#I say as if I get tons of notes anyway💀lmao
katimanki · 1 year
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This file's name was softgayz.sai (get it? gays/gaze😌😏)
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gazspookiebear · 24 days
Hey there! How have you been doing! Just thought I'd check up on you! Hope you've been doing well! I don't really have much to say, except that you're epic and cool! Since I was sharing some of the ideas I've had today, I wanted to ask you if you'd be willing to do the same? :> You don't have to, but I'm just curious! Also, out of curiosity, have you ever received requests on this blog? :o Not that you have to write them, of course! Either way, I hope you have a nice day! :>
I'm doing well, I just got home and ate some cucumber slices! (and chugged like 2 full bottles of water lmao)
I have a ton of writing ideas rn. Like- I think there are 100+ vague ideas written in my notes app, and at least 30 active wips. I keep switching back and forth between them, chipping away at each one slowly but surely 🫡 (gonna end up finishing all of them at once or smt, idk)
Some of the ones that I've been working on the most are:
Bartender reader x Gaz after a bad breakup (it's gonna end up being like 5 parts if I ever decide to post it, shit goes crazy in that one)
Firefighter Valeria (I finally got it started instead of letting it rot in my head 🙌 I don't even know how many parts that would end up being)
Transmasc cbf Gaz x transmasc reader (really don't know where I'm going with this one)
I also have a handful of platonic and romantic Ghost x reader ficlets floating around, might finish some of those up at some point.
And I know I mentioned a hybrid poly 141 x reader fic a while ago- that one is technically finished, but I'm not happy with it yet so I might go back and revise it
And nah, I've never received requests on this blog. Probably because I haven't posted a ton of my writing + I don't even have a pinned post so my blog is like. Impossible to navigate 💀✋️
I used to take requests on my other blog tho! I stopped after my hyperfixation on cod took over (plus I got like a shit ton of requests in one night and got intimated by it, never looked at them again)
I haven't even deleted the old requests from my inbox even tho some of them are from as far back as September. I have a couple of drafts for some of those, so I'm just holding on to them in case I randomly get motivated to write for those requests again. Probably won't happen, but who knows?
I've definitely written a lot more since I stopped taking requests tbh. Well, on this blog at least. I haven't posted any writing of my own on my main blog since January 😶
Anyways, thanks for talking to me!!! I love chatting with you lovie 💕
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kolkaslove · 6 months
School's been wild.
First had people from my grade spreading actually insane rumors about me, the ones I know of are
I collect blood and tears (how lmao 😭😭😭😭)
I bring a knife to school (it is a paper craft knife that literally snaps when I try to cut card)
And I asked someone for a lighter in Math (I asked if SHE was the one who brought a lighter into school a few weeks ago 😭😭😭😭)
Oh also apparently people from the main class(green) that was spreading all that weird shit about me are 'afraid' of me???? Like bffr if you're afraid you wouldn't say that shit you see me as just someone who's an easy target to spread gossip about and bully just because I'm different to you and hang out with people from different grades because so many of the people in my grade are actually awful 💀💀💀💀.
Then when he had a 'friendship workshop' got real fucking upset because was (mobbed???? Surrounded????) By bunch of people from Melly's class and shit just beforehand and was forced to work in groups with people from my class. Right after was told off for wearing eyeliner and was threatened with either in school isolation/exclusion or being sent home immediately (note that the isolation/exclusion is the same punishment for vaping in the school bathrooms or having a fight). Then when was sent to my school's (councilling???? I don't think that's the right term but it's close enough can explain more in detail in another post) office the "pink lady" tried to force me to talk when visibly upset and shit, then told me off for "aggressive tone"/"raising my voice at her" when I was literally just trying to speak louder. After that broke down and started crying real heavy and shit and she just did not care.
She tried to force me to speak and then tried to force me to go back to the workshop/hall right after I told her being there stressed me out and like???? Do you just not care???? Am I too much of an issue for you???? I hope I'm the worst fucking headache you've ever had to deal with you selfish self serving bitch.
Anyways after what she pulled obviously didn't work and ,as I told her I would, I ended up causing somewhat of a scene since I was crying so heavily for at least 10minutes , wouldn't stop and had people turning around to gawk at me was sent to the "calm room" by my teacher. Was so fucking pissed off. Cried for two hours straight until lunch, whenever I heard the footsteps of who I even thought was "pink lady" would start crying heavy again.
Hate her.
More recently have been targeted for????? I'm not really sure. Basically a racist, transphobic,homophobic fatshaming dude wants pictures of me because some random girl in my Math class called me "clapped" 💀💀💀💀.
Also those people kept calling me "it" to dehumanise me and are the worst people I've encountered so far????? Like they've don't more to me but they're actually so wild 💀💀💀💀
Like wtf do you mean the gal who apologised for being homophobic to me and dehumanising is friends with the fucking racist and says "yea it is" reffering to me when asked if I was clapped a literal day after she apologises to me BY PROXY through a friend of mine.
LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)(⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)(⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)(⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)
Anyways with the bitch that wanted to take pics of me whilst I'm unaware I'm making sure to sign her up to a bunch of spam websites and shit just to bother her, gonna make sure to put nsfw ones too so she gets in a fuck ton of trouble.
If I report it I doubt anything would be done tbh. After all of the shit that's happened recently I really doubt my school would do anything about it so I might as well take it into my own hands.
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kisskissbanggang · 2 years
How did I not know that Prowl 6 was out? Boy do I have a lot of questions and thoughts 🤪
What would lia and jisung have even warned felix and chae about? I don't feel like what they said had anything to do with it the accident that happened. Felix was just hungry. I don't get it? Anyway i feel so bad for the young lovers, just picturing their bodies buried together in that clearing with yuna sobbing over her sister's grave is heartwrenching.
How did Lia survive minho mauling her but chae didn't Felix?
I also don’t get why the pack wants the journal? Like they know how to do it now and i didn't catch anything noteworthy from oc's reading of the journal.
Oc is kind of a bitch lmao like I don't get her motivations at all or half of the things she's mad about. And she cheated on Jay right in the middle of a crisis and then she fucked him while she knew chan could hear and THEN she fucked chan while jay was dying like hoe control yourself a bit 😭 the moment of her getting jealous of how close jisung and lia got was peak clownery I tell you
Idk if it's just me but I feel like she doesn't actually love jisung. I'm not buying her emotions.
The moment she couldn't find jisung and went looking for him then found him heaped up on the ground... i felt so sick 🥲 i imagined all my trauma patients and I just wanted to throw up thinking of jisung like that and idk that moment was just so visceral to me because I could picture it vividly
But anyway yesssss i want hot crazy vampire jisung now. I want him to call oc out on her bullshit finally and not be so passive and meek with her 😩👌
So replying in order:
Blaming Lia and Jisung: Both Reader and Yuna aren't being fair about this but Reader has way less ground to stand on. Yuna is bitter because Lia didn't interfere enough to begin with, and it's apparent to her that Jisung must be just as guilty. Reader is flat-out making excuses. Her number one concern is how she's incredibly aware how much she and Chan are needing each other. Surely, that can't be her fault, it obviously must be something she can't control and therefore Jisung and Lia knowing all about this meant that Felix and Chae should've been warned about all the possible consequences /s.
Lia vs Chae's Mauling: I didn't go into this because I never know how much gore/violence the audience can handle (and this chapter had a LOT already 🥴) but in my notes, Felix mainly went for the neck whereas Minho mainly went for the stomach. Felix took chunks out, Minho mostly clawed and bit but didn't quite eviscerate her. They each had very different levels of control with their wolves in the moment.
Why the Pack Wants Both Journals: This was unfortunately left 💀, but the section about the Full Moon was in Jisung's journal, the one Reader was looking through. I'm honestly considering a Final Edition when everything is finished because I leave out a LOT when I get wrapped up in different plot priorities; it's a huge shortcoming of mine as a writer tbh
OC is Kind Of a Bitch: YOU'RE RIGHT AND MORE PEOPLE NEED TO SAY IT. She's my favorite Reader because she's downright horrid at times. She's jealous, she's irrational, she's SO SELFISH and she's in denial about a ton of things. In order of biggest red flags:
🚩people who think Chan sucks
🚩🚩people who think Jisung sucks
🚩🚩🚩people who wholeheartedly support Reader
Reader has a LOT to work through in the final chapter.
Does Reader Even Actually Love Jisung: is a GREAT OBSERVATION. Especially when we bring in my irrelevant headcanon that Jisung has never been in a serious relationship before and Reader's last serious relationship was before she was even turned. They both have warped senses of love and are taking it out on each other but it is absolutely unbalanced.
The Car Accident: Mort, love, I'm so sorry if that was too much! Please let me know if you'd feel better if it got a revision to be more toned down. I had been chasing a goal of communicating the loss and desolation of the moment and may have overdone it. ❤️
I am SO greedy for your thoughts, all of them, and this gave me SUCH warm and happy butterflies to get this and respond ❤️❤️❤️
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cobrrastyle · 2 years
It's not a request, I just came to tell you that I love your headcanons! <33 It's great to see something about Billy again after so long.
Honestly, if I have to say anything, it's that Dtmg was a series that had the potential for a good plot! The writers had the opportunity to give us a mystery and clues about the world of ghosts and what could have happened to Billy, but they only gave us chapters with absurd plots that only entertain thanks to Billy's charming and narcissistic personality. I know this series has been canceled for years now... but it still leaves me unsatisfied, I need answers but I only end up getting more unresolved questions :/
Anyway, it was just a simple opinion that I wanted to express since I agree with you on many things about this show (The amount of theories and headcanons I have about Billy and his family is starting to worry me...)
Pd: Sorry for the bad English I still have a lot to learn x((
EEEEEEEEEE i just happy stimmed, thank you so much!! it makes me very happy to hear that someone enjoys reading my stuff! tbh i was very surprised to see that there was rarely any billy content (or any other dtmg content for that matter) being made within the fandom—save for a few accounts out there 😭 i rly hope fans can start talking abt dtmg again!!
and omgggg yes!! dtmg had such a good premise and yet the writers did absolutely nothing with it! and i just—?? how could they let this happen!? there's so much to discuss and explore surrounding the very core of the show and its baffling how much of it they just swept under the rug! ive got so many questions about billy's past, spencer's life before moving in to the mansion with his fam, what it truly means to 'die' in the world of dtmg, the dealio with madame x—and we can only assume! i love dtmg, but it's frustrating to see something with so much potential just burn to the ground, i. am. CRUSHED.
AHHHH LMAO I CACKLED, SAME HERE!! ive got a ton load of thoughts, theories and hcs for the show too 😭😭 i even thought abt altering canon (CRYING. IM WAY TOO IN DEEP). i'll be sure to make future posts abt em! i'll go insane if i don't 💀 and oh!! id really love to hear more about your theories and hcs! pls, if you're comfortable, feel free to message me or continue sending em in forms of asks! i really gotta thank you for sharing your thoughts, this was amazing!!
note: you don't gotta apologize for a language barrier here. you're trying your best and as far as i can tell, your english is far better than most who have it as their first language, you're doing great! ♡
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emileesaurus · 2 years
fic asks!
💖 & 💔 (we like pain here, I’m sorry)
💖 What made you start writing?
I discovered the concept of fanfics back in middle school in the late 90s, when my little half-cooked nerd brain was feverishly into anime. I wish I could remember what my first fic was, but those years are kind of a blur. I think it was either Team Rocket or The Mummy, lmao. MY ORIGIN STORY...
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
This meme is really making me think I need to train my bummer muscles. 🤔 Just abandon my usual tone and write something SAD AF. I've never done that successfully. But I did get in my feelios writing Objects of Devotion, which is basically just me cherry-picking the handful of Louis/Lestat moments in Memnoch and Merrick (two books I do not like at all) that grabbed me by the throat and wouldn't let go, and digging into that as much as possible. There's an agonizing love story in those books buried under so much nonsense, with Louis tending to comatose Lestat and Louis's death bringing Lestat back and then Lestat bringing Louis back, oh my goddddddd 💀💀💀, and it kills me that the books just drop their relationship for years without exploring the aftermath of that at all. I'll die mad! Anyway I had a ton of fun making myself emotional thinking about those years from Louis's neglected point of view. It's the VC oneshot I'm the proudest of, even if it is my least popular. :') I think the scene in the churchyard works.
Side note: the early draft had more tension between them as a result of Louis's resurrection and post-Merrick powers, but it ended up feeling unfocused. It's something I'd like to return to eventually, though, because despite not actually liking that canon point I am kind of obsessed with it! And I'm intrigued by how underexplored it is in terms of L/L fanwork, whereas I don't know what I'd have to say about Prince Lestat-era Louis and Lestat that other authors haven't already done better (please read The Courts of Love)! I don't have an actual story at all, though, so for now it's just my next hypothetical fic. I don't think anyone is as thirsty for it as I am, haha.
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