#I want Kan to be more involved in it
thatgirl4815 · 2 years
Ok, since today seems to be the day everyone’s theorizing and making headcanons, I want to throw my own in the mix.
Imagine: Pete’s still being held captive by Vegas. They start to develop a genuine attraction to one another. Stuff happens. They aren’t a happy couple by any means, but they feel an inextricable pull to one another that neither is willing (or able) to ignore.
Then Kan discovers Pete. He realizes that Vegas disobeyed his order to have him killed. Vegas realizes what’s about to happen and stops his father just in time, allowing Pete enough time to escape. Vegas has no choice but to allow Pete to go or watch him die.
When Pete is free is where we get *confused-traumatized-overwhelmed* Pete. He’s hurt. He wants to put Vegas behind him, but the memories are inescapable. It’s like how Porsche was feeling in Ep5 about Kinn, only starker. It all culminates in Pete thinking he needs to kill Vegas to release himself from this inner turmoil.
Vegas is also in a bad place; Pete’s gone and his father hurts him even worse than before. He returns to the old Vegas, only he can’t stop thinking about what Pete told him. The tension is building as he finally starts pushing back against Kan.
This all culminates in the final family showdown. On one side of the battle, we see Kinn and Porsche pointing their guns at each other. On the other, we have the first encounter between Vegas and Pete since Pete escaped. Pete thinks he needs to kill Vegas to resolve his inner turmoil—to finally be able to let go. But Vegas feels the opposite way—he let Pete go before to save his life, but now he needs Pete with him to protect him. I could make another list of all the parallels between KP and VP here, but I won't.
Their eyes meet. Why can’t Pete shoot him, after everything he’s done?
Kan sees what’s happening. He shoots at Pete but Vegas pulls an Ep6-Kinn move. Suddenly he’s on the ground, slowly bleeding out in Pete’s arms. From there, it’s what @respectthepetty said in this post, a.k.a., one of the most heart-wrenching moments of the entire show (and also the peak of Vegas’s *attempted* redemption arc).
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whamss · 8 months
Idk maybe it's just my perspective as an aro lesbian but I find the take that, bc the pale quadrant is defined as a type of 'romance' for trolls, all interpretations of pale ships should therefore be seen as strictly romantic and that pale pairings need to correspond directly with both characters stated sexualities to be remarkably limiting and smallminded, personally. I'm all for expanding the definition of what makes a relationship romantic but sometimes I feel like people take 'romance' a little too literally when they try to make 'romance = attraction' as opposed to approaching pale feelings as like. Their own thing. Moiraillagence being a kind of romance for trolls and also being a technically 'platonic' relationship (from a human pov, these are concepts invented by a Human to fuel fan discussion they aren't complex) with very little bearing on whether or not you feel romantic attraction to somebody are two concepts that can coexist.
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frightmarefalls · 2 years
something about all this just feels out of place ngl
#1st off that feels so outta character for thua like they could have developed that better#and tbh all of them could’ve gotten more consequences as fallout of that beginning scene like they should have had to talk and come to terms#with everything more and they went back to being fine and just??? making a movie about it?? huhh#that also just feels really random and unnecessary#like just don’t have that be a cover and then have thua deal with the consequences of outing them#or better yet don’t have thua out them when he should know better#i honestly would believe that might have just been used as a way to set up a movie plot idk#and I’m struggling to believe kan just accepts and gets over thua’s actions that easily#but I guess we have established he’s quick to upset and quick to forgive but still there wasn’t much conversation between them about it#honestly chadok and dika is a good plot I thought that was a great way to reaffirm that people involved in keeping the rules#are not exempt from the harm of them#and I was a bit more surprised I think than some ppl bc apparently there had already been theories about this#but it wasn’t at all out of nowhere and I was picking that energy in the earlier scene of them too#but adore akk and aye scenes so much as always#kinda funny how they have to say what they’ve said to each other again for the mini movie but ok i guess they get to reminisce#i like how they did point out that regardless of our support for them they still are serving their own interests to protect akk#and not come clean about the curse#but then that also goes back to difference in believe—aye is not so hardlined on the point that this all must come to light publicly#he just wants the danger to stop and to not have anyone hurt anymore#but that wouldn’t be enough for thua#which I can appreciated tho I still don’t think the ground for that was laid enough….idk maybe I gotta accept#that you won’t see all the signs for how someone really feels and people might do things you don’t think then capable of#hard to tell where stuff is weak writing or some kind of commentary lol#long ass tags if you kept reading I appreciate you <3#this is still one of my favorite shows and honestly these weak points are still better than the parts I complain about for not me so there#the eclipse#the eclipse the series#the eclipse series#rae.txt#liveblogging
0 notes
alexiethymia · 7 months
MaoMao's Way of Affection
[spoilers up until LN 12 and WN 10 so read at your own risk]
After such a long time, we finally get a hint of reciprocation when even without orders or prompting, it's MaoMao herself who seeks out Jinshi after the harrowing ordeal she went through.
I'm not sure how the WN will differ from the LN but her words with how she describes Jinshi's arms around her, "heavy but not immoveable" and Jinshi asking her to make him let her go and eventually opting not such that she ends up falling asleep in his arms actually perfectly describes their relationship.
Despite their problems, I do adore this relationship. On the one hand, you have Jinshi who ends up falling for someone who cares not a whit for his appearance. MaoMao is actually the perfect person for Jinshi to fall in love with because of his complex. Should he succeed, he can be assured that his looks had nothing to do with it. For the first time in his life, Jinshi can fight for something with his own above average, but not excellent capabilities.
And tropey as it is, I think MaoMao does have a soft spot for that slightly pathetic part of Jinshi. Honestly, to compare him to the person she respects most in the whole world? A daddy's girl through and through. In other words, MaoMao, even as she denies it, is not impenetrable to that earnest side of Jinshi and because of that, even as she might snark and say she's just following orders, she can't help but be his support - a useful tool rather than a useless burden.
I love how the both of them mature and progress and how the relationship reflects that. As compared to that forceful scene back in LN5, it's actually this innocent scene that cements the progress they've made and that they're slowly meeting each other halfway. Jinshi tries to restrain himself, and MaoMao, thanks to Chue, slowly stops trying to hide behind that convenient excuse.
Because the thing is, MaoMao is a hypocrite. In the same way, she rebukes Jinshi for not being clear, she also gets to hide behind vague half-truths. Why not say no once and for all? "I don't want to be your wife." Is it just because he's the Imperial Brother? Compare and contrast how she treats Grand Marshall Kan for example. And even if he is the Imperial Brother, MaoMao knows in her heart of hearts that Jinshi wouldn't ever punish her for rejecting him. She knows, after everything, that he just isn't that kind of person (the certainty that he wouldn't ever be involved in any assassination plots, the almost unconscious instinct to prevent something she knows Jinshi wouldn't want even if it might be for the good of the country or for her own safety as long as she plays dumb). I really do love how like Suiren, MaoMao is his ally. (No wonder mother-in-law Suiren approves.)
Isn't it more painful - for Jinshi - and more troublesome - for her - to continue to have this hanging between them? But MaoMao is only human. There are things she knows would be the best course of action as long as she operated solely on rationality, but unexpectedly, Jinshi - despite not knowing it - brings out that irrational part of her. She knows it would have been in her best interest (if her best interest truly was to escape the marriage) to just let Jinshi continue being vague, to not put a name to his intentions, she later realizes that this is Jinshi's own consideration for her, but her true emotions push forth. She knows it - what Jinshi feels for her, compares it to a lovestruck patron, so what gain does she get from hearing it verbalized out loud?
She struggles with his special consideration for her, the proof of deeper feelings, in his words and actions. I think she would be able to justify it in her mind and accept being his wife if she knew it was only because she was a useful tool. Because if so, then she could also justify it to herself that she was staying with him only because he was useful, that it was solely on the basis of reciprocity.
I mean the reality of the world they live in is that it's not a place to cultivate love. Marriages are political more often than not. Within MaoMao's way of looking at things, a marriage of convenience might have been more palatable. For Jinshi's part, I can see him being ready to accept that even if MaoMao does accept his proposal, she would marry him while not being in love with him. On the flip side, I think part of his strong motivation to break away from the Imperial family would be to remove, without a doubt, from MaoMao's mind that she would be punished for rejecting him since he would no longer have that power. In other words, part of Jinshi is ready for MaoMao to reject him but he wants it to be solely her choice. In other words, he would also want her to give it to him straight just like she demanded he do for her.
Speaking of special consideration, it is hard to say whether MaoMao's actions towards Jinshi are those she would do for any other patient (since she's actually softer than she gives herself credit for), but the things she does without orders are telling - like stroking his hair while putting him to sleep, kissing his cheek, ingesting something she knows she's allergic to without his knowledge for a plan to sniff out his enemies (pity this didn't make it to the LN), getting mad that his accomplishments were getting stolen from him despite him not caring about it, and glaringly - attempting to break a taboo the person she respects most in the world imposed on her, just so she can better take care of Jinshi. For all that MaoMao is comfortable in her place in the world and doesn't want to venture out of her comfort zone, calling it too troublesome, she does exceed a lot of her limits - true because of that unexpectedly strong sense of duty - but also because of or for Jinshi.
MaoMao acknowledges to herself at this point that no other person besides Jinshi can give her the same comfort. She does want to have a child someday, if only for the experience of giving birth. It may not be a burning passion, this may not be enough for her to call it love, but I can also see a scenario where she accepts Jinshi because he's the only one she would be comfortable with so that she can give birth. In other words, another convenient excuse. But conversely, even after succeeding in having MaoMao for a wife, I can see Jinshi still pushing because for once in his life he can fight his hardest and win or fail on his own merits and no one else's, and also simply put, he loves her and so he would want her to love him back. Even if it isn't the norm in the world they live in. He'd still want to continue fighting for that elusive flower. A perfect push and pull. In other words, it's up to them how they decide to meet each other half way. And I'm excited to see what the future holds for them.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
okay @fawndlyvenus @shubaka this is for you lol
Chay learns, very quickly, that there are a lot of things he and Porsche no longer know about each other.
For example: Porsche had no idea that his own boyfriend's youngest brother is the same guy that's existed within a shrine on Chay's wall for, oh, five years? And when he found out about Kinn's AWOL brother, Porsche had a name, but was never able to put a face to it, because Kim was too busy stalking Chay, and giving him guitar lessons - which Porsche never found out about, either - and taking him on dates, and then ripping his heart out of his chest. Chay decides not to tell Porsche about that last part, because by the time he can, he and Kim have already made up and gotten back together, and it would make things very awkward with Porsche. Who already disapproves of Kim on principle.
So, there are still things Chay and Porsche don't know about each other. And there are more things they wish they didn't know about each other.
Still, somewhere during Porsche's apologetic, secret-sharing mood, he revealed some things about his early days as Kinn's bodyguard. Namely his interactions with the Minor Family. Chay has gotten some of the details from Macau as well; how the first time they met, Porsche shoved him into the koi pond and broke his face on a statue. (Porsche fiercely insists that's not the real story).
Between the two of them, Chay is able to piece together a story.
Kan demanded that Vegas keep an eye on Porsche. Vegas enlisted Macau's help to reel him in with a false apology, and bribe him with the cherry red Ducati he's always wanted. Chay also learns Vegas kept a much... closer... involvement with Porsche than strictly necessary. And this part of the story always makes his stomach turn, the way Vegas would push and push and push, trying to take what wasn't his, and Porsche never quite looks at him when he talks about it. Chay doesn't look at him, either.
Porsche insists that he and Vegas are cool now. Pete insists Vegas has changed, and Porsche tells him that as far as he can tell, it's true. Vegas no longer acts like the monster his father forced him to be, now that his father is dead.
Still, he tells Chay these stories, because there's a part of him that still believes Vegas is dangerous, and Porsche needs him to know. To understand. To be safe.
Macau, to his credit, doesn't take offense to the way Chay always flinches when Vegas is mentioned. They never hang out at Macau and Vegas' new house - they're not unwelcome at the minor family house, but they stay away, there's too many memories - and bringing Macau to the main compound always make him a little nervous - Khun loathes Macau just as much as he adores Chay - but they figure it out. Pour over google Maps for an hour trying to establish an acceptable No Man's Land where they can meet in peace, without painful memories bleeding out between them.
Mostly that takes place at an internet cafe roughly in the middle of them, where they can game and bicker and act like normal kids for a while. In another year Macau will join him in university, and it'll be even easier to negotiate their interactions. For now, Chay will continue to feel like he's sneaking behind enemy lines the handful of times he picks Macau up directly from his house.
"He really has changed," Macau says one day. They're in the compound this time, at Khun's koi pond, and Maucau keeps looking around like he's waiting to be shoved into it. They're the only ones in the garden. Neither of them comment on Tankhun standing in his window, watching them fiercely.
Chay tosses a torn off piece of bread into the pond and says, "Mhm," and pretends he doesn't know who Macau is talking about. But Macau is kind of an asshole, and won't let him.
"He feels bad."
"I don't know why, it's not like he kidnapped me." He technically didn't. Chay knows that. He still doesn't like him.
"He keeps making sad faces at me and asking if you hate him."
Chay laughs at that. The next piece of bread is thrown at Macau. "Liar."
"Yeah, I am," Macau laughs. "He really does feel bad, though. He's got a thing about fucking with little brothers, y'know?" He tears into his own loaf of bread. It mostly crumbles into the grass as he picks at it. "Vegas really didn't mean for you to get caught up in everything. Tawan went behind his back."
"Yep. It's cool. Really." It's really not.
Macau sighs.
He stops trying to convince Chay, though. Maybe it's because he looks up at Tankhun's window, sees the unfiltered loathing pouring through it, and shudders, and yeah. He understands. And Tankhun never ever really did anything to him, not like Tawan - and Vegas - did to Chay.
"You know, that was the worst day of my life," Chay says casually. "Well, second worst. Actual worst was way worse, emotionally at least, but that day started as the best day of my life-"
"Because of Kim?"
Chay nods, a blush dusting his cheeks. They've finally managed to get their shit back together, so they can get back together, but it's only been a few weeks. It's still new and kind of scaring, and sometimes Chay still thinks he's going to wake up and find it was all a dream. He's working on it.
Macau scrunches up his nose and says, "This family is so weird. You don't have any other brothers, right? Because I think I'd be genetically obligated to try and smash, and I don't really want to."
"Dude! You're actually insane."
"Dude, come on - think about! Your brother is banging Kinn, Vegas tried to bang him, and you're doing your thing with Kim-"
"No one's tried with Tankhun, right?"
"Yeah, but that's cause he's weird. So that just leaves me, right? The last eligible Theerapanyakul bachelor." They both break into laughter so deep it hurts, and Macau throws himself into Chay's side, batting his lashes. "But hey, if you and Kim don't work out..."
"I hate you," Chay says, and Macau's worst fear finally comes true as Chay shoves him into the koi pond, and a pair of guards come running when they hear screams.
By the time they get there Macau has pulled Chay into the water, and the two are playfully trying to drown each other, and the guards look at each other, unsure if they should get involved.
In the end, they're called off - by Tankhun, who secretly hopes Chay succeeds in drowning Macau, eagerly watching from his window - and the boys eventually drag themselves out, waterlogged and sore from laughter.
No one could tell they're crying beneath it all, months of pent-up emotions finally released. They cling to each other as they catch their breath, and maybe it's a little desperate, grasping hands that hurt, but it's okay, because even if their ribs are aching and their lungs are burning, and nothing is certain, they're okay.
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quodekash · 1 year
because that’s when you know im obsessed with it
(disclaimer: I meant to do this literally two weeks ago but I didn’t think I had enough but I stopped for a bit and my adhd brain promptly forgot about it for a week and then remembered and then forgot for another week, and honestly i meant to actually make this for like a month before that but i didnt actually start finding the quotes until two weeks ago, but it’s fine I’m here now)
—- —-
Akk: Ayan is a little bitch.  Wat: Why?  Akk: Number one, he’s little. Number two, he’s a bitch.
(episode 1-3 core)
—- —-
Namo: The floor is lava!  Kan: *helps Thua onto the counter*  Akk: *kicks Wat off the sofa*  Ayan: *lays on the floor*  Namo: ...Are you okay?  Ayan: No. 
(im 80% certain this is a deleted scene from the beach episodes)
—- —-
*Akk and Ayan are planning to break in somewhere*  Akk: We need to distract the guards.  Ayan: Right.  Akk: What are we gonna do?  Ayan: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes.  Akk:  Ayan:  Akk: Deal. 
—- —-
Akk: Aye, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason.  Ayan, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than his size: Spooky. 
—- —-
Akk: I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back.  Ayan: Why are you telling me this, I don't care.  Ayan, right after Akk leaves the room: I miss him already.
—- —-
Aye: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.  Aye, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor. 
—- —-
Akk: I fell—  Aye: From heaven?  Akk: No, I literally fell—  Aye: In love with me the moment you saw me?  Akk: MY ARM IS BROKEN!  Aye: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest. 
—- —-
Aye: Are we fighting or flirting?  Akk: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-  Aye: Your point? 
—- —-
Thua: Two bros!  Kan: Chillin' in a hot tub!  Thua and Kan, in unison: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK! 
—- —-
Akk: I owe you one.  Aye: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even. 
—- —-
Thua: I want to kiss you.  Kan, not paying attention: What?  Thua: I said if you die, I wont miss you. 
(its okay thua, he's not ignoring you, he has adhd. just kiss him, he'll be happy, trust me)
—- —-
Kan: And now for a gay update with Akk and Aye.  Akk: Getting gayer.  Kan: Thank you, Akk. 
—- —-
Wat: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Thua recently.  Kan: No, Wat, it's not what it looks like, I swear.  Wat: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous?  Kan: No! You’re the only one for me.  Wat: Is that so?  Kan: I promise! Thua and I are just dating, okay? He’s my boyfriend.  Wat: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved?  Kan: You are still my one and only best friend! He’s just the love of my life, nothing more!  Wat: But I’m still the platonic love of your life, right?  Kan: Of course bro!  Wat: Bro...  Thua: What the- 
—- —-
*at 3am*  Kan: *runs into Akk’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  Akk: *wakes up* Dude!  Kan: *cackles*  Aye: *sits up from where he was sleeping behind akk* What the fuck, Kan? Kan: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT- 
(the original vine is now playing over and over in my head and its probably my favourite vine and its literally them and i love it so much gerjdhgbrh)
—- —-
Kan: This totally sucks, man.  Akk: This is horrible.  Kan: Yeah, I know, I mean look at everything the curse did to those rulebreakers today.  Akk: No, it’s not that, it’s Aye. Akk: It’s just like, I can’t get him out of my head and every time I look at him I have these pains in my chest, and I just know it’s his fault, that bitch! 
(AVPM QUOTE LETS GOOO and yes it is perfection and is exactly canon i take no criticism)
—- —-
Kan: Did Thua just tell me he loved me for the first time?  Akk: Yeah, he did.  Kan: And did I just do finger guns back?  Akk: Yeah, you did. 
(oh you sweet sweet maybe-bisexual man)
—- —-
Aye: *finds a note* Hmm, whats this?  Kan: Hey, that's mine! *tries to grab it*  Aye: Aww, it's a love note for Thua?  Kan: No-  Aye: *opens it*  Aye:  Kan:  Aye: I can't read this. 
(is it because the contents are too explicit to read or because kan's handwriting is awful? you decide)
—- —-
Kan: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car?  Akk: Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Aye, deer!"  Kan: ...And what did you say?  Aye: ..."Yes, Honey?" 
—- —-
Kan: I love you.  Thua: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.  *Kan and Thua kiss passionately*  Wat, to Akk: You owe me 20 dollars. 
(HES BEEN SAYING IT FOR YEARS AND THEY FINALLY DID IT. IMAGINE THE VICTORIOUS FEELING WAT FELT IN THAT MOMENT. NOT TO MENTION THE JOY AT HIS SHIP FINALLY GETTING TOGETHER. BRO IS AS PHENOMENAL AS TIW AND I LOVE HIM SO FREAKING MUCH (someone write a crossover fic where tiw and wat get together and plot their ships' getting together. if someone has already written this, please tell me)
—- —-
Kan: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.  Akk: Throw rocks at he.  Aye: Hot Dogs.  Wat: Kill him.  Kan: Thanks guys. 
—- —-
Kan, trying to sound happy: *about Aye and Thua* They’d make a cute couple, huh? Akk, holding back tears: They certainly are standing next to each other. 
(first few episodes core. specifically when aye is whispering in thua's ear and theyre both just standing to the side watching it happen and completely unaware that this means they are gay and in love with one of them)
—- —-
Thua: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!  Kan: Um...Neat.  *later*  Kan, lying face down on their bed: I said "Neat," Akk. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid.  Akk, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Kan. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Aye confessed his love for me?  Kan: Didn't you thank him?  Akk: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked him. 
—- —-
Kan: How is the most beautiful person in the world?  Thua: *blushing* I—  Aye, butting into the conversation: Akk is perfect, thanks for asking. 
—- —-
Wat: Do you love Kan?  Thua: Yeah, I do.  Wat: Akk! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 baht!  Akk: We all love Kan. You should've asked if he was IN love with him.  Thua: I thought that was implied.  Akk: ...  Wat: ...  Thua, looking straight at Akk: Congrats Wat, you just won 100 baht. 
—- —-
Akk: Are you trying to seduce me?  Aye: Why, are you seducible? 
—- —-
Aye: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.  Wat: Oh, you’ve been?  Aye: Once. In Monopoly. 
—- —-
Wat: When I was a kid, Kan told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.  Teacher Sani: They are!  Wat: FOR REAL?  Sani: No! Why did you fall for it again? 
—- —-
Thua, on a random band name generator: Oooo! They Might Be Depressed Horses! That about sums up my friend group. 
—- —-
Akk: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.  Ayan: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both. 
—- —-
Ayan: Hey, Akk, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?  Akk: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.  Ayan: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?  Akk: Can't really say I have.  Ayan: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.  Akk: Sorry, Aye. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody. 
—- —-
Ayan: Talk dirty to me, baby~  Akk: The dishes.  Ayan: Wh-  Akk: They’ve been there for 4 days and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times. 
—- —-
Ayan: My hands are cold.  Akk: Here, let me hold them.  Ayan: My lips are cold too. Akk: *covers Ayan's mouth with his hand* 
—- —-
Akk: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.  Ayan: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.  Akk: ...  Akk: You mean ring bearER, right?  Ayan: ...  Akk: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding. 
—- —-
Ayan: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.  Akk: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit. 
—- —-
Akk: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.  Ayan: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.  Akk: I said within reason, Ayan. How about I murder that guy?  Ayan: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?  Akk: Well, duh. What kind of question is that? 
—- —-
Ayan: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.  Akk: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.  Ayan: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??  Akk: Is it working? 
—- —-
Akk: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.  Ayan: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.  Akk: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??  Ayan: Is it working? 
—- —-
and now, for my personal favourite...
Ayan: Akk is playing hard to get.  Ayan: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of. 
—- —-
that's all for now, but i promise, i will be back
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ikkosu · 14 days
Okay so imma unload all these questions ever since I saw the second comic of the Yuri: How did Kan got her eye patch? Is it permanent or will it just be a scar?
Who employed the detective to go after the murderer? One of the family victims? Or other?
Is there a reason particular for the killings? Is it related to Kan's personality or more like her job? Has she ever killed before she got employed at the group?
When is she gonna break?
Does Kan has a particular reason to work in the company? Or just financially?
Are there any side characters that might evolve further the relationship or dynamics between the two?
these are all good questions omg 😭😭 I don’t really want to spoil a lot of the lore. I was hoping to gradually ease it out in mini comics but I’ll answer it the best I can!
How did Kan got her eye patch? Is it permanent or will it just be a scar?
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^^ I think you’re referencing that one panel where’s she’s looking down. It’s actually an artistic element I wanted to bring out the other shade of her eye, and her distraught expression and also a foreshadowing for something later on 😭 sorry for not making this clear
Who employed the detective to go after the murderer? One of the family victims? Or other?
Mesa is an independent detective. She’s sluggish, socially inept and very disorganized. So when she’s sorting out her cabinet files she comes across a cold case dated years back, unsolved by the local police officials. Skimming through the contents, it’s about a secretary who was murdered while on her shift at the UCN. Complicated stuff. She’s set on her sights to continue it.
Is there a reason particular for the killings? Is it related to Kan's personality or more like her job? Has she ever killed before she got employed at the group? Does Kan has a particular reason to work in the company? Or just financially?
Kan kills for revenge. I would say she’s charming, too. But charming in a way it’s traditional. In Khmer culture, being soft spoken + a calm demeanor is widely admired in young women. So while Kan doesn’t speak much and strolls along the halls like a ghost, everyone, especially the older folks likes her. I’d doubt she enjoys having a casual chat with people, though. Her first kill? A certain secretary.
When is she gonna break?
She’s kind of out of it already? But it gets worse towards the end.
Are there any side characters that might evolve further the relationship or dynamics between the two?
To be honest, I never really paired up Mesa and Kan explicitly in the story. I just like the dynamic (doomed yuri) so I kind of shipped them in a way? Mesa’s love interest is a bubbly journalist, Ayalis, who’s rooked in on this whole affair. She somehow gave her the papers Mesa has never gotten her greedy hands on, so that’s all it took for her to botch a spot as the sidekick. But the main focus is Mesa’s and Kan’s relationship.
While, Kan. I’m not really pairing this up with her — but I like the contrast of her personality (calm, cunning) to the daughter’s CEO Evine. (explosive and brash). They’re both close because the CEO basically tells Kan to watch her like a gaurd dog, given they’re not only involve gangs but also mafia dealings. Quick doodles of their height
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Kan is quite short but she is the strongest out of the three. And here’s a quick doodle of Aya (left) and Evine (right)
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At some point Ayalis would have some complications when she stumbles upon Kan’s line of sight. Something she shouldn’t have done. And Evine? She’s, uh, doomed from the start.
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nicoscheer · 7 months
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Do you want to discover what bands @mileskane listens to while ironing his shirts? Then listen to this episode of the music podcast @kendedital with the nicest and funniest guy in the music business!
We had a blast! 🫶🏽
"I'm willing to play anywhere. Even now, if I were offered a gig at the pub across the street, l'd take it. I simply love playing. If you asked, I'd play right this moment. I just love playing, I'm not arsed. It's what it's all about." X
Miles when being asked about AM’s new sound:
mk: "you gotta respect it, you know, like, that's me bro, i'm always gonna have his back, you know what i mean? yeah and i respect for a big band to follow their gut. that's what al does and you gotta respect it whether you like it or not. it's kind of what all great artists do."
interviewer: "like it's cool that you kinda... you want to fucking do it so you do
mk: "yeah, man, that's me boy. if he wants to sing french or sing nigerian, i'm gonna have his back, you know what i mean?"
🫶🏽🫶🏽🥹🥹🥺my boys
Like I hate it that he’s always asked bout AM and TLSP cause he’s promotion his solo tour but this is 😘
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So you’re telling me they are literally promoting Miles and Liam djing with a Tlsp pic 😭😭🫠🥺
Imagine if Alex were you just casually show up behind that DJ booth
with his bosom friend Alex Turner
At Crammerock we saw him strolling backstage. We decided to put on our naughty shoes and ask him. He turned out to be very amable and he was immediately enthusiastic about our concept,
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So, you set out on your own
You shut up shop, you're leavin' home
You feel no need to settle down
In the crippled crook of your earth bound town
And you've been down this road before
Which is not to say you're bored
Or that you shouldn't want for more
It's just your expectations should be lower
There must be somethin' more than this
More than ideal homes or domestic bliss
What is there left for you to do
'Cause you've seen the future and it's nothin' new
And you've been down this road before
Which is not to say you're bored
Or that you shouldn't want for more
It's just your expectations should be lower, should be lower
And you've been down this road before
Which is not to say you're bored
Or that you shouldn't want for more
It's just your expectations should be lower, should be lower
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Apparently wasn’t happy with the text placement so had to repost it 🤣🤣🥹
His eyebrow slit and bear looking fucking clean
Also I hate everybody who lives close to Gent or Sheffield
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Miles last night with chef Tom brown and Jay Forrester at the opening of Tom’s new oyster bar (pearly queen shoreditch/ where Tom and friends repeatedly posted that the logo outside is the new bat signal 🤨y’know like miles guitarist said that the mirrorball is their bat signal) (also the fact that Tom reposted the pic of them via puppetspaces ig)
The pictures of Miles with Tom and Jay
So proud of him selling out within less than two hours
Miles helping Tom with taste testing
I love that as soon Chef Tom Brown is involved everybody starts using Miles’ music; here a custom knife made for TB using troubled son
A nice recap of the opening night, the way Miles disappears in that hug with Tom is 🥹🥹🥹
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barid-bel-medar · 10 months
Sticks & Stones, though this can apply to any AU or canon, and this focuses on the costumes for Bakugo and Momo. This questions who made Bakugo’s costume and who approved him to have loaded gauntlets that can store his sweat.
If Momo wanted a skimpier costume but was rejected, there is some precedent of that there is a vetting process to look at the student suggestions since they don’t have familiarity with what is available. If she wasn’t ignored, then we could see that her costume can be improved over the years(I prefer the original Teen Titan cartoon Starfire for example) and that her bookshelf could be swapped for a mounted computer. She is someone whose costume can improve overtime like Izuku’s costume upgrades helping his joints.
Bakugo’s costume, on the other hand, has heavy and explosive gauntlets that stores his sweat. I question who approved this as I feel like this could heavily backfire as having explosive material that could activate all at once would permanently destroy his arms and turn him into an accidental suicide bomber. If he truly wants the grenade gauntlet, they shouldn’t store any sweat due to risk of backfiring on himself(he can have the fake gauntlets as counterweight as he “flies” with explosives).
This leads back into the question, we know that the person who made Bakugo’s costume is the same one who made Ochaco’s costume, so I would think that the designer would take whatever they’re given, make it and not question why. The only thing that the maker should be blamed on is why store that much explosive sweat.
So who approves the costume before the maker can make it and who approves the costume after the costume is made? I only see 3 candidates, All Might, Aizawa and Power Loader. If it was AM, I give him the slack as he doesn’t know the students and that it would be blamed on UA for giving the inexperienced teacher an important job that shouldn’t be given to. He could give advice for costume improvement if the students ask but he doesn’t know them yet. If it was Aizawa, it would be blamed on him for not double checking the design parameters after the costumes have been made for safety reasons. He would not make any suggestions for improvements. If it was Power Loader, it would be blamed on him to not double check the design parameters. He only does the requests if the students ask. There’s also the fact that there would be quality differences between support companies and support students given that the budget and materials available would be different.
My own theory is (in general, not just in Sticks and Stones, though in Sticks and Stones for obvious reasons it becomes part of the major ongoing situation) that the hero course homeroom teachers are the ones approving the costumes. It makes the most sense that they're the ones doing it since otherwise we're assuming the heroics practical teacher is reviewing at least forty students costumes, or that Power Loader/other support teachers are doing that on *top* of getting ready for their own homerooms. Much more likely is that Aizawa and Kan reviewed the costumes and signed off on them.
I think Momo's only got flagged because it was actually violating a specific law (involving how much skin needed to be covered). And even then a lot of stupid issues were left there that I'm actually going to have discussed in Failure to Explode's upcoming chapter (there's a reason I sent her to Jeanist after all for her internship).
But in Sticks and Stones, it will cause a huge controversy that Aizawa approved something like the gauntlets, which are clearly a weapon that should not be in the hands of a First Year, and should probably only be in the hands of at earliest a Second Year. Especially since he doesn't read the student files, people are also questioning what the hell made him think that Katsuki was capable of knowing these were a good idea or not. In general UA is now facing a lot of questions in general over how well they're vetting things or the vetting processes they're using.
Also though a serious conversation will be happening with people and Katsuki of 'hey why the fuck did you include a weapon design request for something that you knew could kill someone as part of your very first costume?'
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skania · 1 year
Do you think kana would be perfect for aqua once he tells her everything and heals from his trauma? Kana is light his bright shining star and kana long term crush on aqua will be a good payoff for once. Akane will probably see that kana is best for him and help them get together? I see fans theorize on this and I want to hear your opinion
I typed a reply to this and Tumblr lost it! 😭
I'll also replying to these here because they're all Aq/Kan related:
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I'd also like the chance to clarify something. I'm not here to convince anyone that Aqua/Kana won't happen! It could very well happen! A part of me is expecting it to happen,not because it'd be the best outcome but because it's the most predictable one lmao
So yeah, I'm not here for that and I'm not interested in doing so either. I'm here to talk about Akane, Aqua and AquaKane and all the reasons why they won me over and why I personally find them much more satisfying!
Forgive me for the PSA anons, I'm answering these but I need to redirect my agenda to the ship I actually ship lmao
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To summarize what I wrote before Tumblr ate my reply, of course there are theories like those because it's the most obvious reading of the manga. If you take every Aqua and Kana interaction at face value, it's natural to come to that conclusion. And they could very well be right, maybe Aka is subverting expectations by making us think he is above going for the obvious, only to do exactly that. It's possible! The ships in Kaguya were blatantly obvious, too.
Except. And here is the big thing. Aka has already written a character that approaches love in the same way Kana does. This character is Maki. She was in love with a boy but never did anything about it. The consequence? The boy started to like her best friend and pursued her. What did Maki do? Nothing. The boy and her best friend started to date, a casual relationship turned to love, and Maki did nothing but mope pretty much exactly like Kana. Was Maki's love rewarded at the end? No, because Aka portrayed her inaction as wrong.
Now, the main difference between Kana and Maki is that Aqua may very well be into her, too. But the rest of the picture remains the same: lack of action from Kana, a complete lack of development between them, etc., while Aqua and Akane have gone through like 10 different relationship stages in that same amount of time, growing closer each time.
So which road you find most rewarding depends on which road you personally think has been more developed in the manga. Same goes for whether you think Kana would be perfect for Aqua; I think that at the surface, the manga wants the reader to get that impression. But is she really? Kana is too naive. Whenever Aqua manipulates her, she blindly falls right into it. She wears her heart on her sleeve; this may be refreshing to Aqua, but it also puts Kana at a clear disadvantage because he knows exactly what to say and do to get her to react exactly how he wants her to. Would theirs be a relationship between equals? Right now, I'm not sure I can see it.
But you know what? It's actually impossible to know how Kana would fare around Aqua, the whole Aqua, because we have simply never seen it. Aqua's darkness has always been kept from her. And the scenario you're painting here involves a perfectly healthy Aqua, but he may never be like that. I am definitely hoping he heals and I'm sure he will heal, but that won't magically erase everything he has gone through. Is Kana equipped to deal with that? Maybe, maybe not. We won't know until Aka actually allows her to see all of Aqua.
So all in all, my thoughts are that it's kind of pointless to worry about this. You either enjoy Aqua/Akane's dynamic more or you don't. There isn't a right answer, it's subjective.
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I have no thoughts about this lol Akane was just trying to reassure Aqua, she had no idea that Aqua had never done emotional acting before because at this point, she was only getting to know him. Akane isn't the type to force her way through without first having a clear understanding of what is going on inside the person.
Once she sees how he acted in the past, Akane figures it all out and gets to the heart of the matter. What does Aqua act for? Why does he want to act in the first place?
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And she doesn't settle for Aqua not giving her a straight answer.
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Ai was Ruby's light too. Was Ruby in love with Ai?
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In this manga, being someone's light doesn't have to be romantic. Now, I'm not saying Aqua's feelings for Kana aren't romantic; like I've said a bunch of times, the in-your-face reading of the manga is that they are.
I'm saying that Kana being Aqua's light doesn't automatically mean she's his one true love, because being a light for someone isn't an inherently romantic concept in this manga.
As for whether Aqua was "forcing" himself to think he would be better off with Akane...
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Aqua dated Akane because he wanted to and he stayed with Akane because he wanted to; because she did him good. Aqua's actions show a dedicated boyfriend who literally calls his girlfriend every night.
But Aqua's happiness was built on Aqua deliberately turning his eyes away from the truth about Kamiki. Rather than face the music, Aqua ran away. Same goes for his bond with Kana. Instead of having a honest talk with her, Aqua let his trauma get the best of him and simply cut her off his life.
I think deep down, Aqua was aware that he was running away. But by running away, he was able to spend his days in relative peace. So even when Gotanda spelled out the truth to him, Aqua couldn't find it in himself to stop running.
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Of course, this is only part of what weights Aqua down during his "freedom" period. I believe another thing that weights Aqua down is that he hasn't told Akane that he is Goro. Despite all the truths he has told her, he is still hiding this from her, and we know for a fact that he sees this as him "deceiving her."
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All of this, coupled with Aqua's inherent trauma which shapes itself into thinking: Do I even deserve to be happy? shackle Aqua to the past he is desperately trying to run away from.
But this is such an interesting topic that it probably deserves its own post lol
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marshmallord · 2 years
The KinnPorsche Novel Ending
I started this out with the goal of summarizing the final chapter of the novel (Chapter 44) and the special ending, but while rereading, I remembered that it's terrible and jampacked with information. So, instead, this is a collection of important moments and information from the novel that may or may not become relevant in the series finale. I wish I could include pictures/gifs, but as this is speculating what will happen in an unreleased episode, I can't. Beware of clicking Keep reading--MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD.
Final Chapter
Chapter 44 is a MESS. It's the final showdown and then some, interspersed with way too many confusing flashbacks. I could not recommend reading it less. Please remember that the novel is quite different from the series, so I cannot guarantee how much of this will actually show up in the series. I've split this into two parts--things that may or may not stay in the series, and things that I think probably will.
Some quick info--Porsche's parents are named Honey (Namphueng, his mother) and Phat (his father). I'll be spelling Vegas' dad's name as Kan. Korn and Kan's father is named Agong.
Parts that may or may not be relevant in the series (in chronological order of mention):
Kinn reveals to Porsche that Vegas is the one that drugged him.
Honey's final wish was that Athi raise Porsche and Chay away from the mafia.
Kinn did not kill Athi.
For the final showdown, the main family planned to surprise the second family and take them down once and for all, but the second family caught wind of the plan and launched an attack instead.
When Kinn is about to kill Vegas during the showdown, Pete tackles Vegas out of the way and begins to punch him nonstop, and Vegas does not fight back (I want this part to stay lol).
Honey's corpse is perfectly preserved in a greenhouse on Agong's property.
Korn kills Kan and promises to look after Vegas and Macau (putting this in the may not category because I hope Vegas kills Kan sdfkjshks).
Vegas flees after his father dies, and is involved in a car crash. He enters a coma for about a month, during which Pete stays by his hospital bed and cares for Macau.
Major facts/moments that I predict will remain in the series:
Honey was ADOPTED. Agong and his wife wanted a girl, so they adopted her. Porsche and Chay are not biologically related to the Theerapanyakuls. Honey was very different from her brothers.
Porsche's father was murdered during a spat over Honey cutting ties with the Theerapanyakuls.
Kan was secretly in love with Honey. Korn may or may not have also been in love with her--it's unclear.
Korn and Kan both accuse each other of killing Porsche's father. The final verdict is that Kan pulled the trigger.
A week or so after Phat's death, Kan raped Honey. Soon after, she killed herself via pills.
After Vegas runs away, Pete removes his bodyguard pin and gives it to Korn, resigning from the main family. He then runs after Vegas.
The very end of the novel depicts Korn and Chan sitting in Korn's room. Korn mentions that Agong taught him that "love doesn't measure up to strength". Chan points out that Kinn is still strong. Korn tells him that Kim is the strongest.
A quick bit of bonus information: Korn, Kan, and Honey had another brother (another biological son). He's never mentioned until Chapter 43. He may or may not be dead? Or in Switzerland. If he's mentioned in the series as alive, he'll likely have more prominence in the second season.
Special Ending
There are two endings for KinnPorsche. Why? I have no idea!! I'm like 93% sure that the special ending is also canon, so I'm including it in this post. There's some pretty major stuff here. This won't be split into two categories because all of it confuses the hell out of me.
Vegas signs away several businesses and casinos from the second family. It is tradition that when conflict arises within the Theerapanyakul family, the winning side will take whatever they want from the losing side.
Pete reestablishes that he has chosen Vegas.
Korn reminisces about Honey with Tankhun, Kinn, and Porsche. He reveals that she named Tankhun, and that Kinn and Porsche used to play together. Korn gives Kinn the ring of the head of the main family, and Porsche the ring of the head of the second family.
Korn brings Kim to a warehouse that houses the headquarters for a secret organization the Korn established to counterbalance the Theerapanyakuls and their competitors to ensure that he could maintain control. He institutes Kim as the leader and wonders who will come out stronger--Kinn with the main family or Kim with the secret organization (because Korn is an asshole that pits his kids against each other just like Agong did).
The end of the special ending is especially confusing. Vegas and Porsche sit together on an abandoned port and Vegas assures Porsche that whatever they're doing (it's unclear) is not going to hurt/betray Kinn. Porsche voices his distrust in Korn. They encounter several former subordinates of the minor family, who pledge their loyalty to Vegas. Porsche says that they now "have more manpower". My main theory is that they're working together to take down/unmask Korn? But idk for sure.
Moral of the story is that Korn is a lying piece of shit and I trust him about as far as I can throw him. And if you're even more confused after reading all this... me too. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts in comments/asks. I'll try to answer the questions I can, but these endings are REALLY confusing.
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paalove · 1 year
could you maybe write something little about insecure akk? a new friend of aye is obviously interested in aye and he doesn't notice and Akk is not good at communicating that he is jealous/insecurities and gets a bit weird around aye. And Ayan is scared because he notices something is up but not what
sorry this took Eight Million Years i had a bit of an incident. im back now though!!
also on ao3
The enemy is an older student.
Akk doesn’t know exactly what this guy studies – it doesn’t matter what this guy studies – he’s one of the seniors who organises what Aye’s been calling “gay club stuff” but which is not, in fact, a university-endorsed club. He’s not going to- like, it doesn’t matter, that it’s not official, it’s just that it makes him kind of worried that things are secret-
“You’re jealous,” Kan points out.
Akk rolls his eyes at the phone and says, “Yeah, I know, but I can’t-“
“Tell your boyfriend you’re jealous of his new friend? Why not?”
Because that would be.
“Well,” Akk says, and then hangs up.
If he wanted advice he intended to follow he’d call, like, Wat, who would probably call their former teacher who actually does give good advice, so he doesn’t feel guilty or anything for just hanging up.
He does feel kind of pathetic for being this worried.
It’s Aye, Aye’s not actually going to do anything behind his back, but.
That doesn’t necessarily mean Aye doesn’t like this guy. At least a little.
He’s got his phone held between his ear and his shoulder, because Akk just got all the textbooks he needs to switch to the education faculty and his hands are kind of full, and on the other end his dad’s saying, “Your mother held the stepladder,” just as Akk uses his elbow to open the – thankfully unlocked – door to the room and tries to decide if he should ask his dad to stop trying to fix the roof until Akk can visit, he hears a voice he doesn’t recognise from inside his room.
“Eighty might be too many,” the strange voice laughs.
Giggling, Akk’s boyfriend says, “The last twenty are for me.”
The stranger and Aye are cracking up when Akk shoulders his way through the door.
The stranger is probably Akk’s height, he thinks, from comparison to Aye. The stranger is smiling down at Aye, after all, and Aye is smiling up at him, and they aren’t standing super close or anything but as Akk watches, Aye mimes a punch to the stranger’s shoulder and Akk’s gut twists.
“Tell me if the roof gets worse, at least,” Akk says to his dad, just as the phone starts to slip from the loose hold and he adds, “Oh, fu- shoot.”
This summons Aye’s assistance – the stranger stands, startled, where he was, and when Aye has Akk’s phone and two of the new books, and Akk’s own burden is more reasonable, the stranger is still just looking at them.
Like Akk arriving is a surprise.
Or something. The guy looks rapidly between them, and there's a smile on his face that Akk looks at and can tell, he can tell it means something, and it means something about them because he keeps looking between them and Akk has no reason to panic, but.
The stranger is good-looking.
Akk guesses.
“Are you sure you won’t come with me?”
Aye looks really, really good – it’s definitely one of Akk’s tank tops on him, just slightly bigger and sitting more loosely over his arms than Aye’s own do, and it opens up on the sides of his waist to show smooth skin – and he’s doing a teasing pout, eyes sparkling.
Then Aye walks in closer and snaps his fingers in Akk’s face and says, “Hey,” laughter in his voice.
“Hey,” Akk replies, taking the opportunity to slip his hand onto Aye’s half-bare waist, “Why the snapping?”
“I asked you a question,” Aye pouts.
“Oh,” Akk nods. “Still not coming. I don’t like big parties.”
That’s an oversimplification, but it’s one Aye knows about, because it’s kind of a lot to say the whole big groups of people make me stressed sometimes and I don’t trust myself when student clubs are involved and also I love you but Wat and Kan aren’t here to shield me too, and of course the explanation Aye doesn’t know about which is the guy whose house this is makes me really worried because you smile when he calls and that one time you introduced us properly you watched his face more than mine-‘
So Aye makes a sympathetic-worried face and says, “As long as you’re sure,” and kisses Akk on the cheek once, then pouts dramatically.
Akk’s hand is still on Aye’s waist, so he strokes his thumb from side-to-side as he raises his eyebrows and says, “Don’t you need to be leaving?”
Pouting harder, Aye makes a whining noise and presents his cheek to Akk, who can only smile and obey. Aye’s cheek is smooth under Akk’s lips, always, but there’s a weird scent today from his new moisturiser, and Akk’s trying really hard not to be weird about how they use different moisturisers now so he maybe lingers a little longer on the kiss than usual.
As he draws back, already preparing to feign confusion about the need to kiss Aye’s forehead, Aye says, “Oh, that’s bad,” and Akk doesn’t have anything like a heart attack before seeing that Aye’s looking at his phone. A text from P’Leo – Akk recognises the chat background.
With a kiss, given on tiptoes, on the end of Akk’s nose, Aye flees.
Before getting his forehead kiss.
It shouldn’t feel apocalyptic, they don’t do the kiss routine literally every time they say goodbye or anything, it’s just-
Aye requested the cheek kiss. When he starts with that, they always do the rest, too.
Not always, Akk reminds himself with a deep breath. He had to go, things do come up, it’s not unprecedented, it’s fine. Even if Leo hasn’t been involved before.
Akk has papers to write.
He sits down and opens his laptop, because he has papers to write. Not to open insta, he has that on his phone.
There’s an open Facebook tab.
He opens the word doc for the paper he’s working on.
It’s fine.
Akk’s okay at focusing, so even if he has Aye’s notifications on, for insta, and he keeps getting notifications of updates to Aye’s story that are normally just photos of mysterious rainbow items or blurred kitchen counters, that’s not going to get in the way of him doing his assignments.
Even if all the ones that have faces in them seem to have Leo in them.
It’s not like Leo’s ever alone, or even alone with Aye, and Akk is aware he’s being kind of crazy about this, he is, which is why he’s working on his paper and not getting distracted by his own completely irrational insecurities.
129 words.
Shut up, word doc.
He’s frowning at the outline taking shape on the page (square brackets to indicate the planned paragraphs, and some of them are blank because he knows he’ll need something between two points but he’s not so clear on what, but there are two actual sentences as well so he’s been productive, clearly) when his phone buzzes, again.
This buzzing keeps up – not one notification.
Akk’s getting a call.
Wat’s Friend, says his phone, because he changed it during some bickering last summer where Wat completely betrayed Akk and took Aye’s side, 12.13 AM.
“Aye?” he asks before he’s even fully swiped to answer.
“My favourite,” coos Aye, only semi-audible. “You answered. Cutest.”
He can feel himself flushing like he always does when Aye calls him cute, and even though nobody can possibly be looking at him he scowls at his phone and asks it, “What do you want?”
There’s a pause in which all Akk can hear is the faint hum of the party, some of which sounds like a nearby conversation not including Aye.
“I,” enunciates Aye in the pointed manner of the obviously-drunk, “Am not allowed to walk back alone. But Akk’s not here. So I need- Come get me, baby,” he breaks off, less deliberately, sounding like he’s pouting. “P’Leo says either you come and get me or I have to stay.”
Akk’s already shoving his feet into the nearest shoes by the time Aye gets to that line.
The house is smaller than Aye’s, back home, but it’s equally fancy and modern – busier, though, loud even through the closed door.
Akk wonders if P’Leo lives here alone.
It doesn’t matter – he’s got instructions to follow, and he ignores that closed front door entirely to circle around to a side entrance where-
Come on.
Aye is sitting on the doorstep, and so is Leo, and Aye is swaying like he might just fall onto Leo and start leaning on him, and Leo’s probably just waiting for that to happen so he can hold him up and say ‘Hey, Aye, why don’t you stay here anyway – your boyfriend isn’t here yet, after all,’ in his stupid sleeveless tank that looks too much like one of Akk’s and shouldn’t Leo be inside anyway? It’s his party, he should be hosting-
“Akk!” smiles Akk’s enemy, with dimples and everything, “You’re here!”
“Akk’s here!” cheers Aye, dropping his phone in celebration.
He doesn’t even notice.
The twisting annoyance-fear-worry recedes completely for just a moment, because Aye’s smiling at him so widely his eyes are almost closed and he’s doing the happy little headshake he does sometimes as Akk draws in closer.
Leo picks up Aye’s phone and hands it over him, to Akk, and just as the screen dims and locks Akk can see that it’s very clearly open on Akk’s own insta page, and Akk stops right in the middle of a sullen, “Thanks for taking care of-“
The pause might only be awkward for Akk.
Aye stands up with one hand held up to Akk to catch and the other, for balance, on top of Leo’s head.
He’s still doing the dimples thing.
The suspicion rises again.
“Thanks for taking care of him, P’Leo,” Akk says in a measured tone.
Aye makes a little noise to himself, and Akk pats him and draws him in against Akk’s side, because the balance is looking kind of precarious and also so he can put an arm around Aye’s waist and make eye contact with Leo.
Leo nods rapidly.
As Aye nuzzles into Akk’s neck, humming a tune to himself, Leo says, “I don’t think he realised the party juice was that strong,” sounding really sincere and sorry as the dimples finally fade.
“I made it,” Aye says to Akk’s neck, the words tickling.
Yeah, Akk bets he made it – it’s an official rule in the Suppalo group that Aye is only allowed to mix drinks for drinking games where the goal is to black out, because Aye doesn’t seem to believe in moderation. He isn’t, for all of that, actually even good at holding his drinks.
So, Akk hums in deep, sarcastic sympathy, “Mm. I bet you had at least four of them, to get this bad, right?”
Aye’s offended noise comes at the same time as Leo holds up a peace sign – two drinks, he’s saying.
That sounds right.
It’s also the most information Akk could need from Leo, so Akk turns around, slowly steering Aye back where he came.
He took Aye’s car here, of course, and it’s parked as close to the party as he could get, which means there isn’t at all enough distance to justify Leo jumping up and propping up Aye’s other side, but Akk isn’t drunk so he’s still got the inhibitions to know he shouldn’t actually tell Leo to get back to his own party, not when he’s being all helpful and standing on Aye’s other side, being Akk’s exact height like the enemy he clearly is.
At least it’s still Akk’s neck that Aye’s nuzzling.
He is, Akk would probably admit at gunpoint, useful in helping him pour Aye into the backseat. It’s good that he knows to get out of the way and let Akk do the buckling, too.
Still, Akk isn’t happy when he closes the door and turns around and Leo is standing there, looking all purposeful and dressed weirdly like Akk, his exact height but friendly and older and dimpled and able to be part of a secretive club that hasn’t ever nearly killed anyone and able to make Aye laugh.
His face might say as much, but Leo isn’t making eye contact.
“Hey,” Leo starts.
Then stops.
“So,” he adds.
Akk stands there.
After a moment, Leo adds, “I mean.”
This guy is even awkward in the same way as Akk, apparently. Still the enemy.
But the awkwardness is familiar from the inside, so Akk unbends enough to say, “He said you wouldn’t let him walk back alone. Thanks,” and he’s only a little bit stiff about it.
“Of course,” Leo smiles again, dimples returning, “We have to take care of the juniors!”
Then there’s another pause.
Music from Leo’s house competes with the sound of mosquitos and distant traffic, still pretty heavy on account of it being absurdly early for Aye to be this drunk; it doesn’t compete with either of them saying anything, as they stand there like a pair of mirrors.
Then Leo takes a deep breath and, in one breath, says, “Sorry-about-being-so-weird-about-meeting-you-guys-I-was-just-so-happy-to-meet-Aye-and-it’s-so-cool-to-meet-you-too-and-it’s-even-cooler-that-you-guys-are-actually-together-for-real-and-that-you-came-here-and-is-Wasuwat-still-making-other-movies-“
Apparently winning that award was an actual big deal. And the movie has fans.
And Leo – P’Leo, Akk guesses, if they aren’t actual enemies – is one of those fans. He thinks Akk and Ayan are cute together.
Akk does not feel cute.
He feels like a moron.
In the back of the car, Aye says, “Aaaaakk. Akk. Baby. Akk,” pout audible and devastating.
Akk rolls his eyes and watches the traffic lights.
“Akk,” whines Aye.
Laughing, feeling like he’s only as dumb as his own boyfriend, Akk says, “You can’t get your forehead kiss until we’ve parked.”
There’s another whine.
“It wasn’t me who ran off before you could get the kiss.”
“People were arriving at the party early,” Aye sulks, “I couldn’t leave P’Leo hosting alone, I promised to mix the drinks.”
Akk doesn’t think that’s going to be a problem in the future.
Because he’s a nice, caring boyfriend, he doesn’t even say that out loud. P’Leo’s right – he is cute with Aye.
“My kisses,” whines Aye.
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aresluna · 2 years
Theory about Namo, our suspicious guy.
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We all agree that this guy is highly suspicious. Honestly, I think he may be involved with Chadok, because it's like he's keeping an eye on the prefects.
Let me explain in more detail
The first time we are introduced to the character of Namo is when he's trying to take a phone from a guy because that`s against the rules. We see he has a prefect band, but until Akk, Kan and Wat arrive we discover that he is not really a prefect, that he is not "qualified" to do it, he expresses that he is doing to improve his grades and begs many times to please let him be prefect, but the answer is NO (what the heck was he doing with a prefect band, where did he get it?)
A detail that I like about Akk is that although in the first episodes he seems very authoritarian, in reality all that he wants is order, he does not seem like a crazy person with power who sits on a higher step and takes advantage of this. He just wants everything to go well, no changes, no problems. I don't remember in which chapter it happens, but there is a conversation between Akk, Kan and Wat in which they agree that they want The world remembers to stop with the protests but THEY DON'T WANT ANYTHING BAD TO HAPPEN TO THEM.  In episode 6 in the beach scene with Ayan he also says he just wants them to stop, he doesn't want anyone to get hurt.
Namo with the conversation with the boy whose phone he tries to take, gives this feeling of a person who LOVES being authoritarian, feeling superior to someone, in fact he challenges this poor boy when he asks for his phone again and says "Or what? I'm a student prefect" (no sweetie, you're not).  
As a small detail, in the first episode when Kan is talking to Wat about the curse and the protesters, Namo is in the back looking at them and smiling. It's a little creepy that he seems to enjoy the "curse" being back, when everyone else is worried about such accidents. I got goosebumps when in episode 7 he asks Akk “why aren’t they punished by the Suppalo curse yet”  
         * meanwhile the flowerpot and the driverless car: am I a joke to you? *
He really wants something bad to happen to them, "so that they will learn"  Something interesting that Dika tells Ayan is that any mistake you make will be cause for you to be watched and monitored. Akk has made mistakes, Chadok is not an idiot and although Akk could have respect and idolize Teacher Chadok, for him he is just another piece in his chess game, perfectly replaceable. For him, the important thing is Suppalo keep going, no matter the form. The end justifies the means. I get the impression that Chadok is getting impatient and wants to kick Ayan out and we suspect that he has recognized Dika’s necklace, another reason to want him out as soon as possible. Akk may be being too slow, even though he's under a lot of pressure, but what about Namo? A boy who wants to be a prefect, who wants the protesters to be punished by the curse, what if this boy was a much more interesting chess piece than Akk  and can be someone in the shadows who sabotages Ayan in his search for information without being suspicious(let's not forget how Ayan directly accuses Akk when he sees that his notebook has disappeared and later admits that he knows it couldn't have been him because they were always together) the thief must be a student because he was wearing the judo suit. 
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If it's true what Akk said, that everyone had their own locker key, where could they get Ayan's key from? MAYBE A COPY? hmm suspicious
Another thing that makes me suspicious of Namo is the fact that he is always a watcher. I find it interesting that Akk told him in this episode.
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He's stealthy and always watching, remember when he saw Kan's fight with the homophobic jerks in the bathroom and then told Thua about it.  Always present, always watching, always listening, but we don't know anything about him. I think that in the conversation with Akk in this episode where they talk about the curse, it's not just a retoric question, I think it's almost a demand of why akk isn’t doing something to punish the protestors. Maybe I'm overanalyzing too much but I feel like HE KNOWS that akk is the curse.
I find it curious that Akk is always questioning Ayan about what his intentions are, but the reality is that the one who we don't know anything about his intentions and goals is Namo, we only know that he is someone ambitious who would like to be a prefect and who knows , perhaps he will be willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Akk wanted to be a prefect for a gay crush (something I would totally do LOL) but I feel like Namo is more about power.
Thanks for reading and I'm sorry if there may be any errors, English is not my first language. I would love to know your opinions.
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bird-inacage · 2 years
The Eclipse Episode 6: A Deeper Dive into the Beach Scene
(An expansion on my previous post here).
So I talked about how I think Akk is an echo for Dika: Ayan’s uncle.
Considering Dika was a teacher and involved in the student welfare department at the school, Ayan sees Akk walking down that same path. There’s further tragic irony in that Dika was the catalyst for inspiring Akk to turn his life around. The thought that what Akk is doing may also lead him down a similar path of self-destruction, causes Ayan to react so strongly. If Ayan can see the signs of foreshadowing, perhaps hints of behaviour that he may have vaguely picked up on (in hindsight) from his uncle, you would do everything in your power to stop history potentially repeating itself. Lest we forget, Dika was a middle-aged adult who fell into despair, Akk is just a teenager.
Ayan’s questioning at first is ‘why did you do it, don’t you realise you could have hurt other people. What would you do?’ - but what he's really saying is ‘do you realise what would happen to you? I know you’re a good person and if you’d accidentally hurt other people in the process, you’d never forgive yourself’. The guilt would be yet another crushing burden to add onto the buckling pressure that Akk is already shouldering.
Ayan then stresses the importance of Akk putting his own feelings first. “Once you say you care about other people’s feelings, it means you are disregarding your own”. Akk cares far too little about the parts of himself he has to compromise/sacrifice in achieving his greater cause, and that’s why Ayan is frustrated and scared. Akk could become a martyr. It’s only because Akk cares so much about other people, that he is willing to do anything necessary. And more frustratingly is that Akk is so stubborn at being restrained about his true feelings that it would be easy for others to see him as overly rational and unfeeling about it all. Ayan knows that Akk’s intentions are in a good place, and doesn’t want others to misunderstand him. Do you remember that scene where Kan gets angry at Akk, because he seemingly doesn’t stand up for Thua? And once Thua explains that Akk was in fact protecting him, Kan feels really bad for misunderstanding him? (Yeah that). Ayan feels for Akk because he’s willingly becoming the villain in a bid to solve a problem through means that people aren’t going to support or understand. And in fairness Ayan didn’t understand his motivations either, until he got to know Akk.
So Ayan’s heart is breaking because he wants the person he cares about to care about themselves for once. And he’s ultimately declaring, ‘if you don’t care about yourself, then I’ll make a point of caring about you and I’ll be 100% clear that I indeed care about you. You have me.” And that’s what Akk desperately needs, is someone on his side. Perhaps this is what Ayan wishes he’d said to his uncle, because he probably had no idea what Dika was going through at the time before it was too late.
But this time is different. Ayan may have been a child to his uncle and been unable to help even if he did know where things would lead. Whereas Akk is Ayan’s equal and he sees and knows and understands. He still has time to reach out and protect him (even if it means saving Akk from himself).
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airenyah · 2 years
was akk really protecting kan?
ok so i was rewatching ep 2 of the eclipse earlier and you know that whole scene where they argue with the teacher and where kan then gets into a fight with akk about taking the teacher's side? idk but something about akk's behaviour/reaction during that fight with kan struck me as weird
from what we've seen from him he's not the kind of person to shy away from conflict. he has no problems getting into arguments and protecting the things he stands for (see the school rules for example)
but when kan is yelling at him he's just so quiet? he doesn't say a word and that's very odd for someone who's never shutting up (pretty much the only person so far we've seen able to make him shut up is ayan when he's flirting with akk lol)
kan yells "What the heck did you do? Why did you take the teacher’s side instead of Wat’s? Do you want the best student title?"
and akk just. doesn't respond?? at all?? he just stares at kan, looking almost a little... sad, i suppose??
it's wat who tries to calm kan down, standing up against kan for akk who's just not defending himself at all.
then akk says "I’m sorry. I just didn’t want things to go too far." and again, he's not really specifying anything, he's not going into any details, still not really defending himself against kan's anger.
it's wat who then comes up with a reason as to why akk has sided with the teacher while akk just stands there. all he has to do is to nod when kan asks if what wat said is true. and even then he can't even look kan in the eye when kan asks whether it's true. like, wat is explaining things to kan, then kan looks at akk and akk looks down, avoiding kan's eyes. then kan asks "is that true?" and akk nods, still with his face down before he finally looks back at kan. and that just seems kinda weird for someone who's usually very determined and confident when fighting for the things he thinks are right. and it just makes me wonder... is akk hiding something?
why couldn't akk defend himself? why did wat need to speak for akk? if what wat said was true, then why didn't akk say so himself? (this is so odd that even kan wonders about that: "Why didn’t tell me earlier?")
i was wondering about all this and what i'm thinking now is that maybe akk wasn't protecting wat, but rather ayan? in that case it would make sense why he'd keep quiet when kan yells at him. bc how can he admit to his friends that he's protecting the one person he's been fighting against this whole time when he can barely even admit to himself that he's started to care about said person?
plus, akk was already trying to protect ayan earlier in the classroom. there's a moment after ayan has stood up and started arguing with the teacher where akk tells ayan to stop it and tries to pull him back down onto the seat. but ayan isn't listening and argues with the teacher even more until she's pissed. in that moment the argument is very much between ayan and the teacher while wat has nearly been forgotten and it's only when the teacher is furious at ayan, yelling at ayan that akk gets involved.
and then also later in the fight with kan the drama also makes a point of showing us akk's reaction when wat says that ayan was pretty cool. what's the point of suddenly mentioning ayan specifically in that scene and when ayan wasn't even involved in it at all? bc the fight with kan is about kan and akk and wat and their friendship. kan was angry bc he felt like akk was betraying their friend. ayan has no part in it at all. so what's the purpose of name-dropping ayan when the scene wasn't even about him? or was it?
(oh and another thing... as i've said in the beginning, the only person who was able to make akk shut up so far was ayan. funny how akk was shutting up in this scene lol)
so yeah long story short, i'm wondering if wat has got it right that akk took indeed the teacher's side to protect someone someone, but that in reality that someone wasn't wat but rather ayan
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introvertmoonflower · 2 years
My KinnPorsche Predictions
(I haven't read the book)
Kan/ Gun was responsible for the deaths of Porsche and Chay's parents and Korn covered for him. I also think that he used this incident as a way to control Kan/ Gun. UPDATE EP 13: 95% confirmed by memory flashback. UPDATE EP 14: Depending on which version you believe, this is confirmed or not confirmed. We probably won't find out until next season
Porsche and Chay's mother (I think I read somewhere that it's their mother that is connected to the Mafia not their dad) was either friends with or somehow related to Korn and Kan but not in a way that will make it weird for Kinn X Porsche and Kim X Chay (adopted maybe???) UPDATE EP 13: Their mother is Korn and Kan's sister, but we don't know yet if she is a blood-related sister or adopted sister. My money is on adopted. UPDATE EP 14: She's the foster sister. Totally okay.
Pete will escape and Vegas will got crazy without him. He might even try to get him back by force. UPDATE Ep 12: Pete won't escape. Vegas will let him go to protect him from his father. The Minor Family will attack the Major Family and Vegas will get hurt trying to protect Pete. UPDATE EP 13: Pete escaped, Vegas didn't release him. The Minor Family attacking the Major Family is confirmed by the teaser for the 'longest' episode.
Porsche will find out about the story behind his parents deaths but not all the info so he will leave Kinn and come back to get revenge but will find out the truth. UPDATE Ep 12: Porsche will find out more about the REAL truth behind his parent's deaths because the story that Korn told was a lie! UPDATE EP 13: Porsche found out the real truth but not all the details yet. UPDATE EP 14: He's found out most of the 'truth', but we all know that it's at least 50% bullshit
Kan will die (either Porsche or Vegas will shoot him). UPDATE EP 14: Kan did die but Korn killed him.
Vegas and Macau will move into the major family's compound and the nonsense around major vs minor family will end. UPDATE EP 14: The nonsense around the Major versus Minor Families has more or less ended. We don't know if Vegas, Pete and Macau will move onto the Major Family's compound but I don't think they will, they will probably move to the safe/ lake house and live there with Venice.
Pete will become Vegas' head bodyguard (and submissive? They be kinky for sure). UPDATE EP 14: Probably just boyfriend and submissive - but he will still hurt or kill anyone who wants to hurt Vegas or Macau. I don't think Vegas will want to get involved in the Mafia business for a while.
Porsche and Tankhun will try to get back at Vegas for hurting Pete but Pete will stop them. UPDATE EP 13: Porsche punched Vegas for what he did to Pete.
Kim will have to grovel at both Porsche's and Chay's feet. UPDATE EP 14: Maybe next season?
Macau and Chay meet and become friends since I think they go to the same high school and are about the same age. UPDATE EP 14: Maybe next season?
Time, Tay and Tem will become a triangle and Time will stop cheating. I honestly don't know much about these guys but everyone writes Time as a serial cheater but what if he just cheated like once and Tay continuously brings it up so I makes it look like he does it often?. I feel like Tay wouldn't stay if Time did it on the regular. UPDATE Ep 12: We probably won't see this relationship develop until Season 2 but I think that Tae loves Time and Time loves Tae but doesn't want to show it or commit fully for some reason.
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