#I’m a dialogue centric person too soo
adammilligans · 7 months
It sucks because I love writing in first person, and it’s the main thing I know how to write, but I CANT STAND reading it and I know other people feel the same like?? I would love to start writing Midam fanfics but I suck at writing 3rd person
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fanfictionlive · 4 years
Tips for first fanfic?
Hi! I've been enjoying fanfiction occasionaly since I was a teenager, but have never written anything. That changed recently though, and I am pretty compelled to finally do it.
I thought about it and starting with something of multi-chapter length seems too ambitious (I know that writing chapter by chapter and not planning ahead could lead to problems), so I wanted to start with a sort of character-centric one-shot with little actual dialogue, as dialogue seems to be pretty hard.
English also isn't my first language, which complicates things further. I'm very good at reading scientific papers and good at writing them, but actual narratives? It sort of intimidates me. Writing in my native language would be possible, but I don't think there would be ANY audience for it. Like zero.
Soo... Any tips? I don't think I'll let someone proofread it, fanfiction is my dirty, dirty little secret that no one in my personal life should find out about, lol.
submitted by /u/_Pigeon_ [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/36iVwe0
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