#I would have prefer this to be in the main series but ehh it is better than nothing
picturejasper20 · 21 days
So, i made a recent post about some issues i have with Mabel Pines' character writing in the main Gravity Falls series like how her characters flaws don't get addressed properly and they can be potrayed as something acceptable.
A mutual of mine, @amazingrich101 , told me to check out the graphic novel Gravity Falls Lost Legends since one of the stories (Don't dimension it) acts as a follow up for the Weirdmageddon and it starts Mabel as main character.
And I'm very surprised i haven't seen more people bringing up this story when it comes to Mabel's character because it addresses quite a lot of things the main series brushed off about her character and problems people have with her characterization. Because of this, i would like to do a semi-analysis about this story myself and talk about the things that explores about Mabel's character and the development she gets.
So ¨Don't Dimension It¨ starts with a semi recap of what happened post Weirdmageddon: There are dimension-rifts as consequence of Bill taking over Gravity Falls, the protagonists are going around trying to fix these rifts. In a moment Mabel pulls up Waddles from her bag, partially ignoring how Stanford said these rifts are dangerous and Dipper tells this to Mabel:
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Dipper saying this of all other characters is important, since Mabel has the habit of taking advantage of Dipper quite a lot in the series and he more often than not finds himself in situations he has to go with Mabel wants to do regardless of how he feels about it.
So we have the story bringing up from near the start that Mabel can be very self-centered in occasions and ignore the potential danger in serious situations, like Dipper points out. That's a good start.
Mabel accidentally falls into one of these dimensions rifts and ends ups in a dimension that is full of different versions of Mabels that got lost and ended up in that place. One of the Mabels tells protagonist Mabel that Brain Mabel has been trying to build a spaceship to escape but she got bored and got herself distracted with stickers.
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Prot Mabel tries asking for help but the rest of the Mabels don't take the situation seriously, ignore her or do their own thing, not caring about taking priority in escaping.
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I think these are more extreme versions of prot Mabel but one thing that prot Mabel realizes is how irritating it is to be ignored by well... versions of herself. She wants to espace this dimension, the issue is that other Mabels are too ¨busy¨ doing their own thing that they don't care about helping.
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Mabel eventually finds one Mabel that actually is helpful, lets call her ¨Mabel 2¨ for the moment. Mabel tells Mabel 2 how irritating the rest of the Mabels are and the two work together to send a signal for Stanford and Stan to pick them up from the dimension.
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When the ship shows up to pick them up, Mabel 2 betrays Mabel and traps her inside a bathroom. She reveals herself to be ¨Anti-Mabel¨, the most evil Mabel in the multiverse.
....I think this writing choice for to have just ¨Mabel but bad¨ without further exploration is pretty shallow but, meh, i want to focus on Mabel's character, not the antagonist.
So prot Mabel manages to escape from the bathroom she was trapped in while Anti-Mabel takes her place in the ship. Mabel asks for help to the other Mabels again, only to be ignored... and that makes her reach her own limit.
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She finds herself repeating almost the same things that Dipper told her at the start of the story and she finally realizes how self-centered she can be to others and not see when something is a bigger priority. She tells to herself that ¨i need to work on myself¨, meaning she admits she has some growing to do as person.
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She tries asking for help again, which leads her to admit how she messed up by being selfish in ¨Dipper and Mabel vs The Future¨. She talks about how she negleted those around her for being so absorbed in what she wanted to do that she didn't pay enough attention how this could bother people around her. She promises that she is going to try to be a better person from now on and work on to be more caring of other people.
This is very crucial for Mabel's development because, while she learned that changing is part of growing up in Weirdmageddon, her habit of making things about herself, coming off as too self-absorbed and making people do the things she wants without considering much what others want wasn't properly addressed. And this can become a toxic trait of hers, like ignoring things that are a bigger priority and taking advantage of her friends and family.
Mabel isn't a demon because she can be very selfish at times, she is a just 13 year old teenager. However, it still an important lesson she needs to learn to mature as a person over time. This is why in this story having her confronting these problems that she has was good for her character to have.
She manages to escape along with the rest of the Mabels helping her, they stop anti-Mabel and defeat her. Mabel goes back to Gravity Falls with Stanford and Stan while the rest of the Mabels use the ship to find their way back their own homes.
When Dipper asks to Mabel how was her trip in the multiverse, she has this to say.
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She apologizes to Dipper for being selfish during this summer and that must have been a lot for Dipper to deal with. Dipper makes a joke about it, implying that he accepts Mabel's apology and forgives her for her behaviour.
It isn't super big but is still really good having Mabel apologize to Dipper for how she would treat him in certain episodes. I have talked about how their dynamic could come off as toxic in certain occasions because Dipper had to do what Mabel wanted and his feelings weren't always taking into consideration. So Mabel apologizing feels proper for the situation.
I have some issues with this story (Anti-Mabel just... being a not interesting antagonist, for some reason having a meta commentary about how Stanford and Stan aren't the best caretakers which is fine but i don't think it suits Gravity Falls imo). However i do appreciate the development that Mabel gets in it, bringing up her character flaws and her realizing that she messed up in some ways, telling to herself that she needs to work on that.
It definitely leaves Mabel in a way better place than the main series did, by her recognizing she has to change her selfish tendencies and acknowledging her mistakes, a lot healthier than just waiting for others to comform to do what she always wants. Her relationship with Dipper is a better place too, apologizing for the way she would sometimes treat him during the summer. It doesn't fix *every* problem with Mabel's character writing in the series but does solve some main issues and it does leave a better conclusion to Mabel's character arc overall.
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chaoxfix · 1 year
How would you handle royal characters in the sonic franchise we only really got blaze elise and sally and i'm wondering what makes them good likeable characters and not considered mary sues
good question! hmmm. sega of america certainly seems to like adding royalty almost as much as sega of japan, but sega of america tends to prefer making 'secret and badass princesses' (sally, sonia) whereas sega of japan focuses more on stoic, duty bound princesses (blaze, elise)
i think sally and blaze are best written overall, but sally has the pitfall of being the show's protagonist in a game series simply not built around her, which is why she's so divisive. people hate that she was the real protagonist of satAM when sonic was the lisenced character people were watching for, and therefore she gets a lot of mary sue claims despite being a rather well-written character. but then as archie continued satAM... ehh, the acorn monarchy is even more divisive, bc it's a seriously messed up government in a lot of ways, and doesn't gel well with sonic lore and other sonic media. most of king acorn's choices were antithetical to sonic at the core, yet sonic was expected to be a knight for the monarchy? and dating their figurehead daughter and totally supporting her dad's choices??? it just felt super ooc -- and sally, being a princess of that same monarchy, was rarely written to have any sort of agency or say about the royal decisions for a long part of the archie run unfortunately. she was sad about some of them, but very rarely tried to challenge her father. later this was tweaked and given more depth, and she started making some of her own choices, but it was too little too late for many of us. but the biggest pitfall for me was that the princess element, once used as an additional leadership trait and to help bolster her well-written delegation and decision-making skills, was almost completely meaningless after satAM was continued in archie. because once the kingdom was saved her authonomy was totally removed AND she was banned from missions :/ her being a smart, witty, capable leader who was only a princess in name since her kingdom had been taken over -- was written away in an instant to be more of a holier than thou princess, a cog in a hyper-conservative, traditional monarchy, who no longer had a say in anything. she wasn't even the heir -- they wrote in a brother!? -- so she was just there to be a princess love interest who has a long history with sonic. which puts such a bad taste in my mouth in hindsight. i would never want to write a princess in sally's archie situation. even though satAM had a pretty neat set-up, id be super wary of writing a monarchy if sonic is expected to interact with it in a meaningful way.
overall, i think blaze is the only truly well-received princess in the franchise. the reason seems to be 1) she's in the games, 2) she does not overstay her welcome or overstate her importance; she's allowed to be a badass princess as long as she's a dimension away from sonic and only sees him when it's urgent, 3) she has a character arc driven by sonic and grows from being a stoic ice queen (ironic since her powers are fire) to being more friendly. still shy, but warm towards those she cares about. these 3 things make her very much beloved by the franchise and fanbase alike. she also has the perk (to me) of having her dimension so far removed from sonic's world that he doesn't need to interact with it or its laws very much. it's a monarchy and his friend blaze is the princess, sure -- but he doesn't need to follow any rules or support the laws she probably passes when he's not there.
but truthfully... if i was working for sega, i dont think id add any more royalty to the sonic universe, and especially not the main universe. even though i like blaze and sally, im not a huge fan of the divine right of kings or centralized governments, so im not big on monarchies in fantasy worlds unless theyre an exploration of why thats a terrible model for a government system and a ticking tome bomb for corruption. and if theres a princess and the story is about that, awesome! count me in! because i also dont think sonic would be a huge fan of government systems (of any form tbh) and especially not a centralized government that has no input from the people.
so if i were to write a princess... id probably write her and sonic teaming up to overthrow a corrupt king. i wouldnt mind a storyline about a girl asking sonic for help to end her king's tyranny, but she's hiding that she's secretly a princess and that the king she's overthrowing is her father. the whole storyline would be her insisting that her kingdom deserves to be free of people like her father and making friends with her people along the way. honestly, we already got something similar, with tikal standing against her father's invasion. i wouldn't mind seeing a more expanded storline with tikal, but if it's a totally new character and setting that'd be neat too. maybe even a story where she's trying to take the throne, before realizing that no one should have the throne -- its too much power (and corruption) for one person. so she shares that power with her friends or something.
side note, but id even be down for a storybook au where sonic teams up with Princess Maria (old, but still a princess in this au, even when she gets old bc age =/= title) to take down her cousin, Dr. Ivo Robotnik of the Egg Empire. or something.
but yeah, those are my thoughts! im not a huge fan of princesses as a concept, unless the story is about ending centralized governments and restoring power to the people.
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lilachope-archive · 2 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by: Nobodeh :v
tagging: whoever wants to do this
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My muse is:
canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Ehh, it's kinda weird. She's an au version of a canon character, but still 'mostly' follows the canon of the source material
Is your character popular in the fandom?
Going by the games, anime and such; I would say yes
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?
I would be lying if I said no
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?
It depends on who you ask, not gonna go into power levels  cause fuck that shit
Are they underrated?
Actually I've heard people say that Trunks is overrated in some cases.
Were they relevant for the main story?
Yeah, for like two arcs to my knowledge
Were they relevant for the main character?
I mean, Goku would still be dead if he wasn't given the heart medicine. Hell, I'd almost go as far as to say that Trunks is the real hero of the series (granted Bulma was the one who made the medicine, but still.. someone had to deliver it )
Are they widely known in their world?
Ehh, I wouldn't widely, but still well known to an extent. 
How’s their reputation?
Not sure how to answer this, but it depends on who you ask I guess
How strictly do you follow canon?
Well I try to follow as much as I can, which is maybe at least 90 percent with a bit of my shit sprinkled in
For the low, low price of 99999999999999 zeni, you can have your very own princess trunks!! :D... oh sorry, that's not what you meant.
Uhmm, I got nothing except for the typical she nice and stuff :/
Now the OPPOSITE list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).
She's a female version of a male character, which makes her an automatic repellent and unable to be 'simped' over
What inspired you to rp your muse? 
Fanworks. Fanart, doujins and fanfics. Plus it helps that I like Trunks as a character, so there's that.
What keeps your inspiration going?
Rewatching clips or watching gameplay videos of any of the DB games tend to help.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Do you think you give your character justice?
I mean, I try to not stray too far from her canon counterpart in terms of personality, so I think I'm doing a good enough job. Better that how I was doing when I first played her back in 2015
Do you frequently write headcanons?
I used to make short little headcanons pretty often, but then I ran out of steam xD
Do you sometimes write drabbles?
It's very rare that I do nowadays, mainly because I tend to never have anything to write about
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?
Not often, but it does happen
Are you confident in your portrayal?
I wouldn't still be playing her if I wasn't
Are you confident in your writing?
I'll admit that I'm not the best writer, but I do think I'm decent enough to get by
Are you a sensitive person?
I can't say that I am, I don't get bent out of shape over the most minute things so take that as you see fit
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
 YES / NO 
If the criticism involves changing something about my character that's a core part of her, then yeah no they can go somewhere else with that shit. I made my character the way she is for a reason and I'm not going change her to fit someone else's preference
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?
Oh yes, absolutely! I'm always eager to answer questions about her
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
I don't see any point in telling me cause I ain't changing shit whether someone likes it or not. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
I kinda don't give a shit. They can find another Trunks roleplayer whose fits their preference and not bother me about it
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
k bye felicia. Block button exist for a reason, use it and leave me alone
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?
I don't mind as long as it's not in a rude arse way. just a simple 'hey, you spelled this wrong' will do
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
Pretty much. I even consider myself dull on occasion because of how chill and quiet I am most of the time. As long as you don't come to me with stupid shit, we're good.
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writingithink · 4 years
The Doctor’s Domestic Nightmare Pairing: Ten x Rose Rated: G Wordcount: 2,542 Summary: They visit Jackie to do some Earth-wedding planning. Notes: This is for Day 5 of @timepetalsweek ! I used two of the prompts, the picture prompt and 'family'. A fair amount of the other fics in this series get referenced in this one, but I still don't think you'd be lost if you haven't read them. Extra special thanks to @hey-there-juliet , the best beta ever <3 All mistakes are mine. I own nothing.
READ IT ON AO3 -> copy/paste link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25478851
The Doctor landed the TARDIS outside the flat this time. Anything he could do to make this whole thing go easier (and hopefully quicker).
“How long are we staying?” He turned toward Rose, who was still sitting on the jumpseat, doing something on her phone.
“Thought we might stay the night,” she slowly replied, attention obviously otherwise involved. “Mum’s been lonely.”
“What are you doing?”
Normally she was out of the ship in a heartbeat when they landed at the Estates. This time she didn’t look like she’d be moving anytime soon. Their bond wasn’t providing him with anything useful, just a mix of concentration, mild frustration, and sympathy. They had agreed to both put their barriers up decently high shortly after she woke up, when they started to create a stress feedback-loop in each other's heads. He sat down next to her and leaned over her shoulder to see that she was texting Jackie.
“You know, you can talk to her in person right outside these doors,” the Doctor felt the need to point out.
“No, no, however my phone works now, the sonic or the TARDIS or whatever, it, like- it blocked my texts until I woke up this mornin’. But if you look at the little time stamps, it’s sendin’ my replies as if I didn’t wait a month to answer. I’m texting my mum three days ago,” Rose explained.
“Oh. Huh. Must be the TARDIS. Have you been doing this all morning?”
“Yeah. The first text came through as being from about, I dunno … an hour after we left last time?”
“Well, knowing your mother, she’ll be outside the door any minute. Doubt you’ll have time to finish the week,” he admitted with a frown. The Doctor hoped that all of the guilt he was feeling at keeping the two of them apart was safely behind the walls he’d erected in his mind. Of course, traveling, being away from her mother, that was Rose’s decision (and one that he was immensely, immensely glad for).
But still.
He and Rose had talked, back when they were at the Olympics, after the Isolus. About things, family things, Gallifrey things that he didn’t want to talk about. Thankfully, with the bond, he was able to show her more than tell her, because the words wouldn’t come half the time - a real shock, with his gob. And he’d admitted to her how much he wished things had been different with his children. That he’d been more like them, or they’d been more like him - but they had taken after their mother, who was a very respectable Time Lady, and fit right in. Whereas he never had. Things had brightened up a little when he told her about Susan, but overall the whole thing had made them both very sad, very ill timed conversation to have on a honeymoon.
And now he felt guilty, much more so than usual, at the thought of Jackie being lonely while they gallivanted about time and space.
“I need to change,” Rose announced, jostling him as she stood and bringing him back to the present.
“She’s made some appointments at some very nice places and I have to change. Ahh, I don’t even know what to wear!” she exclaimed, quickly exiting the console room but pausing at the entrance to the main corridor. “If mum shows up, can you stall her?”
“ What?!”
But his wife was gone, apparently off to change out of her jeans and hoodie. The Doctor sighed, circling the console, mentally calculating what repairs he might be able to make some progress on in the time that he would be waiting on her. It really was a shame that humans tended not to pick an outfit and stick to it - things would be so much simpler. Not that he didn’t enjoy all the fun, different things Rose wore. And she did seem to really enjoy dressing up for all of the different places they went to.
Just as he was considering perhaps changing his tie, knocking started up on the TARDIS door.
Oh, bloody hell.
He flinched, expecting a mental zap, but it never came. Right, they were blocking most things out. Ehh … 
The benefits of mental privacy - today, at least. Well, it was obviously necessary but he really didn’t like it. What did it say about him that he preferred to be telepathically reprimanded than to not be telepathically noticed at all?
Probably nothing good.
The Doctor shook his head as the knocking continued, and then jogged down the ramp, grabbing his coat as he went. He opened the door just wide enough to slip out, slamming it closed with his back as soon as he’d cleared it.
“Hello, Jackie!” he greeted his mother-in-law with a wide grin.
“Doctor,” she responded, crossing her arms. Ohh, and he’d been hoping she would have warmed back up after last time. Then again, what had been a month and a half for them had only been a week for her. “Where’s Rose?”
“She’s still getting ready. I never can tell how long it’s going to take her, so I may have landed us a bit, er, prematurely.”
“You’re not lyin’, are ya? She’s not in there sick, or injured, or- or-“
“No no no no no,” he quickly interrupted, waving his hands about, “I would never lie to you about something like that! Rose is fine. She’s just- just- picking an outfit or doing her hair or something.”
“Alright then,” Jackie said, finally seeming to relax … a bit. “Maybe I can give her a hand.”
The Doctor knocked her arm away as she reached for the door, and that was quite rude, wasn’t it? Definitely not doing anything to get back into her good graces, but if Rose was still texting and Jackie had her mobile on her, he wasn’t sure it would still work if her mum entered the TARDIS.
“If you go in, it’ll take even longer!” he insisted, not knowing if that was necessarily true but assuming it was. Jackie had never been in the wardrobe room, so he could only imagine. “Why don’t we head inside? Otherwise we might be standing outside the TARDIS for ages.”
“ You want to sit around the flat with me, no Rose?” She seemed skeptical, and he really couldn’t blame her.
“Yeah! Of course!” The Doctor pasted on what he hoped was a winning smile.
The things he did for his wife.
“Riiiight. Okay, then. Fine. She better be quick about it, though, otherwise we’ll be late. You shoulda waited for her to land that box of yours,” she scolded him as they headed up to the flat. He took the time to really look at her, and realized that Jackie actually looked quite nice today, for once not wearing one of her velour tracksuits.
It was too bad he couldn’t tell her that of course he’d waited for Rose before landing.
“Won’t happen again,” he said instead, hoping that was true.
They entered the flat and the Doctor was sincerely at a loss as to how to proceed. He projected everything that had happened to Rose, just getting an ‘okay’ in response. Her mental presence was frenzied, and he wished he knew how to be more helpful. The fact was, he had wandered into something very human that he had never thought that he’d ever be a part of.
“So, how’s it been?” Jackie called out from the kitchen.
“Hmm?” He wandered into the room to see her moving about, fixing tea.
“I said, how’s it been, the two of you. With your first week or however long it’s been for ya, dating.”
“ Dating?!” the Doctor repeated, and now she was facing him, looking at him like he was an idiot for some reason, but excuse her, what?!
“My daughter?”
“No, I know your daughter, but we’re not dating! We’re married!”
“Right, sure, so you’ve been sayin’, but the fact is you two weren’t even properly together before your alien voodoo ended up accidentally getting you hitched. You can’t go from nothin’ to married like that, relationship-wise, no matter what ya got goin’ on with your shared brain whatever you call it.”
“Bond,” he found himself mumbling, “it’s called a bond.”
“Though if you ask me, you two did go on about like you were together, even if Rose was constantly denying it. I’m not blind, y’know. And it wasn’t just me, either. Ask anyone around here, watchin’ you too making doe eyes at each other.”
“ Doe eyes?! I don’t make doe eyes,” the Doctor denied, though he still was trying to process the whole beginning of her speech. “Wait, did you say alien voodoo?!”
His words fell on deaf ears.
“And don’t get me started on the constant touching. The both of you had to realize that normal friends, platonic friends, don’t carry on like that, clingin’ to each other.”
“Clinging?” He didn’t even have it in him to scoff anymore. This was exhausting. Jackie pushed past him, handing him a cup of tea as she went. “Erm, thank you.”
“Use a coaster,” she told him, pointing at the couch.
Forget the beast in the pit, this was hell.
“Right, yes, of course,” he nodded, quickly sitting down and placing his mug on a coaster as ordered. Ugh.
Still, it was better than the interrogation she’d given him the last time they’d been here. And at least this time Jackie didn’t seem to expect him to say anything at all. Though she had asked him a question. And people called him rude!
His mother-in-law took a seat in the chair with her own mug, giving him the same skeptical look that she had after catching him modifying her toaster. Thankfully, before she could start up again the door opened and Rose walked in.
And she was breathless, panting, having obviously ran all the way from the TARDIS.
And from what little he could get from her over the bond he could tell that she was incredibly stressed and anxious.
But she looked gorgeous.
Her hair was done in soft curls, and she had on a TARDIS blue dress and the same little pink heels she’d worn when they’d failed to see Elvis. He really needed to get back around to that. Might not have time until their second honeymoon, though. Too many different plans. The Doctor couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“Mum!” she exclaimed, immediately wrapping Jackie in a hug.
“Finally! Thought we’d miss our first appointment! I told him, wait ’til you’re done before gettin’ you here, especially if he’s going to cut it so close. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t pass his test, you know, the way he lands willy nilly, and a year late, don’t think I’ll forget that! Who in their right mind woulda given him a time machine if they knew he’d be carryin’ on like that,” Jackie nattered on.
Not a word, he bit out to Rose across the bond and was actually quite pleased with the resulting mental laughter (despite the fact that it had really been a dire warning).
“Sorry for takin’ so long. I think we should still be fine. We’re getting a cab, right?” Rose asked, and they both began heading right back out of the flat.
The Doctor picked up his tea, blew on it, and put his legs up on the coffee table.
“What are you doin’?” Jackie asked him, holding the door open. “Shake a leg!”
“You’re coming with us!”
He looked at Rose, who mouthed ‘sorry’, pointed at her phone and shrugged before remembering that they could speak telepathically.
Mum never said she expected you to come with us until the texts from yesterday, she explained, and I was in such a rush to get here by the time I got those ones that it slipped my mind to tell ya.
“Oh … right,” he tried to cover, “I just … thought we were having tea. And you know how great I think your tea is, Jackie. Saved the world, your tea did. Well, helped my regeneration sickness, which amounts to the same thing in that situation. Free radicals and tannins, have I properly explained the benefits to you? You see-”
“Wait a minute!” Jackie interrupted him, staring at Rose’s hands for some reason. “Where’s your ring?!”
Ring? Ring. Oh bloody, fucking hell.
“Oh, we haven’t-”
Her mother didn’t even give Rose a chance to speak. “We’re to go to all of these places, wedding planning, and he didn’t even have the decency to get you an engagement ring?!”
Exchanging rings. He knew that one! It was a human marriage custom so pervasive that it remained a part of their wedding ceremonies throughout time and space. And he’d forgotten.
“We just haven’t had a chance to go looking yet, that’s all,” Rose lied. “If anyone asks, we’ll just say it’s off gettin’ sized.”
Jackie huffed before stomping out of the flat, his wife trailing behind. The Doctor sat for another moment, positively baffled at how this day was going, then bounded out of the flat after them. When he caught up to Rose, he took her hand and pulled her to a stop.
“I’m so sorry,” he told her, and really, he didn’t even know where to start.
“Doctor, it’s fine, I don’t care about rings and stuff.”
“Not just that, though. But still, that too! I’m sorry for- for not doing this properly, not dating you, jumping straight into everything. I waited too long to tell you how I felt, and now I’m completely rubbish at doing all of these human courtship and marriage things, and you deserve-”
“Doctor,” Rose interrupted him, putting a hand over his mouth. “Y’need to stop listening to my mum. We’re fine. We were fine before you left the TARDIS, and we’re still fine. Better than fine, even. We’re fantastic. And let’s get this straight now, I’m the one who gets to decide what I deserve.”
“And what’s that?” he asked, words muffled by the hand she still hadn’t moved.
You, she declared over their bond, barriers dropped so that a tidal wave of love and affection poured into him.
And then he effortlessly nudged her hand out of the way, pulled her even closer, and kissed her.
The Universe was not kind. It owed him nothing. If anything, he owed it. Because it gave him her.
The hand not clutching her lower back tangled into her hair as he deepened the kiss, his own barriers crumbling as he tried to express everything he was feeling in that moment. Her arms wrapped around his neck and it was perfect. Everything was perfect, and the Doctor had no idea why he’d ever thought otherwise.
They sprang apart as if a bucket of water had been poured over them.
“None of that!” Jackie yelled from across the way. “Get a move on! I swear, this is gonna be worse than all of the lovesick mooning.”
He was mortified.
Rose’s barriers had already locked back into place, her face red.
Tell your mum I’m off to get your ring, he projected before running back to the TARDIS as fast as he possibly could.
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help-me-obiwan · 4 years
Tagged by @danystormbornsnow
Rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people.
1. Once Upon A Time
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. X- Files
4. Game of Thrones
5. Timeless
what’s your favourite character from 1?
Killian Jones
who’s your least favourite character in 2?
Ehhh probably Xander? But I don’t really dislike any of the mains
what’s your favourite episode of 4?
Hmmmm. Honestly at this point probably 7x06 just because it can almost work as a semi-stand alone movie where I can ignore everything that came after and pretend it doesn’t exist. But 6x09 and 6x10 are close seconds because of the triumph of my babies
what is your favourite season of 5?
Well since we only got 2 >:( i’d say probably 2. 
what’s your favourite couple of 3?
Mulder and Scully of course, my original will they won’t they ship (though I pointedly ignore everything after season 9)
what’s your favourite couple in 2?
Buffy and Spike. I have a type of ship that I ship and I am not ashamed. Also I’m a sucker for and enemies to reluctant allies to friends to lovers to reluctant allies to true love ships lol
what’s your favourite episode in 1?
The captain swan movie of course 3x21 and 3X22, it was so much fun, I can watch it as a stand alone thing, and it was when my ship officially set sail, what’s not to love!! .
what’s your favourite episode in 5?
The series finale? I guess. There was a lot to love and I’m still pissed it got cancelled
what’s your favourite season in 2?
Hmmm either 5 or 6 depeneding on the day.
how long have you been watching 1?
Since 2013:)
how did you get into 3?
My parents watched it so I watched with them :)
favourite actor in 4?
Emilia Clarke with out a doubt. I would die for her.
which do you prefer? 1, 2 or 5?
Gahhh, that’s hard, I’m going to go with 1 I think, It was the first show that I REALLY got into fandom with while the show was going on, and it was such a fun experience live blogging with everyone on Sunday’s, I miss it a lot. 
which show have you seen more of, 1 or 3?
Ehh, if rewatches count probably 1.
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Daenarys Targaryen, obviously, because I have good taste and she will always been my queen.
would a crossover of 3 and 4 work?
Possibly? But it’d be weird as hell.
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
That’s so hard, because literally everyone has chemistry with everyone. Even though I’m a diehard Captain Swan shipper, I’m going to go with Ariel and Hook. I enjoyed their scenes together and she didn’t take any of his crap.
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Another tough one! 5 wraps up neater (because they knew it was the end and wanted to do it for the fans) but 3 has such a crazy mythology that just captivates you (before dude lost his mind and scrapped all the carefully laid hints to stay fresh, s2g the original SuBvErTeD eXpEcTaTiOnS master was Chris Carter)
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
even though it literally pains me to listen to now, it’s definitely 4. Such a large sweeping score that just evokes so many emotions. I miss it so much. 
tagging @thelionessinthedark @cirieael
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dalathin · 5 years
// Dragon Age Questions
Tagged by: @kaaras-adaar   Tagging: @worthyfate @kinlochfled @dirthahavcn @polyphoniie @ardaaman and anyone else who would like to!
01) Favourite game of the series?  Oof starting out with a hard question. Uhhh... I will go with Inquisition if only because out of all my canon main characters Séaghdha has really become the most important to me as far as emotional attachment goes.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?  I am a long-time fan (?) of Bioware games and have been playing them since the beginning of time. I’ve literally played every Bioware game that exists, or at least this holds true for the time being (I am unsure if I will buy Anthem). My loyalty to the brand is not as strong as it used to be after they were bought by EA, and especially after David Gaider left the company. But yes. It actually started back with Baldur’s Gate II in 2000, which is not a Bioware game, but a game David did writing on and is still one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I followed him to Bioware and was determined to play anything he worked on. Hence, Dragon age.
03) How many times you’ve played the games?  I’ve genuinely lost count but I’ve memorized all three games, so... A lot lol
04) Favourite race to play as?  ELVES. But this isn’t necessarily a DA thing, it’s just a me thing because I am 100000% elf trash.
05) Favorited class?  Rogues, believe it or not. Mages are my second favorite, but yeah I prefer me my sneaky-sneaks.
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?  Depends on what character I’m playing. If I’m replaying one my canon characters, then yes, I stick with their choices. But occasionally I’d replay as some random character specifically to fuck around.
07) Go-to adventuring group?  I always take my character’s love interest because I’m a weenie. But for DA:O: Zevran, Alistair, Leliana. For DAII: Fenris, Bethany/Anders (depends on the act), Aveline. For DA:I: Dorian, Solas, Bull. Needless to say, I died a lot playing Séaghdha because I’m dumb and stubborn and had a mostly mage party most of the time.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?  At this point, Séaghdha is probably the most fleshed out. Méabh, my canon Hawke, and Misae, my canon warden (who is on @exnobis for the record) are both pretty extensively developed in my own personal opinion, as I have a habit of just... getting probably too invested in my characters lol. But Séaghdha gets the most attention, without a doubt.
09) Favourite romance?  Okay so this is tough because Dorian as a character means a lot to me, he is my son and I adore him. But as much as I love him as a character, his romance was not my favorite. Sorry, son. Favorite romance is a really tough choice between Fenris and Zevran, but I think ultimately Fenris is the one who wins out. Both of their romances hit a lot of personal notes for me, but Fenris’ in particular uh... Well I cry every time, let me put it that way lmao
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?  All of the books and most of the comics.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?  Ehh... I honestly don’t really have one? I enjoyed them for sure, but my motivation was for the lore and less recreational lol.
12) Favourite DLCs?  For its drama, Trespasser. Overall, Mark of the Assassin. I may not like Felicia Day (sue me) but oh my god that DLC is fucking gold.
13) Things that annoy you.  So many things. But the biggest is probably the inconsistencies and ret-conning of lore and storyline. Whatever happened to the quality Bioware writing I fell in love with... where did it go....
14) Orlais or Ferelden?  Ferelden.
15) Templars or mages?  This isn’t a fair question imo. They both suffer needlessly. 
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?  Typically I default to all my canons being in the same verse. Makes my timeline consistent and easier. However my characters are all obviously adaptable so as to fit with my RP partners and a variety of different plots.
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)  Misae’s mabari was named Finn and Méabh’s was named Cahir. Séaghdha has named his hart Leanathe, elvhen for splendor, glory. 
18) Have you installed any mods?  lmao my games are nothing but mods at this point
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?  Not even remotely. He’s still bitter about it, quite frankly, despite taking quite well to a leadership role and life as a Bard. He’s all about finding that cure though, let me tell ya. 
20) Hawke’s personality?  Blue with a hint of purple when it wasn’t completely inappropriate. Basically, Méabh had a good sense of humor but was ultimately a very compassionate person.
21) Did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition?  No but that’s a hilarious idea now that you mention it.
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  Misae would have tried to do more to save Tamlen, Méabh would have tried to do more to save her family, and Séaghdha would have tried to do more to save... well, everyone. Thanks Solas.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?  I have some headcanons that alter canon a little bit (like in my personal canon Méabh gets pregnant between acts, etc), but off the top of my head that only really big thing is that Séaghdha doesn’t lose his arm. I mean it gets mutilated and he loses a lot of use/mobility, but he doesn’t actually lose the arm.
24) Who did you leave in the Fade?  Séaghdha leaves Stroud and, believe me, he’s not happy about it.
25) Favourite mount? Easily the Red Hart.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Man when i was a kid i always used to hate "the hero's journey" cos it was invented by a guy with the same surname as me and MAN i just hated how my primary school english teachers were all "uhuhuhu yeah EVERY STORY EVER fits PERFECTLY into this template EVERYTHING is predictable and if you point out that we're squashing stories into boxes they dont fit in and giving detention to anyone who disagrees then WHAM BAM U GET DETENTION TOO"
But apparantly the original writer didnt really agree with that stuck up "every story follows my magical tropes" nonsense and even calling it "the monomyth" was added by modern scholars instead. So ehh i feel a little bad for how much i hated this thing.
All of this stuff is so fucking vague you can claim its in every story even when it isnt! And whenever any story doesnt really have one of the steps these people find some sort of contrived thing to squash into that box cos mannn we're not even allowed to do the steps in a different order i guess??
"Hey yeah literally anything can be Crossing The Threshhold as long as its a climactic moment of a story. Ha! Gotcha! Every story DOES indeed fit my vague as fuck definitions!"
Waou u hav beginning middel and end. Someone somewhere in the story is older than our protagonist or he talks to them once, thats totally a gandalf mentor. The "call to adventure" and "taking up the sword" can totally be a dude getting a job at a bakery in a slice of life romance. I M SO SMRT!
Sorry man i just get REAL SALTY ok!!!!
Anyway i was just thinking about this cos i was noticing how most of my stories seem to skip the "establish a normalcy and do something to break that normalcy/assign the hero the destined hero role/introduce a villain/make Reason why they are The Only One who can do it" bit. Like even when my stories do contain someone who used to live any different sort of life before this life, i prefer to start the story in medias res when their new life has already become the norm and only reveal the "call to adventure" later on as backstory. And its never really a "call to adventure", ive barely ever had a single character who even has a reason why their adventure has to happen Now. Like even with Beau and Errol whose entire story is about climbing a cursed mountain there werent forced into it by any great destiny or anything, its just Errol personally wanting to confront some of his fears and find answers about himself. And there's no big dramatic reason why he decided it would be today. The closest thing to 'destiny'is just that Beau happened to come with him and it led to them confessing their feelings and dating if you get the good ending. And the recent idea i had for the lich king dads story is that you start off with no idea why the hell youre some adorable human kid being raised by monsters and then you puzzle out the backstory as you play through the plot. But with 90% of it being slice of life totally player controlled choices of different sidequests in any order you want. Like those are the main focus and the "hero's journey" is just an optional bonus thing that already ended decades ago that you can unlock in any order. And there is gonna be some current day plot and some sort of villain just cos honestly this "every story has to do the thing" pressure made me worried that people wouldnt be interested in a series of cute fluffy family stories unless there was a villain. But still there's literally nothing here that could be stretched into "establishing normalcy and something breaks it to start the plot" "the hero finds some sort of destiny" and etc. Well i guess you could say there's a mentor cos theres like fifty of them and the entire point of the game is found family??? But most of them arent even mentors its more like a "sometimes adults dont know what to do either" kind of thing and everyone just works together to conquer their various problems with each other's help. Kid protag's main role is Person Who Brings Everyone Together and they dont really have anyone training them in that. Lol i guess maybe you could stretch that into their "innate destiny power" that was "magically awakened" when they got dads...?
Anyway the point im trying to make is that those are two ideas i came up with without even trying to intentionally subvert the hero's journey. Its really not some magical universal thing that applies to every story, and you cant just brush it off as sayibg all exceptions were intentionally made to break the rules so they dont count. The only damn time i ever thought about the stupid hero's journey is when i was getting self concious about not fitting it and that stupid old primary school instinct made me wanna change my ideas to be more "normal" :/
And OH MAN dont eveb get me started on the three act structure!!! Another case where a decebt "hey this is a guideline for how to maybe start storywriting for beginners" thing turned into a weird elitist EVERYONE MUST DO THE THING just because now its old and goddamn Classical(tm) english teachers got a hold of it. "Having a beginning middle and an end is a basic framework but maybe you wanna throw in some subplots along the way?" Into NO ITEMS FOX ONLY FINAL DESTINATION levels of stupidity...
Seriously i feel so bad for these old scholar guys holy shit i never knew that EVEN THEY DONT AGREE WITH HOW THEIR WORK IS BEING TAUGHT
...lol maybe i should do some sort of meme where i try and cram my stories into these cliches and see which ones dont fit/which ones i have to really stretch for?
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tottwritesfanfic · 6 years
I was tagged by @humandisasterbuckybarnes (I totally didn’t even notice at first because I’ve been away from Tumblr, sorrryyyy!)
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
OOH. Well. This actually goes back a long way! The ‘tott’ part of TottWriter is really an acronym for the title of a series of fantasy novels I started writing in my teens. (They’ve undergone a lot of revisions since then.) I picked TotTWriter as a username when I joined a forum in 2006 because it summed up how I saw myself at that time, and it just sorta...stuck. As for what the acronym actually is? Gotta wait and see. 
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
Ohgosh. Well, I think that one’s gotta be my Digimon fic Hope’s Fire, on pretty much all fronts. It’s my oldest, longest fic, and it’s posted on both Ao3 and ff, so it’s had plenty of time to accrue attention. 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
My Ao3 icon is a picture of a pen and paper roleplaying character I rolled a few years ago. (And was drawn by @iddstar, not me, because I am Not An Artist and Vic very much is.)
After finishing this I’m dropping the rest of it beneath a readmore, because it got a teensy bit long, and I complain bitterly if these hog my own dash.)
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
You know, I feel bad talking about regular commenters, given how irregularly I actually manage to post anything these days. I feel like it’s more appropriate for me to grovel and thank those people who have stuck with me this long. (I’m particularly grateful to @ittybittymattycommittee​ because it has been A While. You’re wonderful.)
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
I’m...I mean, there isn’t really a particular one? I have a few which I’ve read multiple times, but I tend to read the really long fics, which make regular re-reads a bit trickier. I absolutely want to go back over fics I’ve loved and enjoyed and experience that again, but it’s tricky when they take so long, and I have so little time. 
...Actually, probably my most re-read fic is a YoI one called Rumble In Detroit. It’s a goddamn masterpiece which appeals exactly to my sense of humour. (Also only 6.4k, so totally readable in one go if you’re me.)
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I’m really bad at bookmarking. I’ll read a fic, think, “This was awesome!” and then just...forget to bookmark it and pull my hair out later wondering what the hell it was. I scroll through my history to find stuff entirely too often. I have 53 bookmarked fics, and it should be way more. 
Conversely, I am very prone to hitting that subscribe button. I have ten pages of the dratted things apparently, and okay, some of those are now completed fics, but...every now and then I get an update notification and can’t remember what the actual fic was. 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
...I mean, angsty ones? I don’t really have a preferred setting tbh, although more often than not there is something fantastical about what I write. Generally with my fanfiction I try to mix things up a lot more than my original fic. I make a point of trying to do as many different types of story as I can. Statistically though, Apocalypse/Dystopia scenarios and (surprisingly!) Soulmate AUs work out as the most common though. 
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
25 brave souls have signed up for my infrequent update notifications (bless all of you), and the stats page shows me as having 201 bookmarks. 
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
I mean, I’m pretty sure people judge me for what I already write. I’ve got fics tagged with MCD, after all, and I’m probably straying into shipping wars with at least one of my stories. I’m plenty nervous about the reaction people will have to the end of some of my fics, but I figure...ehh. I write these stories because I love them, and I share them because someone out there is bound to find them passable. 
The only thing I won’t write under this name is explicit NSFW stuff, which is because, hey, I’m hoping to get YA fiction published someday, you know? I don’t want an underage reader looking my name up (see question 1 for why they might know it) and finding something like that.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
It’s funny, because this is something I technically am better at than I used to be in years past, but the main thing is actually sitting down and writing more regularly. Despite appearances, I’ve actually written a lot of fanfic recently (Secret Santas mostly), but I could have done more than that if I’d been able to manage my time better. Also if Life hadn’t come along to mess up my day, but, hey. Go figure.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
I guess it’s a bit of both? I never used to set out to write ships at all, because for me, relationships are secondary to plot when writing, but they do seem to happen more than they used to. I’m a big multishipper though so I like to mix it up.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
I have 33 works on Ao3 in total. Of those...some are oneshots, 12 are in-progress multichapter fics and...um...one is a complete multichapter fic. Whoops.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
*coughs and moves on*
For real though, I posted about this recently and it’s...including original fiction, we’re talking more than thirty, possibly over 40 by now. I very deliberately don’t keep track.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
It’s a bit of both really. Sometimes I get an idea, and it’s too fragmentary to really do anything with, so I just sorta leave it in my head to fester and ferment. If I forget it, it probably wasn’t worth saving, but if it gets to the mindworm stage I write it down in my nearest notebook at the time and expand on it a bit.
...If it’s a really fun idea, I then track down that notebook later on and copy it out onto the computer where I can actually find it again.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Not for yeeeears! My sister and I started co-authoring a story back when we were teenagers, but we never actually finished the project. I really enjoyed collaborating though - it’s fun to combine forces and see what each person brings to the table!
16. How did you discover AO3?
I honestly cannot remember.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
Hahahahaha...no. It’s okay though, I’m not doing this for fame or attention. I just get these stories in my head and the only way to remove them is to write them out.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
I don’t! I...honestly can’t think of a name, tbh. Names are my nemesis, why would I add more to my life?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember. Probably since I was 6 or 7 (I can remember stapling paper together at school to make a “book” to write in). Probably I was doomed from the start, but the works of Tamora Pierce, Brian Jacques, Tolkien, John Wyndham and Sir Terry Pratchett are what shaped me from my teens onward. Those are the books I read which make me want to write my own. 
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Look, it’s really tempting I know, but don’t share online just yet. If you’re just starting out, you really are far better off keeping your work between you and trusted friends. I always look back and marvel at how damn lucky I am not to have had regular internet access until I was 18.  
You see, it meant that all my early stories - from when I was figuring out who I was as a writer, and how I wanted to write - are tucked safely away where no one can shit on them. And people do. Not everyone of course, but some, and those first few years as a writer are the most fragile.
Every author builds up a thick skin over time, because trolls are gonna troll. But it’s hard, when you work on something and do your best, and someone leaves a shitty comment about it. To my mind, the most important thing you can do as a beginner is to shield yourself from that nonsense until you’ve found your feet. There will be time yet to post your stories. Wait until you can leave it to one side for a week and come back and not despise it. (Some level of “ohgodno” is expected for your own work pretty much forever, but you should at least feel some level of pride in your work first)
...it’s hard and it’s pretty unrewarding at first, I won’t lie. But think about it like this: beginner violinists often sound awful. No one wants to hear that. But if a musician can stick it through; work past the squeaking and the cringe-worthy missed notes... What you end up with is something which can reach right into someone’s heartstrings and leave a permanent impression. 
And that is every bit worth the slog.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
A bit of both! I have at the least a rough outline (sometimes a lot more than that) for almost all my stories before starting, but I generally add to and amend it as I go. 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
I think maybe once? It really wasn’t too bad though, so I just left it be. I’ve been stupidly lucky with my readers and love all of you.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
I was about to say NSFW stuff, and then I remembered confession scenes, which differ from NSFW in that I actually write those sometimes, and they take approximately five hundred times longer than literally anything else, including the smut which I hate writing so bad I practically never do it. Confession scenes are freaking hard.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
TOO MANY. For real though, I have 3 secret santas, 3/4 active HQ fics, Hope’s Fire, and more which are sorta lurking in semi-activity beyond that. I have zero chill.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
...I mean it’d be great if I could finish an ongoing story, NGL.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Nope! I try to stick to one during NaNo, but outside that life just sorta gets in the way too often.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
I mean, the answer is yes either way, but I tend to distinguish the various phases of my writing? age 6-12 was half-arsed writing. Just sorta jotting down stories and not really thinking too much about them. From 13-16 I was so preoccupied with writing and finishing my novel that I didn’t leave room for such trifles as quality control. 16-24/5 was slow but steady improvements. 
At 25 I realised hot damn, I have a lot to learn, and that is the point at which I consider that I started getting better for real.
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
You know, it sorta depends? Assuming we’re talking fanfic only (or, sorry, but my novel beats them all), I actually...really like the Trinacrifom series? 
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
It was for a telephone prompt, it’s less than 600 words, nope, I’m not sharing it XD
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
I mean I’d like to say something like “getting paid for it”, but we all know I’m still gonna be here writing fanfic instead of my original work.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
For me it’s actually the ideas! I keep getting them pop into my head.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
…Actually finishing things.
33. Why do you write?
At this point, writing is a little like breathing for me. It’s my identity. It’s who I am. I have so many ideas in my head and the only way to get them out is to write them, so I do. I hope that people enjoy them, certainly, and I want to think my words have an effect of some kind, but ultimately storytelling is hardwired into me and I don’t know how to stop.
Oh! Tagging. Right, after that textwall how about I pass the buck to someone else, hehe. @draculasstrawhat, @lethesomething, @iddstar and @quinnlocke as well as anyone else...if you wanna, you know? (No one’s obligated tho)
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akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song Series COLOR -BLACK-
Soliradi Special Mini mini Edition (ver. BLACK)
Tumblr media
Drama || Translation index
Tsubasa: Hello, everyone, good day! SolidS fans from all over the country, it’s the time you’ve been waiting for!
Dai: We are delivering to all of you this live broadcast-style radio…
Rikka: … SolidS radio, also known as Soliradi…
Tsubasa: Special mini mini edition… it’s~ sta~rting~!!
Hello to all the listeners! Yahoo~ how are you in this fine day? I’m the main personality, Okui Tsubasa from SolidS!
Dai: Hello. I’m Murase Dai. Hope we have a good time.
Shiki: I’m SolidS’ producer and leader Takamura Shiki. Good to see you.
Rikka: I’m Sera Rikka. And the four of us together make SolidS!
Shiki: Yeah.
Tsubasa: Ugh! Okay, so let’s start with the introduction of the program. Let’s see… today I leave it to you, Shiki!
Shiki: Understood. In Soliradi, the members of SolidS become radio personalities and deliver this in public recordings and live broadcasts. It’s a heart-throbbing radio. Please make your hearts throb as much as you want.
Tsubasa: What the hell is that?!
Rikka: If we add a bit, the messages and questions are actually received from listeners beforehand, and our leader Shiki chose them. Thank you for all the messages. If your message didn’t get chosen, I’m sorry! I’d be very happy if you send one again.
Dai: While replying, we want to get you more interested about us. That’s the objective of Soliradi, right?
Shiki: Exactly. Well, just take it easy while listening.
Tsubasa: In the end you didn’t explain a single thing.
Shiki: I’m saving energy for later.
Tsubasa: You don’t need to do that!! You absolutely don’t need to do that. Ahh, we’re going off rails. Okay, let’s just try doing it then! The first one is… this! Ehh, here… We got this from handle name: Seiran-san. Thank you very much! “Hello! Sorry for the sudden question, but do SolidS members have a driving license? Do you all go out together sometimes?”
I see I see… Seiran-san, thank you! I do have a license. I got it immediately at the end of my third year of high school.
Shiki: Ah, you’re that type of guy, the one that drives his father’s luxury car around.
Tsubasa: Uhhh, this looks like you’ll have prejudices against me now but… isn’t a guy in third year of high school having his own car even weirder?
Rikka: *whispers* But he won’t deny the “luxury car” part…
Dai: *whispers* Actually, I saw him driving an expensive-looking car… Tsubasa’s a rich kid, after all.
Tsubasa: You there~? Why are you talking about so sneakily? Please answer to the question~
Rikka: Ah, yes! I have a license for automatic only, but in paper state.
Shiki: I have a license for manual cars. And other than that, I used to drive around the fields with my parent’s tractor. Heh, I WILL... BECOME THE LAND!!!!
Dai: Wasn’t that just helping with field work…? Ah, I don’t have a license. I want it, though.
Shiki: Do your best. When you get a temporary license, I’ll help you practice.
Dai: I’m kind of scared… You have the aura of a demon instructor.
Shiki: Hm? That’s not it. Probably. “There! A deer is jumping out! Avoid it!” Or things like that. I only give advice.
Tsubasa: I don’t think there are many deer that jump out on the road?!
Shiki: Moron. Don’t underestimate Mother Nature. If you’ve stepped at least once into Nagano, you’ll perfectly find deer or even bears.
Tsubasa: For real…? Man, Nagano is always amazing…
Shiki: Hm. Spiritual Nagano. I’m a brave warrior from there.
Tsubasa: Ah… U-um. Yeah. Dai-chan, Dai-chan? Let’s leave the spiritual guy aside, leave it to me! Tsubasa onii-san will teach this little driving beginner veeeery nicely and attentively!
Dai: No thanks. If you keep teasing me and interrupting me I won’t be able to focus on driving.
Tsubasa: Ehh, I’ll only give you a hand!
Rikka: Mine’s only on paper, so I can’t guide anyone… so if it’s come to this… Ah! How about Haiduki-san?
Dai: Ah!
Shiki: That’s true. He’s good at driving. He kind of… looks like a shady instructor.
Tsubasa: Hey, Shiki! Just because you got called a demon instructor doesn’t mean you have to drag Fumi-chan down!
Shiki: Among the managers, I recommend Procella’s Kurotsuki more than Haiduki. As an ex-SP, he’s received special training, so he can do from drift runs to one-wheel runs, and to make the enemy’s car spin with a ramming attack. He can do anything.
Rikka: Let’s have Haiduki-san teach you, okay, Dai?
Dai: I’ll do that. Ah, by the way, about going out together, we do that with Haiduki-san’s car.
Tsubasa: Right. If I remember correctly, in Tsukipro, the talents can’t grab the handle without getting permission, right?
Rikka: Yep, it’s an image business after all. If someone caused an accident it would be terrible, and getting hurt is scary, too.
Dai: Safe driving is the best.
Shiki: Next, from Tachibana. “Until a while ago, mood maker-type people with bright hair and personality were my type, but lately I’m attracted to calm people with dark hair. Did I become an adult?” From Tsubasa to me, huh. It’s the proof you became an adult. It’s the proof your ability to judge people has developed.
Tsubasa: Hey!!!!
Shiki: I’m the type who is quite funny.
Rikka: The fact you’re saying that yourself is quite funny, yes. Eh, next. From Ichijiku-san. “To Rikka-san. Do you prefer having your hair tied up? Or down?” Hmm, let’s see. I usually change my hairstyle according to my clothing, so I like both. I like this length, where I can arrange it to match my clothes.
Dai: You do change your hairstyle every time we have a new outfit. I actually look forward to it, “what kind of hairstyle will he appear with today?”
Tsubasa: Ah, I get it! Me too.
Shiki: Me too.
Rikka: *laughs* I’m glad the members also look forward to it.
Dai: Ah, I’m next. Eh, from Momousagi-san. “What’s the most delicious sweets you’ve eaten recently?” Uh… small croissants sold by weight.
Tsubasa: Ahhh, I get the feeling you eat those often. Those have many flavours, right?
Dai: They also have small scones and pies, and you can buy them by gram. That’s why, I change what I buy that day depending on my mood. All of them are delicious.
Tsubasa: Ooh~ buy them for me next time too <3
Dai: I’ll show you the shop so go buy them yourself.
Tsubasa: Ehh? Stingy.
Shiki: Heh. You’re answering so normally, but your fondness for sweet things is now well-known among the listeners.
Dai: Ah!
Rikka: You didn’t need to say that, Shiki.
Shiki: I don’t think you need to be too conscious about that, Dai. It’s not anything to be embarrassed about.
Dai: Eh… Okay.
Tsubasa: *laughs* Okay, let’s go on! Eh, here, from Kiu-san. Thank you~ “To the wonderful male idols from the adult and sexy unit SolidS, good evening! Here’s a question for you all, which side menu do you order to eat with your ramen? By the way, I’m full just with ramen.”
Shiki: As an adult and sexy man, I order one dish of roasted pork filled, and shochu with tonic as a snack.
Tsubasa: As an adult and sexy man… a something-don small bowl of rice.
Rikka: As an adult and sexy man… Gyoza I guess?
Dai: Ugh… you all… what are you doing so excitedly… uh… I guess a small bowl of rice too. When I eat ramen, it makes me want to eat rice too.
Rikka: Okay, so next… From Shida-san. “In lives and live broadcasts, who is most likely to forget the lyrics or go out of tune? Also, please tell me how everyone tries to cover up when they get the lyrics or choreography wrong.”
Tsubasa: Eh! We don’t make mistakes! We’re pros after all.
Rikka: We won’t make mistakes! And won’t forget! Right?
Dai: We won’t forget.
Shiki: You guys. Don’t look away while saying it. Say it looking at my eyes.
Tsubasa: Nghhh but… It’s your fault for making those songs! When there’s rap, that already means a lot of words! Also your word choice, Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu! I strangely only remember that!
Shiki: Isn’t it just fine!!! I like it!!! Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Your mouth feels funny when you say it.
Rikka: Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Aaaah!
Dai: Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Hm, I think I get it.
Shiki: For now, before getting angry at me, please practice properly.
Rikka: Of course we will do our best, but there are times when even you make mistakes, right? I remember it, okay?
Shiki: That wasn’t a mistake. It was an improvisation result of the mood.
Tsubasa: Not fair!!!! Composers are not fair!!!!
Dai: I have the feeling Shiki is the one who forgets the choreography the most.
Shiki: When I’m focused on singing, I forget about my arms and legs no matter what. I guess it’s better than knowing it perfectly but ignoring it completely when I get excited, like Tsubasa. Apologize to the illumination and production staffs that move the lights to chase you.
Tsubasa: But you know… lives are living creatures! Of course I’d like to get excited in that moment! Ah I got it, next time I’ll say “Light! Follow me!”
Dai: I don’t think that’s a solution…
Rikka: It is very like Tsubasa, though. Hmm… It’s the perfect moment, so I’ll ask: what if by any chance, you forget completely during the performance, or your mind goes blank, what would be best to do? Of course, I’ll prepare so that it doesn’t happen, but… we’re human, after all. There’s the “what if”, and since I can’t normally ask this, I want to use this opportunity.
Dai: Ah, me too, I want to know.
Shiki: Hm. In times like that, the basic is to cover it up with fan service. Waving your hand, saying “Are you having fuuuun”, and they have fun. And it gets through.
Tsubasa: He stated it!!
Shiki: You can also go get involved with someone close to you. The tactics of putting your shoulder around him and act like you’re super good friends, while desperately trying to pull out the lyrics from your brain.
Tsubasa: You did this last time…! Okay, next time Shiki tries to get close to me, I’ll run away as fast as I can.
Shiki: Wait.
Dai: Question! That’s something you cultivated from your experience in your idol age, after all?
Shiki: Hm? Yeah, exactly. As an idol, you do a lot of lives. You accumulate experience points. For now, the worst thing you can do is to freeze and think “oh, damn”. Fans also suspect that something has happened.
Rikka: I see… To move around and not to freeze… that’s important, right?
Shiki: That’s what it is. Of course, the best thing is not to forget, and not to make mistakes, to begin with. Yeah!
Tsubasa & Rikka & Dai: We’ll work on that.
Tsubasa: And, with this, it’s already time up! I think we got to answer quite a lot this time too?
Dai: Right. I have the feeling we’ve revealed a lot of things. Won’t we get scolded for this?
Shiki: I want to believe it’s fine. *whispers* It’s fine, right?
Tsubasa: Don’t ask the other side of the booth!
Rikka: Good luck, Shiki!!!
Shiki: Wait… you all don’t know what it means to be a salaryman…!
Tsubasa: Not only Shiki, but Rikka’s character is starting to change too!!! Anyway, that’s all for today’s Soliradi!! Thank you for staying with us until the end today again. Let’s meet again next week at this hour!
Rikka: See you again.
Dai: See you next week. Thank you very much.
Tsubasa: Bye bye~
Shiki: *whispers* It’s fine, isn’t it? Safe? Right?
Rikka: Good luck! Shiki!
Drama || Translation index
TL notes:
god Shiki gets better worse with every soliradi... stop this man
The “Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu” is part of chronoah’s lyrics. The actual line in the lyrics is “Talk-Got-What-Nick-Auto-Show-Good“, yes it’s fake english, yes it doesn’t make any sense, it’s just because it sounds like that. Don’t ask me, ask John-san (?)
Next up is a very important drama CD!!! Also the first appearence of QUELL!! Look forward to it~
Thanks for reading!!
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nevospitanniy · 7 years
Rambly Teen Wolf/Big Wolf On Campus meta
Preface this by saying I didn’t expect to actually get into TW. This show kicked me in the teeth, balls and every organ I do and do not possess. If I’m going to be any degree of helpful, I need some structure up in here. Fair warning, it’s just like my opinion man.
1. Characters
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Tommy is Scott. A werewolf with a heart of gold that cares deeply about people around him. It’s explored much more in depth with TW, duh - they had more seasons, more money and a higher age rating, using more drama and angst. But the outline is definitely there: they are both introduced to the fantastic world of lycanthropy by their extremely knowledgeable and helpful buddies (Merton/Stiles respectively), can be shitty to their best friends (Tommy throwing Merton under the bus to save his popularity/Scott abandoning Stiles for Allison multiple times), take on the role of the designated savior of the town from supernatural threats, prefer non-lethal methods, are Alphas (Tommy’s status could be contested, I guess, but the show never put an actual emphasis on pack dynamics, probably they thought it was too odd of a concept to start explaining because then you have to get to the whole omega part and that is c o m p l i c a t e d), fight organized evil!werewolves, had two main love interests, none of which held up (yeah, weaksauce, but I thought I’d still put it out there), kinda subpar in academics but good athletes. Scott gets so much more actual character development it’s not even funny, while Tommy just sort of meanders in what he has and gets dumbed down a lot for seasons 2/3.
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Merton is Stiles, no shit. A nerd best friend, a friend in need more importantly, a loyal (mostly) spastic (very) companion. Dynamic between sciles and tommerton (platonically) is quite different because of how their backstories differ - after all, Scott and Stiles have known each other since forever, while Tommy pays attention to Merton only after being bitten, when they become friends almost out of necessity. But there is no denying that all four of them, in their respective duos, are joined at the hip, oftentimes with an inclusion of a girl to break up their awesome bromance (Allison/Lori and Stacy). Merton/Stiles go unappreciated for their efforts a lot, especially if you consider they are human and yet get into the same exact shit as fast and durable werewolves, surviving by wits, last ditch effort loyalty change (Merton) or a fear override (Stiles) and saving the day half of the time because they actually do research. Both seem to have a penchant for magic (unsubtly implied but never expanded upon for Stiles), both are comedic reliefs, even if in slightly different ways as commanded by the genre, both are excellent students, both are mostly unsuccessful with women and ambiguously bi/pan/omni, if you consider the technically non-human options. Complicated family relationships. Both have abandonment/commitment issues, both room (jury is still out there for sciles because of 6b) with their best friends in college. As for notable differences, Stiles undergoes a massive character transformation, a monumental shift, I’d say - not exactly doing a 180, but inching closer than any other character to actual plot relevant growth, and not for better, which is a rarity. Merton’s personality also changes for the worse, but it’s a result of clumsy writing and forced female presence in the shows plot as a romantic crutch. It would be interesting if fan meta on Merton’s less ehh flattering moments was expanded upon and explained in the series; what I wouldn’t give for an actual quality heart to heart between Tommy and Merton Ike every show nowadays seems to have in abundance, where they call each other out on their issues.
Women are more complicated. There are no exact parallels, barring the very basic archetypes, which would do no justice to any of the four, namely Allison and Lydia for TW and Lori and Stacy for BWOC. But yes, Allison is close to Lori - a fighter, someone who can take it and dish it out. Problem with Lydia/Stacy comparison is that it breaks down as soon as Lydia gets a sliver of character development, because at first, her queen bee status definitely resonated with Stacy, but while she was put on a bus without any real involvement in the show’s plot, Lydia becomes downright plot essential.
2. Writing
BWOC had an incredible season 1, with select episodes of season 2 being very good and, well, we don’t talk about season 3. Point being, even with the constraints of a cheap Canadian show for kids it managed some genuine brilliance, I’m sure in a big way thanks to the chemistry between cast members (specifically the two of consequence). Monster Of The Week format certainly seemed to work well for them, and I will forever mourn the loss of all the potential arcs and plot twists that never saw the light of day. TW had the privilege of, despite a mediocre display in season 1, becoming popular enough to spawn 5 more seasons, and I think they definitely had very strong moments, most of them carried on the back of Dylan O'Brien, like void!Stiles, relationship between him and his dad, and yes, his relationship with Derek, which turned out to be largely inconsequential to the plot (writers queerbaited the f u c k out of its audience and then just did nothing of worth with the pairing, BUT THATS HARDLY RELEVANT). I don’t know whether Peter Knight is just that good or the innocent nature of BWOC lends itself to less complicated plots and finished stories, but most BW episodes were microcosms, closed systems that had little bearing on any overarching storylines. They provided closure, well-defined villains and good guys, which is a very appealing quality, if a touch simplistic. I admit, I would’ve liked to see something with more “depth” and conflict, but the restrictions of the channel/network/rating are nothing to sneeze at. TW on the other hand ties almost every episode into another, weaving a continuous storyline. Personally, I think they should’ve done more one off episodes to break up the monotony of waiting for action set pieces. You need some hella witty dialogue to keep people watching while fuck all is happening and they sort of failed at that (again, Stiles carried most of the comedy). Almost everyone in BWOC is uniquely likable; TW has a much bigger cast so they definitely had ups and down as far as character writing was concerned.
Main problem with this whole disjointed comparison is how you can’t compare things that aren’t on the same level. It’s not a dig at quality or anything, but TW had 6 seasons and a huge budget, while BW barely got 3. TW and BWOC kinda started in a similar vein, but boy do they differ. That being said, I have an inkling that BW may have ended up looking a lot like TW in different circumstances - if it was made at a later date, on another channel, with a different rating/audience in mind. But then again, a lot of good things BW is liked for are a direct result of these aforementioned “hurdles” - all the double entendres would never fly for a tv-14 rated show, its generally cheerful and uplifting tone was probably required by the network and being a child of the 90s it carried a lot of charm that would be borderline impossible to fabricate now if they wanted to keep the ~aesthetic. So I can only compare real TW with hypothetical BWOC that got a bigger budget and more screentime. But doing that makes NO SENSE, so imma just finish with some general thoughts about the direction show might’ve gone.
I genuinely think that in different circumstances, Merton could’ve had a wonderfully dark character development. He’s a non-violent character, but does have this morbid curiosity that could’ve put him eventually in a position to cause grievous bodily harm to someone. He seems to get off on power play (both having power over someone and surrendering it), and that’s a slippery slope for an emotionally tender and damaged character. Tommy is his rock in a number of ways, his human connection outlet, a more teen oriented show would, of course, use his ‘scars’ to carry the narrative of overcoming tragedy. Merton does the same for Tommy, being his emotional support, because how liberating it must be to not hide his werewolf side and he could do it literally with 1 (one) person before Lori came into focus. Queerbait aside, their relationship was great, a deep involved friendship, and with Tommy being so resistant to evilness and Merton being so easily corruptible, they could’ve played off this contrast in a way more interesting than what we saw in s3.  
I also would’ve loved to see some female characters that aren’t barely two-dimensional; Stacy was, in one word, confused - we know very little of her actual personality, aside from her feminism rhetoric and an allergy to committed relationships. Lori was ‘the action girl’, and she got a slightly bigger piece of pie, but still not nearly enough. Fuck, I don’t even know if the show passes a Bechdel test. TW showed us actual fleshed out female friendships that weren’t toxic or competitive, would’ve been nice to see something of the sort in BWOC.
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cardcaptorwatanuki · 7 years
@suitcasesoffeathers tagged me... a while ago :') Thank you, and I'm very sorry I'm so late! Now here come the rules: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
1. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? I've got the most trivial answer I think... I'd like to fly. I'm quite used to flying (or sometimes jumping high due to lesser gravity) in my dreams and feel off without it.
2. Follow up question: would you want to be a superhero, villain, or just a regular citizen (with powers of course lol)? Even if I wanted to, some hero I would be :p I also would need a great excuse to become a villian (and then again, villians should be gifted no less that superheroes, no?). So yeah, that leads to me being a humble (and maybe a bit shady) citizen who's fighting their own battle.
3. What’s your most prized possession? When I start to think about it, it's seems like I don't have any at all. I'm getting old lol. Well, I'll go with my electronic piano -- I barely can play it, but I wish I could. Back then when I had a music teacher, he would tell me -- whenever I had mastered a new etude -- that I wasn't putting enough feelings into it, and it would make me extremely anxious. As I said, I'm barely able to play anything now, not to say express any feelings with music, yet it feels like the only way to speak at all.
4. If you could live in one anime universe, which would you choose and why? I'm not choosing anything specific, but a universe with a space travel and technologies would be nice.
5. If you could switch lives with one anime character, who would you choose and why? I think I mentioned this already as my dream job, but I'd most likely switch my life with Kishitani Shinra's. We're not alike, though, and I wouldn't be very excited to shelter a dozen of little-known people at my place... Like, yes, imagine me swithicng lives with Shinra but I'm Daikoku.
6. What’s your favorite pastime? Napping. Then maybe riding my bike and colouring.
7. What kind of weather do you like the most (sunny, rainy, cloudy, hot, cold, warm, breezy, etc.)? Ehh, main rule is no (midday) sun. Like I love it and stuff but my eyes don't, so if it's sunny all I can think is where the heck I'm going, not how the weather is nice today. So let it be a bit warm or chilly with a nice breeze and maybe even sprinkle, but just no sun above my head.
8. What is your favorite anime and why? Every time there's a question about my favourite anime/film I think about a multitude of masterpieces that possibly exist but I just haven't seen them yet. I'd like to go with Kaze Tachinu. I almost wrote down "Silver Spoon", but it's primarily manga, and I have to finish it yet.
9. Follow up question: How were you introduced to your favorite anime and what got you hooked? I don't remember what lead me to Kaze Tachinu, it's probably that I was in the mood to watch an anime movie, or even officially dubbed in Russian anime movie, which is rare. "Silver Spoon" was in my plan-to-read-list since the day it was anounced that Arakawa Hiromu-sensei is starting a new manga, but the list is huuuge, so it got lost eventually. Then I saw @omnismith's post on my dash telling me I should check an anime adaptation of "Silver Spoon" no matter what, and I did. I was so sorry it took me so long to watch it... ;_;
10. If you could magically master any activity or have any talent, what would you chose? (Eg: dancing, writing, drawing, playing an instrument, martial arts, etc.) Hmm. I do work with my graphic tablet and (try to) play the piano, but I would feel no satisfaction if one day I'd wake up and excel in any of it. Like, I need to know I was working hard. MA is something I haven't really tried yet, so I'm not choosing it either. Dancing is... another thing. I just can't, so some magic would be nice (':
11. If you could wish for any single thing, what would it be and why? For now I wish I had 14 more points in anatomy for my first semester at university, then I wouldn't live in fear of getting expelled for the rest of the year. Well, I have another semester ahead to fix things up, so I'll be okay.
Okay now, there's eleven more questions for @alice-chan-chan and anybody else who sees this post (meaning for you, @suitcasesoffeathers, too, if you're not tired of answering yet, and for you, @omnismith, since I've already mentioned your name above, hue hue). 1. What your dream vacation would be like? 2. Do you use snail mail to contact your friends and relatives, or are you into e-mails & IM completely? 3. What was the weirdest experiment you've done with your appearance? 4. Sub or dub for foreign language films, series & anime? 5. Would you rather spend your holidays at the city or at the countryside? 6. Do you prefer homecooked food or restaraunt/fast food? 7. What is/was your favourite subject at school? least favourite? 8. What's easier for you: to speak or to write your mind? 9. Have you ever saved up money? What did you spend it on? 10. What's your favourite fantastic creature? 11. What's easier to bear for you: boiling hot or freezing cold?
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finasol · 7 years
Bajillion Questions Meme
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions!
Tagged by @dragonswithjetpacks
(Sorry this took so long, lol. School got in the way)
1. Coke or Pepsi: I like both, but prefer Pepsi 'cause it's a tad sweeter
2. Disney or DreamWorks: Disney!
3. Coffee or Tea: Tea I'm Asian lol. I also grew up in the South so sweet tea is my jam.
4. Books or Movies: Books :D
5. Windows or Mac: Mac: I've had my Mac for like two years and it's still really fast, whereas my old Dell computer got slow after like 2 months.
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel!
7. Xbox or Playstation: Both, I play them equally
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Mass Effect. I love both, but I got invested in all 3 ME games whereas I really only got into Inquisition.
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Got to bed late, wake up early. I like making the most out of my day, literally.
10. Cards or Chess: Chess, mostly because I don't know how to play any card games
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: BOTH!
12. Vans or Converse: Converse, but I typicially wear sneakers.
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: Lavellan!
14. Fluff or Angst: Angst, because I love getting my heart broken.
16. Dogs or Cats: Dogs, because I'm deathly allergic to cats.
17. Clear Skies or Rain: Rain, unless I have to walk in mud when I go outside.
18. Cooking or Eating Out: Homemade food is always the best
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Mild, I can barely handle anything remotely spicy.
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Christmas
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Cold, because at least then you can do things to warm up. 
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: To read and control minds, like Professor Xavier. This is actually inspired by the main character of my favorite book (Fire by Kristin Cashore) who also has this ability. I would use it to make annoying people shut up and get out of my face lol. It would also be helpful to know when someone was lying to me.
23. Animation or Live Action: Live action, but I love both.
24. Paragon or Renegade: Paragade. I’m generally a nice person but I won’t hesitate to punch a bitch in the face 
25. Baths or Showers: Showers, mostly because I have eczema and bathing regularly in my own dirt would not be good for my skin. But I do like baths every once in awhile :)
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Ehh neither
27. Fantasy or Sci-fi: FANTASYYY
28. Do you have three or four favorite quotes? If so, what are they?
“Mr. Darcy loved Elizabeth because of all her quirks, not in spite of them.”—Hank Green
“The opposite of love is not hate, but apathy.”—John Green (I don’t know if this is the exact quote, I heard it in an episode of Dear Hank and John lol)
“Nothing is true, everything is permitted.”—Just an old maxim that I’ve loved since I was in 7th grade.
I have more but I’m not the type of person that can remember these things on the spot lol
29. YouTube or Netflix: Both! I just love watching stuff!
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: I guess Harry Potter because I’ve done more research, but honestly I like them equally.
31. When Do You Feel Accomplished: When I feel like half-assing something but then I do it all the way. It feels good not to give up :D
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars, especially because of TFA. I was exposed to SW a lot when I was really young but TFA is what really got me into the series.
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Paperback because they’re easier to shove into a backpack, even though I destroy them easier.
34. Handwriting or Typing: TYPING. My handwriting sucks and typing is so much faster. I don’t buy into the whole “writing your notes is better than typing.” Whatever gets things done faster is better in my book.
35. Velvet or Satin: Satin, it feels closer to silk and doesn’t make as much static.
36. Video Games or Movies: C’mon, have you seen my blog?
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: I’m already the dragon. The Dragonborn, as a matter of fact >:D
38. Sunrise or Sunset: Both are exquisite…and tbh they look the same.
39. What’s your favorite song: Right now it’s Loch Lomond, but I don’t have favorite songs, just songs that I’m really into for periods of time.
40. Horror Movies, yes or no: HELLLL NO
41. Long or Short Hair: Short. My hair is obscenely thick and it’s a pain to wash when it’s long.
42. Opera or Theatre: Theatre because I’ve been part of a pit orchestra. But I would LOVE to see an opera one day.
43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and that every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first: Assassin’s Creed would be pretty cool. I’d like to know that there’s a society of people dedicated to preserving freedom.
44. If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be: PASTAAAA. Or rice. 
45. Older guys or young guys: I’ve always had a thing for older guys because they’re sometimes more mature. But recently I’ve had crushes on a couple guys younger than me.
46. If you could erase any show from TV history, what would it be: Ehh I don’t really have an opinion.
47. Singing or Dancing: BAND. I play flute because I can’t sing or dance.
48. Instagram or Twitter: Neither. Tumblr and Facebook are my only social media.
49. Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit: *whispers* I haven’t read either. *hides under a rock*
50. If you could create either a sequel or bring back any tv show/movie, what would you choose: This isn’t for a movie/TV show, but I desperately want a sequel for AC3.
51. Who is your movie/tv show character that you are looking up to and why? Again, not a TV show/movie but I’ve always admired the main character of Fire from Kristin Cashore. She was born into a crappy situation but she never self-pities. She accepts her situation and built a happy life in spite of the crappiness.
52. If you were ever convicted of a crime, what would it be? Probably shoplifting a lipstick or something lol
53. Anime- subbed or dubbed? Subbed generally, especially if the characters’ names are Japanese. But there are some awesome and hilarious English dubs out there (like OHSHC and Soul Eater. Naruto is pretty good too)
54. City or countryside? Mm…countryside as long as there’s a Walmart and a decent high school nearby. I like the suburbs tbh.
55. What book have you read over and over? Graceling by Kristin Cashore, another one of my favorites.
56. What is your personality type? INFJ-P
57. Would you rather change a moment in time or have a glimpse into the future? Change a moment in time, there are a bunch of stupid little things that I did that I’d love change
(Myyy question) 
58.) Would you rather have an ex that you hate start dating your best friend, or have an ex that you’re still attached to hook up with someone you revile? I would much rather have the former, mostly because I’m currently dealing with the latter and it’s really shitty. I reviled this girl as it was, and it made things worse once she hooked up with my ex. It’s been difficult to deal with, but I won’t see either of them again once I graduate so it’s whatever.
I tag @tikinaga, @sakuraberyl, @spookybilbo and @divinitions if you all are so inclined :)
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Supergirl rant incoming
I try to keep my blog cheerful but sometimes this show does something so dumb I have to let out some steam. It hurts me to see Kara’s character diminished to fit this hellplot and nightmare karahell relationship. Kara has been trying so hard to tell everyone why they aren’t a good fit and why the things Mon-Ehh has done have hurt her and keep hurting her and the all the people around her are just pushing them together or not taking the things she says seriously and the show makes fun of some of the stuff which just leave me thinking did the show really just do that.
Karahell getting together (and now back together) has been one of the most baffling things about a show that has aliens, all kinds of superpowers and multiverse in it. What on Earth are the writers thinking when writing this stuff or whoever that decides this stuff... like stop and think for a moment what you’re doing to your main character. I also hate that they’ve made Alex a vessel for pushing them together, I hate it so much... Everybody acts ouf character. The “love” story is so bad that I almost want to say it’s one of the worst and most immature “love” stories I’ve ever seen. At this point I just want to see a single Kara if it means we’ll get back some of the magic the first season had or at least concentrate on the plot for a minute and not rush through everything.
I don’t understand why they would make Mon-ehh so unlikable and there really hasn’t been any real character growth there, eg. it would have been interesting to see how he deals with the loss of his entire culture, planet and people but they haven’t shown it affecting him in any real way. It’s painful to watch the Mon-Ehh centered episodes and the series doesn’t need any other hero’s journey than the one Kara is on... or if they insist to have another, they could have done it with someone else, preferably a woman because this is a show about a woman superhero and the arrowverse already has multiple male centered shows.
Rant over.
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sugirandom · 7 years
365 days of writing: day 99
Day 99: Ranting about Anime again…
               This is the last two-digit number entry for the year. I can’t believe I’ve almost made it to one hundred entries on here. First of all, my lunch with Cindy yesterday went well. She was perfectly fine with the news that I started transitioning a year ago and in fact didn’t really make a big deal about it at all. She seemed to be more interested in my time in Japan than anything else. We also talked about what she’d been up to and I congratulated her on getting into medical school. The lunch was great and I’ll have to go to that place again since it’s so close and not too expensive at lunchtime. After lunch she drove me back home and headed back to her apartment that’s about 45 minutes away from here. I was grateful she came all this way just to see me and also that she’s just as sweet as she was before.
               Today I took care of some chores and my ab workout despite being tired and boy now that I’m on the intermediate section of the 30-day workout it’s gotten tougher. It’s mostly because the repetitions are pretty high at this point so I get pretty tired. I couldn’t hold my plank stance for the whole time but it only took me two seconds to get back into the stance so… I guess I was close enough? I fought my perfectionistic nature that would consider it a failure. I guess I’m doing better with that since I didn’t end the workout feeling like a failure. My mom is going to merit tomorrow and is going to take me with her as a guest so I’ll get to work on some other muscle groups at the gym tomorrow.
               Since I didn’t get my T-shot I do have a bit of a drop in my mood but I’m trying to fight it off and hope that the power will be on at the doctor’s office tomorrow or at the very least that they’ll give us a good option for backup if they aren’t. The idea of being too late on my Testosterone makes me feel a little paranoid. I think if I can get my shot tomorrow working out right after I get the shot will be the perfect thing to do since they don’t want you to sit around too much after getting the shot, I guess cause it can make you sore.
               I’ve also been studying Japanese and Italian online and once I finish the level one of Italian I think I’ll try their German 1. My Japanese studying has been mostly reviewing JLPT-related terms as I think I already mentioned. I’m a little disappointed that some people I messaged on the dating site I use haven’t gotten back to me but I looked closer at some of their pages and they did answer “No” to the “Would you be willing to date a trans person?” It kinda gives me a bad taste in my mouth thinking about it and I don’t really care if Poppy’s bothered by the fact that I think unwillingness to date a trans person seems a little too judgmental but whatever I understand people have preferences and what not. I just get bent out of shape about people who I know will never accept me as a genuine man just because I was born the wrong sex.
               Oh well, I still have to go down and get my laundry but other than that I’m probably going to chill up here for a while and watch some youtube videos and catch up with Anime. I guess at this point in Dragon Ball I’m going to start the first tournament saga and this will be the true test as to if my interests have truly changed or not because most of what I saw from Dragon Ball Z…other than perhaps one or two episodes involved fighting tournaments and I wasn’t very keen on it. So, if I end up enjoying it perhaps my interests have changed and if I don’t then…IDK I’ll probably trudge through it since I doubt every saga of DB is going to be fighting-tournaments. I think that even with DBZ I just had the bad luck of always seeing that saga when I caught it on TV for some reason…other than the one time I saw an episode from the Frieza arc and had no idea what was going on.
               I also have another episode of SnK season 2 to watch. Today…yay? I hope… still salty about episode one so will they make it up to me? I mean I don’t hate season 2 so far I just felt underwhelmed. Oh and after that I’m going to try watching Linebarrels of Iron again…unless I feel a dire need to watch something I really want to watch. I mean…LoI seems tropey so far and like it could either be ingenious or…really bad. It’s basically got a stellar staff and cast but… it fits all the tropes of a Mecha series too. I like that the main character is a jerk and that people don’t like him and there seems to be promise of karma coming back to him later but..it could go either way. It is kinda frustrating that they are a little too proud of how much of a jerk our main character is and every episode I’ve seen so far has felt the need to constantly have the female lead and many of his former friends tell him how ‘dispicable’ he is. Of coruse he likes to throw a fit about it too, yelling at them because he’s clearly delusional about it all. I like to jokingly sum up the show by saying that it’s sort of like a less-smart Light Yagami was given a Geass, except this time no one really likes him. Ehh, perhaps if I feel up to it I’ll write my reactions to the episodes I watch, if I don’t feel too tired or completely forget my reactions so…umm if I do it look forward to that?
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Are you more of a leader or a follower? Ehh, I feel like I’m not really either one. I definitely wouldn’t say I’m a leader, though. I guess more of a follower, out of the two then. I just kinda feel like I do my own thing I don’t know *shrug*
Do you know anyone with a profession in law? No. Have you ever Googled yourself? Yeah. I was curious to see where my name pops up.
Do you have a regular vacation spot, or do you always go somewhere new? I mean, I have my usual, go-to places I like going back to, but I’m totally up for going to new places as well. I’m dying to just go somewhere right now. I really need a beach trip.
Where were you working 10 years ago? Nowhere.
... 5 years ago? Nowhere.
... 1 year ago? Nowhere.
Would you say you've had a good life so far? There’s been good parts, but there’s been a lot of obstacles an struggles as well. These past few years have been especially rough.
What's the shortest amount of time you've had between relationships? It was like 5-6 years after my first boyfriend that I met Joseph, so it was quite awhile actually.
As a child, what comfort foods did your parents make for you when you were sick with a cold or flu? The chicken flavored Top Ramen.
What's a movie series where the sequel was better than the original? Hmm.
What's something you wish you could have delivered to your house? I mean, with so many delivery services now you can get a lot of things delivered to your house.
What's your favorite art style? Literature, film, and music.
What time period is considered to be your country's 'golden age?' Google says that it was the 1950′s, but I wasn’t alive to actually witness that in order to confirm it. Haha. <<< I’ll keep your answer since we’re from the same country, ha. 
How many trees are there in your yard? One.
What are some of your favorite ways to de-stress? Listen to ASMR, read, color, watch TV, sleep.
Have you ever done LSD? No.
What's currently on your grocery list? Nothing important, I just want more of the new watermelon flavored Mountain Dew.
Are any of your coworkers currently out on maternity/paternity leave? --
Would you be able to pinpoint Milwaukee on an unlabeled map? Nope.
What is your favorite parody movie? I like the Scary Movie series.
What kind of first impression do you hope others have of you? Gah, I’m sure it’s not a good one.
Do you have a good sense of balance? It’s not the best. 
What is your least favorite ice cream flavor? Anything with nuts. I don’t like nuts in things. So no pistachio, Rocky Road, maple walnut, etc. <<< Same. I also don’t care for chocolate.
Does your car have heated seats? I don’t have a car cause I don’t drive.
What's something that has been in your local news lately? I honestly haven’t watched the news in awhile.
What's your favorite internet meme? I’m so out of the loop these days. I’m so wrapped up in my current situation.
What hair length suits you the best? I prefer to have long hair, but it requires more maintenance then I’m able to give right now. I don’t have the energy or motivation to deal with it, so I’ve been planning on just cutting it short. It makes me sad and it took awhile to get it so long, but I know it’s the better option right now. :/
What is the strangest pizza topping you've ever eaten? I don’t consider any of the toppings I put “strange.”
Do you live in a very racially and culturally diverse country? I think so.
Can you name any books or movies where all the main characters die? Isn’t Game of Thrones kinda known for that? 
What was the last hotel you stayed at? One by Disneyland last year.
Do you live alone? Nope, I live with my parents, brother, and doggo.
0 notes
hyperthalamus · 7 years
If there is one thing that would best describe my Foodventure Series, it would take a form through a two-word idea called food parks.
Popping like mushrooms in the metro last year, the presence of this kind of  dining place in Manila will seem to last for a while as more food parks has opened and will be opening this year and one of these is The Yard Underground at Pasig.
Situated near the city’s business district, The Yard Underground at Pasig is the month-old sibling of the popular food park, The Yard at Xavierville, which just only opened last January 15 and ever since, people have never ceased coming in and out of this park every night.
Curious and keen to experience my first food park experience (The Yard at Xavierville was supposed to be my first but did not transpire), I decided to visit the new talk of town and discover myself whether the place is truly credible for its new title.
“The Yard”
Get a better view of The Yard under daylight.
The yard or the place itself is a three-level establishment that features big container vans that houses the park’s concessionaires. The owners have retained the same design that made their food park in Quezon City popular and decided to step up the game by adding a faux train in the middle of the park as inspired by the London underground railway system. Different designs of tables and chairs are scattered throughout the park which were patterned based on the food stall in front of it. Music blasting the latest hits completed the food park’s ambiance to give a festive mood to the diners.
Neon lights and food stalls’ signages make the place alive in the night.
The place’s main highlight which are the food stalls offers a variety of choices to the people. From Fillipinos’ Asian-favorite cuisines down to the sweetest desserts in town, The Yard Underground does not let a person leave the place without a full stomach.
For our first visit, I decided to settle for three of the food stalls in the place which were mainly selected based on their appeal and impression to me and these are Amo Yamie Crib, Halal Kabab Express and Ta Ke Ho Me Sushi Stand. Above Sea Level was very appealing to me but decided to skip this one since I was not in the mood to eat squid during our first visit.
Amo Yamie Crib
Pasig residents and people living nearby do not need to travel to Pampanga and Manila City just to taste the desserts that Kampampangans and college students have been enjoying in their areas as Amo Yamie Crib has found its home in The Yard Underground. Having an exclusive set of menu which is not available in its restaurants, The Yard’s Amo Yamie serves soft serve ice creams that are sure to fulfil one’s craving sweet tooth.
For my first time, I decided to go for their outrageous Pea’tter Pan (P139) which was immediately prepared upon order.
Ehh, not the best shot for this dessert.
Pea’tter Pan just landed on our table.
Pea’tter Pan was a definition of sweet. From the ice cream itself down to the caramel popcorn, one’s sweet tooth will be delighted with the taste of this dessert. The ice cream was so tasty that vanilla-flavored ice cream lovers will find heaven in it along with some chocolates that comes with the dessert. The churros tasted good along with the chocolate dip that comes in its tips while the salted pretzel balances the sweetness with its saltiness. It would have been better though if Amo Yamie has been more generous of putting pretzels as the ice cream can get really sweet and give an umay feeling to the person eating it.
Halal Kabab Express
Specializing in Middle Eastern cuisine, Halal Kabab Express is the go-to place in the park if your taste buds want to try something familiar and different at the same time. The stall mainly serves chicken and beef dishes partnered with an ample serving of Persian rice at the side. Bestseller of the place is their Chicken Biryani (P249) which is a basmati rice with chicken saffron topped with shirazi salad. However, I decided not to settle for this and went for their Chelo Jujeh Kabab (P189) instead as I was not that confident to try something different and foreign and pay the corresponding price. After ordering, the food took about 10-15 minutes before it was served.
Experience the taste of Middle Eastern cuisine with Chelo Jujeh Kabab.
Chelo Jujeh Kabab boasts an ample serving of Persian rice and grilled chicken partnered with two kinds of condiments at the side which were good for two to three persons. The rice and accompanying condiments tasted very foreign and different to the kind of taste a typical Filipino will be accustomed to which both produced a strong combination of sour and saltiness. The small grilled chicken atop of the rice balances the foreign flavour as it resembled a taste that is similar to our own inihaw na manok. Brave diners would sure be delighted with this dish as I personally think that the food is an epitome of an authentic taste of Middle Eastern cuisine.
Ta Ke Ho Me Sushi Stand
Sushi lovers will rejoice as Ta Ke Ho Me Sushi Stand has found its place in The Yard Underground. Serving sushi in small food boxes, this food stall caters takeaway orders of diners who want to try their signature dishes or for those who want to bring their sushi at home. From rice balls to sashimi, be prepared because your Japanese cuisine craving will be fulfilled by this sushi stand.
For my first time, I decided to go for their 8-piece Cali Maki (P99) which can serve up to two people. The food can take up to 30 minutes to be prepared so better hold your horses if you have a grumbling stomach. Also remember that Ta Ke Ho Me is a food stand so expect to serve the condiments that you’ll need by yourself.
I was so excited to try the dish that I have forgotten to take a picture of the Cali Maki.
Having my first bite of the Cali Maki made me realize that the 30-minute wait was all worth it as the sushi tasted very good most especially if you partner it with soy sauce and wasabi at the side. The dish was really tasty and makes you want to order for another one if you’re brave enough to wait for another 30 minutes. The sushi is definitely a must-try and the very thing I am going to recommend you to try right now if you find yourself in The Yard Underground soon.
Finding my first experience at The Yard a positive one, I decided to schedule another visit and try the other food stalls in the park. For my second time, I became picky and chosen the stalls that I really want to try disregarding whether it is appealing or not. Eventually, I decided to settle for The Good Tapa, The Cheesery and Antarctique.
The Good Tapa
One of the noise makers in the park is a food stall that caters to Filipinos’ favourite, tapa. Serving different kinds of cured meat, The Good Tapa distinguishes itself with their signature bowls such as the Beef Garlic Salpicao, Pork Thai Mama and Chicken Sweet Bulgogi whose prices range from P100 to P250 –depending on how hungry a person is. The stall also stepped up its game by allowing diners to create their own dish by choosing the size, meat, sauce and egg they prefer in their meal.
For my first time, I decided to settle for their signature and regular Beef Good Tapa (P100) in which, I was asked for my preferred way of cooking the egg and my name afterwards. The food can probably take up to 10 minutes to be prepared so expect to see yourself wandering around the park if you don’t have the patience and want to see the other stalls in the place.
The tapa was indeed good.
The tapa was indeed good.
Contrary to the usual taste of a cured beef, The Good Tapa has managed to create a signature in this dish with its own beef mixture which I personally think was delicious. In addition, the appearance of the stall’s beef is also different to the typical tapa Filipinos use to see as the meat comes in a brown color. The sunny side up egg, on the other hand, tasted well but looked a little brownish. Generally, the dish tasted good but can be a little expensive for their “small” regular serving most especially when it comes to the tapa itself.
The Cheesery
Aside from its cheesy dishes, people also line up in front of The Cheesery because of its freshly squeezed lemonade. Depending on your choice of serving, this food stall can serve up to 1.5 liters of lemonade for your thirsty barkada.
For the first time, I decided to try their 32-ounce Freshly Squeeze Lemonade (P95) which took a couple of minutes to prepare.
Quench your thirst with The Cheesery’s lemonade.
If you are looking for a new way to fight the approaching heat of the summer season, this lemonade is going to be the answer. Boasting a towering height of probably six inches, this 32-ounce drink is contained in a big paper cup which is good for sharing of up to three people. The lemonade may be a little sweet for others but its delicious taste along with the actual squeezed lemon that comes in it is enough to take away the heat one can feel. Another must-try I am going to recommend if you find yourself in the area.
Close to the temperature of the place in which this stall’s name may have originated from, Antarctique is a stall in the second level of the park that serves cold desserts to its diners. Ironically inspired by the popular Korean dessert, this food stall specializes in making bingsu (Korean shaved ice cream) for all dessert-lovers out there. They even serve a bibimbap (Korean mixed rice)-inspired dish made entirely out of fruits!
For my first time at Antarctique, I decided to go for their Mango Cheese Bingsu sampler (P100) which did not take long to be served.
Beat the heat with Antarctique’s Mango Cheese bingsu.
Beat the heat with Antarctique’s Mango Cheese bingsu.
Almost the same with my expectation, this bingsu boasts cubes of mango at one side and a small scoop of vanilla ice cream, cubes of cheesecake and crushed graham crackers on the other. The taste is almost similar to that of Café Seolhwa’s own Mango Cheese bingsu except that Antarctique’s was sweeter. As usual, the mango tasted well with the cheese and the bingsu itself. The only small downside of the dessert was that one cannot fully feel the shaved ice cream in it. Nonetheless, Antarctique’s Mango Cheese Bingsu is going to be a delight of people who love anything sweet and want to beat the heat.
Heads Up!
The Yard Underground’s facade at night.
Although it has just only opened last month, do not be deceived by this fact as The Yard Underground can get really crowded especially during dinner time causing other diners the trouble of looking a place to sit. It is best advised to drop by the place during its opening hours in which there are less people and allows you to choose a place where you want to sit. Synonymous to the crowd is the line of cars parked in front of the place which may become another problem for diners who want to pay a visit with their vehicles. It is also strongly suggested to arrive during the park’s opening time if you do not want to park your car far from the area. Also make sure to park your car properly otherwise the management will announce your car’s model and plate number through the place’s speakers and look for you.
In addition, people who want to flaunt their OOTDs in the place is also advised to choose clothes that are easy and light to wear because the park can get really warm due to the stalls cooking the food and the crowd coming in and out of the place. Of course, don’t forget to bring your mobile phones, selfie sticks, fish eye lens and everything you need to step up your instagram game because the place is very instagram-able.
The Yard Underground is located at #207 Christian Route Hill, Oranbo, Pasig City and is open daily from 4PM to 12MN. Tip: It is behind the green Nice Hotel if you’re coming from Shaw Boulevard.
Foodventure at The Yard Underground at Pasig If there is one thing that would best describe my Foodventure Series, it would take a form through a two-word idea called food parks.
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