#I was trying smth but it didn't work smh
ryuucae · 29 days
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noahtally-famous · 6 months
I haven't made a tier list, like, ever bc I'm highkey worried ppl will come at me for my ships but fuck it we ball
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some explanations/highlights below the cut!
emwayne = the best friends of rajbow getting together?? hell yeah (bowie and emma will always be best friends to me). wayne would help emma come into her growth while making sure she stays silly, I love them sm
I think the rest of the first-tier ships are pretty self-explanatory?? if you want me to (ramble) talk abt any of them lmk!
I thought of caleb/chase (calase? chaleb?) out of nowhere one bright sunny morning and they've been a concept in my head ever since. I find it funny that I hc the idea of caleb being this kitten lover who also works hard to get where he stands trying not to use his looks as an advantage, while chase is this laidback thrillseeker, pet-store destroyer, who would totally do stuff recklessly unlike caleb's more methodical approaches. it'd aggravate caleb so so much, like what if chase is the only person that he comes close to snapping at lmao I genuinely can talk abt them all day but I digress
ripaxel is actually interesting--I'm an axelle truther through and through but axel can be bi or pan or anything in between, y'know. plus their dynamic is kinda funny, like kickass girl x alpha-male wannabe
I adore rajbow, but bowie x caleb is one of the ships I ironically don't mind seeing on my dash; it's interesting to think abt how things would've gone if they'd gotten together
(speaking of which, raj x caleb was one of the ships on the list but I didn't add it, though it would've been interesting as well to imagine like rajbow would still be endgame but if caleb was raj's gay awakening without raj even realizing)
raynebow, admit it or not, would be an awesome dynamic. emwayne is on top for me, but these three would be pretty cool together, like rajbow already being a thing and then wayne coming into his own sexuality realization lmao for me, wayne is either the classic straight best friend or a bisexual mess, there's no in between
the concept of what's going on between priya and caleb currently is what I like more than the ship itself; I like the idea of priya having a crush (though her character derailment for it is a bit annoying smh) while caleb is just genuinely doing this for an alliance lmao (if caleb does grow feelings for priya in the process--which I don't doubt could happen, it's total drama after all, that'd be even funnier)
bowie & chase are the reluctant exasperated and annoyed sibling & feral sibling dynamic for me. like chase does smth stupid (not a hard thing to do) and bowie's genuinely stunned whenever it actually seems to work (I'm thinking abt ep1 of s2 here lmaoo)
bowie & emma weren't mentioned as one of the pairings, for obvious reasons, but them as besties fr and I really wanted them to rekindle their friendship 😔
mk using caleb to get ahead of the game in tiny details (climbing on his back, etc etc) is so fucking funny, they're on the platonic tier for me simply bc of that. and caleb would be so oblivious lmfaoo
waaay before when s1 hadn't come out and ppl speculated on priya & chase being the Main Couple (and then everything went to shit after), I've switched trains in regards to that; them as a platonic friends duo would be crazy. kickass girl who can do anything (except feelings) & dumbass guy who does stupid impulsive shit for thrills (and cannot do feelings); they'd both fumble at romance shit and rant abt it while making it seem like they have it under control, it'd be wack; she would hate him for doing stupid shit and making them lose challenges, he'd talk shit abt "taking risks" and whatnot, and she'd be like "I'll smash my water bottle over your head, that's a risk I want to take rn!!" fr priya would beat his ass (and maybe save his ass if they ever reach that point of their dynamic lmaoo)
I think that's all I need to say! also I didn't add all of the ships on the list mostly bc idk much abt them or their dynamics
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shroomi1e · 2 years
realistic reasons why genshin men are undateable‼️
ft: aether, albedo, razor, diluc, itto, gorou, childe, zhongli, kaeya, xiao (pt 2)
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my man is too busy looking for his sister 💀
as nice as he his, he probs doesn't have room in his heart for a relationship
he travels so much, you'd probably get tired if you don't die in teyvat first
if we're talking ab abyss aether however...
he'd be way too obsessed and focused on overthrowing celestia and the gods
and even if he does have room in his heart for you, don't expect to be the first priority
let's be honest, he doesn't have time for a relationship
he'd probably get bored once he's done learning everything there is to know ab you
a workaholic, working 24/7
also unless you're a science nerd like him, don't be surprised if he just decided to drop you bc you can't catch up with his science ramblings
id imagine he'd use you for weird experiments like in his story quest
a furry
can't communicate
would probably start barking at you idk
would 100% try to lick you
very overprotective bc of his past
would try to give you dead rabbits and squirrels as gifts/signs of affection like how cats or dogs do
emotionally unavailable but he's hot so it's fine
if you're more emotional/sensitive then he's gonna make you cry at one point or another bc of how cold he is
has his walls built so high, it's gonna take persistence to take them down
too busy running a whole wine industry + protecting monstadt at night
would be SUPER overprotective, borderline suffocating. he's gonna try to hold on to you until it hurts
he doesn't mean it ofc, he's just scared of losing you (fatherless behavior smh)
he needs to get a lot of his shit together before he can start a proper relationship *cough cough* KAEYA *cough cough*
he's a complete dumbass, just like any other typical himbo
is the type to plan out a whole party and buy a bunch of gifts only to get your birthday date wrong
it's endearing but it might get annoying at one point
definitely gets into a lot of trouble with city authorities, you'd always have to clean up his mess or bail him out
again, he never has bad intentions, but it's gonna get annoying at some point
another furry
better get used to him talking ab how amazing kokomi is
also gives off overprotective vibes
doesn't have much time or room for you, at least not until the resistance is over
too busy killing people 😘
depending on who you are, dating a fatui harbinger might cause some problems
unless you're cool w trying to drown a whole nation and commiting genocide idk
even though he comes off as friendly, he probably has also built walls like diluc, they're just not as obvious
somewhere deep down he's scared he might end up harming you or losing you, since he's well aware of his position and what he does
(bro did you see that line in his story quest where he says smth like "if i were to quit being a harbinger I'd love to travel the world w you😭)
ok that's enough childe for today, and yes i will be writing a fanfic later
this peepaw is hella old fashioned
being the god of contracts, he's gonna expect 100% loyalty, and might get a wee bit possessive, even if it's not obvious
he's just incredibly good at hiding it
being immortal, he might not even try to date you in the first place bc he knows you can't have a "normal" relationship
he'd rather not have you at all than to watch you grow old while he stays the same, eventually having to sit by your deathbed
oh geez that got dark quickly didn't it
but if he does have you, he's not letting you go, even if you don't want him anymore
will probably try to keep you forever bc of the "contract" y'all made😨
someone write a yandere zhongli fic and send me the link pls 😘😘
we've all seen him weasel his way out of doing his work
would try to manipulate you with his smooth talk
although his heart is set in the right direction, much like diluc, he needs to get his shit together before he can carry a healthy relationship
also would probably come home drunk a lot
having a "flirty personality" can often be mistaken for flirting with others
so unless you're a holy nun or smth you're gonna argue ab it with him at some point
bold of you to assume he's gonna even pay attention to you
as we all know, he comes off as cold and standoffish, even if he might not mean it
he's just carrying way too much on his shoulders to also have a relationship as well
his karmic debt as well as the duty of the sole protector of liyue is going to put a burden on him, and he wouldn't want others to share that burden with him
despite how he feels about you, he's only ever going to see himself as a protector, never your partner
because his sole priority is to keep you safe, and keeping you safe means not getting too close to you
might even go out of his way to be mean to you just to make sure you won't get close to him☹️
but even so, he'll be there when you call, since he is your protector after all
a/n: damn the amount of ff inspo i got just from writing a stupid hc...
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
oh you lookin for headcanons? hmmm how aboooout ushiwaka, aone, bokuto, and atsumu with a boyfriend who always seems to get hurt? like maybe baby boy’s clumsy, or maybe he always uses himself as a human shield for other people, or he’s a little aggressive during club activities, or maybe he’s a dumbass with rbf who gets into fights with other people because they always think he’s tryna start shit
- airhead
[hey bestie it’s been so long I’ve been dying cause one of my little brothers got reconstructive surgery on his leg and I have to take care of him :’) also I’m glad you took time for yourself and had a break. don’t push yourself too hard]
Uncoordinated - Headcanons
Warnings - Cursing, mentions of injury
Note: Good moorningggg
Male Reader
Ushijima Wakatoshi
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Ushijima's a careful guy alright
He's probably only tripped like twice in his lifetime 😀
So ofc when you guys started dating, he was a lil bit shocked at how easily you got hurt
like all the time?
He can't even tell if it's just a thing or if you're clumsy
He'll try his best to bandage you if you need it, but my guy is not graceful
Like at all
His hands are huge and only ever seem to do the right thing in volleyball, you can't expect him to be able to delicately place a band aid on your knee or smth
Most of the time tendou does it 😭
Now before you started dating he was all "why would I want someone who trips over everything"
He wasn't sure why it was a cute trope?
And tbh he's still not sure, but bc he thinks you're cute he thinks it's cute
He'll see that trope in a show or something and go "hey my boyfriend does that"
Highkey brags about you when you're not around
Jus thought I'd tell you 🤪
Anyways yeah that's it for big guy
Loves his clumsy boyfriend
Even if you somehow find a way to trip over nothing
Aone Takanobu
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Side note the gif is so fuckin cute >:((((
Also I may or may not simp for aone to another degree so ehe
So you wouldn't think it, but Aone is kind of a hopeless romantic
In the sense that he sees couples in media or in his school and thinks "wow I want that"
And may or may not read romance novels
He never thought he'd be in a relationship with a dude but surprise?
He'd just never put any thought into it
Look at where he is now.
So basically you're the aggressive one (🤪) in the relationship
Face it aone's a pushover
Like a huge pushover
I would say you bullied him into the relationship but really he kept kinda gravitating towards you
And he love you 🥰🥰
So basically he's like "damn why you always hurt 🤨"
And he comes to find out that it's because you fight
Like a lot
Anything that moves isn't safe 😟
Half the time you didn't even start the fights smh
Ofc he'll try his best to break up the fights
He's a big scary looking guy
So sometimes he'll so that thing where he stands behind you to scare people off and then you turn around all proud and he's like "yes babe you did great" and pats your head
That is all I want :(
But on another note
The team may tease him about how enthusiastic he is about some guy
He'll smile at you :0
Angry and calm trope is best trope 😩
Bokuto Koutarou
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He loves you he really does
He's always "my boyfriend this" and "my boyfriend that"
The team is tired of it but at least they can make you deal with him
But he's always kind of confused
You're so aggressive???
Like club activities r fun and all, but you somehow always seem to scrape your knee or get a bruise or dislocate your shoulder
Mostly just bruises but still
He's worried about you :(
He can be really airheaded at times but he's actually a really emotionally smart guy
He's captain for a reason
Ofc he'd be worried when his boyfriend keeps getting hurt in practice
Hell be all "Heyy soo maybe tone it down a biiit cause I don't want you to get huuurt and"
My heart
Just pat him on the head and tell him you'll be good
He tries to make you stay away from the things where you'd get hurt the most but it won't work well lol
CEO of kissing injuries better
Atsumu Miya
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Atsumu can be such a dick
We know he got them bad qualities 🙄
So yeah it was sorta surprising when he managed to snag the nicest most selfless guy in the school 🤨
Because seriously you're like the best
You'll always be helping students outtt or walking them hoome or breaking up fiiights or starting fights with douchbags
So here you are, being this glowy genuinely nice guy, (probably walking kittens home or saving babies from house fires), and then atsumu
Atsumu, this asshole
He's not that bad but he's still kind of insufferable
Lil weird how y'all r dating
But back on topic
You, being the dude you are, usually step in to help people out as much as you can
And over half the time you get some kind of injury
You always throw yourself in the middle of fights or pull risky bs to help others
He loves it sm
Mostly because he gets to patch you up
He thinks that's romantic
Like if he's cleaning a cut you got or banging up a bruise
Whenever he sees you get hurt he goes 🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘
Little weird but whatever
Also peppers kisses to your face all the time
Definitelt brags to Osamu
"Look at my boyfriend he's so nice and selfless I bet you wish you had him HA you don't"
He's a tool but ig he's alright 🙄
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naz-yalensky · 3 years
flashback to like 4 or 5 years ago in 4th grade when we had this certain headboy. like, we had classes 1 to 10 cramped in the same building, yeah? so like more responsibilities for head boy and head girl. anyway, so this headboy... our class didn't like him. he repeatedly came to complain to our classteacher about our "unacceptable behavior" during recess. lol ok boomer. anyway— everyone used to call him "cockroach". like, i still dunno his name, naturally. never did. just "cockroach". basically, the mf came to complain like 5 out of the 6 days of school. everyone grew tired of him eventually. and then we have this boy (gonna call him "a") in our class, he's like coolkid™ ig. his personality is, certainly. he convinced the whole class to go along with his crazy plan. well, half the class, the ones he knew would agree with him. anyway, so it was like after recess. our class was like kinda really silent, like it was normal chatter but considering our principal came to tell us that we were the worst class ever, it was like unnaturally silent. anyway, someone in our class approached the teacher in the staff room armed w the book and the notebook and claimed she didn't understand smth like yeah, a few minutes before bell so she was a bit delayed. everyone else was present in our class. and naturally, a subtly spilled soapy water infront of the door(if the teacher arrived before cockroach, complain that the floor was wet. there was no backup plan about cockroach). there really was no need for any backup plan. trust cockroach to be annoying and drop in, calling out a "may i come in?" before he walked in. he was kinda confused about why the teacher wasn't there yet tho. little did he know- and then the mf slipped. a 16yo fell victim to petty revenge of 9yos?? apparently it was the funniest shit ever. the whole class was laughing. i was trying to drink water and choking(unfortunately, I used to drink like an alcoholic apparently) on it. and then the teacher from the next class drops in, annoyed at the noise.. he straight up gasps. and yells from the doorway. my water bottle was still open. i was sitting in the first row and— rip to cockroach's shirt. (the teacher made me apologize formally. i still remember. i am bitter.) i don't really remember what happened after, it's been ages, but cockroach only dropped in once after (when a student fell off the staircase) so good riddance ig. he wasn't that bad, our class was just immature. still, that was like the funniest shit. (still don't remember why no one told on A but I'm pretty sure they were threatened or maybe their benchmates just simply made them with means unknown. dunno). i miss going to school
This is the best thing ever omgg
Yes, cockroach shouldn't have just complained everyday or else it wouldn't have happened smh
As a school leader, I'm always on my class's side, I just complain about that one bitch prefect constantly and that hoe also complains about me so that evens it and that's it
This reminds me of that one time when even our math teacher planned to join our ice bucket challenge on this guy and yeah it worked and he didn't talked to us for 4 months straight but dw we forced him into becoming our friend again
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bausbitch · 4 years
I'm sorry
Reid x reader
Req but @blankets-for-bees
Warnings: kidnapping, established relationship, gunshot, Spencer being an ass at first, also this IS NOT really funny as my other works //read: I'll try because I'm just such a naturally good comedian,,,or a mental asylum escapee,,// 🤩 OH and a happy ending
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Spencer had been,,,,
Awfully cold to you
For the last 6 months
Yeah, it was beginning to get on your nerves
It felt like living with a whole ghost 👻
And it wasn't like it was his work
You two had the same job for fucks sake
You even shared a home
But lately
Spencer would ONLY talk to you at work
And only when it was life or death
So basically when hotch paired you two up
And omg
The team
They had no idea
So they insisted you two sleep in the same room on this case
Bc you two are their fav couple!!!!!
But they didn't know that for the last six months
You were practically single
Except you couldn't go anywhere
And you wouldn't go out to flirt with people
Because you were a good s/o
*cough* unlike Spencer *cough*
Ok so this usub
The universe said
Fuck you, yn yln 🤩🤪🤡
This particular unsub
Kidnapped failing couples
And threw them in a house
A giant doll house
And sedated them
And played with them like dolls
And made them kiss and stuff
Idk how to explain it
Like when you were little
And you didn't know you really LIKED liked girls
But you were always making your Frankie and ghoulia monster high dolls kiss in the first grade????
Or like
I think it's like ep 12 season 5
My best friend and I watched that one
I miss her
When you finally moved rooms
You walked in
And it felt like the weight of the world was lifted
Off of your shoulders
Don't worry the world is still pretty heavy
Issok though the world doesn't have to be a skinny legend
This is supposed to be an angst
Angsty angst angst
So you were like
Hell yeah
I'm gonna go chill in the jacuzzi
Then I'm gonna come back
And I'm gonna have a level head
Key words: come back
See, I don't think you have the facilities for that, big man
So you were vibing in the jacuzzi
Then you saw Spencer
A woman that didn't look like any of the girls on the team was going into his room!!
You knew
You were being irrational
But you were like
Son of a bitch >:(
Alexa play jealousy by Monsta x
Anny. W. Ays
You went into the room
Or at least you knocked
And gasp
She answered
She seemed,,,
Probably bc she's the unsub yn you dumb bitch
And you were like
"Hey is Spencer in there?"
Like you WEREN'T his h*cking gf
And she straight up
Ok more like
Knocks you out with a blow to the face
And draws you inside
Ok now Spencers pov bc you're getting too much attention and he needs an explanation for making me play jealousy
Oh god that I don't believe in how do I explain him
He was having a tough time
Ok wbk he's smart as hell
But when I comes to people who are FINE
Such as yourself
He gets a lil
*Patrick star from Spongebob noises*
Even if you guys had literally been dating for like
Five? Six? Years
He was starting to get scared
Ok so you guys had said the L world
You said it all the time
He wanted to propose to you
On one knee
Ring and everything
But he was scared
He was really really scared
Bc he wouldn't know what to do if you said no
Why would you
You two were practically already married
You literally had a drunken, unofficial ceremony at Rossi's place one time
But he felt like
You wouldn't be ready
So he was like
Ok gotta set up a back up plan
If they reject me
And I have to go to work and see them
How do I not see them
How do I live without them?
I ignore them
Plan: set
Spencer : fucking idiot
He acted like you weren't there
And he eventually thought you were mad at him
Bc you weren't reaching out any more
Dumb bitch they think YOU'RE mad at them
Back to kidnapping
When he woke up
He was,,,,
*drum roll*
In a house?
A really nice house
Or at least the bedroom was nice
Or the roof of it
And what he could see from his peripheral vision
He could see you though
He could feel you
You were laying on his chest
Your arms around him
And he could tell you were still asleep
His serotonin levels went up higher than they had in months
Over the last six months he hadn't said a word
And he'd let you sleep on the couch
Smh and I thought he was a genius
But he missed you
But he had to make sure he was ready
To be honest
He probably knew what he was doing was irrational and the definition of idiotic
He also knew that by doing this he was maximising his chances of you not wanting to marry him
But he just
"Y'all hear smth?" -Spencer Reid, about his problems
Annie Oakley
While he was too busy making heart eyes at your sleeping figure
Ya boy forgot to check if he could move
Turns out,,,,
He couldn't
*puts hands together like cat in the hat does*
This unsub, like I said before
So he waited
The woman he unwillingly let into his hotel room, all by the service of a gun and a threat to his life 😄
Came and did whatever the fuck she was gonna do
Play with you guys more than my 6th grade crush played with my heart
And she did😋🥳🤩!!!!
But don't fret
She wasn't gonna hurt you
You had actually concluded the deaths were accidental
Just like me
Okoko so
She was strong
Like really fucking strong
Because she hauled both you and Spence
Into a little dining room
And served and fed you breakfast
You were connected to iv tubes
But still
But everything
The creepiest detail
According to me at least 💁✨
Was how all the food and everything
Were wood
Toys for kids
Or something karuna satori would use in an asmr video
You woke up in the middle of,,,
Watching a movie on the couch with Spencer????
It was still daytime
Or so you thought
Bc the unsub pulled up
You don't have many things in life rn, but here's a list if things you do have, to cheer you up 😋
A lovely hole in your arm! V v useful for holding very small, thin, cups!!!
A v sad Spencer Reid! Comes with his own tears and despair!!! How fun!
And last but not least!
A wonderful speech from our sponsor!! //read: the unsub//
"Why must everything bad always happen to me! You two are very bad dolls! No one is a good doll, you're all useless and now I have to kill you >:("
Lmfao why does she sound like my bratty baby cousin
"The FBI is at the door! Which one of you called them? You whore! It was probably you!"
First of all,,, how dare she
You didn't even THINK about other men in the 6 months your boyFRIEND ghosted you
Jokes on her
Second of all
You were bleeding out and Spencer was wiggling behind you
Probably a victory dance smh 😤
But then
she went upstairs 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
And you heard voices
Morgan!!! Hotch!!! *insert police's name*!!
Then you passed out bc
And when you woke up
Spencer was fine
But he was hunched over
"Yn I'm so sorry. I love you so much and I was so scared I'd lose you if I proposed too early, and now I'm probably going to lose you without even saying a word. Honey I love you, I love you so much-"
And you were like
Hold up
"Did you say purpose?"
And he was like
"Yes(?) "
And you kissed him for the first time in sixth months
"Yes I'll marry, now let go of my hand"
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hiilybemyfriendpls · 2 years
tw venting (also not super regression related) (mother's day related) (but also I'm regressing right now sooooo)
MAN okay so mother's day, right?
For context: I'm a computer science major. I code things. It's something I'm good at.
But! I also have an inordinate amount of perfectionism and set myself really high standards for things, especially (as I've discovered this year) when it comes to doing things for others.
So, my mom's a big startup person, and she'd had this idea for an app for a while.
And! She's very hard to get things for.
So, I was gonna build her an app.
Which is a lot harder than I thought!!! ESPECIALLY bc I started with an egregiously terrible Android Studio way. (jgdfgkjdf)
BUT all the no-code or low-code options were WAY more confusing imo
but android studio just straight up doesn't work. ifykyk ig (it's REALLY slow and my computer sounds like an airplane every time I use it..... it's a coding environment??? if I need to emulate an entire ass phone I will but NOT RN RN I AM JUST MAKING BUTTONS GRRR)
honestly would be easier to make in python
as is everything lol
but that has its own hurdles
so I burnt myself out trying to make this damn app and now it's mothers day and I am sitting here with my vimeo video and my fucking 20 slide sketch and AND I KNOW
as SOON as I start presenting these slides my mom's gonna think I coded her an app
and I KNOW she'll be dissapointed
and even though she'll prolly be fine with it and still happy bc mothers day
I jsut feel like I couldve done SO much better and made her SO much happier and
I feel just
so dissapointed in myself /gen
and this is not the first time this has happened
I just set up such high standards for myself and get all pissy when I can't achieve them
because I COULD
but I DONT and it SUCKS
anyway, I'm not writing a script lmao
this is already skuffed
i don't want to code this app anymore
my gift to her will only be like 4 hours of work (ig 10 if u count my failed + inaccessible android studio work) so whatever
and here I was thinking I was gonna make my dad a game SDKJHFSDHKJ
I guess idk anything I didn't learn in school huh
i just really really wish I was more motivated for ANYTHING
that i didn't want to just sit and watch youtube all day
I have a (partially) stress-induced skalp thing I'm trying to get rid of
DFHDSK anyway
it's just a classic 3 am bout of stress
imma do a puzzle or smth and watch a show to feel better bc it's already pretty late anyway *shrug*
also! I've been listening to a rarity agere playlist for the past 4 hours!!! Top tier!!!!
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