he’s literally the spymaster of the Night Court. But he’s also my best friend, my mate, and every second he’s not with me I don’t feel like myself.
Our family has been trying to cheer me up, it’s not really working but I still appreciate it. Feyre took me to a painting class, which I was actually really excited for! That was before the instructor told us to paint what we envision our future to look like, then I wasn’t so excited.
He’s never been away this long before, and if he was sent on a longer mission, he took me with him. This one I wasn’t allowed to come along, Azriel said so himself. I tried not to feel upset that he didn’t want me there, because I know he’s doing it to protect me. The Autumn Court is not exactly the safest place right now, especially for the mate of the Night Court’s spymaster.
With a grunt I roll out of bed, not interested in facing this day at all. I stumble over to the bathroom and try not to look at myself in the mirror. I know I look awful. It’s hard enough to get out of bed most days, let alone take care of myself.
Turning on the water in the bathtub, I let it burn my skin before turning it colder. Washing myself with his soaps has always been a comfort for me. Surrounding myself with things that smell of him is the only reason I survive when he’s gone. The bond between us has been gray since he left. I know that he has to close it when he leaves, but it still hurts every time I look at it.
Once the water has gone cold and my fingers start to prune is when I decide to get out. I reach over and grab his robe, it drags on the floor as I wrap it around myself. Getting dressed in our closet, I pick out an actual outfit instead of just something of Azriel’s to sleep in. The plan today is to try to leave the house and go grocery shopping. I’ve been struggling to make things to eat with whatever scraps we have lying around.
Azriel and I live on the outskirts of Velaris, away from most people. We picked this house for privacy, but that also means that most stores are like 20 miles away. That’s fine when you have an Illyrian mate with huge wings, but when he’s not here I have to walk into town.
Finally picking out a decent outfit, black leggings and a huge oversized cream sweater. It was a gift Azriel got from Mor a couple Starfall’s ago, but she bought it without looking for wing holes, now it’s mine. It doesn’t smell like him though, so I walk over to our dresser, grab his cologne and spritz a little of it on me.
Next I move onto my hair, or should I say rats nest. Ripping out a few chunks as I struggle to brush it, I quickly braid it back out of my face. Once I’m satisfied with my appearance, I head out of the house to finally find something to eat.
About 20 minutes into my walk I hear a pair of footsteps behind me. Trying to nonchalantly look and see who it is, I see a hooded figure about 10 feet behind me. I break out into a jog, attempting to put some distance between us and I hear their footsteps pick up the pace with me.
As I’m rounding a corner, another hooded figure comes out in front of me. I stop dead in my tracks, nowhere to go. “Don’t try anything stupid.” The one in front of me says. “This will all be over soon.”
I’m about to respond when a white powder is thrown over me. Faebane. Screaming out to Rhys in my mind, hoping, praying, that he can hear me. The last thing I remember was being picked up in someone’s arms and them saying, “Not so strong without your spymaster, aren’t you?”
Then everything went black.
— —
I’m jolted awake by a bucket of water splashing on me. I try to move my arms, but soon realize that they are tied together so tight I can’t move a muscle. “Thank you for joining us, my dear.” My captor says. I pry my eyes open and look at my surroundings.
I’m in some kind of basement, a cell, the only door I see is behind a wall of metal bars. My hair is yanked to force my head up, and I see the person's face for the first time.
“Well aren’t you pretty, looks like our step brother has done something right for once.” Step brother? Are these… Azriel’s step brothers?
“What do you want?” I spit out trying not to show how scared I am. These are the people who put Azriel in the most excruciating pain he’s ever been in, the people who caused the scars on his hands.
Out of the corner of my eye I see another person walk into the light. When I can finally see both faces, the one gripping my hair throws me back down on the ground. ”What do we want?” The one in the back laughs. “We want to do a little experiment.” With every word they speak I can feel my heartbeat growing faster. I’m realizing that there’s no getting out of this situation without being hurt.
“You see, when we found out our little brother had a mate, we wanted to put that bond between you to the test. So we came up with a plan: wait for Azriel to leave for a mission, capture you, and then do our experiment here. Only problem was that your special Highlord placed wards on your house so we had to wait until you left the house. And for whatever reason, you decided to stay inside for two weeks, only leaving while accompanied by your Highlady.”
“Today is finally the day brother,” He says, looking over to the other one. “Let’s say that step one is completed, and move on to step two.” He looks at me again while the other brother leaves the room.
“Now, here’s where you come in. I’m sure Azriel has told you of our first experiment with him about 500 years or so ago.” He brings over a chair and sits down in front of me. “Well we’re going to recreate that today, but with a twist.” The other brother comes back with a bucket and a book of matches.
I swallow the lump in my throat and try once again to call out to Rhys for help, but the faebane must not be out of my system yet. With Az gone they rarely check on me, so they won’t notice I’m missing. Fabulous.
“Oh sweetie, don’t be scared! Your precious mate went through this exact same thing. Now, we could make this quick, but we really don’t want to. I understand you’re not fully High Fae, so I am interested to see how your healing properties work. Let’s begin shall we?” He gestures over to the brother holding the bucket to come over.
My heart is now beating so loud, I bet they can hear it. Running out of options, I try the only thing I can think of. Begging. “Please. You don’t want to do this. If- if I die, Azriel will hunt you down and torture you for years before he kills you.”
They both laugh. The one with the bucket sets it down in front of me and I can smell what’s in it. Gasoline. He grabs my chin so I look up at him. “That’s a lot of confidence you have in him. Who’s to say he’ll ever find your body? We plan on keeping you here for our… uses… for a while, my dear.” He lets go of my chin roughly and reaches behind him to grab his knife.
“First thing to go is gonna be these awful clothes.” He says as he uses his knife to cut away at my sweater, leaving me in just a bra from the waist up. I can feel cuts on my chest drip with blood, he wasn’t careful with cutting it off. “Alright, now that that’s taken care of, let’s get started.”
Now I’m terrified. I never got to say goodbye to my family, never got to say goodbye to Az. “Wh-what kind of experiment are you gonna do?” I try stalling.
“We wanna see if your mating bond will transfer your pain over to Azriel. And then if he has the power to figure out your location from the bond as well. Since Azriel has been through our first experiment, he should recognize the pain you feel.” He stays standing up and pushing his chair away.
“W-well with the faebane in my system, the b-bond won’t feel anything. N-not until it w-wears off.” I struggle to get out, shaking because of the freezing temperatures. The brothers look at each other.
“I thought you didn’t use that much?”
“I didn’t!”
“I can still smell it on her! Now we have to wait even longer!” They argue back and forth. “Okay, we’ll be back in about an hour. Let’s hope it wears off by then.” He says as they both leave, locking the door behind them.
I feel tears start to pool in my eyes, and as they fall down my face they freeze on my cold skin. Trying to think of what Az would do in this situation, I realize he was in this situation. Granted he was a boy, but still, he’s been tortured by these same people and couldn’t escape. So why should I even bother trying. I’m still thinking of a plan as I feel my eyes grow heavy and my heart beat unnaturally slow. Then everything goes black, again.
— —
Azriel’s POV
Finally finished with my mission, I make a mental note to beat the shit out of Rhys. ‘It’s a simple mission, shouldn’t take too long’ he said to me, what a lie that was. What should have only been 3 to 4 days turned into 2 weeks. Flying back home from Autumn I only want one thing, my mate. She’s all I could think about while I was gone.
I reach the front steps of our house and open up my end of our bond. Normally, she would feel me and come running down to meet me outside. Maybe she’s asleep.
I unlock the door and my shadows go searching the house. They come flying back informing me that she’s not here.
Deciding that she must be out with Feyre, I head over to the House of Wind to debrief with Rhys and Cassian. Walking in I see Feyre, Nesta and Mor playing with Nyx on the floor in the living room. “Hey Az! You’re back!” Feyre jumps up to greet me. “Where’s y/n?” She asks.
“I thought she was with you?” I replied. “I was just at our house and she wasn’t there. I figured she’d be here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry Az, but I haven’t seen her since last week.” Mor says standing up.
“Last week? Have any of you seen her since then?” I ask the room. Just then Rhys and Cassian come walking in.
“Hey brother, welcome back. Wanna head to the office to debrief with us?”
“Have you guys seen y/n recently?” Feyre asks her mate.
“No. I haven’t seen her in a while actually. Why? Is everything okay?”
“She wasn’t at our house just now and I came here because this is where I thought she would be. I opened up my end of the bond again but hers is still closed.” I say, now pacing the room.
“Az, I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe she’s just out shopping or something. Why don’t we come to the office, I’m sure she’ll turn up before we’re done.” Rhys stops my pacing with a hand on my shoulder. “Come on brother, let’s go discuss your mission.”
Deciding that he’s probably right and that she’s probably just shopping, I follow my brothers into Rhys’ office to debrief them on my mission.
— —
Reader’s POV
Once again I’m woken up by water thrown on my face. It stings when it gets into the cuts littering my body which have somehow multiplied since I was last awake. “Welcome back, darling.” One of the brothers says. “Hopefully your system is all clear of faebane, so we can begin our experiment.” The second brother comes up behind him holding the bucket and match book again. He stands in front of me with an evil grin on his face. “This may hurt a little.” He laughs and then pours the bucket of gasoline all over my hands. My heart rate picks up as he now holds up a match.
“Please. Please don’t do this. I’ll do anything.” I plead. They don’t even respond, they just light the match.
I’ve felt pain before in my life, but nothing has ever compared to this. I watch the match fall onto my hands in slow motion and the only thing I can do is scream. I try to put out the fire, but I’m fully strapped to a chair now and I can’t move anywhere. The pain is getting so unbearable, I feel my skin melting away. I hear the metal bars slam shut as the brothers move to the other side of the cage to watch. I’m crying out for mercy, for Azriel, for Rhys, for anybody.
“No one’s gonna help you honey!”
“Looks like your mating bond doesn’t do shit!”
They laugh as I scream louder and louder. Praying to anyone who will listen, wishing that this ends soon.
— —
Azriel’s POV
Sitting in Rhys’ office, I get a weird feeling in my chest. I try my best to ignore it, but a few moments later I feel an excruciating pain in my hands. Screaming out for it to stop, Rhys and Cassian both come rushing over.
“Az! Az! What is it? What’s wrong?” Rhys asks, standing over me.
“My- my hands!” I cry out. I lift up my hands to show them and see that there’s nothing on them, nothing causing the pain.
“What? What’s wrong with your hands??” Cassian tries to keep me from collapsing. I can’t respond because another wave of pain courses through me, this time in my chest. I feel y/n’s side of the mating bond open and I immediately fall down on the ground. The familiar pain in my hands tells me everything I need to know. Somehow, someway, someone is hurting my mate in the same way I was. And I know exactly who that someone is.
“Az, she’s reaching out to me! I don’t think she can hear me, but she’s talking to me.” Rhys says, leaning over beside me. “Can you tell where she is? All I can see is a cell, I- I can’t see anything else.”
The only thing I can do is nod my head in response as I shoot up and fly out the open window. Not caring if my brothers are following me, although I’m sure they are. My only thought is to get to my y/n, now.
— —
Reader’s POV
Just as the fire is about to die out, one of the brothers comes back in the room and dumps more gasoline on my hands, igniting the fire once again. He retreats back behind the bars as I scream my head off. Any hope of being saved has gone out the window. No one probably even knows I’m missing, let alone looking to find me. I’ve opened my end of our bond in hopes Az can feel me, but I can’t even tell if his side is open or not.
Just when I’m about to give into the urge to let go, I hear a blast against the wall of the cell. I struggle to see through my tears, but I can see 3 winged figures coming in from the hole in the wall. I feel a cooling presence creep up to my hands and extinguish the flame. When I can finally look up again, I see two of the new winged males taking away my captors and the third winged male comes over to me slowly.
“Please, help me.” I whisper to the mystery male. “I don’t wanna die.” He comes closer and unties the straps holding me down then lifts me into his arms. As he holds me I immediately know who it is. “Az? I-Is that you?”
“It’s me little dove, just hold on, okay? I’m gonna get you out of here, just don’t close your eyes. Keep looking at me, don’t stop looking at me.” He says while soothing my hair back. I didn’t even realize we started flying until I felt the wind against my burns. “Az, I-It hurts so bad.”
“I know, I know it does. You’re gonna be alright, love. You just gotta hold on a little while longer, okay? We’re almost there.” His voice sounds hoarse like he’s been screaming as well. He picks up speed and the gust of wind makes my hands burn even worse. It gets harder and harder to keep my eyes open.
“I love you, Azriel.” I say, as the world goes black.
— —
“She should be awake by now, something’s wrong.”
“Az, she’s fine, just give her some time. She’ll wake up soon”
I hear muffled voices say around me. Without even opening my eyes, I know where I am. Home. I can feel my hands are in bandages, so tight I can’t move them. I hear a door close and then somebody sits down next to me.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry, I-I’ll never be able to forgive myself. I promised to keep you safe and then this happens. I just want you to be okay, please just be okay.” Azriel whispers. I can tell he’s crying now and all I want to do is hold him. I realize that his end of the bond is now wide open, so I send a rush of the love I feel for him down. I hear him gasp. “Y/N? Y/N can you hear me?” He asks.
I struggle to open my eyes, but I finally do. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the lighting, and then I see him. My mate, looking like he hasn’t left my side since I’ve been here. “Hey.” I managed to say. He places my face between his hands and presses a kiss to my forehead.
“I love you so fucking much.” He whispers. “I’m so, so, so sorry that this happened to you, my love. I will do everything I can to make it right.” He leans back and looks into my eyes.
“I love you so fucking much too. I’m sorry that I gave up-“
“No. Do not say you’re sorry. Never say you’re sorry. Never.” He cuts me off.
“How long was I out?” I change the subject, arguing right now doesn’t feel like the best idea.
“Five days. I’ve been here the whole time.” He says. I move over a little bit to make room for him to be on the bed next to me. “Sweetheart, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Please. I just need you to hold me.” I plead.
He slowly leans over to lay down beside me. “You know I can’t say no when you look at me like that.” He laughs as he pulls me into his arms. I bring my bandaged hands between us so I can snuggle into his chest more. He gently grabs one and places a kiss on my bandaged knuckles.
I bury my head into his neck and he places his chin on the crown of my head. “Madja says that she may be able to remove some of the scars with a tonic.” I take a second to think.
“Do you want me to try it? I know how you feel about your hands, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable…”
“Look at me.” He pulls back and lifts my chin up so our eyes meet. “You could never make me uncomfortable. I will always be here for you, for as long as you want me around.” He gently presses his lips to mine in a loving and tender kiss. After we pull away, I sink back down into his chest and fall asleep. I’m finally right where I belong.
— —
I walk into Madja’s clinic with Az right behind me. It’s been about 3 days since I woke up and I’m tired of these bandages.
“Hello!” Madja greets us. “Okay, let’s take a look at those hands.”
Az helps me hop up onto the counter and then stands next to me. He places a hand on my knee and comfortingly smooths my skin with his thumb. As she cuts away the wrapping, Azriel freezes. I look over at him to avoid seeing my hands. When all the bandages are off, his eyes start welling with tears.
“Well my dear, it looks a little worse than I would have hoped. It should be mostly healed by now.” Madja examines my hands.
My eyes widen at her words and I slowly look down. I can barely even recognize my own hands. The skin has been completely melted off and has been taken down to the muscle. Pus and blood are oozing out and even my fingerprints are gone. Gasping, I look back up to Azriel and find him already looking at me.
“Is there anything you can do?” He asks Madja. She gives a sigh and rummages around in the cabinets behind her. I didn’t even realize I was crying until Az wiped my tears away. He places a kiss into my hair and wraps an arm around my waist.
Madja returns with a glass bottle in her hand. “The only thing I can think of is this.” She says holding up the bottle. “It’s a little strong so it will be painful to apply, but it will help it heal faster.”
I swallow the lump in my throat and look up to Az. “Whatever you wanna do, little dove. Whatever you wanna do.” He says rubbing circles on my back.
I sigh heavily and nod to Madja. She gives me a sympathetic smile back and gently grabs my wrist to pull it closer to her. I squeeze my eyes shut as I anticipate the pain. The first drop onto my hands causes me to flinch away and scream.
“Y/N, I need you to stay still for me to be able to do this. Azriel you might have to hold her down.” Madja looks up at him. He places a kiss on my forehead and reaches over to grasp my wrists.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He cries. I bite down on my scream when she pours the liquid again. I put my head down on Az’s arm that stretched in front of me.
“Make it stop! Please stop! I-I can’t take it anymore!” I cry out.
“I know, I’m so sorry. She’s almost done. You can do this.”
After what feels like a lifetime, Madja finishes and wraps my hands back up. When she leaves, Az pulls me into a hug.
“Thank you, Az. I-I don’t know what I would do without you.” I move to kiss his cheek, but he backs up.
“This happened to you because of me. You’re in pain because of me!”
“Hey, don’t say that. That’s not true-“
“It is y/n. It is true. This only happened because of us, because of who you are to me.” He yells.
“Azriel. Come over here.” He slowly walks to stand between my knees. I put my arms around his waist and he does the same. “I love you. This is not your fault. It’s not my fault, it’s not Rhys’ fault. Your step brothers are at fault. This happened because of them, because of their sick and twisted minds. Don’t you ever blame yourself for this. Ever.”
He sighs and kisses my head. After a while of silently embracing each other, I ask the question that’s been on my mind since I woke up. “What happened to them?” I feel him stiffen around me.
“They’re still alive, for now. Rhys and Cas put them in my chamber in Hewn City. I wanted to wait to see what you wanted me to do.” He starts to smooth a comforting hand up and down my back. I place a kiss onto his collarbone in thanks and pull back to see his face.
“Well, I told them that you would ‘torture them for years before you kill them’ so… make them suffer… for as long as possible.”
He smirks down at me and places his lips on mine.
“That’s my mate.”
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vlance · 6 months
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Echo of You
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I decided I wanted to be a little angsty today. So I will feed y’all with this, I am not sorry. This is also like 1.3k words.
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Silence, the silence was deafening. Standing here, in the exact apartment. The memories echoed. They echoed off the walls, it’s making me go insane. Knowing that right here right now all there is, is an empty shell of something that once was.
Memories of your laughter filled my head. The memory of your smile. The laugh that once made me laugh with you. The smile that once lit up my world and my life.
It’s nowhere to be found. All the memories that were created turned sour. Seeing you as the devil you truly were. The person that was never there to bring me up, but only to tear me down. Break every piece of myself until I couldn’t recognize myself.
The constant banging in my head, wishing that you would just become a memory of the past. But here I am, reminiscing in the memories we once shared.
The early mornings spent together cuddling under the sheets. All the late nights spent talking about our hopes and dreams. The plans we made for the future. Feeling all your love and adoration for me.
Just to see you give all the love and adoration to someone else in the blink of an eye. Realizing you were no longer mine.
Walking through the house seeing all the pictures up on the walls. All the pictures of the good times. It just made me angry. Knowing that in the end you threw all of it away for some fling. For someone that was more fun, for someone that supposedly made you feel free. The memory of the days that led up to that night.
“Wony baby can I use your phone for something really quick, mine died” I looked up at the girl and asked.
“Uh yeah sure hold on” She quickly closes the tab on whatever she was doing. She hesitates on handing her phone to me.
I should have known then. Like a fool I didn’t think anything of it.
“What are you doing baby?” I sat down next to her on the couch and laid my head on her shoulder. She quickly closed the conversation she was having on her phone with someone and put her phone face down on the coffee table. She turned to me and smiled. “Don't worry about it” Smiling as she pats my head.
I should have seen the warning signs. Being blinded by love is one of the worst sins you can participate in. How does someone blind you to the point of no return? They will take and take until you’re left with nothing.
“WHO IS SHE WONYOUNG!” I yelled at her from across the kitchen counter. She just smiled at me and reached her hand across the counter to hold my hand. Gently rubbing her thumb against my knuckles. Quickly soothing my anger.
“She’s just a friend baby. I promise there is nothing between us” Giving me a reassuring smile. Walking over to me to give me a peck on my cheek. “Now I have to go run some errands. I'll be back later okay” She smiled and leff the house.
Should have known all the smiles were just a disguise. They hid the real you. All the reassuring looks were just a way to manipulate me, just like your words.
“I would never do that to you baby, why do you never believe me?” pausing and looking up with anger in her eyes. “Whatever you can believe in me or not I don’t care” She stormed out of the house.
Then it all came crashing down. Tearing out my heart right there and feasting on it. Like wolf, cunning, and deceiving. I believed you for so long.
“Hey did you know your girlfriend is at the bar right now right”
“What do you mean Gaeul? She said she was at Rei’s house” I said confusedly as I paused the movie on the TV. “She said she was gonna be helping her and was gonna be late”
“Dude that’s a complete lie” She scoffed.
“How would you even know this?” I asked the older girl.
“I’m literally staring at her from across the room” Sending me photos to confirm her statement. “What the fuck” I quickly sit up looking at the photos. She’s sitting in a girl's lap wrapping her arms around her as she’s leaning in. In the next photo they are kissing. The same girl she said not to worry about.
So many emotions rushed over me. The main ones being sadness and anger. How could she? Why did she do this to me? So many questions in my head.
“Do you want the address?” Gaeul asked.
“No, I’m going to wait till she gets home” I hung up the phone. I sat there baffled. Wondering so many things. The tears finally start to fall. I kept telling myself how stupid I was for not seeing it sooner. Then it came, the sadness was still there, but was replaced by the most overwhelming anger I have felt in my life.
The fuming anger that filled me. A rage that could not even be put into words. I waited for her, for what seemed like years. The clock on the wall ticking. Every tick just filled me with even more rage. Every passing second, every minute, every hour I sat there waiting.
The anger bubbling in me knowing that she has been out there for almost four hours. It was almost two am when she came back. She walked through the door with a gleaming smile. As if nothing happened. She kicked off her shoes and hung up her coat.
I sat there in the living room waiting, waiting for her to acknowledge me. She walked into the living room. Confused as to why I sat there when I’m usually asleep at this time.
“Where were you?” I lifted my head up to meet her eyes. The fiery anger that burned in my eyes scared her. Her eyes flashed with nervousness for a second. She slowly makes her way over to me. “Is something wrong baby?” She asked, standing over me.
“Answer the question Wonyoung” I tried composing myself to make sure I wouldn't burst out in anger. “Did you forget silly, I was at Jiwons house” She laughs softly. “Don’t lie to me wonyoung” I looked up at her.
“I’m telling you the truth, You see you never believe me” She scoffs. “How insecure can you be Y/N” Anger now rising in her eyes.
“Stop lying” I get up swiftly. “I’ve seen photos, you aren’t as slick as you think” I pushed her chest lightly.
“What is your problem, you're actually sick” She pushes me back lightly. “It over wonyoung, get out” I sat back down.
“Wow over something that you believe is true just like that Y/N” Scoffing I looked at her. “Give it up Wonyoung I have proof” I take my phone out and pass it to her. She pauses not knowing what to say.
“Can you blame me”
“Excuse me”
“I meant what I said”
I rolled my eyes and glared at her. “Don’t look at me like that, you think I actually loved you?” She laughs and pushes back her hair. “Like seriously, you’re a loser, I really just felt bad plus I needed the money”
“You’re honestly so stupid too how could you not see the signs”
“It baffles me how you think someone like me would ever love someone like you” She walks up the stairs. Coming back down with a bag full of her things. I just sat there in my own thoughts
“Look at you, you're honestly so pathetic” and just like that. She was out the door. Never turning back, never an apology, nothing. That’s when the tears fell.
Realizing she never loved me. So many red flags, so many warning signs. They all went over my head. Just like that, it was too good to be true. Now sitting here again three weeks later with the walls still littered with picture frames. The apartment still has that vanilla scent. Still filled with all the little decorations you insisted on putting up. It’s like you were still here, but you weren’t. It was just an echo of you.
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I totally have an idea for pt 2 of this with like a little revenge arc
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slafkovskys · 11 months
Telling mark you’re pregnant but you’re 19 and he’s 21
warnings: little angsty, mentions of pregnancy
“did you finally remember to bring me my water?” you call out to your brother after hearing the sound of the back door opening, then closing. your statement is followed by silence so eerie for a bright, midsummer day, that it causes you to push yourself up on your elbows and call out his name. only the person standing on the back deck isn’t your brother. no, it was the person whom you had gone to great lengths to avoid for the past two months. your mouth is suddenly dry as it tries to formulate a sentence, “mark-”
“so it’s true,” his words are almost like venom as his zero in on your midsection. in just a bikini, there was no way of hiding the four month swell that had really begun to pop in the last few weeks. he stands on the stairs, almost like he was scared to come down, “you just weren’t going to tell me? were you just going to disappear and think i wouldn’t ask any questions?”
you push yourself off the ground and wrap the towel around your body, a form of protection, “who told you?”
“nobody. you may have blocked me on everything, but he didn’t,” he nods his head towards the house and you swear that you see your brother poking his head out of the kitchen window, spying on the two of you. “he put something on his story a few days ago, the dress you were wearing made it obvious. why didn’t you tell me, y/n?”
“i-” your voice breaks as you’re forced to finally confront the reality of the situation you had been avoiding since late march. his face softens as you use your thumb to wipe a tear that slips from your eye, “i didn’t want you to be mad at me.”
“baby,” his shoulders drop as he rushes down the four steps and crosses the yard to you. it was easy to fall into his arms, to inhale the faint scent of his cologne, to fist his t-shirt in your hands as you gripped so tightly because you were scared that at any moment he would slip away. “i need you to breathe, okay?”
“mark,” you whisper, “please don’t leave.”
he shakes his head, rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks, “i’m not leaving. you’re not leaving. we’re going to talk about this, okay? i just need you to breathe right now. i’m not mad, i just want to understand.”
“can we sit down?”
he guides you back into the house and down the hallway towards the safety of your bedroom. he closes the door behind him and you hear a sharp intake of breath. you don’t have to question that he’s looking at the crib nestled in the corner that already had baby clothes accumulating on top. he doesn’t say anything as you take a seat on your bed and he makes himself at home in your desk chair, rolling it over to be in front of you. you kept the towel wrapped around you tightly, “i meant what i said out there, i’m not mad. i just want to understand.”
“i found out right around the time that you were going to the championships and i didn’t want to distract you. you needed to focus on that, so it sounded fine for me to keep it to myself for a little while, but i- i got in my own head. it seemed easier to just disappear and not tell you about, about us,” you gesture at your stomach and his eyes follow, “you have a life, mark. a good one. friends, hockey, school. this would just throw a wrench in that-”
“you’re part of my life too, y/n. did you ever consider that?” he questions. you swallow, “i made you part of my life. i told my mom that i was going to marry you after our first date and she told me that i was crazy. i never felt like that, you have never made me feel like that. i went to college not wanting a relationship and then there you were in econ always giving me the notes and taking granola bars as payment even though you hate them. everything in my life for the past year has revolved around you, honey. that’s not stopping now.”
“i’m giving you an out, mark.”
“and i’m not taking it. i don’t want an out, i want you and i want this baby. i will spend the rest of my life proving that to you,” his fingers gently run over the seam of the towel and you loosen your grip. he pulls it open and his fingers splay over the taut skin. you let your hand rest over his, “i- um- how many- how far- i don’t know how to say it.”
“it’s fine, mark. eighteen weeks tomorrow,” you move his hand more to the side, “they just started moving a few days ago. if you press your palm down right there, sometimes they’ll nudge you back.”
“they?” there’s a sudden alarm in his voice, “is it more than one? that doesn’t change anything, i just- is it?”
“no,” you giggle before running a hand through his hair. admittedly it was a feeling you had missed and he seemed to as well, judging by the way his eyes flutter closed at the feeling, “i can find out the gender at my next appointment, but i think i won’t. i kind of like the surprise factor.”
“you do have a thing for surprises.”
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